Finding a camp with a cool breeze in the Mojave Preserve

Saturday, March 11

A full moon lights the desert around the Best Little Trailer as Reggie and I snuggle in our bed.  Crying coyotes mark the end of our last day at Midland LTVA, Blythe, California.

“Well, Reg, tomorrow we move camp to a place we’ve never been.”

Sunday, March 12

I’m up early preparing for our move.   I bustle about, clearing counter tops, locking windows, closing vents.  The bureau drawers are placed on the bed and floor.  Laptop and inverter are wrapped in the comforter.  All cabinet push-knobs are in.  I check that faucets are tightly closed. The refrigerator contents are rearranged, some going into a plastic box with lid.  Other items are put in a plastic box on the floor of the BLT.

Outside . . . The lounger, Reggie’s bed, and the blue mat go into the Perfect Tow Vehicle.

“Okay, Reggie, all aboard!”

I stoop to pick him up and he scampers away.

“Come here, you little rascal!  You want me to leave you behind?”

He zooms around my legs, then lies down in the rough sand, belly up in submission.

I toss him in.

The Perfect Tow Vehicle needs a quart of oil.  Transmission fluid is good.  Coolant is low so I add some, being careful not to overfill.  Tire pressure looks good on all tires.  They were checked recently so I skip this ritual.

I hitch up the BLT and we rock and roll over to the trash bins and dump station.

Goodbye, desert lilies . . . .

We’re off!

Route 95 north takes us through green fields and away from the aroma of freshly cut alfalfa.

A last look at the Big Marias . . . .

Reggie settles into his bed while I drink coffee from my thermal mug.

It’s a beautiful day for travel!  I hope we get to camp before the sun bears down on us.  It’s going to be a scorcher.  Well, the higher elevation should work in our favor.

Oh, brittlebush is in bloom!

Not much traffic this morning which allows me to stop for a few photos.  Masses of yellow spill over the rocks.

Route 95 takes us along the western edge of the Colorado River Indian Reservation.

The road reminds me of ribbon candy as it follows the contour of the land, dipping into each deep wash, then rising, then dipping again . . .

At Vidal Junction I see gas is $2.79 a gallon.

The gauge says we have half a tank so I keep pushing northward.  At Needles, the PTV climbs onto Interstate 40 west.  After about 40 miles we take exit 100 for the Essex Road and go northward.

This is Mojave National Preserve.

Other than one stop for a walk-about, Reggie has slept all morning.

This landscape shows volcanic rock formations.  It isn’t as green and lush as the desert around Blythe.  Some would call it desolate.

I try not to make judgments about natural surroundings.  They are what they are and I’m open to what can be found and enjoyed.

Nature provides shelter for her creatures.

I bet those caves are cooler in the summer than out in the blasting sunshine.

A sign says that Mitchell Caverns is closed.

Hmm. . . too bad.  That would’ve been interesting. . . . 

The air blowing through our open windows is cool, although this is a hot day.  About 12-15 miles from the interstate we reach our destination!

My first impression is that the campground is crowded. 

Then I realize all those vehicles are Sunday day-use people.  I choose a spot away from the main group of RVs and tents clustered closer to the entrance.

Okay, a few details on the campground . . . .

Sites at Hole-in-the-Wall are neat with level, sandy gravel, picnic table, and fire pit/grill.  Camping fees are $12 regular/$6 with Senior Discount Pass.

There are vault toilets, trash bins, and hand pumps for water.  A camp host is on-site.

At the kiosk I read a sign stating quiet hours (no generators!) are 7 p.m. to 7 a.m.

Although these photos don’t do justice to the massive rocks and buttes around us, there is enough obstruction (and distance) to almost obliterate any signal for internet (and probably phones).

Even with the antenna up, I get a reading of 1x and 1-2 bars.  Surfing is slow to impossible, only enough for an occasional peek at the blog and for a few words of comment.  Hours go by with no connection at all.

That’s okay.  We will enjoy a “mini-vacation” within our vacation of a life and only stay two nights. 

Reg and I walk down to the entrance and deposit a check for $12 in the iron ranger.

The rest of the day is for relaxing!

I sit in my camp chair and watch jackrabbits gamboling among the bushes around our site.  A red-tail hawk circles high above the joshua trees.  A cactus wren lands on a cactus (of course!) and chortles in that scritchy way cactus wrens do.

By mid-afternoon the air temperature in the sun must be near 90 degrees, but in the shade it’s comfortable.  A cool breeze comes down from the rocks — canyon air maybe?

I walk Reggie and, even though cholla are present (see above photo), the campground road is clear of spines.

Before closing this post, let’s have some fun!

For me there are two sounds that say, “You’re in the desert now.”

I invite you to listen.

One is the coyote howl.  (Follow the link and scroll down to find “coyote call,” among other animal calls.)   Imagine these sounds are your lullaby!

The other is the song of the cactus wren.   Follow the link, scroll down, choose the tab for “sound (California).”

You’ll feel as if you’re sitting in the shade with us at Hole-in-the-Wall Campground in the Mojave Desert of California!



The following morning a cactus wren sings from the top of the outhouse. 


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122 Responses to Finding a camp with a cool breeze in the Mojave Preserve

  1. Robin (Oregon & Arizona) says:


  2. Kristi & Daisie (Nampa, ID) says:

    I love the sound of coyotes at night. Heard them often at my spot in Texas a couple of winters ago. Canyon views and deep thoughts–sounds like a great place to be. <3

  3. Jean in Southaven, MS says:

    top 10 maybe?

  4. Kim in PA says:

    Glad you are in a cooler place. I’m taking note of great places in Utah for our trip this summer/fall.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Kim,

      I don’t know if you’ve read about our camps in Utah. If not, I encourage you to check them out.

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        Maybe later, this evening, I’ll list a few of my favorite Utah camps for you!

        • Kim in PA says:

          Thanks. I have one browser window open where I am ready your adventures in chronological order from earliest to latest and then a second window where I am working my way backwards latest to earliest. I’ll meet up somewhere. We just got a new T@B and have a sabbatical centered in Salt Lake City for 6 months. Looking forward to having time to get off the beaten track and find some places that aren’t packed with campers.

  5. Judy in East Texas says:

    Hi Sue and Reggie……I love our new spot and the bird call really did make me feel like I was hanging out with you.
    Enjoy your mini va-k . The pictures are beautiful.

    Stay safe out there my friend, judy

  6. Dee Dee in Florida says:

    Enjoy your mini vacation!

  7. Dawn in NC says:

    Love the sounds! There is something that really calls to me of the open road in your “ribbon candy” road shot. Thanks for sharing this with us.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome, Dawn. I enjoy receiving detailed, positive feedback on a post. It was great to be on the road again!

  8. Ursula says:

    Hi Sue!
    I did enjoy your post today and the pictures of warm sunny places! Here I’m dealing with 2feet of snow, not happy. Will be hitting the road in 5weeks, yeah!!!
    Stay well!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Ursula! Great to see you here!

      I imagine our camp looks like it’s on another planet. I’m happy for you — the anticipation of the road only 5 weeks away… 🙂

  9. Teri Live Oak Fl says:

    Listening to the coyotes and my little dog jumps up, ears perked up and looking around. Haha. She knows the call of the wild.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Reggie did the same thing! He cocked his head… “What’s that living inside the computer?”

    • Rover Ronda (WA) says:

      My Peanut didn’t like having coyotes in the house either. Less interested in the wrens, but very concerned about the coyotes. Maggie didn’t care. She’s alpha so maybe she thinks she could take ’em down. Foolish girl.

  10. Glad you found a nice relaxing spot for a few days. Two of my favorite sounds – coyotes talking to each other (or singing as some of the howls remind me) and the Arizona State bird. The Cactus Wren’s song is beautiful in the early morning.

  11. Pam and Maya, still in NY says:

    HI Sue, Reggie and Blogarinos, I wanted to let everyone know I had my knee surgery and two weeks out – I feel fantastic! Very little pain, I’m walking, bending it and even doing stairs!

    Remember the “Who” bird Sue? Well I listened to the desert wren recording and then I got the idea to put ” desert bird with who call” in the search box. It came up with several choices but the sound that was closest was the gambols quail.

    Thanks again for a great post as we dig out of our blizzard!

  12. Joy says:

    Beautiful setting!

  13. Glad you’ve landed for a breather. Lots on national news about the beautiful desert flowers. Ranger from Anza Borrego says many of the flowers may be from seeds laying there for a decade and the drought breaking rains caused them to sprout. Beautiful.😊
    Huga to you bot

    • Trying to read with one eye as other eye had cataract surgery early this morning. Sorry for typos

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        I’m glad your surgery is over, Virginia. Coincidentally I was talking with a person this morning who had cataract surgery on both eyes. He says his vision is better than when he was six years old and had to wear glasses all the time. I appreciate you writing a comment …

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Pickett,

      There are great hikes that loop out of the campground and go to views of white volcanic rock, and through canyons and all sorts of interesting formations. One part of the hike — I think it’s six miles total — the trail goes up a rock face. Hand and foot holds have been installed. Of course, that’s not something I’d do with Reggie and not when the snakes are becoming active and probably not under the best conditions! 🙂

  14. Renee Galligher - Idaho says:

    Neat! I loved the recordings. I’ve heard coyotes and wolves in the wild, but not the Cactus Wren. Thanks for taking the time to include the links.

  15. Pat from Mich. says:

    I remember going to my Aunts place near Lancaster. You’d go around a curve and all of a sudden, the entire hill would be covered by California poppies. Beautiful!

  16. Lee J in Northern California says:

    I had to share! When I played the coyote howl my male Silky terrier Arlo went on full alert and started growling….we have coyotes here and apparently they earn an alert!
    I don’t think it is desolate at all, the photos remind me of my hometown in Carlsbad New Mexico….born here, spent 13 years in Carlsbad then back to where I was born here in California….
    Thanks for the visit to the desert!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome, Lee J.

      With a hometown of Carlsbad, you would be less likely to think of the desert as desolate as folks used to the Northeast, for example. The desert reveals her beauty to anyone willing to take the time to appreciate it.

      Poor Arlo has to be alert to coyotes all the time, even in the house! 🙂

    • Stephanie Albany OR says:

      Same with my dog. Growled and stared at iPad with skepticism. Then ran to glass storm door to see where those varmints were. I was surprised that the wrens sound differently in each state. Sorta’ like a regional accent. The sounds with the pics were a 360 experience. Thanks.

    • Melissa in TX says:

      Hi Lee,
      I just had to comment on this as I’m originally from Carlsbad, NM myself. No longer living there either, by it is fun to see a comment from someone else who lived there too. 🙂

      And, I love your blog, Sue. I’m a frequent reader, although not a commenter. I’ve read here and there over the years and have enjoyed coming back to read over the past several months.

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        Hi, Melissa,

        Great seeing you here! I’m glad you mentioned that you’re “not a commenter” because I might have confused you with another blogorino, Mel in TX.

        Even after six years of blogging I still get a thrill when someone says they love my blog. Thank you. I hope you continue to enjoy it!

  17. Ann M says:

    What a great idea to post a link to the sounds that you hear! And that cactus wren does sound just like a car trying to start! Thanks, RV Sue! Enjoy your mini vacation within a vacation. Ann M– Virginia

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome, Ann. You know, now I’m going to think of a car starting when the cactus wren calls. 🙂

  18. Great photos and nice sounds of the critters, glad you and Reggie found a great camp,,, stay safe and give Reggieman a huge hug from us, okay,,, Rusty n’ Piper

  19. Pat Hall, Sizzling Tucson says:

    Great pics and post!!!!!

    I’m in sizzling Tucson for a week….lol. I already miss the open desert, but have things that have to be done here. Next weekend New Mexico!!!!

    Enjoy your wonderful site.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      We’re in a heat wave. Even so, I wouldn’t be surprised if we have one more blast of cold before the heat settles in for summer.

  20. Nancy1340 says:

    $3.79??? Holy crap!

  21. ApplegirlNY says:

    I think your new camp looks beautiful and interesting. Enjoy your short stay. Hugs to Reggie.

    Hopefully we’re done digging out. 2ft of snow yesterday. The sun and beaches of Florida seem like a distant memory, and it was only last week.

  22. Karen LeMoine says:

    Ribbon Candy Road sounds like a name of a book,:) I also enjoy the howling of coyote. Just as soothing as rain on the roof. The desert is magnificent until the heat hits. Thanks for the work you put into this amazing informative blog! I’m addicted!

  23. Julie, Molly & gizmo (Idaho) says:

    I posted a long comment then capcha didn’t think 7+4 =11. Am I senile? Any way short verse, luv that cg. Seeing dunes & old train station worth a trip. Good visitors center as well.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I’m very sorry that happened, Julie. Do you clear your cache? Another thing to try is refreshing the page after saving your comment.

  24. Sarvi in OR says:

    Hah, my lab was at the water bowl, stopped drinking, looked up and perked up his ears when I played the coyote call.

  25. Sabine Seidel says:

    Please can somebody help out. When you are talking about the iron ranger, do I have to pay with checks or can I also put cash in a envelope to pay for the campsite? Thanks in advance

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Sabine… You can put cash in the envelope provided. You would need to have the correct amount because camp hosts and rangers (the live ones) will not make change. That is why it’s important to have a supply of checks in addition to a supply of currency of different denominations. Credit cards and debit cards won’t work, of course, unless you’re at certain state parks that accept cards.

  26. Geri, Florida panhandle! says:

    Radar did the head tilt too with his ears out wide and his eyes amazed he couldn’t see what was making the sounds in my laptop! Haha So of course I had to go through the wolf calls, and wolf growling. dog growling and all the rest on that list and the next page too just to watch his reaction! I am easily amused! ha!
    Hole in the Wall looks great. I think Ann and Bill were there too recently, last week or so. I remember reading about the Hole in the Wall gang…wonder if that is where they hid out? Pretty cool place!
    Well, our early Spring has turned into winter again, down to 35 tonight so we scurried around to cover up our newly acquired plants! The back up into the 70’s for the next 7 days! Winter just had to give us one last jolt!
    Enjoy your stay there! Thanks for the links to the sounds of desert nature! Give the short hairy one a good belly rub and know you are loved!

  27. Cinandjules (🌵) says:

    Beautiful spot you found!
    Does your next destination depend on how many hours/miles away or do you pick a place and drive to it? On the average…a moooving day is generally how many hours on the road?

    Where we presently live…the coyotes howl every night! They walk on top of the wall that divides the backyards looking for jackrabbits. They are much more vocal than the ADK Coydogs! (Coyote dog mangey mixbreed for those who don’t know)

    Weather….good grief Stella showing her stuff in the North Country. The webcam is flurries! 24 inches last night…and it hasn’t stopped! Stay warm with your critters and stay safe!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Cinandjules,

      To answer your question… Sometimes I look for a new camp within 150 miles or less of my present camp. Other times I have a destination in mind that is much further away than that. Then I look for a route to that destination that I can break up into shorter “hops” from one good camp to the next…. Good in price, good in elevation for weather, etc.

      Moving day is three hours or less on the road. Stopping for photos influences that. I like to have located our new camp and be set up by noon-ish.

      Those coyotes might be looking for pets along with jackrabbits.

      Yeah, I just read that Stella is liking central New York!

      • Cinandjules (🌵) says:

        Sounds like you’ve got a great routine for moving day…then of course Reg man wants to play zoom zoom! Silly boy! He’s acclimating so well to his lifestyle! What a joy!

        Absolutely….we are so used to going outside with AO in NY..the only thing that has changed is the location! The wildlife here is just as hazardous! As for the ferals…they want NO part of outside!

  28. Fond memories of Mojave Desert! I was there just about a year ago. Hope you enjoy it. It is a lot hotter everywhere at this point than it was last year!

    If I may ask a blog question: Do you mind sharing what plugin you use for “subscribe to comments”? I have one that doesn’t work, and I’ve been reviewing other options. I want one that is uncluttered and has an unsubscribe option like yours. If you don’t have time to reply or you wrote your own code for your plugin, I completely understand.

    So enjoy following your travels!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Rhonda,

      I’d be happy to answer your question about the subscription plug in I use. Unfortunately I’m not able to access my plug ins page right now and I don’t remember the name of it. (I’m getting an error msg. when I try to look at plug ins. I decided that’s a problem for tomorrow. It’s always somethin!)

      When I can look at it again, I’ll let you know somehow.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You must have magic powers, Rhonda. I tried opening my plug ins page again and no error message! Thank you!

      My email subscription and comments notification feature is part of WordPress’s Jetpack (a group of plugins/features not to be confused with Verizon’s jetpack). I don’t think it is available to non-Wordpress blogs. I like it because it allows numerous choices on how the subscription works.

      • Rhonda says:

        Good morning sue! Thanks so much for your quick reply! This is amazing! I was in the library in Sedona yesterday afternoon researching possibilities. After going through all the ins and outs of about 4 plugins, and rejecting them, I came across Jetpack. Just about them, “The VOICE” came on the intercom and announced that it was 7:45, and the library would be closing in 15 minutes. BUMMER!

        So I’m screwing around this morning trying to get back in and dig into it! It’s a beautiful day here at in my boondock outside of Sedona! I’m hopeful that I can make some good progress on the plugin, and get out later this afternoon for some good photos! (And I do have!!) I haven’t been so pumped in weeks! Thank you so very much once again!!

  29. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Hi, Sue,

    Thank you for sharing the links for the bird and coyote calls. Made me feel like I was there with you! Have a peaceful night! Reggie, you watch out for those nasty jumping chollas! Sending love and hugs to you both from me and Gracie pup! N’nite! 🙂

  30. Pamelab says:

    Hi, Sue –
    Thanks for the links to the bird and animal sounds. It is very convenient for us.
    I noticed in your last post that you use a fan to cool off. I didn’t know there were battery operated fans out there, so I checked and found some! They are only 4″ or so, but that might be all you need. Good to know. Thanks.
    I always enjoy your blog.
    Happy Travels.
    Pamelab in the Houston area for now.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Pamelab,

      My desktop fan is a regular electric fan. I have a power strip plugged into my inverter inside the BLT that is plugged into a 12v socket.

      Thank you for reading my blog and enjoying it!

  31. Keith says:

    Enjoyed reading about your recent location. Just over a year ago, my wife and I were in that very area. If you are interested, you can read about it at We actually drove through the campground where you currently are. We love that desert country out there.

    Be safe in your travels, and enjoy the solitude of that great country.

  32. suzicruzi from Van, WA. says:

    Good Morning Blogorinos! Quick Q: When you are actually on the road, and towing, what is powering your refrigerator? DC (from solar?) Propane, or the TV’s battery? We are having a discussion about that this morning, and both of us are shaking our heads. Sheesh.
    This is probably a Q that will make huge sense once someone explains it to me. LOL… Mickn’Tenn, or Sue? Care to chime in?
    The other thing I was wondering about is? Who turns their refer off when they go to bed? Anyone? Obviously NOT if it’s 80* or above out, but what about Winter nights when it dips below 50*? Will the fridge stay cold?
    Okay, no chuckling now, I have to learn somehow! I feel like this group won’t chuckle anyway, since you all know I’m just learning and so far everyone is very kind in this group. “Kind people follow kind leaders”. Thank you SUE! Smooches for Reg xo

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good morning, suzicruzi!

      I love opening my blog and finding a comment with a question. I really do! 🙂 I hope our fellow blogorinos will share their thoughts on your questions, too.

      My refrigerator runs on propane all the time, 24/7, on propane, whether we’re at camp or on the road. If it’s 80 degrees, the refrigerator must be kept running, of course. If it’s a cold night, there’s no need to turn off the refrigerator. It won’t be using much propane on nights like that.

      When we stay at an RV park, I could switch the fridge from propane to electric shore power. I’m guessing that’s a common practice because you paid for the electric, so why use up your propane. Early on I learned I’d rather not switch over to electric. I knew I’d forget to switch it back to propane and then it would automatically switch to battery power. I don’t want my fridge sucking power from the house battery.

      I’m happy to explain or clarify further if you still have questions. Yes, the people in this “garden” are kind. If not, they’re weeded out by the Boss Gardener. Ha!

      • Suzicruzi from Van., WA says:

        Thank you Sue!! Wouldn’t have guessed the propane, but it makes total sense!! Also, I got the biggest chuckle out of the gardener analogy! Too funny!! 😄 I love a great gardener that keeps the weeds out!! More room for flowers to flourish. 🌹
        Please ‘xo’ that darling pup!

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          One kiss and one hug delivered to the Reggie Man as instructed. Keep on blooming where you’re planted, suzicruzi! 🙂

  33. weather says:

    A mug of coffee and new views through your windshield- what a great way to start a day!

    What a difference there is between a drive near Blythe and then one through the Mohave Preserve. Quite a change, too, from your camp near the Big Marias, with miles of nearly flat landscape around your home to one among cliffs in a canyon. The photos beneath “…the iron ranger.” and “…-canyon air maybe?” are especially appealing. The tiered rock walls are just gorgeous.

    Thanks for the links, that was fun , imagining I was sitting there with you 🙂 ! The website with the coyote call is a new discovery that I particularly enjoyed. Among the nicest sounds I’ve heard here recently was a friend’s tractor with a plow attached clearing a path from my door and a place for me to park. Because several counties had travel bans in place we stayed around here enjoying the beauty of the snowstorm, and dealing with the two plus feet of snow it left us with.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good morning, weather,

      I thought of you several times yesterday knowing you were in the path of the storm. I didn’t worry. You know how to live within a snowstorm– stay home. The sound of “a friend’s tractor” is as delightful to you in your place as the cactus wren’s song is in mine. Extreme weather tends to bring out the best in people. I’m glad you have good people around you.

      Two feet is a lot of snow! No wonder there are travel bans. Clearing the roads — thank God for those who do that work! — The drifts must be huge!

      Speaking of “what a difference,” when you read my next post about crossing the Mojave Preserve and across the miles of flat sage plain you’ll be in your world of white. Stay snug and warm with Kyla and Polly.

      Thank you for your remarks on the photos and the changes we’ve enjoyed together. 🙂

  34. Pookie and Chuck in Todd Mission Tx says:

    good morning sue…….looks like a great camping spot…
    I especially like the firepit/…….I woulda already had a good
    campfire going……ha!
    thanks for the post
    chuck and pookie

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good morning, Chuck and Pookie!

      I bet you would have a great fire in that pit and with some good Texas food on the grill! You’re back from your fishing trip… I hope you’re planning camping trips for this year… 🙂

      • Pookie and Chuck in Todd Mission Tx says:

        I am back from my fishing trip in Mississippi…..we were there 4 days and the wind blew 30-40 mph every day so we didnt catch much but I had a great time with my #2 navy son……
        I need to learn to put away things in the camper……also I took
        way too much food…….ha……I took Lulu with me…she is the
        patriarch of my 5 chihuahuas…..
        chuck and pookie

  35. Jeanne says:

    Hi Sue,
    I camped in the Mohave a few years ago. There was a nice private spot off Lanfair Road near Goffs. The 4G signal was a bit weak, but with my Sleek booster it was definitely workable. Lots of old mining roads going off in different directions for walking/hiking. Here is the spot if you have a chance to check it out and see if it would work for you – 35.053357, -115.166101
    Safe travels!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thank you, Jeanne. You’re right, there are lots of boondocks in the Preserve. The closer one gets to Cima the stronger the signal because that’s where the tower is. I noted a few spots among the joshua trees that I might enjoy some other time.

      I wasn’t interested in boondocking this time because the snakes are active. I realize that snakes do come into campgrounds, but the activity of people and vehicles does help keep them away. In the campground I could walk Reggie on the wide road and the area around our campsite was cleared out somewhat.

  36. Susan in Dallas says:

    Wow, the colors on these pictures are so rich and vivid! Either that or somebody broke in and brought me a new monitor! Ha!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Susan… It may be my editing you’re seeing. The sun was so bright that the colors were washed out. I tried to bring the colors back to what I remember seeing. On my monitor they seem close to correct.

      I hope someone brought you a new monitor. 🙂

  37. rvsueandcrew says:

    READERS . . . . Maintenance is being performed at the moment. If you see weird things happening on this blog, weirder than usual, please ignore. Sue

  38. Dawn in NC says:

    Hi Sue, comments going through!

  39. Dawn from Camano Island says:

    How interesting to hear the bird songs & calls–I had no idea they would vary from state to state…I guess it’s like a local “accent” for birds. I love hearing the coyotes–I miss the desert! Thank you for this informative post, Sue.

  40. Patti from So Cal says:

    Hi, Sue
    I’m gonna try and keep this short, as I know my comments can get a bit wordy. I apologize for that! I think caffeine affects my digital conversations as well as verbal.
    I’m taking a tea break from my assignment and was about to pick up my book. Instead, I decided to go to your blog. I’m not sure what took me so long to go back to the very beginning, instead of where I left off. I’m enjoying it more than the book!
    Be prepared to receive comments regarding old blogs 🙂

    I’m happy to see you’re settled in for the time being. It looks beautiful!

    Be safe and joyful,

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Patti,

      No apology is called for. 🙂 I enjoy your comments, whatever the length.

      I’m pleased you like the old posts. Be sure to open any posts prior to June 2013 in rvsueandcrew dot com (rather than the newer rvsueandcrew dot net). That’s so you can see the slideshows I was able to create back before I started self-hosting.

      Sure, comment on those old posts! That would be great. I think most of my readers have read them and will know what you’re talking about. Make your comments under the most recent post so everyone will see them.

      Joy and safety to you, too!

      • Patti from So Cal says:

        Yes, that is where I started! In terms of posting comments on the latest blog, I shall (as I had learned that the hard way) 🙂

  41. David Reed says:

    Years ago I stayed at Hole in the Wall campground. I remember taking myself down these large rings attached to a rock wall, [hole in the wall], walking west for a bit, turning around and not being able to see where I came out of the rocks. Just as it was discribed. Interesting. I wonder if they still have those access rings there?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, David,

      I’m pretty sure the rings are there. I didn’t see them myself, but there is a photo of someone climbing up the rings as part of the trail details on the display board at the start of the trail. It did look like crawling out of a hole…

  42. Laura - Illinois says:

    I loved the sounds of the bird and coyote! On the one site which had the coyote I believe, I did a search for cat sounds, since I have 3 cats and played some cat sounds, which they mostly ignored until I played the angry cat sound and all 3 of my cats ran into my office to hear this angry cat sound! All were really alert and wide eyed. I played it once more and they had the same reaction, I decided not to play it anymore, since I may have been scaring or alarming them. But it was interesting to see that they really reacted to that sound when they have never reacted to any sounds from the internet before! They do like to watch video’s for cats on youtube! They love to watch birdfeeder cams… Well I think I have gotten as far off topic as I can on this blog, so I return you to your regularly scheduled program…

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Laura,

      Interesting how your cats reacted to the angry cat sound and not the others. Oh, there’s no going off topic on my blog. We talk about all kinds of stuff.

      BTW, I removed your email address. Sometimes weirdos get into this space and I wouldn’t want you to receive spam emails.

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