Whoa! A chill in the air of southern Arizona!

Tuesday, November 13, at home in Arizona

I check the birdbath this morning and find the water frozen solid.  Low temperatures in southeastern Arizona are dropping to freezing this week.

This little guy (below) is feeling under the weather.  He hunches in the seed for about an hour, eating and resting.

Later I see him on the ground warming himself in the sun.  He can fly but he’s obviously weak.

I go to Tractor Supply.

While wandering through the bird supply aisle, I notice a suet holder that holds two blocks of suet.

Hmm . . . This might help them get through the cold . . . 

$5.99 for the suet basket and 99-cents each for the suet blocks.  My birds are worth it!

A couple days ago at the thrift store I pick up the feeder in the photo below.  I wasn’t shopping for another feeder, but there it was and, well, you know . . . .

I’m taken in by its old, rustic (and rusty) charm, plus it holds a lot of seeds.  I’m also charmed by the price tag of four dollars.   Already it’s a popular hang-out with the beak-and-feathers set.

~ ~ ~

As many of you know . . .

The crew and I are off the road and living in our recently purchased (aka mortgaged) house.  In order to live free of encumbrances when full-timing in the Best Little Trailer, it was imperative that I rid myself of most of my possessions.

In other words, now I find myself with an entire house to furnish.  Hence the frequent hunt for bargains!

Like this dorky duck lamp.

I fall in love with it.  It is one of my pricier bargains at a whopping ten dollars.

Okay, I know it’s corny and scuffed and definitely “dated.”  These duck lamps were popular fifty-plus years ago.  I don’t care about that.  When I “turn on the duck” I see mallards at Pahranagat in Nevada and loons and merganzers at Antelope Flats, Wyoming.

Ducks from around the West glide silently through my memories . . . . plus I have light!  I need a lamp!

More thrift store bargains . . .

I find these two clocks at different thrift shops.  The one on the left was a dollar and the one on the right was three, if I remember correctly.





Will they keep good time?

I take them home even though I have no idea whether they will work.

I clean them up, replace their batteries, and tighten their clock arms. Success!  Both keep good time and make a pleasant “tick-tock.”

The best bargain to date!

Good dining room chairs, made out of wood, are expensive.  I discover online that sixty dollars is very cheap for a good chair.  Most are way more than that!

Oh, well . . . .

I pull into the thrift store parking lot and spy two chairs sitting out front.   I leap from the PTV and sprint over to lift the price tag.

Ooh . . . only five dollars each!

And, lo and behold, it’s half-price day!

The chairs are a bit beat-up and the fabric on the seats is a depressing brown (that can be changed easily) but what the heck!  They’re $2.50 each!

I think those two chairs are the fastest purchase I’ve made in my entire life.  My feet don’t touch the floor on the way to pay!

In a future post, after I rehabilitate the chairs, I’ll show you before and after photos.

That’s all for now.

Hope you are well and happy . . .  or will be soon!



To view products recently ordered by readers or to browse and place your own order, follow these links to Amazon:

Twin Mattress Set
Nikon 8×42 Binocular
Healthy Skin Dry Dog Food
Women’s Casual T Shirt Dress
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Scooby-Doo! Season One Part One (DVD)

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80 Responses to Whoa! A chill in the air of southern Arizona!

  1. Annette says:

    First! Going thru email and notice of post popped up!

  2. Diann in MT says:

    Sue, I love the retro duck lamp. I can remember friends of my parents who furnished their living rooms with that sort of lamp. Actually, “dens” would an appropriate description. Do you remember “dens”?
    You knew how to rehab those clocks. Fantastic!
    Last, but not at all least, your little pine siskins thank you for your offerings in the bird feeder. I have pine siskins here who just gorge themselves on the food out there. I love it. The little siskin who buried himself in the seed is so precious.
    Keep on, keeping on, Intrepid Thrift Store Shopper, while I surf Amazon through your links.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Diann!

      Yeah, I remember “dens.” I guess that’s what I’ll call the little room with no closet that has a duck lamp. 🙂

      Pine siskin? I’ve been calling my birds finches and sparrows! Well, I know we have English sparrows here, but I didn’t know pine siskins.

      Thanks for being an RVSue shopper, Diane! Hope you find what you want.

      • Diann in MT says:

        My mistake. That’s a female pine siskin warming herself among the seeds.

        • ReneeG from Idaho says:

          Diann, it could very well be a sparrow. The tail is too thick and long for a pine siskin. I believe they are smaller too. We live in southern Idaho and never see siskins here, and I don’t believe I’ve ever seen one in all the times we’ve camped at high altitude. We’ve seen chipping sparrows in the pines, but not the siskins. Siskins also have more distinct striping. I could be wrong.

  3. Barbara Klar says:

    You never hear from me. I’m a silent follower. Originally I started following you after I purchased my dodge 96 vin travel van. You were so inspiring and I was absorbed by all of your photographs and travel and expertise with tips and stories. I’m 65, single, And always had a dream of traveling the way you did. But I’m also an artist and have to work until I fall off my workbench so I have to tell you that I am thoroughly enjoying your experiences with your new home. So much so, that I’ve begun the process of applying for a mortgage. Thank you for keeping on keeping on, I love your stories and your doggies, B

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Barbara!

      What a treat to hear from you! You are now a blogorino. 🙂

      I love hearing reader stories. Thank you for sharing yours. You may have been inspired by my photos and travels and, now, here you are, inspiring others with your plans. I wish you much success and happiness.

      May your mortgage application go smoothly and the home your find be perfect for you!

      Thanks, Barbara, for the kind words about my blog. I hope we hear from you again.

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Welcome, Barbara! 🙂

  4. Columbus Calvin says:

    I’m a cheapskate and on an extremely low budget to boot, but anybody needs some things. I know that the right item at the right price is the best way to be cheap. That duck lamp is a good find. It’s pretty, gives a nice light, and brings back good memories. (I rarely know or care whether something is “an outdated look” or not.) The chairs sound like another “exactly right” purchase. So far, so great.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Calvin!

      I’d rather be a cheapskate than a spendthrift.

      (Spendthrift is a weird word. I found it’s definition: “One who spends money recklessly or wastefully.”)

      Not our style, right, Calvin? I appreciate you confirming that my thrift store purchases were good ones. 🙂

  5. Judy in S.C. says:

    So excited to see another new blog that I don’t even know what to say! Just loved hearing about and seeing your bargains. You’re making me have thrift store withdrawals; may have to go shopping again. It is cold and raining here in S C. 4″ and more to come. Our daughter in love’s nephew is deployed (Army) to the Texas/Mexico border; camped in an irrigation field. So hot, humid and mosquito infested. He asked for high spf sunscreen and deet type bug spray. Got up a care package for he and his buddies. Now, it’s cold there. 🙄 Guess I COULD think of something to say! Pray for our troops, everywhere.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Judy!

      Some of my favorite comments by blogorinos are the ones that ramble on about themselves and what’s going on in their lives at the moments. Thank you for a glimpse into your day, complete with weather report. 🙂

      I hadn’t thought about humidity and mosquitoes at the border since I more familiar with the AZ-Mex border where it’s usually too dry for the skeeters. But the soldier you mention is next to the river, probably lots of reeds and other plants mosquitoes love. Well, the cooler weather tamped them down, but, being mosquitoes, they’ll be BAAAACK.

      I appreciate the reminder to pray for our troops. 🙂

  6. Mary in CO says:

    Now that’s the kind of thrift store finds I was thinking about. These days, since we have our home and really need to be getting rid of “stuff”, I try not to acquire anything. I have found a few camping items in Baja flea markets, probably brought down by the sellers from the USA garage sales.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Mary!

      You remind me of having to resist bargains when living in the Best Little Trailer. Maybe that’s why I’m having so much fun with my thrift store shopping these days.

      Camping items are rare in the thrift stores I know. Good finds!

      Is it snowing in Colorado?

      • Mary in CO says:

        Snow depends on where you are in Colorado. After 2 winters of drought, we are ready. The nice thing is after the snow the sun comes out and it is glorious. No dark, dreary Midwest days here!

  7. Gina says:

    I found your blog a while back and was enjoying your travels. It’s also nice to find another kindred “thrifty” spirit! I’m 68, alone now…..well I have 2 cats, but have traveled all over the country with travel trailer. Reading about your travels makes me think I might do some more. Love your dogs. 🙂 If I go to Amazon through your links and buy something else do you get the credit??

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Gina! I’m very glad you found my blog. Welcome, kindred traveler and thrifter! 🙂

      To answer your question… yes, all you have to do is go to Amazon using one of the links. A code is embedded in those links that was assigned to my blog.

      Thanks for asking! I hope we hear from you again, Gina.

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Welcome, Gina! 🙂

  8. Alice says:

    Saw this and not sure if would apply to your area but just in case. I know you love those babies like I love mine. Your killing it at the thrift stores !! The lamp would be considered a collectible at some markets in this area. Very cool.

    Veterinarian warns of valley fever risk in Southwest
    Dog owners in dusty areas of the Southwest should be on the lookout for coughing, limping and possibly weight loss in their pets, which are symptoms of valley fever caused by soil-dwelling coccidioides fungi. Researchers at the University of Arizona’s School of Animal and Comparative Biomedical Sciences are working on a coccidioidomycosis vaccine, but until they have one, treatment at the first sign of illness is the most effective and least expensive option, says veterinarian Travis Wodiske.
    East Valley Tribune (Mesa, Ariz.) (11/7)

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi Alice!

      I appreciate you reminding us about Valley Fever and including the information about symptoms and treatment. Yes, it is possible for humans and dogs to get the fever in this part of Arizona. I haven’t heard if cats are susceptible also.

      Not much dust here at this time of year, due to rain from monsoon season and grass is holding down the dust. However, I remember when we camped near Blythe, CA, every winter we would experience dust storms. I suppose they’ll come here, too.

      Good to see you here, Alice!

  9. Janet Parker Doublier says:

    It’s always best to buy thrift and those items you like. No need to please others or get bogged down in “fashion”. There are two places online where people are buying I recommend. Nextdoor.com and FB marketplace. Good bargains and sometimes free – yes, even good stuff. One can also post a request for something you need on Nextdoor and people might have it just sitting around.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Janet!

      That’s my “rule of thumb” — buying items I like with no thought of pleasing anyone else or following the latest decorating tips.

      I didn’t know about those two places online. Thanks for sharing that with us. I’ll take a look!

  10. Mary Kellogg says:

    Sue, you MUST check out http://www.shopgoodwill.com I’ve found many good bargains there. Fun and entertaining just browsing, too.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Ooooh, Mary! I’m going there right now!!!

      LATER>>> I took a quick look, did a search for home items, and didn’t find anything. I’ll check back periodically. Thanks for the link!

  11. Elizabeth says:

    WOWEE…you did hit some bargains, Sue…I think they are all quite cute…who cares what style is in vogue at the moment…good memory helps of good times past are always good in my view!! And of course, what a cute photo of the boys at the end…love their ears!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Elizabeth!

      You’re right about things that help the memory. 🙂 I find myself drawn to certain items as I seek to furnish the house, not just with the necessary pieces of furniture and such, but also with what is known as “decor.” As you’ll see in upcoming posts, I’ve collected a few things that make the house feel like my home, unique to me and brimming with my own, good memories.

      I hope your November days hold good memories, too.

      You mention Reggie’s and Roger’s ears! That photo is all about their ears. They were sleepy at the time, giving me the stare across the room because I was paying attention to the laptop and not them. They like it when I sit on the loveseat with them in the evening.

      Always good to hear from you, Elizabeth.. . . .

      • Elizabeth says:

        Thanks for the good wishes, Sue…my NC daughter comes in a couple days for the holidays…we rented a big house about an hour away on the Sound, so we can all be in one place and hopefully with beauty to see too…and Nov. 1 was a day we so feared…but we got what we are told was the best judge who seemed to see right through the lies on the other side…and the other side walked away with LESS than they had to start with…now have more hoops to jump through. So our babies are protected for yet a few more months. So we are grateful for NOW!!
        I keep LOOKING for a different place to live (I know it seems kind of silly maybe but I am hoping for a small cottage to come available in a low price we can afford on a street named after some distant kin who were some of the first to come to this area, and it is also my beloved Grandma’s maiden name…I just think it would be so lovely to have an address there!!)…cause I so long to have a dog again…BUT the next best thing is seeing other peoples angels with fur on…so thanks for that! I hope you have some happy days this month too. There seem to be a lot of times in life we have to seriously work at finding small ways even to be happy…but we just as well eh? Don’t forget to get at the least some yummy foods you enjoy!! Hugs and blessings, Elizabeth

  12. weather says:

    God bless you for taking care of the sweet little creatures around your home, Sue. They really have no way of preparing for such cold temperatures. Providing for them is a small expense compared to the joy of knowing they’re alright and having them nearby, isn’t it?

    Two nights ago I watched a beautiful snowfall in the lamplight through my window. The next morning I walked along the shoreline thinking of how few birds I saw. Then I heard the unmistakable voices of trumpeter swans. I looked in that direction and watched about a hundred of them gracefully float by. Suddenly I was filled with joy, wonder and gratitude. Every season, on the calendar or in a life, has so much to appreciate.

    Your lamp isn’t dorky, it’s precious! Having things that remind us of whatsoever we find lovely is what makes a place feel homey. As I type I’m looking at a painting of kids playing in a field…I see childhoods- mine, my family’s, my son’s… I got it at an antique auction. It’s old and was unevenly pasted(with ripples in the thin canvas) onto an ancient battered board. The other things sold there were in great condition and quite expensive. When they held up my painting no one else paid attention to it, instead they took that chance to converse with each other. I bid $10, with no other offers the auctioneer let me have it for that price. I would have paid whatever it took to bring it home.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Oh, the trumpeter swans! What a lovely moment you describe, weather, and what a precious gift. 🙂

      I love your painting “story.” To want something that no one else cares about, to see the value in what others turn up their noses at, to treasure the imperfect that brings you perfect joy…. That’s wonderful!

      You bless me with your messages. I hope you have a pleasant evening and a bright and happy day tomorrow.

  13. Cynthia in San Clemente says:

    I love the duck lamp and the (metal?) bird feeder with the two faux birds perched on the edge – I’m not sure why but I’m attracted to homegoods and yard art that have birds on them. I have a lovely lamp in our living room that has a bird family carved into the base – my DIL says it is “granny looking” but I don’t care! I am a granny! I also have some pretty plates and pillows that have birds on them – makes me happy just looking at them. Your clocks are wonderful – I love the ticking of clocks in the background of a home. We have a total of 9 clocks that chime (so they also tick-tock!) scattered throughout the house, all acquired over the last 40 years. We have a great clock guy who comes out and services them about every 18 months. He closed his retail clock shop because he said the younger generation doesn’t buy wall clocks or grandfather clocks anymore. If I’m watching a movie and miss the dialogue because all of our clocks chime at the same time it can be annoying, but usually I don’t even notice them going off during the day and they never wake me up at night.

    Can’t wait to see the reconditioned chairs – they sound like a fun project. Those two little rascals at the bottom look so cute cuddled up next to each other!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Cynthia!

      I’m pleased you like my duck lamp. That pedestal bird feeder is made of heavy plastic painted “bronze.” It does look like metal in real life, too. I think it’s the prettiest bird feeder I’ve every seen. The birds love it and it accommodates quite a crowd at one time.

      You love clocks, too! Your house must seem like a chapel ringing out to all. You don’t notice the chiming, yet I bet you’d notice if it were gone. 🙂

      You mention items in your home with birds on them. Funny thing…. Without trying at all, many of my recent purchases have one of two things — birds or grapes. I was thinking about that and had to smile when I realized these bird and grape things suit this house. The house is home to many live birds and also a big grape vine is supported by the lattice around the patio.

      I already have found the fabric for the chairs — found at the thrift store! Ha!

  14. ApplegirlNY says:

    That duck lamp brings back memories for me too. I love it! Nothing like a bargain. It shows that you’re really having a good time on the hunt for just the right touches for your home.

    My bargain today was my .39 per pound Thanksgiving turkey. Bought an extra one to have in the freezer. Quite pleased. That 22 lb bird will guarantee that everyone will get to take some home.

    It was freezing here all day in Upstate NY. It felt more like January than mid November, and yes, there was a dusting of snow on the ground this morning. I may never get my garden “put to bed” this fall. Oh well, it doesn’t really matter.

    I echo Judy’s prayer request for our troops, and lets also remember those in harm’s way in California. The pictures and reports coming out of there are stunning. So many still missing. Bless all of those who are out helping. I can tell you – I’m counting my blessings today.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Applegirl!

      Good of you to mention the people suffering in California. A horrible tragedy, unthinkable…they can use our prayers.

      Those of us living in safety and comfort have much for which to give thanks.

      Congratulations on capturing the big bird for Thanksgiving! And you got a spare, too! Whenever I see a comment from you, I can almost smell apple pie coming out of the oven. 🙂

      I think duck lamps were a big part of Adirondack decor at one time. That’s where I first saw them as a child.

      • Elizabeth says:

        Losing Paradise, CA is so unreal…I lived the majority of my life growing up, in Sacramento…and we had friends in Paradise we went to see most every year anyway…such a beautiful spot…just awesome it was…poor people…our friends are long gone now…but my heart goes out to the ones left. Growing up I do not remember hearing about massive fires like seem to happen in CA most every year now…but back then, more work went on maintaining forests too…Yosemite used to be cared for like a gorgeous park…last time I saw it, it was far from the “Garden of Eden” I knew growing up. I wish they would let folks clean out the dead or diseased wood as they used to do, etc. Fire does NOT improve the looks of a place!!

  15. rvsueandcrew says:

    Blogorinos . . .

    I’m going to back off comments and let y’all talk among yourselves (at least I hope you do!).

    Have a good evening and a great day tomorrow,

  16. Millie says:

    Sue / I love that lamp it reminded me of my father, he gsd a collection of Mallard Decoys and I used to play with them as a small child. Thank you for that good memory.

    I live that you love birds and good bargains – me too! I can’t wdit to see shat you do eith those chairs- such s bargain!!

  17. Gloria in Prescott, Az. says:

    I woke up 69 today. Our family was never big on Birthday celebrations so I wasn’t surprised my husband had not remembered but I did get a call from our insurance guy wishing me a happy birthday, Ha! I think hubby was a little jealous LOL. My oldest son called when he got to Minneapolis as he was flying today and my Daughter brought the grand kids and a cake so it ended up being a memorable day. Got to give the grand kids a bunch of clothes I had gotten at Goodwill for them and they were appreciative. Our son that lives downstairs came up and wanted to stick matches in the cake for candles, he’s our joker. Ended up getting candles out of the drawer.
    I also made bread today in a bread maker I got at Goodwill for $1.00. It turned out pretty well although the crust was harder then when I make it by hand. We just don’t eat that much bread any more so thought I would try out this one loaf at a time method.
    Love reading about your bargains. I had hoped you would have been mortgage free from all your Amazon Sales but it doesn’t sound like you were able to swing that. Sounds like you are enjoying all that a stationary home provides. Cheers!

  18. Barbara (Nashville) says:

    Well, life has been good for a few weeks. DH had his procedure and all is is going well for him in that area. Of course his major issues, heart & kidneys are stable for now, thankfully. I had a good checkup at the cardio and dentist this week. DH has one cavity, but with all of his health issues he has difficulties doing some hygiene things.

    Hallelujah, the kitchen remodel is finally finished. I have so much more space, it is hard to figure out where to put things in an organized fashion. I have been used to the jumble for 20 years,it is taking me awhile. I now have all my baking items in one cabinet, canned goods in the new pantry, plus larger items like the crock pot, food processor, blender. All of the pots and pans are in the pot drawers, all the lower shelving has pull-outs, so I no longer have to crawl around the floor searching for things. Best of all, the new appliances came today, so I am all set for the holidays. I am so excited, I am beside myself.

    I am excited about all of your wonderful thrift store finds. I have always love those novelty lamps. My lamps are ancient. I still have lamps my MIL gave us for Christmas 45 years ago. I have a knockoff Tiffany lamp in my gust room that I love. It was on closeout at Penney’s about 20 years ago. It is the newest lamp I own.

    I kept one of the base cabinets that that I am going to refurbish with a different top, add bead board to the sides, paint the front, and move it to my sewing room for a cutting table, since it is the perfect height. I can put my cutting items, rulers etc in the drawers and fabric storage in the bottom.

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Hi, Barbara,

      So happy that you and your husband are doing well and maintaining. 🙂

      Congratulations on finishing the kitchen remodel! The changes you included sound super efficient. A friend of mine has her pots and heavy stoneware dishes in pull out drawers and she loves them. I bet after you find the perfect place for everything, you will have extra, unused space. I know you are over the moon with happiness! Have fun putting your new appliances through their paces! 🙂

      I love your idea to repurpose a base cabinet for a cutting table. The paint, bead board, and top will be a small investment for such a nice finished product. 🙂

      • Barbara (Nashville) says:

        Thanks Denise. So far I do have left over space, still working on getting things in there in an organized fashion and things that didn’t belong in there moved to where they need to be. In 20 years, things started going wherever they would fit at the time.
        My stove had been on back order, but it turned out they ordered electric instead of gas. The installers brought it to the attention of the manager and when he changed it over, they upgraded it and what a surprise, it is awesome. Does everything but cook it for me. It is convection, self-clean, it even slow cooks and dehydrates. Never heard of such a thing in a stove.
        I don’t mean to sound like am bragging, just excited. It has been many years since I have purchased something I wanted and didn’t have to get out of necessity and just settle for something.

        • Denise - Richmond VA says:

          Oh, Barbara, you are not bragging! Your joy of having a smart, functional kitchen is just overflowing. You waited a long time for this upgrade – savor the moment! I am excited and happy for you!!! 🙂

          Kudos to the manager of the store where you ordered your appliances! Wow! Your new stove is a marvel! Enjoy! 🙂

  19. Don in Alaska says:

    Looking forward to a step by step photo journey of an old chair to a new treasure!

    Hope you stay warm!

  20. Rover Ronda says:

    Looks like the boys are loving their new couch.
    I can’t wait to see the refurbished chairs. Some years ago I found 2 sturdy ladder back chairs for half off $5 each. They had worn rattan seats. My dad put wooden seats on for me and I painted them bright blue.

  21. MB Dillard says:

    Hi Sue,

    I know what you mean about not having much to set up housekeeping. Though I am not camping, I am living in a very small space so that I may care for my property and my uncle…..and NOT live in the same house! LOL! I had already gotten rid of so many things in anticipation of traveling so, this is just fine. But if I were to ever move into my house or another one….I would have a lot of shopping to do…..thrift stores for sure.

    And, I understand the duck lamp too. It evokes precious memories. When I made decisions of what things (many of them “family items”) would stay or go, I got rid of some “valuable” things and kept some that were not worth much in most people’s eyes. I kept them for the fond memories that they evoked. And you know what? I can’t really think of one thing that I sold, gave away or threw away that I would want back.

    If I ever have to furnish a multi-roomed home again, it will be fun to choose for myself rather than be boxed in by the previous choices of others.

    My birds, squirrels, chipmunks and deer are back in force at my backyard feeders. They bring me such joy. I have my work space situated so that it looks out at the feeders. That way, when I just have to look away from the computer….they are what I see. Freezing rain here….so as soon as it’s light, I’ll be out there filling the feeders!

    Enjoy your day!
    MB, Wyn and Bella

  22. Eileen says:

    I love to hear about bargains. You’ve got some good ones. There are several good thrift shopping my area, and I’ve enjoyed some prize purchases myself – plus the money the shops receive goes to good causes.

  23. Sharron says:

    Love your thrift store purchases! It is always such a good feeling to find a bargain and bring something back to life.

  24. Nivrapa in AZ says:

    Howdy Everybody!

    Yes, the cold air certainly has descended over southern AZ! On Tuesday morning at 6AM my porch thermometer told me it was 32*. That is the coldest I’ve seen so far. Days this week have been on the cooler side also, with daytime highs in the upper 50’s to low 60’s. No complaints from me. I prefer the colder temps.

    These posts telling us of thrift store finds bring back many memories of my early days in Tucson. I towed my Scamp from PA and could fit a few precious items in it and I had a Jeep pick-up with a cap over the bed so I could pack some things in there for the ‘cross country haul. When I finally moved into a sticks & bricks, I had hardly anything to furnish a home. I think I hit up every thrift store in Tucson to set up housekeeping. I quickly learned to frequent the shops near the high rent districts, aka golf communities and gated subdivisions, to find higher end quality stuff for very little. I had always known my way around a sewing machine, but in the process of making a home again, I learned to upholstery and make my own thermal lined curtains. To this day, my frugal ways dominate my style and as I look about the house I can’t see anything that didn’t come from a thrift store, yard sale, a gonga sale someplace, or is a DIY project. It took many years, but like the saying goes, “slow and steady…”

    Yesterday was my Wednesday in the Woods excursion. This time I headed for Madera Canyon, not far from Green Valley, AZ which is about thirty miles or so south of Tucson and along I-19. There is a secret waterfall in the canyon that is not well known but never fails to delight whenever I visit. From the first parking lot you come to, it’s an easy hike on the Proctor Trail (paved walkway)and then an unmarked spur off that trail that leads to the waterfall. Opportunities for wildlife sightings along the dirt trail are good and the birding is excellent. During the week, one is likely to have this peaceful spot all to themselves and such was the case on my visit. There are plenty of boulders for seating and observing nature at work. Because of the breezy day and negative dew point I did not build my self a small campfire over which to cook my lunch. I just reheated my chili over a backpacking stove and then cooked up apple slices with some brown sugar, butter and cinnamon, all in my 8″ cast iron skillet. Mighty tasty stuff if I do say so myself.

    I lingered for an hour or so after lunch, just enjoying being along the creek and having the sounds of a waterfall relax me. Eventually, I headed back to the parking lot and made my way back through Tucson and arrived home refreshed and recharged. Another great Wednesday in the Woods that helps keep me sane in the chaos of the civilized world. Already thinking about next week’s location and outing.

    Everyone, celebrate this day and remember to say a prayer for those in the paths of the California wildfires.—Audrey

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Hi, Audrey,

      Sounds like you had a wonderful Wednesday in the woods! Reading about your lunch made my mouth water! 🙂

  25. chas anderson says:

    Good deal on the chairs.I pick up yard sale chairs and tables if the are not veneer.I get them cheap like you .As a hobby, I sand them down and refinish them with stain and urethane.Once a year I have a big garage sale and sell them and usually make a couple of hundred bucks profit and take the wife out for a few fancy dinners.

  26. ReneeG from Idaho says:

    Hi Sue, I used to shop garage sales and thrift stores all the time, then we got really good paying jobs and we purchased new. We still have those really good paying jobs, but we are older, new is not important to us, and our nest egg is. Now I enjoy consignment shops and the bargains to be had. Great way to stretch a dollar. I even purchase thrift store clothing for my grandkids and embellish the denim jackets and jeans for them. Kids grow so fast that it’s a shame to buy expensive for them.

    Love your intro with the birds. I too put out suet for them and watch them nibble and see evidence that they’ve been at the feeders. Most of them come during the day while we’re at work, but on the weekend we enjoy the flocks of birds that come in. Mostly sparrows with just a few finches. Great prices on those feeders. They’re expensive here, but then again I haven’t looked at the farm and feed store.

  27. Beth and Rosie dog, Arizona says:

    Ya know what? I like the dorky duck lamp! I like stuff made of wood, and it looked like wood to me. I also like birds and bird feeders! I don’t like bird poop though, so when I had a house I had bird feeders, hummingbird feeders (LOVE them hummingbirds!), and I made sure the feeders were placed where the doo doo stayed away from my viewing area! Currently I’m on the lookout for a bargain priced hummingbird feeder.
    Sue, life is so much more enjoyable when one is close to nature, of course that’s IMHO. 🙂 And, life is better when ya don’t worry what other people think, of course if you’re running around outside naked then you should care a little bit, but otherwise, who cares as long as you’re happy!
    Keep up the good work on your blog. I do miss you traveling, but who cares what I think! Ha ha!! You’re doing great being stationary and writing your blog. I like it!! So, care about that! lol

    Have a wonderful day!!

  28. Dawn in NC says:

    Looks like I’m a little late to the party! I been a bit under the weather lately, so got behind on my RV Sue! I still need to go back to the previous post and read the rest of the comments. I’m glad that your finding good stuff thrifting. You are providing a much needed oasis for the birds. I look forward to seeing how your chair project turns out. As for me, well, I adopted those foster kittens! I took them to an adoption fair last Saturday. It was apparant within the first five minutes that they were mine. I was jealous of other people looking at them! At first I said, “They have to be adopted together!” This is a big turn off for most people. Then, I just said that they had been adopted. So, that’s it for me. They are so full of themselves and so cute at the same time. This weekend I will introduce them to my other cats. We’ll see how that goes. Fingers crossed.

    • Judy J. in S.C. says:

      Somehow, I think we knew this was coming, Dawn. 😉 Good for you! We have 1 kitten and they’re nothing but pure joy… with a whole lot of mischief thrown in. You have such a kind heart! I’m sure all your kitty babies will end up happy together. Feel better!

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      I had a feeling those little ones were tugging at your heartstrings. 🙂 Congratulations, Dawn! I hope you feel better soon!

  29. Susan in the Pacific NW says:

    Sue, I remember that a couple of years ago you purchased some china plates that had bird or animals? on them. Did you keep those? If so I am sure you are enjoying having them in your new home.

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Great minds, Susan! I was thinking the same thing! If memory serves, Sue found the plates at a thrift store. 🙂

      The plates could be mounted on a spring holder to be hung, or set on an easel to be displayed on a tabletop.

  30. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Hi, Sue,

    Congratulations on your super bargains! I love the bird feeders. Is the suet feeder easy to load? I have a few of the metal basket-type that are hard to open & close. At least for me…Sparky the squirrel manages to pry them open easy as pie! That feeder was really reasonably priced, especially since it has a weather guard. Good find!

    Looking forward to seeing your before and after pictures of the chairs! And you found the fabric, too! Whoo-Hoo! It makes my heart smile to know that you are happy and content, having fun feathering your nest, continuing to make it comfy cozy for you and your boys. 🙂

    Have a good evening, Sue! Sending you, Reggie, and Roger lots of love and hugs from me and Gracie pup! The closing photo is so adorable – sleepy-eyed sweeties demanding your undivided attention – now! 🙂 xo

  31. Pamela Campbell says:

    Hi, Sue –
    It sounds like you are really enjoying your new digs. So pleased about that. You are really finding some deals! I had an old friend from Grand Rapids, Michigan, come to Houston for a visit and wanted to go thrifting. I, only having my Casita and not having any thrifting experience here in Houston, was pretty pitiful about showing her around. Things are set up differently here than in Grand Rapids, so I was not able to really show her a good time thrifting. We didn’t see any Garage Sale signs either. Of course, after my friend went back to Michigan, I started noticing some neighborhoods that did have Garage Sales and other sources for her deal-finding pleasure – too late.
    I did take my Casita to Lubbock for a couple of weeks and visited family and then on to Michigan this past September and spent about 2 1/2 weeks camped at a friend’s house in the country, then I went to Newport News, Virginia for about two weeks to visit my brother and a couple of old friends, and then back to Houston.
    Happy thrift shopping! Pamelab in Houston for now.

  32. Pauline in Mississippi says:

    I love a good bargain!!!! Seems like I don’t find them very often though. Glad you are having fun looking for them. I love the bird house!
    Sending Lots of Love and Big Hugs!!!

  33. AnnH says:

    Hi Sue… I been wondering…. If you hadn’t been enticed to buy a house with
    your sister… do think you would still be living on the road?
    Or… had you been thinking about coming off the road before you and your sister decided to do the house?

    would you have done the house on your own?

    just curious because I wonder just how long one can stay full timing before the age catches up with us and it has to be given up.


    • weather says:

      Hi, Ann, in case you missed that post, Sue explained things that should answer your questions in “Releasing the dream”. Above on the right side of this page is a list of previous posts, you’ll see that title there, and clicking on it will get you to that page.

      • AnnH. says:

        Thanks weather… I’ll have a look. I thought i read it before but i didnt remember whether she said anything about thinking about buying a house before she got with her sister on it.

        Thats what I was curious about….. if it had not been for her sister moving into the house with her… was Sue thinking about getting off the road and buying a house for herself anyway ?

      • AnnH. says:

        weather ….YOU were RIGHT ! lol
        I just looked at it again and Sue did indeed answer my questions.
        HA! Old age setting in for me at 67 !

        Thanks for pointing it out.
        sorry about that… thanks for your help.

  34. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Good morning, all!

    Is is a cold, but sunny day here. Life is good! 🙂

    I hope all is well in your world – have a great day! 🙂

    Shout out to AZ Jim and his lovely wife Detta. You are in my thoughts – sending **hugs**.

  35. Nice thrifty purchases….I love the hunt. I’ve been busy helping at the polling place and after counting ballots! Wow a record turn out in AZ…Yay!!! We (democrats, republicans, green, independent, etc.) all worked together to tackle the goal of finishing before today (Sunday, Nov. 18) and we met our goal last night 🙂 Amazing folks I worked with…wonderful to see us all pulling together to get the work done. Meanwhile, I missed reading travel blogs. So happy to be home to relax and enjoy puttering around the house. Retirement is wonderful. Enjoy your day.

    • Columbus Calvin says:

      I appreciate your putting in the effort at the polls. I’m getting a little more guilt over time about not doing that, so maybe I’ll have to follow your example.

  36. Nancy King says:

    I am so happy for you, Sue, and I like seeing what you’re doing with the thrift store treasures. You have an eye for things and I know that the finished product will be beautiful. And I LOVE it that you’re caring for these birds during winter. If all of us could be animal lovers and rescuers, what a place this world would be. Happy Thanksgiving to you and The Crew.

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