More hopscotching rivers and reservoirs across northwestern Montana

Tuesday, July 18

Best Little Trailer nestled in a campsite at North Shore Campground, Noxon Reservoir

This is our second day at North Shore.

First thing this morning, as the crew and I head out for our morning walk, we come upon a man walking his dog.  I compliment him on his beautiful dog.

He tells me the dog’s name is Bandit.

Bandit is part border collie and part Australian shepherd.

That’s an energy-packed combination!  It may not look like it in these photos, but Bandit is constantly in motion, excited to meet Reggie and Roger.

Talking with Bandit’s owner, it’s obvious he loves his dog very much and is very proud of him.

Reggie seems to be thinking, “Wow!  So much fur!”

We continue on our way to the reservoir.

We stroll along the shore and then we head back to camp.   I’m ready for a second cup of coffee!

As we pass the boat ramp and dock, someone notices us.

“Hey, crew. . . . Here comes Bandit to see you again!”

~ ~ ~

Wednesday, July 19

We break camp and travel northwest on Route 200.  On the way we pass the bridge to Noxon.  I park the Perfect Tow Vehicle and get out to snap a photo.

From this point onward, Route 200 runs alongside Cabinet Gorge Reservoir.

A few more miles and we arrive at Bull River Campground.  The day is still young because we only moved about 20 miles from our last camp.

A turn to the right takes us into shady and quiet Bull River Campground.

“I like this!  Let’s find us a great site!”

We coast around the upper and lower loops.  Children ride their bikes on the lower loop’s paved road.

I’m happy for you, kids, but I don’t want you for neighbors.  Ha!

I find a pleasant, quiet site in the upper loop and back the BLT into it.  Immediately I put out the crew’s quilt.

Reg and Rog didn’t have much of a walk this morning and they need to play.

Bull River Campground’s camping fee is $10 regular/$5 with senior discount pass.  I do appreciate these inexpensive, National Forest campgrounds in Montana!

Reggie, Roger and I take a check for $5 to the self-pay station.  

I insert it in the envelope, write our information on the outside of the envelope, and drop it into the iron ranger.  I put the stub on our site’s post.

The camp host lady rolls up in her golf cart.

Camp hosts are usually delightfully friendly people who enjoy meeting their “guests.”  This woman is no exception.  She proceeds to share helpful information about the campground.

“Did you look at the loop over by the pavilion?”

“No, I didn’t.  I didn’t know there’s another loop.  I only saw a sign for the upper and lower loop.”

“You may want to take a look at it.  We get mosquitoes up here because there’s a pond back in the woods.  We put tablets in it which helped a lot.  The loop by the pavilion is shady and very nice.”

“Thanks for telling me about it.  I’ll drive us over there.”

“Take your pay stub with you.  That way, if you find a site you like, you can put it on the post.”

It isn’t apparent from the signage that there’s a third loop.

This is a good thing!  

Only a few sites are occupied.  We find a nice one, much better than the other site.

We can see Bull River from our outdoor room and from the back window of the BLT.

For lunch I make myself a turkey cheeseburger without the bun.  Food tastes so good when eaten outside among the cedars and pines!


NOTE:  If something in the post gives you “deja vu all over again,” that’s because I got ahead of myself in the previous post.  I had to do some rearranging in order to include the rest of North Shore Campground pics.

This is what happens when you blog in your vehicle on the side of the highway, otherwise known as “blogging by the seat of one’s pants!”

I hope you are enjoying your summer, wherever you are!  — Sue


I appreciate every order, large or small.  These links show you a few of the products that readers recently purchased from Amazon:

40-Channel CB Radio
High-Carbon Steel Gyutou
Blister Resist Quarter Socks
Musical Birthday Cake Dog Toy
Women’s Cotton Sleeveless Nightgown
Avon SKIN-SO-SOFT Bug Guard PLUS Moisturizing Lotion


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46 Responses to More hopscotching rivers and reservoirs across northwestern Montana

  1. Lisa in San Diego says:

    that last photo, of the river, is composed like a painting — beautiful

  2. Elizabeth in WA says:

    oh a stream!! Love it…hope the misquitos leave you all alone too!!
    Love the price too Sue…so wonderful that they are so reasonable!!

  3. Cynthia from San Clemente says:


  4. Deena in Phoenix says:

    Love the pic of Reggie inspecting Bandit; Roger seems to be holding Reggie back in the ninth photo; made the Bull River snapshot my new screen saver for the week…I do miss flowing water. I don’t mind the deja vu, it is what happens in real life story telling…have a wonderful time Sue and Boys…

  5. Cynthia from San Clemente says:

    Wow ! Your campsite is so beautiful. Love all the shades of green and I can almost hear the river running over the rocks to wherever it is headed. R&R look like they are having fun meeting all the other dogs they’ve encountered the last few weeks; everyone seems well-behaved. The photo of the two of them on the quilt is hysterical – you must have a pretty fast shutter speed to capture those expressions on their faces!!

    We are headed to Kauai and Maui next week for two weeks so I probably won’t be commenting – unless I have a good connection on my iPad. Hope everyone enjoys these remaining lazy days of summer.

  6. Dee Dee in Florida says:

    My first response in the top ten! Appears as if you enjoy continued success in discovering your “Zen scenes”.
    Dee Dee

  7. Cinandjules 🌵 says:

    Love it!
    Rog looks like he was sassying you! Have a great day!

  8. Love the camp sites….no picture of Roger smelling flowers? He’s so cute when I see him smelling flowers.

  9. Terri of Texas says:

    Can you sit in the river? That is where I would be-with a nice cold beer!

  10. Beth and Rosie dog, near Congress, AZ says:

    Sue and crew,
    I’ve been enjoying your “blogging by the seat of one’s pants!” Today you made me laugh out loud at least twice! Those are the best kind of laughs, they make ya feel better! Thank you 😊 .

    The pictures are fabulous as usual. Do you have any photo tips? The pic of Reg jumping on Rog, the looks on both their faces, is priceless! That was one of my lol moments.

    I’m still near Congress. Same place. It’s been a bummer not getting to travel as planned, but I’m trying to make lemonade out of the lemons I got handed this past year. If that comment was literally true, I’d need a huge freezer to store all that lemonade!

    Second question, got any tips to keep the gnats and mosquitoes off me and Rosie, besides staying inside? We’ve had rain more often this year and it’s the first time in 15 years of desert living that this has been a problem for me. Bug spray’s bad for the dog, so, I thought you might know something. Maybe another Blogorino might know something too… oh, the flies are bad too. Lemonade anyone? It’d be nice if that was my worst lemonade maker!

    Thank you again for a blog that is informative, funny, has great photos, well written, and is just plain old fashioned good!!! Ya know, good clean fun and reading. You do a superb job and I know I’m not the only one that feels that way.

    Been hidin’ in the shadows all year, but faithfully reading….

    • Geri in the FL panhandle! says:

      I work outside and the gnats and no-see-ums have been really bad, showing up about 4 pm daily! They get up my nose and between my eyes and glasses and drive me nutz! A local told me about Vicks salve or any kind of linement rub will keep them away. I had some China Gel topical pain reliever and be darned if it didn’t work great! Must be the Camphor/Menthol smell that kept them away! But China Gel is pricey so I located a jar of Vicks rub in stuff and it works good to. I just don’t like the greasy feel on my skin. But it does keep the bugs off! Hope it works for you!

      • Beth and Rosie dog, near Congress, AZ says:

        Not sure I could deal with the Vicks smell or the greasy feel. Thanks for letting me know. I bet your bug situation is sooo much worse than mine! It makes me feel bad for complaining! Having lived in the desert so long I got used to not having those particular pests around because it’s so dry here. Thanks for the info, I do have some Vicks and I just might try it… maybe. 😊

        • Just thinking, what if you got a simple neck scarf and dabbed Vicks on it and wore it loosely around your neck so Vicks would not touch your skin but be there to send bugs away?

        • Cheryl Tucker in The Lower Thumb of MI says:

          Tried Avon’s Skin-So-Soft? See in above purchases! It works and doesn’t give that greasy oily feeling, plus makes your skin so soft!!

        • Geri in the FL panhandle! says:

          Actually, the sore muscle lineament worked much better that the Vicks, but it is more expensive!

  11. weather says:

    Bandit really is a gorgeous and apparently can be trusted off leash. I’m guessing that development came after having gotten to spend a lot of time with that loving and proud owner. That’s always great to see.

    How nice of the camp host to come by and recommend the sites on a loop you weren’t aware of. Instead of hearing kid’s noise, or that of mosquitoes buzzing around( which might make you want to stay inside to avoid it)you had the Bull River to listen to, sweet!

  12. Dawn in MI says:

    That last photo could BE a painting! But then I suppose you see beautiful things like this no matter where you look. Thanks for sharing, glad the crew is having fun!

  13. Judy in East Texas says:

    Sue and crew….i am enjoying your trip to Montana. Thanks for all the details. I’m going to head up that way next summer and now thanks to you I know where to atop along the way.
    As always your blogs bring such joy to me.
    Stay safe out there my friend, Judy

  14. Suzette in TN says:

    Oh, wow! That last photo literally gave me chills! So beautiful! I’m loving this journey through Montana. So happy for you and the gang!

  15. Ilse in Sequim says:

    I always read the list of Amazon purchases. It’s I gefestigt g what people purchase. I didn’t know CB radios still exist and people actually buy them. My Lazy Daze came with one built in and I always wish it wasn’t there.

    • Ilse in Sequim says:

      That garbled mess up there courtesy of Apple auto correct is supposed to be “interesting”.

    • Curious why you wish your RV didn’t have a CB. There are those of us who still find them useful. For Instance, a few years ago while traveling in Texas, we were able to learn from a trucker near us on the road why traffic was delayed and how to get around it. A cell phone would not help because we didn’t know anyone on that road with us. But if you just don’t like it, it could be removed or simply left turned off. Older technology is not necessarily useless.

  16. Shelley in California says:

    I had to share that hubby is trained about ordering amazon when he as an order he has me order through your blog.

  17. Susan in Dallas says:

    That picture of your boys on the blanket is precious! Rog seems to have bounced back from his surgery very well and is really getting the hang of this boondocking life.

  18. Terri 106 degrees in Texas! says:

    If you notice in the list of Amazon purchases Skin so Soft works well for mosquitos and smells good too!

    • Rover Ronda says:

      I noticed that. Ironic, I’m sure she puts that list in before comments.

    • Alice says:

      Asked my vet about that because my two are being chewed with knats and flies. He said to dilute it with water, it could burn their skin. I have a beagle and Jack Russell. Other people I have seen on line swear by it. Just a heads up.

      • Beth and Rosie dog, near Congress, AZ says:

        I noticed that after I wrote my question. I read those lists too! Made me feel a little dumb for asking! I can’t remember if that list shows before or after you post on the iPhone. Oh well, I’ll definitely check the list before I write a question again! LOL

      • Cinandjules 🌵 says:

        We have used a natural product called Vetri- science “vetri repel spray” for our ferals. The noseeums and mosquitos always bit the back of their ears. Amazon has it. I applied it once every three days.

        • ApplegirlNY says:

          Yes, Cinandjules, you mentioned it to me before and I bought some of it. Works great. Smells like cloves. I also recommend it. I’ve even sprayed my legs and hats with it. If it works for one type of critter, why not all of us!

          • Cinandjules 🌵 says:

            Yikes girl…….I use the skin so soft…I do have a noseeum hood cuz I hated snorting them.

            And how are you? Jules is in ny and says it’s been raining just about everyday! She misses the furkids but has a kamikaze junebug that keeps her company! 🤣 So the bugs are horrid! They, our lake association, can’t do the aerial spraying.

            • ApplegirlNY says:

              Yes, bugs have been tough this year. Yesterday and today have been glorious –
              weatherwise, and hoping that we have several more, but Jules is right… rainiest summer I can remember, water levels are very high.

              I’ve swallowed more than my share of noseeums. Gross!

  19. Rover Ronda says:

    The boy’s blanket works like a wrestling mat. Set it down and game on.

    🐾Roger’s smile at the end❤️

  20. Beautiful shady campground, it looks like a perfect summer spot! Bandit has such a sweet and friendly face, and the little guys seem to adore him.

  21. Elaine & Miss Lovey says:

    I love love love the picture of Roger hugging Reggie. So sweet!

  22. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    “C’mon, Rog…say Uncle….SAY UNCLE!!!!” “No way, Reg…you can’t make me!!!!” Roger breaks free from Reggie’s chokehold, and is victorious at the end of playtime. The last photo of Roger says it all…”Hehe…..that Reggie thinks he can get the best of me..NEVER!!! No way, Jose!!!” 🙂

    How nice of the camp host to direct you to a better site! Enjoy your reading/playroom. It must be lovely, camped next to the river, with it’s soothing murmur….with the piney shade – perfect! 🙂

    Enjoy your Sunday, Sue! It is hard to believe that it is the end of July! Sending you, Reggie, and Roger love and hugs from me and Gracie pup!! 🙂

  23. ApplegirlNY says:

    I’ve really enjoyed your Montana travels. Such a beautiful area of this great country of ours. Bandit is a beautiful dog. Love those breeds.

    We’re having a beautiful day in the Adirondacks. It’s been so rainy this summer. We will enjoy the blue skies, crystal clear waters and piney forests this weekend. Life is good!

    So sorry to see that yellow chicken had a rough week with your two boys. Oh well, that’s part of being a member of the crew, even a stuffed one.

    Best wishes and blessings to all.

  24. Diann in MT says:

    Hi, Sue,
    Did you and the Blogorinos know that the U.S. Capitol Christmas Tree is coming from the Kootenai National Forest? Wonder where you are in comparison to where it is???

    Love the caption: “Wow! So much fur!” Hilarious.

  25. Sarah says:

    Their faces when they’re playing. Priceless!

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