Pet adoption event!

Friday, March 17

“Come here, Reg.  Today may be the day we find your forever friend!”

I stand at the open door of the Perfect Tow Vehicle.  Reggie hops into the driver’s seat. I clip the retractable leash I bought yesterday for this special occasion to the ring on the back of his harness.  I lift him out of the Perfect Tow Vehicle and set him on the pavement.

We walk toward the people and cages at the front of the store.

I review the qualifications I have in mind.

Playfulness, alertness, energetic but not too hyper, fearfulness is understandable in the circumstances but not too submissive, short coat, good bones, photogenic –no black faces — somewhere around Reggie’s age — and, most importantly, Reggie must approve!

~ ~ ~


Adopt-A-Rescue-Pet’s event is held at the back of the Petco store where a row of crates stacked two courses high hold the dogs.  A few crates are placed outside on the sidewalk.

While waiting for the doors to open, I watch the puppies.

Oh, the cuteness!

I’m familiar with these pups from having seen them on ARP’s website.  They’re all chihuahua-mix females about three months old.  The one in the bottom crate is the runt of the litter.

A woman exclaims, “Oh, is that Reggie?  Reggie!  I knew it was you when you were walking over here!”

She’s a volunteer with ARP.

She’s familiar with this blog and our lifestyle.  After scratching Reggie behind the ears, she exclaims, “I have to call Joe!  He’s in New Mexico right now visiting family.  He’ll be thrilled to see Reggie!  May I take a picture?”

She sends a pic via her phone to Joe (Reggie’s former foster dad).  Then she asks me if I’d like her to take the puppies out of the crate.

“Sure,” I respond, hesitantly.

I wasn’t going to consider puppies . . . .

“Put these gloves on while I take one out for you.  The one in the bottom crate is no longer available.”

The volunteer places the biggest, most rambunctious puppy, the white one, on a sheet on the sidewalk.

I fully expect Reggie to be all over this pup, because he’s always eager to play.  That’s his first reaction with any dog.

I’m stunned by what happens.

The puppy bounces over to Reggie and what does Reggie do? He jumps away!  He moves so quickly that I hardly capture the moment!

Gee, that was weird . . . .

The volunteer returns the big puppy to the crate and picks up the smaller puppy.

I love those ears . . .

Again I’m surprised.

The puppy walks boldly toward Reggie!

I like that! She’s curious and not intimidated.

Reggie responds with what looks like surprise. 

His tail wags.  He lets her sniff his face and then he makes a fast move, inviting play.

This is too much for the puppy.  She dashes to the security of the ARP volunteer kneeling close by.

Back in the crate, the puppy doesn’t cower. 

Good sign.  Instead she plays with the toys. Legs are slightly bowed.  Not enough to be a problem.  Strong back, good jaw.  Bone structure is sturdy, slightly finer than the bigger puppy.  I like her!

“This one seems right for us,” I say to the volunteer. “It’s been a long time since I’ve cared for a puppy.  She’s three months old, right?  About ready for potty training?”

The volunteer says, yes, the puppy is ready for training.

“Reggie could help her learn that.  What about spay and shots?”

“If you decide to adopt, she would be spayed right away and you could pick her up on Monday.  She has two more vet visits to complete the series of shots.”

“How would they be scheduled?  I mean what is the timing on those?”

The volunteer looks at the puppy’s file and explains. 

In short, the last vet visit would be due on April 27th.

Ooh . . . Over a month away. 

“Until the puppy has that last parvo shot around the 27th, she cannot be allowed out.  Parvo is transmitted by feces and she could pick it up outside.  The vet suggests waiting a week after the last shot before allowing the dog to walk outside.

Immediately thoughts of all the ramifications fly around in my head.

“Oh, no, that’s a problem, what with the way I live,” I respond, disappointed.  I search for a solution.  “I keep a large patio mat at the door of my trailer,” I offer hopefully.  “What if I restricted her to the mat?”

“That would be okay, but you’d have to treat it with bleach and . . . . ”

Potty training.  Puppy pads.  Vet visits.  Can’t walk her.  Have to bleach the mat.  This is too complicated.

“Right.  I see.  Reggie might contaminate the mat . . . and the floor . . . with his paws and it would have to be treated again and again.”

I thank the volunteer and decline the adoption.

So long, sweeties. You’ll be adopted before this day is over.

Reggie and I go inside the store to see the other dogs available.

Most of the dogs are too big or don’t qualify for one reason or another.

“Well, Reg.  Not today.  Maybe it’s for the best.  Let’s go home.”

Connected to me via the leash, Reggie trots cheerfully beside me as we cross the parking lot to the PTV.

“Here, pumpkin.  Have a drink.  You must be thirsty after all that excitement.”


NOTE:  Amazon is encouraging its Associates to try the ad format you see below.  I hope you find it interesting and helpful.  A search box is below the ads for your convenience. You can enter Amazon via any of the ads or use a search term of your own. — Sue


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95 Responses to Pet adoption event!

  1. suzicruzi from Van, WA. says:

    O.M.Goodness!!! 😉 xo

  2. suzicruzi from Van, WA. says:

    Kudos to us who listen to our gut. It’s a good sign. I sent love to your day back then, and I’m glad you and Reg felt all the love from Blogorinoland before you met up with those pups! Good on you Sue for making a very wise decision. There’s always tomorrow. xo

  3. Diane J says:


  4. Deena in Phoenix, AZ says:

    Aw. they’re so cute. I like the way you look at the animals…very thoughtful and insightful…A new experience for Reggie…the Amazon ad is interesting concept, hope it brings more to you, though I like the blogorino’s purchase list,,,have a Great weekend.

    Deena and Miss Mollie

    • rvsueandcrew says:


      I plan on keeping the links to blogorino’s recent purchases. Business has been slow lately so I didn’t have much to work with.

      You have a great weekend, too!

  5. Alice says:

    Nice pictures, cute cute puppies but yes they are a lot of work. Good luck with your search.

  6. Dave Stewart (in missouri for now) says:

    Well Not today, But you will know when you find the right playmate. Don’t give up!
    Hope ur enjoying where you are at.

  7. Diane J says:

    Yes, puppies are tons of work…….and some will be chewers…….so be prepared to replace a lot of shoes, socks, books, etc…….maybe a few years old is better.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re right, Diane. I would accept the work if we lived in a conventional home. The volunteer acknowledged that a puppy in an RVing home is more difficult.

  8. Susan Vlastelica says:

    Really darling puppies! You made the best decision for the puppy. With parvo, and now lepto showing up in the southwest, puppies would be an issue for you. You and Reg will find the perfect fit for both of you!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Susan . . . .What is lepto?

      • Leptospirosis. They get it from water I think and there are a TON of different strains. It’s actually better to forego that one (all actually except the core vaccines) unless they are water dogs. I need to go look that one up again.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Thanks, Shawna. By forego, I assume you mean forego the vaccination for lepto.

        • I just looked that up and yes from water sources or infected urine from wild animals who may have sprayed on bushes. etc. Might be a good idea, but I definitely wouldn’t do the yearly vaccination. We really over-vaccinate our dogs and cats. Good thing to research to make up your own mind. Personally I believe this to be true.

      • Susan Vlastelica says:

        Hi Sue – Lepto is Leptovirus. Not usually a problem in the SW. It is one of the diseases dogs can transmit to humans. Right now, there is an outbreak in the SW. Once the weather gets warmer, the virus will die out here. In the meanwhile, I am avoiding walking my dogs in town etc. I do not vaccinate for lepto because I have small dogs and the vacvination is very hard on them – came close to losing my Yorkie many years ago from the vaccine.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Oh, dear… Reggie meets up with dogs everywhere we go.

          Thanks for the additional info.

        • Rover Ronda (WA) says:

          We had a negative experience with the vaccine too.
          Last year I decided to vac for lepto since I’d heard it’s becoming more prevalent in WA. We see squirrels, possums, and raccoons in our yard regularly and once a porcupine.
          Usually my vet clinic does a good job. I really like the vet we see whenever I have time to schedule with her. However, they messed up that day, AS the tech gave the vaccine she told me to keep an eye on them for the next 12 to 24 hours. WHAT…at that time I was sleeping afternoons and working nights. So I “stayed up late” to watch them. Eventually I fell asleep.

          When I woke up Maggie was still fine, but Peanuts rear leg (injection site) was swollen, hot, and he wouldn’t walk on it. I carried him outside to potty and he walked on his other legs, his breathing n heart rate were normal so I decided he didn’t need to go to emergency. I went to work,quickly did the bare minimum n made arrangements to go home early. He was so uncomfortable and lethargic he let me keep a ice pack on it. By morning we got the swelling n heat down and he did ok, just seemed at little sore. And both dogs were less active that day. I don’t think we are going to get that vaccine again. Or follow Shawna’s queue and just avoid annually

  9. Such cute little babies, but it IS probably for the best; so much hassle for you, and spaying/neutering at that early age really isn’t good for them. You will find just the buddy for the Reggie Man!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Shawna,

      I was weak. 🙂 I did feel that Reggie could take on the smaller puppy as a sidekick. I could see them bonding. What is the best age for spay/neuter? Six months?

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        Oh, gee… I just realized I asked you the question before that. Don’t mean to badger you!

        • No worries. They really shouldn’t be spayed/neutered before six months and some even recommend nine months to a year.

          • Get I in FL panhandle! says:

            Our vet says it gives the dogs time to mature, emotionally, at 6months or older!

          • Geri in the FL panhandle! says:

            Sue, your insight is right on as usual! A puppy might be sweet and cute but they are also a lot of work! When DoogieBowser took the Rainbow Bridge, my heart was broken. When Chuck wanted to go visit the Human Society less that 2 weeks later, my heart hurt, but I went. When that ugly lump of dog stole his heart, I couldn’t imagine why! Well, Tater has come out of his depression and I cannot imagine that I thought of him as an ugly lump of a dog! He has won my heart and his now apparent sweet and funny personality just cracks me up! His newest trick is singing! Hahaha! I wish you could hear him sing! Yes, Tater makes us laugh and he is such a totally different dog now than the one we brought home a few short months ago! So there just is no telling in advance how a dog will turn out! Chuck was right to trust his gut and I know you will also trust your gut and know the right dog when you meet !

  10. Elizabeth says:

    OH such a cute little puppy…that would have been hard to leave…sorry, Sue!! That was odd that she would be spayed before 6 months…never heard of that before either…

  11. Nancy in California says:

    Puppies are fun but oh so much work! My GSD puppy just had her final set of shots,so next week she starts puppy classes. I have been wheeling her around in a stroller in various parks and places so she can start seeing different things. I will be glad when I can let her feet hit the ground outside of my house! She has almost already outgrown the stroller!
    You could use a stroller for excursions for a young puppy, but you would need a crate inside and a corral (with clean, dedicated mat) outside for housetraining. Oh, and disinfecting both your and Reginator’s feet every time you went ouside, before you went back in trailer! I think you made a very wise decision!!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Nancy,

      I definitely “made a very wise decision” as much as Reggie and I go in and out our door each day. It wouldn’t work having to disinfect.

      Yay for your pup! Out of the stroller and off to explore the world!

      I know you will be happy when that happens. 🙂

  12. Aww, so sad that looked like a big problem to get that little puppy girl, bet Reggie was definitely disappointed too,,, well there will be mabee a chance for a added crew member later on,, was so excited as I read this post that Reggie might have a companion,,,, oh, Piper says hi too,,,,, Rusty n Piper

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Rusty,

      Oh, you know, Reggie. Nothing makes him sad for long. Maybe he was relieved he didn’t have to go into one of those crates! Hi, Piper!

  13. Ken Canada says:

    Hi Sue…
    What I have found…
    If you lay the dog on its back and it snarls or try’s to bite you….it will not be
    a good dog to have when it is older. Too aggressive.
    If it just lays there on its back , it will be a good dog.
    Just a thought from what I have found out.

    Ken Canada

  14. Rob says:

    The adventure continues…

  15. Jan NH says:

    Oh my, how odd that Reggie shied away from the larger puppy but maybe that was his way of saying, “I don’t think so, mom!”
    I’m sure you will find the right pal for you and Reggie. As you already know, it could take a few visits to find just the right crew member.
    Those puppies sure are adorable.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Jan,

      Yes, it was very odd. It was like Reggie was repulsed by the puppy. Maybe the puppy had a smell that Reggie associated with something bad. It’s hard to say. The pup didn’t do anything weird. Acted like she wanted to play.

  16. ValGal (westernWA) says:

    Puppies are so adorable; they steal our hearts. But, they are a ton of work! The housetraining, the civilizing, learn to walk on a leash, learning to respond appropriately to words, etc. not to mention those super sharp puppy teeth that hurt when they play with you!

    Good to know Reggie knows what he wants and shows it!

    The search will sort itself out over time.

    Meanwhile, there’s spring to enjoy and walks with the Reg!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Yes, ValGal! Your last line has me looking out the window at the blue sky and clouds. I need to go out and take some photos when Reg wakes up from his nap.

  17. Pookie and Chuck in Todd Mission Tx says:

    yep………puppies are a chore even if a delight…you made the right
    decision…………there will be others
    thanks for posting
    chuck and pookie

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome, chuck and pookie. I’m glad you agree with my decision. To think I could be cleaning up puppy pee right now…

  18. Barb from Hoquiam! says:

    Awe… Well, Sue, you are getting great info and advice… we all know that you will find the right match… it will happen if it is meant to happen.


  19. Retiredcajunlady N Louisiana says:

    Oh, Sue, I KNEW you were a smart cookie!! You were right to rethink the precious pup and know that your lifestyle wouldn’t be the best for any of you. The circumstances would have been so hard on all three of you. Just as I knew the right pup would be there for me….and he was….there’s a little pup in you and Reggie’s future just waiting for you two loving souls to come along.
    We are having thunderstorms today…perhaps hail later today. I wish I knew how to ease Willee’s anxiety during bad weather. I have tried so many things folks have suggested and nothing so far has worked (thunder shirts didn’t work either). So I put a little crate bed in the hall and just keep an eye on him. And I will cook a chicken breast tonight!!! He will love that.
    I loved the pictures of the puppies for adoption. They will be scooped up faster than Reggie can make you smile! Have a glorious weekend. Belly rubs, hugs, and ear scratches for Reggie, and prayers for you both.
    Oh, Sue! A long time ago you posted a recipe for chicken breast cooked with soup and onions and cheese and chilies. Over the years it has been a favorite. The last time I cooked it, I shredded the chicken in the mixture, let it cool, and rolled portions in corn tortillas. Baked just to golden and crisp up the corn tortilla! Oh my gosh, delish! Just thought other readers might enjoy a new twist to an old favorite!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      That recipe does sound delicious. I wonder who first posted it here on this blog. I’ll see if I can find it.

      I’m sorry for poor Willee. Poor guy. We can understand the cause of the sound but dogs can only imagine.

      Yeah, those puppies found homes that day, I’m sure. Their photos were pulled from the adoptable dogs section on the website.

      You have a glorious weekend, too!

      • Nancy in California says:

        Oh my, i hope you find that recipe! It sounds like it is right up my alley!!

        • Retiredcajunlady N Louisiana says:

          Nancy, it is 4 chicken breasts (I brown in Pam), an onion, chopped, can of cream of chicken soup, a can of green chilies, and cheese. No other directions were given, but I remember I wrote the combo down. I don’t put the cheese until the chicken is done. I have also added a clove of garlic that I press into the onion before I add the soup, a little bit of water or chicken broth, a sprinkle of cumin, oregano, and red pepper. Being a pepper jack fan, that is the cheese I always use, but any favorite cheese would be good. I hope this helps.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Here’s the post: “Dinner out and the crew’s revenge, plus readers’ recipes” — January 2014

  20. Pat from Mich. says:

    They have been spaying puppies as young as 8 weeks now. Personally, I don’t think it’s a good idea. IMHO, I think 4 to 6 mo. would be minimum, 7 to 9 mp would be better. I suppose shelters are worried that the adopter won’t spay at all. Be really careful with that retreactable leash Sue, people have gotten bad burns from them and some people have lost fingers. You shouldn’t have any problem with a little guy like Reggie, but do take care with it.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks for the warning, Pat. I only used the retractable at the adoption event so I wouldn’t look like a cowboy with loops of tether in my hand. I don’t trust those things. When Reg goes outside he’s on the 25 ft. tether. It’s strong and, like you warn, it doesn’t cut or burn.

  21. weather says:

    Hi, Sue, I hope you didn’t feel very disappointed by not finding Reggie’s forever friend there. I’m glad you made the decision to walk away from what didn’t feel right for you at the time.Your saying “…Maybe it’s for the best…” makes me wonder…

    Are you so enjoying having this sweet, and simpler, time with just the two of you that a part of you was glad not to leave there with another dog? Or was it because you really want someone closer to Reggie’s age and were just finding a baby faced puppy hard to resist?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, weather,

      No, I wasn’t terribly disappointed. I have the attitude of “if it happens, it happens.” Of the two situations you state in your second paragraph, I’d say the second is closest to what I want. It’s also true that I realize the only-dog status that Reggie and I enjoy is a price to pay for the companionship that another dog will bring.

      I have a feeling you think I should leave well enough alone and forget about introducing another dog into our home. 🙂

      • weather says:

        Ha! No that’s not what I think. I’m a big fan of the more the merrier concept when it comes to having multiple critters of all kinds in a home. I just want you do what makes you happiest and was trying to get a better idea of what that might be.

  22. AZ Jim says:

    What fun!! Bet Reg had a ball.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Jim,

      Reggie was fine with it all. The dogs were very noisy and there was a lot of confusion with people milling around. He has more fun when he can play with one dog, like Sadie, without all that commotion.

  23. ApplegirlNY says:

    Yup. I could hear the stress level rising as you went over things in your mind with that little pup. Sometimes, it’s just not the right time/combination. Glad you went and shared the tale. Those pups sure were cuties.

  24. Linda-NC says:

    Well I was wrong about Reggie! He won’t accept just any dog. A dog of fine taste and intuition. Sometimes things just happen. When my husband and I decided to get another dog after losing our last one, we went to the animal shelter and scoured ads looking for THE ONE. This went one for about 6 months. Then one day while we were at at moving sale I commented on his nice dogs. He had 2 labs/mixes and said that he was going to rent another place and they would only allow one dog-would we be interested in the other one?. ..I fell in love with Maggie right away. So she came home with us and 13 1/2 years later I still love my little girl! So…I guess my point is that you never know when that right dog will come along. Whatever you decide, another dog or not, you will know what is right for you and Reggie.
    Maggie also got sick from a 3 way vaccine and now I only give her the Rabies vaccine for the last ten years. You and Reggie keep doing what you do so well!

    • Dawn in Asheville says:

      Aw, what a wonderful story about how you found Maggie! Be sure you check out my response to your comment on the last post. Maybe we should meet at a dog park?

      Wow, RVSue – I had no idea that puppies and vaccines were so complicated. Both Cerbie and then Freyja were already older when I got them so have never had the puppy experience. Unbelievable about the Parvo and the restrictions until they are safe. That’s just crazy.

  25. Linda-NC says:

    PS- If you see a moving sale-stop! HAHAHAHAHAHA!

  26. Pat from Mich. says:

    One of the dog cartoons I used to follow had a dog on a 2 mile (yes) retractable leash. So the dog was 2 miles down the road visiting when his owner dropped the leash. I don’t remember how, but he knew the leash had been dropped and was now rapidly rolling up as it got closer to him AND, if the end of the leash hit him, he was dead! So he went around trees, in and out of doors, through windows, but it still followed and got closer. He finally saved himself by going in an elevator and taking it up the stairs. That stymied the leash until he could get it off. It was hilarious!

  27. Claudia Meyers says:

    Hey Sue, just a heads up on future spaying. I heard over in europe where they are super strict about their dogs wellbeing that when spaying a female they only take the ovaries. I asked my vet before my Bella was spayed. He said he would research and let me know as he had not heard of the ovary only proceedure. He was very impressed as not so much extensive or invasive surgery. Before I took my Bella he had already done a Yorkie. He said he will always do just the ovary surgery. Just an FYI for you.

  28. kgdan from Wapato, WA says:

    Ah, Reggie. I really liked that white puppy! So sorry she scared you.

  29. Cinandjules (🌵) says:

    She was adorable…..but too many “limitations” due to her still being a puppy!

  30. Barbara (Nashville) says:

    The puppies sure were cute. However, I do not have the patience to train a puppy. I think you did the right thing.
    Give me an older, lazier dog and I will be happy. Angel is not lazy, but she is pretty calm for a JR. She just had her 7th birthday in February. Hope you have a great weekend.

  31. Mary in CO says:

    If you haven’t read, A DOGS PURPOSE by Bruce Cameton, check it out. All from the dog’s point if view. Keep tissuues handy

  32. Linda & the 3M's Carmichael, Ca says:

    I was so excited when I saw the heading of the post. I’m sure you will find the right crewmate just like you did when you found Reggie. When I replied to your previous post it was on my desktop computer and didn’t have my location already added as part of my signature. Back on my tablet today:-) I’m keeping good thoughts for your search!!

  33. Darling faces and I love that blond color – but alas a puppy in training is certainly a lot of work. Delighted to be on the search with you again. Reggie is a big help when making your decision :-)))

  34. Karen in Pacific NW says:

    I will take the time to comment on how much I hope you stick with your own way of posting the links to what your readers have purchased on Amazon using your link.

    First of all I use advertising blockers in combination with my browser so the link suggested by Amazon did not show up until I disabled my ad blocking software. You readers are often purchasing items related to what I am interested in which is items for RV travel and of course some pet related items. The Amazon link was just a whole bunch of puppy stuff which I don’t want or need.

    I do have fun looking at things your readers buy but I would not be bothered to disable the ad blocker and then reload the page just to see Amazon general category advertising. I strongly suggest you stick with the winning combination you have already been using as it is a lot more fun to see. It is much more of a personal connection within your reader “family” community that you have worked so hard to develop over the years. Amazon generic could never come close to matching the truly personal touch that binds your dedicated readers to you.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks for the feedback, Karen. I need to clarify.

      I’m not giving up the list of links to what readers have purchased. Have you noticed that I don’t always include the list? This post happens to be one of those posts.

      Ever since I started with Amazon, I’ve had ads.. sometimes for home furnishings, sometimes for Paperwhite, or auto parts or camping or whatever. These new ads replace those old ads and the categories will change frequently. The new ads do not replace the links to items recently purchased by readers.

      A couple weeks ago Amazon changed its commission rate schedule. I didn’t notice at first. I now see that this change significantly reduces my earnings. Add to that a slump in orders from readers and I’m experiencing a severe drop in Amazon income.

      It’s difficult to post links of what readers have bought if they don’t buy or the purchases are everyday items. I like to wait until I have at least six items to list that are interesting, not lists of things like graham crackers and Bayer aspirin (although I appreciate those purchases!)

      Simultaneous with all the above is Amazon’s encouragement to insert the kind of ads you see under this post. I need Amazon more than Amazon needs me which is why I try to keep in line with the program.

      I chose the category of puppy supplies to match the content of the post. Tomorrow it will be something different. Ignore the ads when they don’t interest you.

      As for the search box. . . . If you want to shop for, say, LED lights, type in LED lights in the search box. That way you do not get a generic Amazon page or a page about products of no interest to you.

      I don’t know what “link suggested by Amazon” you refer to in your second paragraph so I’m unable to address that.

      If I haven’t explained this clearly, I’ll be happy to answer your questions. I think you’ll find the “personal touch” will still exist over time. I hope so. This was my first clumsy effort.

      Thanks again for bringing your concern to my attention.

      • Karen in Pacific NW says:

        I am sorry to hear you are having a drop in your Amazon income. I don’t purchase a lot in the wintertime from them but I will be making some purchases this spring and summer. Also I have a blog with some links to items on it. I will change the ones that are for items on Amazon to your link. That way if anyone does use it you will get some a little bit from it.

        There are quite a few people who have blogs with links who might be OK with using your link for items they recommend to their friends. I need to go back and check that my links are still functional, something I do in the way of house keeping on my blog at least twice a year. Non functional links are pretty annoying.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Karen…. Do NOT do anything with my link. Do not try to help me in any way with my Amazon earnings. If you have contacted anyone regarding links, please get in touch with them immediately and stop them from doing anything on my behalf. It is against the Amazon Operating Agreement and could result in my being kicked out of the program. I know you mean well and I appreciate your intent, but please, don’t do anything to help.

          Let me know you have seen this as I will worry until I’m sure you understand. Thank you.

    • weather says:

      Amazon’s encouraging affiliates to use the new types of ads makes good sense. As they include a product’s price I can immediately see how much I can save, because their price is in almost every case much lower than that of local stores. Without being made aware of that people are far less likely to purchase from Amazon. So I’m glad you’re adding the ads, for the reasons I just mentioned, and because I see the wisdom in your keeping in line with the program. I also like the Amazon search box being available again. At least on my laptop’s screen that hadn’t been appearing for quite sometime.

  35. Renee from Idaho says:

    I’m happy for you and your decision to adopt a new family member. You’ll make the best decision!

  36. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    And the quest continues! Perfect little Miss is out there, just waiting for you and Reggie to find her! Thank you for sharing the cute pictures, Sue. Sending you and Reggie love and hugs from me and Gracie pup! 🙂

  37. Krystina says:

    As always I am impressed with how you reason things out! The puppy was adorable but it is A PUPPY. Lots of work. Please keep us posted…..xxoo

  38. Linda (Wisconsin) says:

    I had to laugh at your requirement for no dark faces on your dog … too hard to photograph! I thought of myself as a black-and-white dog person (ratties like Bridget and Spike) …with mostly white faces … so when we found a deep chocolate-brown terrier mix with a very dark face at the humane society I said, “hard to photograph.” We adopted Stella anyway because, well, a photo isn’t everything. It is true, she is harder to photograph, but you do learn various exposure tricks. We think she is the most beautiful dog ever. And have the photos to prove it! Anyway ultimately you’ll know when the right dog comes along. I love that the volunteer remembered Reggie.

  39. Joyce Sutton says:

    That’s funny, I didn’t get puppy products I got benchmark maps about to

  40. Gal and a cat in Fl says:

    In all my years as a vet tech I never heard f such a thing as clorox, disinfecting feet and all that other such stuff she said. Indeed reasonable care is advised, no public dog parks, exposure to strange dog feces etc. You do know of course people get a puppy commonly ALL the time, get the vaccines every few weeks until 16 weeks and have zero problems and don’t dip feet in clorox. That was beyond anything I have ever heard of. But rescue people, well,,,,, enough said there. Have met many. 🙁 Your wonderful lifestyle away from city would be very healthy for a pup. BUT: A puppy..oh geeze. Like others said, the puppy teeth, the housebreaking. But that would be minimal as much as you stop for Reg and he would also help greatly with teaching another.
    Pediatric neuter spay is done all the time especially at shelters and is state law some places. No problems. Lepto is a disease that occurs in moist eastern states mainly where *infected* raccoons and such urinate in ponds and dogs lick or wander in an infected puddle. It is not common. The vaccine is not recommended for small dogs unless they are at high risk because it has such violent often fatal results in the small breeds. Read Dr Jean Dodds vaccine schedule for the very best information on Pet vaccinations. I will send a link if necessary. Every year vaccines has gone out.
    I do hope you find a canine friend for little Reg and yourself. You both need it. 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thank you, Gal and a cat…

      A quick note . . . Some of the places where we camp are on a par with “public dog parks.” At Las Vegas Bay campground and other places where we camp a puppy would have “exposure to strange dog feces.”

    • AnnC-OR says:

      Thank you for sharing this post. Total common sense. We recently brought a three month old puppy into our lives while living in trailer. We took precautions, of course. No sanitizing of feet, etc., though. We did use a stroller and also camped in more remote areas. No campgrounds. The trailer was a perfect place to raise a puppy! We are now residing in our small 850 sg ft home for the next six months. The biggest part of the puppy problems are past and our new family member is very much at home in larger living quarters.

      PS: we neutered at the recommended four months of age.

      • Gal and a cat in Fl says:

        Key word there, common sense. Best to crate a pup in the vehicle while riding. Out in areas in nature away from dog parks or campground walks! Germ palaces those places even if people pick up. Boondocking is the best. Having a house trained dog sure does make it easier as the little one mimics everything the big one does. It’s almost like they raise the pup up out of that stage of constant play and rough house puppy nipping etc. The smaller space the easier it is to housetrain them. They learn we soil outside and what fun a walk is.

    • Cinandjules (🌵) says:

      We went to get AO her distemper and heartworm preventative. The vet was pushing the Lepto vaccine. Back in the day the distemper vaccine included the L… it’s just the DHPP.
      We got AO the “L” as a boarding requirement…and she reacted poorly! Never again!
      I agree with Val…small dog…a no no!
      As with anything the side effects outweigh, in my opinion, the benefits considering the risk of exposure!

  41. Barb from Hoquiam! says:

    Morning Miss Sue,
    I am not sure if this is worthwhile or not, but KNOW I will forget if I don’t do it now! 🙂

    This came through my facebook feed just now… It is a former ranger who put out free national park maps… Like I said I don’t know if it is of value or a waste… if a waste OOPS. If of value, well good. 🙂


  42. Ginger says:

    I’ve noticed here in Las Vegas the most common dog at the shelter are chihuhuas and pitbulls. We tried looking for a rescue and it didn’t work out. So ended up getting a Saint Bernard pup. Cute as can be, but didn’t know if he would make it to see his 6 month birthday. Chewed everything including us. Cleaning up messes even though we let him out 3 or 4 times a night. He goes to classes twice a week. He goes to the dog park, and on walks. Whew, a lot of work. But he is adorable and we love his sillyness.
    Ginger D

  43. Ladypugs in N. Illinois says:

    RVSue, (hi Reggie) and all,

    Blogorino 🙂 Claudia Meyers brought up an interesting point in her comment above regarding spaying and the removal of ovaries only. Dr. Karen Becker of Mercola healthy pets is a holistic and traditional vet. She sends out free newsletters and there’s one that has an article titled: Could neutering be the cause of your dog’s health and/or behavior problems? Anyone interested can google this title and access the article from Oct. 16,2016.

    In this article they discuss a way to “sterilize animals in a way that doesn’t destroy their endocrine systems.” And “When sex hormones are removed in a still-developing body, it can affect everything from the brain to the bones.” Some of the affects they discuss are anxiety, diabetes, hip dysplasia, hypothyroidism and others.

    What it comes down to is tubal ligation for females and vasectomies for the males.
    So much less extensive and far less invasive. Better for an animal than the routine traditional removal of reproductive organs and then dealing with damage control for the issues it causes. I’ll certainly look for a vet that will perform these procedures if I ever find myself with an animal that needs spaying or neutering in the future.

    And in your future, when the time is right for you and the Reginator, I’m sure you’ll find an excellent doggy companion – and what a lucky dog that will be!

  44. Gal and a cat in Fl says:

    The problem with tubal ligation or vasectomy leaves all the undesirable traits in dogs most of us want to avoid. Like a female in season every 6 months, a male that wants to hump, roam,fight, etc. While it is a theory with possible plus’s, it leaves some big holes they don’t mention. And I don’t mean physical ones. While I personally prefer these surgeries (standard traditional neuter/spays) be done at around 6 months, there is still no conclusive proof earlier does harm.90% of all healthy pets responsibly owned were done at an early age, 6 months or less with no consequences and live long lives. The problems you mention usually come from over vaccination, a very sad money oriented tradition that continues to this day.

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