Unexpected delight!

Monday, October 1

Something about the silence gives me the first inkling.

That silence sounds like snow!  I wonder if it snowed last night.

I open the door of the Best Little Trailer.

“Haha!  It DID snow!”

Two sleepy heads appear out of the bed covers.

“Never mind, guys.  Stay where you are or you’ll be cold.”

I pick up the camera and step outside.  Giggling with delight, I snap a few photos around our campsite

This snow isn’t going to last.

I start up the Perfect Tow Vehicle and turn on the heater.  Inside the Best Little Trailer I heat what’s left of yesterday’s coffee and set down the little plates of chicken chunks for Reggie and Roger.  They gobble it up.

Then the crew and I go for a ride around the campground.

It being Monday and cold, most campers have left.

Seeing snow — something I rarely encounter — is a special treat for me.  Together with colorful fall foliage, this is a double treat!

I bring the window down again for the crew.

“Isn’t that pretty, Reggie?”

Roger joins him at the window.

“You’re both perfectly matched for the scenery!”

All the photos, except for the first two, I take from the driver’s seat through open windows of the Perfect Tow Vehicle.

Drive-by photography!

The snow and the fog make even the toilet house picturesque.

No sign of snow on the distant valley floor.

Funny thing . . .  I bring us here in order to pick up the new heater to keep us warm and to do so, we camp in the cold and snow.  I’m glad we came here though.

“It’s probably still cold in our house.  Hey, I’ve got an idea!”

“Let’s go into town!”

Hmm . . . . In Salina I could pick up a nice breakfast at a drive-thru . . . 

The three of us motor down the campground road to Round Valley where we meet up with another unexpected delight.

I’ll tell you about that in the next post.

“Boy, this heater feels good, doesn’t it, guys?”



The links below go to products recently purchased at Amazon by readers of this blog.

Fitbit Charger
Blood Glucose Test Strips
Cosmetic Clutch 2 Piece Set
Heavy-Duty RV Travel Trailer Cover
Honda 2000W Generator with Inverter
NutriBullet 12-Piece Blender/Mixer System

RVSue and her canine crew is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites.

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83 Responses to Unexpected delight!

  1. Calvin Rittenhouse says:

    Snow is not for me, but the pictures are nice.

  2. David Ray Ainley says:

    Awesome pics. Yes I read EVERY post.

  3. David Ray Ainley says:

    HaHa!! I spent too much time admiring the pics. Could’ve been first. LOL.
    Stay warm rvsue and crew.

  4. Marcia GB in MA says:

    Snow and foliage, lovely!

  5. Jolene/Iowa says:

    Hi Sue,

    The pictures are very nice but you can keep the snow right there. I am sure we will be seeing far more than I want very soon here in Iowa.

  6. David Ray Ainley says:

    Ya know rvsue, you could probably sell at least two of those pictures to jigsaw puzzle companies.

  7. Virginia620 (AL) says:


  8. Elizabeth in WA says:

    How gorgeous…the silence snow brings is indeed so special!! I hate to drive in such…or actually at this point in time…to ride in it…but love being able to stay home and enjoy the view of such times!!

  9. weather says:

    Wow, great scenes and great photos of them in this post! The fifth one looks like something imagined, one might expect to see that in a Tolkien film. You were treated with views of autumn and winter before heading south, how nice for you. I’ll comment more thoroughly in the morning, have a great evening.

    • weather says:

      Hi, Sue, hopefully you had fresh coffee (instead of reheating what was left from yesterday’s) this morning. The autumn colors in the trees you showed are gorgeous! Ours are peaking here in central NY state, and we’re having what may be our last day in the 70’s for quite some time. I hope it’s nice out where you are, too, and that you have a wonderful day 🙂

      • Elizabeth in WA says:

        Colors beginning here, Weather…and supposed to be mostly in 60s now here in NC where we are at the moment…I wish we could go up to the mts and see how it is along the Parkway, but we may be too busy this year…enjoy it all while it lasts!!

        • weather says:

          It sounds nice where you are,Elizabeth, I hope you can at least enjoy some of your time there. Thank you , I am enjoying it while it lasts. Today I went outside to see and feel how wonderful it was several times between tasks.

  10. Linda from Oregon says:

    Top ten? Love the red leaves against the cliffs.

  11. Shirley says:

    Beautiful pictures!

  12. Pat from Mich. says:

    I used to say I wouldn’t mind the snow if I could sit in my warm front room and look out the window at it. Then I retired and I am still getting out in it to go to the Senior center! Such is life.

  13. The snow photos look fantastic along with the boys in the passenger side of the BTV, Sue,, no heater in the BLT yet? Your a tough lady,,, have a great week and give the Boys a hug from us, okay,,,,👣🐾

  14. Joe Bruner says:

    Nothing like that first snowfall. My grandmother would say that the first snow was sent to clean the air. The air looks pretty clean where you are. Hope that heater gets there soon.

  15. Ozarkjoy says:

    Spectacular pictures!

  16. LeeJ in Northern California says:

    Lovely, simply lovely. I sometimes think here in my part of California we have summer and…rain!

  17. Hi Sue, we have similar views out our windows..Snow flurries this weekend in Boise..the local mountains have dusting of snow across them and with the trees turning such a beautiful sight..we will be leaving here in a week to cross over into Oreon and hoping for a little warmer weather and the down the Oregon Coast…safe travels my friend. 😁

  18. Millie says:

    Oh how I miss snow – we do rarely get it here in NC – nothing like we used to get in WNY state!!

    Beautiful photos Sue! Curious what do the boys think of snow?

  19. Dawn in MI says:

    “That silence sounds like snow!” I laughed out loud because you are absolutely perfectly right about how snow muffles everything. And how beautiful with all the colorful trees. I especially liked the shot of the boys where you can see one of them in the side mirror.

    So…how did they like the snow? Did they get to run around in it? Or is that too cold for their little feet. I forget they’re not like my sheltie who would be thrilled to play in the snow!

    Can’t wait to see what the next delight is!

  20. Paula says:

    Love the pics Sue very beautiful photography. I am eyeballing your dogs outfits as my dogs just got shaved and are freezing as cold weather just hit Colorado. luckily we will be leaving in a couple days to a warmer climate. I liked hearing that you go to drive-thrus as I do also occasionally sometimes I just get sick and tired of eating what I cook. Have wonderful travels and I’m sure you are an warmer climate now.

  21. Renee still in Idaho says:

    Gorgeous Sue! You’ve got quite the eye for a great photo. I love them all, but the fifth one caught my eye with the colors! The red and green coats of Rog and Reg make me think of Christmas with the snow in the background behind them. What a delight!

  22. Alex says:

    Beautiful pictures,

  23. Sally S Jacob says:

    Just awesome pictures Sue! But that sounds like your pictures in other posts are less than awesome too.. which is not true! These just seem extra special somehow… and I think it IS the fall and snow mixed together.. with the cutest boys! Thanks for your blog and the joy you give me each and every post. Been a consistent reader sense almost day one. Hugs and wags to you all from our house… all girls!

  24. Barb from Hoquiam says:

    Oh gosh! Did the kids get to play in the snow? So gorgeius!!!

  25. ValGal (westernWA) says:

    Those photos are exquisite! My fave is the one with the red leaves against the snowy cliffs, but they are all keepers.

    I feel like snow is best viewed electronically. Since I’m viewing your snow pics online, I think it’s just grand! 😀 Seriously, that amount of snow is just enough to be pretty and probably melted pretty quickly in the sun and warmth of the day.

    I wonder what the boys think of it all?

    Just think, it wasn’t long ago that you were sweltering and seeking shade and cool water.

  26. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Hi, Sue,

    The combination of the fall leaf color, red rocks, and snow is beautiful! Yes, there is a special peace and quietness when it snows – I love it! So glad that you were able to experience such a delightful morning at Ivie Creek. Another fond memory! 🙂 The good thing about a drive-thru is that you don’t necessarily need to get dressed in the morning. One can just throw a jacket over their pjs, drive in their slippers, and the restaurant staff would be none the wiser! I have done this on several occasions! 🙂

    Have a good night, Sue. I am looking forward to learning about the second surprise you experienced that morning! Sending you, Reggie, and Roger love and hugs from me and Gracie pup! N’nite! 🙂

  27. Absolutely gorgeous!! I love snow like this, that turns everything into a wonderland but doesn’t ruin the roads or stick very long. The combination with the fall colors is such a treat.

  28. Linda Sand (Minnesota) says:

    Aw, Jodee used my words. 🙂

  29. Geri in the FL panhandle! says:

    I think the crew would have loved the snow……for about 3 1/2 minutes! 😀
    Beautiful snow photos! That’s exactly the way I prefer to see snow, in my friends photographs! Thanks for sharing the snow with us!

  30. Pamelab says:

    Hi, Sue and crew –
    Do you use the propane stove top to heat up your coffee? I’m in a camp ground so have electric and have chosen to cook on a single electric burner.
    I have pulled out the fuse to the propane fume / CO detector because it went off a lot. That’s the reason I’m not using my propane right now, but once I get moving to Arizona for the winter and boondocking, I will have to put that fuse back in. Really think it needs to be replaced.
    I would be giddy with a pretty snowfall like that one. It’s a treat. After living in Michigan for over thirty years, I do miss the snow!
    Happy travels.
    Pamelab, in Houston healing after knee replacement surgery

  31. Karen Osmon says:

    Not only do I love the pictures you take to share with us but love the pictures of the “boys!”
    Could you please share where you got their fleese jackets? My two Rat terriers are about the same size of Reggie and Roger so I suppect they would look as good on them as on your boys! Thanks, if they are an Amazon item I’ll make sure to go thru you to get them.

    • Chey (WA coast) says:

      Sue dresses the boy’s in “Gooby Every Day Fleece Cold Weather Dog Vest for Small Dogs” and you can get it through her Amazon link!

    • Mona from West Texas says:

      I bought these for my dogs. In my opinion, they run small. They do not have a zipper or any type of snaps. Amazon product, paid $11.00
      “Gooby Every Day Fleece Cold Weather Dog Vest”

  32. mostlylost says:

    Wow. Those pictures are gorgeous! We had just the opposite surprise today. Nightime has been dropping into the 40s or low 50s (we’re in Indiana) and tonite is 71 degrees!

  33. Glinda says:

    Beautiful photoes!
    Can’t wait to hear about the unexpected delight.
    Glinda from Tx

  34. Chey (WA coast) says:

    Sue dresses the boy’s in “Gooby Every Day Fleece Cold Weather Dog Vest for Small Dogs” and you can get it through her Amazon link!

  35. Jo in OR new furbaby mom! says:

    Love the colorful fall leaves with a dusting of snow…delightful
    Hugs to the darling boys.

  36. Jan Johnson says:

    Gorgeous photos! Fall leaves and snow equals beautiful!

  37. Krystina says:

    I love snow…of course I live in Vermont! Still reading all your posts RVSue I just do not reply much 🙁 Missing the road a lot!! xxoo

  38. Eileen says:

    Very pretty pics. I can’t recall ever seeing pics of both fall foliage and snow in the same photo. I haven’t been around snow since I left Long Island 26 years ago. I miss the beauty of the freshly fallen, but I sure don’t miss the freezing temps.

  39. Barb in Seattle says:

    Spectacular scenery! I love fall colors and snow. Two of my favorites things. Are you going to Moab at any time? Pretty there

  40. Sherri D says:

    Those photos were great! The fifth one is my favorite. The red of the leaves with the copper cliffs and the snow trimmings AND the fog, all formed a really neat photo! Keep warm Sue and Crew! 🙂

  41. Lee says:

    WOW, the photos are incredible, I am always in awe of your photos but these are some of the best, of course I do like snow. The photos in the last posting were also pretty spectacular, I like rivers and creeks even better than a dusting of snow. Stay warm and as always safe travels.

  42. Nancy in California says:

    Beautiful pics! Wish we could have a little of that coolness. Will be triple digits here in the San Fernando Valley tomorrow. Having a hard time gettingvinto Halloween soirit when it is this warm
    Sue, I ordered the Garmin In Reach device on Oct 5 from Amazon, using your link.
    Looking forward, as always, to future posts and pictures. I read and enjoy them all!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Nancy… I looked for the Garmin on reports around that period and I don’t see it. Could you tell me exactly how you placed the order? I’m sorry to bother you with this. I’d love to know why so many orders don’t appear on my reports.

  43. SuziCruzi says:

    Hi Sue, crew, everyone.
    Beautiful pictures! Now that’s the kind of snow dusting I like to wake up to myself! Good idea going into town for a warm breakfast something or another. Sounds like a cozy way to start an uexpected cold morning. The Fall colors backed by sprinkling of white is just perfect!

    We drove about 90 minutes East out of the rain into the Eastern Gorge yesterday, and had a lovely Fall walk enjoying the bright colors of the Oaks and Vine Maples, along a roaring river canyon. Blue, blue sky, and yellow grassy hills above the rock walls of the canyon made for dramatic photos. The river was brown, brown, and rushing fast due to a huge amount of rain Saturday. It reminded me of the Colorado river through the Grand Canyon, in a way. I’d never seen it so muddy. Up close it really looked like “liquid, gooey mud” rolling along. We joined a friend when we were done, for a bit of wine tasting over-looking the Columbia and the dry hills across the way in Oregon. It was a perfect day!

    Driving home along State Route 14 ( you were on that route a couple years back), the sky became greyer and greyer until we were back in the rain approaching Stevenson, WA. By the time we reached home in Vancouver, it was dark and wet around us. We are in for a sunshiny week though, so I’m happy for that! I’ll take it, as the last of Fall dwindles away.

    Have a great day Sue! By now you have the heater installed, and have made your way considerably South! Can’t wait for the next post about the heater, and where you are headed next.

    Have a good one..🙂

  44. Jean in Southaven says:

    Love the pictures. You do such a good job with your pictures. You have a good eye. It is turning cool here. in the 50’s last night and rainy today. I have to find jackets for my dogs. They get cold too. Be safe.

  45. Archae says:

    These photos are spectacular!!! Makes me think snow, in small doses, is okay. It provides a beautiful accent to the colors in the foliage. And Reg and Rog do fit right in. Thank you for sharing with us.

  46. Bety -Shea says:

    Beautiful photos Sue💕 !!!

  47. Linda in NC says:

    BRRR! Beautiful pics of the snow! You will really enjoy that new heater. Dawn and I missed each other here in NC but plan to cross paths somewhere. We are keeping in touch. I have more problems with my rv. The whole dc system is down. Not going anywhere until I get it fixed. Double ear infection recurring spider bite mess. So-it has to get better from here.
    You are in a beautiful place. If I don’t leave soon, I will be seeing snow too.
    Take care.

  48. Kary E says:

    Gorgeous photos! Thank you. 🙂

  49. Paula in Indiana says:

    Sue, your photos are so pretty! I love fall foliage and snow, but don’t usually get to see them at the same time. Enchanting!

  50. rhodium in Va says:

    Your posts are always a delight! Sorry to be absent, we ended up buying a home in SW Va which took time. Plus its like being on the road since there is no DSL, we have to use wireless. Now Bella has acres to run across (and at the moment 4 eight week old puppies to help us foster).

  51. mrdsee in Riverside says:

    105 here today!
    Heaters need not apply!

  52. Barbara(Nashville) says:

    The snow on the ground and contrasting fall color is just gorgeous. It is getting cooler here this week, had rain last night & this morning. I see more leaves falling than changing color. Down in the 40’s for mornings and low 60’s days.

  53. MelindaK (back in Central TX) says:

    Beautiful photos! Love the fall colors with the touch of snow. You are living the life!

  54. Jo in OR says:

    My family’s potty humor…even the toilet house photo was pretty.
    Hope you received credit for the Christmas fabric I ordered 10/18 it was delivered today great quality exactly what I wanted.
    My new little pup is a precious dolly very well adjusted to her life with us. I’m such a proud dog Mom.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Jo,

      It sounds like your new pup is very much loved. 🙂 I’m glad she is a part of your family.

      I looked for the Christmas fabric from 10/17-10/22 and I don’t see the order. I get credit when a person enters Amazon from my blog and then places and finalizes an order (emphasis on ENTER) within 24 hours. In other words, the commission is for leading customers to Amazon, not for making a sale. If a person uses my blog as a portal only to go to check-out, that doesn’t count. Readers never tell me the steps they make so I can’t be sure what causes some orders to show and others not.

      Thank you for thinking of me and the crew! I’m glad you like the fabric. 🙂

      • Jo in OR says:

        Other things have shown up before so not sure what I did wrong I always go to Amazon from your sight. I’ll try again…need more fabric holidays are sneaking up quickly. It was 70 and sunny today perfect weather for Oregon. Enjoy your new camp.

  55. Dawn in NC says:

    Hi Sue! I too would love the unexpected delight to wake up with a dusting of snow everywhere. Your pictures are just beautiful. We are finally starting to cool down a bit in NC. It’s nice to sleep with my windows open and enjoy the weather. I can’t wait to read your next post!

  56. Nivrapa in AZ says:

    I’m so glad you returned to Ivie Creek at this time of year. It’s always been one of my most favorite camps that you have visited–ever. Your pictures are just beautiful and give me even more reason to like this memorable spot.

    Ah yes, the sounds of silence evoked by a gentle snowfall in a forest. Such a peaceful, and lovely vision to behold. Does anything even rival that special moment in time? The entire environment is cloaked in an atmosphere of reference. Another one of Mother Nature’s wonders, for sure.

    Hope this finds you and The Crew enjoying all the colorful splendors of the season and finding warmth and contentment where ever you place your heads at night. Travel safely and as always, thanks for sharing.—Audrey

  57. Terri in Tx It's cool again! says:

    All the photos are so great, but I really like the “potty house” pic! It IS scenic! Leaving for 5 days of snorkeling to the Caymans soon! I may not be able to comment but I will be thinking of Sue and the crew!

  58. Cynthia from San Clemente says:

    Wow – these photos are spectacular. I particularly like the 5th one down – with the red (maple?) in the foreground, and the snow-dusted greenery on the canyon walls. You could not have color coordinated R&R any better if you had tried! Hope you all stay warm and cuddly together until the heater arrives! We are roasting in unseasonable hot 103 degree temps here 🙁

  59. Shawna says:

    Great photos Sue! LOVE the snow and the fall leaves.

    Hope you get that heater quickly!

  60. Suzette (TN) says:

    Some of the best pictures ever! Love them! And I love how the boys seem so entranced by the scenery. Can’t wait for the next delight!

  61. Snow AND fall foliage. Aren’t you the lucky one? Here in Nova Scotia, the fall colors are dwindling and we are almost into a record heatwave (for this area that means around 70F).
    Glad you are enjoying the beautiful scenery still. The desert is beckoning though.
    Looking forward to your next post.

  62. Glenda in OZ! says:

    Beautiful images Sue…………..loving the snow and autumn colours. Just a delight.

  63. Terrry says:

    Dear RVSue,
    Well today I did it! I bought a 2013 Ford 250 Ecoline commercial van (50,000 miles on it)! Next comes another best trailer. I’ve had my eye on the Lil Snoozy, a 19′ fiberglass trailer. I can’t believe it’s finally happening. I’m 66 years old, semiretired woman. My husband, our 3 kids and I camped for years first with tent, then popup then old Winnebago. It’s just me now and maybe an occasional grandkid will tag along and of course Beau and Tibbs, my two little 2 year old pugs. I am ecstatic, can’t quit grinning! I was a little afraid on the drive up to Peru, IL to make the purchase. The drive back I am filled with so much happiness. The puppies and I are taking a short trip this weekend. NO REGRETS!! Short trips around here in Illinois and by spring maybe a little longer trip to get our travel trailer. I am so happy!!! I plan to head south in the spring when west. Hope to see you Sue in the future. I love your blogs!

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