Friends at Percha Dam

Percha Dam releases only a trickle of water.

When your house is as small as mine, you gotta’ keep up with housecleaning.  

My sink is piled high with dirty dishes.  It’s a sunny morning.  I open the door and let Bridget and Spike outside.  Since they’ve already had a long walk before breakfast, I’m pretty sure they’ll stay close by.  I get two dishpans out of the Perfect Tow Vehicle, plus the dishdrainer, fill the pans with water from the campground faucet, and set up a cleaning station at the picnic table.

I like to wash dishes outside in the sunshine!

Of course, clingy Bridget stays by my feet under the table.  Spike, however, spots a buddy of his tied up outside a Class A a few campsites away.  He wanders off to see Mandy, the Border Collie he met at Elephant Butte.  I catch up with him, Bridget tags along, and we go over to Mandy’s together.  Spike makes his social call, while I chat briefly with Mandy’s owner, Gaye.  On the way back to our campsite, Spike picks up more burrs in his pads.  Okay.  Enough of this.  We’re moving! 

The Casita is still hitched to the Perfect Tow Vehicle.

I choose a site on the other side of the loop.  It gets more sun and I’m hoping it has no burrs.  I immediately grab a rake out of the PTV to sweep the pile of leaves away from the picnic table.

The crew and I are expecting company!

Around one o’clock two vehicles pull up to our campsite.  It’s Bill and Kathy and Chuck and Geri!  We laugh as they all get out of their cars at the same time.  What is this?  A caravan?  Spike and Bridget remember the Hound Herd (Chuck and Geri’s three dogs) from Thanksgiving and the afternoon at Chloride.

I’ve been bugging Bill to let me hear him play his guitar. 

He gets a disc out of his Jeep and loads a video onto my laptop.  We pile into the Casita to watch and listen to Bill play what he describes as “Chet Atkins style guitar.”  He’s an excellent musician.

It’s fun to see these friends together, enjoying each other’s company. 

Bill and Kathy have to leave for Las Cruces.  Chuck and Geri sit with me at the picnic table, showing me in my road atlas where to find their favorite places in Arizona.  They plan to be in Quartzite in January.

Later, just before sundown, the crew and I walk up to the entrance of the park.  We see about sixty deer — no exaggeration — walk out of the brushy woods to graze in the green field.  Sandhill cranes fly in V-formation above us.

The chilly air reminds me that more cold weather is on its way.  

Tomorrow the solar panel will go up on the PTV and then we’ll be free to go to Arizona for the winter!


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20 Responses to Friends at Percha Dam

  1. Arizona! That’s great. The West is the best! You will experience some great events. Happy Trails.

  2. cathieok says:

    And who says you don’t have a dishwasher? 🙂

  3. Mike Leonard says:

    Just want to say how much I enjoy your writing! You are so funny!

  4. Geri says:

    Where was your camera when the 60 deer showed up??? Hahaha! I always say that my best pictures happen when my camera isn’t around!

  5. Francy says:

    Look forward to reading about your adventures in AZ…..oh to be warm again and our winter has not even started yet. :o)

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hello, Francy!

      Yeah, you have a long winter ahead of you in OK. I read some of your blog. . . very nice. You are a very creative lady! I would have read more but I’m off to my 8:30 a. m. appointment for solar!

  6. janine says:

    Arizona in the winter…….what winter? Its a great place to be…I’m a true native Arizonan-born and raised here. Looking forward to reading about your adventures here.

  7. rvsueandcrew says:

    Hi, Jool!

    The deer kept coming out of the bushes. Not quite the same as migrating wildebeest on the Discovery Channel, but a pretty good scaled-down version!

  8. rvsueandcrew says:


    Arizona, you are calling my name!


    Sue, as a CCS alumni and a winter resident of Phoenix, Az I say the more the merrier. Come on over to Az. Hubby and I also RV it from May to October in the Eastern Az White Mountain town of Eagar @ Bear Paw RV Park. Love it so much we have been doing it for 15 years! First week-ends only because we both worked and then for the full 6 months. Very cold there now but Quartzsite will be great! Enjoy!

  10. Sherry says:

    So nice getting visits from friends. I’m anxious to read all about the solar. I have a couple of small portable panels so this will be very interesting to me. Everyone I read is going to Quartzsite. Wish I could be there this year but I’m off to Florida. Now if I go next year, of course, none of the people I want to see will be there. Or will they love it so much they will go back???

    I’m almost caught up with you but decided to go back and document for myself where you stayed. Getting there though.

  11. sue says:

    Sue…How did you learn how to ” Blog “? I want to do this….i read you every day….Love your blog and photos…..

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Sue!

      I didn’t really learn how to blog. I had basic internet and word processing skills. I went to and followed the instructions. The first thing you do is choose a template. There are many styles from which to choose. Sometimes you can pick a stock photo to use with your template. More advanced bloggers put their own photos in their headers but that isn’t necessary. When you want to write, you click Add Post and a window to write in appears with buttons at the top for things like text color, bold, italics, etc. …. all similar to writing in Microsoft Word.

      What you write doesn’t become public until you click the button for Publish, so take the plunge and see what you can create!

      Thanks for the compliment. I’m happy you like my blog. Good luck to you!

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