What makes a good boondock

Monday, September 7

The morning of Labor Day the crew and I motor up the mountain on Gooseberry Road to look for our next camp.  As expected, the hordes of RVers are packing up to return to their homes and the work week ahead.

Oak Ridge Road is only a few miles up the road from our present camp in Gooseberry Campground. 

I want a pretty camp with easy ingress/egress at an elevation of approximately 8,500 for ideal temperatures.  If we can find such a camp, we will stay in the Salina, Utah, area and wait for the registration renewal stickers for the Best Little Trailer and the Perfect Tow Vehicle to arrive in the mail.

I have my phone with me and discover that there’s internet signal on Oak Ridge Road!

“Let’s find another road to explore and then come back here.  All these RVs and stuff will be outta’ here and we can take a closer look.”

Sheep Creek Road has a few nice boondocks.

The road is narrow, rutted, and rocky and there isn’t an expansive view.  I like Oak Ridge Road better.  We go back.

“Yes!  They’re leaving!”

I wait for the vehicles to pass and then I park, letting a very excited Bridget and Reggie out of the PTV.   They love this!

We walk up a spur road together and find a pretty campsite surrounded by aspens. 

P1070103-003All those tall trees to the east means the morning sun’s arrival will be very late.  And the road in could be a problem if it rains and curious people will drive their machines up here. 

We walk around and get a feel for the place.

P1070141No, this isn’t quite what we want . . . .

We check the next site up the road. 

Like most in the area, it is huge.

P1070117 - CopyIt also has been worn down quite a bit, exposing bare dirt.  A few trees border the site and the view is wonderful.  Still, I think we can do better.

P1070116 - Copy“C’mon, you two.  I want to look further up the road.”

As I toss the crew into the PTV, more RVs drive by hauling trailers carrying OHVs

“Bye-bye!”  I wave, smiling.

We find a site that we like and by noon we’re moved in!

P1070156I don’t usually unhitch the first day.  However, I’m pretty sure this camp will work out fine so I go ahead.  I’ve positioned the BLT to give us a front lawn of dappled shade and I move the PTV forward into full sun.

P1070127This campsite is also very large. 

I think there were four rigs in here with trucks, trailers, and OHVs over the weekend.  The ground is mostly covered with a coarse grass that has withstood wear and tear.

I enjoy setting up our outdoor living room, even though I’ve done it many times before.

P1070128Placing the blue mat on the ground with the crew’s beds, water dish, and Reggie’s toys assures them that this is our home.

P1070130We take a few walks to familiarize ourselves with the surrounding property.  While the crew naps, I go online and write the previous blog post.

After supper Bridget, Reg, and I walk up Oak Ridge Road.

On the way home I admire our sweet boondock.

This is perfect!  We have a pleasant camp with a view of the mountains, on a good road and with internet.  Salina is only about 20 miles away.  We have access to a variety of stores, propane, laundromat, post office, can get water at Gooseberry Campground . . . . everything we need is a short drive away.  

Both Bridget and Reggie are happy to assume their places on the bed for the night.  I give them a snuggle and soon they’re asleep.  My little cuties had a great day . . . .

Later I’m in bed gazing up at the stars. 

The sky is very clear and I can see the Milky Way.  I shoulda’ learned more about astronomy, more than “Hey, there’s the Big Dipper!” 

I chuckle to myself and pull up the comforter to settle in for the night.  All is quiet.

Oh, this is nice.  Very nice. 



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P1070162“Good moooooove, RVSue.”


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196 Responses to What makes a good boondock

  1. Wonderful spot, sure looks pretty, peaceful and quiet. Have a wonderful stay.

    • rvsueandcrew says:


      • bess says:

        hi sue, bess here. i am happy to see you guys are having such a great time.
        is boondocking a term that means “dispersed camping” or no-pay comoping?

        i see there is no toilet or table so i am assuming it is no-pay. that is great. i like how this area has what you need within 20 miles and has internet too!

        how do you find these great sites? do you go to an area and ask the locals?

        are you going to write a book with all you camping suggestions? i would buy a copy for sure. your blog is wonderful! happy trails.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Hi, Bess,

          The terms “boondocking” and “dispersed camping” mean different things to different people. I’ll explain how I use those terms.

          Boondocking is camping on public land for free, in places away from groups of people. This could be on Bureau of Land Management land, in the national forests, at wildlife refuges, etc. You are on your own with no amenities at all. There are rules regarding this type of camping which are determined by the agencies involved. A typical rule is no camping beyond a certain distance from a forest road, for example. These boondocks are a clear place with a fire ring. The fire ring marks the spot as an established campsite. Boondocking on public lands is restricted to established campsites only. You can stay in a boondock from 10-16 days, depending upon the district. I believe there are a few places where you can stay as long as 21 days. It is up to the boondocker to learn the rules.

          How do I find these great sites? I use several strategies which, if you read my blog from the beginning, you will learn as you go through the boondocks we have found during the past, nearly four years. It’s very difficult to explain here but this will touch on my basic strategies.

          1) I study the Benchmark atlas for the state I’m in. I find where the public lands are, where there are campgrounds (BLM, NF, etc.), what types of roads go to the elevation I’m seeking, where water features there are such as creeks or reservoirs, distance from supplies, and much more. I use the names on the map to analyze an area I haven’t been in before…. Names like “Dry Gulch,” “Maple Grove,” “Dirty Rock Canyon,” “Aspen Glen,” “Rocky Ridge,” and such reveal a lot.

          2) After studying the Benchmark and finding a road that “looks” good for boondocking, I may try to learn more by online research such as “camping near McGulley’s Meadow” or “boondocking Dixie National Forest.” Sometimes this will bring up a blog or website where I can read other boondocker’s opinions of a place and see their photos. I don’t use the typical boondocking websites that many use because they tend to be over-used and aren’t necessarily pretty places because that’s where most people look. However, it’s a good way to start if one is new to boondocking. I’m talking about freecampsites.com and others that come up with a search of the same phrase.

          3) I have found nice camping areas by asking the locals. This isn’t my primary strategy because one has to be in the location to ask locals, which, of course, doesn’t work if you’re covering distances. It’s a great strategy if you are already in a campground and want to move to a boondock. Talking with other boondockers often provides good leads on places to camp.

          4) Another strategy — Look! If a mountainside is covered in juniper and sage and that’s not what I want, I look elsewhere. I go up roads into the kind of area and elevation I’m interested in and then drive or walk up the little spur roads that branch off. Road signs help. If I’m going up the side of a mountain and I see a sign like “Sheep Creek Road” or “Nellie’s Pond,” I’m intrigued and check it out.

          5) I also look to avoid areas like mining operations, OHV play areas, touristy places, open areas with no cover (too exposed), etc. As a popular blogger who requires solitude, I am now avoiding areas near population centers or places with a high concentration of RVers.

          After a while a lot of the search becomes intuitive. The other term, “dispersed camping,” means to me camping without amenities but not away from people. This could be primitive camping right next to a campground, an overflow camping area at a popular tourist attraction, a LTVA (do a search), or other place where RVers gather for free or inexpensive camping.

          I don’t know if I’ll ever write a book. Several suggestions have been made by readers for fiction and non-fiction. Right now I’m happy writing this blog and seeing the country. Thank you for calling my blog “wonderful.”

  2. Dawn in NC says:

    Yaaaayyy! A new posting!

  3. Yay!! I’m on the run with chores, so will hurry home to read this!! Stay comfy!

  4. Dawn from Camano Island says:

    What a beautiful spot, Sue! I understand why it makes you so happy. Enjoy your idyllic spot!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks, Dawn. It’s warm and breezy here. The aspens are twinkling outside my window. 🙂 I hope you’re enjoying this day.

  5. So nice to have a serene, beautiful place to call home! I love the view! I agree with the cow, “Good Mooooove Sue!” Hahahahaha! Love the photos! Love your description of your new home! Perfect!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Geri,

      A different time, a different place… makes all the difference! 🙂

      I’m thrilled because I just now discovered that my Lenovo laptop screen can be seen when sitting outside! You know how I like to be out. I’m typing this while sitting under the aspen tree. The cord coming from the Wilson antenna is inserted into my Verizon jetpack which I have on the lounger’s side table. This is wonderful!

      I hope your day is filled with happy thoughts and goodness. Hello to Chuck and the boys!

      • Gayle - SO CAL Beach Boomer says:

        You see, that screen visibility in the sunlight is a challenge for me. Never could see my MAC screen even inside my minivan in the front seat. Can’t see my iPod screen in sunshine either. Does your amazing camera have a viewfinder? Do you use it or the screen? Whatever way, your photos are so well-composed that you must be able to see something!

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Well, my Lenovo laptop screen isn’t perfectly visible outside. It’s good enough that I can read comments and reply which is a large portion of the time I spend on my blog. I wouldn’t attempt to write a blog post and edit photos outside with it.

          My camera has a viewfinder. I use the screen. I think the screen became a habit because I don’t have to hold it as close to my face… and often when I’m taking photos, I have the crew to watch, too. Sometimes, depending upon the angle of the light, I can’t see anything on my camera’s screen. Then I use the viewfinder or I just point the camera and shoot, cropping the photos later to improve composition.

  6. cc and canine (Eastern Missouri) says:

    I loved the first photo, where Reggie is airborne!! I’m so happy for you that the holiday is over and the OHVs have left…

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I like that shot of Reggie, too. He’s such an active guy and he loves it when we explore new places.

      Thank you for the sweet message, cc.

  7. BadgerRickInWis says:

    Very, very nice. I love that shot of your front yard with the crew all settled into their new home. Paradise.

    And to think that you didn’t have to have anyone go get their husband to help you back in. 🙂

    Sorry couldn’t resist.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Rick,

      It is kind of funny, isn’t it…. All the back-ins over four years ….

      You know, this spot isn’t exceptional. What makes it special is the light and shade and the coziness created by putting out a few items by the door. Right now Bridget is snoozing on the blue mat and Reggie is rolling in the grass and I’m writing to you. What could be nicer.

  8. Well, that worked out pretty neatly. Enjoy the quiet.

  9. Lady Piper n' me says:

    Great Camp and photo’s Sue, Glad you finely got a great camp close to things you might need,,,,,, have a great week,,,,,,, Oh,,, Lady Piper says hi too!,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, me

  10. Gene in Ohio says:

    What do you use to help you hitch up easily? Do you have a backup camera on the PTV?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Gene,

      Good to see you here again… I don’t have a back-up camera or any other kind of aid to backing up. I’ve learned how the BLT looks when in hitching up position as I look in my side mirrors. I back up cautiously, a few feet at a time, then a few inches at a time, then a smidgin until the hitch ball is in position under the coupler. Sometimes I can do this in a couple of steps and sometimes it requires many steps. I figure the getting in and out of the PTV, going back to see how I’m doing, is good exercise…. for the bod and for my patience and perseverance.

      I’ve always been one to shy away from “crutches” (for lack of a better term I can think of right now). I like to try to develop a skill without them. Maybe that’s why I never got in the habit of using my GPS….

      • Sidewinder Pen says:

        I hitch up the same way you do. I call it my Kangaroo move (hop out, run back and look, bounce back to cab, move rig, hop out, run back and look, etc.). Works for me, and like you say, good exercise.

        I thought of my Mom when you spoke of the “crutches.” Of course she grew up in the depression, so that may have had something to do with it too, but for example, she always drank her coffee black. “Well, this way if there ever isn’t cream, it won’t bother me.” Heh, I make her sound super austere, and she wasn’t, but she was sometimes. She married young and never had a really great domestic life, but then in her late 50’s she got out on her own and immediately moved to the woods to a cabin alone, and loved every minute of it 🙂

        • Elizabeth in WA says:

          Loved hearing about your mom, Pen…sounds like she ended up with some good peaceful last years eh??

          • Sidewinder Pen says:

            Thanks, Elizabeth. Yes, she really came into her own (finally) in her fifties. I think that probably wasn’t too uncommon in her generation (and also she had a “go along to get along” personality, which made it easier to not “fight” for her own way) (guess I missed that gene ;))

            They say you should look back to what you enjoyed in your youth, when you are older and have some time for happiness. I have a photo of her at seventeen, out in the boat on a north woods lake, fishing, wearing tomboy clothes, and looking happy. Full circle 🙂

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Your mother’s story is very touching. Thanks for telling it here.

          “a cabin alone, and loved every minute of it.” *sigh*

      • Gene in Ohio says:

        Thank you for replying. You unhook your trailer a lot and I thought you might have some sure fire way to make it easy. I bought a pair of what I call “balls on a stick”. They are actually metal extendable rods with magnets on one end of the rod and a tennis ball like ball on the other. (The extender can be lengthened to extend above my truck’s tailgate, 42″ I think. ). You put one on your hitch and one on the coupler. As you back up, you get them aligned, and when the balls “kiss” one will fall down, and you are perfectly aligned with the hitch.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          I’ve seen those things. I assume you need to be able to see them using the rear view mirror in the center of the windshield. If they work for you, great!

    • Applegirl NY says:

      Great question, I always wondered how Sue hitched up so quickly. Since there are two of us, we have two pairs of eyes so less hopping in and out of the TV.

  11. Jean/Southaven, MS says:

    It is rainey here this afternoon. It is going to cool off some too. Love where you are. How cool is it at night there? Love the pictures and how everything looks comfortable. Enjoy.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Jean,

      I’m glad you enjoyed looking at our new camp.

      Re the temps here…. As I type this I have the weather widget in the sidebar set for Salina which is at a lower elevation than our camp and therefore tends to be warmer. I guess it’s about 5 degrees cooler here, maybe a bit more when there’s a cool wind. Probably our nighttime low is around 45 degrees.

      In practical terms, we sleep with one window open a few inches and with a comforter over us. Last night… or I should say early this morning, was the coldest so far. I had to get up and trade my cotton nightie for sweatpants and a long sleeved top.

      I wear long pants and a long-sleeved shirt during the day. If we go hiking during mid-day that’s a bit warm…

      I hope the rain cools your temperatures and rids you of humidity. Thank you, Jean, for being a faithful reader of my blog.

  12. Marilyn, Dania Beach, Fl says:

    Uh Oh!!! Someone has found you. (A big, brown cow)

  13. weather says:

    Sue I love the way your outdoor living room makes the site,not just the BLT,your home,and that the crew knows that.It may seem like unimportant details to those that primarily use their RV as a base to see a popular nearby attraction or living without critters as family members.You more live where you home is and with the happiness,needs and well-being of each you three always taken into consideration.The added security knowing they’re home again,where ever you are as you travel,lends the pups is precious .

    What makes a good boondock?All the choices you wrote about do,and I appreciate your explaining them. “assures them this is our home…” touches my heart and makes me appreciate you.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You know me well, weather! I’m a homebody. It’s been ages since I’ve gone to an “attraction” like a museum, festival, fine restaurant, etc. Give me a spot with sun and shade and gentle breezes and I’m happy. 🙂

      It’s cute how Bridget and Reggie appreciate me setting up our home. They immediately check everything, stepping in and out of the beds, taking a drink, nosing the toys, wanting to be held as I sit in the lounger… and they aren’t happy until they can go inside and see that everything is how it should be… the bed, their food dishes, and so forth.

      I hope the twinges of pain at the recent goodbye to one of your pals are fewer and milder as each day passes… and that there haven’t been any more skunk encounters.

      Kind messages from you and all the blogorinos assure me this blog is my online home. Thank you weather.

      • weather says:

        “Kind messages…assure me this blog is my online home….” Aw-w!how good that is to hear.As a place to share much that matters and be with each other and others on here, it often feels that way to me ,too,Sue.My pal not being next to me affects all areas of my life like an undertow still tugging me away from the level of happiness felt in brighter parts of life’s path.I know you understand this journey.The twinges are fewer and milder,tears are seldom,smiles more frequent-in fact I’m enjoying one now that your whole reply prompted,thanks 🙂

    • Elizabeth in WA says:

      I was thinking as I read all this, Weather and Sue, that dogs sure seem to appreciate some “sameness” and routine in their living area don’t they?? I imagine it gives them a lot of security to have things set up the same each place. I would love the camp spot Sue…but I doubt I could manage the high altitude…you are blessed to be able to!!

      • weather says:

        Sameness is just the right word Elizabeth.

        • Sidewinder Pen says:

          That’s one thing that allows me to enjoy traveling. That is, having my home and some (minimal) number of things with me. I don’t know that I’d do so well if I had to wonder where I was going to put my head each night, what food I’d be eating, etc. I mean, I do sometimes wonder where I’m going to park, but beyond that, it’s cozy and familiar, yet I can enjoy travel too. Perfect combo for me. (Just put out my bed and my dish, LOL :D)

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        Routine and “sameness” is important for dogs to feel secure. At least that’s what I’ve observed. Also for people… When I was coping with the loss of Spike, I didn’t feel like finding new camps. I was drawn to ones we had before.

        • Elizabeth in WA says:

          You are right about people too, Sue…I found comfort in being in the same house for a couple years after we lost our last dog…I left the smudges along the doorways where she would sniff for us when her eyesight and hearing got so bad…left it till virtually the last day…then washed it off…

          Tis a weird thing about smells of those we love…between us and animals, but also between spouses…when hubby went to sea I always left one thing unwashed with his scent and when I felt extra lonely would put my face in that shirt.

          • rvsueandcrew says:

            Yes, the face in the shirt for comfort .. Many of us have done that with the shirts of those we love…. And there’s a smudge on the wall next to the water bowl that Spike made, brushing against it while drinking…

  14. Cate W/Portland Maine says:

    Hi Sue & furbabies,

    Its Weds.as I write this. When I read that you were able to stargaze and that “all is quiet” at the new boondock on Monday evening, I could imagine how you relaxed into that peace with comfort and relief. Ahhh, that’s so good.

    I also laughed and could feel the glee when you smiled/waved goodbye to the weekend party crowd vacating the area. I would have been dancing a mental jig at their departure! Thank God Almighty…peace at last!!

    I hope you can linger as long as you wish in your new beautiful, and convenient (to the necessaries) camp.

    Sweet dreams,

    P.S. Both of your babies are very dear, and don’t tell Miss B, but I have a major crush on Reggie Man! Wish I could hold him for a loving squeeze. A gentle kiss on her silky ears for Miss B.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Cate,

      Your comment reveals the reactions I was hoping for from readers. I wanted this post to share the delight of finding a quiet camp and the peacefulness of being in bed in my little home, gazing at stars.

      And yes, I was happy-happy-happy for me, more with every RV making an exit. I don’t apologize for my glee… I worked my &*# off all my life. Retirement is heavenly.

      Reggie does make the ladies swoon! You can’t imagine how precious it is to wake up in the morning with his warm body next to me, his little face a few inches from mine…

      Sweet dreams to you, too! I enjoy hearing from you, Cate.

  15. Sue,

    Your 6th picture (had to go back and count!) looks like you climbed up the trees to snap that shot of your camp! Perfect pic!

    Love that you found a happy place, I can tell Bridget is nice and relaxed, laying in the grass. Glad you are enjoying your new peaceful spot!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Marla,

      What a nice note….

      That photo was taken from the ridge that runs along the far side of our “front lawn” so I didn’t have to climb a tree to get it. I like the new perspective it gave to the photo. I’ve taken a gazillion pictures of the BLT and our camps for this blog. I’m always looking for something to make a photo interesting….

      Thanks for the compliment. A photo’s true value is its benefit to others. I hope you’re having a great day!

  16. AZ Jim says:

    I love it. You took me back to so many nights of my boondock nights. It is so wonderful to have ones lungs full of fresh mountain air, a clear star studded sky to put yourself to sleep with. And you, with your two little charges tucked in with you dreaming the dreams of confident well loved little doggies. Just great. I remember once in Wyoming I was camping in a huge site. I paid for the site and because it was so large, others kept pulling in thinking they could camp there too. It was a pain having to tell them it was one campsite and I had paid for it already. Ruined the site for me, I moved next day.

    Great post and pics Missy, and I sure appreciate all the effort you put into letting me and all the others share it with you….*Hug

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome, Jim… I feel appreciated. 🙂

      I’m delighted that this post took you back to fond times boondocking. You describe it so well….

      Your mention of the huge site that you paid for and, even so, drew in people wanting to share it brings up a concern I have. This site is large like all of them around here. I anticipate the possibility of someone pulling in here on Friday or Saturday for the weekend, hauling their noisy machines, maybe loud music, loud voices… the whole nightmare.

      No, I haven’t paid for this site. If there weren’t any other sites available, of course I’d be willing to share it with anyone who can be a good neighbor and not be obnoxious. However, the likelihood of that kind of RVer crowding in our site is slim if not nil.

      My plan is to stay in camp on Friday and Saturday. If someone barges in here, I’ll talk to them politely and make suggestions where they can find a camp of their own. I dread the thought of a confrontation. It may seem selfish, but I really can’t live with motors revving and all the rest.

      Maybe none of this will occur. We shall see . . .

      I’m sorry the site you had was ruined and you had to move. Some people have no sense of space and boundaries.

      A hug for you and a hug for Detta…

      • AZ Jim says:

        One last thought. Maybe put the PTV up at the pullin for the site?

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          That might deter, however …. If you look closely at the photo of the crew walking home on the road, you can see that a big diesel truck hauling a fifth wheel or travel trailer can enter the campsite from any place along the road (and they have, as evidence shows).

      • Elizabeth in WA says:

        Maybe your little sign about a family gathering will help?? ha…

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          That sign worked at the camp in Ashley NF. Here it might be a bit weird because one can see our camp from the road. If my family “The Allens” saw the sign they’d also see us so why the sign? Ha!

  17. Sharon in MO says:

    Beautiful and peaceful site, RV Sue! We are currently in a lovely campground along West River on Prince Edward Island, Canada. This afternoon we saw “Anne and Gilbert – The musical,” the Anne of Green Gables love story. Very nice! The island is covered with lots of fertile truck and dairy farms.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Sharon,

      What a great day you’re having and in a beautiful place! I’m happy for you!

      Your comment is like a mini-blog-post… 🙂

    • Elizabeth in WA says:

      HOW I WOULD LOVE that musical…how fortunate you were able to go!!! PEI has always been on my wish list…I hope you have a marvelous time there!!

  18. weather says:

    Wow!I just saw that your lenova is readable outdoors and I’m thrilled for you!That’s going to be such an improvement to your already wonderful life,yippee!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      It is fun to be able to read and reply to comments while sitting in my lounger. It’s not perfect… I keep losing the cursor as it is white on white and hard to see. Later I’m going to look for a site where I can download a different cursor. One has to be careful doing that. Sometimes they open your computer to spam and dangers….

      I’m inside now because the jetpack ran out of charge. Once I have everything coordinated, I should be able to spend some time online outdoors on a regular basis. This is a big improvement for the crew. They often get frustrated with me when I’m inside staring at this computer. They want me outside with them. For safety reasons I don’t let them be outside alone.

      How nice to have someone yippee for me. 🙂

      • edlfrey says:


        I think you have Windows 8 or 8.1 so there is no need to download a cursor. (ie the white arrow). Follow this path: Control Panel/Mouse/Mouse Properties/Scheme/Windows Black (extra large) and you will get a larger arrow that is solid black.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Thanks a bunch, Ed. I thought I had seen something like that. Windows 8 is so cluttered with “wonderful” stuff I don’t want that finding anything I do want requires a lot of luck.

          Unless, of course, one has Ed to give directions…. 🙂

      • Marilyn, Dania Beach, Fl says:

        They know when you are giving attention to the computer or phone. Ours was bad when we were on the phone. They want your undivided attention. Gotta love ’em tho.

  19. Suzette (TN) says:

    I love this post! It’s great to have the opportunity to see your “process.” And the scenery is nice. Love seeing the pups enjoying their explorations. This post is just full of happy.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Suzette,

      I had my grumpy time in the previous post. It’s time to BE HAPPY! You add to my happiness by telling me you love this post.

      The feedback on my sharing the process of choosing a boondock is helpful. That site at the end of a spur road, the one surrounded by aspens, may seem like an RVSue type campsite — secluded and pretty, not seen from the main road.

      However, one needs to consider the atmosphere of this area… i.e. heavy OHV use. That could mean lots of folks roaring up the spur road thinking it’s another trail to follow. Also, with increased traffic of this type I prefer having our camp visible to passers-by. Not a rational thing, just an instinct that someone might mess with our camp in that secluded location……

      There are lots of choices for walks here. Reggie especially loves that!

      Have a happy day and evening, Suzette!

  20. Alice (So. Fla) says:

    What a great site, so happy for you ! Good info on how to pick one as well. Looks like a beautiful area and you have cows. Your puppy will love that. Miss B is walking, that’s a wonderful thing. Take care and enjoy the new home.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks, Alice. Yes, Bridget is walking fine with us. This morning she wanted to stay in bed so I let her. I can tell she will be up for the last walk of the day. That’s good because her “car” won’t work on this road

      Nice to hear from you, Alice. I hope the weather is good in south Florida.

  21. Susan in Dallas says:

    Beautiful views from your new “yard”, especially since there is a cow in it! You know how I love them. When I was a young child we would sometimes go for a ride in the car and ended up just parked by the side of the road looking at cows, horses, or deer in the fields. Guess livestock bring back pleasant memories of so long ago in a simpler time.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Susan,

      I can understand why you are nostalgic when seeing livestock. There are several free range cattle around here. I don’t mind them as long as I can keep their poopies out of our campsite. 🙂

      More about the cows in the next post!

      • Elizabeth in WA says:

        Heehee…tis amazing how often you seem to stop in their territory!! Curious creatures that they are!! We always knew when one of my dad’s cows was having a calf…the rest of the herd would be surrounding her watching…they truly are a family in small herds anyway…

  22. Diann in MT says:

    Wonderful site, Sue. I know exactly what you mean when you talk about the comfort of relaxing among the twinklings of aspen leaves in the sunlight. The soft freezes that come out of nowhere, at the right time. And, the coolish night that require another layer on the bed or yourself. I am blessed with that right here in my wonderful little back yard in southcentral Montana. After working inside the house all morning, I invite my dog outside with me and we just sit among the aspens, green grass of our lawn, and stare up at the pure blue sky. It doesn’t get any better than this. Really.
    When I happened upon your blog a couple of years ago, I was determined to abandon it all to a life on the road like RVSueandcrew. I have since come to understand, through what you value and write about, that I really have heaven right here in my backyard. All for which I am grateful and very thankful that I don’t know or understand another life such as perhaps those have who live in or near cities, enduring hustle and bustle. I have Sue’s life with the exception of the choice to move on when the weather becomes too cold. Or boredom sets in. Still, none the less, I’ve got the best parts, I think. Thanks for your affirming and confirming words, Sue.

    • Diann in MT says:

      Jeeze. I meant to say “breezes” not “freezes”, although freezes that come out of nowhere are quite possible in the backyard. HAHAHA

    • Sidewinder Pen says:

      What a nice comment, Diann. A wonderful homestead is a precious thing. I grew up with one.

      Maybe (if you even wanted to) it’d be possible to take a little break in the middle of winter and take a trip to Arizona or etc.? Van, or a wee 13′ trailer? Just a thought.

      It makes me smile to read of your happiness there in MT.

      • Diann in MT says:

        What a sweet comment to me, Sidewinder. You are right, I dream of escaping the winter via my little 13′ precious trailer. You know, that could be my goal. Thanks for assisting in keeping that dream alive. I really am a lucky and blessed person to live where I live (most months of the year…HAHA)

        • Sidewinder Pen says:

          It’s hard to beat the ease of boondocking in the SW in winter (AZ, CA etc.). You can find places to “set awhile” or keep a move on with always more to explore. All the while getting a break from winter (I grew up in northern MN, so I know how it is). Another potential side bonus is that it can be a very economical way to go. Many MANY free campsites, easy places to get water, propane, dump, etc. And it’s generally pretty easy to live at least partially outdoors, so a small rig is fine. It’s generally sunny and warmish, and there’s not much rain.

          Also, while one can always find some privacy to be alone, it’s also an easy place to meet up with like-minded folks (after all, there are not that many places to comfortably camp in winter, and southern AZ is one of them).

          I’m not sure where you are in MT, but I broke down in Missoula a few years ago and it ended up being a wonderful sojourn. Beautiful country, and great people who provided me with a fantastic camp spot (and easy to like kids) while they worked on my trailer. A great memory.

    • Applegirl NY says:

      That’s similar to how we feel, Diann. We have a wonderful home in a peaceful place now, where we raised our boys and run our businesses, and a small place in the mountains. We will eventually sell our family home and live in the mountains most of the year, because it is so peaceful there, and travel the south and southwest in the winters in our little Casita. Right now we are very happy to get to the mountains as much as possible and get away for a month to warmer weather.

      Life is good.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Diann,

      I clearly remember your comments of a few years ago. I remember the anguish I felt on your behalf when I read how much you wanted to hit the road and weren’t able to do so. Reading now that you are aware of what you have and that you appreciate it, that you know you can be happy, well, that makes me happy, too. I love that you realize “I really have heaven right here in my backyard.”

      There is no one way (or manner of living) to experience happiness. Thank you for sharing how you’ve evolved over the past few years and arrived at a place of contentment. And if “the weather becomes too cold” there are ways to deal with that. God bless you, Diann.

  23. Barbara (Nashville) says:

    Another peaceful and pretty site. Sure hope it stays that way for the weekend. The furbabies look so happy. It is amazing how pets take things in.
    I think Angel realizes that she is here to stay. I still find it amazing that 3 other people/families took her and brought her back, not counting the original folks that gave her up. I love her. While she is not “perfect” she is a good dog, minds well and obeys the commands given her. She does get a little stubborn when she is distracted, but I just tap her head and firmly tell her to “come.” She doesn’t bother anything, nor does she mess in the house. What more could a person want?

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Angel is the perfect dog for you and your husband, Barbara! The other families did not work out because she was meant to be with you! I believe that everything happens for a reason…even if we do not understand why at the time. 🙂

      • BadgerRickInWis says:

        So true. When the best dog I’ve ever owned came to me I was his 13th living arrangement in his 16 months of life. But the wheel of fate kept turning for him until we found each other.

    • Applegirl NY says:

      Same here, while we absolutely love our two springers – they are awesome – our best dog ever was a rescue. Everyone loved him. A gentle and loving friend.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I agree…. Barbara is the right person for Angel . . . . and Angel is the right dog for Barbara!

  24. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Hi, Sue,

    Isn’t it wonderful that a few special things make a home? Every time I see a picture of the BLT with the welcome mat out, it makes me smile! It makes the outside look as cozy as the inside. If you are in a site that has dappled shade for a reading room – bonus! This site has a lot going for it. Lots of places for you and the Crew to explore, and close enough to town for a grocery, laundry, or gas run. Perfect!

    Do you still have the “Miller Party” sign that you had made a while back? Maybe posting it at the entrance to the site, trying to block the entrance might help deter potential Climgers.

    Bridget and Reggie seem to be very happy with this site, too. Their comforting routine of inspecting the site, making sure that everything is in its place is too cute!

    Sending you wishes for a mother clear night sky so you can do more star gazing from your bed – awesome! Love and hugs to you and the Crew from me and Gracie pup! 🙂

    P.S. – I really am enjoying that all the blogorinos are noting where they are located! It is cool to see just how far and wide your blogorinos are sprinkled across this great earth! 🙂

  25. Linda Hughes North Carolina says:

    Hi RV Sue!

    You have found another beautiful site! I love the view and the shade from the trees at your new site. When you first started boondocking what did you use to find good sites with decent access? Reggie and Bridget look like the happiest babies I have ever seen! Bridget walking down the road, she looks like she is doing good……exercise is so good for her. We are doing our planning now and trying to get things going to be on the road asap, thanks to you for all the help you give to all of us who are wanting to live the full time dream. We hope to move fast with our plans, it’s in God’s hands, have a wonderful, blessed week/weekend.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thank you, Linda. I hope your week is wonderful, too. I also hope your plans move forward as you wish, if they are what’s best for you, of course.

      What did I use to find good boondocking spots when I first started out? I’m trying to recall…

      First I took the suggestions of fellow boondockers I met. After that I did a combination of things. I used maps, of course. I stopped at BLM or forest service offices and asked questions and picked up district maps. I drove around and looked. Mostly I started on gumption.

      I remember one of my early boondocks, high up on a mountain east of Beaver, Utah. I drove up that mountain, looked at the campgrounds along the way and wasn’t satisfied, kept going even though the road was scary and I didn’t know what I’d find, until I reached Upper Kents Lake, actually a reservoir, pristine, lovely, quiet… only a couple of campers there and only temporarily. The rangers found me after a day or two and told me how part of the road fell off the mountain!! Fortunately not the section I needed to return to Beaver.

      You’re right about the crew being happy. I thought of that yesterday as I watched them… Bridget was wandering around and Reggie was chewing on a toy… outside …. the weather was balmy…

      • BadgerRickInWis says:

        I remember Upper Kent Lake. And the only reason you found it was because you went out of your way to help a couple of strangers that had truck problems. Love Karma.

      • Linda Hughes North Carolina says:

        Thanks for the information, I need all the help I can get. I am very burned out with the entire everyday same old home repairs, taxes, insurances, and the list goes on and on. It is so refreshing to have someone out there to learn from and see there is at least one other way to live life ……thanks as always, take care, give the babies a hug for me!

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          You’re welcome, Linda. Yes, that burn out is familiar… I looked at my retirement as sitting in a house falling apart around me with all my retirement income eaten up with taxes, insurance, maintenance, repairs… ugh! When I drove down that driveway the last time I didn’t look back. What a relief to dump that way of life!

          How I live isn’t right for everyone. It’s a perfect fit for us and it’s a pleasure for me to share it with people like you, Linda. Have a good night!

  26. Carlene from Devil's Tower NP says:

    Your site looks like heaven. What a joy to also have internet. With luck you’ll be fine into the weekend.
    I’m not quite ready for the forest service boondock roads you take but I’m truly loving traveling this wonderful country especially after the holiday being over. The quiet and much less crowded camping areas. I’ve found most of Wyoming to be first come first serve for the forest service and if you are away from the yellowstone area. And $6 a night with the gizzer pass. Just too wonderful. And mostly to bed early and not so rowdy.
    Enjoy those star studded nights with the Crew fast asleep.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Carlene,

      I don’ know why… both my attempts to reply disappeared…

      Hooray for the geezer pass! I hope Wyoming’s forest service continues to provide campgrounds that are inexpensive and first come- first serve for those of us who like to wander around without a schedule and who don’t care about a lot of amenities. Same goes for the BLM (Boondocking Lightly Matters!).

      May you keep on “loving traveling this wonderful country.”

  27. Pauline in Mississippi says:

    I really enjoyed this post. You sound so peaceful and you again have found a beautiful spot. Even the cow looking through the aspen has such a bucolic feel to it. Reggie and Bridget look happy in their new home. Love the pictures, especially the dapple lighting through the trees.
    Lots of love ….Big hugs to you,

    • Pauline in Mississippi says:

      I pushed the button too quickly…I want to say…Big hugs to you, Bridget and Reggie.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Lots of love to you, too, Pauline. It really is a special feeling for me every time I see your name on my blog. I hope the family is well… busy, I’m sure, keeping up with the youngest generation. Hi to all!

  28. Sidewinder Pen says:

    I really enjoyed reading this post. It’s always fun to “hear” (and see in the photos) your mental process as you look for, and then choose, a camp. Before I had boondocked at all, I read entirely to learn how (very effective); now that I have been boondocking and finding spots, I still learn from you but I also have the enjoyment of nodding as I read and perhaps find something in common.

    The milky way has been amazing the last couple of nights!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You have come a long way, Pen, since that night you pulled into Sidewinder Road. I’m glad you still find value in my blog.

      Speaking of value…. You add a lot to my blog with your informative comments and replies to blogorinos when I’m offline. I very much appreciate you and what you share. Thank you.

      Hope you’re in a good camp!

      • Sidewinder Pen says:

        Thanks, Sue.

        I still remember pulling into that camp (after dark of course), and feeling so … well, like all the “real” boondockers could probably tell it was my first time. Hoped I wouldn’t wake up and find that daylight revealed some completely ridiculous choice. But, all was well, and I got a great official welcome, too.

        Today I’m enjoying a windy patch of Wyoming prairie out my door. 7500′ so not too hot. Life is a lot more luxurious with the two solar panels I have now (during the day and I can up the display light on my computer vs. squinting at it on lowest setting). Yep, it’s the little things 🙂

        Thanks for your note,

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Wyoming prairie… That does sound good. I’m delighted about your two solar panels. Yes, the little things are a big deal when you live simply and directly. I get a thrill over finding a dumpster I can use.

          You were meant to do this, Pen. It suits you so well.

  29. Jan Johnson says:

    Oh I love the last photo of your boondock and the dogs on the road! What a gorgeous peaceful place. I think my chronic high blood pressure would go down if I could live like that!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Jan,

      Peaceful days certainly can’t hurt! 🙂 Living on the road has improved my health. No more bronchitis… Yay!

      Thanks for mentioning the photo … We do love coming home.

  30. Some gorgeous camping in Utah. Loving your choices.
    If you want an internet site that will show you what’s coming up in regards to the stars and planets go to earthsky.org. Great site for learning and viewing our beautiful heavens. This morning (the 9th) Venus was hung just below the crescent moon and it was spectacular. She will be in the morning sky tomorrow, too, visible just before dawn. I’m going to make a bit of astronomy a regular part of my blog, so I was happy to see you mention gazing at the sky.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Shawna,

      Thanks a lot! I will look at that site when my internet is steadier. I don’t know what it is — I’m getting 3G with 3 bars — yet I’m having trouble posting comments.

      Anyway…. earthsky.org is easy to remember. I’ll appreciate help with learning and viewing the nighttime sky.

      Best of luck with your blog!

  31. Norman in San Diego says:

    Hi Sue,

    I am so impressed with all the wonderful camping sites you find. I have just a little over two years until Social Security and then I hope I can live this life style. Looking forward to living on less in a small travel trailer. Sure can’t stop working and retire in San Diego even though it is Paradise. Well Paradise at a very high price with lots of traffic.

    Hope all is going well and enjoying all the wonderful campsite pictures.


    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Norman,

      Two years to go…. “and then I hope I can live this life style.” I’m going to revise that — “and then I WILL live this life style!”

      If I can live on less in a small travel trailer, so can you. . . and let’s not forget the second part — “enjoying life more!”

      I look forward to the day when you pop in here with a report on your latest camp. 🙂

  32. Kate in Iowa says:

    It’s so great to hear what makes a good boondock. In the little spare time I have these days, I love to look up places and imagine my own RV there someday. Just recently I got to fulfill a longtime wish to camp out off Hole In The Rock road near Coyote Gulch in Utah and hike out to the gulch. Such a great trip… Planning on many more.

    Keep the great reports and photos coming!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      That does sound like a great trip, Kate. How wonderful that you were able to go there and hike after wishing for a long time.

      May you have many more memorable trips!

  33. Sheryl in Colorado says:

    Hi Sue
    I’m learning a lot from you and drive through Salina to Calif on the 50. I’ll want to get off pavement in the future so thank you for sharing such nice camp spots. I did not pick up on your reasoning for moving from your nice boondock to Gooseberry Campground for the holiday weekend. Campgrounds are usually packed for the holidays. Educate me please.

    • Sidewinder Pen says:

      I’m not Sue, but since I’m here now…. I believe the boondock, which had been quiet and beautiful with wildflowers, was somewhat spoiled by the moving in of large groups of OHV’s, which then subsequently mowed down the flowers, made noise, etc. Better to remember the camp as the wonderful place it was when she arrived and first camped there.

      This was mentioned in the comments. Reason I remember it is I made a suggestion for how to possibly extend the black tank time-before-dump, and then when Sue responded she said that actually, that wasn’t the only reason for potentially moving (then described the rest of it).

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Sheryl,

      Pen did a great job explaining why I left Badger Mountain. Only one thing to add to her explanation… Why I chose a campground for the holiday weekend rather than a boondock.

      Gooseberry Campground has a sign at the entrance telling ATVers to drive to and from their sites only. When boondocking on a holiday weekend in a busy OHV/ATV area, you have people roaring back and forth, over and over, past your campsite. I’ve even had them drive in circles AROUND my campsite (although I think they did that because of my blog).

      In the future I’ll try to find a forest or desert campground for holiday weekends that doesn’t allow off-road vehicles at all. That’s hard to do in this part of Utah.

  34. Mike Leonard says:

    What a beautiful site! And I love your descriptions. We hope to have our place sold and be on our way South soon.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Mike,

      Great to see you here again! Thanks for the upbeat message. I wish you a speedy sale of your property and a safe, enjoyable trip southward.

  35. Applegirl NY says:

    Sue, as we travel the roads with you, we are so relieved when you can get back to a peaceful camp and enjoy the life you set out to live. It is a testament to your writing, that we all feel what you feel. You’re the pied piper of the blogosphere.

    Love the cow in the trees.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Applegirl,

      How amazing! Folks all over… you in NY, for example…. share what I feel. It’s difficult to wrap my mind around that!

      “the pied piper of the blogosphere”…. That’s quite a compliment! Thank you.

      Where else can you see a cow in the trees? Ha!

  36. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Good morning, Sue,

    Hope you had a peaceful night of stargazing! Have a great day!

    Hugs to you and the Crew from me and Graxie pup! 🙂

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Hmmm…not sure why that posted twice. I thought I caught it to correct my typo before it posted. I actually received a message from WordPress (?), “You are posting comments too quickly. Slow down.” That gave me a chuckle!! 🙂

  37. Cinandjules (ny) says:

    The BLT looks so quaint! Home sweet home….wherever she is parked!

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Hi, Cindandjules,

      Did you see how Escape has their production schedule filled for 2016?! Amazing. For folks ready to pull the trigger, a 2017 delivery date will provide time to save for the trailer or TV. With the exchange rate being so good right now, it would be better to pay in full ASAP to get the biggest bang for the buck!

      Have a great day! 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Cinandjules,

      Yes, the BLT is quaint and she’s home sweet home… even if she isn’t an ESCAPE!

      • Cinandjules (NY) says:

        She’s your escape. That’s all that matters.

        • Cinandjules (NY) says:

          I must admit the escape’s floor plan has totally caught my attention. Our “escape” most likely won’t materialize while we are living on the East coast. (Uh oh!)

          It doesn’t make sense to go camping when we live in the woods. Then there is winterizing it…making sure these 130 ft pine tree widow makers don’t crush it and the rust factor on the PTV. Eh….we will wait.

  38. Jodee Gravel on the road in Spokane, WA says:

    Looks just perfect 🙂 I had to laugh at Bridget lounging off the rug. Tessa does the same thing. We set out the rug and she lies down on the dirt/grass/pine needles/weeds and is a mess! At least Bridget has her shorter coat so doesn’t pick up so much. They’re just such outdoors girls I guess – don’t need no stinkin’ rug! The aspens make the most dramatic backdrop for your home.

  39. This was a really good post. Your happiness in finding a good boondock was beautifully conveyed in your writing. I appreciate the fact that you show us the good and the bad of the lifestyle. Love the photo of Reggie on the run; that dog is so cute it hurts me.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      “That dog is so cute it hurts me”…. What a funny line! I laugh every time I read it.

      And what a nice compliment on my writing. Thank you, Allison, for that and for the feedback on what I choose to include on my blog.

      Have a happy day in Issaquah!

  40. Libby N. in WV/PA says:

    Awesome site. I hope you can enjoy it a few days without any clingers. I love the cow pic.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thank you, Libby in WV/PA….. I like how you include location.

      I hope we’re clinger-free, too. With all the RVers that found places to camp over Labor Day Weekend, there should be plenty of campsites for the weekend after…

      Hope all is well with you and yours!

  41. weather says:

    Did you just use Ed’s suggestion rather than download something?Some sites attach things that cause slow computer reactions.Perhaps checking the plugins because things were moved inside and outside yesterday would help your replying be easier?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I haven’t downloaded cursors. I haven’t even followed Ed’s instructions yet. That’s because there’s no hurry to replace this cursor since I won’t be going outside with the computer until I can rely on the connection. I think maybe my JetPack’s battery is the cause. When replying to comments this morning, the connection would read 3G and 3 bars but the computer would read that the connection was “limited.” Between replies to comments, I removed the battery, waited 10 seconds, tried again and it would be fine.

      • Mick'nTN says:

        The mouse cursor I use switches from black to white depending on the background. It is a Windows 7 option and required no downloads. Right click on the desktop, then Personalize, Change Mouse pointers.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          I won’t download anything. I’ll use what Windows 8 offers, like you did with Windows 7.

          A FEW MINUTES LATER…. I now have a larger cursor and it’s black. Thanks, Ed and Mick. I should have changed it long ago. Much easier to find!

  42. Linda a. says:

    Hummm, it was a soothing, peaceful post . I could just envision myself there in
    your new camp site. I just came home from running errands, in an out of the car
    in 105 degree heat. Picked up my I Pad, sat in my favorite chair and WALLA
    I’m lovin this post…….thanks Sue and gang ! ?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome, Linda a. It’s fun imagining you running your errands and then settling in for some RVSue and her canine crew! 🙂

      I’m curious.. . You show no location. Where is it 105 degrees?

  43. Pamelab in Houston says:

    Hello, Sue –
    Your photos and text are great. I also like how you give the pups and cow dialog :0)
    I am working on January of 2012 on your blog. Enjoyed the UFO story. I hope to get out there in about a year or so. With grown kids and grands in my area, I will be camping here often, but then taking trips around the country and seeing friends and family, as well.
    When I looked at the places I have been in the U.S., I realized that the NW is not on my list. I hope to change that.
    Getting all my ducks in a row. I like the 17′ Liberty, too. The idea of the fiberglass molded trailer is very appealing – lightweight, and potential for fewer leaks from the outside.
    I know you will enjoy this new site. Like all your blue touches. What a beautiful part of the country. Thank you for your great blog.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome, Pamelab in Houston. Thank you for a great comment and compliments.

      Okay, got that feedback on talking dogs and talking cows… 🙂 You like fiberglass trailers for the same reason I was attracted to them. Good luck lining up those ducks!

  44. Carlene south of Mt Rushmore says:

    Well I’ve seen the 2 places I wanted. However I refused to pay $11 to park my RV and visit the Rushmore park. How sad. But it truly is a glorious carved mountain.
    Now will head south along the east side of the Rockies heading for New Mexico.

    Sue and crew thanks so much for a wonderful online family. Seeing you pooches and the joy they give you and all of the blogerinos. Enjoy the quiet!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Rushmore was $10 a few years ago when we were there. I didn’t pay either. Kept on driving and saw the carved mountain very clearly at a parking area.

      You have a great trip going on…. Thanks for telling us about it. I appreciate your kind words about my blog and the blogorinos!

  45. Pamela K. says:

    Hi Sue!
    Love the new headline photo. Nice crop of the lower one and fits great as a showpiece for your blog 🙂 Your current site is a dandy one!!! It has that *cozy* factor without being closed in, my kind of site. Well, after our non-holiday weekend (pouting still) I got my groove on and got to cooking! I love to cook and it always puts me right again 🙂 Homemade spaghetti sauce, fresh italian bread smothered in garlic butter and I even pan toasted it! Pan toasting the bread gives it that blackened look and taste that a toaster or oven just can’t give it without burning it… And then some white grapes for dessert tops it off to a *T*. Klemper is in *heaven* every time I cook-large, lol. I tell you, that man can do some serious eatin’! And he never gains an ounce…so not fair!!! Other than that little shortcoming, he is darn-near-perfect. 🙂 I’ll take that along with all the Fall flowers and football season…life IS good again 🙂
    I waive across the camper at him now, and smile. There he is cleaning the cat boxes, poor dear. He is such a good man. 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      What a cheerful message, Pamela! I can almost smell the garlic butter…. yum!

      Yes, I’d say that any man who will clean the cat boxes is a good catch… Enjoy your evening!

  46. Stan Watkins says:

    May I suggest Skyeye app for your phone. Just point it up at the constellations , planets or stars above or even below you(works with gps so it even tells you what is over the horizon or the other side of the planet). Simple and cheap.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Stan,

      Another amazing app! Thanks. I quickly did a search to read about it, haven’t found the price yet, will keep looking!

  47. Linda a. says:

    Hi Sue, in answer to your question, we live in central California. Summers are usually dry and warm.
    Few days of triple digits then down to middle low 90’s ….. Then maybe 80’s.
    Dry and warm, not so pretty. Lol. Lots of beautiful almond, peach and grape
    orchards. There are some good trade offs. Several hours to the coast or mountains.
    You being in cooler, scenic locations is just sweet to enjoy with you.
    Thanks again!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks, Linda a….. One of these years we’re going to see central California. The orchards must be a pretty sight in spring. 🙂

  48. Dawn in Mi says:

    This site is so relaxing! It just made me sigh at the end. A happy sigh. We’re traveling too…but not in a RV….just a road trip which is the next best thing I guess. Since I retired every day is a good day!

  49. weather says:

    Days with high temps most here love had been here for days.Today begins a few that will be close to the same. Just one day,yesterday ,the middle one was cooler and had a subtle rich beauty one sees only during the in betweens in life.A softly golden sunset had turned the lake into a mirror reflecting that hue on all that was seen.Breathtaking,it lasted a long time.

    Recently I mentioned being held from a level of feeling that is ordinarily the norm for me.I am in the middle ground I mentioned above.The hue of that does touch all of my world and casts a light that the troupe and I needed to see and feel.Where each one here could be seen clearly without the view blocked by those that are gone.

    The dog beside me was born in this house,lived with her parents for as long as they remained on this good earth.This is her time to shine,to be the star,to get the attention all to herself none in a larger group often get.My God it’s wonderful to be with her like this!We went ,just us,somewhere we’d never been and everyone there gave her,only,compliments,a loving touch or treats.Now when we walk we choose our favorite directions,what we want to investigate,where we want to sit and how closely we do that,later how we share the bed.

    She was not a rescue,has never had the trauma those do and it shows that she’s had a life of being only loved and secure.She is far and away the sweetest dog I’ve ever met.I always wanted to have just what she and I do now yet that just wasn’t possible without neglecting other loved ones.I tell you this,Sue,as balance to not leave sadness on your blog or on your heart concerning me. As always Light wins,even while the pull we mentioned yesterday is present this is a golden part of the path precious and wonderful in it’s very own way.I hope your day is the same.Mine will be spent away from home until late afternoon.”See ya later”,have fun,I’m going to 🙂

  50. Lisa and Tommie in SoFL says:

    Hi Sue and all my friends,
    I read your post about that first rocky, rutted road and thought you would camp there for sure due to the difficult to get to factor in your campsites. The one you chose later is even more beautiful, how do you do it time after time? In the first photo Reggie looks like he is practicing his Superdog skills, and getting ready for take off. “Up up and away! Lookout you lurker cows!!” It is Friday, time to deploy your Allen Family reunion signs to discourage clinger confrontation. You could post one further down the road, out of site from camp, and one at your big campsite. Even add a little personal touch, maybe ‘welcome great grandma Allen’ with an arrow to indicate the turn. If nosy clingers stop to inquire, you could say plans changed suddenly due to illness. Haha, could preserve your peace and quiet at a big site like that.

    I have been busy preparing my truck for our long treck north. I have built a comfortable sleeping platform that allows plenty of storage. I have bins that fit underneath for everything I am taking to camp along the way. I have added lights, curtains and am finishing a screen over the gate for no bug secure sleeping. I even have room to take my paints and brushes to capture fall foliage. Best of all, I am taking my old cat along! The cooler temps will suit us all well, and I think he will travel well after a couple short “test rides” this week. His desperate death yowls stop once he is out of his carrier and on my lap. So happy trails all, we point our noses north early Sunday morning, yipeeeee!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Wow, Lisa and Tommie! What a fun comment to read… I am so very happy for you!

      The first paragraph gave me some laughs. The second paragraph… I love all the details you shared with us! You’ve been having a great ole time fixing up your home on wheels, making it just right for you both. Your anticipation for the road ahead leaps off my laptop!

      Thank you for a very enjoyable read. Best wishes for successful test rides with your feline crew this week. Launch on Sunday — how exciting for you! I hope you will let us know how it goes…

  51. Lisa and Tommie in SoFL says:

    Of course I will share all of it, as long as I have a cell signal, lol. I wish I could send you pictures of my little fiberglass rv. This trip is to retrieve it and enjoy a meandering drive south. It will be a first for me and my furrmates. …big smiles, tail wags and purrs.

    • Sidewinder Pen says:

      Sounds fantastic. We’ll be watching for your updates (when the mood strikes you and the Internet cooperates).

      I wish we could see your rig too! I hope you have a fantastic trip to go fetch it.

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