Hi-ho, Hi-ho, it’s off to Ajo we go

Tuesday, January 26

It’s taking a long time for our camp south of Ajo to warm up this morning!  I fire up the Perfect Tow Vehicle, set her heater on “high,” toss in the crew, and away we go to town!

Today’s post features photos of Ajo.

P1090315Architectural feature seen in the plaza, Ajo, Arizona

If you approach Ajo from the south, be careful.

The speed limit drops very quickly from 65 mph to 55 mph to 45 mph to 35 mph and finally to a low of 25 mph.  We pass a sheriff’s car with poised radar camera on the dash.  The car is partially concealed behind a clump of palo verde alongside the road.

P1090295Don’t get me wrong — I’m not saying this is a speed trap. 

I imagine people are lulled by speed after driving a straight highway toward Ajo for several miles at a posted limit of 65 mph.  Some people read that to mean you can drive 70 mph or more.  The 25 mph limit is in the vicinity of a school.

Ajo has several murals and mosaics.

I showed the murals in posts about previous visits.  You may have seen the murals yourself in person or on other blogs.

Here’s the unique, mosaic sign that welcomes you as you enter town from the south:

P1090296Town is quiet this weekday morning.

The PTV’s heater feels good as we cruise the neighborhoods off the main thoroughfare.  Bridget and Reggie are sleepy-dopey, soaking up the heat.

Several homes have for sale signs out front.  Some of them are tidy, little abodes with fenced yards.  They appeal to me, not that I’m ready to look for a home base.  I wouldn’t want to have such close neighbors though.

Our first stop is Dollar General.

P1090297“No, you can’t come inside with me.  I’ll be back soon.”

I’m in a dollar store mood.

There have been times when I’ve gone into a dollar store and had to turn around and leave to escape the claustrophobic, overloaded shelves.  Today I stroll the aisles, tossing items into my cart. . . a hairbrush, dental floss, hand sanitizer, a calculator ($3!), Sharpie pens, a small 2016 calendar of butterfly photos (50 cents!), a pack of index cards, lens cleaner . . .  You know, all that little stuff.

After my Family Dollar shopping spree, we cruise over to the Shell Station.

I buy gas for the PTV and fill up jugs from the water vending machine located there.

P10903005 gallons for $1.00

Next stop — the post office at Ajo plaza.

P1090304A few days ago I scheduled a shipment from my mail forwarding service, America’s Mailbox.  I’m expecting a handmade gift from one of my blog readers, along with end-of-year income statements for figuring taxes.  Good with the bad, one could say!

Before going into the post office, I take a few photos.

P1090311-001These two have a birds-eye view.

P1090310The dove looks like a concrete finial.






I go inside the P.O. and pick up my General Delivery shipment.

I tear open the package and find a lovely pair of hand-knitted socks in Casita blue.  First thing upon arrival at camp, I try them on and they fit perfectly!

P1090308That’s it for photos of Ajo!

Sometime within the next few days Bridget, Reggie and I will move our camp.  To where, I haven’t figured out yet!



Thank you for going to Amazon from my blog. Every order, large or small, is appreciated.  Here is a sample of products that readers purchased recently:

LED Camping Lantern/Flashlights
Lodge Dutch Oven Liners, pack of 8
Ocu-GLO for SMALL Dogs (90 Gelcaps)
Machine Quilting Made Easy! (The Joy of Quilting)
NutriBullet 12-Piece High-Speed Blender/Mixer System
Stan Getz & The Oscar Peterson Trio: The Silver Collection

P1090335Ooh, very soft, warm, and comfy!  My feet thank you, Ilse!


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99 Responses to Hi-ho, Hi-ho, it’s off to Ajo we go

  1. Sealarkesmiles/New Mexico for now says:

    Hi Sue and Crew! To Ajo you go! Have fun! Love the socks!

  2. Velda says:

    Morning Sue and crew! Love the socks. Beautiful color.

  3. eliza says:

    so so close. congratulations sealarkesmiles….

  4. Shawna says:

    Lovely socks! They do look warm, and comfy. Thanks, as always, for the post about the area you are staying in; so enjoy them!

  5. Cinandjules (NY) says:

    What a great day! One can go crazy in a dollar general!

    What a lovely pair of socks! How thoughtful of Ilse!

    Have a wondeful day!

  6. Oh happy day, what a wonderful pair of socks. They look so warm and comfy. I love the town picture

  7. Renee Galligher - Idaho says:

    Close to 7th place again! Now back to the top to read.

    • cc and canine (Eastern Missouri) says:

      I know that Ilse has been working on these a while….they really came out beautifully. You have to be a knitter to appreciate the skill and workmanship in these…such small double pointed needles, it would have taken me forever!

      Such and incredibly thoughtful and personal gift.

  8. edlfrey says:

    “We pass a sheriff’s car with poised radar camera on the dash. The car is partially concealed behind a clump of palo verde alongside the road.”

    That sheriff’s car has been there EVERY TIME I drove into Ajo. I’m not sure but it might be a ‘ghost unit’ with a dummy behind the wheel (no disparagement meant of the Pima County Sherriff Department or its officers).

  9. Page says:

    Beautiful socks!

  10. Sidewinder Pen says:

    Fantastic socks. That must be Ilse’s special German yarn. Lucky you! Talk about happy feet.

    Ajo looks interesting. That’s one area I’d like to explore but haven’t yet. I guess I tend to do summer exploring and winter settling in (or relative settling in, anyway).

    • Ilse says:

      The German part was the reinforcement yarn that goes into the heel and toe of socks I make.

    • Nancy S from Indiana says:

      Pen, I liked your comment, winter settling in. I’ve been trying to think of a term that fits us, I think that does perfectly. We gave our daughter & family our home, we wanted to travel & they could use it, so everything was working out fine. Until my mother in law became ill & we stayed to take care of her for awhile here in Indiana. Turns out we’ve been here all fall & now “settled in” for the winter. We made plans to do volunteer work in the Dominican Republic & parts of Haiti in March. They were going to provide an older 5th wheel for us during our stay but we’d have to relocate it. I was OK with it being older, we weren’t going to be there much except for sleeping purposes and it was for a good cause. Then we were told it didn’t have workable plumbing, no air conditioning & a list of other problems . I don’t mean to be a diva but a toilet is pretty much a high priority for me. Needless to say we found our own accommodations, now we’ve been told the whole project has been shelved . I have mixed reactions but it’s made me think about being here for the winter. For a while I felt stuck, now, I’m looking at it as just settling in for the winter. So thank you Pen, you changed my whole outlook.? and I do love the socks . So pretty & comfy looking & very thoughtful .

      • Sidewinder Pen says:

        Glad you’ve come to a comfortable perspective on things 🙂 Although I’m still on wheels in winter, and do move around some, I feel more settled — which makes me rarin’ to go come spring! Unlike my home turf, the length of “winter” here is about three months, so the balance works out well (vs. the ‘ole seven month winters, and then you might get a bad summer to boot).

  11. Sharon mueller says:

    Wow never been there on my bucket list thanks

  12. Barbara (Nashville) says:

    This is the closest I have been to the top for quite some time. The hand knitted socks are so pretty and look so warm and comfortable. I’m so happy Ilse feels up to knitting them. Keep up the good spirits Ilse. Do you have any updates for us?

    • Ilse says:

      Hi Barbara in Nashville,
      I’m currently at what one of my sisters calls my “wellness retreat” where warm socks come in handy: my daughter’s house in Reston, VA where the snow was 28″ deep when I got here on Monday. I’m knitting up a storm, just finished a huge blanket for my daughter, am putting together a lace tunic I finished knitting for her a while back (I hate the putting together part), then a sweater for myself that just needs the neck done, and have plenty of yarn in my suitcase to start a shawl for a friend, all before going back to sunny and a bit warmer Sequim, WA next week. As far as a health update, nothing is more healing than the love of your child. That and my green smoothies!

      • Applegirl NY says:

        Ilse, So glad you’re finding comfort with those you love. It is the best medicine in the world.

      • Elizabeth in WA says:

        So HAPPY you have such a retreat…even if lots of snow…tis the best time for working with yarn!!

      • Barbara (Nashville) says:

        Good news Ilse. Your knitting projects sound fun. I crochet some, mostly afghans, bed size & lap size. Sometimes I do hats for cancer patients, with a group at the library. I would rather be sewing quilts or doing counted cross stitch. I think I might try the adult coloring book thing. They say it is very therapeutic.
        Take care, you are also on my daily prayer list.

  13. Barb L says:

    If you stick around long enough, you can catch some great music at the Ajo Golf course Feb 4-7. We don’t go to the contest sessions, just enjoy the jams out on the parking lot with the boondocking campers. Also a free concert and quilt show downtown.

  14. Robin Shaw says:

    Hi Sue! Love the socks! They look so comfy! I started reading from the beginning…I think I am up to Oct 2011…wish I had time for all the comments but I am just eager to learn about how your adventure unfolded and evolved. One thing I immediately notice is that you spent time socializing with other campers back then, perhaps because there was such a steep learning curve and you were soaking up all the new information you could garner from folks. It is amazing to see where you started and where you are now! I am enjoying the ride immensely! Cheers, Robin in NC

  15. Dawn in MI says:

    Beautiful photos…and beautiful socks! Ajo looks like a really interesting town.

  16. DesertGinger says:

    Hi gang. I’m home. Met with Doctor. He said he did not have time to assimilate all the results, but he did tell me that my pulmonary hypertension is worse than it was. It’s very bad. Long pressure should be under 20, mine is over 100. He also said my mitral valve is very bad and hardly letting any blood through, which is causing the pulmonary hypertension. My blood is backing up into my lungs. Now I need to have a pulmonary function test, and then he will try to find a heart surgeon willing to take my case…which is not at all a sure thing. In fact, more likely they will turn me down. He said he has a fallback plan if no one will do my surgery.

    So that’s where I am. Waiting for my pulmonary function test, and to find out if I’m having surgery.

    Meanwhile, taking care of babies!

    • Mick'nTN says:

      Prayers for you, DeGin.

      An ugly, unanticipated side effect of putting Doctor’s records on public display.

    • Elizabeth in WA says:

      Wish the report was better…but do not give up hope, Ginger!! Glad your doc has a backup plan!!

      • Nivrapa in AZ says:

        Ginger, if I was a bettin’ woman, I’d be placing my bets on you! I just figured you would come through the cardiac cath ’cause the docs wouldn’t have bothered with the test if the odds weren’t in your favor! The fact that you only needed one overnight in the hospital is great. Don’t ever give up on yourself and focus on getting yourself to the best you can be heading into the surgery. Eat healthy, work on getting stronger, take your meds, and most of all maintain a positive attitude. Anyone who has looked at a life threatening condition in the eye and rose above the threat will tell you that attitude is more than half the battle. Courage and prayers for you, DeGin.


    • Robin Shaw says:

      Hi DeGin! Thanks for the report and hopefully you won’t have to wait long for the next test. We’ll all keep praying for you! Hold those babies tight! Robin in NC

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Hi DesertGinger,

      Thank you for the update. It made me very happy to see your note on the previous post! I am very happy that you have a good doctor who is looking out for you, and has a Plan B in mind if needed.

      Sending you a BIG hug!!! 🙂

    • Barbara (Nashville) says:

      I have you on my daily prayer list as well, DG. I also pray that a good surgeon will take your case and you will be good as new in no time. I agree with others that a positive attitude is half the battle. Take care.

    • DesertGinger says:

      Update! A surgeon called me today, DrCaffarelli, and will see me tomorrow! im very excited and very scared. I hope he is able to do the non-invasive procedure as I would prefer to not have open heart surgery. But I won’t know anything till I see him. Fingers crossed!

  17. Wow, great socks; lucky you!! Ajo looks very pretty; now I’m sorry I passed it by.

  18. I know I’ve said it before but we loved Ajo. We loved visiting the little Baptist Church there. The people were so friendly.. We always found what we needed at the grocery store and loved driving the side streets like you did. We could very easily make Ajo our home. But then we’d have to be sure we headed for the PNW when it started getting hot. For now though it’s good to be in our little home here in Oregon while Joe is going through Chemo.His Nurses and Drs are so good to him. Enjoy the rest of your week.

    • bess, in Eugene OR says:

      hey Betty! i just read your blog and will pass on the information about the Magic Mouthwash for chemo recipients. my friend just finished her 3 chemo treatment and starts radiation on Monday for 3 weeks. i didn’t know that the side effects start to kick in after the 3rd treatment. we have all been amazed, and grateful, that my friend hasn’t had many side effects so far.

      i will be sending you and Joe healing energy. YAY Oregonians.

  19. Dawn says:

    Lovely workmanship on the socks!! I can do scarves – but once I tried turning corners I was defeated – LOL.

  20. Steve says:

    Just seeing those photos of Ajo made me feel quite a bit warmer while sitting here in the ‘tropics’ of Southern Indiana.

  21. Dawn in the Sonoran Desert says:

    Ilse, you’re a first-class knitter! The socks are simply gorgeous, especially the color! They match Sue’s mat perfectly! Sue, I love how you make a trip to town a top-cabin event & how you find joy everywhere!

  22. Linda southern MN says:

    Great job on the sock Ilse! I also love how the match the rug! (You beat me at that comment Dawn, lol) I love reading a bout all the places I hope to see in the next few years. Have a good night Sue.

  23. LOOOOOOOOOVE those socks. Beautiful color and pattern. You are one lucky gal!!
    I would just sit and stare at them all day and wiggle my feet!
    And enjoyed your photos. I took many while I was in town and none are the same as yours! So many photo opts.All those murals.
    Ok, I did do the church but I like yours better.
    AND, I never saw that dome with the pigeons on it at the plaza. For a tiny dusty place it has a lot going on. For example while I was there I attended a butterfly slide show which was excellent given by a biologist from SD who happened to be camped near me. ! Cool. Feb 4? is a fiddlers contest. Town should be pretty busy then.
    Notes about Patagonia Lake. GREAT birding spot. but pricey $27 with electric $18 for non. Many sites are unlevel. I did get photos of two rare ish birds so I guess sometimes you have to pay to play.
    Sue cienagas conservation area east of Sonoita has some dispersed camping. I was on the south end at Road canyon. No other campers for several miles. Few people driving by though. I could run dogs loose. From Sonoita go east few miles turn left at BLM sign. Look at kiosk you will see where you can camp.
    It was cold(my outside water froze completely hard) but it is supposed to warm up I think. May be too chilly for you guys.
    Mostly grasslands, interesting. No real shopping, Patagonia 12 miles away pricey. Nogales has a WalMart.less than 20 miles I think?
    Anyway probably to far away from Ajo for your next camp. Now we all want a pair of those socks!! Lets put in orders lol!!

    • Nivrapa in AZ says:

      Hi Jan!

      I think you are referring to the Empire Ranch which is still a working ranch. This is one of my favorite winter escapes from Tucson when I need to decompress. Gorgeous grasslands and not heavily used at all. I’ve boondocked there midweek and didn’t see a soul for 3-4 days. Such great isolation, peace, and tranquility. Good solid, graded road surface and plenty of room for all size rigs and definitely paw friendly . Birding and star gazing is wonderful. So glad you discovered this conservation area. It’s a gem in the rough if you are a boondocker. Officially it is known as Las Ciengas National Conservation Area and it’s primitive, wild and free.

      Since you’re in southern AZ, you may want to check out Indian Bread Rocks BLM for some great boondocking, too. Another isolated area with great star gazing and interesting rock formations. It’s about twenty miles east of Wilcox, AZ and only a few miles south of Bowie. The road back to the area is in decent condition and there is a tiny picnic area and a vault toilet to signify your arrival. Any larger rigs (35ft max) can disperse camp in this area. Smaller units can follow the road a bit farther and camp in among the huge boulders. It’s a bit of a haul (several miles but good road) back to the campsites so it’s probably not a good place for a quick overnighter. This is really a rugged, primitive, wilderness area so make sure you have everything you need before leaving civilization. The rangers do patrol the area on a regular basis and you may encounter other campers on weekends. Just another unique boondocking opportunity in southern AZ for you.


  24. Diann in MT says:


    Would you ever consider knitting and selling those socks to us blogorinos?

    They are luscious.


  25. Nita Laughlin says:

    I loved Ajo and the surrounding country. Had breakfast at a restaurant on the plaza. We bought a couple of jars of Prickly Pear Cactus Jelly at a small trading post on the edge of town. It was delicious and have tried to order more at places that have it for sale but none as good as what we bought in Ajo. I love your photos and reading about your travels.

  26. Don in Okla. says:

    Could someone give me a hint on how to pronounce Ajo? Thanks.

    • Bill & Ann, AZ says:

      Awe – Hoe

    • Pat H....now in Yuma says:

      The j is pronounced as h…ah ho.

      Garlic in Spanish.

      • Don in Okla. says:

        Thank you all. I’ve often wondered and now I know. Thanks again.
        P.S. Does anyone remember taking phonetics in grade school?? As in the long A or the short A etc.?

        • Sidewinder Pen says:

          I think you’re just asking if anyone remembers phonetics (I don’t remember it in grade school, but DO remember it when taking French later on – it was very interesting then), but in case you are still not sure about the town, it’s Ahhhhh (as in a sigh of comfort)- hoe (garden hoe).

        • Robin Shaw says:

          As for phonetics, they are still taught today! I am a former Special Ed teacher and I spent years teaching children how to read using variations of phonics. Ex. a apple/ah/ Robin in NC

        • Denise - Richmond VA says:

          Yes – I remember phonetics! 🙂

  27. Elizabeth in WA says:

    What beautiful socks…a real labor of love!! LOVELY!! Hope they help you feel warm, both in body and heart, Sue!!

  28. weather says:

    What a nice way to turn a cold morning into a warm day-a ride with the lovable sleepyheads and heater on, shopping for odds and ends and getting hand knit socks. That mosaic sign is a charming work of art. Little abodes with fenced yards can have a certain charm about them, too. I can see why you find them appealing. Picturing you having a place with it’s property dimensions defined by hedgerows of plants appeals even more to me. I like the image of you not being fenced in by manmade materials, unwanted attention or anything really. For now happy hunting with your benchmark or in the PTV for your next camp.

  29. Rob says:

    Nice socks!

  30. Virginia Henkaline says:

    Your new blue socks are lovely!!!

  31. Marcia GB in MA says:

    The socks Look very nice and cozy. Ilse, you are a knitter extraordinaire! And Sue, your photos of Ajo are lovely. I hope I get there someday to see the charming town in person.

  32. milliehubbard says:

    What beautiful socks!! Such a fine knitting job, very talented!!

  33. Glenda in OZ! says:

    What wonderful socks! They will keep your feet warm many a cold night. Great job Isle. Caught up on your action Sue and loving being back in Arizona again. The sunsets are amazing, especially the ones posted a few days back……….wow!

  34. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Hi, Sue,

    Glad that you and the Crew are having a relaxing stay at your current camp. I bet Reggie and Bridget do not mind the spotty Wi-Fi; they get more of your time that way! Enjoy!

    Sending you, Bridget, and Reggie a hug from me and Gracie pup! 🙂

  35. Joyce Sutton says:

    Love the socks ! And finally bought something interesting enough to make the list. Giggle

  36. Pookie in Todd Mission Tx says:

    love them socks………..I bet they are warm…….
    I could use those since our house is on blocks and we have a wood
    floor……….I usually wear 2-3 pair when Im in my PJ’s………
    I love Ajo…..

  37. Lois (AZ) says:

    Guess the “socks” were a real hit! Nice she did them for you…Enjoy this weekend…cooler coming in with rain so I hear.

  38. BadgerRickInWis says:

    So your mat is also Casita blue. Who knew?

    Love and hugs all around.

  39. Fuji-maru says:

    Hi-ho, Hi-ho! Good Mornig!, RVSue and canine Crew
    Whole of Japan is thrown into the Earth fridge again. It’s sleeting in the outskirts of Tokyo now. We’ll have snow tonight into tomorrow morning our second time this year.
    I was lucky to have not gotten busted speeding there. I’ve missed murals and mosaics in Ajo but I’m enjoying your photos as if I were there.

    Hi!, Ilse
    Are you an early or unseasonable Santa Claus? 🙂 The hand knitted socks must keep not only Sue’s feet warm but everyone’s heart warm.

    Hi!, Shirlene
    Lens cleaners that you sent Sue should be useful for separately deployment. 🙂 Those may stand by 24/7 for shooting in each arsenal of BLT and PTV.

    Hi, DesertGinger
    I hope you have a great day with Dr. today. 🙂

    Hi, Robin Shaw
    I’m pleased to have you as a members of the blogorinos. 🙂 Enjoy the ride with Sue’s new post and aging ones!

    Hi, blogorinos!
    You still remember me? I post here after an interval of 3 days. 🙂 I’m Japanese with weird English writing, and living in Japan.
    More funny English? Please glance over my blog written in both English and Japanese.

    Have a good day everyone! and Good night.

  40. Jackie says:

    Love the socks and they look warm. I found the cutest little camper that I can pull with the vehicle I have. It is a 1953 model but I can’t find the name of it any where on it. It is only 6’6″by 10′. I would want to redo the inside and fix me a tiny shower toilet combo. I would enjoy guting the inside and fixing to my taste sense it is so small but perfect for Pepper and I . The only thing is I can’t get a title for it so I guess that blow that. This one actual is is in a lot better shape than some I have found on line that people were wanting a fortune for. I wouldn’t have a lot in it because I have the stove, refrigerator,sink. I would have to buy the heat and air unit, the shower/commode combo.

    • Pookie in Todd Mission Tx says:

      Jackie you should be able to get a title on your camper……I have
      bought regular trailers before and gone in and told them I have a
      untitled trailer I need to register……
      what state are you in?

      • Jackie says:

        NC. Chuck that would be wonderful if I could but I don’t know who it originally belong to or where it came from. I don’t know if I will be able to find any of that info out either. It looks sorta like a Scotty and I was told it was a 1953. It has the little half moon water cup where you put the water in. It also has where you can screw a water hose in. I don’t believe that was original maybe but it just doesn’t fit in. It has those propane lamps. It only has one left. Iam taking it out but am going to keep it and clean it up. I am going to strip it down to the metal then fix it back to my liking. I stripped out 1/3 of the cabinets and wood today. Question would you use the insulation that you can spray on or go with the roll on kind. I only have 2 windows that need repair and the door needs repair. I wish I could figure out how to make me a wood door with a large glass insert for my dog to look out like at home and I can put a blind or curtain when I want it covered. I have a gas stove with oven and over rang vent. I would like to paint a different color. Do you know what type of paint I should use.
        Thank you Chuck in advance for any help you can help me with.

        • Pookie in Todd Mission Tx says:

          what I would do is go down to the place you get your car tags from
          and tell them you want to get a title on a homemade camper……
          after all when you finish it, it will almost be completely homemade…
          the insulation that comes in rolls or sheets will be cheaper….you can
          use spray on around doors and windows…..cant help with the door…
          may find a handy man to see if he can make you one like you want….
          there are guys that put their business cards on a bulletin board at
          places like Lowe’s and Home Depot……..and speaking of those places,
          they should be able to tell you what kind of paint to use on your camper.
          hope all this helps…good luck to you and keep us informed on how your

          • Pookie in Todd Mission Tx says:

            boy I messed that up didnt I …HA

          • rvsueandcrew says:

            Good advice, chuck. I would tweak one part of it though… Any rube can put up a business card. While at Lowe’s or wherever… or ask a friend or acquaintance.. who they would recommend for the work.

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