Photo Essay: Autumn impressions

Tuesday, October 7

1-P1000950Round Valley between Scipio and Salina, Utah

I step outside our camp to greet the morning. 

1-P1000990Three deer drink from Ivie Creek upstream from our camp.

1-P1000984They lift their heads and quickly disappear into the bushes.

Bridget and I ride into Salina.

On the way I stop to take photos of scenes in the valley.  The colors here are subtle.

1-P1000906The rabbit brush and grass look like strokes of a painter’s brush.

1-P1000908A long, zoomed shot softens the scene.  Some people would call that “out of focus.”  I’d rather call it “impressionistic!”

1-P1000903-001Horses graze peacefully, unaware they form mirror images for my lens.

1-P1000915When we return from town, Bridget and I walk among the oak trees. 

I hardly noticed them yesterday.  Today they cannot be ignored.  Their leaves turned yellow and gold overnight!

Sunlight through the leaves beckons us . . . .

1-P1000980Scenes suitable for framing appear at every turn.

1-P1010007I almost didn’t include the next photo in this collection.  I passed over it several times.  Something about it kept pulling me back.

1-P1000933Bridget and I will move soon. 

The perfect weather of the past few days won’t last much longer.  As we travel south we will cross higher elevation.  That will put us in jeopardy for chilly days and even colder nights.

1-P1000926Wherever the road leads, I hope you will go there with us!



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90 Responses to Photo Essay: Autumn impressions

  1. Suzi in MD says:

    Beautiful pictures 🙂

  2. Jenny Waters says:

    Lovely, thank you for sharing these fall color pictures.

  3. Page says:

    Beautiful! I am so ready to go full-time, but my house isn’t. 🙁

  4. Pauline from Mississippi says:

    Absolutely BEAUTIFUL pictures!!!!!

  5. DesertGinger says:

    So pretty!

  6. DesertGinger says:

    And Sue, you are right…as you pass through northern Arizona it may be cool. Nights can be nippy way down here already. Best get here soon!

  7. Kay says:

    I am coming with you…. your adventure seems more relaxing then mine right now. I’ve had to step out and instruct the erection of a steel building, seems confusion or something had taken over. I don’t know, but …. things are now on the move.

    Remember a while back I mentioned, I seem to know how to do things I’ve never done before… this is one of them. When all else fails, or when others seem to struggle for whatever the reasons are, for some odd reason, I seem to be pushed to take the matter in my hands and do the directing. Funny to some, but inside me I feel I am being guided, or my brain is being directed by something stronger than I. Just too damn weird and sometimes, a bit scary.

    Trust me Allen, I am saving my mobile kitchen for when you arrive! I’ll help get the steel building up.

    Sue, the last picture reminds me of the road I take through the forest from Hebo Oregon to the Spirit Mountain Casino. I love that area, not just because of the casino, but there is something there that draws me there both physically when I am home in Oregon, and mentally when I am away. Crazy, I know.

    Great Pics….

    • Kay, you’re from Hebo?! I’m a former beach rat from Lincoln City–the old Delake, actually! Small world.

      • Kay says:

        No Dawn, actually, my daddy took me at age 6 months to Oregon. All but one sister lived in the Portland/Vancouver area. Every year, come October… daddy and I would get in the car with our suitcases packed and we’d tell grandma, we’d see her in the spring. We’d trek across Montana, stopping in Mile City to see a cousin, spend a night or two. Then on to Missoula, where we’d spend a couple of weeks his baby sister and her family…. Then a stop in Spokane for a week or so to see another cousin… and then by golly we would arrive at the favorite Auntie’s house in Vancouver. The war between the sister’s was who was going to get to take me to their house for the first week. Dad had four sisters there, and a brother. Old home movies kind of clarified the many stories his sister’s would tell me as I grew up. One movie was them girls arguing over me, and daddy asking each of them who had a crib. No one said a word, and daddy could be heard telling them until they had a crib, none were taking me. Too bad the movie camera didn’t follow the four sister’s to the stores. Of course, my favorite Auntie was the first to win me for the first week because my uncle and my daddy helped her put the crib together, the others had to do it on their own.

        So, my home was in Vancouver/Portland from October/November until April or May, depending on weather back in the Dakota’s.

        After daddy’s death, I missed a few years but as soon as I got my driver’s license… I was headed west bound without a map at the age of 14… going home to my Aunties.

        Most all my dad’s side all transplanted themselves in the area back in the 40’s… its home, more so than the Dakota’s to me.

        My favorite hang out, the beach in Lincoln City right across from the “Shortest” river in the USA. SO, now you have the story of how I came to call Oregon my REAL

  8. Captain K (Utah) says:

    Autumn is my favorite time of year. Your photos have been exquisite these past few posts. Thank you for showing me parts of Utah that are now on my RV bucket list. I only have 6 years to retirement — would love to full time it in the coach when that time comes. Hubby says he’s not ready for that….time will tell!

  9. AlanOutandAbout says:

    Wonderful images Sue. What a great area. I hope I can get there sometime. The creek shot in winter in ice and snow would be something to see. I know I am strange but I like the contrast and starkness of B&W.
    It won’t be long Kay. I leave here Friday and will be in SD Saturday. If I can get my license in one week I may be at the campground the next Sunday. Otherwise the following Saturday.
    The past 3 weeks have been fun visiting family but I am ready to leave.

    • Kay says:

      Cool! Can’t wait. Drive Safe. If you go to America’s Mailbox call me, I might have you bring our mail with you, if you don’t mind.

    • Norm (in TN) says:

      AlanOutandAbout. From recent personal experience, if you follow Anerica’s Mailbox instructions you’ll have your license in 20-30 minutes at the DMV. We spent Thursday evening in their campground, took our receipt and other docs to license office on Friday morning at 7:30 am (I think) and were licensed SD drivers before 8 am; with complete hard license, no temporary paper one. All the best to you.

  10. The colors are SO inviting. You are truly experiencing a little bit of heaven on earth. It is absolutely amazing what we THOUGHT we needed out of life to be happy. Duh!! Be safe. We’ll be waiting at your next camp. Wherever THAT is. 🙂

  11. Kathy from Florida says:

    Thanks for the beautiful photos.

  12. Lynn Brooks says:

    Dear Sue,
    Thank you for the beautiful pictures!! Yes, I will be with you & Bridget as you continue your journeys!!!

  13. Rob says:

    Great pictures!!

  14. Chaunte in West TN says:

    Hello Sue! Your pictures are just stunning! I love the way the beautiful fall colors pop right out of the pictures. I’ll be in Knoxville, TN in ten days and am hoping the colors will be at their prime. I’m needing to get out and take some pics myself. Not to be confused with pics “of” myself! As always, I am more than looking forward to the next leg of this fabulous adventure you take us on!

    Safe and Happy Travels, My Friend

  15. Carol, Auburn says:

    Sue, I think that you have the soul of a poet and the eye of an artist. Thanks so much, lovely!

  16. DebsJourney says:

    Just like everyone here those are exquisite Fall photo’s and I just love this time of year. We don’t get much of a Autumn here in yucky Florida but soon, like next year this time I will be away from here and hoping to be enjoying my new trailer and lifestyle. Big visions and dreams and you help me to really know why I want to do this. Thank you Sue and I hope your cold is gone now.

  17. Sally says:

    The picture you almost didn’t include would make a great 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle.

  18. You paint watercolors with your camera, Sue! These are gorgeous–what a pretty area!

  19. DesertGinger says:

    I was out walking Chloe in the rain and I have new neighbors in a Casita! Looks rather strange surrounded by big fifth wheels and Class As..but why not? They bought a large sort of open sided tent and have set up their patio as outdoor room, with grill, chairs, dog pen and shade. Looks very inviting.

    My iPad appears to have a problem….no sound! Just when I got good Internet. You know what that means, right? I may have to have new iPad. I was hoping to wait till January. Crap.

    • Teri in SoCal says:

      How are you feeling DesertGinger?

    • RV-Headings says:

      Hi DesertGinger,

      I lost sound on my iPhone once. Occasionally lint will accumulate in the headphone jack and cause the sensor to deactivate sound.

      Try this solution and see if it works:
      1. Take a regular Q-tip
      2. Cut off one end but leave just a small amount of cotton
      3. Gently moisten with rubbing alcohol, but make sure it isn’t too wet
      4. Insert the cut end into the headphone jack and gently swirl

      In addition, if you recently updated your iPad to the new iOS the small switch on the side will now mute instead of lock landscape/portrait mode.

      I hope that helps!

      • DesertGinger says:

        Small switch on the side? The one you use to take screen shots?

        • RV-Headings says:

          If you are holding the iPad in portrait view with the home button at the bottom, on the right side are the volume buttons up and down. Just above that is a small slider switch. When you slide it down there is orange showing. Try sliding it up and see if that does anything.

          • DesertGinger says:

            I have an older iPad…2 I think. I don’t think I have that button.

            • RV-Headings says:

              The slider switch has been on every iPad and iPhone from the original ones. There is a setting that allows the slider to either lock the rotation of the screen or act as a mute function. It is very hard to see unless you have very good light. Best of luck with it.

  20. Teri in SoCal says:

    Of course I’m going wherever you go. I’ve tied myself to the bottom of the BLT.

    BTW, the photos are extra lovely in this post.

  21. Fred Wishnie says:

    Beautiful Sue, thanks so much for sharing.

  22. Barbara (from Nashville) says:

    The photos of the last few days are especially beautiful. I love the fall season with all the glorious colors. Your journalistic style is amazing. I fell in love with Utah this year while traveling along with your adventures and photos. I have never been there, but I will be to be sure.
    Safe travels to you and Bridget.

  23. weather says:

    About the picture that wouldn’t leave you -or let you leave it …out of the story

    Lianas made of rope are meant to pull you back…and forth-over creeks or from one tree to another.I imagine whoever put that one in the tree descended those steps to the creeks edge,stood on the large flat topped rock -…AND REACHED FOR IT …to get to the other side.I wonder where the steps lead to when they leave-where the road does when you do next time

    Glad you won’t linger much longer where you are,autumn is peaking there for you.I’d rather you see it right now-while it’s offering you everything within it-and take it’s beautiful gift with you- to warm your heart through the cool days ahead.Sweet Bridget will take care of the nights.Hope this one is wonderful,n’nite

  24. Jolene/Iowa says:

    Hi Sue, Fall is one of my favorite times of the year and your pictures are one of the reasons, the colors are just brilliant. I loved all the pictures!

    You can count on me being along with you and Bridget on your journey! I am loving this trip!! Hugs!

  25. Walt says:

    I love the road picture that closes your photo essay. I’ve always had a thing for road shots, and your reminds me of the Robert Frost poem, The Road Not Taken: “Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
    I took the one less traveled by,
    And that has made all the difference.”

  26. Love the fall foliage! Gorgeous!!

  27. Taranis says:

    Beautiful pictures. That last one though….. I love discovering and taking the Nomad down long stretches of roads that scenic. I want to take my hands off the bars, lean back and soak in the miles…free at last, if only for a short while.

    Fall is definitely my favorite time of year, and apparently I need a road trip through Utah!

  28. Val R. Lakefield Ontario says:

    Sue, these pictures are so beautiful I feel like I could step right into them.

  29. EmilyO in NM says:

    Thank you for providing the fall color eye candy that I do not have here. It is a season I am missing and you have filled the void. Safe travels southward.

  30. Mert says:

    Breathtakingly beautiful!

  31. Mert says:

    The trees are just starting To turn here in Kentucky.

  32. Kay says:

    WOW…. I must have been away from WP longer than I thought! Been looking through all the plugins, holly cow, there is a lot of them now, and some pretty neat ones too.

    Second Clue: HUMBLE

    Just watched the news… Sue, that storm/rain is in Phx and headed north… going to hit S Colorado tmmrw, I think you’re in the clear of this one but not 100% certain. I’m sure Princess Bridget will keep you warm!

    • LindainKentucky says:

      Kay, I’ve found and read your first post “Clingers”. Some of the suggestions for the signs that your taping to the inside of your windshield are very funny. I’ve bookmarked your site and looking forward to reading more.

  33. Deborah says:

    Beautiful, just simply beautiful. Peaceful, too! Thank you so much for sharing.

  34. AZ Jim says:

    I can’t say anything others haven’t said about your photos Sue. I am busy stealing them and tucking them into a file I have of your pics. I change my desktop every week or so and nothing but your photos have graced my desktop for over a couple of years. If I were grading you earn a solid A+ and have a 4.0 average. I think the world of ya Missy….

    • Mick'nTN says:

      Have you tried the desktop background slide show? Right click on your desktop.
      Chose ” Personalize”, then “Desktop Background”. Check the pictures you want to use after selecting the picture location. Select picture position, then timing.
      I use a 30 minute rotation.

      • LindainKentucky says:

        Thanks Mick, for that suggestion. I’ve put a slew of Sue’s pics on there and have them rotating. Such nice eye candy! I’d like to meet you sometime Mick…you intrigue me!

        • Kay says:

          I know you found the site! How did you figure it out so quick? Here I was just putzing around with it, trying different plugins and getting PO’d because I can’t seem to get a comments section on the site like Sue has. I was thinking, I may have to bribe Sue with Lobster Bisque soup or something, to get her help!

          I’ve added another Post this morning…

          • LindainKentucky says:

            Kay, I would have left a comment but couldn’t. How did I figure it out…?? Typed in Kay-humble-opinion, and started reading down through the list…when I saw the title “Clingers” I had a pretty good idea it was you. I’ve been reading Sue since she began. I just don’t comment very often. One of the background people…you know? Love Sue’s blog though. Read it every day!

  35. Elizabeth in WA says:

    Oh my…really Sue…just had no idea that this area was so pretty…seems a perfect spot for painters this time of year especially…just LOVE LOVE LOVE all the colors!! WOWEE!!

    Just heard from a new friend here (as you know we have not been here too long) but we had this lady into supper and a long visit last week. Tonight she told me she must be a kleptomanic because a $100 bill showed up in her purse when she was at our apt. Hubby and I did NOT even have one to give her. We rarely have more than a little bit, preferring to use debit and credit cards mostly…I wonder if we will ever really know how this happened?? She mostly definitely needs the money too. Some who read here will not find this odd perhaps…but this is probably the first time something to do with money has happened to us!! Like this anyway….

    • Marg TN says:

      Oh Elizabeth…………

      I love hearing about all of God’s amazing blessings. It is such an honor to witness one. I would consider you blessed, just look up smile and say THANK YOU

      • Elizabeth in WA says:

        This last week has held a couple other kind of odd events, Marg…odd in a not-usual, good way…too….we do want to be useful to HIM….but usually when it comes to other people, it takes more than just hosting them for dinner and a visit!! We live in an increasingly interesting time I feel. Saw this lady this morning for a bit too…and again had to re-assure her, if we had done it, when asked we would have been truthful and though we would love to give her something like that….did not have it then to do so!! She said she is going to try to find out how it got there…but meanwhile, is grateful as she does need it!! Guess we will see in time, maybe….or maybe not…not every event in life can be explained fully I have found.

  36. Diane, Blue Ridge Mts, VA says:

    Hi Sue, I have followed your Blogs at least every week but have been out of touch for over a month, still your loyal fan though. So yes I will follow you down that road with a smile…
    And you are travelling in FALL! Best time of year to me, the colors and the weather are so perfect. Looks like you are happy with your new camera as the shots are wonderful.
    I go to West VA to see and shoot the colors around the 1st of Oct. then back to the VA mountains to photo them a week later…Call me the FALL HOG!
    Read where you were sick so was I…glad you are better now and walking with Bridget, such good exercise. Take Care Sue and Little Crewlet!

    • Pamela K. says:

      I agree, The Fall colors and the mountains of WV and VA are some of the most beautiful anywhere! I grew up in WV. Visited VA often. Hiked and fished those hills many a time. Spent many a days camping and swimming in the clear cold trout streams that dot the landscape. Beauty at its best and especially during the Fall.

  37. Susan in Dallas says:

    Thanks so much for bringing autumn to me. We don’t get it like this in Dallas and I do miss it. Still in the 90’s but the forecast is for cooler weather. Lovely, lovely photos.

  38. rvsueandcrew says:


    I’m delighted that you enjoyed the fall photos! Thank you for your positive reactions!

    Please forgive me for the group thank-you, instead of responding individually. Bridget is barking at me that we haven’t taken our morning walk yet and here I am, still in my jammies. When our walk is done, I’ll continue working on the next post which I started before breakfast today. I need to catch us up on the exciting events of the past few days. 😉

    Love y’all!

  39. Kay says:

    HA! I knew Princess Bridget would come around and take control! Dogs, they have a way with people and making people do things. She’s so cute, and SPOILED too.

    Well, Linda found my blog so I am going to just give it up earlier than planned… here’s the link… just do me a favor and keep this in mind… I am who I am… big heart, sometime short fuses. And, if anyone has suggestions, please let me know. I am trying to get the comments thingy working and not sure if comments can be left yet. HELP if they can’t!

    • Shirlene says:

      Hi Kay, how exciting for you…I have bookmarked your site and will be one of your loyal followers….The site looks really inviting, definitely written by a woman…Happy times to you, I cannot wait to follow your events.

      • Kay says:

        Thank you, Shirlene. I am stuck inside RV at the moment, I need to give hubby space and time to find his way this morning with that building…. because when I go out there, it seems more gets done… I’m trying not to piss him off to early today.

        Tis the reason I am putzin with the blog.

    • Jolene/Iowa says:

      Hey Kay, Love your blog! I shared your Clinger post in our Facebook RV tips and help group. We have close to 3000 members now. I will help educate people on this annoying practice. Thanks for a great post!!

  40. Sherry in MT says:

    Of course we will be with you and I was amazed how green it is there! Lovely!

  41. John - fossildreamer says:

    Hi Sue, I may not always comment,, but I am always riding with you,
    I so love how you share your life with us, your joys and sorrow’s,
    and all the little thing’s in between.
    like when some other Idiot thinks this would be a good place to camp,,,
    a hundred ft from you I always have a little giggle when that happen’s… sorry
    Safe Travel’s Sue

  42. Shirlene says:

    Hello Weather, can you come out and play while Sue is gone?

    • Kay says:


      I think Weather is busy creating another wonderful comment.

      Bridget must have taken Sue and a LONG hike this morning.

      I think I fixed the comment problem on this blog I am trying to make.

      Is it time for ice cream yet?

      • weather says:

        Kay my comments earlier were really short and to myself-“Careful,do not lose these screws!” , “So far,so good.” ,”Oh,thank God,it worked!”- sound familiar? Yes ,have ice cream!The only time I don’t indulge in bad habits is when I’m asleep 🙂

    • weather says:

      Yes because it’s recess time now ,Yippee! Shirlene you’d have been appalled at my tasks earlier.Rather than call for paid help,I removed outlet covers and installed ones with grounds I trust,to accommodate infrared heaters.I will now have three heat sources .First those,secondly(in case of power outage) the oil furnace that can be run using a small generator I have,third the wood stove if those failed as well.

      This will be my first winter here trying this system,before wood was the primary source of heat.Now that hubby’s in heaven,I’ll use less wood.I’m willing to do things alone that are easier with two,but draw the line at being felling trees and splitting wood-because that stuff might actually cause me to chip a fingernail 🙂 a girl’s got to have some standards that she just won’t break!

      It’s so nice to see your note,I’ll enjoy thinking about you when I’m in the jeep in a while,driving through beauty,running errands.The lakes cooled a couple of degrees,now it’s closer to your ocean’s temperature.Has the heat wave passed where you live?

      • Shirlene says:

        Hi Weather and Hi Kay…. The heat is subsiding, still 82 degrees, but cooling at night…no sweater needed yet at least at home. Sorry your hubby is in heaven, mine left to heaven 7 years ago, but I don’t have to chop wood…good grief. You are very capable, which is a good thing…I myself, hire out, or have my son-in-law come over. But he may be moving to Missouri soon and then I may have to pay someone for those jobs. Nope never mind, I am going to sell and buy an RV and that is the only thing I will have to maintain. Then I will be driving from Florida to Missouri to Cali and maybe to Kay’s…hear me Kay? Alas, it is about 2 years down the line though, everybody stay healthy… I missed my morning coffee with you. I can’t wait to see what Sue has in store for us, some exciting adventures she teases us with. In the meantime, glad that you got a recess, and always good to hear from you in the morning, otherwise my day is not complete. And Kay, I cannot wait to make comments on your blog…you will see me there.

        Everybody have a good day.

        • weather says:

          Shirlene I’d wondered how you ended up single,too.Hope you’re no longer troubled by how that came about.Love your plan and visiting while we wait for Sue’s post ,see you there

          • Shirlene says:

            Thank you for your concern, but like you I am strong and have family around..harder on the children. We both have a great life, don’t we..I am jealous of your geographic location to a lake as some are jealous of my geographic location to the Pacific Ocean, but we can still reach across the vast expanses to each other for companionship and a feeling of belonging…It takes a Village.

  43. Pamela K. says:

    Miss Sue,
    Your photos are simply lovely! You were right to include that one photo too, sort of a looking through the window type of scene…it takes us there from the foreground forward. This beggs my next question. Have you ever thought of doing a year-end coffee table photo book? I’m certain many of us would love to buy it for ourselves and to give as holiday gifts to family and friends. I know of an excellent digital program that would even convert your photos to canvas art…they would be stunning showcased that way! Just a thought to consider. Maybe Amazon would even list it there to sell, would be very COOL! Anyway, I just couldn’t stop thinking how nice they would be in a printed book form. And about that art program, no it is not Photoshop, lol. It is a pro program, complete with commercial resale rights so it is perfect for such an undertaking. If you are interested let me know. You can email me direct and I’ll be glad to share the info with you. I have no ties to the program or its users. I’m just a user of the program myself, for my own needs for my photography. Just wanted you to know and to share with you about it, nothing more. I do know that I would gift such a book if you did do one! No doubt others would too!
    Well Miss Sue and Crew, have a fine travel and the photos are lovely…I do love Fall 🙂

  44. Susie A. says:


    Your photographs I would describe as heavenly! Just the right touch. Makes me long for my childhood home. The one photo you describe as done with a “painter’s brush”, yes indeed and a great eye you have. Thank You, Sue. Kiss Bridget’s sour face for me.

    Susie A.

  45. Beverly Kebrdle says:

    Wherever the road leads, I hope you will go there with us! …. as you last wrote. I say, absolutely, as I’ve been doing since you started on this new life. You are so inspiring, a captivating story teller, and excellent photographer. Thank you, again and again for letting us come along on your journey.

  46. Ditto to all the comments above, I can’t think of another thing to add! Except that the creek photo was/is my favorite!

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