Boondock or campground in the Virgin River Gorge?

Monday, October 8 – Friday, October 13

The crew and I are camped at Cedar Pocket Campground in the Virgin River Gorge between St. George, Utah, and Mesquite, Nevada.

One day during our stay we board the Perfect Tow Vehicle and check out the area across the interstate from the campground.

I want to see what the boondocks are like.

A short distance up the dirt road we find a site.

No, too close to the highway.

Next we come upon a pull-through site.

Those look like tanks for wildlife or livestock.  Never ever camp close to water tanks!

I don’t look to see if the tanks have water in them.  Doesn’t matter if they do or not.  I wouldn’t camp there.

Driving further along on the rocky road, we pass another site.  It is occupied, as you can see if you look closely at the next photo.

Beyond the site in the photo above, the road deteriorates badly.  I turn the PTV around and we head back to Cedar Pocket Campground.

I’d have to be desperate for a place to camp for the night to set up over here.  Ugly brown rocks all around.   Not attractive to me.  Traffic on the interstate can see one’s boondock. No, I’d rather be at the campground or elsewhere.

This post’s photos contrast with the ones in the previous post.  That’s the difference between photos taken in midday sun, as opposed to those taken in the glow of sunset.

Another time, while walking the crew around the campground . . .

We meet Ron and Naomi, readers of this blog, and their two Queensland Heelers.  It’s too windy to talk much so we go our separate ways.

A couple days later Naomi comes out to say hello as the crew and I stroll by.

We have a long chat.

I miss the opportunity to photograph their older, black dog before he/she goes under their rig.

Their other dog comes forward and Roger commences to bark and jump.  Roger is being friendly in his noisy, rambunctious way.

Reggie, if he weren’t influenced by Roger, would greet the dog quietly with tail wagging, his natural way of making a new friend. Instead he joins Roger in creating a fuss.

This is bothersome.

I need to do something about Roger’s barking!

Relying on correction and positive reinforcement in the kind of environments in which we camp aren’t enough to overcome his long-established habit.

I don’t want to use an electric shock collar.  I may try the one that uses puffs of air instead.

Another day the crew and I take the interstate south. 

We travel about 18 miles to Mesquite.  Why?  Can’t you guess?

Because Mesquite has a Wal-Mart!

(For information about the dump station and Wal-Mart location in Mesquite, see the post, “To Mesquite, more canine encounters and campground news” —  October 2016.)

All in all we enjoy our six days at Cedar Pocket.

I do feel a growing need, however, to take us to a place of silence and solitude.

Also, cold weather is coming!


NOTE:  You can see an anti-bark collar (or browse and shop Amazon) at this link:

Pro Pet Works Rechargeable Anti Bark Dog Collar -NO SHOCK (NO POINTY PRONGS) Bark Control Training Collar For Small Medium And Large Dogs 6-120lbs


Also, thank you for taking the time to write a comment on a subject of your choosing. Your participation makes this blog better!  — Sue

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66 Responses to Boondock or campground in the Virgin River Gorge?

  1. Pat from Mich. says:

    First! Whooee!

  2. Arden in Utah says:

    Wow, I’m never this early, and not first, but maybe second?

  3. KathyN in MI says:

    Please let us know if you try the bark collar. Our dog barks at squirrels outside–and there are plenty of them. Have not found a good solution yet. Glad to see that you are picky about a good site to stay.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Kathy!

      I certainly will report on results (or lack of them). I would’ve ordered an anti-bark collar earlier but we have to be settled for a length of time in order to receive the shipment.

  4. Calvin Rittenhouse says:

    Based on your pictures, I’d go there. I’ll admit I tend to like “ugly brown rocks” sometimes. I’m easily pleased by scenery, I guess, except for not liking wetlands.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Calvin!

      To be fair, I probably would camp in surroundings such as I showed in this post if in a different place and time. I don’t doubt I was influenced by the spectacular beauty of the rocks seen from the campground (as well as the low camping fee of $4!).

      Wetlands are good for bird-watching. Skeeters can be a problem though.

  5. Pat from Mich. says:

    You might spoil Roger’s fun by picking him up and putting a hand on his nose to keep him quiet. Maybe the other dogs person could then make a fuss over Reggie so Roger can see he’s missing out on the fun. When he’s quiet, set him down, but if he barks, just say “Whoops, time out” and pick him up again with a hand to stop the barking. This will soon work with most dogs.

    Why don’t you want to park near water tanks? Is it noisy when they are filled?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Pat!

      Believe me, Pat. I’ve tried your suggestions repeatedly. That would work with a more compliant dog. Roger is muscular and strong. Any physical attempt on my part has him thrashing about.

      One should never camp next to water tanks because one’s presence might inhibit the animals from coming to get a drink. Even though there’s a lot of water in the nearby Virgin River, it’s across the busy and dangerous interstate. I can imagine bighorn sheep trying to get to water and being hit because they didn’t have access to water on the other side of the highway.

      • Pat from Mich. says:

        I never thought of it that way. Sounds like Roger is a handful! My daughter has a Boston Bull that is bad that way. Whenever I come over, she barks and barks and if I try to pet her she either nips or slobbers all over my hand. I have to ignore her and pet the other dogs until she quiets down, then I can pet her. If you know Bostons, they have big mouths and big wet tongues!

  6. Marilu in Northern California says:

    Hi Sue,
    I’m glad you’re enjoying your time in Southern Utah. A question… What happened to the Amazon link? I can get there by going to a link to something a blogorino bought but newer readers probably wouldn’t find that.
    Safe and happy travels.

    • Dawn in NC says:

      Hi Marilu! Amazon is cracking down about how their affiliates advertise and do business. You can enter Amazon through the product links or through the benchmark links on the side. Sue will get credit that way. Hope that answers your question.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Marilu! And thank you, Dawn! 🙂

  7. milliehubbard says:

    I too as curious as to why one shouldn’t park near the water tanks. Is it the “traffic” or more of a safety issue?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, millie,

      See my reply to Pat. In some places a ranger will come by and tell you to move away from a water source in the desert.

  8. Kat and Cookie Dog in NYState says:

    Thanks for posting the pictures, makes me know I wouldn’t want to try boondocking there. Cookie dog is aging quickly, hoping he will still get to travel with me starting after the holidays this year. Have fun where ever you go and hope you can teach Roger to stop barking so much.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Dear God, give Cookie Dog strength and well-being . . . . Amen.

      Hi, Kat . . . Your comment about not boondocking there reminds me of something I almost included in this post. Those particular boondocks are in view of the traffic passing by on the interstate. Any creep could get in mind to pull over there to urinate (or worse).

      Several times I’ve had people say to me, “Aren’t you afraid camping all by yourself way far from any people?” Not at all! That’s where it’s the safest! Camping alone near people would probably be okay, but if there’s going to be trouble, it will most likely occur where there are people, rather than where there are not.

  9. Deena in Phoenix says:

    The Queensland Heeler reminds me our Murphy Brown, such a sweet dog who herded her feline sisters around the back yard…wonderful memories.

    I was wondering about the boondocks across the road, thanks for taking us for a viewing.

    Spent yesterday checking out the next door apt patio sale of plants…I brought all of the cactus and succulents…$20 for 57 plants, mostly small succulents…Gladys likes my patio garden setup and feels I would give her family of plants an enjoyable new environment…at 93 she has decided to move in with her new great great granddaughter’s family in Flagstaff. She is excited to see snow for the 1st time.

    I need to go play with the new plants…I’m glad you are in a quieter location.

    Take Care

  10. Sandy says:

    On the bark collar…I had a Yorkie with the most obnoxious barking behavior I hv ever dealt with. Bought the collar that emits a high pitched squeal everytime they bark. Worked like a charm! I had another pup that displayed Reggie’s follow the leader behavior and it worked well on her too. After less than a week of wearing the collar, I was able to remove it and only used it as a “threat” in the future, “Do you want to wear the collar??” What a relief it was! Best of luck !

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thank you for the testimonial, Sandy! Very encouraging!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Sandy… Do you happen to remember the name of the squealing collar?

    • Cinandjules🌵 says:

      Too funny…the threat! No mom I don’t want to wear the collar..but thanks for reminding me!

      We used a bark collar back in the day…when the batteries ran would have the same effect on his…uh oh..I gotta wear the RED collar mind set!

    • Pat from Mich. says:

      I had one that let off a piercing squeal when a dog barked near it. It was a box that sat on a table or low shelf. One day the neighbors asked me to shut it off. It bothered them more than the dogs!

  11. Nora now in Dauphin Island AL says:

    Let me know if anything works for the barking. I have three dogs that I would love to walk with if they didn’t have that habit. I have tried the collars (not the shock one) and about anything else I can think of and nothing’s worked. I can easily see that I am not the only one with reactive dogs but that doesn’t make me feel any better.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Nora!

      I wonder if the collar didn’t work because you have three barkers. Did you ever use it when walking only one dog?

      Yes, I’ll report on the collar. It may be a while. I have to order it.

  12. Helen says:

    My sister trained her little dog with a collar that plays music first. Unfortunately I do not go to her house much because of the barking dogs. I tend to put mine in the bedroom when I know someone is coming over. Once you are in they house they are OK to let out and not barking. Anyway she says the barking is much better and it has multiple settings.

  13. Cinandjules🌵 says:

    I too wondered why setting up camp near the water troughs is a bad idea. My thinking would be mosquitos. Your reasoning is so respectful for the wildlife…❤️

    Best wishes in regards to breaking Rogers habits. If AO can’t behave with others she goes inside and misses out. Reg can get all the loving…Rog will see that and snap into shape! Trust me AO is FAR from having proper manners.

    Enjoy your day…Walmart….do you like their rotisserie chicken?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Cinandjules,

      I don’t recall whether we had rotisserie chicken from that Wal-mart or not. We probably did but all my rotisserie chickens are running together. In my mind, that is, not down the road! Haha!

      Removing a misbehaving dog is a good suggestion. However, I don’t use that technique with Roger because of his history. I do everything I can to help him feel secure, that he is a part of the family, never shut out from me and Reg. Maybe I’m being too sentimental…..

      I’m glad you get results with AO. She’s had a secure home from puppyhood so that method is fine in my view. I’m happy she has gotten in touch with her inner waterdog… 🙂

  14. Susan in Dallas says:

    So happy to be traveling with you as I’m housebound for a while recovering from surgery. It’s not as if I go somewhere every day but the minute you can’t you can think of a million things you just “have” to do. LOL Looking forward to seeing some cattle!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Heal quickly and well, Susan! I’m gonna’ hafta’ find some cattle to make a get well card for you in a post. It won’t be easy here in the desert!

      • Susan in Dallas says:

        I also like the “bite me if you can” pictures of Reggie and Roger. They are always playing that game like it’s the first time they ever thought it up! Precious pooches!

  15. Anna from NC says:

    Enjoyed this blog and learned something! Stay away from the water tanks! Ha! Love that i can enjoy and learn while reading your blog.

    And, wow, another sentimental dog-mom. I am so much that way with my little boys.

    Take care. Hope you find a great place with the solitude you enjoy.

  16. Barbara (Nashville) says:

    May try that anti bark collar for Angel when we walk. When encountering other dogs while were out and sometimes the cars too. She lets out this ungodly scream or bark depending. My neighbor told her this a.m. that she could wake the fish in the lake.
    I have noticed she is worse when it is raining or she has to take care of her business.

  17. Geri in the FL panhandle! says:

    Hello Sue !! Hope the bark collar works! DoogieBowser was a barker too. You know, now I miss that bark that used to drive me crazy. He was such a good dog in so many ways, just like Roger is. The bark was just a tiny corner of his much bigger personality! 💜.

  18. Retiredcajunlady N Louisiana says:

    Brandon McMillan (Lucky Dog) was on “Harry” yesterday and addressed dogs barking. He uses an old water bottle with a few coins inside to train dogs not to bark. He says, “Quiet,” the briefly shakes the plastic bottle. Repeat as necessary until the pup associates the word and sound. He didn’t speak harshly, just a firm voice. He stated most dogs learn in a week or two, then he stops using the bottle and just uses the word. This seemed to me like a good idea at the time for barkers, and up popped your post today. It is just a thought to try before you spend $$ trying for a solution. Good luck however you choose to handle Roger’s bark.

    • Ruthie in Fontana says:

      Hi Retiredcajunlady N Louisiana, We did that with our two dogs. It worked because the noise got their attention then we said no bark. It takes time but it is worth it.

      Sue good to know about the water tanks. I thought you would be worried about herd’s of animals around you in the morning getting a drink. Good luck “teaching” Roger to use his indoor voice out doors!

      • Retiredcajunlady N Louisiana says:

        Hey Ruthie. I have always just said no bark to Willee and he usually stops. Good to know that the noisy bottle approach truly does work for training dogs. From Sue’s descriptions of Roger, he seems to be smart and a quick learner. I don’t know what she will try, but I am sure he will catch on. The nice thing for her is Reggie will learn too by association. Thanks for your reply!

  19. Joe Bruner says:

    Nothing like a Walmart for a fun-filled way to pass the time. Will be curious to see if a new collar works on Roger. Stay safe.

  20. Luvmyhorse-Ohio says:

    Hi Sue,
    Are you aware of using a spray bottle of water to correct a barking dog, a dog that jumps up on people, etc? With your background in fostering dogs, you’ve probably already tried this method to modify Roger’s behavior. But if you’re not familiar with this, I’d be happy to write an explanation.
    Sue, I wanted to express to you how much I enjoy your blog and admire your photos and your writing ability. Thank you so much for time and effort you dedicate to maintaining your blog. It is appreciated!
    I hope you have a wonderful evening.

  21. Jean in Southaven says:

    I have seen several suggestions for stopping dogs from barking. I am going to try some of them with my barker. Fatman is part Blue Heeler and part several other large dogs. He barks at everything that moves, including shadows and nothing. When he starts barking the other two have to chime in too. It is quite a ruckus sometimes.

  22. weather says:

    Love the sidebar’s new look! The meet the canine crew photo is adorable, and the new weather widget is bright and cheery,too.

    • weather says:

      The words in your sentence in the NOTE about the anti-bark collar were very well chosen, making clear an answer to what many readers have asked about recently. I did use the link to see the collar, then read all of the questions and answers about it while I was there.

      Two features that collar has were of particular interest to me. It will react to the barking of any dog near it, meaning Reggie’s too, if he’s close to Roger. However, it also has an off/on button, nice! That way you can leave it turned off when it’s okay for Roger to bark ( like during playtime or if someone knocks on your door). If you had to remove the collar every time you didn’t want Roger to feels it’s affects he might strenuously resist your putting it back on him(for those times when it would be helpful instead of just confusing him) .

      Your taking Roger’s history into account(mentioned in your reply to Cindy) doesn’t make you too sentimental, it shows how compassionate you are. It would disappoint me to know you didn’t make those efforts to make him feel secure and included. I don’t know if you will decide to try an anti-bark collar. Were I in your circumstance I might. It seems like a gentle solution to something that’s a problem for all involved.If Roger reacts to it’s affects in any way that concerns you, you can just stop using it.

      Those boondock sites aren’t visually attractive , I agree with you, especially when compared to the ones at Cedar Pocket CG. Even if they were, though, the fact that people driving on the highway could see anyone camping there would make me choose somewhere else to stay. Thanks for another lesson in how to select a place before committing to what could become an unpleasant experience.

  23. Nivrapa in AZ says:

    I’m going to jump in with my thoughts on why I wouldn’t camp next to a water tank. Sue is 100% correct in her reasoning for not camping near a water tank, but there are some other factors to consider–at least for me.

    The tanks attract all sorts of wild life. And those critters are just that, wild. Their behavior is unpredictable and human presence may interfere with their ability to use the resource or perceived as a threat. So, they could become defensive. The tanks may be the only water for wildlife for many miles and they learn to depend on the tank for this lifeline. If you have pets they could become the targets of the wildlife’s instinct for survival and injury or worse could be the result.

    Water tanks are common out West when there is no natural source of water present such as ponds, streams, and such, or when access is too difficult or dangerous. Their purpose is generally to supply the free range cattle on the land with a water source but it is also available to all the wildlife. Ever see at the prints surrounding a water tank? You will not only see the hoof prints cattle but also of deer, pronghorn, big sheep, coyote, mountain cats, and other creatures living near the immediate environment. I’ve seen water troughs built with an escape ramp for smaller wildlife to provide a safe route for getting out should they fall into the tank.

    We all know about the natural curiosity of bovines (thank-you, Sue.) Camping in such close proximity to a water tank not only brings the cattle into your camp, but it also means that they will likely leave their, ummm,—“deposits” in your camp site. Not my idea of a neat camp and something I want to avoid.

    I have camped in the vicinity of a water tank, unknowingly. The tanks are generally out in the open so predetors can’t hide and I prefer the refuge of trees if possible. I discovered the tanks while out exploring my surroundings. The tanks provide for some great wildlife viewing but I want to remain at a distance both for safety and to not interfere with the wildlife visiting the tanks. I can also recall using a water tank to top off my own water supply while hiking the Continental Divide Trail in southern New Mexico. This particular tank was built over an underground spring and had a separate tap proximal to the tank. It was designed for hikers’ use who were passing through a dry, parched section of the trail. My night camp was much farther down the trail, as in miles away.

    Water is necessary for life, at least on this planet. The water tanks provide this life sustaining must-have to livestock, wild life and even the hiker wandering around looking to refill his supply. I would not want to camp near a water tank and deny this source to anything or jeopardize my or my companion’s safety by being in clear view or near a tank.

    Just another perspective on camping and water tanks. Hope some blogorino finds this useful down the road.— Audrey

  24. Jolene/Iowa says:

    Hi Sue,

    I love the change in scenery as you are heading south. Always nice to see where we will be spending time this winter.

    I have had a trying couple of weeks, months really, but I am dealing with stuff now. I had an abcessed tooth that needed pulled and because of the fact that it was part of a bridge and insurance situation, I had a heck of a time finding someone to work on it. I have been on antibiotics to try to keep the infection at bay until I could get someone.

    Finally found a dentist, went and had it done late last Friday. I got home and then had a reaction to Tylenol with codiene I think and long story short, I briefly black out, didn’t lose consciousness but fell face first into a table. I was very dazed but not out of it but couldn’t get up. They had to call an ambulance. I had a very deep( to my skull) laceration that came very close to my eye. CT scan normal but a very sore head and a gash that had 3 layers of stitches and 12 on the outside layer. Stitches came out today but I am still feeling the effects of the fall. I have always had trouble with motion sickness and it is just a little worse right now so I just have to go real slow. Not move my head too much too fast. Just typical things you would expect after a bad bump on the head. Gets a little better every day but they said it could take a bit to get over this.

    Then also to help us with our situation since Rick’s heart attack, I decided to sign on with a company selling CBD oil and products. Suppose to be the best on the market. So I am busy working on getting that going as well. I believe in the product and feel it will help a lot of people. Legal in all 50 states, zero THC.

    So that is my life right now. Healing for Rick, Healing for me. Just trying to get back on our feet and keep getting pushed back down a little bit but just keep fighting!

    • Dawn in NC says:

      Jolene, I am sorry to hear about all of your recent troubles. It sounds like you have a great attitude towards overcoming it. I hear you about insurance issues. I hope that you and Rick have nothing but good healing and smoother sailing ahead.

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Hi, Jolene,

      I hope you and Rick feel a bit better with each passing day. That was a nasty spill – so sorry that it happened. Take good care of yourselves! **hugs** 🙂

  25. I checked out that boondocking area back in May of 2014. Its southern exposure made it like a solar oven, and there was road construction on I-15 that had lanes closed and trafic backed up. Not a pleasant place at the time. So I went back to my nice spot by the Virgin River.

  26. Doug H says:

    we used one on our dog that emitted a hi frequency tone and it worked great. I like the one you show that recharges as ours needed new battery all the time and you could only get it from the company that made the device as it was expensive.

  27. Elizabeth in WA says:

    Heh, typical way a heeler would view small barking dogs…even our heeler was into barking more when the smaller dog was alive to incite her…I hope you can find a way to keep Roger more quiet…some dogs are not so reserved as the heeler! Had not heard of the puff of air kind of solution…might work!!

    We are finishing up packing, mailing etc here…and hubby seems to be having more physical issues…so it is good to complete this now. I hope he can be helped…but time will tell. I know you understand the paring down business…which everyone needs to do at some point or 0ther. Happy trails and hope you find a quiet place to be for awhile.

  28. Terri in Tx It's cool again! says:

    We just ordered a bark collar through Sue’s blog a few weeks ago. Our dog has a bad habit of running outside at night and barking at all the things he thinks are there! Then he comes in the house and barks some more! Usually while we are watching a movie. We ordered a vibrating collar which combines with tones. Since we ordered it he hasn’t barked so much but I know we need to start the training. He is a smart dog so I think it won’t take too long! Thanks for the info on the water tanks! Ya’ll take care!

  29. Donna says:

    I’m sure you are overloaded with opinions on the bark collar, but I’ll just add my experience, as it may work for you as perfectly as it worked for me. I was ready to buy a bark collar for my ShihTzu, Hanna, but decided to call my vet first to ask for her opinion and recommendation, since I had read a few horror stories about collars that had misfired and hurt the dog. I spoke to a tech and he suggested before I buy the collar to try pebbles (or pennies) in a soda can. Whenever Hanna barked, I shook it near her. One time on the first day, I actually threw it toward her (but not hitting her!) Each time she would immediately stop barking. After a couple days of that, I simply had to pick up the can, and she stopped. It only took a few days to completely train her, and I’ve kept that can around to use for any other undesirable behavior over the years. I don’t know if it will work with Roger, but since it’s free and easy, it wouldn’t hurt to try before investing in the collar.
    Good luck!

  30. What about a water bottle at hand with a strong steady stream you can aim at him when he is barking. Downside is every thing wet while he is learning. Our Taz had the same problem but we never solved it.

    On a lighter note, we are getting a new dog sometime on April. We’ll get to start all over on the canine adventures while traveling.

    Do you ever have days where you are just sick and tired of this lifestyle? If you do, what do you do to get through it. If you don’t, then that is cool.

  31. Desert Ginger back in the desert! says:

    Nice to know you are back here in the south, I assume at some LTVA. Looks like Roger is totally acclimated to his new life, which is awesome. Amazing how that worked out.

    I am back home in Tucson, still doing my Knife work. Have been having trouble with my kidney disease and am having tests this week to see what’s going on. If it isn’t one thing, it’s another. I am hoping to start feeling better and making some weekend trips, but will have to see how it goes.

    And I need to start doing some repairs! Need a new screen door, a pressure wash, may have a bug problem…have found four tiny little brown bugs that look like microscopic beetles in my house. Have to get an exterminator out. And on and on…..always something! And I need work on my old car, a new battery and tires. If only I was made of money!

    Anyone who has ideas about good things to see in AZ in the winter, let me know. Want to start making some trip plans.

    Ta-ta for now.

  32. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Hi, Sue,

    I absolutely love the picture of the boys in the “meet the canine crew” box at the top of your blog. So adorable! 💕🐾 The Queensland Heeler has beautiful markings.

    I am glad that you and the Crew are in a warmer camp. It has been a dreary, rainy, grey, cold week. After a very foggy morning, the sun finally broke through! Temps are due to drop to the teens, then to warm up to the 30s for the whole weekend. I took the afternoon off from work to run a few errands. Other than checking the mail and taking Gracie pup out for potty breaks, we will be staying inside the warmth of our home. I will be doing the usual weekend chores, and getting the guest bedroom ready for the holidays. One of my sisters, her hubby and their dog will be staying over after Thanksgiving dinner. The sooner I get all of the bigger chores out of the way, the sooner I can start making my Christmas cards. 🙂 It will be a good weekend to have a pot of soup or sauce simmering or something tasty slow cooking in the crockpot. 🙂

    When you mentioned not wanting to camp near the water tanks, I thought it was because you did not want to deal with the bovine traffic and poop. It did not even occur to me that wildlife would seek out the water as well…another learning opportunity brought to us by RVSue. 🙂

    I hope you have a peaceful weekend, Sue! I hope you enjoyed that rotisserie chicken feast! Sending you, Reggie and Roger love and hugs from me and Gracie pup! Stay warm and snuggly! 🙂

    Happy Veterans Day to all who have served and their families. Thank you for all of your sacrifices. Thank you for keeping us safe and free.

  33. Jo in OR says:

    Happy Veterans Day to all who have served and their families.
    Thank you!

  34. Jo in OR says:

    Adorable header picture of Reg & Rog. Meet the crew picture is very cute. So interesting about the water tank…good to know. Enjoyed all of the input from the blog family.
    Enjoy the weekend.

  35. Janna says:

    We use this collar on our Emmi–strong vibration, no shock and the one I purchased came with a remote for training. Works like a charm with Emmi.

  36. Susan says:

    That is an interesting anti bark colar. Have not seen one before. It will be nice to hear your review if you should try it. I hate the shocking kind because I have seen people over use them. And the dog then gets confused and doesn’t even know what it is that they want from them.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Susan,

      Give some people power over an animal and they’re gonna’ abuse, that’s for certain. Sickening.

      I’ll be sure to write in detail about the collar and Roger’s response to it. I ordered the collar yesterday.

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