Chicken soup days at Ivie Creek, Salina, Utah

Saturday, October 4

Bridget and I board the Perfect Tow Vehicle and head into town.

1-P1000836Salina is quiet this Saturday noon.  At the four-way stop at the center of town I turn right.  I remember seeing a Carl Jr. place when we exited the interstate last Thursday.

I want a milkshake to soothe my sore throat. 

At the drive-thru window I pick up a chicken sandwich and a chocolate shake.  Oh, that shake feels good going down!  I’ve had a cold for a few days.  I think I picked it up at the grocery in Duchesne.

I’d like to toodle over to Barrett’s Grocery and buy a gallon of ice cream to take back to camp.  Well, that would spread this cold to someone else, just like it was given to me.

On the way home I stop to photograph horses and a burro at the ranch in Round Valley. 

I can’t resist photographing livestock!  Here’s a red-headed beauty . . .

1-P1000842At camp I stretch out in the lounger in the sun.

Throughout the afternoon Bridget and I alternate between lounging in the sun or napping inside the Best Little Trailer.  I read a little bit.

A walk at dusk wraps up our activity for the day.  We go to bed early.

Sunday, October 5

I’m thankful that the clingers parked behind us were quiet all night.  I’m also glad they didn’t leave a porch light on.  Next to noise, my next pet peeve is artificial light shining in our window all night.

Bridget and I would’ve slept very well if it weren’t for me waking up with fits of coughing.

After breakfast we walk up the road and find another campsite.

1-P1000843It’s not far from the entrance to the campground and it has a wonderful view of the maples turning red on the rocky slopes.   There isn’t any shade, but that’s not needed at this time of year.

Hmm.  . . . If we’re still at Ivie Creek at the end of the week, maybe we should move up here to avoid having weekend clingers next to us.  I’ll be over this cold by then and able to move camp.

There’s a possibility the forest service ranger would knock on our door.

Usually the forest service frowns upon camping close to a campground.  However, we see a fire ring and evidence of someone camping in this site not too long ago.  Things are pretty lax around here.  I think the forest service has acquiesced to the desire of the locals to have free camping.  I’ve seen lots of locals at Ivie Creek . . . including those of the bovine kind.

1-P1000844 My cold has progressed . . . .

. . . to the sneezing, runny nose, watery eyes, slight fever, and stuffed up head stage.  I’m drinking Emergen-C (1000 mg. of Vitamin C) twice a day, as well as hot tea with honey.  For the second night in a row, supper is a bowl of chicken soup.  I always keep chicken soup on hand for situations such as this — A lesson learned when I first became single several years ago.

1-P1000841The clingers are leaving!

The man is in the process of hitching up the fifth wheel as I type this.  I’ve been hoping they are weekend campers.  Yay!

This isn’t much of a post.  Oh well, colds happen.



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236 Responses to Chicken soup days at Ivie Creek, Salina, Utah

  1. Casitagirl says:


    • Casitagirl says:

      Oh Sue, I just hate it when I get a cold. I have this tea called Vata tea that must have some licorice root in it because it has a yummy sweet taste. That goes down nicely when my throat is sore. Take care!

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        That does sound good. I have several varieties of tea on hand… I’m favoring a lemony tea these days. Also Hall’s cough drops…

  2. Reine says:

    The weekend is over and you should have peace, quiet and NO CLINGERS. Just the perfect combo for recuperating from your cold.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      That’s right. There were a bunch of kids playing in the creek in front of our door today. That’s okay….. I played in a creek at their age, too (and I still do sometimes!). But it is nice to see people leave. 🙂

  3. Diann in MT says:

    Sorry, Sue, that you are suffering from a cold. Change of seasons thing, no doubt. Smart to have the chicken soup on hand. So good for the cold-adled soul.

    I was hoping for you that the clingers would leave today. Thanks for keeping us posted on that.

    Hunker down. Get plenty of rest and go easy on yourself.


    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Diann,

      I came to Ivie Creek in order to get some things done in Salina… an oil change, laundry, etc. That’s on hold. All I want to do is “hunker down.”

  4. Reine says:

    My go to medicine for colds and allergies is Mucinex. Not the fancier stuff with added ingredients, just the plain old stuff that’s all guaifenesin. It helps loosen the crud in your chest so you can cough it up and helps loosen the crud in your head without raising your blood pressure. Add a generic Aleve and I’m usually good. But rest, sunshine, a gentle walk, chicken soup and NO Clingers should do the trick also.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Reine,

      Fortunately I don’t feel anything in my chest, only a scratchy throat causing me to cough. I hope it doesn’t move to my chest. I probably should stock up on stuff like Mucinex once I’m better. I have a few things in my arsenal, but I avoid using them, if I can.

  5. DebsJourney says:

    I sure hope your cold is over real soon. Just try to rest and drink lots of fluids.
    At least you are in a beautiful spot.
    Tomorrow it will be 5 months that my dearest husband is passed. I’ve come a long way since then. Tears come and go but I am able to function and work. Today is the most wonderful Autumn day here in the Tampa Bay area. Cool and sunny finally!!
    The long hot summer is over!
    saying prayers for your speedy recovery Sue hugs

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thank you, Deb.

      Those have been 5 long and difficult months, I’m sure. Of course, the tears fall and the grief continues. No way around that. “I am able to function and work.” Not a small accomplishment!

      I didn’t realize you are in the Tampa Bay area. I lived in Clearwater for several years.

  6. Sorry about the cold Kiddo. Hope it’s gone soon. At least your in a nice place for R&R.

    As for us, except for a few fasteners I need to purchase, I finished the tilt brackets for the solar panels. We’re ready to hoist up to the roof of the motorhome. I’ll be posting photos of the progress “pre-hoist” shortly.

    Take care of yourself. Glad the clingers are gone. Unfortunately, there are plenty more where they came from.

  7. judithcamper says:

    So sorry you are feeling under the weather. Colds are no fun. Hope you get over it quickly.

  8. CC says:

    I know if I don’t head off an allergy attack it turns into a head cold, then bronchitis if I’m not careful. Hope you feel better soon. My Dr. told me it is like putting a bowl of water on your porch in the sun. After a few days it gets mucky and yucky, just like fluid in your sinuses gets infected if trapped in there too long. Ever since then, I quickly take a Benedryl, Claritin, Sudafed…different ones seem to work better for different folks.

    I was admiring my slip-on neoprene Keens that I bought after you described and linked to your new ones several months ago. I love mine and try to remember to buy from Amazon via this blog. I don’t know if I’m doing it right since I usually browse amazon, make a bookmark of an item I want, close that browser window, open up this blog and click the amazon link here…but amazon remembers me, showing the last item I looked at, even though I closed that session.

    I always wonder if you are getting credit when I purchase this way. Well, I just bought a black watch and boho computer bag, so I’ll keep a lookout of your Amazon Recent Purchases list and see if either show up.
    Take care.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, CC,

      I do appreciate your wish to give me credit for your Amazon purchases. Thank you. I’m going to open up my Amazon account right now and see if the black watch or the computer bag is there. I’ll report back here in a few minutes.

      LATER…. I looked at orders from Oct. 1 through Oct. 4 and I don’t see a black watch. The only bag is “Baggallini Fold Out Backpack, Nouveau Print.”

      If you placed your order today, it won’t appear until tomorrow’s report.

      It would be easier for you if you simply went to Amazon from my blog. Less steps. Just a thought…

      Oh, I wanted to add… I’m glad you like your KEENS!

      • CC says:

        I placed my order minutes before I posted this…so you should see it tomorrow. I did go through your blog to get to Amazon, but I was thinking there would be some reminder somewhere in the busting process that RVSue gets a portion or something.

        I’ll keep a KEEN eye out for your purchase report list! 😀

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          I see the watch on today’s orders report. Thanks! The bag will probably show up tomorrow.

          I wish customers would receive some indication that credit has been given. As it is, you aren’t aware of it. Trust me… It works, as long as you enter Amazon from my blog.

  9. Pauline from Mississippi says:

    Wish I had some magic cure to pass on to you but alas, I have never figured out how to get rid of a cold. Pray you will be feeling better real soon.

    Sending love and hugs

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks, Pauline. I’ll let it run its course. I do have the number of the Salina Medical Clinic handy in case I need it. Love to you and the family..

  10. The first horse is such a beautiful color! Hope you feel better quickly! Lots of colds going around. Blogorinos – my personal opinion – get your flu shots. It is not too early.

  11. BARB from Hoquiam says:

    Oh no! Hope you feel better soon.
    Just curious… so your fridge really keep ice cream well? Of course mine is a good 43 yrs older, but I have never had good luck with a trailer freezer. Just me bein’ nosy 😉
    So glad the week will begin quietly. Clingers Away!!!!

    Hugs from Hoquiam,

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Barb,

      Yes, this freezer works great! It has five temperature levels. I usually keep it at the 3rd level and everything freezes quickly and stays frozen.

      • Barb George says:

        WOW! Dang maybe I need a new fridge… ugh. What 43 years isn’t enough? LOL

        Glad to hear from you and always love checking on where in the world is RV Sue!

        Hugs from a sunny Hoquiam!

  12. Lynn Brooks says:

    Dear Sue,
    So sorry you’re not feeling well. Hope you feel better & back to your “ornery” self real soon!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Lynn,

      Thanks for the “feel better” wish. As for getting back to my ornery self, I didn’t know I left it! 🙂

  13. Teresa from NC says:

    This is an offhanded remark, but my thoughts immediately went to…”the clingers parked so closely, they gave you their cold!” Hope you get feeling better, now that they’re gone, of course.:-) ice cream can’t hurt either.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi,, Teresa,

      Well, I had the cold before they arrived. I delayed writing about it for a few days until I felt the need to share the reason for the lag between posts. I’m pretty sure I caught the cold in Duchesne.

      The clingers were pretty close though!

  14. Ron in Tx says:

    Hope you get to feeling better fast, the vitamin c sure seems to help. We cant have our seguendo down sick.
    Here is a report on our last few days and another reason to love the Casitas and boondocking knowledge.
    We had a pretty high wind and storms 4 days ago. Lost electricity and was out 4 member of my house hold is on oxygen ,we have a oxygen generator and some bottles ,but she cant do without it
    I started some topics earlier in the year about being prepared on another forum, the things I have done sure payed off, we never missed a beat. I had a generator and 30 gallons of gas ,that was enough to run us 5 days 24 7. we kept the oxygen flowing all the freezers and fridges cold lights in critical spots and the ac when we needed it.Had 30 days of water and food and meds ,also had another 30 gallons of gas in pickup if needed. Propane ice box and stove in the Casita travel trailer and the camp chef if we needed an oven, this was the second line of survival, moving to another location was the last resort but was doable with the trailer.
    All in all we had everything we needed to make it in comfort. The camping gear from hunting and kayaking and our travel trailer gave us everything we needed.
    There were a lot of folks that didn’t even have a flashlight , lost all there food that was in freezer and fridge. They would have been in bad shape if the scope of this storm had been bigger or more sever .
    I am pleased with our gear and supplies and do feel much safer in the event of a major disaster
    This is one reason I am always curious about your usages and length of time you can stay put

    • You’re smart, Ron! Jim & I are going to get ourselves set up for similar situations too. I appreciated the list of things you had–I never would’ve thought of 30 days back-up on meds. Glad you & your family have electricity again!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You are wise, Ron. Thanks for posting a very informative and helpful comment.

      It’s especially important to be prepared when someone in the household has medical issues. Actually, in a natural disaster, anyone in the household might acquire a medical issue… hmm… something to consider!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      BTW, Amazon sells food and supplies in bulk for restaurants and caterers, but anyone can purchase to stock up for times such as Ron experienced.

    • Cinandjules (NY) says:

      Way to be prepared Ron!

      Nice that you have the Casita trailer as a secondary shelter and everything to make it comfortable during an “event”.

      I don’t understand folks who aren’t prepared with the minimal of tools ie a flashlight. Or food and water!

      As transplants from earthquake country California we have “be prepared drilled into our brains”. We have Mountain House freezed dried food up the yin yang, H20 and all the equipment needed to “bug out” or “bug in” at the drop of a dime!

      A family in CA under mandatory evacuations due to the wildfires….took 2 minutes to hitch up their Escape trailer and off they went!

      Do you use Stabil in your stored gas for the generator?

      • Ron in Tx says:

        I use another product like stabil.

      • Jim & I still use the freezer for storing some food but have begun canning food. In the event of a long-term power outage, the food in the freezer would have to be eaten within days. The home-canned food–no expiration date. A friend of mine cans over 2000 jars of food a year including chuck roast that she buys on sale. That’sa lotta canning!

        • Ron in Tx says:

          I am always looking when I go to the store for products that store well and take up a small space . Just a few spam,tuna fish,canned hams,mac and cheese salmon ,bag of rice ,dry beans powdered milk powdered potatoes ,powdered eggs. velveeta cheese soups canned and dried and can goods koolaid. You get the ideal . You dont have to spend a lot of money ,just pick an item or two up everytime you go to the store then rotate them and as you eat the items replace them.
          Sorry Sue ,I will shut up now LOL

  15. AlanOutandAbout says:

    Yep, that is definitely a horse of a different color. Sorry your feeling a little down, hope you bounce back soon.
    Most propane powered refrigerators do a minimal job at keeping ice cream hard, it is good your’s does so well. I got rid of my norcold 1200 first thing. I had heard they were problematic and prone to explode. Then about 3 months after I had moved in I got a recall telling me to turn it off and shut off the propane to it, reason – fire. The frigadare I got does great and only uses 45 watts of power. So my 560 watts of solar, when I get it, should handle it easily.
    I tried my new id once and it still blocked me so I decided to try sans spaces to see if it works, hope does.

  16. Annie says:

    The animal pics are really sweet! Take care, Sue.

  17. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Feel better soon, Sue!!! 🙂

  18. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Very nice animal pictures – the horse with the red mane is a beauty! And that little donkey or burro…oh, so cute! I want to kiss his little forehead!

  19. Kay says:

    Well, this isn’t going to sound so good… but trust me…

    I had an old doctor about 35 years ago, he would be in his 70’s at the time. AWESOME doc, and always fixed me up.

    I was running around the Country, as always… and I picked up a cold in Montana in mid December. The end of January, I had lost my voice (that was a bad thing, good for the EX though) coughing, no fever though. FINALLY, I made it to that doctor the first week of February. Now, I do need to say, I was 6 weeks into that cold, had seen two different docs in Montana before I made it into the old doctor.

    He asked me what he could do for me. I wrote him a note, “Please give me medicine to end this nasty cold and give me my voice back”.

    He chuckled a bit, told me I had a good cold, and laryngitis and Pharyngitis and no pill was going to cure it any faster than time as my blood work show no infection. But, he said, as stubborn as you are, knowing far well you will not take my advice, I am still going to tell you what will cure it. I have to tell you this so that I can chart it in your file.

    And so he said:

    Take yourself home, bring 8 oz of milk to a simmer. Add as much salt as you can stomach, then add another teaspoon, to the milk, dissolve and drink it down. Then go to bed and CALL me in the morning. And, he walked out of the exam room.

    I took my lipstick, wrote on the table tissue “Doc, I have no voice to CALL YOU”! And, I left.

    About 10PM, I took the bait. Did exactly as the old doc told me to do. GAGGED, GAGGED, and down it went. To bed I went.

    At 6 the next morning, I got up and TALKED, with a raspy voice but I could talk. I called the old doctor the a few hours later, told him I can talk now. He told me I was headed in the right direction, now make that milk/salt 3 times a day for 2 days.

    By golly, I was HEALED and well into talking mode the next day. The EX’s vacation was over.

    I still use that same concoction today, and it still works.

    Later, I learned the reason was the SALT kills and the MILK coats the inside, keeping the salt lurking around on all the tissues inside. My kids hate it today, but when they get sick enough, they will plug nose and drink up. Then scream, NASTY.

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      What a gross combination, but it makes sense!

      • Kay says:

        And, it does work. Works the best if I get off my lazy fat bottom and make me a glass the SECOND I feel it brewing in my throat.

        I am really glad those CLINGERS left. I did think about your CLINGERS today, Sue.

        I was sitting in the Home Depot parking lot, waiting on hubby to get done with his “get this list” and I watched an RV pull in, park and get out and stretch. They must have made a bite to eat as the kitchen slide came part of the way out. About, half an hour later, another RV pulled in. They drove right over and parked NEXT to the first one. Yes, large parking lot with 100’s of places to park. Nope, second RV headed straight to the first one.

        10 minutes later, the first one rolls the slide in and a few minutes later, the first one pulls out and heads to far other side and sets back up.

        Now, think what you want, but I kind of think the first RVer was not too happy being CLINGED.

        • Sheesh, Kay! Clingons are everywhere!

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Hi, Kay,

          Maybe potential clingers are reading my blog and will learn here what NOT to do…

          Here’s a related experience I’ve had more than once. I’m moving between camps and on the way to the new camp I pull into a grocery store parking lot — Wal-Mart or a local store.

          Okay… I have the BLT hitched to the PTV. Someone will come along and park directly in front of the PTV or alongside as close as they can so I can’t pull forward to leave without clipping their vehicle.

          Therefore, I have to back up, something I hate to do in a parking lot, considering the way people dart around behind and let their kids run.

        • Crystal says:

          I’ve read on several forums and Yahoo groups, where the focus is over-nighting at places such as Sams, Walmart, Cracker Barrel, etc., that the managers of these businesses prefer that RVs park together in one section. It’s preferred that you go in and ask at the service desk where that area is. I wonder if this is why we often see that, and that perhaps it boils over into BLM land, although I don’t know how you could make that giant leap. Just a thought. It does explain parking lot clingers somewhat.

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        That does sound NASTY!

  20. Elizabeth in WA says:

    So sorry you are ill, Sue…will pray for your quick recovery!! Not so unusual really to fall ill when something sad has happened. That seems to drop the immune system a bit. We keep Eucalyptus oil on hand…just pour a twinge on a piece of old towel and pin to clothing, close as possible to the face….sure seems to shorten the duration. Rusty and other’s suggestions sound helpful too. Put LOTS of garlic and broccoli in the soup for extra punch. I learned that by accident. I chop up the broccoli VERY small, so it is not noticeable there. Tasty and it works!! Used to make it for my friends often whenever they fell ill when we lived in NC. You can put other veggies in as well…but I found that you must have garlic and broccoli for the extra help.

    Glad you can rest, glad you found another spot and hope it all goes well…and is quiet and peaceful so you can recover well!! Oh…we also rinse our nose with salt water…start with distilled water, heat a bit to body temp and dissolve salt…and “snuff” up into the nose and over the bridge, so it will come out the nose (sounds gross I know) but it will give you relief so you can breathe better too.

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Gargling with warm salt water will also help a sore throat.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Elizabeth,

      The garlic part I knew, but I never would’ve guessed broccoli. Interesting! I did fix myself a lunch of pasta with lots of garlic…. no broccoli on hand.

      • Elizabeth in WA says:

        Hi Sue,
        I do not know WHY the broccoli is so helpful in it…but it was an “accident” when I learned it…hope you are well soon…colds really take energy out of us!!

  21. Barbara (Nashville) says:

    Hope you feel better soon. I really like the animal pictures. Both of the horses look to have unusual coloring, making them really unique and beautiful to look at.

    Take care Sue.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Barbara,

      I’m glad you enjoyed the animal photos. I wasn’t going to post them until I found myself with no photos for this post.

  22. Timber n' me says:

    Hi Sue, sorry to hear that you got real cold. have you tried Astragalus? Well I never get one or the flue, if I feel something like a cold feeling I take 2 capsules, 500mgs each, plus 2 1000mgs of C and what ever was trying to get a hold on me is Gone by the next morning . It comes in a white bottle w/ orange n’ white n’ blue lettering and made by NOW. You can get it at a health food store and it goes for about $ 6.75 a bottle of 100 caps @ 500mgs each. I haven’t had the Flue or a cold since 1968. ,,,,,,,me

    • Phyllis says:


      Where are you and Timber at?

      Phyllis in Oklahoma

      • Timber n' me says:

        Setting on top of a bulldozed hill looking at the moon n’ the lights of the Colorado Aquaduct take out and the Parker Dam lights to the south of us ,,,,why?

        • Timber n' me says:

          Whoops, I mean to the west of us. ,,,,Are you close, Phyllis of the big OK, ,,,,,,,,,,us

          • Timber n' me says:

            Oh no, Left my compass back in Chino Valley, oh well, maybe the person who finds it will take a journey of their own and it will guide them, but Gods my true compass and he leads me the good way, believe me, We aint lost ,,,us

            • Phyllis says:

              I was just wonderin’ you had said you were on the way to the Lake Havasu area. Havasu sounds like a beautiful place and the pictures I’ve seen are breathtaking.

              No where close, still in Oklahoma, still working. Retirement is near but not near enough. Do have a week long trip to Hot Springs, Arkansas later this month.

              Compass, do you think I should have a compass? I don’t have one, I have just about everything else.

              Keep us updated – I’m off to work – puke,
              Phyllis in Oklahoma

            • Timber n' me says:

              Hi Phyllis, it’s wise to have some sort of guidance, a good map, a good compass, like a Boy Scout clear compass to lay on top of the map so you can get a good look at where you are and where you want to go. To get your bearing, %. 0 is due north and if you want to go due south, that’d be 180 and so on. But sometimes , something big gets in the way and the map helps you get a round it in order to get where you are going. Benchmark, Deloren makes good maps, RV Sue uses Benchmark, they up date their maps every year and the maps all so have good imfo in them. If you look back to April of 2012 , you’ll see that Camo man gave Sue a Oregon Benchmark map book. oh ya, I don’t trust GPS’s , the batteries go dead and you should know, not only do the GPS tell you where your at, but the folks running the program knows where your at, no hiding from your X, He or She will find you. I like the ol’ way of getting around, A good Map n’ Compass. ,,,,,,,,,,,us

            • Rusty, my husband the surveyor would heartily agree!

    • Timber n' me says:

      P.S. , I’m also glad that the CLINGERS are GONE, now for peace and solitaire times , just you n’ the Bridge ,,,,,,,,,us

  23. Lee j in Northern California says:

    Ah poor…so sorry. It is my experience that if you treat a cold it lasts seven days, and if you don’t treat a cold it lasts about a week…sorry, couldn’t resist.

    I usually have a toddy, hot water, lemon, honey and a good stiff shot of rum, don’t know if it really helps, but I feel better!

    That beautiful horse is called a red roan. It has a roaming gene expressed on a chestnut, or sorrel coat color. If the horse is black with that gene you have a blue roan.
    A funny thing about a roan horse, if it gets a wound or scrape, when the hair grows back in the wounded area, it will be the base color! So solid red marks..the horse’s head is often the solid base color. Interesting horse color study!

    • Lee j in Northern California says:

      I was looking again at the could also be a chestnut horse with a greying gene. The mane shows the original coat color. Since it has a light head, chances it is actually a in this case it would be called a rose grey. The horse will end up white, the color continues to leave.
      The palomino horse is getting its winter coat, often different shades of the same color, summer coat is short, is shed as the longer winter coat comes in.
      My Meg is a palomino and her winter coat is typically darker than her summer coat.
      So there, now you know!

  24. Jolene/Iowa says:

    Hi Sue,
    I hope you are feeling better soon. One thing I thought of, the ice cream may feel good on your throat but it could cause more mucous and cause more coughing.

    Another thing I use for coughing. I keep some whiskey on hand and mix just a little whiskey with honey. You just have to sip on it. I mean maybe a 1/4 to 1/3 of a cup then add honey and I sip on it through the night if I wake up coughing. It soothes my throat and cuts the mucous.

    Also pure honey you can get local is better than the store honey.

    I have been spreading the word about your blog on a facebook group that I am helping my son, admin on. It is his group. RV Tips and Helpful Hints. I have sent so many people this direction.

    Hugs Sue, feel better soon.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Jolene,

      Thanks for the tips. I don’t want to infect people at a store, but I’ll keep these in mind for stocking my arsenal of cold remedies.

      Thanks also for “spreading the word” about my blog. It’s too bad people will come here and see a post about my cold! 🙂

  25. Cinandjules (NY) says:

    The burro is my favorite! What a cutie!

    Sorry you are under the weather. Take it easy!

    Glad the clinger is gone! Here’s to hunkering down!

  26. Connie & Mugsy (MN/AZ) says:

    Hope you feel better soon Sue. I think you should bookmark this thread as a collection of cold treatments. Interesting suggestions…

  27. gingerda says:

    Hi Sue…Hope you are feeling better. So many colds going around here, that time of year I guess.
    I always love it when you post pictures of horses. The burro is pretty cute too.
    I don’t see the place on the right side of your blog anymore, where you sign up for emails. I clicked on the bottom of this page under comments where it says notify me of new posts by email, but never get any notifications.

  28. Sorry to hear you have a cold but glad you aren’t letting get you down:) Push on:) Chicken soup always seems to work:) Take care, Sue!

  29. Tawnya says:

    I hope you feel better soon. I love you tons!

  30. Sue, I love the fact that you didn’t want to go to the store so as not to infect someone else! So kind, so considerate! I used to get bronchitis twice a year after being exposed to someone else’s nasty germs. People didn’t seem to understand that their being sick meant they should STAY AWAY! Nor did they seem to understand when I wouldn’t want to me near their nastiness but bronchitis isn’t fun!

    Well, tomorrow is my big day! Off to close on my RV! My tummy was tied up in knots earlier today but I feel peaceful now. I’m expecting it to be a fun day albeit a long one since the dealership is 3 hours away!

    I hope you feel better soon. Colds are just nasty.

  31. Marilu from Northern California says:

    I’m sending you healing thoughts, Sue. I’m glad you’re in a beautiful, peaceful spot for your recuperation and so thankful those annoying Clingers left. It should be peaceful for a few days. Take care.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Marilu,

      The clingers and weekend people are gone. Our camp is quiet again. *aahhh*

      Thanks for the thoughts for my healing. I’m hoping today is the day I start feeling better. It’s hard to determine in the morning as I always feel the best at this time. You have a good day….

  32. Chaunte in West TN says:

    Hi Sue, I’m about to start week 3 of the crud. Thankfully I get a little better everyday. The cough is very persistent. Hope that vitamin C helps your cold ease a lot earlier than mine! I have some sad news to report. My Pomeranian, Elvis, passed last night. My hubby buried him in the backyard today. Just thought I’d share, not trying to dampen the mood. Enjoy your Ivie Creek there Miss Sue and love that Bridgett with all you’ve got!

    Safe and happy travels, as always~Chaunte

  33. Taranis says:

    Hope you start feeling better soon, Ms. Sue! Thanks for having us here!

  34. Marcia GB in MA says:

    Oh Sue, so sorry you are sick. You’re doing the right things to take of yourself, so hopefully it will run it’s course and you’ll soon feel better. Yay for the clingers’ departure. May you and Bridget be left in peace to enjoy your beautiful surroundings and interesting critters.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks, Marcia. 🙂

      Speaking of “interesting critters,” I opened the door of the BLT this morning to let Bridget out and heard birds chirping excitedly… Two American Dippers were in the creek fishing for breakfast and skittering around each other. Amazing that they can enjoy that cold water on a cold morning!

  35. Sondra-SC says:

    I’m sorry you got a cold…its no fun feeling bad..hope that soup kicks it out my throat feels a bit scratchy too we we to have some fun playing put-put golf on Saturday night and none of us brought jackets (you know how it is in the south) and it turned cold and breezy! I’ll be back later to browse the comment section gotta run. Stay warm and rest up. Love the equine photos…all fat and sassy!!

  36. Betty-Sshea says:

    Keep cuddled up and warm !!Hugs to you and Bridget!

  37. Dawn says:

    You have my empathy – just spent the last week in bed having to meet deadlines while still nursing an awful headcold. Fortunately I had my mother bring me chicken soup 🙂 I’m sure that’s what got me through it! Feel better 🙂

  38. Good morning, Sue. Hope you’re feeling better. I swear Campbell’s Chicken Noodle soup with lots of saltines crushed in it is medicinal! Love the photos, especially the horse with the red mane. Don’t think I’ve ever seen that before.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good morning, Dawn. My soup is Progresso. I think it’s helping! 🙂

      That red-maned horse is something I’ve never seen before either. . . .

  39. JodeeinSoCal says:

    You have stayed so healthy on the road, but alas colds do happen 🙁 Ice cream and chicken soup will undoubtedly move it along – and soaking up that sun in the reclined position is just as good! At least your clingers were quiet, and short-term 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good morning, Jodee…

      I really have been blessed with excellent health since changing my life to vagabonding. No more annual bouts of bronchitis!

      If this cold gives me any indication that it’s turning into bronchitis, I’m going to the doctor. I know from experience that my bronchitis does not go away without antibiotics. . . 🙁

  40. DesertGinger says:

    Beautiful pics, as usual. Red roan is a term I had never heard. Very interesting.

    Ahhh, bronchitis, which I usually get every winter and it usually turns into pneumonia. I am hoping that living in Tucson will change that, but I agree…most people are really careless about containing their germs. Nice you think of it, Sue.

    It is very cool here this morning. I had to wear a jacket to walk the dog. So nice! It will still get very warm in afternoon though. I am hoping my open wound heals quickly so I can rejoin the aqua aerobics group in the pool. Want to use the pool as long as I can. I think some folks use it year round here.

    Well, Sue, it sounds like you are doing the good stuff and just need to keep doing it. I especially like the lounging in the sun idea. Have a beautiful day!

    • Shirlene says:

      Good Morning Sue, I am glad to hear that your morning is better, it has to be now that the Clingers are gone…My coffee got cold before I could drink it, had to take care of some business that had me awake all night, now that is done I can finish my coffee and get on with my morning greeting to you and Bridget. I hope your day is beautiful and restful…that makes all things better…

    • Shirlene says:

      Hi Ginger, you go girl, moving on every day in every way…

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You have a beautiful day, too, Ginger.

    • Ginger, you sound as if you’re feeling better! Here’s to speedy healing so you can get in the pool…hope the water’s nice & warm.

  41. Shirlene says:

    Hi Sue, I see my comment landed under DG’s…I hope you see it, but I think you read all comments…….(see above)…lol

  42. weather says:

    It’s sprinkling so softly that the droplets can’t reach me as I sit sheltered beneath a tree.The cloud cover is thick and full of quiet colors this morning,like the landscape beneath it- soothing .Weathered board steps and landings with a few leaves scattered on each one descend the cliff with incredible charm.There’s a cloud that’s shaped like an angel above me-not the standing guard type-the kind that carry grace in their wings- that are opened as they approach from the sky.I’m taken with thoughts of grace,as I stare at your beautiful photos with happiness and peace,and realize once again how much we’re given.

    Time to rest and recover in comfort-from illness and pain of all sorts.Sweet concern and good wishes from those that celebrate our best days as well. My grandson texted “We’re very excited!” out of the blue.Their last outing had been with her family,and they’d dreaded it-instead of looking forward to the time.That as well is grace-pure and simple,as I’ve never baked cookies,sent cards and gifts or whatever makes grandmothers liked or loved.

    Hope this is the day -that you find the cold is on it’s way out-and that you find other blessings approaching from the sky…

    • Elizabeth in WA says:

      Well, Weather….I doubt that there is any certain way that makes grandchildren love us, aside from our simply loving them…we probably all have a bit different way of so-doing…plus in our case, we are somewhat limited by parents as to what we can do anyway…with our older ones, we are a continent away right now…so just sending postcards every so often…and newspaper clippings that they might enjoy…not a lot else we can do really…

      • weather says:

        Hi Elizabeth,a variety of circumstances had long kept visits down to a handful in our lives,too,so I understand the “not a lot else” you speak of.My and my grandson’s love and appreciation for each other is about who we are,rather than that we happen to be related.I’ll bet it’s the same with some of yours,because.honestly,you are one of the sweetest,most gentle women that comment here-anyone would be blessed to spend time with you.Enjoy the peace and quiet the cooler weather and less street noise has brought your home,you deserve it,weather

        • Elizabeth in WA says:

          Oh thank you Weather…you always say such sweet encouraging things to others…may you be blessed extra for that!! I think that many of us, in our generation are facing a lot of the same things in family situations. Sure makes me miss most of those already gone!! Well, we know too, that often it is our friends who truly are our family these days!! Glad you have close relationship with your grandson…that is a blessing for both of you!!

          • weather says:

            “it is our friends who truly are our family”-love and wisdom in your words,dear lady 🙂

            you’re welcome and thank you for the blessing

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good morning, weather,

      How glorious to have your day graced by the wings of an angel! I suspect your grandson loves you because you are you….

      Thanks for the hope that my cold leaves. I’ve already found “blessings approaching from the sky” — all these kind messages from the cyber-sky!

      • weather says:

        Your right ,Sue,about my grandson and I-as neither of us feels this way about family in general-and so keep relationship with very few,such as his parents and sister and one of my siblings.I’m from an enormous family,yet have always chosen companionship by affinity of mind and heart and not merely human blood,so does he.

        How beautiful your first sentence is-in sentiment and sound.I read it several times to enjoy both,as I do songs that I love.Glad the cyber-sky is full of gifts to you,and your dishes full of other things to make you well.I like it so much better when I know you’re just free -of any burden- that you and Bridget happy and having fun.May only that soon be true every day again and be part of this one as well,hope your nose isn’t to stuffy to smell something lovely along your next walk,luv ya y’ know,weather

  43. Kay says:

    Okay, I STOPPED at Wal-Mart yesterday, and …drum roll…. I ACTUALLY went into that Human Zoo place.

    I found this little breakfast muffin sandwich maker. Yep, it jumped into my cart and so did a freaking Hoover carpet cleaner. Hate when things requiring me to work does this crap.

    Anyways, this morning… I gave COW BELL wake up call to the crew, unpacked and washed that new muffin maker… and so an English muffin bottom went in, then the ham, then the cheese, then an egg, then the muffin top… and 5 minutes later, two peeps were chowing down.

    Humm…. darn things turned out better than McDonalds, and they didn’t STINK like McDonalds.

    So, I think I will be going shopping on Amazon…. About 3 of these machines would make 6 biscuits at a time for mobile kitchen…. I think I like this idea of mine. Hubby says it was HIS idea because HE is the one that mentioned “I am sick of cereal” so I sprung for the $40 contraption.

    But, I was thinking, 5 minute breakfast in the boon docks, and one could toss turkey and veggies in it and WHAM…. they have themselves a hearty little sandwich.

    God knows, there is not a CLINGON who would make breakfast for their neighbor they imposed on. Hey, does give me and idea for when I get back on the road, I WILL DO THAT, too, the next darn CLINGON for me might just get a breakfast sandwich with a nice note reading “So Sorry to IMPOSE upon you, however, since you opted to park so CLOSE to me with so much open space, I thought I would be kind and make you a sandwich to eat, rather than just SMELL. Have a lovely day!”

    Okay, now I have to go clean carpets. Everyone else, you’re free to lounge around.

    • Shirlene says:

      Kay, you are so nice that I would probably want to CLING to you….but if I ever see you on the road, I will just wave from afar.

    • AlanOutandAbout says:

      Kay, don’t do all the work. I’ll be there in 3 weeks. 🙂

      • Kay says:

        I know Alan, I am super excited to meet and see you and have you CAMPED here for as long as your heart desires!

        Hubby and girls are attempting to erect the steel building. I am suppose to be inside the hosue cleaning the carpets and doing touch up painting… but, them steel building erectors are making me a wee bit nervous.

        RVSUE, I was thinking the breakfast menu also. I am still mad as ever at that mobile kitchen nightmare. I just can’t cope with piecing crap together. So, we really are gutting it right down to the steel frame and re-building it. It will be the BEST and the CLEANEST mobile kitchen on the planet when we get done.

        First, we have to get the steel building up so that we can fetch our stuff from the darn storage units… then finish the mobile kitchen…. Oh, FIRST-FIRST I need to finish that house so we can move out of RV into it. Then, I can get RV winterized.

        But, I am hoping building up before you arrive Alan, that way you can get tucked in for shelter. 🙂

        • Elizabeth in WA says:

          So sorry to hear Kay, that you are having so many things on your plate all at the same time!! Well, hopefully later, all will be well!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Kay,

      That breakfast will be a great addition to your Snack Shop menu!

  44. Grace says:

    That red cow has some lovely green earrings. Feel better soon, Sue. Grace (in Tucson)

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thank you, Grace.

    • Timber n' me says:

      Grace, Timber here, those earrings are owner tags on them cows, better than a chip, you can get the imfo now on them. ,,,Hey Sue, are ya feeling, better? ,,,Timber ,, dads out checking the Big Horn Sheep that are migrating towards the river, there’s a lot of em, dad has me on my tether so I wont have fun in chasing them, when I bark-talk at them, they just look at me and say in Sheep tong, “what is that dog saying to us”, ,,,, Look at them, 100’s and they have big horns, baaaa,,,,,,, baaaa they say as they move on,,,,,,,,,Timber

      • Mick'nTN says:

        Oh Timber, what a character you are! Good you’re not chasing those big horns, you might get butted.

        • Timber n' me says:

          Really , I think that’s the reason why he tied me up, he says no chasing, stay home and watch the fortress and stay cool that he’ll be back, like Arnold says it. ,,,,,,,Timber

          • Kay says:

            Ah, Timber… question for you? Do you cook your pa dinner when he’s out checking the surroundings? Or, are you tied up!

            • Timber n' me says:

              Kay, He dose all the cooking or he’ll treat us to take out, I eat all his cooking, Oatmeal W/Peaches, Sardines or Tuna, and all the neat stuff he makes for dinner. I really love his Tuna casserole, w/ peas, noodles, cheese and he makes a big pot, so we get stuffed. I have the life of Riley, better than Ol’Roy any day, best gravy train in my way of thinkin’,,,,,Timber ,,,Dad what was you doing, talkin’ to that Lady,,,,,,No your mind , all mind ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

            • Timber n' me says:

              All so, Kay , Thanks for the invitation to camp at your Rv Park, can you tell my dad where it’s at and he lost your number,,,,,Timber

            • Kay says:

              email me

              I would be happy to tell you where its at!

  45. Susan (MS) says:

    Ivie Creek was one of my favorite places. As always loved the photos.

    I have a question(s) if anyone can answer it(them):
    About a couple of weeks ago I saw a comment made by Sunny of sunnyischanginglanes; I clicked on her name and started reading her blog; I was catching up on previous post (years), but had to stop for a couple of days, when I went back to the blog, I got a message that the blog had been removed. Is anyone else getting this message or is it just me? Was the blog name or address changed, and if it was does anyone have the new one? Or, and I hope not, has Sunny stopped her blog altogether? If anyone can provide an answer(s) it would be appreciated, and thank you in advance.

    Give Bridget a belly rub for me and a virtual hug to you Sue and feel better soon.

  46. Susan (MS) says:

    Thank you Alan, I will check it out.

  47. Shawna says:

    I somehow, some way, lost my following status for your blog — which I love — and searched for it this morning while dreaming of the life you are living. I read “Bridget and I”. Dear Lord, what happened to Spike?
    Hope your cold gets much better, real soon!

  48. Timber n' me says:

    Sue, I was just looking at the 2 storms on NOAA and the one to your north is heading east, the one off the BAHA coast is heading north, it should give us some rain and go right up towards Utah and up and east. I’ll keep a eye on it and let you know any updates, Hope your feeling better and Amazon has Astragalus. ,,,,me

  49. Dawn in MI says:

    Hope you’re lots better today (Monday) Sue. Never is any fun when you’ve got a cold. I’m a total baby when it comes to sore throats! Glad the clingers moved on. Ivie Creek is one of my favorites of your campsites too..glad you’re able to enjoy it! Love the horse and cow pictures…burros are good too!

  50. Jenny Waters says:

    I hope you feel better soon, Sue. I agree about the chicken soup, it is the best when you aren’t feeling well.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Jenny,

      Thank you. Three days of chicken soup. I don’t know if I have any more in the PTV pantry. I won’t be disappointed if I’ve eaten it all. 🙂

  51. Evie says:

    Hi Sue,
    I hope by the time you read this your cold will have left your throat.
    Today while driving from Denver to Colorado Springs mom said “you need to tell RVSue that I just don’t know what we would do without our Benchmark atlas’s , they show so much detail.” So here it is, we love our Benchmark’s. Thank you for mentioning them on you blog.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome, Evie and Mom. I’m pleased the Benchmark is living up to all my praise!

      Thanks re the cold. My throat is much better.

  52. Elizabeth in WA says:

    Dear Sue and all the doggie lovers,
    Read this awesome news report on dogs this evening….nothing new to us who love dogs, but nice to see it written down:

    If it is not ok to put this link, Sue, please remove it…thanks.

    • DesertGinger says:

      I had seen this earlier and think it is wonderful! Finally dogs get the attention they deserve. Of course dogs feel love for their owners…if you have a bond with a dog, you know that.

      • Elizabeth in WA says:

        Well, some dogs do for sure, Ginger…our last one was simply incredible. But I did have one years ago that ALMOST cured me of loving dogs…he must have been retarded. He certainly liked to make my life difficult!! NEVER housetrained!! So we swore no more male dogs anyway…and our last one, a female, was nearly human really….she THOUGHT she was for sure!!

    • Thank you, Elizabeth; what a wonderful article. Dogs are very amazing!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks for posting the link, Elizabeth. . .

  53. Elizabeth in WA says:

    Another helpful item for sickness, colds, etc. is Welch’s pure grape juice (or some other company)…when we were kids that is when my parents bought that and gave us as much as we wanted. Grapes do help get viruses to turn loose inside us I think I have read. We had chicken noodle soup, soda crackers and grape juice. Ok diet for a few days. Sometimes we were given 7UP too…but with all the corn syrup these days in such things, I would get it made with more natural sweeteners, or stevia etc.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Elizabeth,

      I remember the rare times we were given Welch’s grape juice as kids. I thought it was nectar of the gods! It was a big treat for us, as was Hawaiian Punch. We were given whole milk or spring water (the real kind), hardly ever anything else.

  54. Hi, RVSue,
    Sorry to hear that you got a cold. But glad that dinosauric clinger are gone.
    I wonder if you’ve had a chat with the next-door neighbor even if your not in a talkative mood. Maybe they are not bad persons, just carefree ones with boondockers, I guess. It is troublesome and burdensome to let them know about disliking-clinger-feelings.

    Your post and comments are very educational for me as always.
    I’m reading every single word and phrase with my English dictionary. Occasionally it takes a ton of hours, especially weather’s lovely poetry. 🙂
    Mechanically or electric things are okay because I am/was an engineer. Also medical terms are okey because my wife is a nurse.

    BTW “Live lettuce” is in Fresh Market in Richfield! I do remember your past post on May 21, 2014. I’ve never seen selling “Live lettuce” like a head of Bibb.
    I do want to see the photo. If you happen to stop by the store on your way to south, please take a photo if you can.

    Be careful not pass your cold on to your sweet lady Bridget.
    Continue good travels, we are with you every mile.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Fuji-maru,

      I was thinking about you last night because we hadn’t heard from you in a few days. I can understand this, if every word requires a look at an English dictionary!

      I also wondered about your reaction to all our talk about clingers. I wondered if we seem odd to you. I have the impression that in Japanese society people are more tolerant about sharing space. Maybe my assumption is wrong. I’ve never been to your country.

      Thanks for being with us “every mile.”

      • Fuji-maru says:

        You thought about me last night!! I’m sooo glad to hear you! I read your posts and comments everyday again and again. So I am always thinking about you and blogorinos.
        I wish I could comment on all of your post. Alas my poorly literate in anyway. I can understand aproximately three quarters of those sentences that you all wrote, yes without dictionaries.
        About Clingers, I feel same as you all here. I like secluded places without clingers inside Japan, also RV-travel in the US. And I never want to be a clinger! 🙂

        • AZ Jim says:

          Fugi-Maru, I admire your patience with our language. We are often misunderstood even by fellow English speakers of other countries. You have to work at it but you do a great job of communicating. Nice having you in Sue’s Blog with the rest of us.


          • Fuji-maru says:

            Thank youk, AZ Jim.
            I am surprising your Japanese! You’er the first blogorino to wrote in Japanese in Sue’s blog!
            Have a nice day, too.

            • AZ Jim says:

              I can’t write Japanese Fugi-Maru, I merely used Googles translator. If you have never tried it, it is fun and it usually get’s it right.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Thanks, Fuji-maru for letting me know you are reading, even when you don’t comment. It’s okay if you don’t comment under every post. Some people never comment …. darn!

  55. DesertGinger says:

    So, I had an alternate nurse today and she and her husband own a 2005 Casita they are thinking of selling….may have to check it out.

    Going to try to get back to my filing, mail sorting chores tomorrow. I’m finally starting to have a little energy again. And my INR is finally high enough I can stop with the injections in my stomach, thank god. I’m one big bruise…my whole abdomen. But maybe I’m on the right path now, knock on wood.

    • Shirlene says:

      You go girl!

    • Teri in SoCal says:

      Here’s to better days ahead DesertGinger!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Ginger,

      An inside tip on the possible sale of a 2005 Casita is rare! If they decide to sell and they price their Casita according to its market value, it will be gone in a flash.

      You do sound much better. Follow that “right path,” sweetie.

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Glad you are feeling a little more like yourself, DesertGinger! Have fun checking out the Casita! 🙂

    • Elizabeth in WA says:

      So good to hear your GOOD news today, Ginger….by the way, rubbing some vitamin E oil on the bruises might help them heal quicker….or some MSM cream from Swanson’s vitamins I have found helpful too (and no I am in no way profiting from telling you this…just a happy customer).

  56. Pamela K. says:

    Miss RV Sue,
    I sure hope you are feeling much better as I write this note of good wishes to you for a speedy recovery. Awe yes, Fall has a way of letting us all know that the warm days of summer are behind us and the nights are chilly and often damp, prime for a cold to settle in. Nonetheless I do love the Fall with all the dresses of color and the near perfect temps during the daytime hours. Ya know what, I think there should be a Camelot-like law about gettings sick. No illnesses on holidays, birthdays, anniversaries, and the likes. Yep, note-to-self…lobby Congress for such a law, lol. I’ll let ya know how that works out! Giggles now at the thought! Well, at any event I do hope you are feeling better and my little attempt at making you laugh cheered you up.
    ~Hugs to you and The Bridge.~

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You have cheered me, Pamela! I think your idea is great!

      When I taught middle school I was sick often. Invariably I’d be sick on holiday breaks and weekends, never when school was in session. I accumulated a lot of unused sick days.

      I am feeling a bit better. Thank you.

  57. Kellee says:

    Hi Sue. Hope you are starting to feel better. My husband has the same crud. Stay warm and cozy!

  58. weather says:

    Appearing like crystal necklaces – pine boughs dangle water near my face-until the rain sounds become more quiet and disappear.As the wind dries the leaves,grass and sand -soundlessly the warm light completes the transformation.In less than an hour paws leave dirt -instead of mud in their wake ,and the day calls for sneakers ,not boots.

    Inspired by the changes I alter my plans-now the pumpkins,gourds and mums I want to line the rock steps by the door- won’t soak the jeep’s seats as I bring them home from the farm stand down the road.Hope my favorite colored ones are abundant this year,I choose them with as much joy as some choose jewelry,actually probably more.Good morning Sue,hope you still have clothes clean enough to feel good,I know laundry was on a list that got postponed for a while.I’m glad coffee cups are easier to have ready everyday,I’m raising mine to toast you”Here’s to small blessings -may they fill your heart and day!” 🙂

    • Shirlene says:

      Good Morning Weather, raising my coffee cup to both you and Sue….have a wonderful day. Your plans for the pumpkins and goards sounds stunning as your words of the day.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good morning, weather,

      I start this day with a gift from you — the memory of farmstands along New York country roads with pumpkins of many shapes and sizes out front, along with mums of different colors, to entice passers-by to stop and look at the harvest bounty….. gourds, apples, honey, maple syrup, jams, and, of course, “Indian corn!”

      Back to the mundane…. Laundry is not at the crisis level yet. With the creek a few feet from our front door, I can wash out the necessaries when I anticipate a shortage. 🙂

      My cup is raised to you and Shirlene and all the blogorinos with the same toast!

    • Pamela K. says:

      I simply adore the way you have described the bounties of Fall! Your pure joy for all that Fall’s harvest time brings. And those wonderful colors that seem to dance before us to delight us their presence! Each year it amazes me how flawless and generous the earth is to us. You make my heart sing as you write of picking out your favorite treasures. Indeed they are the gemstones of the Harvest. Did you know that this very time of year is a time is one of our most joyous of seasons in the Jewish faith? Sukkot is the only holiday time when it commanded of us to rejoice and to celebrate…a time to truly relish in the bounty the earth has laid before us.

      • weather says:

        Thank you for writing such a nice note to me ,Pamela!Yes,I’m familiar with the season’s significance to those of both Jewish and Christian faiths.Rabbinic teaching and historians show the birthday celebrated as Christmas in December,actually happened during the Feast of tabernacles-as in Messiah fulfilling the joy of the season by coming to the world that very day -He tabernacled among us,a verse in my Book,of which yours is part,means just that.My understanding the faith of those first entrusted with scripture completes my own as well as helps me know what they’re promised and long for.May we both rejoice for the gemstones we receive-including each other 🙂

  59. Terri From Texas says:

    Shoulda got the ice cream!!
    Be well and take care!

  60. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Hi, Sue,

    Hope you are feeling a little better today! I know you are getting tired of chicken soup and being under the weather!

    The second and final total lunar eclipse of the year will occur Wednesday morning, just before sunrise EST. It will be a blood moon – a perfect wishing moon!

    This article is from today’s issue of USA Today. Sue, please delete the link if you don’t want it displayed. I hope that many of us will be blessed with clears skies so we may be able to experience this wonder.

    Hugs to you and Miss Bridge from me and Gracie pup. 🙂

  61. Jean in Southaven, MS says:

    I do not have time to read every post today, there are so many of them, but I love horses and the pictures of the unusal colored horses are wonderful. I have a friend that has a white horse that has black spots that looks just like a Dalmation dog. According to his owner, he is very affectionate and good natured. I have seen pictures of him and he is beautiful. I never knew horses came in so many colors. I see from the posts that you are feeling better. I am so glad.

  62. Kay says:

    Back in the day, ya know, the ones that have long gone…. my grandma used to take water, honey and lemon and drink it. But, when she had a real sucker as she called a hard cold…. she would toss in a shot of some sort of whiskey…. the next day, grandma was all better…. Boy, those “back in the day” things really worked.

    Hope you are feeling better, Sue.

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