Song of the Heart

Last Sunday Reggie and I take a drive across the desert.

The Blythe-Midland Road, southeastern California

“Ya’ know, Reg?  There’s something about the open road that soothes my soul, makes me happy.”

It’s true.

I don’t know if it’s the freedom of sailing across open expanse of desert or simply the act of going.  Going, moving on, not being stuck, leaving for something better.   Or maybe it’s an echo from childhood.

Brittlebush in bloom!

Remember Sunday drives?

I recall Dad saying, “Let’s go for a drive!” and Mother chiming in, “Where shall we go? I know! How about we drive over to . . . . .” and then we’d all pile into the station wagon, parents in front, the sisters and me in the back.  Soon a song would be chosen and there we’d go, rolling through the New York countryside, singing our hearts out.

Well, everyone but me.  I’m happiest listening while looking out the window as the world passes by.

Those were good times . . . .  when we were heading down the road together.

~ ~ ~

The refrigerator arrived!

Wednesday, January 25 

I make my weekly visit to Valley Palms RV Supplies in Blythe.

“There it is!” the woman behind the counter proclaims, pointing at a plastic-wrapped refrigerator hulking in the corner.

Ah, at last, the long-awaited fridge!  Sing Hallelujah!  I was beginning to think it didn’t exist. 

“How about you come in on Friday?” she suggests, looking at her schedule board.  “The day after tomorrow.”

I surprise her by saying no, that’s too soon. 

“I haven’t been sleeping well lately.  I may be coming down with something and I don’t know if I’ll be able to haul the trailer over here on Friday.”

She looks at the board again and we decide on Tuesday, January 31st, for the installation of the refrigerator and also for the check-and-any-necessary-repair of the propane line and heater.

Thursday, January 26

After two days and two nights of monitoring this blog for negative comments and losing sleep over it (the downside of blogging from the heart), I wake refreshed and feeling much better.   Nothing like a good night’s rest!

I’m still glad I postponed the appointment.  I’ll take it easy through the weekend to make sure I’m okay.

Not to make a big deal out of this . . .

It’s especially important as a solo full-timer to read even the slightest of body signals.  If I become sick, who takes care of me and who takes care of Reggie Man?  Chores still need to be done — obtaining water, propane, gas, and groceries, dumping tanks, taking walks, and so forth.

Fortunately Reg and I are at Midland Long Term Visitor Area, which means no pressure of a 14-day limit on staying here.

Before starting this post Reggie and I went for a walk.  I feel pretty good.  Reading the lively, friendly conversations among blogorinos, as well as the sweet notes of appreciation for my blog, worked wonders on my mood and well-being.  Thank you.

The road atlases are out!

Perusing my California and Arizona Benchmark atlases is another cure for whatever ails me.  I’m thinking about moving camp soon after the new refrigerator is in place and I have it well stocked with goodies, like, say, rotisserie chicken.  It’s been a long time, baby!

I look forward to heading down the road again, rumbling across the desert with little Reggie by my side, powered by the happy voices of long ago and by the promise of songs yet unsung.


“Song of the Heart”  (excerpt of lyrics by Prince Rogers Nelson)

“Oh, I don’t care what the people say
This is my life
I just got to like that okay (okay?)
They can go fly their momma’s kite
We can be together if we all do our part
I’ll let you if you let me sing the song of my heart
We can be together if we all do our part
I’ll let you if you let me sing the song of my heart.”


Here are a few of the items readers recently purchased from Amazon:

Can’t Stop
6 Classic Albums – Percy Faith
Atomic Tabby’s Seafoam Fabric
6 Wheel Tire Monitoring System
Ultralight Folding Camping Chairs
Folding Saw with Nylon Carry Case



Thanks to those who offered suggestions as to the identity of the yellow flower in the previous post and shown above.  Follow this link to see more photos and information:  Yellow Trumpet Bush

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130 Responses to Song of the Heart

  1. weather says:

    Gee, it’s great to read your light hearted excitement when behind the wheel or planning new trips 🙂

  2. So glad you have fridge and heat again! You and Reggie have a great day!

  3. Cynthia from San Clemente says:


  4. Lorrie S. says:

    Is it true? First?

  5. Lorrie S. says:

    Ah, no worries 4 is my lucky number 🙂
    Thanks for the road trip pics Sue. I too find a wander total soul balm.

    • Rachel says:

      But I am concerned about the negative comments you mentioned? I hope all is well in your world dear friend. I have not been out here often, so perhaps I missed the negativity? My world has been a little crazy, LOL, a little crazier than usual, but I saw that title and had to come say hello. 🙂 Do not take them too much to heart dear friend. People who are negative, or who disagree with your life and your posts, will always be there. But don’t let them steal your song!

      • Geri, Florida panhandle! says:

        I agree Rachel ! We love you Sue and Reggie too! Those trolls just wanna be jealous and mean spirited! You have the best blog ever so just keeping on and know you are loved!

        • Barbara (Nashville) says:

          I agree as well. This is by far the best blog out there. If the hurtful ones don’t like, just keep your mouth shut and go somewhere else for your reading or griping.
          We love you Sue and Reggie. This is the only blog I read daily.

  6. Gail from Buckeye AZ says:

    Good to read your blog this morning and glad you are getting your new fridge!

  7. Judith camper says:

    Sunday afternoon drives! Yup . You brought back some great memories for me. Today is one of those days that a long drive to nowhere seems like a terrific idea.
    Thanks for the memories. …

  8. Cynthia from San Clemente says:

    So glad you will be getting your refrigerator installed by the end of the month so you can head on down the road if you like. The negativity is heavy, isn’t it? I need to take a break from Facebook and the news for awhile because people are just being nasty to each other. We all need to focus on “whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable–if anything is excellent or praiseworthy–think about such things.”

  9. Pat Hall (North of Quartzite) says:

    Glad you are feeling better. I’m ready to move on to a different areas of the beautiful desert.

    I hope your installation of the new frig and repairs go great.

    Have a wonderful day!!!

  10. Dawn in MI says:

    I love love love being on the road too. I think some people are just born travelers. Glad you’re feeling better, glad you’ll get the fridge in soon too!

  11. AZ Jim says:

    I already feel better, Missy is back and happy again!! Tests tomorrow for me. Hi Reggie!

  12. Gary says:

    I feel the same when traveling. I can’t put my finger on it but there’s a consistent feeling when we break camp and move on. Usually I’m a little anxious as I’m packing, but when the slides come in, hitch up and on the road, uphoria.

    I’m glad to hear your frig is in! Anxious to see the details of the install. Hope you’re not coming down with something. Take care…Gary

  13. Susan in Dallas says:

    So glad to see a new post! Love that first picture! I’m planning on a road trip to Kentucky to visit my son. I enjoy getting on the road and even like making the preparation for it. I don’t like coming home to a dirty house so that’s the first thing to be done. (Don’t mind leaving one, though!) Then there’s loading up my phone with books it can read to me while I travel. I was scheduled to go for Thanksgiving but was ill so I’m really looking forward to my adventure in my new little Escape. I might not see any cattle but perhaps since it is horse country there might be a few of those to view!

    • Lisa, Tommie and Buddy in SoFlo says:

      Hi Susan,
      This is Lisa, Tommie and Buddy in SoFl. A trip in your Escape, what fun!! I am jealous, but excited for you too. I have a brand new 17B Escape awaiting construction. This is the first time I have had the fun of customizing a new little house. I would love to hear about your Escape, what you like and if you would change anything. However I don’t want to kidnap Sue’s beautiful blog…..Sue, if you want to give Susan my email, I have no objections. Otherwise you all may read a bunch of offblog chit chat from two Escapees.

  14. Hi Sue I am glad you are feeling better…I sure. Love that area you are in..I cannot wait until we get back on the road back to the WET Coast…we will be leaving April fooling!…I have been under the weather also but being retired. ..I can take my time to recover…speaking of under the weather…Hi to my friend weather! Enjoy your day..I hope we can have coffee and peanut butter toast together again some morning like old times…love to Reggie..

    • weather says:

      Hi, Shirlene 🙂 I’ll try to check in during mornings to see if you’re here. Sorry to read that you haven’t been feeling well, friend. Hugs.

      • Shirlene (Florida) says:

        Awww windwings 🙂

      • Shirlene (Florida) says:

        Feeling well this morning. Going to take Cooper to the groomers here in Florida…half as much to get dogs groomed than in Cali. Enjoy your day, hope the weather is letting you get out and enjoy nature.

        • weather says:

          Sorry I missed you on here earlier, I was having coffee and peanut butter toast, and was on the laptop, just not on this page. I’m glad you’re feeling well! Yesterday as I drove along the shoreline of this lake the waves reached the beach on a large bay 2 miles from here, how great is that for winter in NY? It was around 45 out and recent rains have melted most of the ice, just not on the cove that’s a few feet from my door.

    • Pookie and Chuck in Todd Mission Tx says:

      ya’ll be sure and take it easy when ya feelin under the weather…….
      Ive found that in my 70″s takes a little longer to recoup than it
      did years ago…I just got over pnuemonia and it wasnt a pleasant

  15. Tracie soon to be an ex-Californian says:

    So good to hear that the fridge saga is nearing an end. Hope the installation goes without a hitch. Speaking of hitch, I will soon be doing just that and leaving the corporate world behind… can’t wait.

  16. Jean in Southaven, MS says:

    Yipeeee another post. Hooray for RVSue and Reggie. Love the Brittlebush in bloom. The desert can be so pretty, not green pretty, but so many colors at play. I am glad that you now have a frig and will get you propane problem looked at. I am so afraid of fire that I think I would just not have propane at all if it was just me. Our RV has a big 80 lb tank, I am constantly worried about it. It is located right under our bed.

    If you paid the $180.00 fee for the LTVA, can you leave and come back as much as you want during the time frame that the fee covers? also, can you use the permit at other LTVA areas too?

  17. Jolene/Iowa says:

    Hi Sue, I have been MIA on the blog of late although I read every post. I am sorry you have been a little under the weather. There is so much crap going around right now.

    I am excited you finally get your new fridge next week and if you are wanting to move on you will then be able to.

    Hugs and love to you and Reggie.

  18. Toni Stagg says:

    Glad to see that your refrigerator finally came in. The brittlebush is beautiful, I love the desert flowers. I have recently started a blog of my own and wanted you to know that I referenced what an inspiration to me you have been on it. I’m sorry that you have had negative comments. That just shouldn’t happen!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thank you very much, Toni! I wish you many happy years on the road and on your blog. You’ve made a great start! 🙂

  19. Barb from Hoquiam! says:

    HI Sue! And Reggie too!
    I sure hope you don’t get the ugly-bugglies! No fun in any way! Glad you are so well versed at keeping things stocked and ready for those ‘just in case’ moments!

    OK, here is a silly story… my daughter (Katie) was down with the three kids for Thanksgiving… her in-laws are in the midst of a ‘fancy new house’ build in CA so they are in a rental unit for a time… they were just getting the other/old house mopped up and ready to go for new owners, and her father-in-law sliced up his arm pretty well… He has never taken Katie very seriously (she really does look about 14, great in 30 yrs but with a 3,6 and 9 yr old it gets frustrating–for her)–but WOW was HE impressed when she whipped out not one, but TWO first aid kits to patch him up! ( it was funny because he really isn’t very kind… ) Told him “well, I could do surgery, but naw… I don’t think ya need it 😛 ” Be Prepared! A good Girl Scout always is!

    YAY on the new fridge and hoping that you are doin’ cartwheels over the weekend and not feelin’ poorly.

    Hugs from Hoquiam

  20. ValGal (westernWA) says:

    I LOVE your blog!!! I eagerly await your posts. They are very important to me. I am often ill and your journal uplifts me.

    You offer me hope, too. I may need to go on the road by necessity and your blog reminds me of the pluses of the lifestyle. Still not sure if I can handle it, but I might have to.

    Just today, this post gave me a lift. You don’t always have to be sunshine and roses, either. I like it that you show things as they are.

    So, thank you from the bottom of my heart for doing this blog.

  21. Linda-NC says:

    New frig, propane repairs, feeling better and rotisserie chicken soon(Bet Reggie is smiling)-Life is GOOD! I try to ignore the idiots out there, but sometimes I just can’t too. Sometimes I just have to say something, and it makes it easier to let it go. Sorry if I was out of line.
    Anyway, I plan on heading out Feb 9-10. YAY! I am excited and scared at the same time. I think it will take me some time when I start thinking “Time to go home Maggie”, that I am already there! On the other hand, now that does sound convenient. HA!
    Hugs to you and Reggie the Wonderful.

    • Dawn in NC says:

      Can’t wait to see where you will go Linda!

      • Linda-NC says:

        Hi Dawn-Me too! I don’t have a definite plan. I have to come back for eye surgery in the Spring, but will have a good trial run. It should be fun.

    • Dawn in Asheville says:

      I can’t wait to hear, too, Linda 🙂 You know we’ll all be rooting for you. What a delicious place to be, always, with another adventure just down the road apiece!

  22. Pauline in Mississippi says:

    So thankful that you are feeling better!
    Yes, I remember taking rides! Used to love it and I loved to sing along with Mother and Dad. We lived in a beautiful part of the country, a fact that I have come to realize now that I no longer live there.
    Once you get your refrigerator installed, I will be anxious to see where you take us next.

    Love and Hugs to you and Reggie

  23. Renee Galligher - Idaho says:

    That’s exactly how I feel, about the open road and I think it’s because as a child, we always too road trips and my parents made them an adventure. I just can’t seem to get them out of my blood, but for the time being, I am landlocked! It’s winter and a whopper of one, full time job (thank you Lord), and not retired yet. Take care and God Bless Sue and Reggie.

  24. Hey Sue
    Thank for the update on your current movements. It’s a bit of a concern when you feel the need to take a break from ‘us’ lol.
    I know how you feel about the excitement of being back on the road again. We have been in one spot for 3 and a half months with full hook ups and believe me, it will be like heaven when we move back into the wild blue yonder, boondocking all the way.
    Take care of yourself and happy travels!

  25. Geri, Florida panhandle! says:

    A new fridge filled with chicken rotisserie, fresh veggies and fruit! And a good cold drink! YAY! Life is good! That yellow britlebush is beautiful, I used to see it out west all the time, but never knew what it was called.
    Never told you, but I will now. You blog is important to me because you are doing what I can no longer do. So I am living the through you and your wonderful way with words. I want to thank you for that!
    Try to keep a ginger root, lemon and honey on board during the winter months. Whenever I feel something trying to drag me down, ginger tea with a squeeze of lemon and a dollop of honey and I am good to go!
    So glad you are also getting your propane leak checked out! Soon you will have the maps all spread out planning our next adventure! Please give Reggie and big hug from us!

  26. Retiredcajunlady 'N Louisiana says:

    Oh Sue, I am so glad you are feeling better! And I am even more sorry that there were words posted to your blog that got you down. If one can’t say something nice, one should say nothing at all….my Dad’s famous words. And he lived by them. I try to always have my words be kind and gentle; not that I always succeed, but I do make a conscience effort daily.

    I am so happy for you that the fridge is in and ready for hookup. And I am happy for me because you are looking forward to and planning some new sights to explore and share with those of us in Blogorinoland!!! The Blythe are has a beauty to it all its own….love the yellow flowers. How can something so pretty be called a brittlebush? I will think of it as a “Sunshine Bush”!

    I have begun the process…and it will be a long and busy one…of selling my home. It needs painting, some new floors, a couple of appliances, and just some general TLC so I can hopefully get a good price. And if drilling in the Gulf opens up more, I just might get a great price! Fingers crossed.

    Thank you for such a wonderful post. I hope you and sweet Reggie have a great end of the week and weekend! Belly rubs and hugs for Reggie, prayers for you both.

  27. Judy in East Texas says:

    Hi Sue and Reggie. So glad to hear from you and that your feeling better. Glad I missed all the BS that you encountered recently. I’m always mystified when people think it’s OK to be ugly and attempt to make you believe in their cause with no regard to your thoughts are feelings. I’m sorry you had to deal with it.
    Your blogs have always brought me such joy and happiness.

    Stay safe out there and rock on, Judy

  28. chas anderson says:

    Leaving tomorrow with 6 inches of snow on the ground.AZ here we come.
    Had a big scare.Little Eddie had a seizure yesterday for 5 minutes.The vet can’t really find anything and he is acting normally now so we will watch him. Beginning to think that we are jinxed.Last years trip it was Juice.

  29. I love road trips! I have a thick skin from long term bullying and abuse from others so I’ve been dealing with it on FB. However I do not bring my views to this blog unless the blogger brings it up. If I have a comment to make, I will. Until then mums the word. By the way, welcome to Arizona for all non resident winter snow birds here….we love your tax dollars 🙂 Have a wonderful day.

  30. Pat from Mich. says:

    I could use some of that sunshine. Gray, gloomy days and my hot water heater is out again. The sump pump hose got holes in it and was spraying all over and got the hot water heater wet. Have to let it dry out a bit before we try to get it going again. If its not one thing, its another, sigh.

  31. Robin B (Oregon & Arizona) says:

    I’m so sorry you’ve been not on top of everything. We received a preliminary report on my spouse who had pneumonia and was tested for Valley Fever, which was positive. Still awaiting treatment report from doctor, which may take a few days. Frustrating.

    I have many fond memories of “Sunday drives” with my parents to various places in Oregon, but my “fondness” turned into “surliness” when I got into my teen years and preferred to be with my friends. I remember my parents saying, “Some day you’ll thank us for taking you on these trips!” and have to admit they were right. My favorite place in Oregon we traveled was the Dee Wright Observatory at the top of the McKenzie Pass, an area of volcanic rock. But what I mostly remember was sitting in the back seat, battling car sickness while fighting with my brother and singing “Bye Bye Blackbird” to myself.

    Good luck with your refer! Can’t imagine life without one for very long. And Yay! Rotisserie chickens again!


    • beach boomer says:

      I remember those Sunday drives, too! I got to sit in the back seat of our 49 Hudson on a hassock and hang on to the leather strap over which you were supposed to fold a lap robe. No lap robe. Just lucky to have a car! Remember those “wind wings” on the front side windows? The wind would whistle in if you set it just right.

      • Robin B (Oregon & Arizona) says:

        Hah! I also remember riding in the backseat, usually leaning up against the front seat and my parents would put their arms in front of me when they came to a quick stop, like that was going to stop us from going headfirst through the windshield. And I also remember those straps across the backseat but through were to use as a way to keep in our seats. Remember the window wings as my dad used to flick his cigarette out of them. Ah, good times…

  32. Pam and Maya, still in NY says:

    Hi Sue, Reggie and all the Blogerinos! I think I always had traveling in my blood. I remember our High School was across the street from a train station and I used to sit in class and dream of places I could go on that train! My teacher caught on and would tell me ” get off the train and back to class!” She was a good woman.

  33. RVBrucrew - NW IN says:

    Ditto on the sunshine Pat from MI. Last Saturday we had a beautiful sunny day and it was warm – 60s – warm for us this time of year. I haven’t seen the sun since. Just seeing the sunshine can really affect you mood. Sorry about your hot water heater.

    Hi Sue – glad you are back! Don’t let negativity get you down. People are just people. Some people just focus on the negative. Some are just fearful so they see the downside of things. Others like yourself can see the beauty and wonder in everything. Life is good. Enjoy it and don’t be ashamed of it. Hope this encourages you. Give Reggie a hug from me.

  34. Cinandjules (da zone) says:

    Glad that the fridge has finally arrived…take care of yourself!
    Rotisserie chicken party happening in the near future! Sound comforting for both you and Reg man!

  35. Hi, RVSue, Reggie and Blogerinos!
    I’m surprised that a new post is already here! Glad to hear that you are feeling better.

    Move on with your new fridge! East, west or south where you have not yet seen!

  36. My mother had a beautiful singing voice and I have wonderful memories of driving down the road with her, both of us singing loud, all of her favorite songs – King of the Road, Moonlight in Vermont, Fly Me to the Moon, Sentimental Journey…..thanks for the reminder 🙂 Love seeing the Brittlebush in bloom already – it sure brightens up the desert floor. Great your frig is in and that you’re feeling better. It will be quite the treat to buy more than a couple days worth of groceries!!

  37. Deena in Phoenix, AZ says:

    Glad the fridge is waiting in the corner for your return…I’m happy that you are happy and looking at the Benchmarks…I’m thinking about getting a set, I love looking at maps…came from a military family, traveling was a requirement and Dad enjoyed taking those side trips to show us the places of our current home state…their last duty station before retirement was here at Luke AFB west of Phoenix…at first I missed the hills of NY, the mountains of CO, the bay of SF but I came to love AZ with all that it has to offer…dream of traveling and boon docking because RVSue has shown me the way…beauty is everywhere in all of those side roads away from the freeway…I feel lucky having found your blog…enjoy your planing…

  38. Barbara from Camano says:

    Sue, in a previous post you mentioned hearing a humming sound in the desert. I have read a wonderful book (twice!) called “In Search of the Old Ones; Exploring the Anasazi World World of the Southwest” by David Roberts. In this book he also mentions the phenomenon of hearing humming when no one else does. Anyway, I really highly recommend this book.

    • Dawn in Asheville says:

      Read the book review – sounds interesting! Thanks for the recommending.

    • Thank you Barbara, I will get this one. Some of the articles I am reading about the astrological energy right now in relation to what I am feeling have been so very helpful in understanding and feeling connected after all to the changes we are all experiencing on our own levels of understanding. Maybe the Anistasi knew this part and maybe not. The ramping up of energy and such need for cleanse to survive has not taken place on the present scale for thousands of years or possibly never. I’ll take any pointers put before me at this point. I’ll bet the vibe is really strong there, I am hearing and feeling it here too. Sandi Lierley

  39. Barbara from Camano says:

    Woops. That’s one “World ” not two!

  40. Barbara (Nashville) says:

    Love the road trip photos. Glad you are back and such good news on the fridge. More rotisserie chicken and fresh fruits & veggies, Yay!! I didn’t notice the negativity, so I guess you took them down. Some people can be so hurtful, why can’t they just accept things and move on.

  41. I must have missed the negative comments. But here where I am in a sea of hate mongers, it’s good to follow yr blog. I really look forward to yr posts and dream of the day we are on the road. I’m sorry people have no clue what the heck is actually going. People read some real news not just fox, cnn, msnbc. Scary times we live in.

  42. Pat Hall (North of Quartzite) says:

    Sue, do you see the sunset? This is another reason I love the desert!!!!

  43. Heidi in Northconsin says:

    Hi Sue,
    I found your blog a while ago and have spent some time reading your posts from the beginning. I admire your spirit. Instead of allowing straightened circumstances to limit you, you used your circumstances as a launch pad to adventure, bringing your readers along for the ride. Thank you so much Sue.

  44. Ladybug in Mid TN says:

    Interesting….it says the flowering season is May-October. It’s an overachiever!!

  45. Dawn in Asheville says:

    I was sorry to hear there were negative comments 🙁 Try not to let them get you down (easier said than done, I know). You only have to read all the good ones to know how many people feel like their own dreams are uplifted by reading about you living yours, and how many “virtual” friends you have. I expect you could put out a call that you needed a driveway to park in and you could stay somewhere different every night for a year and never stay in the same driveway once! Hope you are feeling better and avoid the worst of whatever bug you might have caught. Not too much new here, rain, classes and work have kept me just puttering about Juno. Hope to carve out more time next month to do upholstery (the mechanic and the rv shop are going to have to wait til we get drier and warmer weather – that tarping wasn’t easy to set up!). Loved that bit about road trips with your family when you were younger. Struck a note in me, too.
    Take care of you and the Reggie Man!

  46. Linda London says:

    Thank you for taking the time to share your day with us. I have been reading your blog for a bit but this is my first post. Your blog was part of my process in deciding that I want to try full timing! I have purchased a motorhome and have had a few days on the road – LOVED IT! Didn’t want to come home. But, alas, being responsible won out over my new found impulse to JUST GO! I’m up to my elbows in the process of cleaning out my place. Can’t wait to be done so I can feel the freedom of full timing.

  47. Tammie Villanueva says:

    Sue and Reg
    Im so happy that the frig. came 🎉🎉🎉
    and I just cant wait to see the new camp
    you’ll call home…….

  48. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Hi, Sue,

    The fridge came in!! Happy Dance!! Whoo-Hoo! Maybe your new fridge will have some improvements….you may need to retire the duct tape!

    The yellow flowers are so pretty! I read an article last week that stated California’s drought is officially over. I wonder if Death Valley National Park will have a super bloom this year?

    Have a good evening, Sue! Sending you and Reggie love and hugs from me and Gracie pup! 🙂

  49. Kevin in CO says:

    Good news the fridge is in, I was concerned with how long the slow boat from Europe would take. My patience would have run out.

    Be well and travel safe.

  50. Chris B and Diego in Southern California says:

    We went on Sunday drives, too, but it was camping in the western states that I remember lots of singing in the car. My favorites were MacNamera’s Band and I’ve Got Sixpence. My dad always sang them with an accent although he was born and raised in the US. It always made me laugh. He was a funny guy!

    Nice to hear that you’ll have a fridge again. I was surprised to hear that they had none in stock locally, but ever since the tax laws changed about inventory, distributors keep less in inventory and ordering only when it’s needed. I believe they call it “just in time,” but it really isn’t. 🙂

    Hope you feel better!

  51. Happy you had your time out and that you are back…there are so many yet to come…those wonderful songs of the heart! !

  52. rvsueandcrew says:


    It’s such a pleasure to open up this blog to friendly, peaceful messages flowing back and forth!

    I’m sorry for not replying individually to each of you, considering that many of you are dealing with really big trials. Know that I want the best outcomes for you.

    No big news to report this morning. Reg and I went to bed at seven last night! Seems I’m two-steps-forward-and-one-step-back with whatever ails me. No big deal, especially when compared to the difficulties of others. One reason I’m so happy with your comments is they give me the freedom to rest without concern for this blog. Thank you!

    Songs from my heart to yours,

    • weather says:

      It’s a good thing you chose not to have the refrigerator installed today, now you can just rest and take care of yourself. Gosh, I’m so sorry you don’t feel well. Sending hugs, hopes and prayers.

    • Retiredcajunlady 'N Louisiana says:

      Oh dear Sue, I am so sorry you are not feeling up to “snuff”. Something else my daddy used to say…LOL Please rest well and pamper yourself so your body can heal itself. I will keep you in my prayers this weekend.

    • Elizabeth says:

      Sue, I get as you describe sometimes…and I realize for me, my potassium had gotten too low…so I eat some bananas, potatoes, etc and usually gets my energy back up again…I think there are some sport drinks that might do the same thing, and you could store for such times…just a thought…hope you feel better soon!!

  53. Deena in Phoenix, AZ says:

    Songs back at ya, I sing all the time in my head and then I just burst out loud…love to sing but not very good but I’m great sounding in my mind…lots of blooms waiting for you on the trails Sue and Reggie…thanks for enjoying life and sharing with us

    Deena and Miss Mollie

  54. **Thank you** for the flower pics. With several feet of snow on my garden, it’s nice to see something green, growing and alive – even if far away.

  55. ApplegirlNY says:

    Sue, continue to take care of yourself. I also remember those Sunday drives. Also, on hot August evenings (before anyone had air conditioning), we’d pile into the car in our PJ’s and go for a drive with the windows down, just to get the fresh air moving. If we were lucky, there may be a stop to the ice cream store – that was a huge treat in those days – oh my goodness, I sound ancient!

    One of our favorite family songs was “You Are My Sunshine.” Sue, this post was a ray of sunshine. Don’t let the negative nellies get you down. You are sunshine to us all!

  56. 11Blade says:

    Hi Sue,
    Hope you aren’t coming down with the ‘crud’ that’s going around in Northern Arizona. I’ve been in Tuba City since Nov 1st with two bouts of it, the first requiring abx and steroids. The most recent episode (that I caught from the people at work I see coughing and sneezing into their hands…uck!) responded well to my hot tea toddy.

    One Tazo Zen lemongrass mint tea bag steeped in 10 oz hot water.
    Add juice of a whole lemon, when tea has cooled a minute or two.
    Add one teaspoon of honey.
    Mix in 1/2 ounce of Drambuie and drink the tea warm….Then lay down…you’ll SLEEP after this!

  57. FloridaScott says:

    Wow, Wow, Wow, So your a Prince fan! Or A happy Feet fan! How much fun is that? You continue to Amaze me Sue. Either way he was a great musician and what a Fun Movie. It’s the kind of movie that just makes you Happy. Here’s to You RVSUE!

    “We have to find our heart songs all by our self
    It’s the voice you hear inside
    Who you truly are (truly are)

    Raise your voices brothers and sisters
    Praise the great one who put songs in our hearts

    You might make a different song, yes that’s right it’s true
    That don’t make anybody more or less as good as you

    Prince – Song Of The Heart Lyrics

  58. Lisa, Tommie and Buddy in SoFlo says:

    Hi Sue! It’s so nice to have you and Reggie back. We have so much to catch up on. Hooray for the new fridge, I can see cold food, a full tummy (chicken, yum) and a toasty warm trailer to nap in. I am so thank full for you and your blog. You showed me the way to a happy life on the road, and most importantly, proved I didn’t need a gazillion bucks to do it. Which by the way was the turning point for me since I have nothing approaching a gazillion anything.

    For now I am highly content in my road life, living with my big dog and my geriatric cat in our tiny trailer. Life is great!! We are in the south for a couple more months before we head north in early spring to spend time with my parents. My Mom has not been well, so my return to the south next winter is unclear. That’s ok, I greatly prefer time with my folks versus any kind of weather.

    I don’t remember Sunday drives and sing alongs. My Mom used to play the piano and sing sometimes. Most of our family time in the car was weekend trips to see our grandparents. We had a chevy wagon that Mom had made a big foam cushion for the back. We would fold down all the seats, put in that cushion, all five kids would pile in and away we would go. Dad had an aftermarket air conditioner installed in the wagon and he liked it chilly. Well I can remember more than once that all of us kids were cold, especially the runt of the litter, that would be me. So Mom’s solution was for us all to strip off our socks, no shoes on that cushion!, and put our feet behind the curtains she had hung in the side windows. I can only imagine the expressions on the other drivers faces as we sped down the highway with five pairs of bare feet stuck in the sunshine of the side window. It’s a wonder we didn’t cause a pile up! And when Dad got tired and Mom drove, we all had to crowd into one side of that wagon so Dad could stretch out his 6’5″ frame and get a nap. We had so much fun just driving along. No wonder I like life on the road. Thanks for the trips down memory lane. Stay well

    • Mick'nTN says:

      It would be nice to get a report on your experiences with your solar system powering your electric refrigerator. Or are you on the grid?

      • Lisa, Tommie and Buddy in SoFlo says:

        I am finding that I have plenty of power for my fridge If I have Sun at least every three days. I have been on the grid mostly, but recently ran my fridge on battery charged solar alone for 48 hours. The charge in my batteries was hardly touched . So as long as I have cool weather, running on batteries alone is no problem.

  59. Bud (N E Washington) says:

    I found your blog from the interview with Bob Wells. Having been raised in Phx, Az. I enjoyed your pictures of Saddle Mtn. The first time I was at Saddle Mtn you had to take dirt trails to get there, of course that was many years ago. I hope to be able to spend the winter (2017) in the desert instead of plowing snow.LOL

  60. Mike says:

    2 kinds of people, those that like to look out the window … alot …1%, those that don’t…99%
    I rarely get to meet that 1%, thanks Sue.

  61. Cat Lady in Tacoma says:

    I’m glad to see you back. This blog is my favorite escape in an otherwise very crazy time in my life. My husband and I are relocating to NV, and are realizing we have far more than any two people should! Thank you sue and blogorinos for your positive words and encouragement, support of others.

  62. Barbara from Camano says:

    Right now I have such a warm feeling in my heart for alll the blogarinos. I love reading everything you say. (Well, almost everything.)

  63. AZ Jim says:

    Oh, it’s here, it’s all around us
    Hovering, awaiting a signal
    From you to settle within you
    You’ll feel it’s warm embrace
    Look around, ignore the dark,
    Invite it to visit, long term

    You need not know it’s name,
    It isn’t necessary to enjoy
    It’s presence is all you need
    But it’s called Happiness!

    AZ Jim

    • weather says:

      That’s beautiful, Jim! Thank you! It’s always great to see you on here, especially now. I hope the tests you mentioned needing weren’t hard to go through and that the results put you on a path to feeling well again. What you wrote is more than just beautiful, it holds wisdom. I felt happy just seeing your name, then even happier after reading that. Well done, dear man, I’m sure your Missy(our Sue) will smile when she sees it.

  64. Elizabeth says:

    I realize this post is not that much about dogs…but isn’t most of life about dogs for some of us?? Or like me, wishing I could have a dog again…etc. Well, on Susan Branch blog (she makes those cutesy, artsy calendars)…she just got home a few weeks ago from some time in the English country side…and took GOBS of photos of dogs…and a link to some sheepdog trials too…fun watching…for some viewing pleasure, Sue!!

  65. Terri From Texas says:

    Neat poem AZ Jim!!

  66. Suzi says:

    Quick Q? (New follower here: read every blog post for your first 2.5 years, then skipped to present. Hope my Q is not redundant, as I have not read between 2013 and right now). Here’s the Q: did your new refrigerator that came with the BLT, only last you 5+ years? Is this normal? Average? Thanks!

    • weather says:

      RVSue is taking a break from replying at the moment, Suzi, welcome to her blog’s comment section. To answer your questions-yes, her refrigerator only lasted 5 plus years. Under “normal” circumstances that would probably not have been the case. Most people drive and camp primarily on roads that are more well kept and smoother than those she often bumps along. Think rutted dirt tracks filled with jutting rocks and potholes to find forest or desert sites few try to access…Naturally the things in the BLT get banged around more than those of other folks do, so average? no- worth it? I know she thinks so.

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        Thank you, weather! I wrote my reply before seeing yours. You stated the refrigerator situation perfectly.

        You’re right. I wouldn’t change a thing over the past almost-six years. Those bumpy, rutted roads led to wonderful camps!

        • weather says:

          Great to see you here, Sue! I’ve tried to pray without concern for you to feel well, have enough food( other than canned beans 🙂 ) on hand, etc.

        • weather says:

          In my relief and excitement over seeing you on here yesterday I failed to mention the specific road I had in mind while describing them to Suzi. It’s the one in your May 31, 2015 post”drama on the way to an exceptionally fine boondock”.

          One reason I remembered it was because the following post ” last day at Davis Lake” had what I consider one of the best photos of Bridget in it, beneath ” you’re such a pretty girl”. Getting that picture alone, to me, would have made the drive worth it. How wonderful the quiet and beautiful camp was made for a great few days and lovely package surrounding the gift.

          Hoping you felt well enough to get laundry done and maybe groceries while you were in town. It occurs to me that your appointment to have the fridge installed and heater repaired is tomorrow. If you feel up to that, great! Yet, I’m sure they’d be glad to reschedule for you if you think you need more time to rest.

          My own errands may wait until it warms a bit here. With the current wind chill it feels like 10 degrees out. That’s too cold for salt to melt ice on the roads or in parking lots. Sounds like a good day to tuck in with the kitties and have fun inside.

      • Suzi says:

        Thank you! Makes perfect sense, and so we will have to anticipate the same thing happening to us as well. I don’t see us staying on only the “nice” roads either.
        I’ve enjoyed the blog very much- allllll the way back to day one in fact. But now I need to go back and keep reading past Zion and where little Spikey went downstream unexpectedly in the current alongside Creekside Camp. And I too have always wanted to camp on the North Rim of the G. Canyon, but after the post about poop and TP in the bushes, I’d have left and found a boondocking site down the road lickity-split as well! I’ve been ready nightly for a couple months, and I’ve enjoyed every single post! Cheers! Suzi

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Welcome, Suzi, No it is not “normal.” That’s because the way I camp, meaning the places I take the BLT, is not normal. The working parts of the refrigerator aren’t what brought about the need for a new one. The structure was damaged due to my abuse. Think of a car that runs great but both quarter panels have fallen off, the trunk won’t close, and the roof leaks, due to repeated crashes.

      I don’t know the average lifespan of an RV refrigerator. My fridge may have many more years left.

      • Suzi says:

        HaHa.. I’m sure we will “abuse” our poor little trailer too- in a good way! We like the roads less traveled! Right now our RV is a Subaru and a tent, and they are used lovingly but HARD! I imagine our RV will be no different!
        I also don’t think the refrigerators last that long actually. I saw that Interstellar Orchard had to replace hers too fairly soon after purchasing. I think Bob Wells made a You Tube of an interview he did with her, and the “new refrigerator thing” came up. I’m trying to get an idea what to expect (expect the unexpected) up front so I can budget better for those expenses. Love your writing! Love your doggers! Love your travels! Love your guts to pull that baby pretty much anywhere! Would love to run into you down the road. Cheers! Suzi

  67. rvsueandcrew says:


    Dropping in to let you know Reggie and I are fine. The cold wind is gone this morning. I’m going to try to drum up the energy to go to the laundromat. I slept most of yesterday. Reggie was such a good boy. He seemed to know I needed rest.

    Wishing you a good day,

  68. Laura - Illinois says:

    Hello rvsueandcrew and all the blogorino’s!

    I had a really bad fall at work the other day and it helped me realise I AM NOT getting any younger! My body is shot! I have deep bruising up and down both legs, on my right hand too. I fell over a case that I did not see… sheesh! Today at work, while dealing with the pain I have been feeling, even though I am following the restrictions workmans comp has given me, I still have to walk, walk, walk and deal with pain… so today I was trying my hardest to deal with my customers… those that donate blood.. I love blood donors! But I had one who got really really angry for asking him some questions we ask all who donate… well, he got really mad at me and started yelling at me and spitting on me while he was yelling… he left and then I had to try to remain calm and smile at the next donor…sigh… needless to say… the one thing I thought of all the way home was this blog! I wanted to see some pretty photo’s (and they are here!) I wanted to hear and read about adventure ( and that is found here…lol, laughing if Sue does not realise that there are some like me who find her life an adventure!) I wanted to read about “the light at the end of the tunnel, which is called retirement” (and I find it here!) Just want to tell you Sue and all those that follow and respond on her blog, that you bring a smile to my face at times when I can’t find a smile easily, you help me feel hope that maybe I will be able to retire and not live in a cardboard box next to a building when it is my time to retire… and there is one other thing that makes me smile and that is following the updates of your fur babies past and present… I love fur babies… and people who also love fur babies can’t be that bad right???? Huggles from Laura

    • Rochelle in IN says:

      Ugh! I’m sorry, Laura. Sorry that you’re bruised and sore because that case rose up out of nowhere and attacked you! At least that’s what I try to tell myself when something similar happens. 🙂 As for the RUDE person who not only yelled at you for something not in your control, but actually spit on you (!!!), words fail me. I know folks who disagree with the questions that are asked, but they only expressed their disappointment and left. I managed to donate 6 gallons before “the change” stirred things up such that I can’t pass the iron test anymore, no matter what I do. Just remember your job makes a tremendous difference to so many people in very difficult circumstances. Hope your week goes much better from here on out!

      • Laura - Illinois says:

        Thanks I needed that and oh my goodness you have donated 6 gallons! Just THINK of all those you have been able to help! And alot of women have the same experience as time goes on… that iron test!

  69. Linda a says:

    Happy your feeling better!
    Your pictures, for me, we’re unusually pretty this blog. If I were
    an artist I would want to paint those scenes especially the shaded
    mountains. Thank you!
    A refrigerator, once more, a blessing that often goes unnoticed. 😊

  70. Michael says:

    Sue, I wonder how many of the negative trolls you have influenced in a positive way. When they comment intolerant, profane and pathetic posts remember you moved them. You touched them, you reached into their life with beauty, humor, intelligence and common sense. You did something they only wish they could do, get folks to listen, share and understand. When they espouse negativity they are telling us about their miserable unhappy lives. Some will come around and get the positive influence in their life they need. The fact that they come here shows they are being influenced by your beauty, your understanding, your tolerance. The well balanced outlook you view life. You make a positive difference in the folks who read you. Bravo

  71. AZ Jim says:

    Well said Michael.

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