Trash to treasure

Am I the only one who is thrilled to take a trash can to the curb?

One of the benefits of being a long-time boondocker is the appreciation one develops for features of modern life that most civilized people take for granted, such as regular trash pick-up.  Having to drive around in search of a legal, environmentally responsible place to dump one’s trash while camping on public land prepares one for a rush of happiness when one is blessed with regular, sanitary disposal service.

It’s a gall-darn marvel that someone else is going to come to my house every week and take my trash away for me.

I’m not kidding.   

Anyway . . . .

Lantana is flourishing!

I’m trash-bin-happy as I head out to the street to retrieve the just-emptied container.  At the same time, here comes the guy in a wheelchair pulled by his brindle-and-white dog. Almost every day since moving into the house last May, this pair passes our house.

“Beautiful day, isn’t it!” he calls out cheerily.  As if on cue, the dog pulls him over to me.

“Yes, it is!  One right after another!”

And so I meet another friendly neighbor.  

We exchange names and particulars, like where his house is located in the neighborhood, when we moved into our house (last May), and how long he’s lived here (25 years).

I don’t know the name of this plant.  It came from the garden center and I don’t have the tag.  I love it!  Every day it puts out new blooms that dance in the breeze!

I learn that he likes plants, too.  

“There’s this pretty vine that grows somewhere around here in the ditches,” he tells me.  “It has purple flowers, like little trumpets.  It’s a native Arizona plant.   Grows wild.   I have a wire fence along my back property line — It’s metal-wire, not chain-link like yours.”

“I know the kind you mean.  I had a fence like that.”

“Well, I’d like to put that vine in front of each of the four posts.  Do you think it’s okay to do that?  Move a wildflower?”

I think for a moment.

“Generally I’d say no, it’s not okay.  In this case I don’t see why it would be a problem.  If it’s growing in a ditch along the street, a big truck would come by and mow it down anyway.”

“That’s true.  I think it would look nice covering up that fence . . . . and it’s free. ”

He introduces a new topic.

(I love it when I meet someone with whom I can converse with hardly any effort at all.)

“Did you know we have a wild boar in the neighborhood?” he asks, grinning at being the bearer of this exciting news.

“No!  Really?”

“Yeah, really.”  He explains the location where the boar hangs out.  It’s at the edge of the neighborhood, next to open grassland.   “He’s been around for a couple weeks.  I came upon him one morning and he charged right at me.”  (Remember, the man is in a wheelchair.)

“I pulled my handgun but I didn’t have to use it.  Emma here (his dog — bulldog/terrier mix?) let that boar know it’d better turn around and leave.  Which it did.”

(The term “boar” is used to refer to a male javelina of the peccary family.)

Lesson time!

“The primary habitat of the Javelina are the central and southern areas of Arizona in desert-like terrain near washes with dense vegetation. They are in abundance on the outskirts of Phoenix and Tucson and are found south of Flagstaff and Sedona. They have become accustomed to people and it isn’t unusual for them to live within the desert areas just outside suburban communities. In fact, you can frequently see herds walking down neighborhood streets and foraging through garbage receptacles. . . . When full grown they weigh between 35 to 60 pounds with males being slightly larger than females.”  —

In the video at the above webpage, the announcer reports there are over 60,000 javelina in Arizona.

Meanwhile Emma is sniffing my shoes.

Reggie and Roger are about 30 feet away, watching from behind our fence.

“You are a good dog, Emma!”  I scratch under her chin.

“That’s not all,” the man continues.  “I’ve seen a sow!  We’ll probably have babies running around after a while . . . .”   He adds, “I love the wildlife around here.  I see deer when I let Emma out during the night.”

We wrap up our chat with a shared moment of admiring the beautiful clouds and the blueness of the sky.

“Nice meeting you, Sue.”

“Same here.  We’ll talk again, I’m sure.”

–Photo taken previously.



This was a sweet camp shared with Spike and Bridget in the fall of 2013.

Alabama Hills, Lone Pine, California.  See October 30, 2013 post: “Dawn and dusk at our desert camp east of the Sierra Nevada.” 

~ ~ ~


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112 Responses to Trash to treasure

  1. Cynthia in San Clemente says:


  2. Cynthia in San Clemente says:

    Funny, I just got back from my 6 month “cleaning” trip to the dentist and sat down at the computer to input my next date in April 2019 when your post popped up. Made me laugh to find the precious photo of R&R right below the boar discussion … I was half-expecting to find a photo of a boar! Anyway, how cute are those little spots on Reggie’s belly? I guess a lot of light-colored dogs have them. My wheaten terrier, Boz, had them on his belly although they didn’t begin appearing until he was about 5 or 6 – maybe it’s a puberty thing with dogs? I’m curious – did the boys bark or whine when you were chatting with your neighbor and petting Emma? Just wondered if they get jealous.

    That storm from Mexico that was supposed to give us some rain went to the east and west of us and we didn’t get a drop here. According to my radar map, it looked like Arizona got quite a bit of rain so I’m guessing your rain barrel might be getting tested and your flowers will be looking beautiful!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Cynthia,

      How nice that you appreciate Reggie’s belly spots. 🙂 I think exposure to the sun has a lot to do with when they appear. Reggie’s get darker in the sun and fade when he hasn’t sunbathed in a while.

      Boz…. cute name.

      We didn’t get much rain although other parts of Arizona were slammed. The barrels were full up until this afternoon when I took a few buckets-full to water potted plants that are under the patio roof and didn’t get rained on.

      The days are cooler now and I love it because I get more stuff done.

      Oh, I almost forgot your question. The boys threw a barking fit at the fence for a few minutes. Then they settled down to watch. I would’ve liked them to meet Emma up close but she was tethered to the chair and I don’t know how well it goes over gravel.

  3. Rachel says:

    Meeting the neighbors! I love it! I do understand about having somebody come and pick up your trash and how exciting that must be. For me, I am so far out, that we don’t have trash service out here. I take my trash into the trash station! I haven’t had much of a chance to meet my neighbor’s, but then most of my neighbors are several miles away from me. I did have a good friend come out and visit me last week. She and I sat and talked and talked and talked! We had a wonderful time catching up on each other’s lives! 🙂

    It’s been a little interesting in my world lately, but the good Lord’s timing, as always, is perfect! I could not be at a better place at this time in my life. I’m actually going to have a garden! I’m very excited about my life out here in the country!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I’m so happy for you, Rachel, knowing the challenge you face finding a place in the world where you can be healthy. Your conversation with your friend reminded me of the day we sat and talked at the boondock outside Wickenburg (before Macha’s calamity!).

      A garden! That is exciting for a nomad! Have fun with it!

      • Rachel says:

        It has been a long time since I’ve had a garden! I’ve already been driving myself crazy picking out dirt and picking out pots! 🙂 but I’m having a wonderful time! We did have a great time talking that day. I hope we get a chance to get together again sometime. Take care, talk to you soon!

  4. Diann in MT says:

    Aren’t neighbors fun? I appreciate a “sticks and bricks” home base, and the freedom to roam further. Take care, Sue.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Diann,

      Well, some neighbors are fun and some can be a PITA. Which is why “the freedom to roam further” is important! 🙂

  5. Columbus Calvin says:

    I hadn’t realized flowers would be that interesting, especially now wildflowers. I have heard/read about trumpet vine; is that what your neighbor wants to transplant?

    Of course, wildlife always interests me. Thanks for the information on javelinas. Anything on wildlife, especially pictures, always gets my attention.

    I saw a forecast on the Weather Channel site saying that cold weather will reach Northern Arizona by this weekend, with high temperatures on the 50s Fahrenheit. Brrr! We’re having a rerun of summer here.

    I enjoy your socializing.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Calvin,

      I think there are several varieties of “trumpet vine.” I’ve seen yellow ones and, at my home in Georgia, a vine with red trumpet flowers took over a six foot section of fence. The ones my neighbor is looking to transplant have much smaller blooms that the yellow and red I’ve seen.

      I haven’t looked at the weather forecast for here lately. There can be quite a difference between the temps of northern and southern AZ. I’m not ready for highs in the 50s.

      You’re welcome re the javelina info. Glad you found it interesting. If ever javelina trot up our street, I’ll grab the camera and see what I can get.

  6. Marilyn in Dania Beach but presently in Akron says:

    There are a lot of javelinas in Texas down by Big Bend NP. They run in herds.

    Great post today. I am enjoying your home as well as your travels.

  7. Pamela Campbell says:

    Look at that sweet little face!
    Alabama Hills is one of my most favorite spots so far. I haven’t been around nearly as much as you, Sue. I’m older, but not been boondocking very long or consistently. Happy Trails
    Pamelab in Newport News Virginia for now

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Pamelab,

      I’m glad you made your way to Alabama Hills. It is a special and unique place that one doesn’t easily forget.

      Happy Trails to you, too, wherever you go, around town or beyond…

  8. Deena in Phoenix says:

    Hi Sue, I think that purple plant is the Vinca…didn’t you get some from the store?

    Resting up this afternoon…I use Fry’s Click service for my senior shopping on the 1st Wednesday of the month. I order online on Tuesday, gather all my coupons and pickup at 7AM (when I am at my strongest. Usually, I can catch the handicap parking right near my apt but today young woman was parked there because she had a tire blow out on the main road and pulled into the 1st safe place…so I had to park in my regular slot much further away…took over an hour to load and unload my little push cart…put the cold stuff away then promptly plopped into my chair and fell asleep. Just finished putting the cupboard stuff in their proper places. Whew, good thing I only do this once a month. Thank goodness for menu planning.

    I understand about the trash. I must walk my bag to the huge Dempster-Dumpster that is on the other side of the parking lot. Usually do that early before everyone starts driving to work or play…safer for me and my cart…was fun with Miss Molly was with me…she like the earlier walks in the cool.

    Love the neighbors, you are lucky with your finds…interesting…looking forward to Dell and his pack.

    Lots of rain here however today is mostly large fluffy white clouds.

    Take Care

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Deena,

      Yes, I bought vinca at Walmart. This isn’t one of those. Pagey identified it as ruellia.

      What a helpful service to be able to order your groceries online and have them ready for pick-up. Some stores deliver to your home, although I imagine there’s a fee for that. You remind me to be thankful for strength, energy, and ability to traipse across parking lots. It sounds like you’ve figured out ways to take on these challenges. Good for you!

      We had rain yesterday. Not a deluge, but a good rain. We Zonies are into the beautiful weather now!

      You take care, too, Deena. Always good hearing from you…

  9. Deena in Phoenix says:

    I wonder where my post flew…it hasn’t appear and I refreshed and went out and came back. Oh well, Hi Sue…I’ll try again later, police incident out front and I need to evacuate done the back…Take CAre

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Ooh, I hope everything turns out okay….

      Your post appeared eventually (above). Often there’s a delay when lots of people are opening up the blog and comments simultaneously.

      When my comment doesn’t appear, I refresh the page and often it shows up after I do.

  10. Jolene/Iowa says:

    Hi Sue,

    Wonderful to see how you are getting settled in to your neighborhood. It is nice to be able to say hi and be friendly but still have your own privacy as well. I also love these home posts as well as your traveling posts. The best of both worlds!

    I got to thinking that Marg is probably going to miss you all when you go on some of your camping trips. She will be so happy to see you all pull in back home!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Jolene,

      This is a pleasant neighborhood, the kind that suits me. Folks are down-to-earth and friendly (no pretensions here!), yet they don’t invade, if you know what I mean.

      I appreciate the positive feedback on the “home posts.” I use comments like yours to motivate me to keep writing! Hope all is well with you….

      • Geri in th FL panhandle says:

        I absolutely love your new neighbor and the neighborhood!💗 Sounds like the perfect place for you and your sister!
        That purple flower sounds like and looks what I have always called the Mexican Petunias! All the flowers fall off at night and magically appear the next morning! They withstand drought and attract butterflies! I have them planted all over here! You can cut them down and just stick the cut end in root-tone and stick it in the dirt and you have a new plant! I may be wrong, but it REALLY looks like a Mexican Petunia to me!
        GOOD NEWS! I have had my first visit today with my heart doctor and YAY I am doing great! So good that I don’t have to go back for 6 months! YAY! I am so thankful Chuck got me to the hospital in time! So very glad I don’t have to back for 6 months! Yay! 💗🙏💗
        Thankful that the hurricane just brushed by y’all! At least you got some rain out of it! But being Floridians, I knew you could handle it, no problem!
        Tell your sister howdy from us! Hug your hound herd and plant your flowers! 💗 Life is good!

        • Geri in the Fla panhandle says:

          Oops! I have no idea how my post ended up here! Duh!!! Guess I wasn’t paying attention !!! Sorry!

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Hi, Geri,

          I can’t tell you what a joy it is to read your post and know that you’re doing so well. You must be very relieved to receive that great report from your doctor.

          I thank God for you! And, yes, Chuck, you did good. 🙂

          Hey, I like that idea of rooting the Mexican Petunia. (Yes, that’s what it is — See comments below that came in earlier.)

          You know how I love free stuff and I’ve long wanted to try propagating with cuttings. Walmart had a clearance sale on garden supply stuff. I raked in some fantastic buys, including rooting hormone.

          Hugs to you and your boys (all three of them!) Love you!

          • Geri from Fla panhandle says:

            You might be interested to know the Mexican Petunias also come in a white variety! I just got a few cuttings of the white ones from a neighbor, so for now I don’t have many but by next summer I should have twice as many.

  11. Airstreaming Pagey says:

    In believe the one plant is a variety of ruellia. There are native and non native species. Some are quite invasive and are best grown in pots. I will be curious what yours does.
    We spent the last two winters in Arizona, but we came back to Florida this winter. We are work camping at a living history farm. Should be fun.

    • Linda in Minnesota says:

      I love living history sites! We visited a lot of them when we lived in an RV. What a fun way to learn history. I hope you enjoy your assignment.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Pagey,

      Do give us an update on your living history farm experience. I bet there are others considering that sort of work camping assignment. Have fun with it!

      I searched ruellia images and I believe you are correct! Thank you for identifying it for us.

      • Airstreaming Pagey says:

        You are quite welcome on the plant i.d. We had native ruellia in SC along with the Mexican variety. The native is petite and polite with pink blossoms. The Mexican variety, which is what I believe you have, is taller with purple blossoms. It can be invasive in some climates. It is the one we kept in a large pot to keeping it from over-running everything else.
        I will be happy to share my living history farm adventure with fellow blogorinos. I start work this Saturday. Another organization has rented the farm for a “Harvest Fest”. I am going to help in the kitchen with apple and peach cobblers to sell to raise money for the farm.

  12. Pat on Rochester says:

    Hi Sue – I was hoping someone had already ID’d your little flowers. Are they maybe an alyssum? I’m grateful for your lantana pic! My boss just gave me a tiny pot with a red-flowered plant and I’m pretty sure that’s it’s name. I’ve been working from home since mid-May because of several surgeries. Monday was my first time back in the “real” office (1/2 days to start). And my boss had dusted all the surfaces as well as bringing me a plant.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Pat,

      I’m glad you’ve mended from your surgeries and are back in action, even if it means work. Nice of your boss to welcome you on your return with a plant. Lantana is easy. 🙂

      I don’t think the purple flower is alyssum. I think alyssum is a low-growing plant. This purple thing is tall and wide — a good 3 feet.

      LATER>>> I scrolled up and read Pagey’s comment. She says it’s ruellia and I think she’s right.

  13. Lynn in Kentucky says:

    Interesting info from a nice neighbor! I enjoyed that. Have been thinking to set up my wildlife camera to see if I see anything interesting here. Just walked over under an oak tree and got hit with some falling acorns!

  14. FloridaScott, In Elephant Butte! says:

    Hi Sue,

    What a Fun post! I had not thought much about trash when boondocking. I can see where that would be a challenge to find a spot to dump your trash. For us, staying in developed campgrounds makes it easy with their dumpsters.

    We were just talking about how in the last three months, we have met more of our campground neighbors than we did living years in our neighborhood. Most Rvers are really friendly and helpful. I think its because we all share a common bond. In our old neighborhood everyone was busy working, raising kids and sort of in their own world.

    This morning there was a fellow and his helper working on an RV in a campsite across from us. There are a few things I needed fixed so I waited until he was getting ready to leave, approached and asked him if he had time to take a look. He said “Sure, no problem, I would be happy to” As I looked at him I thought he looked familiar. I asked him, are you the famous Chip Baker and he laughed and said “I am!” I told him I knew him from RVSue. I mean what are the odds? Anyway he fixed everything and even a problem with my hitch that I did not realize I had, Just a Great guy! He told me to give you a GREAT BIG HELLO! and hopes your doing GREAT!

    Thank You again Sue! You have helped us so much!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re very welcome, Scott! It’s a pleasure for me to hear my blog has helped someone. I got a kick out of you deciding to go to Ajo after Geri and I recommended it. I’m guessing you will camp at Quail Ridge RV Park on the way.

      Yes, RVers are a friendly lot. Just smile and say hello and the first thing you know, you’ve got a new friend. It sounds like you’re liking your new way of life. 🙂

      Too funny about Chip Baker! I agree — He’s a great guy and also, very competent with RV repair. Thanks for relaying his message. I hope he is doing great, too!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Oh, Scott… Next time you comment… I’d love a report on the water level of Elephant Butte Reservoir. 🙂

      • FloridaScott, In Elephant Butte! says:

        Hi Sue,
        Right now the lake is low, very low. From our campsite you can see the markings on the rocks and it looks low. The camp host here said the campground is slow because so many boaters props and engines were getting damaged that the boaters are not coming. A lady at Hodges restaurant said that it had to do with drought. She said there has not been enough snow in the Colorado Rockies and the fact that the farmers south of here are using all the water for their crops. Lets hope for snow in the Rockies!

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Gee, I was hoping to hear the water level was up. When we were there several years ago, it was pathetically low. The walk from Quail Run Campground to the water’s edge was a hike!

          Thanks for the report. Yes, as those old bumper stickers used to say in the Northeast (on the cars of skiers)… “Think snow!”

  15. Gary Wood says:

    It’s all the small things we learn to appreciate as we travel full time. Great post. I’m glad you are enjoying your new digs and the neighborhood. 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thank you, Gary. It’s good to be able to appreciate the small things in life since there are a lot of them. Ha!

  16. Linda in Minnesota says:

    Yes! The trash room is right down the hall and it has a garbage chute and a recycling chute and it NEVER moves! 🙂

    When solo RVing in winter I bought an annual pass to BLM ‘s La Posa South just so I knew I could always get rid of garbage and dump my tanks. I would go there for a few days and eat in the local restaurants, too. What a treat! I liked Sweet Darlene’s the best; on Sunday your meal includes free desert.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Linda,

      You went to La Posa South for the same reasons we go to Midland Long Term Visitor Area — trash bins and dump station — and for a low-priced pass good for all season.

      You have fond memories of Quartzsite…. I ate at a couple restaurants in Q but I don’t remember their names. I know one was VERY busy serving breakfast, maybe it was Sweet Darlene’s…

      Ha! You have it easy. You don’t even have to push a trash bin to a curb. 🙂

  17. Carin says:

    Did you also know that Javelinas can’t see very well? They have a great sense of smell though. When they get scared the bristles on their back rise.
    When you find a herd of them and they get spooked they run in all different directions. Pretty funny to watch.
    Unfortunately where you see Javelinas you also see (and hear) coyotes.

    History for the day – test at 3am. Lol

    Have a wonderful day Sue!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks, Carin. I hope you’re having a wonderful day, too.

      You’re right about the way javelina scatter. I guess that ensures that there are survivors when there’s an attack a bypack of coyotes. I saw javelina scatter
      like that this past winter when we camped at Las Cienegas Conservation Area in southern AZ. Yes, it is funny to watch, especially the way they gallop over the tall grass in leaps and bounds.

  18. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Hi, Sue,

    The flowers look nice. I am glad that they are doing well in your (and Nancy’s) chosen spots. The purple flower reminds me of a fragrant, white flower on a vine that blooms at night. I think it may grow wild, so many consider it to be a weed. I have not seen one for years….the name escapes me. It is nice to see the summery color of your flowers. Around here, most perennials have done their thing and are now going to seed or setting berries. Food for the goldfinches! Most color is from mums, pumpkins, and of course, Fall leaves. I will be glad when the temps start to be seasonal. It had been in the 80s all week. 🙂

    Another nice neighbor! His dog is a special girl, leading him on their walks. It sounds like your neighborhood is a good match for you all. Quiet, with friendly neighbors who value their privacy as you do. I like his idea about re-homing some of the plants that grow in ditches in the area. You might be doing the locality a favor by clearing out some of those plants. Less upkeep for them. 🙂

    Trash pick-up. One of life’s simple pleasures! 🙂 Thank you for taking the time to put together a post, Sue. Your hard work is appreciated! Sending you, Reggie, and Roger (who are just too cute!) lots of love and hugs from me and Gracie pup! Have a good evening! 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Denise,

      I want you to know I saw how you, Ruthie, weather and others kept the comments section interesting in my absence. Very sweet of you. Thank you! I read where you are seeing the first shades of fall color. Between your and weather’s descriptions, as well as Applegirl’s report of eating Cortland apples (my favorite!), I’m able to remember details of my childhood autumns in New York state.

      About flowers here…. Huge bunches of yellow flowers with black centers grow here. Some are 10 feet tall. The flower heads look like large black-eyed Susans or small sunflowers. Apparently they come back every year because they grow in abundance along the interstate shoulders and median. Such cheery flowers, I want to get some started at the house.

      So much I want to do here! I know you know how that is. Soon you’ll be helping your flock of wild birds make it through another winter. We have two feeders going here….

      Hugs to you and Gracie pup. Have a peaceful evening…

      • Denise - Richmond VA says:

        Hi, Sue,

        Always happy to help, Sue! 🙂 Thank you for the hugs! xo

        I think your interstate plants may be perennial sunflowers. I have a variety that has yellow flowers that look like large coreopsis. The plant blooms it’s head off Summer until frost. During a good year, it reaches upwards of six feet. I tie it loosely about midway up, and attach the twine to a pergola post. The flowers attracts butterflies, bees, and the goldfinches and Carolina wrens perch in it to eat their fill. The plant does not lean because it is top heavy, it is from the birds dropping in for dinner, sometimes six at a time. A few weeks ago when the storms blew through, the thin twine snapped, so the plant is “resting” a bit. I leave the plant and seed heads intact to provide winter food and shelter. 🙂

        This is variety that I have:

        Have a good evening! 🙂 xo

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Hi, Denise,

          Your property is a haven for wildlife. I bet it’s a peaceful, beautiful sanctuary for you, Gracie pup, and all the critters you care about.

          The variety you have is similar to the roadside flowers here. The difference is these have a bit larger bloom and the centers are very dark brown or black. I love goldfinches. Used to watch them dine on goldenrod seeds when I was a kid in NY.

          Thanks for the link and the interesting glimpse of your garden. A good evening to you, too!

      • Denise - Richmond VA says:

        This has a better picture/more info. Please feel free to delete the link! 🙂

  19. LeeJ in Northern california says:

    I believe your plant is one called Mexican False Petunia. I have a flowerbed about fifteen feel long that has four foot high plants. Bees and humming birds love it!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Yes, that’s it! I didn’t know the name Mexican petunia (Pagey identified it as ruellia.)

      Thanks for the link. The article describes the plant very well. It amazes me the way it produces flowers that last only one day, yet the next day there are more. And, yes, I’ve seen our hummingbird dipping into the blooms, as well as butterflies (no bees yet). In fact I tried to take a photo of a butterfly on one of the flowers for this post but it was moving so fast (or maybe my hand wasn’t steady!) that it didn’t come out well.

      Your flowerbed must be gorgeous! We have a bed about 30 feet long and it would make a wonderful hummingbird/butterfly garden. I think I’ll look for more Mexican petunia plants.

      Another plant that I want to put in the yard is Texas sage. It has small purple blooms on the typical grey-green branches of sage. Several homes in the area have them and obviously they’re easy once established. I like the long blooming time.

      • Marilyn in Dania Beach says:

        Sue, If your camera has a burst mode you might get a good shot of a butterfly. I do that with action photos of birds. My phone even has that mode. I am amazed at this but sometimes I do something wrong and it might take 30 images of the same thing.

        Enjoy your day.

      • Geri in the Fla panhandle says:

        ABSOLUTELY! Yes! This is the plant I was telling you about Sue!!!! So easy to grow and so beautiful! I love all of mine!

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          More info on Mexican Petunia:


          Ruellia Tweediana(Ruellia Brittoniana)

          Shrubby perennial.
          Mexican native naturalized in many areas of the southern and southwestern U.S. To 3 feet high; initially 11 feet wide, but can be invasive and should be contained (by an edging, for example).
          Narrow, dark green leaves to 3 inches long, inches wide; 2 inches-long, lavender-blue flowers throughout warm times of year.
          ‘Chi-Chi’ bears soft pink blossoms.
          Katie is a noninvasive dwarf (10- to 12 inches-tall) selection.
          Other dwarfs include ‘Colobe Pink’, pink flowers; ‘Strawberries and Cream’, lavender blossoms and white-speckled leaves; and ‘White Katie’, similar to ‘Katie’ but with white blooms.
          Purple Showers is sterile and produces no seed but spreads aggressively by roots.
          Large, deep purple flowers form on 2- to 3 feet-tall plants.

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Thank you for sharing the link, Lee. The dark stalks and shiny green leaves are pretty on their own. The purple flowers are a bonus! 🙂

  20. Renee from Idaho says:

    Love, love, love, this post. Love the garbage conversation. Yes, we too appreciate very much being able to put out all out garbage to be picked up. We’ve camped enough in “pack it in and pack it out” areas to appreciate being able to send of the little doggie doo bags. Even in National Forest land, we pick it up. I’m not kidding. Love your conversation with your friendly neighbor and his dog, Emma. What a sweet name for a beautiful girl. Love that you have wildlife there, even those to be cautious of. We have coyotes and big owls here so I have to put the doggie door on at night to keep my little Reggie look alike safe at night. Love the flowers. Ours are starting to trail off now with the onset of Fall with winter around the corner, whereas you have a longer growing season.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      And I “love, love, love” your comment, Renee. 🙂

      Oh, about the doggie doo bags…. There’s a vacant lot next to our house. I use a pooper scooper, the kind with the jaws of life that clamp onto the doo-doo. I have a technique where I lob the doo-doo over the fence into the vacant lot. This takes coordinating the release of the poop at the optimum point in the overhand swing to propel Reggie’s and Roger’s “tootsie rolls” well over the fence. Too soon and it drops on our side of the fence. Too late and it lands where I have to mow the other side of the fence.

      Why you have to know all this, well, I don’t know. I guess I’m bragging about my poop-throwing expertise. Where else can I do that?

      You have a good evening, Renee. 🙂

  21. weather says:

    Thanks for the Arizona leisure. com link,Sue. I’m tucked in with my kitties and before going to sleep thought you may want to read a sweet short story, I found it by using that link.To see it use that link, look on the left sidebar under Desert Wild Articles, click on Silent Thank You.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Okay, I’ll do that! N’nite, weather. Sleep tight, don’t let the bed bugs bite.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Oh my, what a story. What a wonderfully tender story. Thanks for directing me to it. Well-written and powerful.

      I do believe animals, including wild ones, feel gratitude and they try to let us know.

  22. Cinandjules 🌵 says:

    Garbage service AND water on demand!
    What a nice chat with the neighbor man!
    Javalina’s run around up here at night! Haven’t seen one yet…heard they can be mean.

    Poop flinger extraordinaire. The claw….with my luck I’d get a log stuck in its teeth! Hah. Why do you chuck it instead of throwing it in the garbage? We use biodegradable pooper bags….tie em up and put it in a bucket IN THE SHADE! Garbage is twice a week up here…and we have underground vaults (like a step activated garbage can)…so the javalina, yotes and whatever….doesn’t make a mess.

    Pretty flowers….

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Cinandjules,

      With three poopers who happen to do their business near the fence, it’s easier to use the long-handled scooper and fling, than fooling around with bags. Poop-b-gone!

      Underground trash vaults… How very contemporary!

      • Lisa in San Diego says:

        but not really “gone”, just on someone else’s property, even though it’s vacant

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          The lot has been vacant and overgrown for years. Rabbits, mice, birds, wandering cats and dogs, and who knows what else poop in the grass on that lot. It’s a natural thing. Poop is biodegradable. And no one is going to step in the crew’s tootsie roll sized poops which dry up and disappear in a week or so.

          So what was your point now?

  23. Ken (In Queen Creek, AZ) says:

    Yep, the girls are correct. That purple trumpet flower is a reullia. They are very heat-tolerant, perfect for lower Arizona. They can get quite large. We have several that are about waist-high and probably two feet in diameter. They are great planted outside of a window, where their lovely blooms can brighten your view. They bloom nearly year round in the desert sun.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Ken,

      Wow, waist high. Outside a window would be nice. Wouldn’t work at our house because the windows that aren’t on the porch or patio side are high. The living room window does look out at one of our tallest, red rose bushes.

      Thanks for the info on reullia. I like that they’re “perfect for lower Arizona.” That means easy.

  24. Elizabeth says:

    Enjoying the photos, Sue…as always.
    A note to Weather also…our reprieve is up Nov. 1st…again…refiled. We hope and pray that someway our grandchildren will be protected. SOMEWAY!! My daughter worries too, seeing how all this is affecting our health these days. I told her it is obvious that we are to help her, as there is no one else who can in the way she needs help right now, and that even if we die in this process not to worry as if that occurs, it will be the path our lives were meant to take apparently. I am more concerned over Hubby but I admit some worrisome things happening to me too. But if I did not believe with my whole heart that all of this life is only temporary and the next will not be…we could not endure, truly. Meanwhile, the changing colors are the most vivid I remember ever in this region and we are grateful for even that!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good morning, Elizabeth!

    • weather says:

      Hi, Elizabeth, I join you in praying for your grandchildren. You’re a generous, loving and intelligent woman that doesn’t need my advice. Still, I would like to share things I’ve learned. Sometimes I need to picture that it’s someone else living through exactly what I am, and think what I would tell her. Would I say , oh well, one does what is necessary for everyone else they care about no matter the cost? NO-O!!! I would remind her about things she knows but is not paying attention to because she is busy, overwhelmed and exhausted. Those include-

      Yes, I believe this part of our life is temporary, Heaven and life after this is eternal, yet nowhere has God encouraged us to shorten our time spent here as we are now. In fact, He gave instructions about eating healthy food and having a day of rest. When He walked among us as a man, amid a crowd of humans in need, He took time to eat well, go off by Himself, rest, and rejuvenate.

      So what would I say to that someone else living through a difficult time with others depending on her? That I hope she will realize it’s high time she began stepping away from it all at least for long enough EVERY day to eat what helps HER, and to walk outside alone to experience the fresh air, nature’s beauty and solitude, without focusing on other’s problems.

      Dear lady, there was only one God called upon to sacrifice His life and cut short His time on earth. We don’t do anyone a favor by neglecting our own needs. Might that make it a bit hard on those depending on us? Yes, but we are merely human, and if we hope to help anyone going forward, need to help ourselves first in order to remain with loved ones through thick and thin.

      Sue, if you find this crosses the boundaries of what you deem appropriate for your blog, as always, feel free to delete it.

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        Never crossed my mind. Wonderful words of wisdom are always appropriate. 🙂

      • Elizabeth says:

        Thanks Weather…prayers esp. appreciated. Some parts of life are so difficult one does not really know what to do. And actually, our daughter is doing all she can too…rarely able to get enough sleep for one thing due to excessive paperwork caused by all this mess. Our country needs some great improvements in so many areas. Things I never knew much about till what happened to our family. We do try to rest and not overdo…we just have limited strength. I am researching as much as I can to try to help us too…trying to get some clues to give to the doc so maybe he can figure out some more ways to help Hubby especially. Medical things can be so hard to diagnose or treat in some cases. Our goal is to live as well as we can for as long as we can. And you are right…we do have to take care of ourselves as well as we can before we can help others.

        • Elizabeth says:

          PS…thinking of what you wrote and remembering too that perhaps some of how I am feeling is because I lost 2 dear friends this past year…one in Dec. and the other in Jan. Very hard to lose dear ones…but you know as we age, it is going to happen!! (And I just finished a long letter to one’s husband who recently emailed how he misses her etc).

        • weather says:

          Just so you know, Elizabeth, it did me as much good as any you received to be reminded of what helps when we are concerned for our loved ones, those that live nearby, or far away ( thanks to the post offices, phones and email we are fortunate enough to have today). It’s a blessing to be close enough to others to share our journeys, and can consume our energy, strength and happiness if we aren’t balancing it all with whatsoever is lovely in life.

          Another gift we have that the previous generations didn’t is the medical knowledge available to us and professionals in that field. If memory serves me correctly, I believe you and I are close in age, about 65 years young. We have a long, and I firmly believe, delightful, road ahead yet to be discovered.

          At the moment I’m getting ready to go out to run some errands and s-l-o-w-l-y enjoy the sunshine and autumn’s beauty. 🙂

  25. Mugs says:

    The javelina also loves your purple flowered plant. When I lived in Cave Creek I lined the front of the house and garage with the same plant. One morning I walked outside to see all the plants gone. Nothing left except 2″ stems peeking out of the ground. There wasn’t a leaf in sight. At first, I thought it might have been a prank by the neighbor’s sons, but then I saw the hoof prints. The neighborhood javelina herd had a feast!
    It’s good to see someone else enjoying the beautiful state of Arizona!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      What a terrible discovery! All your plants gone overnight.

      The chain link fence should keep javelina out. Unfortunately, the fence along the back line isn’t chain link and, although it keeps the crew in, I think javelina could break through it. Another big repair, costly but necessary. 🙁

  26. Rover Ronda says:

    I love Lantana! I can’t resist touching it whenever I pass by some.

  27. Terri in Tx., for now says:

    Thought I would leave a comment or two! Been busy packing up our house, getting it ready to show, and praying for a buyer! Also dealing with my father-in-laws death. Kind of a lot of stress, but we know it will pass.
    I identified the Ruellia, or “Mexican Petunia” right away. Lots of different varieties out there. Enjoying the “home” posts, as well as the flashbacks! So glad you are enjoying life, RV Sue! Take care!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You do have a lot going on right now. My condolences to you and your husband.

    • suzi says:

      Don’t worry Terri! Houses are selling like hotcakes right now. Crazy! I’m sure it will go so quick it will make your head spin, so just be prepared for that. We put our home on the market on a Thursday evening, and by Saturday evening we had 6 offers; 2 cash, 1 with 30% down, and 3 conventional and over the asking price. We took the F/P all cash offer and were closed in 45 days. My head was spinning and I was just grateful we had 3/4 of our things given away/donated/sold before we listed. Good luck!!
      Also, condolences on the loss of your father in law. Sorry… ;-(

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Good luck with your home sale, Teri. I agree with Suzi…it is a seller’s market. You all may have multiple offers! So sorry for your loss – remember to take care of yourselves.

    • Elizabeth says:

      Condolences on your loss from me too…sometimes life leaves our head in a dither from all we must go through all at the same time!!

  28. Dawn in NC says:

    Hi Sue! I agree that trash pick up is the best! With multiple cats and used cat litter to get rid of, I need to appreciate my trash pick up more! The flowers look beautiful. I, unfortunately, do NOT have a green thumb. So I admire your planting and maintaining your flowers. Not much going on here. The foster kittens are getting big bellies on them. They eat like little pigs. Just two little kittens are eating 3 cans of food a day, plus dry mixed in! Really hoping that they get adopted quickly. They are very cute, but make me grateful for the two that I already have.

  29. Ruthie in Fontana says:

    Speaking of trash…I have a short story. When I was a single mom raising two boys and working full time, I had a chore list. My boys were to take the trash to the curb on trash day. Well it was a hit and miss. ( I have an evil side to me.) When they “forgot” the trash again I simply put the trash bins in their bedrooms. The next trash day they remembered to take out the trash! Problem solved!

  30. suzi says:

    Hi Sue,

    I had to chuckle about the trash removal. We were so used to pirating our trash too, and now there’s pick-up here in the neighborhood. And a washer and dryer, and a clothesline too! And hot showers anytime we want, and unlimited! Ha Ha… I’m still itching to get back on the road though!

    Speaking of; I’ve been browsing your posts and “yearly camps” to try and learn where we should be (climate wise) November and December. I think if I follow your monthly migration, in a sense, we should be able to learn from your experience where it’s best to be certain months out of the year. We think we have the Summer part down okay: it’s the Winters we will be unfamiliar with.

    I’m reading what a good deal NM annual pass is, but I’m not so sure how many days we will actually camp in NM? Now I know there’s elevation and areas where it’s cooler, and there’s always the Winter months that make parts of NM nice to be in. It seems to me, though, most of you full-timers spend your Winters between Blythe, Overton, NV, and AZ for the most part, due to the LTVA camping permits and all the BLM land. I think once we get down South, we will be talking to lots of folks camping, and I’d imagine we’ll learn something new everyday! I’m sure it won’t be hard to pick up the tricks of where to go, and where the quieter places are. I’m not the most social butterfly in the group!

    In the mean time though, I’m going to keep reading all your years’ past posts between November and March. I bet I get a pretty good idea!!

    Hugs to the 3 pooches, and a wave to your Sis too. Have a great day!


  31. AZ Jim says:

    Hi gang…
    Detta had her surgery a week ago and after a few days of pain is doing pretty good. I still have not scheduled mine for several reasons (no, not fear). I am pleased to see how much Missy and Sis have done to turn their AZ house into a warm home. The fur kids are enjoying their new home too. Missy, don’t feel obligated to leave your nest and hitch up your rig for any trips if you’d prefer to stay home. We love you whether you travel or not. Most of us are devoted to enjoying you where you are…so take you time, go when you want to, not when you feel we demand it… Special shout out to Denise, Barbara, Deena, RV Sue for their kind words and thoughts…..HUGS Jim

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Jim,

      So happy and relieved to hear from you! I admit I was worried. Good news that Detta has had her surgery, the pain is ove,r and she’s doing well. Give her a happy hug from me and the boys.

      Thank you for your considerate words encouraging me to go or stay at home, whatever suits me best. I especially like the part where you said “we love you whether you travel or not.” *sigh* You really know how to melt this Missy. 🙂

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Hi, Jim and Detta!

      So happy to see your note! Thank you for popping in to give us an update. I hope Detta has a speedy recovery. Take good care of yourselves – sending you both **hugs**. 🙂

    • weather says:

      Gosh, it’s great to hear from you, Jim! Sometimes I scroll through the comments hoping to see your name and sadly sigh because it’s not here. I’m glad Detta is doing that well this soon.You two take good care of each other, and visit us again when you can,okay?

    • Barb in Florida says:

      Hi Jim,

      Good news about Detta. Hope she feels better every day! Missed you!

      Sending love & hugs.

    • Elizabeth says:

      Jim, So glad your wife is doing as well as can be…that must be a great relief to you both!! Hope you both will get better soon!!

    • Deena in Phoenix says:

      Hugs back at ya, Az Jim and Detta. I am so please to see your message. Happy that Detta is doing better. Every time I am in the Sun City West/Surprize area for my own medical appointments or family visits, I wave and send you positive thoughts to you. I agree with weather, I look for your name as well as a few others that have become virtual blogorino family members. I particularly like that you call Sue Missy, a favorite name my grandparents used lovingly during those subtle teaching moments from childhood. My great nephew Zo calls you his Blog Uncle…

      Take Care

  32. Terri in Tx., for now says:

    Great to hear from you, AZ Jim! Good news that your wife is feeling better. Take care of yourself, too! Thanks for all the condolences, everyone. Losing my father-law was like losing my own Dad all over again. He was a great guy. I was lucky to have a great second family when I married my spouse! Well, got go get ready for a house showing! Wish us luck!

  33. Always nice to meet a neighbor and learn more about where you’re living. I’d love having deer in the neighborhood, but not Javelina. Destructive and aggressive, they don’t make nice neighbors. Love your joy of having trash pick up :-)))

  34. Cynthia Kingma says:

    Halloween is coming up…Have you seen kids around your neighborhood? I imagine it will be an experience you’ve not had in a while. Enjoy!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Yes, there are a few children in the neighborhood. I’ll need a plan to keep the crew (mainly Roger) from not throwing a fit every time there’s a knock at the door. 🙂

  35. Gal and a cat in Florida says:

    Mexican Petunia grows very well here in mid/north Florida. It has been on the books in this state to ban the sale of it because it is not native and so invasive. But hasn’t happened yet. I have it all along my lanai. While I was in Montana for the summer my over zealous gardener was proud of her attempts to tear it all out! But alas, failed as it is already about 8 inches tall and happily growing again. It does freeze black if it encounters frost, but regrows all over again. It doesn’t always stay in the rock garden walls and I find a sprig in the grass sometimes. You can cut the tops off and stick them in the ground and a new one comes. I like the pretty purple flowers that last one day and such a hardy plant. Enjoy it if you have it.

  36. Beth and Rosie dog, Arizona says:

    Hi Sue and family!
    I’m just letting you know I’m still here following your every post and lurking in the comments section!

    Your house pictures are beautiful and I’m glad you’re enjoying the “freedoms” of a home base, like trash service!

    I missed you when you were offline with the blog and glad you came back. It’d be tempting to quit writing your blog, but I bet you miss us Blogorino’s after awhile!

    Rosie and I are doing better and hopefully this winter we’ll be traveling around the southern SW USA! Finally!!

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