In the pink!

My Valentine’s Day gift to the crew is a trip into town for a hamburger patty.

P1090532Reggie looks out the window for Carl’s Jr. restaurant.

The three of us spend the day relaxing in camp.

The day is warm with temperatures going into the 80s.  Frequent breezes keep us comfortable.

P1090540Inscrutable Bridget — I’d love to know what she’s thinking.

My Valentine’s Day present arrives later in the day.

The desert turns pink!  This is better than chocolates!

P1090542The view to the northeast of our camp, Blythe, California

P1090543This is what is seen while standing with one’s back to the sunset!

A note about this blog:

In a couple months I will reach the 5-year mark for this blog.  It’s been an incredible ride — both in the Perfect Tow Vehicle and in this blog.   People have been wonderful to me and the crew.

P1090558Here’s the sunset!

Even so, sometimes the blog becomes too much. 

I’m not sure I can explain what I mean.  My blog is exceptional for the lively interactions that take place in the comments section.  Most of the time, that is.  We have some great conversations, we share a lot, we learn stuff, we act silly, we console each other, we cry, we laugh, we become cyber-friends.

I love it!

However, there is a down side for me.  I become wrapped up in the lives of all these people who write on my blog.  I care about them.  They write messages that express caring towards me and the crew.  Once in a while somebody is snotty, but, for the most part, comments are great and I feel like I’m among friends.

And then, after months of conversations, a person disappears!

No explanation, no goodbye, just GONE! 

P1090558-001It bothers me.  I lie in bed wondering.  Is he/she okay?  Did he/she drop dead in the night?  Did something bad happen in their life?  Are they too lonely to write?  Is it something I said?  Did I offend? Are they tired of my blog?

Are they tired of me?

I know it’s ridiculous for me to have this reaction.  No one is required to check in with me!  People’s lives change. They drop in and out of online “rooms” for various reasons that have nothing to do with me or the quality of my blog.  Maybe I take relationships too seriously, whether in real life or in cyber life.

That’s why my blog is the way it is. 

If a person comes to my blog and takes the time to write a hello, I’m going to invest time and heart into them.  I can’t ignore them.  Instead I make a connection.  To do that means sharing even more of myself.

No doubt there are folks who look at my posts and my comments and think, “What a narcissist!  All she does is talk about herself!”  Yes, I do talk about myself.   A lot.  That’s what this kind of blog is, a journal about my life.

And that’s how I reach out to people. 

I’ve found that sharing something about myself encourages the other person to share something about themselves.  Usually.  Not always.  You may have noticed I try to add something interesting to almost every reply I make, even when the reader reveals nothing of themselves. This is how I build and maintain the popularity of my blog.

But damn!  It’s tiring!

There are times when the conversations catch fire and take off on their own without me constantly stoking embers.  That’s when I can sit back and enjoy, kind of like being the quiet person in a group around a campfire.  Those are the good times.

I truly appreciate the tiny percentage of readers who keep the conversations going.  I can’t tell you how many times I’ve sighed with relief over the appearance of a sentence or two!

Lately I feel like I’m carrying rocks uphill in a shovel.

I lie in bed at night while the roll call of people who haven’t commented in ages goes round and round.  I search my brain for how to make the next post interesting.

Gosh, only women are commenting.  What can I write that will inspire the men to show up? Am I writing too much about the crew?  Not enough?  Do I need to be funny?  Add more information?  Do I need to move camp all the time?

It’s insane! Round and round I go . . . .

Where does it end? 

Lord knows there are a gazillion other RV blogs, good ones, as well as the stuff on Facebook, for people to find entertainment and information.

Don’t take this wrong; I’m not ungrateful.  Maybe I’m just in a slump and need a break.  I will try not to “connect” for a while!

P1090536Thanks for “listening.”  And thank heaven for these wonderful sunsets, eh?


NOTE:  This post isn’t a plea for sympathy, just sharing where my mind is at the moment.   Feel free to start a topic of your interest.  Any questions you’d like to ask?  Experiences you’d like to share?  What’s it like where you are?  What are your plans?  Dang, what’s your weather report?  BTW, thanks to those who give updates regarding their ongoing situations…  Sue


Your orders are appreciated very much.  Here’s a sample of what readers recently purchased:

Dinner Plate Cradle
Window Curtain Grommet Panels
Twinings Earl Grey Tea, Keurig K-Cups
Skechers Women’s Slip-On Walking Shoe
HP 21.5-Inch All-in-One Desktop Computer
Dimmable LED Lamp, Touch-Sensitive, Clip-on


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495 Responses to In the pink!

  1. Linda Rose, Muffin, Murphy, Molly & Midgy in Carmichael, CA says:

    What? Am I first?

    • Pam and Maya says:

      Congrats, yes you are!

    • Velda in Roseville CA says:

      Hey Linda and company, looks like we are close. Nice day, huh? But rain coming and cooler. Congrats on being first today.

    • Dave Spain says:

      I follow your blog regularly and typically log on to Hitchitch each night just to to if you have posted that day. I understand how it must be difficult to post each day but when there is no post I do miss it. The way you treat your crew and the conversations that you have with them is really very heartwarming for me. The pictures of your travels and your camp sites are so good that as others have posted you enable thousands of people to share your travels from the safety of the recliner in their den. Thank you for your continued sharing and if you ever get to Cocoa Beach , Florida (think warm and Humid most of the time) we will have a site with hook ups for you to use. I am one of your readers that hardly ever post but I wanted you to know there are guys who enjoy your blog very much!!


    • Pat McClain says:

      Well, I’ve spent the last half hour trying to find out how to join the blogorinos and post a comment now and then. ‘Reply’ is the only thing that works. Is there a secret?


      • weather says:

        Below all the other comments near the bottom of the page(if you have an “end “,key, top right hand side of your keyboard use it, if not scroll down) you’ll see Leave A Reply- that means leave a comment.

      • Denise - Richmond VA says:

        Hi, Pat,

        Welcome…posting your comment officially makes you a blogorino! 🙂

  2. Trish says:

    Sue, don’t worry so much. I’m sure there’s a lot of other people like me who read and enjoy your posts every day but just don’t take the time to comment. Someday we hope to be on the road, maybe not full time but for a few months a year. Reading your blog is a way for me to live vicariously through you until that time arrives for us.

    • Monica-CA says:

      I too hope to be able to travel around for a few months out of the year. At present, that isn’t possible. So, I too live vicariously through her blog taking notes of beautiful places to visit and reading up on the history of those places that Sue visits.

  3. Suzette (TN) says:

    I’m afraid I’m one of those who disappeared. Although, I don’t think I’ve shared enough that you might have worried about my well-being. 🙂 I’m fine. I still care about you and the crew. I read ALL your posts and love them. But, I haven’t felt very chatty lately. Once I accepted the reality that I will never have a life on the road, it kind of took the wind out of my sails. And, then I had a significant health scare that turned out A-OK. But, I’m still here rootin’ for you. I want things to go well for you. I make sure all of my Amazon purchases start with your link. Just quietly doing my thang here in Tennessee.

    LOVE the photos today. And I love the energy Reggie conveys just looking out the window of the van. 🙂

  4. Sharon in MO says:

    Sue, I don’t comment often, but I do enjoy reading your blog. I am not a chatty person either. You should blog as often as you enjoy doing it and not feel like it is a daily “job.”

  5. Good morning Sue,
    As a blog writer myself ( in order to keep for family and friends updated on what we do and where we are) I find what you do to be exceptional. Not many people can share their lives on the basis that you do. You touch your readers in so many ways that we want to share our lives with you. It must be very hard when you don’t hear from somebody you are used to hearing from. And I am sure it makes you wonder what has happened. Pushing rocks uphill can be very hard on the spirit. You Bridget and Reggie bring so much happiness to your readers through sharing your everyday life with us.
    You better watch out though because Reggie definitely knows what Carl JR looks like. He’s going to start looking for one in every town you pass through. Gorgeous sunset last night and you captured it wonderfully. I should have brought my camera to take pictures as Pepper and I were out walking at that time. Well really my little pooch was walking me not the other way around.

  6. Linda Sand (Minnesota) says:

    I read and enjoy your blog daily but rarely comment because by the time I get here I don’t have time to process the numerous comments already made. Today I have a cold interfering with my ability to sleep so I’m here what is early for this night owl.

  7. Gail from Buckeye AZ says:

    Thanks for writing your Blog its always a special treat to read it.

  8. Corkerinna620 (Mobile AL) says:

    Love love the sunset pics!! Still working my way through your archives. I’m in June 2014 and reading like a novel, sharing pics with hubs. Thanks for sharing your dream!!

  9. Pepe & Gigi, Tibbie & Ella (Bend, OR) says:

    If you something shiny east of your campsite Feb 23-24 it might be Pepe, Gigi, and their two four footed furry friends Tibbie & Ella camping at Midland LTVA. On our way to OPCNM departing Bend on Saturday. Hold on to the warm weather for us Sue.

  10. Cactipete says:


    I have followed your adventure from the beginning, but rarely post. I just want you to know that you have provided some great escapes for me, wonderful information, interesting experiences and beautiful vistas while I have provided long-term care for my husband. We lived and traveled full-time in a converted GMC Greyhound bus for almost 10 years before his cancer diagnosis. I have discovered, through your blog, that there can still be adventures for me….no matter what. He passed a few weeks ago after fighting for 12 years and I see more options due to your blogging.

    It is obvious that you spend a lot of time on the posts and photos and I just wanted you to know I appreciate the time and care. From the bear visit to the laundromats I find them all interesting. I love Bridget and Reggie’s adventures no matter how small and look forward to them.

    Just wanted you to know that you, and your work with the blog is appreciated. Although we may never meet in person, thank you!

    Cactipete (Nanette)

    • Sharon in MO says:

      Cacti pete-Nanette, I am so sorry to hear of your husband’s illness and death. Sending you prayers for comfort and wisdom in making changes in your life that are right for your life.

    • Dawn in the Sonoran Desert says:

      I’m so sorry to hear of your husband’s death. Thank you for being here.

    • Cynthia from San Clemente, CA says:

      Nanette: I am sorry for the loss of your husband and commend you for what must have been a long, tiring, but loving, season of taking care of him. I’m guessing that for every person who comments on Sue’s blog there are at least ten others who read it, but for some reason, don’t have the time or inclination to comment. It’s a good example of how interconnected we all are in life, even when those connections are quiet or invisible. May peace and grace be with you during this difficult time.

    • Page says:

      Nanette, so sorry to learn of your husband’s death. Prayers for strength and peace are on their way to you.

      Airstreaming Pagey

      • Jean in Southaven, MS says:

        Nanette, so sorry to hear that your husband lost his battle. It sounds like he fought the good fight though. I took care of my mother for 10 years. she had only been gone a few weeks when I found this blog. It helped me though a tough time. My husband and I will never be full timers, but we will be part timers because of this blog. It gave me the bug.

        • Karen LeMoine says:

          Nanette comfort hugs during this difficult time. May God’s mercy and strength carry you through the grieving process. I’m hurting for you.

    • Velda in Roseville CA says:

      Nanette, my heartfelt sympathy on the death of your husband. I care for my husband as well. It’s a gift of love caring for a loved one. My thoughts will be with you as you adjust to a new normal. We only got one big trip in our GMC 4905 before life and cancer got in the way. We are looking to readjust and move along with shorter trips, once we sell the bus. Take care and stay in touch.

    • Krystina ~ Sutton, Vermont says:

      So sorry to hear about the death of your husband 🙁

    • Jolene/Iowa says:

      I am so sorry for your loss.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Nanette…. Thank you for writing. This must be a very difficult time for you. It’s good that you and your husband had those 10 years of full-time travel. I hope that comforts you.

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Nanette, sending you my sincere condolences. Take good care of yourself.

    • Leesa (IA) says:

      Sorry to hear of your husbands passing. Know that he is in peace and time will heal your heavy heart. Just remembering the good times helps get thru the tough times.

  11. Joy Stokes says:

    My husband and I both subscribed to your blog and look forward to each and every post but alas…we are lurkers and don’t reply. We love Bridge and Reggie and LOL …together…as be simultaneously read about “Not Cool Reggie”. We also enjoy reading about your day to day routines as we will soon be on the road more ourselves…and did I say…my husband is a guy and enjoys your blog!!

  12. My partner and I read every one of your blogs. We never try to be first to comment, in fact rarely comment, but we enjoy what you have to say. We sometimes chuckle at your observations or smile at the antics of the dogs, but really don’t have much to say. We are very busy with maintaining homes, keeping up with family, traveling, entertaining visitors, and, of course, mundane things like grocery shopping.

    In the summer we travel in the Northwest with our truck and trailer and we marvel how you find such great boondock spots. I’ve used a couple of your suggestions and it’s worked out well. We used to both, separately, be fulltimers and are considering an RV trip around South America. When I did a trip to Panama driving a 38′ diesel pusher in 2004 I did a travel blog to keep family and friends updated but today I use Facebook instead.

    Keep doing what you’re doing until it doesn’t work for you.

  13. chas anderson says:

    Nothing wrong with a timeout now and then.I could not do it for a couple of days much less for 5 years.I was amazed that you remembered how Juice ran and played after her jaw operation.All the love that flows out to our dogs from this blog is a very positive thing.You’ve done a very positive thing for many in your life with this blog

  14. Mary says:

    Although I have only commented twice, I have never missed a blog. Just don’t communicate much. Which is funny because can’t seem to shut my mouth. Don’t worry about the men. I have read there blog and boy are they boring. Love your blog and the crew. Mary

    • Linda - from Central Illinois says:

      I’m the same as Mary. I have commented only once, but I, too, never miss a post. I too, as is Sue, am somewhat of a loner, an introvert, so appreciate what Sue conveys in her blog… happiness with her life and travels and companionship.
      I surely hope you continue for a good long while, Sue!

  15. Linda Rose, Muffin, Murphy, Molly & Midgy in Carmichael, CA says:

    Sue, we’re all in the same boat, so to speak. I have a few of people who I only keep in touch wIth through the internet. When I stop hearing from them I probably won’t know what happened. We’re all up in years so I will probably think the worst. Your blogorinos have come to care about you too. What would we think if we stopped hearing a from you?
    You write one of the best blogs out there, as evidenced by the number of visits. People have come and gone from my life for a variety of reasons, some of which I had no control over. I hope you continue to enjoy sharing with us even though I don’t post very often.
    It looks like you’re getting some pretty warm weather there. It’s been in the 70’s here and I’m loving it. Heading out for a week in my Roadtrek with a group I belong to. Smooch your crew for me & the 4 M’s, will ya?

  16. Pam and Maya says:

    Hi Sue and Crew, you always amaze me because you post so regularly! When my blog was up I was lucky if I posted once a month, writing is hard work! That being said, sometimes even commenting is hard work for people, I’ll read through the comments and think ” that person just said what I wanted to say – only much better” and end up not commenting at all.
    We love you but if you need to take a rest I think we would all understand. Perhaps you could just do photos once a week so we still get to see Reggie and Bridget!
    Today is my birthday and Maya and I are having a lazy day on the couch since it’s about 5 degrees outside. We are really missing the Arizona desert and your post with the beautiful pink sunsets were a perfect present!

    • Jean in Southaven, MS says:

      I agree the pink sunset was something. We do not get pink sunsets here in the Mississippi Delta, sometimes we get yellow ones, when bad weather is coming in, but never pink.

    • gayle coopr says:

      Happy Birthday, Maya! You have a great idea. I get stuck in “all-or-nothing” thinking, but here your idea is for RVSue to cut back on posts to once a week for a while rather than give it up. That’s a great idea because she would lose a lot of blogerinos if she bowed even if for just a while. By limiting posts, she could keep our community together without so much stress on her. Nice idea!!!

      BTW, society is changing and if one has not been anchored to a conventional community, it is hard to realize that. Some people who meet you face to face, interested in friendship, just disappear. Some people don’t RSVP to formal invitations or say yes and never show up. Some people search online for a partner, text each other for days, then suddenly stop contact. It’s called “ghosting.” There was a funny quote on my Facebook feed which said: “I have an above average IQ, yet it took me two months to figure out I’d been ghosted.” This is the reality of young people today.

      It is the nature of the Internet that people come and go on every platform without a word. I think not having to follow old conventions (manners) is a relief to some. It also takes practice to endure some amazing name calling when posting comments. I’ve been told “die, already” and been called a “f**k-tard.”
      I went to the drugstore and the clerk said that was a cute little boy in line. When I told her I saw pink tennis shoes so that must be a cute little girl, she told me, “You be windin’ up in the morgue, girl, if you mess with the identity of somebody’s kid like that.” Yikes!

      Life these days requires a thick skin, both on and off the internet, unless you live solely within a long-time social circle, IMHO.

    • Denise -Richmond VA says:

      Hope you enjoyed your Birthday day, Pam! 🙂

  17. Teri Live Oak Fl says:

    I agree with Trish. .Love your peaceful pictures. Like a breath of fresh air.

  18. Carolyn says:

    Maybe a lot of people are like me. I read your blog everyday and could totally see myself living like you (if I could learn to pull a trailer). I don’t have my own blog and hesitate to comment on others’ blogs, as many people consider nonbloggers to be “lurkers”.
    I enjoy your pictures. I have family living in Elephant Butte, NM and made my first trip to the western part of the country a couple of years ago. Being from the Deep South, that part of the country was a real culture shock for me. I have a fascination with the stark difference. Your pictures remind me of that trip. And I love your traveling companions.

    • Velda in Roseville CA says:

      Just remember, it’s not IF you learn to pull a trailer, but WHEN. Remember Sue hitched up and pulled away from the Casita factory with no experience, but learned to have patience and just do it. I had never pulled a trailer back around 1969, while in college, when my parents bought a tent trailer and invited me to take one last camping trip with them before I completely left the nest. Dad and I took turns driving the pickup pulling the trailer. I was so young (21) I didn’t really think about it, I just did it. Much later in 2005 I had not driven a big 22 ft van RV until I sat behind the wheel of my Leisure Travel van. Just know you can do what you WANT to do! If our next RV comes to be it will be at least 30 ft and I again I’ll learn and do.

  19. Karen LeMoine says:

    I so enjoy your blog! You are taking us along on your journey and its fun! Take some time off we will soldier on! Thanks for all the joy you give! Love to you all!

  20. Chris says:

    First, as a male “Chris”, I enjoy your posts and and always read them even if I don’t always read all of the comments. Because you are a female and writing about your solo experiences, I think you are bound to attract more women to your blog. There are fewer of you solo ladies blogging than gentlemen.

    As regards your current “malaise”, I suspect it’s plain old boredom – something most fulltiming, RVing bloggers experience eventually. The fact that you have elected to spend more time in fewer camps this winter may be a sign that you are a little tired of moving so frequently. Feeling the pressure to blog every few days must take its toll after 5 years. If you are not moving about frequently, there is going to be less to write about. BTW, you are an excellent writer and even on no-news days seem to come up with something to entertain your readers. Continuing the boredom theme, after 5 years you are beginning to return to favorite camps, thus you may be missing the excitement in discovering new places.

    It appears your social life revolves around your readers and that obviously is very rewarding for you. For whatever reason, this is the way you choose to travel. Maybe hanging around the campfires or potlucks of some of your desert or campground neighbors, sharing traveling and blogging stories, would open up new horizons for you.

    Regardless of what you choose to do in the future, your readers and I hope you find your way out of this blue funk.

    Chris in Denver

    • Page says:

      Very well stated, Chris in Denver.

      Airstreaming Pagey

    • Dave Stewart (in Missouri) says:

      As i was reading comments above, and came to yours all i could think was, ” he is saying i feel when I read this Blog.”

    • gayle coopr says:

      Well said, Chris! Everything I read about aging says that we need a community. I seem to need multiple communities, although I spend lots of time alone. I have a Facebook community; my family community; my spiritual study community; my vintage friends community; my neighbors and neighborhood community. That sounds like a lot of interaction, but I am the gatekeeper of my own life, and I value and plan my time wisely. Thus, I am nurtured by these communities rather than overwhelmed. If I were on the road, I would have to come and go from various “caravan groups.” I would go straight downhill emotionally without people contact. But then I’ve never had a dog, so I might be wrong!!!

    • Krystina ~ Sutton, Vermont says:

      I agree with you too Chris. It amazes me RVSue (love you) has kept all her Bloggerinos entertained for 5 years! Makes me tired just thinking about it.

  21. Dawn in the Sonoran Desert says:

    and gosh. can i really be 2nd? i;m not going to fuss with caps, etc. Sue, i don’t know if you’re reading this or not but i understand where you’re coming from. it seems to me that one of the things folks love most about your blog is the community AND (there’s those darn caps) the information you pass along to all of us. the teacher in you comes out in nearly every post–in a good/great way. i hope this doesn’t sound weird but i’ve even done a search on your blog for “sponge bath”. we try to conserve water so that means i need a good solid sponge bath on a routine basis. it may sound crazy but i washed my hair last week with warm water left over from boiling eggs.

    it actually makes sense to me that you would think about people–those who are here every day, those like me who are on data diets & those who are here for awhile & then seem to leave. They may be lurking, actually. Sue, i admire the way you protect your privacy & that of your readers. The only advice i could give you is to buy a copy (gosh, i hope this doesn’t sound weird) of Buddhist Boot Camp by Timber Hawkeye. i think we’re about the same age, Sue, so i think you’ll know what i mean when i compare this book to The Prophet. For many years, i would pick up The Prophet & it would speak to me. Buddhist Boot Camp does that for me now. i always find something there that helps me to worry/fret/lose sleep over a person/people/a situation maybe not completely but at least a little less.

    the older i get, the more interested i become in people’s ‘stories’. we have so many commonalities really. it’s a damn shame that there is so much politically driven hostility, fear, misunderstanding & out-of-control rhetoric. my first rule–never give a yeller or shouter a second of my time. speak civilly (did i spell that correctly?), respectfully & kindly & you’ve got my attention & my gratitude.

    we had a lot of wind here at gunsight wash yesterday. i love to read the blog of Cliff Mass. He’s an atmospheric science professor at UW & he shares the most interesting things about NW/West Coast weather. He blogged this morning that on a flight from seattle to dallas yesterday, the pilot had to go up to 36,000′ because of the wind! Now I understand why it was so windy here yesterday that it drove us inside–high winds aloft! If you’re the tiniest bit interested in weather, check out his blog.

    We’ve loved this camp but will begin our journey north of Friday. Ironically, we’ll pick up highway 93 here in Arizona (without looking at a map, i think in gila bend) & follow it all the way to Idaho.

    One final comment, Sue. gosh, i’m unsure if this is none of my business & i truly wouldn’t know you if i passed you on the street but here goes. When was the last time you saw your family & long-time friends? enjoy this day with the crew & KNOW that you are thought of always, respected beyond belief & admired at every turn.

    Guess I’m not second any longer, eh?

    • Jean in Southaven, MS says:

      I thought I was number 8 a few days ago and after I hit enter I was way down the list from 8, I was like 27 or something.

  22. Pat at Salton Sea. . says:

    Sue, take a vacation. Your blog is like a job and we all need time away. We’ll miss you, but take a week or so to regroup. Just let us know so we won’t worry about you….take some time for Sue and the crew.

    • Renee says:

      I have to agree with Pat H – you need a vacation from your blog, but with that said, I’m going to miss you. I follow several blogs, but find yours to be the best. You have a gift with words and those darn good looking dogs sure help too! I look forward everyday to a new posting from you and when it’s been a few days that the same subject is up, I play a game with myself to see if I can foresee when a new topic will be posted. As you can see by the responses, there are lots that may have appeared to disappear but have not. They’re still here. I’m still waiting on the new hoppy report, or did I miss that?

  23. Linda-NC says:

    Hi Sue-Your blog is great just the way it is! I have been a long time reader, and only recently signed up. I signed up because I find your blog different (in a good way))
    When I get on the road, I think my travels will be similar. I want to joy what nature has to offer, not an rv park with all of the amenities. Being an amateur photographer and animal lover, I find that we have that in common. I have read a lot of rv blogs but I always came back to yours. Not so with some others. So keep on doing what you are doing just the way you are. Besides Reggie and Bridget wouldn’t have it any other way. Hamburgers for three please:)) Oh and thanks for the camera info.

  24. Captain K (Utah) says:

    Hi Sue, I’m not one to comment often either, but do look forward to your posts. We are several years from retirement that will include leisurely travels in our Motorhome. For now, we get out between April and October and travel between ID, UT & AZ. I recently purchased several benchmark Atlases to use when exploring in our UTV. Not sure we’ll ever be too much into boondocking as hubby has to have his hookups! Love the pictures of your campsites and all the antics of Reggie Man and Miss Bridget. Take a break when you need one, we’ll be right here waiting for your next post. Question for you — if I save something to my wish list to purchase on Amazon, then enter Amazon through your link when I’m ready to purchase and select said item from my wish list, do you get credit for the purchase?

  25. Terri From Texas says:

    I am still here, RVSue, enjoying your blog! I work most of the day in an engraving and trophy shop nowadays and by the time I can get to your blog I am WWWAAY down the list! Many times I read things I would like to comment on, but by then the conversation has changed, sometimes more than once! So, I just sit back and take it all in! 4 years til my husband retires, hopefully, and then we will travel alot but probably not full-time. However, I gotta get outta Texas in the summer! Its starting to really get on my nerves!
    Lately, when I am not working, I am out practicing riding my motor scooter. My class is in 2 weeks and I hope I pass the course! I like a new hobby or project every now and then. Be of good cheer! Maybe you just need to get a second wind and observe things awhile before you blog more. I lay awake at night wondering where people I met, those who used to be good friends, have gone. 5 years ago I lost contact with my best friend from many years and it saddens me. I can’t imagine worrying about people I have never met too! But, I know the stress. It can get to you. Hang in there and know you have many, many readers who love your writing style and your great sense of humor, and your dog stories too!

  26. Sue, I don’t comment very often but when I do I’m always impressed at how quickly and how gracious you are to each and every one of your “blogorinos.” And I’m always impressed with how entertaining your blog posts are without doing anything more exciting than walk the crew, find a Carl’s Jr, and and shop at Walmart! 🙂 I always look forward to knowing where are living at the moment.

    I hope you keep blogging, but as one who only publishes a blog post every 3-4 weeks, I will completely understand if you take a break, although I think you would miss it and soon return.

    Take care of yourself and don’t worry, sometimes life gets in the way of the Internet.


  27. Dawn says:

    I’m so glad you got a bright pink sunset for Valentine’s day. I know what you mean – when we don’t hear from people we connect with we assume the worst!! I know often I don’t comment as I don’t feel I have anything relevant to add to the conversation and I don’t want you to HAVE to come up with something pithy to reply!

    And not narcissistic at all! You know what is narcissistic? I’m going back to college (yes, at my late age) to get that bachelor’s degree and I’m taking a class this semester on creative nonfiction. It’s completely founded on the personal memoir. Now, I took the class because I’m an anthropology major–I want to strengthen my writing skills–not because I need any more therapy. But wow, talk about me, me, me!!! I guess I should be glad I have an excuse to talk about myself, but sheez, digging up things that are dead and buried (and I’m bored with) to air out in public among a bunch of “young’uns” – ROFLOL. It has been quite the ordeal.

    I plan to get my RV when I’m finished – maybe three / four years. Looking for a shortie Class C and debate whether to get the newest I can afford (which will still be old) or go truly vintage and fix it up.

    That’s my story, and I’m sticking to it! I for one appreciate your blog. I read every one and RV research when I can squeeze in a spare hour. One day I hope to be looking up your old posts to determine places to visit for real!

    Hugs from Asheville, NC

  28. Jenny Johnson Manuel says:

    close to the top aren’t I??

  29. Page says:

    Hi Sue and Crew!

    I first started reading your blog 4 years ago as we were planning our full time lifestyle. I read all the posts from your first year and subscribed. I read every post, just don’t comment very often. I quite enjoy reading the comments made by fellow blog followers.

    In the past four years, we sold almost everything we own. We have kept just enough stuff to make our 2015 Airstream Classic our home. We are finishing our first workamping job here in Florida at the of this month and are gradually making our way west for our jobs in Yellowstone that start on May 4.

    Maybe our paths will cross at some point, but we will not seek you out. We value our privacy and understand your position entirely.

    Be well and please give the pups a hug from me.

    Airstreaming Pagey

    • Sue CleanerGreenerVegas says:

      I hope you keep checking in and tell us how your workcamping locations pan out. I would love to do that one day 🙂

  30. Cynthia from San Clemente, CA says:

    Sue: For the first time since Spike died, I cried reading your blog and the comments today. Please don’t feel guilty for sharing – it was a good cry – a lot of gratitude mixed in with a little sadness. I realized how we all take from you; I know when I sit down to read my email each day, I scroll down and past so many other messages, looking for your most recent post. When I have time I read the post and comments; when I’m short on time, I skip the comments; when I have plenty of time, I post my own comment. But reading your words today, I realized how much work it must be to sit down and post (not to mention take, organize and caption all the photographs) almost every day. Writing is so much more difficult than speaking. Words have to be chosen more carefully because their very permanence seems to carry more weight and the relative brevity of writing demands more of each word. I can imagine how you worry when someone seems to disappear from the comments; I’ve noticed that too and it often feels like the ending of a good novel, when a character you’ve come to like just disappears off the page.

    From an entirely selfish perspective, I would hate it if you quit writing, but I have wondered how long you’ll go on and what will happen when you no longer feel inclined to travel – maybe a “Retirement Home Sue and her Canine Crew”???? Just kidding. But please know, when and if you decide to shut down your blog, you have already given many of us such a wonderful gift – a gift of dreams, perseverance, laughs, exploration, animal-love, and knowledge. God bless you.

  31. Patricia O says:

    Hi Sue! I will come out of the shadow just for this time. Last time I commented here was such a long time ago that I am sure you do not remember about me. But I kept following your blog on a regular basis because I’d like to know how you and the crew are doing. I cried when Spike went to the rainbow bridge… just to say that the reason I disappeared is not you. But the comment area that I do not enjoy.

    I ended up buying a Casita last year (long story) but it did not happen this way because I live vicariously through you and/or want to replicate your lifestyle. So if you ever decide to stop your blog, I’ll be sad to not know how you and the little guys are doing, but I’ll keep on going 😉 I understand that blogging may feel like a burden at times and the day it sounds like a job might be the day you have to take a break. Unless blogging is seen as a job to generate income, of course.

    Don’t worry and be happy!

  32. Rosalyn says:

    Ok Sue, I have a question. Well a few actually.
    I am one of those silent readers whose life you have touched by my living vicariously through your blog. I have always dreamed about doing what you do. Even more so, because you do it alone.
    I am a happy loner at heart.
    Although I am married and my husband somewhat enjoys rving, his passion is limited to how good his internet connection is, and how well his tv reception connects him to the outside world. But in order to have those two things, he must give up freedom and open space, finding himself limited to RV parks, which he hates.
    I on the other hand, dream to escape the negativity of television. I would be very happy without it.
    So my goal is to boondock as you do, distancing myself from others, and enjoying nature and the solitude around me.
    He is counting down the months until March 2017, when our rving experience will end, and his commitment to his daughter who is living in our home is over. Then we will return to the surroundings which he misses and only rv during the winter months of rain.
    My goal is to continue my travels. A few months out of the year I will venture out alone and do the things that I love. One of those is to watercolor.
    But I have a few concerns about safety, water conservation, and food storage.
    So if I may ask a few questions, perhaps you will help me close those holes in my dream pocket.
    1. If you could change anything about your Casita, what would it be?
    2. If you “pack” for safety, do you have difficulty with the laws from state to state?
    3. Do you miss an oven, or a way to bake things?
    4. How many miles have you put on your PTV since you began years ago?
    5. Do you find adequate storage in the Casita?
    6. Is the small refrigerator large enough for healthy eating ( fresh veggies, fruits and salad mixings)?
    Ok, that is it for now.
    Please continue your blog posts. I know I look forward to them daily as they lift my spirit in dreaming I was you. Do not get discouraged by those of us who just read. Our secret world of “voyeurism” is our way of sitting alone in our thoughts and learning. Please do not read into it anything more than that.
    Your blog is very good. You are an excellent writer who has the ability of not only telling a story to your readers, but helping them to live in it too.
    Thank you

    • Dave Stewart (in Missouri) says:

      Great Questions. yes we want to know!

    • weather says:

      Likely guesses 1) the bathroom would have come with the toilet and cupboards instead of wetbath style shower. Sue found it an awkward space to use so instead takes a bath using a bowl or basin. 2)laws vary by state, most allow locked away pistols for one with a permit, so RVer’s seldom have difficulty if they “pack”.3)I don’t think Sue likes much cooking or baking, and so prefers to purchase baked products and doesn’t miss an oven.4)a bit less than 44,ooo miles.5yes, because the PTV has all the room she needs for extra storage6)for Sue’s diet(no beef, some occasional chicken ) the fridge is large enough. She has room for the chicken she buys and cooks for the crews breakfasts, a bit of dairy and plenty of veggies, some fruit.

    • Lee J in Northern California says:

      You ask good questions Rosalyn. I can’t answer all of them, but can comment on a few. I have a Casita, love it. I have found that I need way less than I thought in the way of things to make me comfortable when using my trailer. I generally am alone as my husband isn’t interested much in travel anymore.
      My refrigerator is adequate for my diet, I use fresh, not packaged things and as long as I can get to a store about once a week I am good. I don’t eat much meat and what I do use fits in the freezer. I have an ice chest for overflow, like if I loose my grip and buy a melon. I am not a drinker of much other than tea or coffee or water so no need for space for beverages.
      Think multipurpose use when deciding what to take
      in the Casita. A mixing bowl becomes a salad bowl, a cutting board becomes a cover for my stove top for more counter space.
      Layer clothing, wash out your undies rather than having 20 sets.
      I try to keep it neat in my house, and don’t leave things out, it makes it seem larger to me. I have a half ton truck with a cap so I have plenty of room, just be sure to label your bins so you don’t spend too much time hunting stuff..frustrating!
      I have one cast iron Dutch oven I use for baking, I can do pies, biscuits, roasts, but actually find I don’t actually do much baking.
      Water conservation is interesting. For instance I have taken to drawing a cup of water for tooth brushing, instead of running the tap. Dishwashing in a small dishpan outside can be accomplished with a gallon of water! I wipe thing out first, use hot water and everything is squeaky clean. I use paper towels for cleaning messes then use windex to finish off… It is fun to figure out ways to stay clean without filling a tub/sink. I buy drinking water in gallons instead of bottles, less waste and cheaper and the gallons can be refilled.
      If you do Facebook there is a group for Casita Owners that is well moderated and full of information. There is also a Facebook group called Casita Divas that has lots of information about decorating, meet ups etc.
      Hope to see you here often, it is so nice to read what other Casita owners are doing!

      • Sidewinder Pen says:


        “….like if lose my grip and buy a melon.” That had me laughing out loud 😀 I have carried a spare cooler at times myself, but just the way you wrote it was so funny and vivid. It reminded me of the time (decades ago) that I first had a motorcycle and rode to the grocery store. It wasn’t until I had checked out and was about to pay that it dawned on me…. where was I going to PUT the four bags of groceries?!?? I had a milk crate on the back that would hold one. Oops, forgot. How embarrassing. Well, I explained and then made four trips back and forth. Geez.

        • Barbara (Nashville) says:

          I did that myself with a Mazda Miata. Barely 2 bags would fit in the trunk, I had six, crammed 3 in trunk, my hubby became a trunk in the passenger seat; one on the floor under his legs, 2 in his lap. It was too funny! Came out of the store and we just stood there, looking at the dilemma.

          • Sidewinder Pen says:

            Ha ha, exactly. If someone was watching our faces I bet they could have seen the very moment the mental penny dropped 😀

          • Pat K, Bulverde, Texas says:

            Been there, done that. Amazing how many times I would forget I was in the Mata, when I went shopping! But what fun it was 🙂
            (actually it is still in the garage, but being 72, I rarely use it…really need to part with it…some day) Pat K.

          • Carolyn says:

            Barbara, I did exactly the same thing in a Miata. I left Walmart with a cart full of things. Had to call my husband to come pickup the overflow in his vehicle. I was used to driving a Lincoln Navigator and just went brain-dead, forgetting which vehicle I brought.

      • gayle coopr says:

        With the world in chaos, Lee J, I got a real laugh out of what you do when you “lose your grip.” You buy a melon!!!!

    • DesertGinger says:

      A lot of things don’t really need refrigeration…bananas, potatoes, carrots, onions, oranges….and of course things like dried beans, rice, etc. salad stuff and green veggies, berries…these things require refrigeration but you have something like 4 square feet. If it were me I would have eggs, cheese, berries, green veggies…possibly some meat, maybe some cream for coffee, and I would be pretty set. I imagine you can easily manage for a week or more with the small fridge. And you want to have a van for your extra storage. And Sue has about 44000 miles she has put on the PTV.

    • Sidewinder Pen says:

      I’m not Sue, but do have a couple of comments, most echoing others above.

      One is that if you are “traveling from home” for a few months per year, it’s a whole different ballgame for storage. You may not “need” a van as a storage module (of course they are wonderful, if you want one). I say that because I am thinking of things I carry along that I would not do if I were going out from a home base for a few months at a time:

      1) Extra tools that I could leave in the garage/home shop.
      2) Clothes for seasons I wouldn’t be in over the next (say) three months.
      3) Gear that I might not use on a particular trip, but do want sometimes (example, Scuba gear even though I won’t be Scuba diving in the next three months; bicycle that’s great on paved roads but I wouldn’t need for desert boondocking.
      4) Project supplies that I would leave home (I’d still bring some, but not all). Fabric, webbing, etc.
      5) Specialty footwear I might not need until next year.

      As you can imagine, the list goes on.

      On the oven: I’m not typically a “big” cook. However, when I was on a boat I used the oven constantly. Reason was, I had to live on dry stores for weeks/months at a time, so the only way to get fresh things sometimes was to bake them (I had flour, yeast, etc.). For the same reason I had a lot of heavy canned goods. I’d “cook ahead” for possibly rough passages, making big batches of dal, stew, or etc.

      But in my little RV, I removed the oven that came with it. Oh, not because I don’t like ovens (although I likely don’t need to be able to eat more pizza and cookies :D), but because they take up a LOT of space. Sure, I stored pans in it, but when I removed it (was working on something else and needed to take it out temporarily) and saw the space…. no way was it going back. It wasn’t just the oven space, but around 12″ behind it that was inaccessible.

      I figure if I want to bake sometimes, I’ll use a stovetop oven (and if I really miss it, I’ll put the oven back) (so far that hasn’t happened). Of course each person is different. I just have always tended to cook on the stovetop for daily meals.

      I used to have a 13′ Scamp like trailer (very similar to Casita) and the one thing I missed was a really comfortable chair. At the time I was in a muggy/buggy place, so couldn’t just set out a lounger easily. I did adapt with pillows, etc. There’s not much else I would have changed, given that giant Class A under-bins weren’t going to magically appear. One thing outside is that the tongue was very short, and that – combined with the overall shortness of the trailer – made it harder than it needed to be to back up in a straight line. If I’d gone full-timing in it, I might have had the frame extended in the tongue area, which would have helped alleviate that and then I could have incorporated a tongue box for outside gear. But really, it was not that big a deal. I had to think of something though.

      I had a smaller fridge (think smallest dorm size) in my previous rig and was able to eat fresh food, etc. (even with a friend along at one time). The thing I’ve found is that most places in the US you are within relatively easy reach of a store at least every 14 days (if not sooner). And as DG mentioned, many foods that we think of as “needing” refrigeration…. don’t.

      It sounds like you will really enjoy your solo trips! I think heading out from a home base sounds lovely.

  33. Alice (So. Fla) says:

    Dear RV Sue, I guess I’m one who has not made a lot of comments. Never really was much of a chit chatter. I do read your blog everyday and really enjoy it. Always admired someone who could write so well. For me, it will be even more enjoyable now since I pretty much have to kiss hitting the road goodbye. Something happened, yet to be figured out, and I’ve lost the sight in my right eye. So it’s a wait and see – waiting for doctors. Your pictures are beautiful, thank you, and the pups are always an added plus. Wish I could attach a picture so you could see my two.
    Enjoy and stay safe

    • Nancy from South Georgia says:


      As one who can relate to eyesight loss and health challenges, I immediately feel drawn to your comment. Best of luck with your upcoming diagnosis and wishing you well.

  34. Jolene/Iowa says:

    Hi Sue, I love your blog and I think the others have captured what may be going on. For me, I read every blog entry and some more than once and also most of the comments.

    Some days, due to my very busy Facebook with the RV group now with over 18K members and then several church groups I also have on Facebook, one which is a study group, I am kept very busy on there and just don’t take the time to comment.

    I am always looking for the alert in my email that a new blog post is up and ignore all the other mail until I have read it.

    I understand your feelings though because I go through some of the same thing with both the RV group and the study group. active or semi active people suddenly are just gone. So I do feel exactly what you are saying.

    I know we would all miss you if you were gone and I know we all waited patiently while you have taken a break before. Do what you need to do for you but know we love you and the crew.

  35. Bob Hampton says:

    Hi Sue,
    Just to let you know I’m still “kicking”, and yes I do read all your blogs. I have been with you since day 1.
    Watching your delimna now on a newer vehicle, hang on as long as possible. I drive new vehicles twice a year for a dealer’s tent sale across town, I would not want to have a new vehicle now days unless it had a full warranty, too many electronic new gadgets. The last few years the best “riding” (seat comfort, road feel, etc.) vehicles has been the trucks,larger suv/vans. So what you have is probably one of the best Tow vehicles going. If you do get to looking, talk with your neighbors (if you ever find any) on what they have and any advice they would have.

    Good luck, Rocky Mtn. Bob

  36. June from CO says:

    Hi Sue, Like several others, I am more of a lurker. I have only commented a couple of times. Back in 1999 my hubby and I bought a motorhome and proceeded to travel the US and Canada full-time for 5 years. Then hubby got heart trouble and we had to sell the motorhome and settle down in our home town again. I was heart broken because the full-time life was so wonderful. However, hubby’s health was more important. Four years ago I discovered your blog and was so intrigued I started reading from the beginning and have been reading and enjoying it ever since. My hubby passed away two years ago and I miss him terribly. Your blog and a few others help me kinda relive the dream. I truly enjoy your postings about your everyday life and have laughed and cried with you in your adventures. I live vicariously through your and a few others travels. Thanks for all the time and hard work you put into this blog. And thanks to all the other posters here who are like a family. I enjoy the replies too. 🙂

    • Sue CleanerGreenerVegas says:

      June from Colorado, Cool that you kind of keep the dream alive in your heart. Who knows what is in your future! Let us know!

  37. Jean in Southaven, MS says:

    Dear RVSue, you are over thinking. We love your blog because of you. You do not have to do or say anything special. We are all friends here. We love you but we also love our fellow blogorineos too. We all get wrapped up in the lives of each other. I worry when I do not see someone for a while and I worry when someone talks about their health or someone they loves health or situations that they are in. That is life. We are all interconnected. We all touch others lives every minute of every day. Sometimes it is just in passing, sometimes it is more intimate, but that is what makes life interesting and meaningful. Thank you for your honesty. I hope you continue to write, but if you do not, please know that I have followed you almost from the beginning and I have enjoyed every post. It has inspired me, made me laugh, and cry. I have learned alot, seen things that I will never see for myself and widened my horizons. Thank you so much for sharing so much of yourself with us.

    • Jane in Bremerton, WA says:

      Jean said it very well. I’ve been lurking since I found this blog and love every post. I retire in about 1 1/2 years and am trying to decide how small I want to go with a trailer. I have been inspired by your travels, your pictures and crew always bring a special joy and interest to my reading. I am looking forward to following in your footsteps and exploring the country.
      You may not want face to face involvement with people too much, but you reach out and interact with all of your blogerinos with such thought and care that we know you care very much. Even for those like me who don’t post!
      I can understand the commitment it takes to keep up and post as often as you do. You retired once, this isn’t supposed to become a ‘job’ that you feel obligated to do. When you need to, take a break! It would keep us from worrying if you let us know, but if that doesn’t feel right, do what you need to do. We’ll be looking forward to your return.
      Thanks for all of the wonderful information and dreams you are sharing with us!

    • Cynthia from San Clemente, CA says:

      Perfectly said Jean!!

  38. Checking in!
    Hi Sue,
    I struggled with the thought of even starting a blog. I read yours and Al’s over at “The Bayfield Bunch” for months, and these questions came to mind.
    What would I write about?
    Could I write everyday, like Al does?
    Could I post whenever?
    I decided on a weekly post. I thought that would allow me time to think of something to write. Some weeks I find it hard to put a thought together. Now I’m thinking of switching to twice month or maybe monthly.
    It does feel like pushing a boulder up hill. I get that.
    I don’t have your readership. I have mostly family. They’ve heard my stories over and over. Heck, I’m beginning to hear or write my own stories over and over.
    “This week I did ‘this’ again…blah, blah, blah.”
    I’m an introvert, so what’s up in my head often is more interesting to me than other folks. Ask my brother about that!
    Should I write about the book I read this week? “Norwegian Wood: Chopping, Stacking, and Drying Wood the Scandinavian Way”
    See what I mean? Not exactly a blog post for the masses!
    I lie awake at night writing imaginary blog posts in my mind and some of them I post. Not a great way to live, worrying about what to write next.
    Who knows, maybe I’ll write the post that I’m done with posts and moving to Instagram?
    So, I write to you about understanding, and I’ve only been blogging for two years!
    I hope you found some humor in all this. I know I’m not writing the “Great American Novel” or blog.
    Over and out!

  39. David Ainley (back in Kentucky, for now) says:

    Dearest Sue (and crew);

    You have to do what is best for you. I can only relate my story and how you fit into it. I died of a heart attack in Feb. 2008. The doctor in ER had to “paddle” me twice to bring me back. God could have had me then but chose not to take me. I often wonder “Why?”. We touch others in ways we never know of or dream about; but touch them we do. Sue, you touch so many people, not just me, in so many ways. The popularity of your blog proves it. There are so many who live the life of their dreams through your blog. Perhaps they lack the health, finances or will to do so. For them your blog is what keeps them going. You give them HOPE.

    Again, do what is best for you.

    May God bless and keep you,


    P.S. May all your sunsets be as beautiful as your pictures.

  40. ValGal (westernWA) says:

    I know what you mean, Sue. Five years is a long time for a blogger, especially one who puts so much into connecting with folks in the comments and such. And I have often thought about how people can suddenly disappear on the internet places. It is very unnerving.

    I have been reading your posts for some months now. There is no other blog I follow like this. I may become an “accidental” boondocker due to finances. It is super scary to me. Your posts help me a lot when the fear and stress levels soar.

    I hope you will continue the blog. You could maybe get a couple or so people you can trust (moderators) to share comment reply tasks. You could maybe get some guest blog posts, too, to give yourself a break sometimes.

    I know it’s not just the tasks, it’s the emotional output, too. But maybe by doing something like this, you could spread that around some and also be able to share concerns about blogorinos with your moderators.

    You have created something wonderful here. A lot of bloggers cannot get this kind of interaction, loyalty and avid followers. That speaks volumes to how much you have done right, how successful, and how awesome you are.

    May you be blessed!

  41. Rattlesnake Joe says:

    Hi Sue,
    You’re like a place holder to me. Kind of like a close neighbor that I trust with my key while I’m gone. Knowing that you are there looking after things until I return. When I need my battery recharged your blog does the trick. Thanks for being there for us, my world is renewed with every photo and the blog gives me comfort and makes me smile. Keep on…keeping on as the saying goes.

  42. Marcia GB in MA says:

    Dear Sue, just be who you are and do what you do. That is enough for most of us who follow your blog. Although I may get busy and don’t comment for a while, I always keep up with your posts. I love how your journey has evolved over time and thank you and the crew for allowing me to share in your adventures.

  43. Phyllis in Phoenix says:

    I read your post almost every day and marvel at how you can think of things to write about. I rarely comment – usually I just can’t think of anything to say that someone else didn’t already say. I scan through the comments and like you I start to wonder if something is wrong when I don’t see someone comment for a while. I found your post today very moving.

  44. Bill & Ann C, Cochise Stronghold says:

    Great post, Sue. Your blog is amazing. I don’t see how you keep it up. Rest your mind a bit. Take care.

  45. Colleen says:

    Hello Sue,
    I am one of those that read but, don’t comment. I’ve been dying to ask you so many questions about living in your Casita. I bought one that will be delivered June6th. I am afraid that I will bother you with the questions that I have. I absolutely love your blog. I have one dog….he’s a fan of Hardee’s. I love your life style and I’m working on it for myself……late this summer…….

    • Sidewinder Pen says:

      Exciting times, Colleen. New Casita! Travels! I like old favorite things a lot, but there’s nothing like the beginning of a new adventure

      This next part I debated whether to say, because questions and the ensuing discussion are interesting and fun ( so I say bring them on).

      But on the other hand, presuming you will be traveling in the US (or North America in general), remember that there are stores everywhere (plus Amazon! and Goodwill,etc), and you can pretty easily pick up what you need. I like to say “I’ll let Amazon store that for me” (meaning I can buy it when I need it). And too, there’s no specific wrong way (and rarely only one right way) to RV travel and camp.

      Here’s to the exciting times ahead for you. Bring on the Casita!

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Hi, Colleen,

      Congratulations on your cozy, new egg! I bet you are beyond excited! Sending you wishes for many happy travels! 🙂

  46. Chris B of the Clete and Diego Tribe says:

    Hey, Sue! (<—- Greeting – I was thinking about my days working in Covington, Georgia years ago)
    Linda-NC said it perfectly. Great blog "just the way it is."

    You bet it's different! I have looked at other blogs as well, but yours is the only one that I read consistently. I was wondering, "Why?"
    1 ) It's well written and gramatically correct. Even on days when not much is going on, you have the readers' attention. When I tell people about your blog, I tell them that it's like reading, "A day in the life of RV Sue." You never know what to expect. Cows, horses, Reggie peeing all over (Diego did that once at Quartzsite….so embarrassing!), sunsets, wildlife, weather, how-tos, etc. The list is endless! The bonus is that you do it so cheap and people can learn so much from this.
    2) You have a crazy sense of humor. Huge big plus in my life….you know how we like to laugh. More Canine Corner, please!
    3) You state your opinion. People who have no opinion or passion about anything are B-O-R-I-N-G. They just sort of flit around through life like a little butterfly smiling at everybody.
    4) Your sense for adventure but not stupidity (common sense) Readers don't read what you are doing and think, "Wow, she's dumb. I saw that coming a mile away." Cars get dented, things break, parts fail, wind blows and surprises happen. You make your plan and follow it through. It's survival.
    5) You are a very compassionate person. You prefer to be alone but when you run across somebody who needs help or may be making a wrong decision that can impact a safe trip, you are there for them. The guy on the bike in the desert comes to mind. You helped him get his bike fixed and set him off in the right direction to avoid the mountains. Time and effort for somebody that you don't even know.
    6) You do all this without hookups, or very few. I like that lifestyle.
    7) Good character (My personal favorite and most important) I don't need to explain that one. You do that on your own.
    Have a nice day and try to keep cool!
    Chris B

  47. Phillis Farmer says:

    Hi Sue, I enjoy your writing and I love it when the little guys take the steering wheel and drive the blog. I too wonder about bloggers when their words fail to appear on the page. I have blogs that I have followed daily for years just go offline. I am reminded of Paul Harvey. I want the rest of the story. Just to close by saying I think your blogging is great. It allays brings a smile to my face when I see there is an update from you.

  48. Hi again RV Sue. I too am a lurker I guess but I have read each and every one of your posts and thoroughly enjoyed all of them from the very first one on. I comment sometimes but it seems like I am only saying what has already been said and I had nothing left to say. Don’t want to bore you I have 2 dogs like you but Friday I picked up one that some bad person threw away. Now, what to do..what to do.
    I absolutely love your blog and anxiously wait to read it but know you get tired. No way I could do it but you have a way with words that I don’t possess. Hope you continue on with it but take the time you need to refresh yourself and we will all still be here waiting to see what adventures you are having now. I love all the pictures you take too. You have a good eye for photography. It seems like I know you so Take care and hug Reggie and Bridgett for everyone

    • Cynthia from San Clemente, CA says:

      Judy – Bless you for taking in a pup that someone else wouldn’t/didn’t take care of. We have two rescue dogs and I’m hoping there’s a special place in heaven for people who care about animals.

      • Both of the other 2 are rescues also. That is the only way to go I think. This one is really testing me tho. I may be too old to handle her. Will give her some time to get used to us but may have to look for her another home. Will not throw her away like her family did tho!

        • Cynthia from San Clemente, CA says:

          Judy: Friday was only a few days ago and I’m sure the poor pup is scared and disoriented. It will take time, but I’m assuming your other two dogs are well-loved, and thus, well-adjusted. They will teach the new one the ways of your home. Good luck to all of you.

          • Cynthia, you are so right. Took her and got her all checked out today and all her shots. She is a healthy young girl about 1 year, spayed, heart worm neg etc. all good I can’t get younger but will try to make it good for her

  49. rvsueandcrew says:

    Hi, Blogorinos:

    Thank you for writing a comment! I appreciate you taking the time to appear here.

    A few notes:

    Nanette…. My condolences on the loss of your husband. You did well for him.

    Patricia O…. No, I didn’t forget you! You’ve been on nightly roll call. 🙂

    Rosalyn… I hope you don’t mind if I turn your questions over to your fellow blogorinos so I can take a break. Someone, please help out here. Thank you.

    Rocky Mountain Bob… You’re another one I’ve missed and wondered about. Thanks for the advice on keeping the PTV.

    Alice in So. Florida…. I’m sorry about your eye. I pray it can be repaired and heals quickly and well!

    Dawn…. Good luck with school. I remember being decades older than classmates. I had to make A Book All About Me. *rolls eyes*

    Page… Thanks for the long-term follow of my blog. Drop in again soon!

    Robin… Nice to hear from you again and thanks for understanding.

    Trish… I appreciate you taking the time today to write.

    Dawn… Enjoyed your newsy comment. I have a Book that comforts and sustains me…

    Linda Sand… You don’t have to read the comments. Just saying hello means a lot to me. Get over that cold!

    Joy… Your comment is worth gold to me. Knowing you and your husband are with us and enjoying…. Keep in touch!

    Gail… So good to hear from you again!

    Jenny… Even your brief comments make me smile!

    Chris…. I’m not bored at all. I love my life! Sometimes I let myself feel hurt from readers and friends not commenting. Pot lucks? Are you kidding me? I’d rather hug cholla. 🙂

    Kathe… You say “don’t have much to say” and then you list a number of things you could write about from your interesting life. Dang, girl!

    Carolyn… A nonblogger isn’t a lurker. A lurker is someone who reads a blog, enjoys it, and never comments, whether they have a blog or not. You aren’t a lurker here because you commented! 🙂

    Teri in Live Oak FL… Thank you very much.

    Terri from Texas… It doesn’t matter if the conversation has changed. Just write! Have fun on the bike..

    Pepe et al… Great seeing you here! Don’t be a stranger!

    Pat H… I appreciate your contributions to our conversations.

    Suzette… I missed you!

    June… I’m sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing here.

    Pam and Maya… Forget about what other people write… I want to hear from you! 🙂

    Captain K… To answer your question, yes, I do. Thank you

    Cynthia from San Clemente… You touched me with your tender words. Sweet & salty tears….

    Mary, Corkerinna620, John McDonald, everybody, even if I didn’t mention your name …. Thank you!

    — over and out —

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Many more comments came in while I was writing the above…. I’ll keep this short . . . .

      I LOVE YOU!


      • cateW says:

        I LOVE YOU TOO! Cynthia said what I often feel/think while reading your blog…its truly “A gift of Dreams”. Five years…wowzaa…that’s a lotta writing, photos, and comments, Sue. I won’t bore you or the blogorinos repeating what others have said so beautifully today, however, I will support that you do what you need to take care of yourself. If that includes posting much less often, or even…discontinuing the blog…don’t burn out….enjoy the lifestyle you worked and saved so hard to make happen for yourself. You have created an amazing community by bringing us together thru your blog adventures. We might even find a way to maintain our connection by contributing to a blog we each take turns writing for with Sue as the “guest blogger”…lol.

        Blue days, depleted times, introspection…its ok. Hope you are “sunny side up” again soon.
        Big hug,

    • Rosalyn says:

      Actually Sue it is ok. I see you are swamped now with other comments. While I appreciate your thoughtfulness in handing my questions over to others rather than just leaving me hanging, I was only interested in your response. I have had answers to those questions “attempted ” by others in various forums, but there are always too mamy variables in their situations versus what mine would be. So I was still left stumped.
      Anyway don’t worry about it. Thanks for your blogs.
      Going back into read only mode,
      Ros. 🙂

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        Now you’re not coming back to comments again? After all my work to get you here in the first place? How about I answer your questions at a later date, sometime soon. Would that be okay? Kinda’ worn out right now. 🙂

        • Rosalyn says:

          Kinda opened a can of worms with your post. Didn’t you? ? No problem. Take your time.
          I am still in that comparison state regarding if I go with a Casita or another small trailer/rv.
          After all these years of following your blog I am leaning to the Casita. But I still have some questions as to if it will fit me and my lifestyle the best.
          Any spare time in the future will be fine. Take care and rest.

      • Sidewinder Pen says:


        Sorry if I/we horned in above (when you asked Sue some questions). We (fellow blogorinos) often jump in with comments, figuring the more the merrier, but it sounds like maybe not so much in this case. I just wanted you to know that I did read that you were asking Sue (and I’m not Sue), but just that I “ignored” that and went with tradition. But I didn’t mean to cause stumpage.

  50. Sandy says:

    I enjoy your blog just as it is. Perhaps “blogging life” is the same as real life. People come into your life and they drift out; sometimes we never really know why. I too realize I will never be a full-timer, but I totally admire your hutzpa (sp). The pictures you post give me much enjoyment and through you, I have been able to see many places I will never get to on my own. If rest is what you need, then rest, and know that you have brightened many people’s lives with your blog. Blessings

  51. Reine in Plano says:

    Reine checking in. We’re fine and expecting our first grand son April 12. The three grand daughters we already have live in the area and keep us hopping. We’re blessed to have our moms still alive and I spent lots of time in January getting a 95th birthday party done for my mom. It was a blast and we had 95 folks show up. It was so great connecting with folks we grew up with but lots of them have gray hair (or less hair for some of the guys) and a bit more weight than I remember them. The ones I remember as skinny kids playing with my brother are now grand parents! But then so am I.

    Although I don’t comment very often – which is surprising considering how chatty I can be – Paul and I both read EVERY post you make. I follow three blogs, YOU, Becky ( and Micky at Instellar Orchard, and Micky (

    Please post as often as you feel like it and much or as little as you want. My only request is that you sort of let us know that all is well at least a couple of times a week. Whether you realize it or not, you’re FAMILY for many of us and when we don’t hear from you we worry about you as much or more than you worry about us. A post that says, “The day is beautiful and we’re gonna enjoy it – visit away blogorinos.” is enough.

    Throw away the shovel and enjoy life more!

  52. Reine in Plano says:

    By the way, the pink pictures are gorgeous. I’m always amazed at the beautiful paintings our God provides for us to enjoy.

  53. Where Is Chris Now? (PDX is home) says:

    A few years ago I tried doing a personal blog to capture (and share) some of the interesting places and people I encountered while adventuring throughout the Northwest.

    What started out as a fun idea quickly became more like work. I’d find myself thinking about how to share what I was experiencing in my next blog instead of fully enjoying the moment. I thought about it for quite some time, and then I just stopped blogging.

    Friends, family, and online acquaintances expressed an interest in wanting to know more about where I had been hiking, camping or even road-tripping.

    So … I researched options and ultimately created an Instagram profile. I’ve found it much easier to take a picture when the urge hits me, upload it with a few lines of comments, and create a digital record that I can use to create a hardcopy book through

  54. Gary and Cindy says:

    Hi Sue,
    I can only speak for myself, and pass along comments for Gary, but we enjoy reading your blog a lot. Gary doesn’t write his own comments as that’s just the way he is, but he loves hearing about what you and the pups are up too. We lost our last dog several years ago so hearing about yours helps to ease that loss. And Gary has wanted to travel out west forever. I have been there during my childhood so sometimes your pictures bring back fond memories and other times I hear about a place I’d like to see. Gary plans on retiring in a few years and we would like to full time for a couple years or so. Before I started reading your blog to Gary he was afraid to even think about full timing. It isn’t something that he’s even considered before. But after hearing all of your stories and how much fun you have, as well as how well you handle problems that arise, he is now happily looking at campers and plotting out where he wants to go first. LOL So please don’t think that what you have to say isn’t all that interesting. Just sharing your thoughts with others can go a long way towards opening up possibilities for others. We might not comment often, but thank you Sue for taking the time and making the effort to allow us to take a peek into what might be our future one day. The good Lord willing and the creek don’t rise. 🙂

  55. weather says:

    Several days ago, in your reply to Cate, you said “…the blog is reaching the point of consuming too much…” . I have known for quite some time that it does. Sue, we each need to find our own balance, I will understand and support you in whatever choices you need to make to regain yours.My guess about why people disappear from commenting is they may be balancing their own lives in doing so. I wish you freedom and lightness going forward. May any thing that becomes a burden instead of enhancing your days be just a memory. So you know, I backspaced several paragraphs from this comment because they added through empathy the connect part you want to rest from. I hope all that captures you today is fun 🙂 This morning before sunrise it was 25 below here, the temperature has risen by almost 50 degrees. My fun includes joining the critters here in coming out of our hibernation, yippee!

    • Jean in Southaven, MS says:

      Weather is it good to see you here. I haven’t noticed your posts in awhile. Please Sue if you decide to stop just let us know so we will not worry so much about you. It goes both ways.

    • weather says:

      Dancing to morning song I remember your once describing it as drift on air currents, soar over the rocky places, float through sunbeams in a conversation we once had. Then I remember your saying in this post “maybe I take relationships too seriously” and I sit here smiling about my being that way. That’s what keeps joy and passion in my life, it always has, people have told me for decades that I love too much, that I’d suffer because of that , others have said “never change”. By now I know I couldn’t change that if I tried to, I surrendered to that long ago.

      Once as I sat on the deck entranced with what the clouds and wind were doing out of the blue memories flashed by as if I’d hit the fast forward button while viewing a film. I saw friends that I’d been gifted with through every move from home to home in places I’d never been to before and through every season in life.I realized that my saving grace was focusing on those with me at each time and place. If not for that my life would seem like a series of losses instead of a journey full of precious encounters.

      My friends may be human, have wings, hooves or paws, be part of a Trinity or grove of trees, what they have in common is life and how I feel about them. As the faces and voices have changed I’ve at times hurt, crumbled, and once actually shattered.The dance has lifted me back into savoring the rhythm each time and is as I type this right now. I’ve watched you stride upwards enough times to know you’ll find the notes you resonate with , reach through when you’re ready, friend. For now let the echoes from past, present and future songs soothe from a distance and just breathe…

  56. Sue,we love you and the crew!! Take a is OK :).. Maybe blog 1 or 2x’s a week…or when you feel like it !
    We love ya’s…I haven’t written a blog in a month..the blogorinos pick it back up…like I never stopped. !!!:)
    You have a sweet and gentle heart :)!!

  57. Dave Stewart (in Missouri) says:

    Sue,and Crew.
    I can’t express How Much i enjoy reading this blog. Like other commenters. Yours is the blog i come back to. For instance, my grandson who is career navy, asked me to come up to see him and his son, for a few weeks, next summer. Because of my recent heart problems, I may not get to leave Mo. till next spring.

    I know for instance if I stay in Missouri next winter, then go to S.D. to create domicile. What route will i use to go to Washington. Or do I go to Arizona, and leave my trailer at relatives, in January then Come back in March and go north then. Lots of decisions.

    I am subscribed to your blog, and have been using it for research of routes that i can use, and places that you have stayed for ideas. Which tends to cause me to read your posts, and not to take the time to post.

    All aside, the reasons some of us get busy in our own lives, and may not always take time to post our comments, but are very engrossed in what you have to say, and what you are up to. I know for me I enjoy the Pictures, and the antics of the Crew. They brighten my Days!

  58. Monica-CA says:

    Thank God no two people are the same! No two blogs should be the same either. People start blogs for different reasons. I started my blogs (more than one) to keep my family informed and as a record of my interests. Blogs aren’t easy to keep going for many reasons. Blogs evolve, take different directions, and end. Some blogs have lots of followers and others don’t. People come and go from our lives for different reasons-some reasons we will never understand why.

    I enjoy your blog because it informs me. I have learned about RVing, boondocking, and traveling the West. You have taken me to places that I didn’t know they exist since I grew up in the East Coast. I then googled those places you share to learn more about their history. I’m slowly learning about the West through you.

    Thank you Sue!

  59. Dear Sue.

    You have a wonderful blog. I love reading it and thinking that it might be a great way for us to live when we retire. So I lurk and don’t comment much but love to read about your adventures. If by any chance you are wondering what we’re up to, we are usually at the winery, working away on our little plot of land, raising grapes, kids and chickens. We can always be found at our website. Though, we did take a little trip to California last month and it was great….. I love our little trailer. Hope you are feeling better and hope the little ones are as well!!! I LOVE the picture of Bridget from the last post at the end….. I was laughing about that one for hours! I will continue to read as long as you post 🙂 Have a good day!

  60. Kristi & Daisie (currently in Goodyear, AZ) says:

    I may not comment often (perhaps four times in the past year), but I read each and every blog. I’m a “lurker” more than a comment maker. I’m the same way on FB. I love to read about your adventures, take note of your experiences to apply to my own day-to-day life, and smile at your photos. I’m here even if I’m not actively commenting. Please don’t stop blogging–it’s a wonderful part of my week to read.

  61. Beth from Boston (now at American Girl Mine, CA) says:

    Dear Sue,
    I have only commented once or twice but have read your blog over the past 3 years. I quit my job, sold my house and everything in it to go cross country and you have been a major inspiration in this journey. If it wasn’t for blogs such as yours, I never would have had the knowledge or courage to do this. I have tried to pay it back by using your Amazon links. Please don’t put too much pressure on yourself and know that there are those of us out here who appreciate all that you have done even though we don’t say it.

  62. Shelia says:

    I really hope you continue writing to us, but understand if it has gotten to be too much. I’d like to thank you for the priceless gift you have given me – hope – that I will be able to do some traveling on my limited Social Security when I retire, which is just a year or so away. Posting your budgets and expenses has helped tremendously, not to mention all the great tips and inside information that you and your readers have provided. If my health holds out, I will be stepping confidently into retirement because of your blog.

  63. Deb D says:

    Hello Sue, checking in. Love your blog. Since my husband passed away I will
    Only be a part-time traveler. But your travels have kept me planning on the
    Next adventure. Don’t worry about us. We all look forward to reading your
    Adventures .. I plan to travel with my black lab . Our pets are great company and
    Keep us smiling . Snowing again in Pa .. So looking forward to spring. ?

  64. When we came out here on the road full time I had every intention of doing a blog. Bought the domain name, got the hosting account, etc. I found out real quick that it is hard work to come up with interesting posts on a regular basis. So, I decided not to do one. But, we have friends and family who want to know where we are and what it looks like, so I just post pictures on FB and a short blurb about the area. Keeps them happy and it’s not so much work for me.

    But, I really enjoy reading about your travels, it keeps me looking for new places to go. I don’t think anyone expects a daily post, maybe try cutting back to a day or two a week.

    I wonder about some of the missing blogorinos too. What happened to the lady who was fixing up old RV parks? I think her name was Kay?

    We are still at Gunsight Wash near Why, AZ. Did you know you can stay here as long as you want? There was a Casita setup way, way back there, he left today. I told him about your blog, maybe he will check in sometime. He was heading up hear Sedona. We plan to leave here on Wednesday for Saddle Mtn area. Getting low one supplies and have the itch to move.


  65. peggy says:

    I have only commented a couple of times, but so enjoy your blog. I spend all my free time looking through craigslist and other venues to find a campervan to start my journey. I will only be able to start on a part-time basis, but for now that is fine. I can not wait to start boondocking as you have inspired me to not be afraid. I love Bridget and Reggie and hope to soon get a new doggie also. I lost my wonderful “Cash” a year ago who loved to travel with me. It looks like from all the responses that many folks feel like me that having your blog pop up during the day brings a little sunshine and many dreams to all of us. Keep up the good work.

  66. Judith camper says:

    Dear Sue,
    I understand perfectly how you feel. I know I am one that is not always writing a response. It is not because there is a problem, but because I am not much for commenting each time. That said, I truly enjoy your blog. I like it when you are write or if you just post
    pictures. But everyone needs a break. When something you enjoy becomes more of a burden than a pleasure, then it’s time for a break. Take one. Your deserve it. Come back when you are ready. I’ll still be here. And I’m sure your faithful will be too.
    Best wishes to you and the crew.

  67. Elaine Mari says:

    Seems to be something that happens from time to time Sue. I see it with other bloggers. People need a change, and/or a break.

    I paint. I have a studio in my home. I go through periods when everything flows and no amount of distraction can keep me away from work. And, periods when nothing flows, everything is stalled and heavy and, like you said, rolling rocks up hill. I think those times are part of the process for writers and painters, and other people who make things that require imagination and skill combined. They are fallow periods, periods for resting in order to rest and enrich our soil. xo Sue.

  68. Pamelab in Houston says:

    Hello, Sue and Crew –
    I really look forward to your posts and have enjoyed every one. Still, going back to read older posts, too.
    I plan to be full-timing in a Casita in August and have thought of what it must be like to write a blog like you do. You are an inspiration to me.
    With all that goes into each post, and posting each day, it sounds like more than a part time job. It sounds like a lot of work with the next day’s post looming over you.
    After you take a break or have some more time to ponder, I feel you will come up with the right solution for you. You have seen how much others have enjoyed your blog and appreciate your work, but only you know how you feel and what will be a good change for you.
    I send hugs from Houston and fearlessness. I think we all need to be fearless.
    Happy Trails, whatever you decide to do.
    Pamelab from Houston

    • Monica-CA says:

      Bravos Bend State Park outside Houston is a favorite of mine. I went with my daughter when she lived in Houston. I totally enjoyed seeing the sleeping gators on the trails. One day I plan to return there to camp so that my husband can see this beautiful park.
      Sorry, totally off topic, but the park is worth a visit, even for just a day.

      • Pamelab in Houston says:

        Monica-CA – That sounds like a State Park I want to visit. Where are you in CA? I used to live in Alhambra in Los Angeles County.

  69. Linda from Oregon says:

    I have only been reading your blog for about three years now. I’ve known Kathy and Gil for a lot longer and that was how I met you. I don’t post much because I am not good at chatty. I feel like we are friends and would be sad if you just dropped out of my life so I do post now and then but read every day. I have never fit in and just felt that if I commented it would disrupt the flow of your blogeniers. Most of them are so vibrant and helpful and sharing and do the comforting so much better I just read and let them comment. I knew you had favorites that post a lot or ones that you have met but figured I am not someone who you would miss even if my computer fell in the toilet. I do respect how strong and confident you are and share the stories with my DH who also feels like he knows you even when I just read it to him. I bet that you have a lot of male followers who follow through their spouses but may never comment. Count both of us here, and I will try harder to contribute.

  70. Michelle from Salt Lake,UT says:

    Thank you for all the photo’s. We enjoy your blog very much. Should get up in the high 50’s this week. So it’s time to take the hubby fishing, will be so good to get out of the house for some good quality time.
    Starting to plan our trips for this year. Mt. Rushmore is looking good.

  71. Robin Shaw says:

    Hi Sue! Happy Valentine’s Day! Your pink sunsets are gorgeous and a perfect end to VDay! Here in NC it is colder than we anticipated (28 degrees right now at 3:46 PM) but they say it’s the Polar Vortex and it should be warmer by this weekend. The Bluebirds at our feeders help! Hugs to your furbabies! Robin in NC

  72. Awe, you get to involved! You must write what you want to write. That is why we love to read your blog. Writing from your heart.
    I love those pink sunsets. My favorites.

  73. Janet says:

    Sue and Crew; I’m sorry that I never write. I read all your posts and enjoy them more than I can explain. I would miss you very much if you stopped writing and you do write very well. Your writing ability is way beyond mine and so different than other talented bloggers. It must take so much of your time and energy that I wouldn’t blame you for taking a break, but again, I would miss you .

  74. Sue, as I think about it, your blog reminds me of Tioga George’s blog…Mr. Rogersesque. It reminds us that we all move through the days we are allotted and some of them are more interesting/challenging than others.

  75. Sealarkesmiles says:

    Hi Sue (and crew),
    I trust that you monitor all of your incoming replies although I would imagine that it is very time consuming. Sorry if you are possibly in a slump but I am sure that if you didn’t post as often and took well deserved “You” time in between then you wouldn’t lose a soul. You certainly wouldn’t lose me. I hope you will either delete my reply or at least edit it as you see appropriate if you like as I don’t want to be offensive to anyone. I know I have been following you for some time but have just recently gotten to the point of posting and it was beginning to be fun. When I posted about a month ago about being sick with what I thought may be the flu on my trip back from Texas and getting a Z pack from Mexico there were two people who responded to my response that I felt were “snotty” and just because they were “nurses” felt it appropriate to attack me on my choice of how to help myself get better in the best way I knew how. I didn’t appreciate it in the least and so I have backed off from replying and commenting because I don’t need that crap. Being full time and mobile I can choose to be around and interact with ONLY the positive and supportive individuals that I choose and I do not choose to leave myself open to nonsense like those two women threw at me. I am sure that you were not referring to me since I haven’t been a long time replying blogorino but I did want to (and have wanted you to know) how many great things are happening now that I have the Casita. Solar is almost up and running, Wave 3 will be installed next week by Chip in Elephant Butte (thanks for the
    recommendation. He is the nicest guy! I know he is going to do a great job and very honest) and also having him go over and service the water heater. THEN I can get out of the State Parks as I see fit and have to put up with ever LESS BS…lol. So, dear Sue, I have continued to read every one of your Blog entries since that stupid incident with the “know it all’s” (Do they even RV? LOL) and I will continue to. Maybe I will start replying again someday and maybe even give them a taste of their own “medicine” and reply back to them in kind but probably not as it isn’t my style. At least I have style…lol. So, take good care of YOU and know that I will always appreciate all of the effort, time and sharing you do with all of the nice people who follow you in your travels. Love to Bridget and your little love bug Reggie from me and Lily. Smoochies 🙂 <3

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I’ve missed you, Sealarkesmiles!

      I’m sorry you were hurt by replies to your comment. I reread them. I doubt those who replied have the slightest idea they were being hurtful, and I am absolutely certain they didn’t mean to be as both are kind people. I recently had a reader lash out at me as if I had personally attacked her. I had used my reply as an opportunity to inform readers in general and I was too direct about it. Stuff like this happens. I’m glad you aired your hurt, and again I’m sorry it happened and I’m sorry I didn’t see things from your point of view. If I had, I would’ve stepped in. Thank you for being here today. Feel welcome always.

      • Sealarkesmiles says:

        Thank you, Sue. 😉

        • Sue CleanerGreenerVegas says:

          I also remember the comments you are speaking of ,and I felt bad about the know-it-all taste they left in my mouth. Especially since you seemed to be new and very enthusiastic. Since we do not know each other’s temperaments,we need to always choose our words carefully, and I suppose give each other the benefit of the doubt when hurt. Please keep commenting! 🙂

    • Bill & Ann C, Benson, AZ says:

      Don’t feel bad. I too have felt the disapproval of readers comments. So sad. I guess it is part of life. Believe me, each blogarino has ‘our act together’. We have each led a life that is distinct in its own way. We are each smart in our own way and will face life based on previous experience and knowledge gained through interactions with others and studies of textbooks, etc. Thank you for sharing Sealarksmiles. We are lucky to have Sue, who gives so much to this blog, as a conduit to the sharing and learning we all enjoy.

    • Kerry On (UT) says:

      Glad to see you back, Sealarkesmiles! I don’t comment often, so you probably don’t even recognize my name. I’m very introverted and I have a hard time sharing anything about me. I don’t even know if I can post this comment, or if I’ll delete it like I do most of them. You see, I too, fear being judged. I admire the fact that you have felt comfortable enough to share about your life, and I remember that incident you’re referring to. I think I must be a kindred spirit, because I felt your recoil at the unintended slights. It’s easy to take things personally, then figuratively crawl under a rock – I know, because I do it all the time! So, I’d like to make a proposal – I’ll try to share more often, if you will. Do we have a deal?

    • Cynthia from San Clemente, CA says:

      Hi Sealarkesmiles: I remember the exchange you’re referring to and can understand why you may have been offended, but I do believe both blogarinos were concerned and just trying to be helpful. I too have a tendency to be a bit bossy and sometimes tell people what they “should” do when I think I know what I’m talking about. In fact, I think my first comment on this blog a few years ago was a comment to Sue about something she “should” do (I honestly don’t remember what it was) and she set me straight very quickly, but nicely. It was a good lesson; we’re all adults here and though we have our own areas of expertise, we seldom know what someone else’s backstory may be, or why they think a certain way, or do a certain thing. I do know that almost everyone I’ve encountered here has been a genuinely caring, thoughtful person (at least in the blog-o-sphere), so I try to give each person the benefit of the doubt. You seem like you have a lot to offer, so I hope you’ll continue to share.

      • Sealarkesmiles says:

        Two out of all of Sue’s wonderful blogorino’s is a very small percentage. I will keep that in mind. Thanks for caring enough to reply. Much appreciated.

        • DesertGinger says:

          Hi Sealarkesmiles! Glad to see you back. I don’t recall the incident and I hope I wasn’t involved; I’m not a nurse so hopefully not. I can be opinionated though. If I was involved, I apologize! Anyway, please keep coming back and feel free to ask people to back off. I think most people here are very respectful,

          • Sealarkesmiles says:

            Hi DesertGinger! I totally agree with your last sentence and you have always posted only nice things as I recall. Thank you. 🙂

  76. Ron in Tx says:

    Here is another male that has been with you from day one, I always look forward to your post. I dont comment a lot but I am here every day.

  77. Lorenzo says:

    For me and I’m sure many others your travels are enjoyable, whether you travel across the country or into Ajo. I hung up my spurs a couple of years ago when I continued to have small but frequent heart problems. It is the voyeur in me that lets me enjoy your blog. I don’t often post but I do read the posts a lot and it’s always comforting to me to know you and the crew are enjoying what we did for many years. Being full time residents of Arizona we know most of the places you are and have camped near or in the same places. Don’t worry when many of us don’t post, you are posting what’s important to you. Just look at your visitor count and the Amazon orders you get to insure you are important to many of us. Keep on trucking and realize how we think of you whether we have anything important to say or not…

  78. Susan in South Central WA says:

    Hi Sue, I’m not a big commenter either, but daily I look to see if you and the pups have posted. I don’t comment often because I find when I do I kind of run at the mouth and it’s not very interesting to any one else. I think what you are doing and how the three of you live is simply amazing!

  79. mockturtle says:

    I continue to read your blog regularly. It is true that I seldom post, even when I feel inspired to post, as it is somewhat daunting to see 120 messages already posted. 😉 Living out my own [un-blogged] adventure, I feel a strong kinship with you and the ‘crew’ but don’t feel it necessary to indulge my every comment adding to the burden of your already mind-boggling list of readers’ comments.

  80. KC says:

    Much like your roaming around the country never staying in one place for very long this is how a lot of internet behavior is. Readers come and readers go.

    As far as gaining more male readers. Well you do write, think and act like a retired senior woman 🙂 You could quickly shift that demographic and I could tell you where to begin doing it but I suspect that would not go over very well as you are a retired senior woman who is used to doing things exactly the way she wants to. In the long run when writing blogs most folks are not seeking advice, they just want a sympathetic ear.

  81. Marilyn, Dania Beach, FL says:


    Time for you to relax for a while and assess your situation. I am in the process of reading your first year’s posts for a second time and was thinking she will be at 5 years soon. I was not going to mention this but it is the truth.

    Also, that first day you had the Casita and the heat involved. That was quite a story. I was sweating along with you.

    As I have previously commented in regard to your busy day, blogging is a full time endeavor. You have such a large following with many personalities. You have done an exemplary job maintaining civility. Congratulations.

    While reading the first year’s posts I also wondered where some of the folks who earlier commented are. I see some coming out on this post. Welcome back, all. That is one of the down sides of the internet, their unexplained absence.

    Your pink photos are so beautiful. Sit back and enjoy the colors and smell the roses as they say.

    Marilyn in DB

  82. Linda in TX says:

    I don’t comment enough for anyone to miss me, but I do want to offer up a quick ‘thank you’ to you for continuing to post your blog! Lots of us are probably as introverted as you are, and maybe many of us enjoy following your adventures but don’t necessarily need an online ‘community’. I don’t usually read the comments, actually, because I just don’t have time. I think that, if you can stop worrying about it, your comment section will ebb and flow, people will pop in and out when they can, and everything will work out! Real life is like that, too, for the most part!

  83. Lee J in Northern California says:

    Ah Sue, you made me think today, always a good thing.
    I am also a loner type, I spend a lot of time alone by choice and miss my solitude when I need to do family things. I love to do things to help my family but I get so much enjoyment just doing my own thing. I think my husband has a similar attitude so we get along well. Right now he is on the front porch reading and listening to NPR, and I am inside! I tend to resent it when people start expecting things from me…I have one neighbor, nice lady, that lives her life by a schedule, shops at a certain time and day each week, certain way of doing everything, and it drives me nuts. I tend to be more casual, shop when needed, clean when needed…and I think that is the way you are too…so perhaps some of the pressure you are feeling is coming from us? Yes we love your posts and especially your blogorino comments and would miss the interaction if you took time off, but that is necessary.. Keep yourself refreshed!
    I remember one of the big complaints my mother had about me was that I was too independent. She preferred to be in charge always and was sure hers was the only way to do something. She hated me having horses, waste of money, even if she never was asked to contribute anything ever..see..she was right, I was wrong! But I never made any demands on her after I left home at 17. Never asked for babysitting, never asked for money. So that independent spirt was a good thing even if she never acknowledged it..
    So I expect there is something in your life experience that has contributed to all the good qualities you have, your good cheer, your kindness, your, dare I say it? Your independence.
    Maybe you just need to be reminded, like we all do, that you are loved and respected. Your friendship comes without strings other than common curtesy from us.. You have proved to be a blessing in so many ways…

  84. Reine in Plano says:

    I just reread some of your post and it occurred to me that the reason that lots of us read it EVERY day that you post is that it’s so HONEST. Some days are great, some days are blah, some days are fun, some days are a pain but you write what you feel at the time and lots of us can relate to what’s going on. We would really miss you if you quit blogging but none of us would want the blog to keep you from enjoying the life you worked so hard to create. Take the time you need. We’ll be here when you return.

  85. Chipper says:

    Hi RVSue,
    We are brand new to your blog, but have had our Casita since May 2014. While waiting to use the dump station (such a social place) ?, at a state park here in Florida, (we are from Virginia) a fellow camper said how much she enjoys your blog. We sampled it and signed up.
    Keep writing!

  86. cc and canine (Eastern Missouri) says:

    Having read all the previous comments, I felt that there was no way that I could add to/or improve on what others have said. I’ve been along for the ride now for a couple of years, and have enjoyed the posts immensely, and have found the comments section to be enlightening.

    I first heard about your blog from my sister-in-law. Along with my brother, they have been boondocking for years….My husband and I have been campground camping for years, and we thought that only people like my brother (read over the hill hippees) went boondocking. But you are a nice, sensible retired school teacher, and by gum, if you can do it we can too!!! So we have come about slowly to a new point of view. (if you sail you know what I mean.) We have gotten a much smaller rig that I can handle by myself in a pinch, and have been exploring tiny BLM and FS campgrounds we couldn’t fit in before. We are currently getting rid of stuff, and will be selling our house shortly, preparing for our move west. Eventually we will settle into another house close to our kids in Oregon, but we are looking forward to a footloose and fancy free interim period.

    Your blog has helped so much to help broaden our horizons.. Thanks

    • Sue CleanerGreenerVegas says:

      Dear Cc and canine (and husband), I’m so pleased that you folks could slowly broaden your horizons and open yourselves to New Possibilities. Life is exciting, isn’t it….even at our age? 🙂

  87. Doug from California says:

    I am a “lurker” who also enjoys reading your blogs, with a Schnauzer who has the same manners as Reggie. I am an “introvert” who could never be a part of the lively conversation resulting from your posts but enjoy reading your posts at your speed and living vicariously through you and the crew.

  88. MollyLuvsRoadtrippin (Seattle) says:

    I am not a social media regular – no FB or videos or whatever else many people do online. I found your blog last year when I was deciding on which little trailer was the right one for me (Casita!!) and I just love following your vagabond adventures big and small. I have gone back to read your posts from the beginning like a wonderful travel book full of heart and insight, and RVSue and Crew continues to be the ONLY blog I read on any topic at all! I’m hooked. For me your updates and photos are wonderful and appreciated, but never an obligation regarding timing or content. I get the winter doldrums in February, so even though it is 80 degrees where you are perhaps it is a natural time to feel like stepping back, snuggling the pups and taking stock. I will be here for the next post be it tomorrow or next summer, whenever it is a joy for you. : )

  89. Laurie in NC says:

    RVSue – I read every post, but hesitate to post sometimes because I am not sure what to say. It is funny, because I am a talker!!! I am home today with a bad sinus infection, but enjoyed the brief escape to the West! My husband and I are 3-5 years from retiring, but I am ready to hit the road now! I am very impatient and absolutely live vicariously through you. We have a small camper and we try to camp a couple of weekends each month during the warmer months. I am so ready for winter to be over so we can have a camping weekend! I loved the sunset pictures!

  90. Judy J. in upstate S.C. says:

    Hi Sue and Crew. Just wanting to tell you how much your honesty, through the bad as well as the good, is appreciated. Just camping for a couple of months at a time is challenging for us. Even with plans, they often get changed for us: tornado that ripped the awning off, red tide, the everyday challenges of getting prescriptions refilled ( different in other states), laundry, etc. Sometimes with reservations, we feel the loss of freedom and without, we can feel lost when there’s no place to stay. Yes, we do Cracker Barrel and Wal-Mart at times. It is so challenging to camp in the over- populated east. Thinking of all the everyday situations you deal with so well, then adding this amazing blog, well, it just bogs my mind! Thank you for all you do for us. Just do what is best for you and the crew, with no pressures from all of us. With so much respect and love.

  91. BeckyIO says:

    Sue, I wouldn’t be in a Casita if it wasn’t for you. You are appreciated, thanks for what you do. 🙂

    As for the weather, I imagine Ehrenburg is pretty similar to Blythe. Hot, hot hot!

    • Reine in Plano says:

      Hey, blogorinos. Becky’s blog is another interesting read. She’s a young, single gal who’s managing to find jobs that fit with her fulltiming lifestyle. She’s also a great writer. Click her name to check out her blog.

      • Pamelab in Houston says:

        I agree, Reine. I started reading Sue’s blog about the same time as I was introduced to Becky’s blog. Both blogs have their own personality and I enjoy the both very much – reading each and every one and most of the comments, too. I wouldn’t miss either.

    • cateW says:

      Hi Becky,

      Its fun to see you here. I follow Sue’s blog, yours, and Wheelingit. I rarely comment on IO or Wheelingit as I still work full-time. Please know that you are also a source of inspiration and helpful RV information. Thanks to you and the other two, I am able to weigh all of my RV options re type of rig, camps, equipment,and even workkamper possibilities. As another hard-working, dedicated blogger I imagine you can relate to the demands and the rewards of maintaining a blog. Thanks Becky…hope all is well in your world.
      Warm wishes,

      • BeckyIO says:

        Reine, Pamela, and Cate:

        Thank you all for reading! I’m so glad you’ve found IO helpful and inspirational. Being working-age definitely does make my situation different than Sue’s, even if we’re both in the same type of rig. There’s so much to learn from other full-timers, no two people do it the same way. I’m still learning new things about RVing. 🙂

        I am doing well thanks for asking, the fiberglass egg rally went well and now I’m enjoying some quiet time in Ehrenberg, AZ so I can work on that second book with fewer distractions, haha.

  92. bess in eugene, oregon says:

    i am re-posting this comment section about boondocking and Benchmark Maps from the last post. i wanted to keep this from getting lost in the past:

    Mona from West Texas says:
    February 14, 2016 at 5:48 pm
    Just taking time to chime in. First time posting, I have been following you and your crew for months now. Love your photos, enjoy reading your adventures with your crew. I would like to know from you or your “Blogorinos”. Where do you find BLM Boondocking areas? Can you purchase a map, or search somewhere online. Thank-You for posting all you photos, I truly enjoy your blog.
    bess in eugene, oregon says:
    February 14, 2016 at 6:09 pm
    hi Mona, Sue (and I) use Benchmark Maps and all the Forest Service and BLM lands are marked on the maps. you have to purchase a map for each state and the maps are amazing!!!! i have visited waterfalls that i didn’t know existed from looking closely at the Oregon map. i have Washington and California and will be getting Idaho and Wyoming and Montana for a trip this summer.

    Sue can give you a link to one of her earlier postings that describes how she uses the Benchmark maps. it was on December 6th, 2015. you could search that search button on the right side of the home page.

    there is a site i just found called “Campendium” that rates camping all over the place. they have a tab for free camping. a fellow Blogerino mentioned it a few days ago.

    good luck!
    rvsueandcrew says:
    February 14, 2016 at 6:16 pm
    Thanks, bess, for contributing a answer. I didn’t see yours until I’d posted mine.

    BTW, I don’t see the post you are referring to at that date. ???
    rvsueandcrew says:
    February 14, 2016 at 6:11 pm
    Hi, Mona from West Texas,

    Welcome to my blog (even though you’ve been riding with us for a while)! It’s great to have you appear here! Thanks for the nice words about my photos and tales of me and my crew.

    How do I find BLM boondocking areas?

    I use a Benchmark Atlas. There are Benchmarks for all the western states. At the present time I have a link in the sidebar for Benchmark atlases. Click it and you will see the selection at Amazon.

    I like these particular atlases because they show by color coding where the public lands are located … Bureau of Land Management, National Forest Service, Bureau of Reclamation, National Wildlife Service areas, etc…. places where you can camp for free!

    These atlases also show the gravel roads and spur roads that go into the public lands where campsites may be found. Some of the roads are marked as 4WD only, so I avoid those.

    Also, you can go online for PDFs of Motor Vehicle Usage Maps for particular national forests. These show roads where camping is allowed, along with rules for that forest. Or you can purchase the maps at forest service offices. I don’t find them very helpful, to be honest.

    I get ideas for where to look for boondock campsites by researching online for an area I’m interested in. For instance, I might search “dispersed camping near St. George, Utah” … Sometimes this is productive, other times not. There also are websites, such as, and other blogs, such as, where one can read about boondocks others have found.

    Mostly I study my maps… landscapes, elevation, nearness to supplies, etc. I’ve been boondocking long enough that now this is the easiest method for me. With practice you know what to look for.

    If you’re interested in my thinking as I scope out an area, you might want to read my post of May 2013, “How I found a boondock in the San Rafael Reef, Utah.”

    I’m glad you enjoy my blog. I enjoy hearing from my readers and hope you will join us here again.
    bess in eugene, oregon says:
    February 15, 2016 at 10:28 am
    hi Sue, here is the posts that i copied into a Word document.

    kris says:
    December 6, 2015 at 1:43 pm
    Sue, when you pull out your Benchmark Atlas to look for spots to boondock……what exactly do you look for? Can you explain that process a bit? Are you always on “public lands”……BLM lands, state or national forests, etc? Where are the best places to look at in the atlas? Thanks
    • rvsueandcrew says:
    December 6, 2015 at 2:03 pm
    Hi, kris,
    I’ll try to explain. The process is part step-by-step and part intuitive (which comes with practice.)
    Assuming I have no knowledge of an area…
    1) Look for public lands in the area you want to go. These are color coded on Benchmarks.
    2) Within those areas, look for elevation suitable for the season (elev. is posted for towns/cities and mountains)
    3) Eliminate areas with no access to supplies for, say, 30 miles or more
    4) Once an area is found as a possibility, do an online search for it, i.e. “Turtle Mountains Wlderness” or “boondocking near Bouse, AZ”
    5) If an area passes the above 4, study the Benchmark for roads into the area. Benchmarks indicate those that require 4-wheel drive and also what the road surface is.
    6) If you can’t stand noise and dust, also look around the area on the Benchmark to find evidence of OHV activites (Are there dunes? OHV play areas?)
    7) Go online and search for “images of Turtle Mountain Wilderness, for example.” This may eliminate an area completely if it’s just plain ugly.
    8) Lastly, you drive to the area and if it looks like a potential boondock area, drive off the main road onto the smaller roads (or walk them if the road is iffy).
    After a while your eyes will become accustomed to the colors for public lands in the Benchmark and you won’t have to look hard to find them… They will jump out at you.
    I use the Landscape section of the Benchmark probably three times as much as the Recreation section.

    i will copy your new information into that folder too! love ya! bess p.s. i support you taking a break from the blog.
    rvsueandcrew says:
    February 15, 2016 at 11:40 am
    Thanks a lot, bess!

  93. Barbara (Nashville) says:

    Sue, I can sure appreciate how the blog could tire you at times,even though your efforts are much appreciated. As you know your posts are a ray of sunshine for a lot of us. I am sorry I haven’t posted in about 2 weeks, but I have had a “work from home” job for many years and the first two weeks are usually very busy, but usually I take time to post. This job is pretty boring, so I sometimes find myself struggling to get through it, but I need the income. So I can relate that it feels too much like work instead of pleasure sort of.
    However, I got real behind with my heart procedure and the effects of the medication. The doctor changed the medication, so I am doing much better and started back to exercise class today. The weather here prevented me from gathering the data. So I am still catching up.
    It has been raining very steadily today so getting Angel to go outside has been a chore, but she finally got some relief, thank goodness. She hates going out when it rains. But, gosh I love that dog.
    We will still be here when you are ready. By the way, I felt kind of guilty not thanking you for the get well wishes, when I mentioned the group. I did not mean to offend you, as I know you were thinking of me as well. You are tops in my book and I appreciate your efforts and the knowledge I have gained from reading this blog. The blogorinos are the most helpful, also. Be well, be safe and don’t stay in a funk too long, okay?

  94. Laura says:

    Hi Sue,
    With me, the first thing I do when I get home after saying hello to my 3 cats who demand attention (and I love giving it to them and feel special that they demand it from me) is check my e-mail. One thing I always look for… ALWAYS look for, is one of your updates! I love them! I sort of escape for a moment in time from the stresses of my life and read about your adventures and the fur babies and the different places you see and how you are doing and living! I do not respond often, because I at not at a point where I am ready to take the next step toward retirement or am I ready to do as you are doing and I am not sure what to write to you about…. But your blog helps me fashion ideas about what I might like to do when I do retire. I know I will not have much money to retire on, so I wonder if I will be able to do as you are doing now. One thing I have wondered and never asked is, when you go shopping and have the dogs with you, I know you take good care of them. But do people ever try to give you a hard time for leaving them in the vehicle? I imagine you have to leave them in the vehicle.. or do you bring the trailer with and keep them in there? I used to leave my dog in the car and once in a while people would give me a hard time years ago when I did. I always made sure it was a cool day and that I was in and out quickly and windows were cracked and never let it get hot inside.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Laura,

      I guess it’s surprising that I don’t get criticism from people who think they know how better than I do how I should care for my dogs. I do have a built-in radar for busybodies. When I see one around, I give the evil eye (teacher training) and they back off without a word. It probably helps that I dress and walk and act like I’m not going to take any guff from anybody. Haha! The most recent case was a woman who was hovering around the PTV which had the crew jumping and barking at her. I almost gave HER a talking to!

      When the crew waits for me in the PTV, they are more comfortable than probably 75% of the world’s human population.

      • Marilyn, Dania Beach, FL says:

        Smiling at the teacher’s evil eye. The students understand your body language, nothing spoken.

      • Laura says:

        Your fur babies are so lucky to have such a wonderful Momma! I love the part where you say that you dress and walk and act like you are not going to take guff from anybody! It is amazing how a persons posture and the way they present themselves, can cause others to stay back and not interfere. That is also a great way to protect oneself out in the world… if you act like you will not take guff, then people tend to think twice before giving it! LOL! WTG Fur baby Momma!

      • MB from VA says:

        Yep…..know all about that “teacher look”. If you can’t master that, you really need to find another job! I learned mine from the third grade teacher I student taught under. She was amazing. And you are right… has come in handy out of the classroom too! 😉

  95. katydid in Chicago says:

    Oh my, I never thought that not posting would make me look like I disappeared! I follow along in the virtual passenger seat, taking pleasure in Reggie’s energy and Bridget’s devotion to you. I revel in the beauty of the desert sunsets and the joy of seeing your visiting hummingbirds. I am learning so much from you about campgrounds, boondocks, and the pace of traveling.
    I stopped posting comments not because I lost interest, but because I was frightened to appear too rabid in my enthusiasm. We plan to start our own RV’ing adventure in just 6 months. I am in the midst of turning my thousands (literally) of photographs into a smaller and more organized digital form. I look at your plastic organizers on the side of the BLT and I think, “Sue makes do without all that STUFF! I can get to that point too.”
    I looked at your pretty little plastic dishes and was inspired to get busy on that front. My kitchen cabinets have been pared down drastically. I packed up plates and glasses, pots and pans. I figure that if I don’t need to go get them back out, then I will be sure that I can do without them in the RV!
    Please don’t think that my being invisible means that I am not here and paying attention!

    • Laura says:

      I love how you say you “follow along in the virtual passenger seat” I think that is the perfect example of what all of us do when we “check in” with Sue and her fur babies! We sit and take a virtual trip with her, she shares precious moments of her life with us and as a person who loves long car rides… I love being a “virtual passenger!”

    • Sue CleanerGreenerVegas says:

      Katydid, It is so fun to have the Excitement of a person on a countdown as part of the comments! Please take time to let us into your world!:)

  96. Ann in Washington says:

    I find the idea of loading up all my stuff and hitting the road very romantic. Because of my circumstances, it’s very unlikely I will ever do such a thing, but I do appreciate reading about your daily adventures, and I’d be sorry if you stopped writing. I don’t buy much from Amazon, but when I do, I go through your link, which I have bookmarked at the top of my screen.

    All the best to you and the crew.

  97. Sheila Melcher says:

    I am one of your readers who doesn’t always post something although occasionally I do. I do not expect a reply but when you do it is always with such kindness. Your blog is interesting and your life with your fur babies is interesting, whether or not we post a comment or not. For this woman, I thoroughly look forward to hearing about your latest adventures and you have introduced me to places I would not have know about had I not “found” you. Grateful is how I feel and I can appreciate how this may seem like a job at times. Just know there are many of us out here who care about you and your crew and I pray you will continue.
    All the best to the three of you,

  98. Ronda western WA says:

    I understand about carrying rocks uphill. I have a degree in Gerontology and was a social worker for senior services. I took my work home too much. I only lasted 2 years there. I became a firefighter EMT where I had my patients at most 30 min before turning them over to the hospital. And when the opportunity came to join the truck company/rescue team I took it. (Our department didn’t have separate teams) As driver operator of the ladder truck I only had patients long enough to hand them over to the aid/medic crew. But we still had regular patients we would see frequently over months/years and then they’d disappear. We’d be sitting around the table and say ” we haven’t seen so-n-so in a while. Anyone know how they’re doing?” HIPAA laws made it impossible to find out. I was there 20 years until I lost all hearing in my left ear and couldn’t tell which direction sound was coming from. My FF brothers supported me for a long time and we tried to make it work but it just wasn’t safe for them or me.
    Now I work nights for Hilton Garden Inn. Significant pay cut but ZERO stress so life is good. Once again we have regular guests when their business takes them elsewhere sometimes they say good bye but often they just disappear.
    When I read today’s blog I thought WHAT I just found you! Though like I said I understand. I hope you just take a vacation. Everyone needs those. Maybe if/when you come back post less frequently. Sometimes I don’t comment because it seems the conversation is over. I’m sorry, do you get some sort of a notification of a late comment? Surely you don’t get an email for every comment. Maybe we’ll all check back for late comments with more time between posts and in the long run learn more n connect more. A win win for you and us blogorinos.
    Take care of you and your crew. I’ll miss you ?(A little more pink for you)?

    • Ronda western WA says:

      Your vacation will give me time to read your archives. I haven’t gotten very far with that yet. Just the very beginning then skipping around.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      The administration page shows comments with the most recent one at the top, no matter where the comment is written on my blog.

    • Sue CleanerGreenerVegas says:

      Ronda, you know even when it seems the conversation is past, if you click reply at the bottom of someone’s comment, they will often get a notification and reply back. I also Believe that some of us reviewing older comments and making replies, makes the Community stronger

  99. Linda Hughes North Carolina says:

    Hey Rv Sue & Crew! Yes, it has been awhile since I commented…..but I read every post and love it so much. I remember the first time I commented and you answered my comment…it was so exciting to me!! I got pretty excited, showed the post to my husband and have shown everyone since! I love the post and love hearing about your life, whether it’s a tour of a town near where you are, or just a drive down a road you decide to take the crew on. It is the experience of living the life we are preparing to live, we live it through you and the crew and it is inspiring. The reason for my absence is that my one and only daughter, whom I love so much and had always been close to…..decided to turn away from me, the silence and hurt have been almost to much for me to bare. The depression has been a deep place to be….but prayer and my spiritual life is helping me come back. Anyway, never doubt your importance, the blog, the exciting life you live……even if you just hang out at the BLT, taking the crew for a walk, whatever, no matter… have inspired me to becoming closer to living the full time life…thank you so much for letting us all in your life in some way. Take care, be safe!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Linda… Regarding your daughter, I’ve been there and know the hurt. I’m not going to get into it, only want to say “Be good to yourself. Sometimes there’s nothing you can do.” You are not alone. Another blogorino has shared a similar situation in her life. Kids can be cruel.

      • Linda Hughes North Carolina says:

        Thank you for the kind reply RV Sue…..just one reason I read ever blog post you make…..your kindness is special! Be kind to yourself, whatever you decide to do….hope to see you somewhere along the way, be safe!

    • Sealarkesmiles says:

      Hi Linda, I want to say that my heart goes out to you with the hopefully short absence of your daughter from your life. I went through it with my son for 2 years and it ripped my heart out. It can turn around with time which it has for me and my son so try to be patient and never give up. Prayers for you that it won’t take 2 years. Love.

      • Linda Hughes says:

        Thank you so much for those kind words! Glad things are good with you and your son now. It is heartache every day but I know others are hurting to. Thank you so much…take care.

    • Elizabeth in WA says:

      So sorry to hear this Linda…but plenty in our age group, including us, are suffering too…it comes and goes with our 3…I have had to accept that things will likely never be as I expected, hoped, and worked so hard for…there are so many groups at work in this country whose main intent seems to be getting divisions in families…and I must say, they have been pretty successful!! Indeed!! Hang in there…GOD is an ever present help…surely HE is!!

    • Jolene/Iowa says:

      Hi Linda, I just wanted to let you know that I have also been through what you are going through. It did get repaired after a few years and is still good today. I will keep you in my prayers.

      • Linda Hughes says:

        It is so good to hear some encouraging words! Thanks so much for the prayers, so glad you are good now with your loved one! God bless you!

    • Pat K, Bulverde, Texas says:

      Linda, I understand about hurt feelings concerning your daughter. Mine seems to be content to spend her life doing her own thing, which she should, but I long to spend time together. When she lived 30 miles away I was lucky to see her once a month, maybe. She moved 15o miles away last year and has been back once. We’ve gone there 3 times. I’m not so good with expressing my thoughts and feelings, but I guess you get the idea that I am lonesome for a relationship with her. Our children grow and make their own lives, and surely that is the natural way of things. Will say a prayer for you tonight and hope for a renewed mother/daughter relationship for you. Pat K.

      • Linda Hughes- North Carolina says:

        Thank you so much for your sharing and kind words! Our adult children can sometimes be so cruel. I will say a prayer for you to. Daily I wonder how and where my daughter is and if she is OK….she is my only child and it hurts. But you know that to, don’t you? Take care and keep praying.

      • Pookie in Todd Mission Tx says:

        we have 3 boys grown, married, have kids and see them once a year at Christmas…
        now thats sad….one lives 40 miles away, one lives 350 miles away and the other
        lives 1400 miles away…………
        I have to bite my tongue to keep from saying something to them about not coming
        over but wifey says let it drop so I dont…….
        I think they visit their wives folks a lot but thats the nature of things I guess

        • Linda Hughes- North Carolina says:

          It makes my angry some days and so very sad other days…its like grieving over when someone dies….I so feel you pain, having to ask for their time and love…it just is not fair! Hang in there, we have no choice now.

  100. Dawn in MI says:

    It’s sweet that you worry about us. But I can see why you would, you have some very loyal readers. Your following is huge. We all check to see if there’s an update every day. You have made us RV Sue addicts, and that’s a good thing.

    I think sometimes I don’t post because by the time I get there so many comments are already posted I can’t think of a single thing that hasn’t been said. Still..that doesn’t mean we don’t love you.

    And that last photo of the sunset reflected in the window? That was absolutely gorgeous.

  101. Shawna (Far Northern Cali) says:

    You aren’t, heaven forbid, thinking of closing your blog? Are you? I certainly hope not! I really look forward to reading about you and the crew, and I am not giving sympathy, but encouragement. I imagine it does get old after awhile (on your end. It’s a definite commitment!), but you have a lot of readers who would dearly miss you, including me. I wouldn’t worry about losing readers; maybe you haven’t lost them. Perhaps they have just decided to become lurkers. 😉 And if they’ve gone, they’ve gone. Others will come along. Take a break if you need one, maybe write a few less posts, whatever it takes to give you the space you may be needing. The boys and I send hugs!
    Oh, and the weather is here is cloudy, but in the mid 60s! Nice, and we will enjoy it until the next storm blows through, probably on Wednesday. I love the sunshine, but my sun room has developed a leak so I have a mickey mouse fix in place and anxious to see if it works before I do a better looking repair. Criminy, it’s always something. I don’t want to do this anymore. I will take blog writing any day!!! Okay, now I’m just be contrary, but you did want some news from everyone. 🙂 Again, hugs. It’ll get better, and remember, everyone has one of those days, weeks, months, when things don’t seem to be going right. Just remember, it all comes out in the wash. Tomorrow’s another day. This, too, shall pass. We love you RVSue and Crew. Hang in there!

  102. Linda in NE says:

    I read and enjoy your blog regularly…..just don’t comment much. I guess you could say I travel around the country vicariously through blogs like yours and other full timing RVers. I hope you don’t worry too much about your readers who are there…..and then aren’t. I would imagine that sometimes they just get busy and don’t have much time for the computer. If they are fellow RVers they might have left the road and decided to quit reading and responding.

  103. Lois (AZ) says:

    Just read through all the wonderful, encouraging comments…yes, everybody needs a vacation! I am like so many…always read all the comments…sometimes more than once a day…you would be missed but always remember…we value you, your writing, your photography and your Bridget & Reggie. Your lifestyle has always appealed to me…just wish I had done it years ago so feel like I continue my dream through your blog. Never feel bad if people come and go…lotsa followers if only in reading about your ventures. VACATION – BUT PLEASE COME BACK!

  104. Pookie in Todd Mission Tx says:

    well, I, for one, dont see how you do it………..when I retired 12 years ago I started a blog
    but gave it up after 6 months cause it was too much work…….HA@! I guess Im too lazy.
    I think you are doing everything just right….including taking a break when you need
    one….for those of us not able to travel you are taking us along with you….
    just keep up the good work and take a break when you get tired….
    in other matters dear to me, my army grandson stationed at Ft Hood, Tx visited us
    this weekend with his little bride….we had a great visit and was sorry to see them
    leave today…..

  105. Anne says:


    I am mostly a lurker on your blog. I don’t know how long I have been reading your blog – at least two years; I visit your blog every day. Although I have only been reading your blog for two years or so, I did go back to the beginning of your blog and read forward when I first found you.

    I have read every one of your posts.

    On the other hand, I almost never read the comments section. I’m not sure why. . . what interests me is *your* story, not what other people have to say about you and your blog, or about what is happening. . . or not happening. . . in their lives.

    The hadda-coulda-shoulda-woulda’s of the world don’t interest me.

    Again, I am interested in your *story* (your story, not particularly you, personally). In the two years I have been visiting, I think I may have read the comments section no more than four or five times.

    I hope to travel someday – there is a link to my van build above – but I doubt I have the fulltimer personality. I learned that about myself from reading about you. 🙂 Thank you for that.

    I do understand how a blog like yours could become a burden. I know it would be for me. I will be very sad should you decide, one day, to stop.

    There are three places I visit on the internet every day: Google News (I am a news junkie), WomenRV, and. . . RV Sue and Her Canine Crew.

    That’s it.

    There will be a gap should you leave us – but it is your life to live, and I bless you for it.

    Time grows short. For all of us. Do what you want to do now, do what makes you happy, do what gives you, yourself, joy. Now. Before it is too late. To heck with everyone else. 🙂

    Reading back over this post I have just written, I realize some might find it a bit of a downer. But in thinking about it, I think I will let it stand.

    You are often in my thoughts. My very best wishes to you.

    May God bless you.


  106. Cheryl B. says:

    New writer, but long time reader. This is my first post here on your interesting blog. I look forward to reading your updates each day…hope and pray sometimes that all is ok when you aren’t able to post for a few days. Worried about the crew and you. But always relieved and eager to read when you post a new post.

    While I am a few years out from being able to seriously consider full timing it. I tend to get my traveling itch, scratched by reading engaging and entertaining RV blogs. Your blog is one that I must check and hope to read daily. Doesn’t matter whether it is funny, serious or if the crew steps forward and give their imput on the blog. I still enjoy it.

    I cried at the loss of Spike, I celebrated with the adoption of Reggie. And while I am a woman..I hope you continue to consider sharing your story with us.

    Thank you for entertaining, informing and educating me each day..
    Cheryl B.

  107. Tom Moore says:

    I always read your blog.
    Sue it’s got to be hard to do many of the same things over and over and write about it to often.
    Don’t be hard on yourself.
    You just post when you feel excited about the subject. We will be ready to read it.
    Many of your posts are still there in my mind years after you posted them and have touched my heart on many occasions.
    Take a deep breath and hug the dogs.


  108. Sherry Waldrop says:

    Almost always read your blog.

    Only one other comment.

    A joy to read!

    My husband and I travel through your words and pictures.

    Throughly enjoy.


  109. AlanOutandAbout - Pahrump, Pahrunp, Pahrump says:

    Sue you are one amazing person. Again I apologize for the few times I caused you some consternation. Sometimes I just get carried away.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I wilted when I thought you disapproved of me. I perked right up when you apologized. Don’t give it another thought, Alan. We’re good. 🙂

  110. Kay from KC! says:

    Sue and Crew! You know I love your blog because I’ve told you and I still think you make going to the grocery store sound like an adventure. I love your pictures and you can’t beat an Arizona sunset! Like most of your faithful blogorinos, I read every post but sometimes don’t think I have anything to say that is interesting to anyone. I am not a camper, never will be nor will I be boondocking unless I can buy a very, brand new, expensive RV with a flat screen and wine cellar! A cook, maid and butler would be nice too. However saying that….I really enjoy reading about your experiences and everyone elses. I have learned a lot but will use nothing because the idea of camping is not appealing to me. Please keep your blog up and if you ever decide to shut it down, please give us a few years notice! Love ya’, but don’t really know ya’! Kay from KC!

  111. AlanOutandAbout - Pahrump, Pahrunp, Pahrump says:

    FYI to all blogorinos. The feds are at it again. This from the Escapees newsletter

    Dear Escapees Members,

    We want to alert the membership of a proposed rule entitled “Manufactured Home Procedural and Enforcement Regulations; Revision of Exemption for Recreational Vehicle” published by the U.S. Department of Urban Affairs (HUD). We are making contact with all of the involved parties, financial institutions and HUD for more information on the proposed rule and will continue to monitor the process. For an overview of the issue, please read this joint statement from RVIA, RVDA and ARVC:

    The complete proposed rule can be viewed at:

    In summary, this proposed rule would modify the current exemption for recreational vehicles in the Manufactured Home Procedural and Enforcement Regulations. Under the current exemption, questions have arisen regarding whether park model recreational vehicles are regulated by HUD’s manufactured home program. These park models are being produced with patio roofs, screened in porches, and other extensions that exceed the 400 square foot maximum exemption in the current regulations. Additionally, some of these models are being marketed as suitable for year round living.

    HUD’s proposed rule would permit recreational vehicle manufactures to certify that a unit is exempted from HUD’s regulations. Specifically, HUD’s proposed rule would define a recreational vehicle as a factory build vehicular structure, not certified as a manufactured home, designed only for recreational use and not as a primary residence or for permanent occupancy, and built and certified in accordance with either the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 1192-2015, Standard for Recreational Vehicles, or the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) A119.5-15, Recreational Park Trailer Standard.

    In addition, to provide consumers notice regarding the manufacturing standards used to construct the unit, HUD’s rule would require that units claiming the exemption display a notice that identifies the standards used to construct the unit and states that the unit is designed only for recreational use, and not as a primary residence or permanent dwelling.

    • Pat K, Bulverde, Texas says:

      Alan, Howard Payne, from RV-Dreams wrote quite a long column today on this subject. Briefly what he said is…not to worry. Hope he is right. Pat K

  112. Well Sue,, You haven’t Lost me,,, And Don’t worry ’bout some who don’t come back as often as some do,,, Tomorrow is promised to no one,,, Dit,, dit,, dit dit dit, it it,,, News Flash,,, Well ,, I went and got everything I need to do the repair on the steering gearbox myself,, Ya,, it’s gonna take some time to do it, but I don’t need to go any where till the 1st and I’ll save my MULLA for tires,,,, this is how this one armed fella is going to do it,,, 1, check to see if the pitman arm retainer nut fits the new gearbox,, if yes, pull the pitman off with a pitman puller,, oh first make sure the wheels are straight along with the steering wheel,, block the rear wheels,, jack up the truck and put it on a jack stand on the left front, then drill a hole over the gearbox on the hood, put thru the hole a eye bolt with wide washers, hook up a small pulley to the eye bolt, slip thru the pulley 1.8 cable,(8ft. long), hook it up to the box and to the come-a-long with the hood open and held in place with a 2X4,, undo the Rag Joint, the lines, pop off the pitman arm, unhook the break gis-mo from the top and loosen the bolts that hold the gearbox on and drop it to the ground,,, take the new box and rotate the steering shaft from lock to lock counting how many full turns it takes and center it,,, hook up the cable and using the come-a long bring it up to where it need be, put in one retaining bolt for leverage to slide it up to the new rag joint, the put in the other two retain bolts, torque em to the specks’, put the pitman arm on and torque it 200 ft. pounds, put the lines on, the filter, cooler and hook it all up, fill the pump with type F tranny fluid and start up the truck to bleed the lines,,, take off the home made wench and test drive in the desert to make sure you or I did a good job,,, now this mite take me n’ you know who, the guy up in the sky,, maybe 3 days and saved $385.00,,,, and if you want to help or watch,,, Sue knows my Winter Camp,,,, have a great day, to Sue and her great Crew,,,,,,,,,,,, nice sunsets,,,,,, And don’t worry,,,, Emanuel,,,,,,, rusty n’ Piper

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Hi, Rusty,

      I am so impressed that you have the knowledge to tackle your own truck repair. Wow! I hope all goes well! Give that special Lady Piper a snuggle for me. Take good care! 🙂

    • cc and canine (Eastern Missouri) says:

      Rusty…..I had my husband, former army tank mechanic, look at your comment….he is impressed at your research of the steering box swap. It sounds like you have it under control….we wish we could be there to help, in case you need to go into town to get a part….please let us know how things go… we’ll be with you in spirit.
      Give Lady Piper a hug!

  113. Toni says:

    I read the blog all the time. I don’t always respond to things but I am a loyal follower. When I discovered you, I read it all from the beginning and every once in a while I’ll go back to the beginning again.

    Right now there is a stumbling block in my life. What I thought might be a canker sore could be a tumor on my tongue. I’m going to a specialist Wednesday and I’ll have a biopsy done. So, everything is on hold until I know what’s wrong. I’ll have to deal with whatever it is.

  114. CheryLyn(Oregon) says:

    Hi Sue,
    I’m one who hasn’t posted in awhile. My house sale fell thru a week before closing last fall, then my health declined again and my dreams of full-time rving seemed gone. Your blog and fellow comments helped me tone out the “ugly days”. I am getting better and will put the house up for sale this March or as soon as the snow leaves. I once thought about blogging but realized I don’t like to write that much. Take a break, as others have said, relax, enjoy, wait until it don’t feel like work. I’ll keep checking in and post now and then.

  115. Pat in Rochester says:

    I follow you all the time but comment infrequently, and haven’t for some time. But I’m still here in case you’ve missed me! My granddaughter (she’s 6) was just standing next to me as I scrolled through your blog. She spotted the second to last photograph in this one and said “whoa, what IS that?” She’s commented on the crew before, but this was the first time she’s noticed the scenery. So I explained about what you are doing, and where you have been lately, and she thought it was all pretty neat.

  116. Rhodium in RI says:

    First, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You. Your site, community, resource, goal, dharma, example…. Is wonderful. I do not know how you do it. How could it not at times feel like a job? As far as it goes, you are at least as worthwile as Travels With Charley, On the Road, Proust or Knausgaad (the last two based on the word on the street, never read ’em). Plus you provide interaction! Opening yourself up to a group of, at least initially, strangers is so brave and even dangerous (I mean mentally) and it has given this community a role model for decency friendliness and, when needed, standards. Anybody who would second guess you in any way is just plain wrong and selfish, I think.

  117. Patsy from Ontario says:

    Hi Sue and Crew .. I click on your site every day to see if there is a new blog, I read with interest, awe at the pictures, been there from day one. I look at what people buy from amazon to see if there is something good that I could use camping with the kids. I don’t write often because your stories are amazing, your life is amazing. I have laughed with you, I have cried with you, I have sat and thought about my life, and how wonderful this would be away to retire, and even started planning on retiring this way, of course being in Canada its a bit different but not impossible. I can understand the attachment to people, but for many we would be very sad if we could not look into this machine and see a new post from you and the crew.. You are thought of every day, and even though some of us are in the back ground, for me I don’t have much to add to your post, as its wonderful already. As a single mom I struggle to keep my head above water, and provide for my son like there were two of us. I work hard, and you and the crew show that there is a dream at the end of the rainbow. Simple life, simple pleasures, what a life. I hope you continue writing I love everything you write about, and the pictures are amazing. We love you Sue and the Crew even though we don’t tell you often, but I think you are an awesome person. Please don’t leave us… We would miss you and the crew… Buried in Snow in Ontario, but feel the love from your followers .. shows me there is some nice people left in this world.. Hugs.

  118. Janis harrison says:

    Hi Sue,Grandjan here , I am still alive and still fighting cancer. Radiation is not as bad as the chemo was. I still have two surgeries ahead of me but only 4 more weeks of daily radiation.And my hair is beginning to grow back.!!! I have very little energy due to the radiation but I enjoy reading your blog so much!! Thanks for doing it.Huggs ,Grandjan

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re soldiering on, brave warrior, even though you don’t have much energy and probably don’t feel like it. Thanks for letting us know what’s going on …

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Hi, Janis,

      Glad to see an update from you. I keep you in my thoughts and prayers. ***hugs***

  119. Kevin in CO says:

    Sue, I read every blog entry, and have since day one (although I did not find your blog until you were a few years in… but I went back and read them all). My interest has been more where you went, and when you were there. I enjoy the photography of your travels and camps, *and* the crew, because I sense how important the crew is to you every day.

    I also imagine how important a blog would be to me if I were out, full timing, with only the crew and blog to keep me company. I imagine how important the blog readers and responders would be to me, as that would be a big part of *my* social life. I sense that may be true for you, but will not assume…

    However, I am not full timing. My dear wife and I have been out “snowbirding” now for 4 weeks (well beyond last year), and we are very much enjoying the break from snow, cold, and the house. We love our home, but we could not be full timers. We do love being here, boondocking most of the trip, and seeing new things. Truly snowbirds.

    I hope you continue your blogging effort, because I enjoy your writing and imagining what it would be like to live your life. I will be here, but my responses will mostly be questions about where and when, and not so much how and why.

    Safe Travels, Kevin (currently camped near Q)

  120. Kitt, NW Wa says:

    Sue, always a reader rarely a commenter.
    I’m definitely an introvert who finds it hard to put myself out there. Often when reading the comments, I think of something to say but just can’t quite put it into writing and post it. I admire and enjoy all of your blogerinos comments!

    Just a thought – what would a month long vacation from blogging look like or feel like? A fifth anniversary gift to yourself. You could give a return date which would keep your fans counting the days and give you some easy, peaceful days to perfect your hobby and let the calluses on your fingers and brain heal.


  121. Hi Sue, I’m one that disappeared from posting to you but I have ready everyone of your post. I have never missed one. I even keep a file of just your post so I can travel myself to some of your wonderful places you stay. I am going to New England in the spring but plan on heading west in the fall to start my big adventure. Don’t know if you remember Sharon from Florida. I have lived through your post and it gave me hope. I now have a very small camper I pull with my car. I have learned so much from you. I don’t really read other blogs because I am very busy with my online Jewelry business. I never miss your blog. I feel I know you and have shared these years traveling with you. You write beautifully and your pictures are so great. Your just tired, look how long you have been posting for us. Take a break from it until your ready. We can always continue the conversation. Just open it and let it go. Glad the weather is warm for you. I live in Venice, Fl. Its been cold the past two weeks but it warming up now. Thank you again for all the time you have spent with us. We appreciate sharing your travels with you.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Sharon — freespiritwoman — I remember you. You’re the one who drove from FL to Maine and back… You’ve been with us a long time. Thank you.

  122. Paula in Indiana says:

    Hi Sue, I read your blog every day and I most always read the comments too. I often don’t get around to reading until late at night and by then I think, well, everyone’s probably gone to bed, so I don’t say anything!

    I bet you do get tired of telling about your day all the time, although you can make even a trip to Walmart an adventure 🙂 So I will share a little about me. I work in an office full time and take care of my 85-year-old mom and my 16-year-old dog when I’m not at work. I read your blog to Mom, and she enjoys the stories and pictures of Bridget and Reggie.

    Many moons ago, in what seems like a former lifetime, I lived in my station wagon and traveled all over the US. I would stop long enough to get a waitress job and earn some money to travel to the next location. It was great fun!

    My dear mom’s health is failing and I know she will not be with me forever 🙁 Ditto my little dog. 🙁 I also have a few years before I retire, but at some point in the future I plan on getting out on the road again, I hope this time in something a bit bigger than a station wagon. So until then, I am enjoying being on the road with you and the crew! But as others have said, if blogging has become more a chore than fun, you must do what is best for you and follow your heart.

  123. Dear Sue & Crew – I eagerly look forward to each new episode of your adventures and want to thank you for so generously sharing your life with all of us. I think I discovered your blog a year or two after you started, and I went back and read it all from the beginning. Your writing skills and photography skills have blossomed and it’s a real treat to read about every one of your adventures, even the small ones like going to the grocery store or laundromat. I hope to live a similar type of life one day. This is a wonderful community, although I rarely leave a comment because I usually can’t think of much to say (I’m like that in real life also). So I tend to just hang around quietly, but I appreciate your efforts so much. Big hugs to you and Miss Bridget and little Reggie!

  124. FloridaScott says:

    Hi Sue & Crew!
    I’m still here! I guess I’m the sort of guy that enjoys listening to other peoples stories rather than talking and telling my own. I have really enjoy your blog and all the comments. I just don’t comment very often. There are a number of times that I wrote a comment, reread it and decided it sounded silly or was too off topic or whatever and decided not to post. So, Keep On Blogging Sue, We Love You And The Crew! Oh by the way, the weather here was mid 70’s with a little bit of sun and lil bit of rain and the forever humidity. Be Well, Be Happy!

  125. Val R. Lakefield, Ontario says:

    Well Sue, I have finally read all the comments so far & my evening is almost over. Can’t imagine what it would be like if every reader you have responded daily, I would never be able to keep up LOL. I have my blog bookmarks. 1. RV Sue. 2. Bayfield Bunch, (found the Bayfield through this blog I might add) . I like your sense of humour, really enjoy when you show pics of towns and some of the highways you travel on. I had never considered visiting the Southwest until I found your blog. In my house, your name comes up often when we start talking of travel. I have a small book where I write down names of some of campgrounds you have liked. I have been doing a small newspaper animal photo ad for 23 yrs. & sometimes I just sit and stare at the picture trying to think of what to say about this cat/dog . I can’t imagine writing daily. Do your blog your way,
    daily, weekly or take a vacation if needed. We will still be here.
    I envy your warm temps. We just came through an unusual cold spell. The other morning it was minus 20F. so I had to carry the dog out and set her down to take care of business. It was warmer today and we took part in the annual back yard bird count for the first time. Well enough of my rambling.
    Take care of yourself

  126. Geneva S says:

    Hi Sue and crew.
    I am one who rarely posts but Always reads your blog-it is my weekly treat to be able to read your posts and think Someday I will camp like Sue.
    Right now I have survived my first winter on the road in Southern Arizona and California staying in different rv parks. After I sold my house I signed up for Thousand Trails and for the first year this has given me a bit of security that I needed.
    My goal is to feel confident and be able to do occasional wild camping hopefully next winter.
    Right now I am heading up the 101 to Oregon and will spend the rest of the winter on the Oregon coast. I have always wanted to sit on a bluff overlooking the ocean looking for whales and now I can.
    Safe travels and beautiful sunsets to you and the gang

  127. Susan in Dallas says:

    Great starting picture with Reggie looking for that burger! I don’t read many blogs because they are so impersonal and have such rude comments, but yours is that wonderful exception and I look forward to every new post. Take care of yourself and do what you need to do to continue to be happy. i know I’m very grateful to be along for the ride.

  128. Rod Ivers says:

    I don’t comment a lot, but I read every word. I usually look up your blog to order from amazon and am a friend you can count on if there’s ever a need. As far a guys comments, I don’t always feel comfortable chiming in much on the girl talk. But don’t worry i’ve been here since the beginning.

  129. Katy in NH says:

    Hi Sue,

    Still with you, pretty much from the beginning and read every post and comments.

    My favorite is the alien post! So well told – it had me on the edge of my seat! I still read it when I need a good laugh!

    Hoping to be on the road part time in another year.

    You inspired me to write my own cookbook for camping – Still at it.

    We enjoy every post you and the crew gift to us.

    Katy in NH

  130. Big John says:

    Hi Sue,

    I am a guy who has followed you since day one. My day is not complete unless I read your blog & The Bayfield Bunch. I like both because they are both very readable & interesting to me. I love to travel in my truck camper & would love to do what you do for short periods of time but my wife is not in favor of that. We take trips of various lengths of up to 6 weeks. I am not much in the commenting but I just wanted you to know this guy never misses your blog.

    Big John

  131. Utah Bonnie says:

    I think I’ve read almost every post you’ve made since I discovered your blog a couple of years ago. You’ve inspired me with your self reliance, independent spirit, kindness and your dedication to your blog and all of us followers. I seldom comment because I don’t always have the right words and you have sooooo many readers to respond to that I know it must be very time and energy consuming to respond. I’ve appreciated every comment from you and all the blogorinos out there and I will pipe up more from here on out. I get that you give so much to the blog and your followers and you are invested in us as we are invested in you and the crew.
    BTW, Veyo Pies is highly over rated so I would recommend Croshaw’s Pies on Bluff Street in St George if you come back to the area. Keep the faith and carry on.

  132. Karen in Alaska says:

    I’ve read for several years (back when you were retiring and starting this new adventure) and never commented. I LOVE reading your blog. It’s always been a dream to do exactly what you are doing. Thanks for opening up your heart and life to so many. You have NO idea how many people you touch.

  133. Teri in SoCal says:

    I don’t know if I’m even remembered, as I didn’t comment all that much. But losing my 20 year job last year really turned things upside down. I finally started a new job and for that I am grateful. But on February 6th I lost my hero, my dad. I watched him struggle for hours and finally take his last breath. People tell me that someday I will be glad I was there for that moment but right now I feel horrified. I still read each blog entry and enjoy them all. It’s just that some days it’s all I can do to remember to breathe.

    • Val R. Lakefield, Ontario says:

      I remember you. Sincere condolences on the loss of your Dad.

    • Dawn says:

      This just broke my heart. I don’t think there is anything you can do but survive, at least for now. He must have been a wonderful man and father. My sincerest condolences, and a virtual hug your way.

      • Teri in SoCal says:

        Thank you very much. He came from very sad beginnings with no role model as to what a father should be. And he made us his priority, and was the best dad I could have hoped for.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Teri in SoCal,

      How very good of you to write when you are suffering from the loss of your dear dad. You’ve experienced a trauma that cuts so deep it is beyond the comprehension of any person on earth. I wish I could give you relief from your pain.

      Of course, we remember you, Teri. Please feel welcome to write anytime and don’t feel you have to be all bubbly cheerful when you do. Wishing you strength for every moment . . . .

    • Biz Crate - still 40m south of Chicago says:

      Dear Teri,
      My condolences on an incredibly tough year. The loss of your Dad most of all.
      I support the comments of others; that you will be glad that you were there. Not because of the horror, of course. But because no force on Earth, no matter how terrible, could have kept you from supporting your Dad in his transition. It sounds like it was a rough crossing. With your grace, though, he’s made it safely to the oher side. I pray that the peace that he has found finds you as well.

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Hi, Teri,

      I am so happy that you found a job…I knew that all the prayers and good thoughts being sent you way would be answered. I am so profoundly sorry for the loss of your Dad. Please know that you are in my prayers during this difficult time. Please take good care of yourself. Sending you a hug.

  134. Ann from Texas says:

    Sue, I love your blog and can’t begin to explain how much wisdom I get from it. Not just from you, but from everyone. I think I appreciate how much of yourself you put into it… I’ve thought about starting one but don’t know that is have that much that folks are interested in. (Ugh.. Ending sentence with a preposition… Bad….). I think if you needed time of, you should take it! Now, let me share a bit and tell you how it has helped me. I read from the very beginning, with an eye to doing this myself “some day.” Then became dissatisfied with my marriage and got a divorce. However the transitional plan imploded, leaving me without housing. (I don’t make much $.) For 8 months I bounced between an in restored vintage Airstream , a horse trailer, and the house with the ex. Because of your blog, I new I could live comfortably in an RV. Finally I was able to buy a5th wheel and have it parked in a local RV park as permanent housing.. For awhile anyway. My dog and I are very comfortable, and I’m still learning how everything works, bit whoopee, I’m here!!! Those 8 months were painful as neither the travel trailer not the Horse

    • Ann from Texas says:

      Darn it, I hate when I fat finger and hit send too soon.. Anyway, neither was fully functional.. Think bathroom and kitchen… But I got through and I have something I can afford. When I’m able to retire I hope to be able to travel as opposed to living in one spot. But Sue, without your blog I don’t think I would even have thought of this as an option! Thank you so much for that! Please don’t feel obligated to entertain us-that would make it work and it should be fun. Love to the pups and you. 🙂

      • Sue CleanerGreenerVegas says:

        Wow, Ann….you have made some serious changes.Isn’t it great when a blog like Sue’s can be the words to speak to you alms help empower you

  135. Renee (North Ranch/Datil) says:

    I’ve often wondered how you manage to have enough time to reply to each & every comment — I certainly don’t want you to feel obligated to reply to ME, unless I specifically ask you a question. I believe more people — WAY more — post comments on your blog than any other blog I read, so I wouldn’t worry about those who may have dropped by the wayside for a bit (guilty party here…). I still read all your posts, but either may be short on time, or someone else has already posted my thoughts. Or I just don’t have anything scintillating to say! I would say — don’t put so much pressure on yourself! Your readers will be here, and will continue reading, everything you put out there. Even if we don’t comment…

  136. Chaunte in West TN says:

    Hi Sue!
    I haven’t posted in a long time, but I haven’t missed a post!
    I frequently share your stories with my husband and friends!
    Thank you for sharing your adventures! We’ve been busy with
    work and have been traveling a little and getting the pups used
    to being on the road. We’re still planning daily for when we set
    out on our full time road adventure. Have safe travels.

    Chaunte, Shea, and the chihuahuas

  137. Phyllis says:

    Here I am. After I got my Casita on St. Patrick’s in 2014 I would drive to work and literally ball my eyes because I had to work. Then after a few months it got better. It has been a chaotic few years getting ready for retirement. Retirement is this year officially November 1, possibly sooner since a buyout is being offered.

    Oh yeah, I became a grandma last July, got that Master’s degree, and am learning Spanish. And I had cosmetic upper and lower eyelid surgery, I know I know.

    When I need to slow down and need peace I come to visit Sue and her crew and I get my zen. Any orders I get from Amazon I buy after pushing your Amazon link. In fact, you one time had a funnel link that had a flexible spout. I had just used a not so flexible spout and made a mess.

    Ok, I have to sleep, I’ll see you in a few months or years, keep writing, I’m reading.

    Phyllis in Oklahoma

  138. Linda a. says:

    Wow! Just look at all the comments.
    It’s very obvious how endearing you are to all of your
    blog readers. I greatly enjoy whatever you blog about, and of course,
    those loveable ‘kids’ of yours.
    Your posts are the best!

  139. Mike says:

    I always read, rarely post, like others. A little about me, ..I raise my grandchildren in Los Angeles, the oldest graduated Townsen college last year and it looks like I may be a great grandpa soon with this one, she’s in love with a nice Mormon boy. (she has the hips for children, thank god)
    My next oldest graduates Brown and has a full ride at Cambidge (England) for her masters, she worked at the White House last year, bought me a nice shirt with the presidential seal, my golf friends were envious. My grandson is in his 2nd year at Stanford, he’s my desert rat. I have taken that boy camping to my favorite spots in Northern NV since he was old enough to walk. He plays in a band called the Pink slips, the lead singer’s dad is the bass player for guns and roses. I love that boy, he’s so smart. I was behind the door, when god said brains, I thought he said trains kind of guy. People always say, wow how did you do it? (raise good kids and then grandkids)..all I knew how to do was love em, that’s it. I’m 63, in a couple years I plan on living in an extended E-250, I think its perfect for one person, especially if I can find a high top in good condition used. My job, being responsible, will end once they have their own places to live, that usually takes 2 or 3 months after they finish school. Boys go quickly, very independent but mature slowly, girls hang around a bit longer until they get bored then move out yet remain attached from a distance usually.
    Well there’s a little bit about me, I shared with you stuff I never share. Hope you realize some of us are lazy and are better listeners by design, just because we don’t squeak, don’t mean there ain’t a mouse in the house. Regards, Mike.

  140. Colleen/Maryland says:

    Hey Sue and Crew,
    I am one of those that write “JUST” sometimes. But I am one that read every blog post!!! Please know that if you stop writing, there are a lot of people out there will miss you and your crew. I know !! I talk to anyone who will listen about the blogs I read. Do you know how many times I will be talking about you and someone else reads your blog too. Then we have a great discussion about you. Made a instant friend.
    Do what you do best. You wanted to know a little something about people that read your blogs. I live in Maryland , We just got more snow !!!! and its turning into ice !!!!
    Its cold as crap and I can’t walk out side without a walker or help!!!! I read a lot of blogs and then look them up on GOOGLE earth !!! ITS JUST WHAT I DO !!! I would really miss ya…

  141. AZ Jim says:

    Missy, everyone has made it clear how much you and the crew mean to us, so I can really only echo their comments. I come here daily to see what is going on with you. As far as I am concerned a day without you and your blog leaves me unsatisfied. You are a staple in my life and you have no idea how much of a hole in my life you would make should you not be here. We all love ya…..

  142. Mark Watson in Houston Tx says:

    Hey here is a conversation change…. Is your a/c working in your PTV? If not, it might be just low on freon and freon is easy to add. I just helped a lady friend get her A/C working. Went to auto store and got a 18 oz bottle of 134a freon with hose and gauge, about $35.00. Followed the directions on the can and got her some cold air blowing. I did the same thing to my 1999 Nissan afterwards. I’d never had the a/c serviced and it blows colder air now. Thought I would throw this at you with the temperatures starting to rise. Note if you attempt this be sure to not have any loose clothing hanging on you or long hair that could get caught in the pulle
    y and belt areas.

  143. Barb from Hoquiam! says:

    Hey there Miss Sue and the crew.
    I have been sorta in hiding lately. And honestly (and not looking for sympathy either) I get what you are sayin’. The last 6 mos have been really rough for me… and well… I didn’t want to share my pooey ‘tude. 🙂
    I read EVERY blog. I giggle and snuggle my critters a bit closer. And well… I hide a bit.

    To have a friend ya gotta be a friend, and I am real sorry I didn’t even toss in a few ‘Hey there’s’ to y’all! How RUDE! 🙁 NOPE. Not goin’ nowhere, just being a slacker!

    I cannot tell you how OFTEN lately, I have been so down, and that red blog comes up, and the waggles and wiggles and I smile. You and the crew have kept me going. I appreciate it very much.

    Thank you for all you do. Don’t give up on us slackers… OK?
    Hugs from a very wet and blustery Hoquiam!
    Barb <3

  144. Patti says:

    ::waving arms:: I’m still here reading your blog and loving the pictures and of course, always the stories of the doggies. I don’t comment much, but you still give me hope that I’ll retire and enjoy atleast a few of the adventures you have had! We love ya chick, don’t worry about us…we’re all grownups 🙂

  145. Janis says:

    Dear Sue, I love your blog! Never stop blogging–i love hearing about you and your dogs. It was so funny when Reggie? went for his visit. And the picture of him sleeping afterward was priceless. And the pictures you take are just beautiful. Will you be going to a different state soon? Will you be heading up north soon? I wish I was doing what your doing–but responsibilities at home keep me at home. Please keep doing what you’re doing and God Bless.

  146. Rhonda from middle TN says:

    Hey, Sue…it’s me–the one who bought the magic carpet (Parkliner travel trailer) last year. I did so, in part, because of your writings about being a traveler. I made the decision that I, too, would become a traveler. I loved my little egg. As a decorator at heart I sewed pretty curtains and made plush pillows…she was decked out like a room from the plantation Tara. Exquisitely appointed! I took her on two weekend trips last spring before I realized, with great sadness, that she was not meant to be in my life. I sold her to a lovely couple who reported back that she was well loved and well taken care of. It is not my time. I cannot leave. I still dream of escape…and I will someday.

    I continue to follow your blog with avid interest and longing for more out of my life in the way of travel. I guess I haven’t commented because, since I’ve had to make the decision to put traveling on hold (though desire remains full and ripe), I feel like I have nothing of interest to contribute.

    I wish you didn’t feel even an ounce of burden about why someone might not comment as they once did. I may have withdrawn into silence but your wonderful writings still bring thirst to parched dreams. And, while I’m not much of a shopper, I am committed to showing my appreciation for your blog by making purchases through it from Amazon when the need arises. Thank you for sharing your life with me as I await another magic carpet to float by when the time comes that I am free to climb aboard…

  147. Diane, Blue Ridge Mts, VA says:

    Dear Sue, I love your Blog and today’s pink pictures were wonderful! I have never dropped out just don’t blog as much as I used too. So many others say the things I want to say so much better than I. Everyday I look for your posts and pictures and keep up with Bridget and Reggie…You Posts enrich my life…
    Have been in a little “Blue Funk” lately… your writings always cheer me up. You are doing what I have dreamed of doing but am afraid of liquidating my home, meager as it is. Also my grandchildren are still young. I enjoy seeing them so very much.
    We are the same age, I am a dog lover, a loner and Okay with that, enjoy the outdoors, exploring, camping, and photography is my passion.
    I can understand if you need to take a break because this Blog could be a lot of work at times. Have often wondered how you do it as regularly as you do. I will personally miss you and what you offer us.
    It’s snow here in the mountains of western Virginia and very cold. looking forward to March when I can take the cover off my little camper and get out in the woods again. Have had terrible bear aggression experiences over the past year and a half… not good to be 67 female alone in bear country anymore… but that will not stop me. However the worst of the experiences has changed me. Being in the woods fills my heart with so much joy and I can sleep listening to the creek at night, as I don’t sleep well at home.
    Rambling on now, sorry.
    Have a great Vaca if that’s what you need but hope to hear from you again soon. Thank you Sue for sharing your life with us. TAKE CARE SUE AND CREW!

  148. Squawking Goose says:

    I still read your blog, but previous comments of mine were apparently censored for whatever reason……so consider me ‘disappeared’ ????

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Squawking Goose,

      Thanks for letting me know. I’m sorry. I didn’t know. I have tried to figure out why your comments aren’t appearing. I found your comments from 2014 and prior to that and they contain links. My guess — I don’t know for sure — is that your comments are being caught by my SPAM filter because of the type of links. This comment came through fine. Please know that I did not censor you.

  149. Wendy in Thailand says:

    Hi Sue and crew and Bloggerinos
    I read your blog all the time but don’t comment a lot, I guess being retired in Thailand I got lazy. Today over here it’s hazy I think smog season has started, it’s also our little girls birthday 7 years old ( mini foxy x whippet) who came with us from Australia. She loves it over here and tonight is going for a tuk tuk ride, one of things she loves to do. She shared a cup cake with a doggie friend she has found in the moo Baan. I love catching up with what you and your great crew are doing, but if you need a break so be it, we will here when you return. Take care and we love you too!!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I’m so pleased to see you here, Wendy! I’ve thought of you several times. How cute that your pup had a birthday party with a friend! And a tuk tuck ride, too!

      Thanks for sharing a little about your life. Enjoy being lazy… I do! 🙂

  150. Marilu from Northern California says:

    Dear Sue,
    On our first extended RV trip after I retired I wrote a blog for friends and family. I did it for about 5 weeks and gave it up. I can’t imagine the time and energy you’ve poured into your blog for five years! I especially appreciate your responses to comments but sometimes I don’t comment just because I don’t want to make more work for you.
    I hope you’ll do what’s right for you at this point in your journey. You have given me an amazing amount of enjoyment and information over the last few years. Thank you.

  151. Elizabeth in WA says:

    Well Sue, trying to even remember all the people now coming here would exhaust me as well. Most of the blogs I read, I also email privately, from time to time at least, with the bloggers too. I know you do not wish to do that…and sometimes the subject you write about is one I have nothing to share or say about…but I still read here. And for those of us who are in your age catagory, real life in our current setting, sometimes takes most everything out of us…we are in another not so fun situation ourselves now…well, not us personally but our child here. That tends to take the “stuffing” out of us too. I wish you well. I hope you have arranged visits with face-to-face folks that you know, at least monthly…I would want at least that much contact if it was me. Life can be lonely, even with dogs. I wish you well…

  152. kgdan from Wapato, WA says:

    We check in & read RV Sue everyday. When I say ‘we’ it means that, sitting side-by-side in the new double recliner, I read aloud & show the pictures from my tablet while Gil is doing a jigsaw puzzle on his. Obviously, from the reactions to this entry, you must realize how important your blog is to so many. And I know you enjoy it as well; I’m certain there is no way you would not continue. Seems to me it’s a matter of pacing and definition. I see your blog constantly evolving; sometimes taking on new dimension. While you must continue to monitor content, you should not feel pressure to meet any kind of deadline or need to post entries. Your blog has now become self-sustaining. If you don’t post, others will. Always so much to learn from others. People are reading your blog 24 hrs/day (especially those of us with insomnia?). Hang positive! And know that we are out here with you. Don’t be offended if I tell you that you remind me of the very best kind of neighborhood bartender! Hugs & cheers!

  153. Diann in MT says:

    Dear Sue,
    I am just going to ramble here, dear e-friend. First of all, there are times when I have read your words and I am sad that I cannot hug you and tell you it’s going to be absolutely fine, given time and space. This is a time for (((HUGS))).

    You know, if I should ever see your rig, defined by it’s wonderful egg shape and the ever-present Crew, on the road in Montana, you had better be ready for a quiet hello of introduction and a warm hug. I often imagine that I will run into you at the Pilot station in Columbus, MT on I90. What the heck would I do? Certainly never impose myself on you! Hopefully, let you know that your spirit, defined by your exceptional writing and photography, has taken me through moments of despair and loneliness when I thought there was no one around who could lift me up from my own nagging mini-demons. And, from the comments, it seems I am not alone in that reflection.

    We’ve become dependent on you. Pure and simply. You had no idea how your caring could have impacted so many persons’ lives.

    You, Sue, are the good teacher some of us experienced in our growing up years: the one person we could count on to accept us, no matter what we looked like, how many tears we shed while you held us. You are exceptional and rare love, girl!

    So, now, with a sad regret, we may have to let you go for the time being while you *sabbatical* in some place interesting; while you re-group and grow something new and different, whether we come to know about it or not.

    Sue, I declare for you: School’s Out! It’s Summer Break! Go out there and Have Fun!

    Love you,

  154. Sam in the Ozarks says:

    Thank you for sharing your and your children’s live’s. I’m the quiet one at the camp fire. I comment a lot, I just don’t post them. What would RVSue do? Your courage has inspired me to take my camper with my two dogs and travel to Arizona for the winter the last three years. I just didn’t tell you. Last year when I got home, I bought a sailboat and restored it. I just didn’t tell you. This year when i got back, I sold it and bought another one, a 25′ Catalina. Now I am getting it ready to sail. I just did’t tell you. I do these things just because I can. If a little girl like Sue can do things, I can too. Men don’t talk about things much. I’m the one that bought the HP computer on the 14th. I guess I’ll post this even if it is silly.

  155. Eileen Dykeman says:

    Sounds like ur stuck “between a rock and a hard place” with bloggers who’ve dropped out – I don’t have any advice, but can empathize… Ur right about the pink desert, better than chocolates – & healthier, too!

  156. Andrea in Glendale AZ says:

    RVSue you have given us a breath of fresh air!! What a gift you have.. You were there in my life when I desperately needed some peace and beauty. THANK YOU. Now you and the pups kick back and enjoy this beautiful country – we’ll see ya soon.

  157. Rita Phoenix AZ says:

    I read every blog post although I don’t always comment….I’m here 🙂

  158. Rita Phoenix AZ says:

    Get over yourself Pamela K. This blog is about RVSue and her crew…not about Pamela K. Please, may peace be with you and you find happiness somewhere.

  159. wildflower in prescott says:

    Hi Sue, I don’t comment every day but I am a faithful follower. When I first got the idea of fulltime RVing I found your blog and several others. I have stuck with yours for several reasons: we are both female in the same age range, our BFF are two doggies, I learn so much from blog. Thank you.

    I remember that you expressed different but somewhat similar anguish over this blog just before Spike passed. If you decide to stop blogging temporary or permanently, let us know that you have opened a new door and are moving on with life. It’s OK.

  160. wildflower in prescott says:

    I have thought about setting up my own blog. This is why I often have second thoughts.

  161. milliehubbard says:

    Dear Sue, The joy and friendship that we all feel emanating through your posts is what brings us all here everyday, even if it is to reread previous posts because you are taking a well deserved rest 🙂

    I love seeing all the places you travel to and have dreamed of going to those places as well. I especially love the “Bridge and Reggie Show”. Having a “crew” of my own, I enjoy hearing of their latest adventures and antics!!

    Please know that we are all “out here” and you touch all of us in a very special way, as only you can. Sadly, you’ll never know how much you help, encourage, support each individual who reads your blog. But just know that you do. We “lurkers” need to do a better job of coming out of the shadows, introverts though we may be…this IS a two-way endeavor and it is for us to support and love you, as you do us.


  162. Corkerinna620 (Mobile AL) says:

    “There’s no place I’d rather be than right here, right now.”

    Great quote, Sue

  163. Marie Tate says:

    Oh, Sue, I don’t know if you will even bother to read this message as there are so many more interesting and prolific ones already. I just want you to know that your blog is one of 3 that I read each and every day and love. I love your showing and telling of the “crew” and can relate to their antics because I have a little “crew” also.
    I am not a traveller and am quite content to stay in the small village I live in and live through the writings of those 3 blogs I read. Please keep on sluggin’ along and I’ll do the same, keep smiling.

  164. It’s hard to blog everyday, more so when one is not moving frequently. Having said that, I do hope you will not abandon the blog totally, I like seeing what you’re seeing, and the dogs are fun to watch. It’s always amazing to me how much of a community has developed here.

  165. MB from VA says:

    Thank you Sue for sharing your thoughts. I think that I would like to write a blog when I begin full-timing too. The one I envision would be quite different from yours except for one very important thing. I would want it to be just like yours as far as being an open, welcoming, supportive place for people to share, ask questions and feel as if they are “among friends”. I have always enjoyed writing. And I love the idea of getting to know people from all over…..kinda like “pen-pals” when we were kids. But, like you, I care deeply for my friends and have often wondered if just what you have described would happen once I got it going well. I’ve almost asked you about it before. So, thank you for answering my question. I still want to give it a try….and when I have “off days”, I will just remember that “Sue does too”……and she’s the best! 🙂 Love from VA!…..where it finally stopped snowing/icing, the power is back on……and the sun is out! YAY! PS… have told me on several occasions that I am a good writer. You have no idea how encouraging those words are to me. So, thank you.

  166. Pamela K. says:

    Comment deleted.

  167. Linda from Oregon says:

    Lady, why in the world are you so negative? If you don’t like the blog don’t read it and move on. Sue is sharing what is true in her life, not trying to match what you think is right. Many may not do things exactly like Sue but she is an inspiration for doing what suits her. To go to the trouble to find a secret link to just put someone down shows that you are the one with the problem.

    Please, Sue do not let this person get you down. If we were sitting around the campfire, most of us would suggest she go back to her trailer until she can grow up.

    I came back this morning to see the comments and when I saw what Pamala K wrote I got spitting mad. What is she trying to do? Like a bad neighbor who wants to tell you what color you can paint your bedroom, she has to learn manners.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thank you, Linda from Oregon (and everyone else). I’m sorry this negativity affected your morning.

      • Denise - Richmond VA says:

        Hmmmm….I don’t tune in until tonight to check on you, the Crew, and the blogorinos and see this. Sorry to see this kind of start to your day, Sue. **hugs**

        It is a really simple….if you have a problem with Sue or her blogorinos, just change the channel…please move on. Bless your heart and be happy.

      • Pat K, Bulverde, Texas says:

        No problem…really. Let it go. But I do have some unfortunate initials… Yikes! 🙁 Pat K

  168. Montsweag says:

    Sue and puppies~
    I read your blog every day. The photos alone are worth the click but your narrative is well written and interesting. Please do know that lots of readers enjoy your blog very much; we just are not commenters ( I rarely even read comments on my favorite blogs). Our RVing days are over now but I still like to remember those wonderful days through your blog….

  169. Pamela K. says:

    Comment deleted.

  170. Laura R says:

    Hi Sue: Just wanted to let you know that I have an Icon on my desktop, and I check your blog everyday, I got my husband interested, and he checks it out also. We really enjoy following you and seeing all the beautiful picture, and reading about your adventures. Being dog parents, we also enjoy Bridgett and Reggie’s adventures. I don’t read the comments very often, as there are so many, and my eyes get blurred if I read to long. Keep up the great job you do.

  171. Jay in Brooklyn, NY says:

    Sue, I’m a male reader in Brooklyn, NY. I rarely comment as I usually catch up with your blog shortly before drifting off to sleep, dreaming of the Airstream I’m going to buy next year, and my adventures boondocking across the Southwest. I don’t remember how I found your blog, but I am pretty sure it is the one that gave me the idea. Blogging is kind of like teaching, I guess. You are planting seeds that will grow, long after you planted them.

    Blogging also seems to be a bit like teaching, in that you end up dealing with a lot of crap. I had thought about blogging when I travel to make some extra income, but I have no patience for the wing-nuts and the negative people that seem to thrive on the internet. Regarding the malicious woman who seems to have latched onto you in the above comments, the saying “don’t wrestle with pigs — you get dirty and they like it” comes to mind.

    But I’m thankful that you put up posts like this and have left some of the comments, as it has given me a view into some of the less positive emotions involved with travelling and keeping a blog. I wouldn’t blame you at all if you pulled back from blogging, or if you took a break like Technomadia had to when they got their barrage of negative comments. But I do love reading your adventures, and hope you find some way to make it continue to work for you. Thanks, Sue.

  172. Jay says:

    Sue, these comments are not normal, but have the tone of an obsessive stalker. Be careful.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thank you, Jay.

    • Cinandjules (NY) says:

      Geeze Louise someone needs to up their “be cool” meds! That is some serious anger issues. How does one come here and have the audacity to spew gibberish. She acts like she actually KNOWS you!

      Be done and don’t let that door hit you in the ass on the way out!

      And by the way…bless your heart!

  173. Jean in Southaven, MS says:

    I have not seen a post from your sister Pauline in a long time. Is she ok?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks for asking, Jean. When Pauline doesn’t appear here, it usually is because she’s very busy with her husband, grown children and their mates, her grandchildren, her in-laws, and her church family. She did wish me a happy Valentine’s Day on Friday. 🙂

      • Jean in Southaven, MS says:

        Great, I do understand. She is alot like me! I have all that too! I will be close to her this weekend at Pickwick visiting brother-in-laws. Ain’t Life Great? Love ya Sue and Crew.

        • Pauline in Mississippi says:

          Getting caught up with the posts. Gee….it is great to be missed!!!!! I appreciate that Jean. I see that I have missed a lot on here and I am so grateful to those of you who have defended my sister. Will post more on the most current post…Egrets.

  174. Linda in Southern MN says:

    Hi Sue! I am a more of a lurker than a blogorino, but still feel like we are friends because of the your unselfish sharing of your life. I have a great appreciation of all the things you have taught me and the times you mad me laugh or cry. You are the biggest influence on my soon to be full time life in my Scamp and the inspiration to believe I can do it. I will always be thankful.

  175. Penny in AR says:

    I’m still here, reading posts and comments every day. I enjoy your blog so much, even though I get envious of your lifestyle, sigh, put down my iPad….hubby laughs and says I must be reading those full-time blogs again. I retired last May and he will be retiring end of this year, so hopefully we’ll get to enjoy our travel trailer a lot more. Don’t think hubs would ever enjoy the full time life, so will enjoy what I can get. Arkansas has many great campgrounds, which are mostly reserved sites, and it’s getting where reservations must be made almost a year in advance….kinda kills spontaneous trips. Of course having a reservation is nice too, knowing you didn’t do all that packing gif nothing….a catch 22 I guess. Plus, summer heat is brutal here. Hoping to go to other states, too. I can surely understand what dedication a blog must take…..please don’t stop, just do what is good for you. Also want to point out that any negative comments are in the very small minority! Your blog makes my day!

    • Jolene/Iowa says:

      Hey Penny,
      In the parks in your area that take reservations, aren’t there some that are what are called “walk-up or sites that can’t be reserved? When your husband retires and neither of you have commitments on a Monday most people would most likely be able to get one of those non reservations sites. In our state parks people can stay for 2 weeks so don’t think that just because you don’t have a reservation you can’t get a campsite. Even Corp of Engineer parks have sites that can’t be reserved and are walk up only. Just something to keep in mind. 🙂

      • Penny in AR says:

        Most of our state parks have all reserved spots. I think the corps parks have some non reservable but needing mostly weekend, haven’t been brave enough to get all that stuff ready and not get a spot. Hopefully you’re right about weekday spots and can do that when he retires. Would love to stay the whole two weeks. Want to check out Texas hill country, too! Thanks!

  176. Rose in AR says:

    My only objection to your blog is the fact I started reading comments around midnight last night and didn’t get to bed until 2:30!! I have only commented maybe 3 times but have been reading your blog since you started. I think Tioga George is the one who mentioned you and I ALWAYS read him. He took a hiatus, also, when he dumped his rig in a field and had to quit traveling for a while. Now he is back, traveling in Guatamala and giving us daily accounts of his activities. I, too, travel vicariously with you. I have a camper and take it out 3 or 4 times a year but as I age it gets to be a lot of work. To me the best part of your blog is the descriptions of where you are and what you are doing AND all the blogorinos commenting on same. Yes, some more then others but how else would we have gotten to know AZ Jim, Sidewinder Pen, Alan, Weather, Desert Ginger and a host of others that have become cyber friends. If you quit blogging a whole neighborhood of friends will disappear. If you keep blogging but more infrequently I am sure most will stick around. Do what you do best, Sue, we are followers but I am sure none of us are holding a stick over your head! I, for one, have been following you for all 5 years and will continue to do the same however you continue. I have been to the Sonoran desert, loved it until it rained and the smell of creasote permeated the air. Never could stand that smell and am so glad I ‘aged out’ before I could go camping there. Different strokes for different folks! Love you Sue and crew whatever your decision will be I’ll keep on ‘camping’ with you.

    • AZ Jim says:

      Hi Rose….It’s good to “see” ya…Sue isn’t goin anywhere, she’s just like the rest of us, we have these little spells but we get over them and Sue is tougher than most so we’ll let her play it her way for a bit but she is our mooring point and she knows it, she’ll be here….Take care Rose….

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      “and the worm crawled out….”

      I almost just choked on my tea!! Thank you for the chuckle, Rose! 🙂

    • DesertGinger says:

      Good to ‘see’ you Rose! We’ll be here through thick and thin!

  177. Bill M. says:

    Sue, I am a man and read every post. I feel like you’re family though I don’t reach out very often. But I so enjoy your blog!


  178. wildflower in prescott says:


    I agree with Jay. Be careful.

    • Biz Crate - still 40m south of Chicago says:

      Hi Sue (and blogerinos!)
      I would like to add my appreciation for the entertainment and education that this blog has provided me. I think it’s important to include the blogerinos in this thanks because of how welcoming and forthcoming you all are in sharing your stories and insights. I really have learned SO much.
      Sue, I agree that a blog must get to be a tedious thing to write after while since, by its nature, it’s all about the blogger. It’s a funny thing, but I’ve never felt that this blog was so narrow as all that. Not sure how you manage that, Sue, but it’s a rare and valuable skill to possess. I am always engaged!
      Let me also thank you for creating this caring and supportive community. Yes, I think I will lose some sage commenters should this blog cease to exist. I will survive (we all will) but it will be missed.
      Lastly, thank you for editing, guarding, banning or whatever it is that you do to protect us all from spew of bile and vitriol that is so common in social media. You have allowed an example of this to appear and stay for a bit in your comments section. I think it is an appropriate example of what no one cares to see or hear. The Wizard must be doing a lot of work behind the curtain to keep Oz a lovely as it is. Wicked witches be banned!
      (Seriously, I feel like a victim of strongarm blog-jacking – I may need therapy! JKN)
      With sincere thanks,
      Reader since 2013
      (But I went back and read everything else, too)

  179. Lois (AZ) says:

    Trying to be Number 300!!! LOVE THIS BLOG

  180. Cinandjules (NY) says:

    Hah hah am I first?

    I had a long reply but it went somewhere else when I hit the post comment button.

    So…I keep it short and sweet.

    Desert woman….you do whatever you need to do to make YOU happy! This is your blog, your choice and most importantly your life!

    You continue to touch more people than I think you realize. There are amazing and caring folks here. On the flip side there are those who are extremely jealous and will flame you any chance they get! My advice has always been…put the pedal to the metal, rip off that rear view mirror and tear up the road ahead.

    Have a great day!

  181. Ruth from East Tennessee says:

    Hi Sue:
    I’m still out here reading, not commenting so much. Lost someone I was very close to last March and have been flying under the radar. As when a tragedy strikes we often do things to fill the void, my goal had been to buy a Casita and go full time. I bought a Casita in April last year and camped 3 or 4 times. Sold it, bought a 19 foot with a slide which was more comfortable for Max (chi-weenie) and me. Turns out I was left the house and 5 acres which I love. So I camp with a group of like minded people. I am not as much of a loner as you. Your readers might be interested in knowing it only took 5 hours to sell the Casita from the time I posted it on the Casita Forum! I like people I know around but too much interaction can be taxing.

    I love the dogs and their antics, miss Spike so much. Love the way you paint the scenery with your words.

    Max and I are adopting a friend for him from daschund rescue. Charlotte is a 7 year old Corgi/daschund mix coming up from LaGrange, Georgia. Am meeting her foster family half way on Thursday. Very excited!

    Take care of yourself and do what you need to do for peace. You have thousands of followers. Many you don’t even know about.

    • Biz Crate - still 40m south of Chicago says:

      My goodness, Ruth, my daughter has a chi-weenie named Max! She adopted him while away at school off of a craigslists post. Max was “about 6” when she took him. She kept thinking of Peewee Hermans quote: why would someone throw out a perfectly good dog? He’s been her faithful friend for nearly 7 years. No more craigslists posts in his future!

    • Pat K, Bulverde, Texas says:

      Ruth, be sure and tell us all about Charlotte 🙂 Pat K.

  182. Audrey says:

    Hi Sue and Crew;

    I very, very seldom post anything, but I can’t begin to tell you how much I enjoy reading your blog. I first started getting your blog entries when we had an RV. We have since sold it since ‘camping’ just wasn’t our thing, but I still very much enjoy reading of your and the crews adventures. I live in northeast Wisconsin and right now I’m looking out the window and seeing snow that’s been on the ground since late November and we probably won’t see green grass until sometime in mid March, so I love seeing your pictures and hearing about the temps wherever you’re located at the time. I’m envious of your adventures and your complete freedom. As they say, I’m living vicariously through YOU!

  183. Stan Watkins says:

    Not sure what’s happening to my comments but I’ll try again. Thanks again for the blog. My bucket list grows all the time. Hope to do just what you’re doing when I retire. I want to tell the Pamela K’s of the world that I will pray that they find peace in their troubled minds and pray that you can maintain your patience. I don’t comment a lot but look for your new posts every day. Thanks again, Stan

  184. Wow Sue, it took me most of the morning to get through all these comments! Please continue to enjoy your coffee and peanut butter toast that we shared so many mornings. I was trying to find a way to tell you that we need to start seeing less of each other…well looks like you beat me to the punch! Don’t let anything consume too much of you, you have given so much, if there is nothing left, so be it…sometimes we need to take a breath and gather strength…me, I spent the weekend on the couch not moving for three days because of an ALMOST traumatic event that was postponed…and I was so relieved that I just had to take a minute, that turned into 3 days…okay now I am back, feeling stronger for the time I took…..When that rock you are pushing up hill starts going down the other side, we will be here waiting to catch you…you love us and you know it will be hard to stay away for long…I say that everytime I break up with you, only you don’t know it…ha!

    Blogorinos….we are a strong and loyal group and I value everyone of you. I value our connections that we have if Sue is here or not, like when she tells us to carry on! That is what I plan on doing, so I will be reading your comments and enjoying everyone of you. So heres to the RVSUE Nation! She made us strong.

  185. Larry says:

    I stopped at the park in Blythe for water discovered that the city had turned off the water for campers. Have you found a place to fill your tanks. They have rv dumps on Broadway south of town $7.00 fee. Did not see any water.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Larry,

      Yeah, bummer about the water being turned off at Miller Park. We discussed this turn of events previously; I’m sorry you missed that. I’m getting our water out of vending machines in Blythe — $1.50 for 5 gallons. I filled 12 one-gallon jugs this morning while at the laundromat. There’s a machine out front.

      Midland LTVA has a dump station which is included in the LTVA permit fee.

      • Larry says:

        We fill our jugs at Culligan on Spring St North of Hobson wy. 5gal for $1.00. We are along the river off hywy95 North of town.

  186. Cheryl O. (WA state) says:

    I always love your sunrise and sunset photos! I don’t see much of those with all the cloudy days here. Thank you very much! Love to you and your kids.

  187. Judy and Juneau says:

    Hey hey hey! I love your website. I am about to close escrow on my home and plan on buying a class c and going for it. Of course I have lots of questions but don’t want to bore you with them. I have read your blog many times and it has given me the confidence to go for it now when I still can. Thanks so much.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Congratulations, Judy! Feel free to ask your fellow blogorinos or, when I’m back in full force again, I’ll be happy to answer them.

  188. Needle in Plano, TX says:

    Reggie……….Sue is deliberately driving south so that Carls will be out of her window…..shes misleading you….look out of her side….:-)

  189. Cinandjules (NY) says:

    nOte to the Bisons in Yellowstone:

    Run and hide NOW…the folks who you have mingle with for years are NOT your friends…no time for a discussion!

    Such beautiful animals?

    • Diann in MT says:

      I avoid opening Billings Gazette articles referring to this senseless slaughter.
      One of the realities of the western states is that the agricultural interests influence wild animal and fish management. Right now there is a special elk season going on in parts of Montana. When I read of the reluctance of the wildlife administrators in opening up this hunt, I nearly cried. When private landowners don’t open their lands during regular hunting seasons, the elk become overpopulated. They are extremely smart animals. They know where the safest routes have been: through the hay fields protected by the landowners. Now, cows and probably calves will be “thinned out” during a time of year and within locations they had sensed were safe.

  190. Nickie (from Oregon) says:

    I have only commented a couple of times, but I wanted to let you know, that I, like the many others on here, look so forward to reading your blog each day. I want you to do whatever makes you happy, but if you do stop blogging, you will be sorely missed by this lady in Oregon. Love and prayers to you and the crew.

  191. Kerry On (UT) says:

    Well, Sue, if you didn’t know it before, you must certainly know it now….you are loved! So many of us read and live vicariously through you, some longing for the day they can join you on the road; others exercising their imaginations, knowing they never will, but pretending they’re out there, nonetheless. We all enjoy the adventure, but never stop to think about how much work you put into this blog, and maybe, once in a while, we should take a moment to say, “thank you.” Well, I for one, am now saying thank you, Sue, for all you do for everyone here. You live an amazing life, and you’re an amazing person for being willing to share your life with a bunch of strangers and lurkers on the internet. It is not in vain. We love you! We appreciate you! “Kerry On”, my friend!

    • Kerry On (UT) says:

      And, I feel I have to add, and I’m sure I’m not alone in saying this,”I’m a better person, because I met you” (in cyberspace, of course!). So take a break and recharge your batteries, we’ll all still be here when you get back, even if it’s next year! Kiss your pups for all of us! <3

  192. Sue CleanerGreenerVegas says:

    Sue, I too want to echo Ann’s thoughts. Time is precious All we have is today, and maybe tomorrow. Bridget and Reg sometimes need you more than we do. We can try to be good and encouraging to you, Sue, but your animal buddies have such a deep connection with you
    and You with them. Spend the time. Life cycles round and round. Life and Death . Time to restore your soul is So important. Yes everyone wants you to check in, but we don’t check in when we disappear.As we all get older, Loss becomes a more prominent theme in our lives. I am happy so many people checked in with you today. Truth is, none of us can really know what this season of your life brings for you.Just prayin that you Walk as you Need to Walk in this time.

  193. Dan in OR says:

    I read your RSS feed every day and find your wanderings and ramblings refreshing. As a solitary-type person who hates crowds and noise, I escape the daily clatter through your blog. Can’t say I’ll ever be able to flee to a quieter journey so your blog fills a need.


  194. Jason in NY says:

    Sue, There are readers like me that come here every day but rarely post. I look forward too all your travels and even the times when you are siting in one place.

  195. GypsyPurl says:

    Well Sue, I just want you to know that I have not gone ANYWHERE! I don’t comment very often, but I enjoy every adventure with You and the Crew. Going through a tough time now though, my little Furbaby, Coco passed. Missing her dearly!

  196. PJ Crim says:

    Guilty as charged! I haven’t commented for months. I originally started following your blog because you travel in a van, as do we, although we live in a stick house but are planning to travel more in retirement. I continued following because of information on boondocking, especially during your summer travels. But since last May I have had complicated health issues, as has my mother which would be such a downer to read about that I haven’t commented. But – through all that, your blog has been a bright spot to sign on and see the photos on your nature hikes, the puppies and the interesting things you have seen on your travels. So – thank you! (Even if I haven’t commented in ages.)

  197. Rhonda - South Central Missouri says:

    Sue and Crew,
    I too am a follower of your adventures and I’m guilty of failing to post my questions, thoughts and ideas, many apologies. I don’t find my personal story too exciting. I (Husband too) work 10 hours daily, come home, do dinner, and the chores with the addition of raising our oldest grandson (14 yrs.). I settle down each evening to catch up with “Ms. Sue” and her Critters! My little family (& 4 Critters: Bob, Boogie, Babe and Pedro) all know I require my relaxing time to CHECK ON SUE :). I always head to my bed and use my tablet (That I hate to type on) which inhibits my posting when I feel the urge. I now this is pure laziness so I will try harder. Sue, I appreciate all you do and I am proud that you carry on when times are tough. Don’t sweat the SMALL stuff (Like the Gal who is so rude in her posts) Some folks think we actually care about the negative outbursts. I always say, just smile and carry on, she will move on to someone else.
    I do have intentions of traveling unless I must work until I die! I figure that will be the case, but maybe not. We have a 20′ Jayco 5th wheel that we take to the woods a couple times a year. Our annual trip to the Mark Twain Forrest near Bradleyville, MO. an Bull Shoals Lake at Buck Creek are our favorite places to visit.
    I do have a concern about traveling full time; you have mentioned in the past that you have headaches sometimes. You haven’t mentioned this in a long time have you been able to control them? I suffer from migraine headaches and worry that being out on the trail full time would cause great issues for me as the headaches are chronic but hit suddenly and are debilitating. What are your thoughts or experiences on this topic?
    Stay happy! I hope you stay with us; but understand completely if you duck out for a bit. -Rhonda

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Rhonda… I hope you don’t mind if I make this brief. I do want to answer your question about headaches. For me it’s food related… chocolate, good aged cheese, too much salt, or lack of caffeine (I miss a cup of morning Java). I’ve had a few slight headaches due to these triggers and only one migraine, the latter putting me in bed for the day.

      I realize now that the stress of working with unrelenting noise, too much chatter, and poor ventilation (school environment) contributed to the migraines of my past. It’s amazing how lots of fresh air, relaxation, plenty of sleep, living in peace and quiet, staying hydrated and avoiding certain foods has improved my life. Good luck to you, Rhonda!

  198. denimlady says:

    We’ll all miss you, for very selfish reasons. But after ruminating about this last night while I couldn’t sleep (one of my dogs is ill & requires constant supervision) I thought of something that I don’t think anyone else has addressed (although I admit I haven’t read ALL of the comments): what will ending your blog do to your income? Will you be able to keep the crew on their healthy diet or will you have to start to cut corners on nutrition? I’m betting that you’ll sacrifice your own health before that of your little buddies; neither option is a good one. So, with that being said, I’ll continue to try to support you in any way I can & hope that the outpouring of comments you’ve received on this post reminds you of how many lives you touch every day, even of those of us who don’t feel we have anything positive to contribute. {{{{{hugs}}}}} to you, Bridget & Reggie!

    • Chance says:

      Perchance Sue’s “hobby” will carry her through financially. And if that hobby happens to be turning her blog into a book or five on Amazon Kindle, she will need to take her blog out of the “public domain” to publish those books–them’s the rules for publishing on Kindle (can’t sell public domain material, even your own…so take it out of public domain). Remember when Sue did her “summaries” of her blogging posts (I forget the dates she covered) pulling out the good stuff? That would have been a helpful practice run for her.

      Anyway, Sue will address her future plans and put out the facts when she’s ready. Even if this isn’t/wasn’t Sue’s plan, sounds like a good plan, eh?

  199. Edie (OK) says:

    Oops! I am one who doesn’t comment so much anymore but still follows and ALWAYS ? hits this link prior to Amazon orders. Had a shipping nightmare a while back with epoxy floor stuff so you may have multiple credits for that one! Reason I don’t comment so much is that I retired and became much busier than when I worked! I am an introvert and didn’t share that probably.

    Sue, you inspired our first long term (40 day) trip (post retirement) in our itty bitty camper. I learned so much and drooled so much reading this blog while still working (not AT work..). Thank you!!!! You made our trip a resounding success!! Seriously!! Whatever you decide to do with this blog is your decision only. You have given so much! Still enjoy the stories and pictures. Love those sunsets! Will try to comment once in a while. Sorry about the disappearing act. Give the crew a big hug!

  200. Kathy (NC) says:

    Hi Sue – I’m another new writer but I’ve been reading your blog for a while and just want you to know that I really enjoy following your travels. I’ve started reading from the beginning, am in the middle of 2013 so far and trying to keep up with 2016 as well.
    Just wanted you to know how much of an inspiration you are to me. We don’t travel all that far yet but now we are retired have plans to see more of ‘your’ part of the world.
    If you never wrote another word, know that you have already made such a difference to me. Love and hugs to you and your beautiful crew.

  201. Pat in Bulverde, Tx says:

    Sue, I’m always happy to see that you’ve posted, but never try for first. I like to let the comments stack up so I can enjoy all the things folks say to you and each other. You have an exceptional talent for expressing your thoughts and sharing your day to day experiences which draws us in and brings us back. Be sure to do whatever you need to recharge your own battery. Thank you for sharing your life on the road. God speed. Pat K.

  202. Michael says:

    A while back someone posted something negative and it touched and hurt you. I responded and by the grace of God I was able to help. You thanked me as did others in the comments. I doubt that you remember but that’s unimportant. What is important is that you understand that even though you camp away from folks for your privacy, you camp right smack dab in the middle our hearts every day. The next time you get on the road, look in the rear view mirror and see the hundreds, thousands of lives you, Spike, Bridget and the nut Reggie inspire. The ones captivated, thrilled, excited to be taken along for the ride. That you care and wonder about the ones whose lives have taken a different path is understandable, that it may be something you did or said, not so much. The fact that you wonder about these things points to your amazing humanity, the depth of your caring. Lady, the desert is large, never as large as the folks out here who love and care for you. The ones that have moved on just graduated from the RVSUE school of life, and that’s a good thing. Take care, Michael

  203. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Hi, Sue,


    Belated Valentine’s wishes! The pink skies that you were gifted were so appropriate!

    We made it through the bitter cold weekend, but our temps were the tropics compared to those in weather and Cinandjules neck of the woods. Sunday night into Monday, we had a mix of snow, ice, and freezing rain. Thankfully, work closed for the day. Gracie pup enjoyed having me home. Monday night the temps went up, and the freezing rain turned to plain old rain. Temps Fri – Mon were well below freezing….today, we hit a high of 57! Crazy, huh? My Mostacholli Meat Sauce turned out great….I have been enjoying the leftovers. For the banana bread, I tried a new recipe. It has sour cream, cocoa, and unsweetened chocolate chips. Delish! It really is heathly….fruit, dairy, and dark chocolate (good for the heart!)…perfect with a cup of hot tea! 🙂

    This post really brought people out of hiding. Please know that you are loved and appreciated. Do what you need to do for you and the Crew. As usual, sending you, Bridget, and Reggie loving thoughts and hugs from me and Gracie pup! 🙂
    Take.Good.Care.of.Yourself. Love ya!

  204. Chris(MN) says:

    Hi Sue! Please take care of yourself and your blogerinos will be here when you want us. If the blog has become a burden, then a vacation is definitely in order. This is your retirement, not another job. Visit with your friends when you want to, not when you feel you have to. We want you to be happy!

  205. Gail says:

    Haven’t commented in awhile….been a tough few months. Had mentioned in September we lost our dog Duchess very suddenly. Then on November 28 we lost out only child to a brain hemorrhage. My one consolation was Duchess was there waiting for him. We have been volunteering at a wonderful guest ranch in Arizona….don’t know how we could have made it this far without the support we have received here. Keep going Sue and Crew

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      My heart goes out to you, Gail. I am so sorry for your loss.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Dear, dear Gail, I don’t know what to say. There are no words powerful enough. You have my deepest sympathy. May you find the strength you need to carry on.

    • Wendy in Thailand says:

      So sorry for your loss, in my prayers that you continue to find what you need to help you continue on. Hugs.

    • DesertGinger says:

      Deepest sympathy for your losses Gail.

    • GypsyPurl says:

      You are in my prayers Gail.

    • weather says:

      May comfort be and stay near you through this, Gail, I’m sorry that you’ve lost so much.

    • Renee Galligher - Idaho says:

      I’m so very sorry, Gail.

    • cc and canine (Eastern Missouri) says:

      Gail….I too am so sorry for your loss, and wish you the strength to carry on…

      I have an inkling of what you went through, as our only child was diagnosed with a brain aneurysm several years ago. It was found during a ct scan following a motorcycle accident…..It was found to be inoperable….But 16 years later, he is OK, although he has an MRI every other year to check its status. I remember how we felt that year, thinking it could burst any time he had a headache.

      My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family.

    • Elizabeth says:

      My sympathy and empathy to you, Gail!! You have gone through one of the most difficult times…pray you will find solace and comfort!!

  206. I’m sorry that I don’t comment very often. I still love your blog and you were one of the big inspirations to get us out on this journey.
    We are still in Yuma, finally getting very warm weather for the past two weeks. Planning our summer up the west coast.

  207. Ginny in Omaha says:

    Sue, I get the biggest kick from your sense of humor (cows surrounding your home, hugging cholla vs. pot lucks). My wishes for you: have some unexpected, spontaneous, Bridget experiences that leave you thinking “that was so refreshing.” I visualize a Sam Elliott type driving up offering you and the Crew a lift. Only this time you get to sit next to him and enjoy a give and take conversation that leaves you content with having a totally new take on life. You are such a treat!

  208. Joyce Sutton says:

    I was interested in your financing so read your budget stuff and was amazed that you did profit. Wondered why people would pay for blog space when free was available. Now I know and make an effort to be sure you can. But seems someone resents that you get it? I read what you pay to post and owe you one if I get enjoyment Some seems the think the world owes them. Not worth my time to listen when they complain on someoneelses dollar. I pick up their mess at campsites too.

    • edlfrey says:

      “Wondered why people would pay for blog space when free was available.”

      Some of us that buy blog space do so because we do not like what is offered for free. I am also a firm believer that when something is free there is a price to be paid. One of those prices is is that everything that you as a blogger place on a ‘free’ space belongs to the owner of that ‘free’ space and the owner is NOT the blogger.

      I freely post to a space that I pay for and do not expect any payment from anyone that reads what I have posted. This is my choice and not a criticism of anyone that offers advertising on their blogs to cover their cost .

  209. AZ Jim says:

    Pamela K, Three words….Medication, medication, medication!

  210. Tracie in Montana says:

    I love your Blog just to see things through the eyes of a dog is great! It makes me laugh and cry and that’s a good thing. We live near the spot you stopped at last year called delmoe lake on the homestake pass exit near Butte, Mt.. There are lots of free boondocking spots. It is blm (free). and forest service land (free) all around here. I like it because it is cooler in the summer and not to many bugs or snakes. Maybe just bears and wolves.
    Looking forward to more of those beautiful pics!!
    Have a good day!

  211. Nivrapa in AZ says:

    Well, I leave town for a few days and come back to THIS discovery. I can’t say I’m very surprised, however. I think I’ve detected some burnout from you for several months, now. It’s been subtle, but there. I can certainly understand your feelings, Sue. I think blogging is like any other long term commitment–it can wear you down and one needs to take measures to keep it a positive in life and not become such a burden. I hope you can find that balance. You have become such a bright spot in so many of our days but I think all of us in this community are willing to have a little less light in our days than to loose it completely. Only RV Sue knows what is best for RV Sue and that’s what all of us want, also. May you know peace and contentment today and each day going forward.—-Audrey

  212. WTXCal says:

    Circumstances change in people’s lives, as you well know. Something guided me to check in on your blog today. I don’t read you as often, but when I can I enjoy it immensely. Please don’t let it drain you, that’s not what retirement is about. Just kick back a little and don’t worry, we’re all still out here reading and enjoying when we can. Give Reg and Bridge an extra treat from me and my canine pal Blanca.

  213. Moe says:

    I’m another reader-no-commenter but I hadn’t ever thought how commenting can be a contribution to an author. As others have said, you write a terrific blog. The pace and the style enhance the interesting things that you discuss. And your pictures are amazing. I’ll try to contribute too!

    I’ve been reading since early 2013 and back then I read you and Tioga George – in fact I think that I found one of you via the other person. He also has a unique and honest voice. You share the good with the bad but you make it interesting – no small feat.

    I especially love it when you talk about how you figure things out. Because once we understand a process, we can tweak it for yourselves and use or apply it. I loved when you detailed how you came to your decision to sell your house and travel, and you told it all. You didn’t complain about what you gave up. You figured out what you needed to do to get to the longer term goal and you just did it. In fact, I’ve read that section more than once for inspiration!

    I’m not a guy and I grew up in a pretty traditional family. You helped give me the confidence to research and purchase a small RV and you reinforced my dreams about seeing the beauty of the West. I’ve cut back on work so that I can enjoy my later years and try to find that balance that makes this special kind of travel enjoyable and affordable.

    Anyway, just wanted to say how much I appreciate what you do and that every day or two I click my bookmark, saying to myself, “I wonder what RVSue is up to.” And the result is always interesting and often fun.

    Take care.

  214. Gal and a cat in FL says:

    I rarely comment but read every time you write and enjoy every minute of it! We are all here. I read all the comments too. Well maybe not all 434 of them today yet!
    I’m the one who has the 21’C and a little nervous wanting to set out for the west in late spring/summer. Right now enjoying Fl and the beautiful weather. Not ready for full time yet but want so to go out west. I am not a loner though and would love to meet someone else with a rig who would like to do it also. Just someone to buddy up with share some of the sights, good and bad times but still travel independently. Pretty hard to find I guess. This country is beautiful and just don’t want to do it alone/alone. So many places are more geared to couples and I am single. But back to your blog, take whatever time you need to collect yourself. We are all here waiting to see/hear your excursions. Yep, even walmart stops!
    hugs 2u

  215. weather says:

    Hi, blogorinos, do you have a few favorite places with water to camp near, swim, kayak or fish in? Creek, river, pool at a hotel, ocean or whatever, a list of options would be great to consider while making plans. Hope everyone is doing great, or at least okay today.

    • wildflower in prescott says:

      Hi weather, I recommend Oak Creek Canyon between Sedona and Flagstaff. I also would recommend visiting during the shoulder seasons because too many people in the summer. I am not a fisher person but I have seen people fishing. The creek isn’t big enough to swim in but SlideRock State park is fun for many people. There are several forest service campgrounds along the creek and boondocking up on the rim towards Flagstaff.

    • Diann in MT says:

      Hi, weather. My best place on earth is the East Rosebud Canyon out of Roscoe, Montana. Google Earth it. You will discover it ends in a steep canyon, at the bottom of which is East Rosebud Lake. From there, are trailheads that head south and east to some of the most scenic vistas in the USA. A friend of mine from Italy remarked once that it resembled the Alps where she grew up. There is an old fashioned FS campground near the lake and an improved on the FS road to the lake. Like most Montanas, I hope I didn’t divulge a well kept secret here. LOL

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Hi, weather,

      One of my favorite places is Emerald Isle, NC…Bogue Sound on one side, and the ocean 2 blocks over. I love to bird watch on the Sound side. Very peaceful, tranquil…..perfect! 🙂

      Sending you a hug! Have a good evening! 🙂

    • Kathy (NC) says:

      Hi weather
      Jordan Lake SP, near Raleigh, NC – 3 large campgrounds each with some waterfront sites. Our favorite is Crosswinds, lots of good info on the SP website. This is our ‘local’ lake – husband fishes, dogs swim (I paddle!) and when we take the boat as well as the RV we can explore the whole lake. Great fun!

  216. becky heyse says:

    I’ve been lurking on your blog for a couple years now, but rarely comment. I enjoy other people’s comments tho, and can see how easily it would be to get attached to your followers. We just bought an older RV and will be spending our year camping – short weekends and hopefully a longer jaunt or two. We are considering becoming full timers soon, but are dipping our toe in cautiously. Your blog hooked me because of the doggies. We will be traveling with our two dogs, but I must say, ours are ot nearly as social or well mannered as yours. We have Shelties, have had these two less than a year, both from a Sheltie rescue group. We have challenges with barking, being aggressive with each other and other dogs, and generlly just being kind of anti social. SO I try to catch up with you every week or two, and appreciate all the pretty pictures, and all the information you provide. Just wanted to say hello.

  217. Mick'nTN says:

    Hi RvSue&Crew, As an engineer I have learned to divide problems into small segments to ease the analysis of seemingly unsolvable dilemmas. If you look at your blog as > 1- the Amazon business, 2- the documented retirement travels, and 3- the interactive fun with many Blogorinos friends. Of course you have to choose the subdivisions.

    Assign time and value to each area. What area causes the problems? What area gives the most joy. What is your pay in $ / hour?

    I love your blog. It is the best IMHO!

    You don’t really have to do this on paper, but an engineer would. 🙂

    • Susan in Dallas says:

      Before I started my teaching career, I was a secretary to a team of engineers and I absolutely loved working with them! Guess it is that logical, sequential side of me. They were a lot of fun as well. Good times!

      • Diann in MT says:

        Mick! Been waiting for your analysis! Finally. It appeared.
        My son is an engineer, too. You guys are coldly practical, but you all have soft hearts.

  218. Good Afternoon Blogorinos and Weather! I am busy making plans to go to Portland in May for my Brothers’ wedding…The whole family is going from here to Portland, because the brides son is there and he is giving her away, so away we all go…a little stressful but we my sister’s step-daughter married a Delta employee and we can get a friends and family discount…so away we all go. Should be fun, but it is so stressful making reservations for hotels and cars and such.

    Back to the subject, I am okay today, I feel a little hole in my day, but I know that Sue will be checking in on us now and then.

    My favorite water feature is, of course, mountain streams in the high Sierras, where I love to fish. I know there are other fishers out there…I plan on fishing again in Boise sometime this year and when I am traveling hope to hit Montana..Do you hear me Tracie?

    Thank you all for contributing, I have a feeling this particular blog is going to get really long…Sue needs to post just an empty blog for us to fill up or we will never catch up with all the comments…

    Love you Weather, you are quite a backbone when one is needed. I appreciate you and I know that Sue does also. Take care and I hope you are out of the deep freeze. Smile at those little critters on your back porch for me, for you never know how long before they want out on there own..

    Peace and loving thoughts for you all. Good luck with upcoming surgery D.G., keep us posted.

    • Elizabeth says:

      Thinking of you and others with you flying…wishing your trip will go well and you will escape the nasty TSA agents…hopefully you will only pass ones who are reasonable and nice!! Hope the wedding goes off well and everyone has a fine time…what a fun thing to do…going off to celebrate with many you love!!

    • weather says:

      Love you, too , Shirlene, thanks for commenting back 🙂 I hope the trip stress and hole in your day melt into smiles about what you have to look forward to. The wedding sounds great , and so does fishing in the high Sierras, Boise and Montana. It looks like the freezing temps will over by Friday morning again. Last night there was a short black out. Wow, was I grateful that the reset button on the furnace worked! You’re right about the kitties likely soon wanting to be on their own. Having been part of their lives for this long has been such a gift. Consider them smiled at for you, and yourself hugged

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Have a wonderful time at the wedding, Shirlene! 🙂

    • DesertGinger says:

      Thanks Shirlene! Good luck with your trip.

  219. It says my comment is awaiting moderation…I wonder why? Did I do something wrong or does Sue have to do something?

  220. bess in eugene, oregon says:

    hi sue, i am wondering if there is a way for us to suggest topics of interest for future posts? i see that weather has suggested a great topic in places to camp near water feature and having us report in with our favorites.

    i probably could think of some other topics, like how do couples who RV keep a sense of privacy for each person. for instance, how do they have some alone time while being so close to each other all the time.

    the problem with these topics being suggested in the comments section is that they get lost among all the other topics and aren’t seen by everyone, especially if they are at the end section of the comments and a new post pops up and everyone moves on to the new topic.

    we did a great job with the food and cooking topic. also with what does it mean to boondock and where. equipment has been discussed too. reading books. hobbies. any other ideas people?

    much love and good greetings to all!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I appreciate the suggestion, bess. I think it best that those topics of interest be brought up and addressed in comments. I want to keep the posts about the “adventures” of RVSue and her crew, for the most part anyway. I’m afraid it would be more taxing on my energies to post about topics generated externally… and then trying to insert photos. I’m tired thinking about it! People suggesting topics would be like homework. Thanks anyway.

      The purpose of building this comments section is for topics, questions, concerns, personal challenges, socializing, information gathering, etc. be left out of the blog and driven by the interests and needs of readers, enabling me to tell my stories and record my travels with the crew. Some readers check the previous post for comments that came in late.

      You’re right. Comments are missed the way it is. It’s disorganized and haphazard. Even so, I hesitate to fool with what made this blog popular and what suits my personality and writing style.

      BTW… In a few minutes I will put up a new post. Everyone, feel free to start new topics (or continue ones from here) then…

      • Renee Galligher - Idaho says:

        Nicely said Sue! For those that want to suggest topics, there are forums that allow that and better suited to it, such as A blog is just that, somewhat of an online diary of goings on.

        • Sue CleanerGreenerVegas says:

          If anyone has winter/spring and wants a relatively quiet camp to boondock in South Kansas, Harvey County Park West is an old-fashioned family spot with plenty of electric hookups, showers, hiking trails, bait shop. Very full on holiday

          weekends but other times notso much. For 100$ you can purchase a 6 month pass , and if you don’t need other hookups, it’s a great place to chill for a while. A cool dip in the swimming pond was my favorite spot many a summer(Don’t confuse it with Harvey County East, a nice park too but very different feel.)

  221. Laurie from southern oregon and beyond says:

    Hi Sue ,
    I doubt others are gone but only living the Rv life like myself. I still read every post and its just as good as when you started. I rarely comment because im busy working and Rving living the life baby. Chin up and do what you gotta do. Everyone will understand.

  222. Leesa (IA) says:

    Always read your blog and only occasionally comment. I am more of an observer, taking in information for when I hit the road. Your blog is a valuable source of this information and would be sorely missed. I enjoy the way you can make a story out of everyday things and it helps to remind me to “stop and smell the roses” so to speak. Hope you find your mojo and keep entertaining us with your wit and travels. And the antics of Bridget and Reggie too of course!

  223. Tina says:

    Hi Sue,

    I can’t believe it’s been almost 5 years. I’ve been tagging along from the beginning, think I found you from over at Tioga George. I don’t always leave a comment, but do really look forward to your blog posts no matter what they are about, the doggies, flowers, what place you are camped at, it’s always something to take my mind away to hopefully what one day I will be doing.

    Don’t over think this blog thing too much, you have that winning story teller inside of you. 🙂

    Take care,

    Northern CA

  224. Krystina ~ Sutton, Vermont says:

    So now that I am over my panic attack!!! My heart was beating so fast I thought I might have a heart attack!!! As everyone here has already said over and over…YOU ARE THE BEST and we all love you. As for me, I talk about you all the time to family and friends just like you were a sister or my best friend…truly I do. Many times I have wondered just how you manage to find new subjects to keep us all entertained. I think we all love Walmart and laundramat (sp) stories and just your everyday life…and of course all the Miss Bridget and Reggie antic stories. That long ago time when I met you (I know, I am going straight to hell…sorry) I thought you were the nicest, caring person EVER…and yes, I too thought we had know each other forever. As all the Bloggerinos have already said, when I finally get your newest post there are usually about 50 comments already that all say exactly what I would say. I am often tempted say “what she said” because the Bloggerinos are excellent writers and great thinkers and story tellers. Since I moved back to Vermont I have been pretty busy trying to get the house put together. It was -20 last weekend and a pipe froze. My friend Casey brought over an electric heater and put it under the house where the pipe was and thank God it unfroze within 2 hours with no pipe breaking. Always something…just like in an RV. Of course my baby girl Nora comes over and before she arrives I need to move EVERYTHING in the house up where she can’t reach it. Sooooo, please stay the person that you are and stay in all of our lives. If that means only a once a week update from you…so be it. We all would be devastated if you left us. Love you RVSue.


  225. Cindy in OR says:

    I am one who doesn’t comment often. I always take time to check my blog reader for your blog entries, as I enjoy them so much. Often times I delete many or all of the other blogs I follow for lack of time, but I always look for yours!

    I think part of the reason I don’t comment is that I’m not sure how I could contribute to the conversation – I’m a wannabe. I could certainly think up questions to ask but I don’t want to be too annoying. I’m an introvert. A lurker!

    And as I mentioned already, time. I really try to limit the time I spend online, as it can really take over the free time I have. I work full-time+ and have many interests that I just don’t have the time or energy for.

    I hope you don’t take my lack of interaction personally. On rough days your blog entries really keep me going and focused on the goal of camping as a way of life after I retire. Thank you for that!

  226. Lisa, Tommie and Buddy in SoFlo (for now) says:

    Hi Sue, I hope you are still reading comments while you take a break from the blog slog. I sincerely hope you continue to blog and don’t stop altogether. You shared that you wonder where and how some of us are, well I know there would be plenty more of us wondering the same about you. In a way we are like electronic Pen pals, getting to know each other through shared bits of our lives. I treasure our relationship and because of your shared adventures, soon I will share a lifestyle of fulltiming. I would never have the confidence to do that without your example. So you see, anything you feel like writing, I will look forward to reading. I haven’t figured out how to get an email every time you post, maybe someone can help me with that please.

    I don’t comment all the time, but I am here for every post, maybe a few days behind the crowd but hang on ’cause me and my crew are coming!! I don’t comment on my everyday because I don’t have news to share. I live in a studio apartment right now with my dog and cat. I go out two or three times a week to an art studio in town to do art, ceramics and acrilycs mostly. This helps me because I can’t work, I am disabled with MDD,(that’s major depressive disorder) I train dogs for the same reason, it gets me out of the house, and out of my head. There are other factors that affect me, but I share that one because it can limit me the most. I remember when you shared about your struggling with depression, how you choose to avoid some locations that you found difficult, and I found that extremely encouraging.

    I traveled last fall to get my camper and found I did better on the road. A change of scenery, being out in the healing quiet of nature, living simpler at a slower pace. I didn’t want to go back to that studio!! But I had to, in order to downsize and prepare.. .all of which I have learned from you miss Sue.

    So you see, there are a LOT of folks who would miss your posts and adventures. We wonder how you are doing too. We will be here, like true friends, you don’t have to feel obligated to dress up or clean the house or even talk, just spend some time with us. Sit on the porch and swing a bit, when you’re ready to share we’ll be ready to listen.

    • Marilyn, Dania Beach, FL says:

      What an inspirational post, Lisa. I truly appreciated the openness.

      Good luck with managing your MDD. We are all here for you. Keep in touch.


  227. Linda (Wisconsin) says:

    I’m a few days late… to this discussion. I catch up to the blog once a week or so. I think often of dear Spike and his soaks. Thank you for sharing him with us. Beautiful photo of Bridget today by the way, her sweet face.

    You have something special in your blog voice. But it is not easy being a public persona. It’s a jungle out there (on the internet).

  228. Ron in Oregon says:

    Sue, I am one of the “quiet ones around the campfire”. I read a lot but am not long on words. Once while traveling with my wife after a long streak of silence from me, she asked me if I didn’t have something to say, I told her in jest “I can’t drive and talk at the same time”. I just like to be quiet and observe.

  229. Sue…, here I am, a week late like I have been for the past 2 months…..that is why I haven’t commented lately, I’ve been so behind in my reading!!! By the time I catch up on one post & read the comments, I know everyone else is talking about other things from newer posts, so I tell myself “I’ll post as soon as I catch up!”…..that hasn’t worked out so well. 🙁

    My job has gotten REALLY busy since the first of the year, I used to have tons of downtime, now I’m lucky to find time to check my email and see I have multiple new RVSue posts just waiting for me! That, by the way, makes my day! It’s like I have presents just waiting for me to open! I’m serious!!!

    So, today I get to this post, and I just wanted to scream out “I’m here, I’m still here!!!”. I felt so bad for you….because you know, if I didn’t see one of your posts, then I would of course wonder about you and how you were, hoping all was good. Honestly, before I read this post today (2/22) which you posted on 2/14, I checked and saw I had this one to read, and one from 2/17. I thought, wow, Sue hasn’t posted in 5 days, I hope she is okay…I better read quick and find out where she is, she probably is somewhere without service or something….then, boom, I read this post and then start thinking “oh no, she’s taking a break!?!” I still haven’t read the 2/17 post yet, so I don’t know if you are just taking some time or what. I’ll be to that one shortly…

    I do have to say that for myself, I will try to do a better job of at least popping in to say hi more often….I can see how you would feel how you do. And that isn’t fair, you do give so much of yourself to this blog, and I do feel like you are my friend…all of you blogorinos, too. I wonder how you all are doing all the time…and like right now I wonder how Desert Ginger is doing with her surgery happening today (saying a prayer right now!!!). This blog does mean so much to soooo many people, I can understand how important it is to you and how you worry about all of us as well. You have a huge heart, and I really hope you know how much you have influenced and inspired me as well as so many others.

    I can totally understand if you need some downtime….this blog has taken on a life of its own and I think it would be really hard to keep up, especially how you take so much time not only to write awesome posts each time, you add wonderful pics AND take the time to reply to everyone almost all the time. I couldn’t do it. To make you feel better, my husband started a blog, basically just for us, and just for our little trips we take….it is over a year behind, and I know it is just really hard to sit down and write up post, and that is just for us! You do it for all of us, so even more pressure!!

    Take your time, be yourself as you always have been, we will be here always!! We all love you! And I promise I’ll post more 🙂

  230. I had a gift (inspirational writing), which once a chore, sucked the life from it. It’s still buried deep within me but only I will know the moment it resurfaces. I will then choose how to present it, carefully and with limits. I say that because RV Sue, I suspect you’ll know what becomes right for you and when. I’ve missed the party here, am severely behind in reading your posts, but just felt a nudge to comment. I look to my heart for those. I’m sure your heart provides the occasional nudge as well.

  231. Hi Sue,

    I just ran across this post in my mailbox….and am now just reading it for the first time. I feel bad because I’m one of those people who dropped out of here, and I’m sorry. I didn’t realize how it might affect you.

    There’s lots of reasons that happened…though none of them have to do with you directly. It does have to do with some of your commenters, however. It bothers me when people say thoughtless things about others (this includes people AND animals), and what’s worse is the callous way these things are said…they have no clue what they’ve just done.

    When I read things like that over and over…it makes me depressed. What’s worse is that I suddenly realized these are the kinds of people I would meet everyday in my travels…and if I traveled more than I do…I would really lose it. I’m finding that I have a wonderful time when I RV…but I’ll meet some thoughtless “types” on those trips and start thinking how often these experiences would occur if I was full-timing. I can’t stand the thought of that happening so often.

    Yes, I’m hyper-sensitive…but I feel it’s a good thing, because my whole life I’ve always stood up for the underdog…and I often see that others don’t…and that’s a routine in their lives.

    The downside of being that way…is the overwhelming feeling of sadness that happens when I realize the insensitivity of people, and how it’s so normal for them to be this way everyday.

    So, I apologize to you Sue; nothing “bad” has happened to me…in fact I’m feeling quite happy these days.
    I’m excited about the election…I’m still working as a pet sitter. I’m still doing all the volunteering for animals that I’ve always been into. Still clog dancing…in fact I’ve just joined a clogging group that performs. The dancing has been a great balance in my life.

    Last year I spent 5 great RVing weeks all along the Western region during my annual trip…I was able to do that instead of visiting my Dad in the Ozarks, which is my usual trip. The reason being that he came here to AZ last Summer to attend my daughter’s wedding….yes, my only child got married! So, since my Dad came here, and we all had a nice visit…I was able to go someplace else for my trip…and it was great fun. I even went to one of your Natural Springs in Nevada…because YOU posted about it…I was determined to find it…and I did! It was wonderful…and I cried when I got there just like you did!

    So…Sue; it was nothing you did…per se. But, unfortunately you attract some fairly heartless commenters. I had to take a break from it….and now I’m reading some of the blog posts…and not the comments….as I will always enjoy your’s and Bridgett’s and Reggie’s adventures, and I’ve very appreciative that you chose to write about them 🙂

    Thank you

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Great to hear from you again, Cindy, and to know that you’re okay and enjoying life. I’m particularly happy that my blog informed you of the hot springs, that you went there, and the experience touched you as it touched me.

      I admit I’m stunned by your remark that my blog attracts “heartless commenters.” I don’t see that at all. People express themselves in different ways. Some are careful with their words, some write carelessly; some write with feelings of others in mind; others write to convey information and don’t realize they come off as harsh or uncaring.

      I like that people feel relaxed enough on my blog that they can write with directness and honesty, as you have done here. Overall I see my readers as caring people. In a bit of irony, you mention thoughtless types, yet someone recently wrote a comment of concern, wondering what happened to you.

      Whether you decide to be a part of my blog or not, I wish you well, Cindy, and hope you find joy wherever you go, whatever you do. Thanks for writing.

      • Hi Sue!

        Nice to hear from you, too!

        I did comment about my trip to the Hot Springs when I got back, but I don’t think you saw it at that time.

        Certainly, you don’t think I meant “all” your Commenters are heartless?

        And of course I did have some nice conversations with several of the others as well.

        However, since I’m sensitive and notice with glaring obviousness the ones who are heartless…I am not able to let that stuff go…and I can’t stop thinking about it…especially if I have a direct conversation with one and it takes much going back and forth…plus the support of one or two other Commenters to get the person to see what they said was wrong…and finally apologize for the insensitive thing they said…this actually happened when you took a break from your blog last year. But it bothered me so much…and I even told several people about it. I just can’t believe that people think those things…and go through life like that. I have to take a giant step back from that stuff to stay sane.

        Anyway…it sounds like I upset you, when here I was trying to just honestly answer the questions you had in this post. So sorry….

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          No need to apologize, Cindy. You didn’t upset me. To be honest, I think you are taking this too seriously.

          It’s like me getting mad at you for writing a comment saying my readers are thoughtless and insensitive. Over 300 people subscribe to comments. Just imagine over 300 people opening up my blog and being called insensitive and thoughtless. I realize that isn’t what you meant to do. But couldn’t they say you are insensitive and thoughtless toward them?

          Now don’t get offended. My point is this — EVERYBODY is insensitive and thoughtless. You, me, everybody! I daresay most of the time we don’t even realize it when we are. And the same goes for whomever it is that you are riled about. People are at different stages of growth. Some are spiritually and emotionally mature, others are spiritually and emotionally retarded, and many others are somewhere in between. Just as we don’t fault a young child for not behaving like an adult, the same goes for those who have a lot to learn about consideration for the feelings of others.

          I know this sounds like I’m scolding. I don’t mean it that way. I’m trying to give you some perspective. Gosh, if you had any idea the kind of stuff that people write about me — My spam filter catches most of it. I’ve been called names, been insulted up and down and cross ways. I can’t expect apologies. I just keep on keeping on and try to forget it.

          BTW, I did see your original comment about the hot springs and replied. I’ve read every comment on my blog. I don’t see anything to which you refer. The last few comments were people wishing you a happy birthday.

          • You’re right.

            And that’s exactly why it’s a problem for me….I catch everything…and then I react to it. That people don’t have any idea what has just happened just exasperates the problem.

            And I DO realize that people are trying to get to you, when the rest of us don’t see it. Are you kidding? I’ve spent a LOT of time thinking about just that!

            But no, I don’t think I am thoughtless and insensitive to your 300 subscribers. The reason being that I think I clearly stated that only some are this way ( and I’ll bet many of your readers are also the empathetic types who noticed those, just as I did)…and I also acknowledged those who are not that way.

            If you mean that I’m thoughtless and insensitive to those who are the thoughtless and insensitive….oh well! LOL! I don’t really care what they think…they have already hurt so many…that it doesn’t matter…unless they have apologized. And that’s why I won’t mention who I was referring to in my last comment…that person finally apologized.

            And yes…I agree; everybody is insensitive about one thing or another…we are not perfect…it’s not possible to be that way. Being human sets us up for this fail…no doubt about it. The trick is to be mindful about the world outside of ourselves. You may or may not be aware, but it’s something that you are constantly teaching us with your lifestyle….because you regularly blog about it. But there are some of us who are almost too mindful…we gotta hide out once in awhile….unfortunately.

            Take that post you did recently about that campground you guys were at when you did such a beautiful job showing the wildflowers…and then suddenly a bunch of men in orange jumpsuits came and cut everything down. That post made me cry…I couldn’t stand how that all went down. Then you said you had to remove some of either the post or some of the comments…or both; I can’t remember now. Anyway, I thought what happened at that campground spelled out a very serious problem…but do many people realize the impact of that? You did…I did….do many others? I don’t know….

            Anyway…I’m glad we’re still talking, and you’re not mad at me 🙂

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