That’s whatcha’ get camping at 7,400 feet in the first week of April!

Wednesday,  April 1

1-P1030872Downtown Ely in eastern Nevada

“Do you think it will snow?” I ask the woman ringing up my purchases at a thrift store in Ely.

“No, I don’t think so.  All winter long, whenever they said it’s gonna’ snow, it didn’t.”

She puts the DVDs in a small plastic bag and hands it to me.  “We’ve hardly had any snow at all.”

1-P1030873The iconic Hotel Nevada

Five movies for ten bucks.  Not bad.  Cold days and nights ahead.  Whether it snows or not, I’m prepared!

I head over to True Value Hardware.

A variety store is housed in the same building.  I buy a cheap thermometer, laundry detergent, and look for a sweater for Bridget (didn’t find one).

1-P1030875Forsythia, a foreteller of spring

In the men’s clothing department I discover four different choices of Merino wool socks.

Ooh, these are nice  . . . super warm.  Hmm . . . . I wonder if they sell them in women’s sizes.

I check the women’s sock rack.

Boy, am I a dreamer.  Everyone knows women don’t need warm socks.  I could, however, buy a thin pair of dress socks with hearts running up the side.  What is it with the archaic stereotyping that will not go away!

1-P1030877Another sign of spring soon arriving

I return to the men’s sock rack and find the smallest size.

I wear a size 7 and even the smallest men’s socks are too big.  Darn it!  I wish I could order a pair of wool socks from Amazon!

1-P1030899As I make the turn into Ward Mountain Campground, our new neighbors come to mind.

I hope they turned that dang generator off.  Or, better yet, I hope they’re gone.

No such luck.  They’ve run the thing all morning and there’s no sign of them moving out.  Well, we’d better move.  Even if they leave, someone else will surely take their place.   I’m  not going to listen to that for hours.

I leave the crew in the PTV and hitch up.

I have a full camp to pack up…. the pen, chairs, mat staked down, etc.  I secure the interior. What a pain!  I just set up this camp!

“Okay, let’s find the best possible camp far away from the RV loop.”

I find a beautiful site in Loop A with a view of the mountain (in the photo above).

My grumbling is replaced with happy-happy.

“Look at this, guys!” I exclaim as I walk them among the cedars and pines around our new camp.  “Isn’t this nice?”

In the evening I watch “Ocean’s Eleven” with George Clooney before turning off the heater and calling it a day.

Thursday, April 2

5:30 a.m….  Reggie stirs.

Time for a potty run . . .  Bridget doesn’t move under the comforter as I snap a leash on Reggie’s collar and open the door.


1-P1030898Photo taken later in the morning

I giggle at the surprise.

It’s hardly daybreak.  (I’ve lightened the photos below the best I could).

1-P1030881“Reggie . . . Have you ever walked in snow before?”

1-P1030883After the initial surprise, Reggie does his business and we run to the warmth of the Best Little Trailer.

When Bridget gets out of bed, the three of us quickly explore the snowy campground.

1-P1030879Ward Mountain Campground is well designed with campsites shielded from each other

1-P1030897A very cold fire ring!

1-P1030891This is the 5th time we’ve camped in snow.

1-P1030892I couldn’t find a “snow” setting on my camera, thus the blue tint!

1-P1030878Snow slides off the BLT.

The crew and I eat breakfast and I check the blog, drinking a cup of coffee.  Bridget and Reggie snuggle under the covers.  The heater is on high.

When the sun lights up the windows, we go outside again.

1-P1030900Already much of the snow has melted.  Bridget is familiar with the white stuff.

1-P1030895The crew and I stay at camp all day. 

We take several short walks in the campground, always in a hurry to return to the warmth of our home.

1-P1030906One of the mountain views from our camp



Click the links to see a few of the items readers ordered from Amazon recently.

The Pet Palace Bag
Aqua Glycolic Face Cream
Fiskars Chopping Axe, 23.5-Inch
Mefoto GlobeTrotter Travel Tripod Kit
Dometic Portable Freezer/Refrigerator Personal Size
Miraclesuit Women’s One Piece Wide Strap Tank Swimsuit

Ladies Merino Wool Trail Socks

1-P1030920“Well, hello there, snuggle-bunnies!”


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266 Responses to That’s whatcha’ get camping at 7,400 feet in the first week of April!

  1. Love the last picture of the dogs in bed. We’re in Tucson, with a mechanical problem. It’s really hot. Can not wait to leave for higher altitudes. Enjoy yours!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I read about the damage you are having repaired. Did you ever figure out what caused that? Sorry it’s messed up your plans.

      • We don’t know the root cause of the damage. We hear “I’ve never seen that before” from the techs. I am very happy it can be repaired. The good thing was that it happened where there were people who can fix it, and not on our next destination which is out in the middle of nowhere.

  2. Deb D says:

    Great pictures. The snow looks very pretty! But the last pic is the cutest by far.
    Enjoy your stay.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks, Deb D. The crew-in-bed photos steal the show. You should see the outtakes!

      Hmm… That gives me an idea. Maybe I’ll make an outtakes post …

      • Gayle - SO CAL Beach Boomer says:

        I swear that Bridgette looks happier and happier these days! Oh goodness! I spelled her name as if she were (mon dieu) a french poodle!

  3. PookieBoy north of houston says:

    Dang it…..number 3 or so it seems

  4. AlanOutandAbout says:

    Lovely. Nature is always surprising us. Oh, I have said it before a UV filter will clear up your blue world, but we’ve been down that road before. 🙂
    It looks like NV has some nice spots, just nothing really spectacular like UT or AZ. I may have to rethink the state.
    You might try sockdreams dot com for your sock needs

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Um, Alan…. We’re all about Amazon here, remember? 😉

      Yes, I was wanting that UV filter as I took these photos. (I still haven’t figured out why my filters were sent back) Oh well, my blog always has had an amateur appeal to it…

      • AlanOutandAbout says:

        Yes, I know it. But you said “Darn it! I wish I could order a pair of wool socks from Amazon!” so I assumed you couldn’t find what you wanted. Amazon is nice but they don’t sell everything and are not always the cheapest either.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          The reason I said “Darn it! I wish I could order a pair of wool socks from Amazon!” is because I can’t order anything from Amazon while moving through small-town, rural areas. It’s the shipping bug-a-boo when you don’t have a residence that’s the problem.

          Amazon sells everything and it’s the cheapest. That’s my story and I’m stickin’ to it! 😉

  5. Dennis says:

    Beautiful campsite Sue. I put it in my campsite folder for a future visit. Thanks for the photos.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome, Dennis. One thing I haven’t mentioned about this campground are the trails… lots of them!

      In fact, across the main road is Ward Mountain Rec Area. There are cross-country ski trails over there and a course for disc golf, something I didn’t know existed until I read the information at the entrance.

  6. Marilu from Northern California says:

    What a neat surprise but only if it doesn’t last too long. We are expecting cold rain here in northern California for the first half of next week so you may have more coming your way. Merino wool socks are the best! They stay warm even when they get wet.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Marilu,

      While you’re having cold rain next week, more snow is expected for Ely. 🙂 I may buy a pair of men’s wool socks anyway!

      • Linda Rose & the 4 M's says:

        I was thinking if you couldn’t find a sweater for Bridget some warm socks with leg holes cut in them would work in a pinch?

  7. PookieBoy north of houston says:

    that sure is a pretty place your at and the snow is too…..just enough
    to make things purdy…..
    my chihuahua’s are the same way…..get under them covers when it
    gets cold….HA!

  8. Peggy says:

    I rarely comment but I do enjoy your blog and seeing your wonderful pics! I order all my Merino Wool socks from Amazon! I wear “Darn Tough” brand and they are great! They wash and dry in the machines with no problem and no shrinkage. They come in pretty colors and are in women’s sizes. Very comfortable and warm.

  9. Dawn from Camano Island says:

    The crew are adorable all snuggled up–do they bury their noses when they’re cold? The socks look perfect–I didn’t know Amazon sold Costco items. The snow was beautiful–hope that’s ‘was’ and not ‘is still’.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Dawn,

      The snow is gone. Bridget and Reggie go for the full-body snuggle. In other words, they disappear under the covers. So do I when it’s really cold.

  10. Needle in Plano TX says:

    Looks cold! Fabulous view. Sometimes I wonder if someone sends “generator lurkers” just to help you go find an even better location. Almost like a “Look whats around the corner” type of hint.:-) Seen anything in the way of officialdom since you arrived?

    (And 2nd April was a Thursday 🙂

    Stay warm

    Julian (aka Needle)

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Oh, and all this time I thought Tuesday came after Wednesday. 😉 I fixed it. Thank you, Julian.

      I forgot to mention in the post that the ranger drove by and he didn’t stop! Yay. I take that as meaning we’re okay to camp here.

      I should’ve camped in this loop to begin with. There’s Loop A, Loop B (best for tents and small rigs), and RV Loop, the latter probably a way to encourage those with generators and big rigs to camp together.

      Loop A is the furthest away from RV Loop.

      • Sidewinder Pen says:

        Thanks, you answered a question I was going to ask about the loops. Going to check out those socks now (the merino women’s ones linked to above). I was “right there with you” in the store where the men’s stuff was practical and then the women’s were only decorative. Annoying. And likely self-perpetuating, darnit.

        Here’s to your loop staying quiet and alpine!


        • Gayle - SO CAL Beach Boomer says:

          Manufacturers need to take some blame for perpetuating stereotypes. They manufacture what they “think” we want, and then we buy it because that is the only thing available. So, they think “see they wanted this because they bought it.” “And so on and so on, and scooby-dooby-do. Oh, sha-sha. We got to live together!” Different strokes for different folks? Not so much, IMHO. Try finding a “normal” waist women’s jeans these days.

          • Sidewinder Pen says:

            Just to clarify, when I said “likely self-perpetuating” I meant the same thing. That since that’s what’s there, that’s what most people will buy, and so more is made, etc. Maybe you knew that but upon re-reading I thought maybe it sounded like I meant something else.

            Kind of like how you’ll see a jacket with really good pockets, only then the women’s version doesn’t have them — instead it has half as many, and they are shallow or don’t have zippers or the cool secret inside pocket is missing… hmph!

          • Sidewinder Pen says:

            Boy will I be glad when the “low rise” craze is over. Geez, if I see one more pair of pants with a 2″ long zipper… (or I mean, fine, make them, but make some “regular” pants too!)

            • rvsueandcrew says:

              As long as we’re griping… Ha!…. The worst ever are shirts and jackets that don’t even come down over one’s rib cage. What the heck? The pants don’t come up to your waist and the shirt doesn’t come down to your waist. Stupid.

            • Sidewinder Pen says:

              All the better to highlight one’s “midriff.” Suck it in now! (And all day…. ugh no thanks.)

            • Remember those ridiculous “cropped” tops of the 80s? They are back in style!

              Ugh….I hated them back then!

  11. I would give almost anything to wake up to snow when I get my camp!

    Great pics, Sue! Especially the last one! 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Cindy,

      Thanks re the photos. Isn’t it great to be able to pick your weather? This is the first bit of real winter we’ve had in many months. I was wearing shorts and a tee shirt in January.

      I hope you do find snow outside your rig someday!

      • Thanks Sue….I’m doing a lot of planning!

        I just caught up with your previous posts. Re: the Wave 3 Heater; it’s hooked up to LP, right?

        So, I’m confused; do you bring a small tank into the BLT? How are you actually hooking up to your LP?

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Hi, Cindy.

          The Wave 3 runs on the propane from the big tanks that sit on the tongue of the BLT. I had the heater installed next to the refrigerator, low to the floor (because heat rises), in the center of the interior space, and easy for the propane feed line to be brought to the heater from the refrigerator propane feed line. I can’t remember if the connectors came with the heater or if I bought that separately.

          “Catalytic heater installation”

          I wouldn’t ever bring a propane tank inside the BLT.

          • Oh…thanks! I was reading how you can get them “installed.” But The video I watched had it sitting on the floor…free-standing.

            • rvsueandcrew says:

              The free-standing heaters are an option that some people prefer. You can get the legs from the same company. I didn’t want free-standing because of the small floor space. I’d stumble into it!

            • Sidewinder Pen says:

              Like Sue says, you can use the Waves “free-standing” (meaning you get an additional set of two little legs), or wall-mounted. Either way you use a gas line from your main tanks. The Wave has no built in regulator so it is “expecting” to see low-pressure gas (the big tank in the rig has its own regulator to bring the pressure down for all the built in lines).

              You can either use a length of flexible hose (which most people do for a free-standing setup), or use copper line (as Sue likely has in her wall-mounted setup).

              The little disposable tanks are higher pressure, so appliances that work directly from those have their own regulators.

              You could theoretically run a Wave from a disposable tank as long as the hose had a regulator on it.

              Propane should be stored in a “proper” vented location, hence storing propane canisters or tanks in the rig is not usually a good idea.

              I have my Wave temporarily set up as a free-standing one, but plan to “hard mount” it as soon as I decide on the best spot (whether I stick with the Wave or go to a different heater).

              Hope this helps (in addition to Sue’s useful info) and isn’t too much information. Propane can be a bit confusing at first, what with the varying pressures, different options, etc.

          • That’s a great post! That Chip was sure thorough!

            Thanks for linking it.

            I noticed the 2 old “mug shots” of The Bridge and Spike in the upper right….you gonna do new Crew shots with Reggie and Bridget? Maybe one of those adorable shots of them together? 🙂

            • rvsueandcrew says:

              I may do that someday. I have to do some work to figure out how to put photos in the sidebar as this theme doesn’t accept them without a lot of tweaking. Yuck.

            • Oh…ack! I hate that.

              My new site is still “progressing,” but I’m getting off WordPress…we never got along, and moving onto Weebly…so easy in comparison.

              When I was out in the rig just now measuring the batt compartment…I looked at my heater and thought, “Sue’s got a regular heater, too…”

              So, now I gotta ask; why did you need a Wave Heater, which uses propane, when you got a heater that came with your Casita…which also uses propane?

              Or did you not get a heater when you ordered the BLT?

            • rvsueandcrew says:

              I chose not to have the furnace installed at the Casita factory when I ordered the BLT. I suspected it would be noisy and since then, Casita owners have told me they are. Also I planned to rely on solar energy, not hookups or a generator, making propane ideal

            • Ok…gotcha.

              Well…me, Mae (my daughter) and the Tiny Dog Parade (altogether between the 2 of us we have 5…named the Tiny Dog Parade in 2013 by another camper, and they are getting their own YouTube Channel!), went to Sedona last Dec.

              It got down into the 20s at night (we missed the snow by one day!). While the other campers were busy thawing out their water hoses, with hair dryers…yeah, I know….”rolls eyes” we enjoyed our stay.

              But, the heater….I don’t know…it didn’t really bother us…noise-wise. Maybe it was because I wear ear plugs (got into that habit when we started RVing to dog shows back in the 80s), and my daughter’s bed over the cab is about 10′ or so away from the heater…(she doesn’t wear plugs)…? It’s right next to my bed, though. I guess every rig is different.

              Well…OK, then. mystery solved. If something happens to my existing heater…I’ll get the Wave installed in the same spot.

  12. Tammy says:

    OOOH SNOW! Beautiful pictures, especially your snuggle-bunnies!

  13. Bev says:

    We do boondock in Overton NV and I run the generator to support my oxygen concentrator on demand. CPAP masks also require generators or good solar panels. I understand your need for peace however I also understand the desire for a handicap individual to enjoy a boondocking experience now and then without the requirement for solar panels. This is my first year to experience the need for oxygen. During a recent camping experience, my husband had to lend a generator to an individual so the individual could use his CPAP mask. I see the time coming when solar panel users will force the ban of generators on public lands. Of course the Rep who writes the law will also have an investment in a solar panel company :-). And I don’t have a problem with solar panels. It will be the future and the cost of installing them will be justified. Just not for us as we are winding down from traveling full-time.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Bev,

      Of course I have absolutely NO objection to generators used for health reasons! Gosh, that would be mean! I wish everyone who wants to camp to be able to do so.

      • Sidewinder Pen says:

        I’ll chime in here as I’m also one to “dis” generators. Quite a few times when I’ve had to listen to one drone on (and ON) all day in the wilderness, I’ve tried to think to myself “Well, maybe they need oxygen or some medical equipment, and without it they could not be here enjoying things.” Only problem is, every time I have later met up with the people, it has turned out they were watching TV, running their microwave, etc. So far none of them have needed medical equipment.

        So, like Sue, I would not object to you (or someone in a similar situation) running a generator. And I bet you would be considerate about it as much as possible. That’s totally cool. (Although something like a CPAP can easily be run off of solar/battery – I have several friends who do so.)

        OTOH, so far real life it’s always been people who just want to watch TV or etc. and have not been considerate. Those are the ones that frost me.

    • JazzLover W.Ma says:

      Bev, I’m sure none of us here would even think of denying a handicapped person the wonderful experience of boon docking because they did not have solar panels and needed to use a generator to power their medical equipment, least of all RVSue. Sue chose to move to continue enjoying the quiet she so loves. I would have as well. People have a right to use a generator if they want or need to live as if they were home while being in the woods. Seriously don’t think solar will cause generators to become extinct any time soon. I know very well how frustrating it can be to be on oxygen when camping, years ago we camped with the long cylinders that you took with you in a little 2 wheeled carrier. When you got down to the last few, you went home or you stayed in a regular campground with hookups, but that was not boon docking in any sense of the word. I’m sorry that you have to be on oxygen, it can be a hard thing to accept. I hope you have many enjoyable boon docking experiences in your future.
      Jazz Lover

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        Nice comment, Jazzlover. Very thoughtful.

      • Pamela K. says:

        Your comment was such a lovely, beautiful one! I couldn’t help but remember the many times in the late 1950s and 1960s when my father, mother, grandmother, and my self would go to the local hospitals every time the power went out and hand pumped the iron lung machines for the polio victims. Our F.O.P. lodge would try to volunteer as much as possible during those times. I can’t begin to imagine what it must be like. Thank goodness there are breathing machine for those who rely on them, they save so many lives and prolong others. Truly one of those god-send inventions!

        • UPCDebra - Orlando, Florida says:

          Oh My! What a wonderful thing to do! Breathing for sick children. Making me cry! Age 5 (1957), I spent five scary, excruciating weeks in the hospital being test (spinal taps)/treated for polio without ever having a definite diagnosis. Thank God, I left walking, completely well. Later, I met a teenage older wheel chair bound cousin with polio. All of my life, my heart has hurt for polio victims.

      • Bev says:

        Beautifully written..thank you! And yes, we try to park away from others and we have a quieter generator we ordered with our motorhome. Sorry I didn’t get back to the post. My computer was in the hospital. I appreciate the replies.

    • Velda in Roseville Ca says:

      Bev, I have used a CPAP machine ( now an APAP) for over ten years and have always used mine on my rv battery when out. We have a 180 watt solar panel to recharge during day, but with our two rv batteries I never have a problem with my equipment. Check to see how many amps the O2 unit uses and you might be able to run that on battery also. Now when it was both hubby and I using my Cpap and his BIPAP we ran down batteries until I got a 12 v cable for mine which is much more efficient so it allowed us to use both machines.

  14. Terri from Texas says:

    So are there alot of people now in this “closed” campground?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      No, the campground is empty. Besides us, the only others are the big fifth wheel and I don’t know if they stayed or left, as their loop is far up the road from our loop.

      The ranger knows we’re here.

  15. Karen LeMoine says:

    Sue I found some really nice wool socks st WalMart. 2 pairs for 8.95. They are going on clearance. Winter camping is fun! We camped in the winter up in Quincy Ca. We had 4 cats then. Now we have 4 chihuahuas. Have fun!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Gosh, everyone! Go to Wal-Mart! . . .

      (Or use the link for wool socks I posted above the last photo. Thank you!)

  16. Lee J in Northern California says:

    Snow! I love the snow! But I sure wouldn’t want to live where it snows a lot! Beautiful!
    Snuggle is king in the cold weather for sure.
    I was hoping that link for socks from Amazon was for you, boo….so get some of the men’s wool socks, sometimes if mine are all in the wash, I sneak my husband’s and wear them like knee socks!

    I bought some wool socks for my sister that lives on a farm outside Astoria, she said when she wore them it was the first time her feet were warm all winter, still cold there…

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Lee J.,

      No, that link was me trying to encourage folks to buy wool socks from Amazon. 🙂

      If I buy the men’s wool socks, they probably wouldn’t fit with my Keen shoes. I may buy them anyway to wear to bed. Your last paragraph sold me on the idea!

  17. Applegirl NY says:

    Snuggle bunnies are adorable.

    The thing with the socks with hearts…. someone is buying them!

  18. JIM PETERSON says:

    Solar panels can remain optional. A single RV/Marine battery (and a small inverter) will run a CPAP machine all night long . . . quietly . . . people in tents do it all the time . . . of course, you’ll never know unless you get close enough to hear the CPAP machine itself.
    “At a 10 cm water pressure setting a CPAP which draws 2.5 amps would need 20 amp-hours in 8 hours. Therefore, the battery should be at least 35-40 ampere hours to support one night of sleep.”
    “At a 20 cm water pressure setting a CPAP which draws 4.5 amps would need 36 amp-hours in 8 hours. Therefore, the battery should be at least 54-72 ampere hours to support one night of sleep.”
    “Respironics units would require a 30-40 amp-hour battery for two nights; such a battery weighs about 20 pounds.”
    Without really shopping around much, here’s a 35 amp-hour battery for $110:
    Two of ’em will support any of the above scenarios *and* be far cheaper than the cheapest genset. Then one can get a 12-volt charger which is properly sized for *their* genset and charging time will be counted in minutes instead of hours. It’s hard to find chargers large enough to match a typical genset output so huge amounts of fuel are wasted. Even a relatively quiet 1,000 watt Honda genset can be better matched with a 50 or 60 amp charger. The savings in fuel and wear and tear on a too-large-for-this-small-load genset will quickly pay for a three-stage smart charger which will *also* prolong the life of your batteries. There is no good reason for anyone to run their genset more than two hours a day (three at the most!) — there are LOTS of better — and quieter — options. That said, we’re more like you. Even though it’s a hassle, it’s just easier to move :o)
    JIM & ANNIE ~ BOISE, ID (29 weeks and 3 days to go!)

    • JIM PETERSON says:

      I neglected to mention that maximum charging rate is usually recommended to be no more than 10% of battery capacity — another variable which favors smaller chargers plugged into smaller gensets. For example, the above two batteries — wired together — should probably never be charged at a rate much above 7 amps. But — usually — one has house batteries too *and* smart chargers will automatically reduce the charging amperage as needed. Take the total capacity (amp hours) of all the batteries in your system and let 10% of that be your guide. If batteries are charged too fast, the excess is given off as heat. If the plates get too hot, they can warp and ruin the battery = false economy.

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        Thanks for all the information, Jim. I appreciate the effort put into your comment!

      • Have you got your solar set up on your rig already, Jim?

        If so…are you happy with the job they did…and if so…who did it?

        • JIM PETERSON says:

          I don’t know if you’ll get this? I don’t always remember to go back and see if anyone replied . . . and the automatic notification (of replies) doesn’t seem to work (could be my old XP laptop?). I don’t have my system back on the fifth wheel yet — it’s only 96 watts total (two panels) and one small charge controller but I have been reading all of this guy’s stuff and it seems he knows his stuff:

          Though many will be turned off by his attitude. :o) He says that AGMs only make financial sense when you have extremely restricted access to your batteries. Otherwise, something along the lines of the T105s offer more bang for the buck
          I want to get the charge controller he recommends and start building our system from there. Our master closet is right above where the house batteries are (and room to add plenty more) so I’ll install the charge controller in there = an easy straight (and short) shot from the roof panels to the batteries. I do maintenance & repair work for a living so this kind of stuff is pretty easy for me to do my own.
          JIM & ANNIE — BOISE, ID

    • Thanks for this mini solar education Jim. 🙂

      I have a question about the AGM batts; they are smaller than regular deep cycle batteries, right? In my Winnebago I have my 2 deep cycle batteries under the stair. Would I be able to fit….say 3 AGMs in that same spot do you think?

      I also know that they are safe to have inside…but I’d rather have them out of sight.

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        I clicked on Solar in the header and opened up the page about batteries. Then I clicked on the Amazon link to the Optima batteries I have and found the dimensions of one battery:

        Size: 12 13/16″ x 6 1/2″ x 9 3/8″ tall

        Hope that is helpful…

        BTW… If you can go to Yuma, Starlight Solar is the best. And that’s not just me saying so…

        • Yes….thank you.

          I just happen to have MINE! (that’s my Winnie’s name 😉 ) parked out front. She had to get her emissions done yesterday…her first time! The tester said, ” You seem like a nice person, but you shouldn’t have to bring these things in here for testing…makes no sense!” Nice guy.

          Anyway, she’s going to get her cracked power cord fixed, and the AC (which I’ve had problems with in the AZ summer) looked at, this weekend.

          Anyway, I just measured her batt compartment: and only 2 will fit in there 🙁

          But…I’ll bet a good solar installer would be able to help me find other places to put more batteries in here.

          Nomadic Fanatic has Cell Tower batteries in his van, now. They are real tall and skinny. Expensive, though. He found a cheap source, however.

          • Sidewinder Pen says:


            As far as I know, there is no “rule” about AGM’s being a different size (amp per amp) than flooded cell batteries.

            You may already know this, but batteries typically go by “Group” size. There can still be slight differences in dimensions due to where they put the handle, bumps in the case, the posts, etc., but essentially, a Group 27 is a Group 27 (case size), a 24 is a 24, a 31 is a 31, etc. That is whether they are flooded cell, gel, or AGM (all three types are lead-acid batteries, just different “flavors”).

            So okay, a Group 27 is the size a Group 27 is, physically (you can look these up in a chart online). However, different brands/types can still have different characteristics. Some have more reserve capacity, etc. etc. — you just have to read the specs.

            I guess you could say it’s like a foot long hot dog. Each foot long hot dog will be 12″ long, but different brands might have more or fewer calories, different spices, etc. The “foot long” is like Group Size; the calories, spices, etc. are the individual specs of different brands.

            Once you measure your space (including height) you can figure out what combination of battery or batteries would fit (physically). If you are going with AGM’s, they can also be mounted on their sides, which may help. Sometimes a huge battery will fit (say a Group 8D size) but you might still prefer a few smaller ones because they are easier to lift in and out.

            • Thanks Sidewinder,

              As a matter of fact I checked the dimensions of the AGMs that Jim P posted earlier. They are really small! Anyway 5 of them would fit in my space!

              But, can you put only 5? I mean…do they have to be in even numbers like 4, or 6? I noticed most people always have an even number.

              I know, I get easily confused until I actually have learned something, hands-on….

              All I know is…I want the full maximum solar package for full-timing…and you need a lot of batteries for that.

            • Sidewinder Pen says:


              As long as you have 12 volt batteries (and a 12 volt system) you can use odd numbers of batteries. The reason you sometimes can’t use odd numbers is if, say, you have a 12 volt system but buy 6 volt batteries. It takes two 6’s to make a 12, so then you need even numbers.

              One thing to watch is that you don’t get batteries vs. solar input “out of balance.” By that I mean that in addition to storing power, you also need to put it back after you use it. Batteries don’t like to sit around only partially charged. An extreme “bad example” (just to make a point) would be, say, 100 watts of solar and seven batteries totalling 800 amp hours. Sure, you could run off those batteries for a long time, but you’d have a hard time charging them back up (it would take ages).

              This somewhat depends on each use case scenario, so there is no absolute right answer, but a rule of thumb is equal numbers of solar watts and battery amp hours. That’s only a rule of thumb though. My setup will have slightly more watts than amp hours but still relatively close. This at least gives you something to go on.

      • AlanOutandAbout says:

        Be careful with AGM batteries, their best feature is no maintenance. However they have much less amperage than standard deep cycles of the same size. Look into golf cart 6 volt batteries. You might get four in your space wired in series parallel to give you 12 volts.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Whatever…. I’m super happy with my AGMs!

        • Sidewinder Pen says:

          I haven’t noticed that being true. I have Group 31 AGM’s that have 125 amp hours each (at 12 volts). I don’t know that flooded cell Group 31’s would necessarily have more capacity (?).

          We could have a whole web site debating the (other) plusses and minuses to flooded cell vs. AGM (there is a lot to consider), but “much less amperage” is not one I have encountered (but maybe I’ve just missed something).

          I’m sure you know this, but just for others, note that if you are putting two 6 volt batteries together to make a 12-volt one, you have to halve the amperage. In other words, two 6-volt golf cart batteries of 130 amp hours each, will make one 130 amp hour 12 volt pair (not 260 amp hours). Double the voltage, halve the amp hours.

          • Mick'nTN says:

            Maybe people are confusing CCA (cold cranking amps) with amp-hours. They are two different ratings.

            • Aren’t CCAs associated with engine batteries?

            • AlanOutandAbout says:

              Not for me Mick. Trojan 105’s have 225 amp/hours of power, I have four of them. I think Sue,s have 150. There is nothing wrong with AGM batteries. I have one in my Honda. Sue doesn’t really need much power and what she has is perfect for her. But if you really need decent power They just won’t do.

            • Sidewinder Pen says:

              I don’t understand this, Alan. There are many pros and cons to both AGM’s and flooded cell batteries, but “not enough power” (size for size) is not really an AGM thing. Do you by chance have 6 volt T-105’s and you are counting their full rated amp hours (at 6 volts) and not dividing in half because it takes two to make 12 volts? That’s the only reason I can think of that AGM’s would seem “less powerful” as compared to your T-105’s.

              Mind you, I think flooded, 6-volt T-105’s are great batteries. Tough as a boot and good bang for the buck. However they are tall, and you need to run them in pairs to make 12 volts (most of us have 12 volt rigs).

              Like just about everything, I don’t really find a clear “best” in batteries; rather it pays to know what your use case is and figure things out accordingly. I have had T-105’s in the past; I have AGM Group 31’s now. Both were great for their situations.

            • rvsueandcrew says:

              And if you’re like me and will not do any maintenance, even when required, AGMs are the way to go!

            • Yes, that’s right, Sue.

              I wouldn’t mind having them small enough to lift myself….but in reality would I do that? I don’t know.

              I am certain anyway, that I’ll have to have some batteries kept inside. So, I’m certain the AGMs are the choice for me.

        • Thank you, Alan,

          But what to do when I have like 400 Ws of solar up top? 2 batts is not enough to store it?

          Heck, I’ve got 2 group 31 (I think) now. But only a trickle solar panel. I’ll want much more than that when I go full-time.

          • Sidewinder Pen says:

            I somewhat spoke to this above, but nothing bad woudl happen if you had 700 watts of solar and only one battery (except you would be wasting potential power). The solar controller knows when your batteries no longer can accept charge (they are full) so it just stops sending charge to them.

            Still, it would be a lopsided system, and you’d be letting a lot of power go because you would have no way to “bank” it. So it’s better to be a bit more in balance between solar panel watts and battery storage capacity. When solar panels were more expensive, people leaned toward larger battery banks and smaller solar arrays. Now it’s practically the opposite, and solar panels are not so expensive anymore (comparatively). Now with smaller RV’s the issue is more one of space (both for panels and batteries). So, your uses and draws will tell you what you “need” and then you can design a balanced system. If it doesn’t end up being able to be large enough (due to roof size, battery bank space, or budget), then you can cut back or plug in or etc. Life as your own power company 🙂

          • AlanOutandAbout says:

            This is were the confusion starts. Your battery size and power is dependent on what your needs are. You need to figure out how much power you need and use to know. Mick should be able to help you figure out what you need. Your solar cells only recharge your batteries. You can only expect about 50% or so of your rating to be the actual amount of wattage delivered. It all depends on angle of light, size of wiring, and the available light. Even if you have a great system you will still, on occasion, need to start your generator to recharge them. That is really the best use of generators, they don’t last long if you use them power a lot. Sue has even said she has had to use her van’s alternator to recharge hers before. It is very easy to over discharge your batteries and if you do you can destroy them, and they ain’t cheap.

            • Well…I’ve made a list of the things I have and will have in my RV when I full-time. And before anybody says anything…I did not include the AC, because you can’t. Not unless you’re using an Evap AC, or a household AC…like what’s in a window.

              And if I only get 50% of the wattage out of the batteries…then it just proves what I said….I need a lot more batteries, or battery power than I have at the moment.

            • Sidewinder Pen says:

              I think what Alan is saying is that solar panels are rated in “standard test conditions,” which are much more ideal than we ever have in real life. So for example if you have a 100 watt panel, it’s theoretically rated at around 6 amps (just averaging here). So over a 12 hour day, times 6 amps, that would mean you would be getting 72 amp hours. Only, that would never happen. Sun is never perfect, angles are not perfect, sun doesn’t shine straight overhead for 12 hours a day, etc.

              Batteries will have the rated capacity when new, that’s not a problem (of course as they age they slowly die). Solar panels would put out rated capacity in a perfect world, but we aren’t in that, so they don’t.

              I’d actually slightly disagree on generator use. As much as I hate to listen to them, technically I’d say they prefer to be run more, not less. Many RV-ers have generator issues from not exercising them regularly. Of course, I like the peace and quiet so no complaints from me if people run them less 😀

            • Sidewinder Pen says:

              PS: Cindy, it sounds from your comments like you are just getting a handle on solar systems, how watts/amps/charging work, etc. That’s great, as it pays to be an informed consumer. However rather than just learning from fragmented comments (not to presume you aren’t learning elsewhere, but just in case), you might like to read an overview by someone like Jack Mayer (findable by google) who has a good handle on the basics and tends to explain them well.

              You very well may get a great system just by finding a great installer, but to me it’s like taking your car in to a mechanic: You may not be going to do the work yourself, but it pays to have a basic understanding so you know what you are and aren’t getting.

              AM Solar also has some system diagrams on their website, which may help to give an overview.

              Also, have you done any energy calculations to get an idea of how many amp hours per day you are using? Any appliances or loads (refrigerator, computer, lights) will have a specific draw. Combine that with the number of hours per day of use, and you can get an idea of what you need. If you have a small rig and a large power appetite, then you may need to just jam in all you can fit, but maybe not. Good to have some specifics going in, I think.

              Good to hear you are going solar (or NOT hear it, since it’s silent 😀 :D)

            • Yes, I am Sidewinder…thank you.

              My predicament as far as adding up wattage is that I’m not full-timing yet, and don’t have any real-world experience as to how much energy I would use.

              For example; I know I will buy a couple of ceramic heaters for when I “might” be in winter conditions, and don’t want to burn up the LP. Or I know I will be working online with a laptop when I full-time but I never have done that yet in the RV. I also will have to buy a portable printer to use…but have no idea how much I will actually use it, or how much wattage it uses. I also have electric dog clippers that I have to use once every 2 months. I have a hair dryer that I would use a couple of times a week. And who knows how often I’ll get a hankering for one of my frozen vegetarian dinners that I’ll have to microwave.

              I’m probably over-thinking it, but there’s some things I don’t like to be surprised about.

              Perhaps this Jack Mayer covers some of these situations?

            • Yes…Sidewinder; I go to the storage lot every month and run my genny under the load of my AC for an hour.

              Funny though, I forget about the engine under the hood. When I went Weds. to pick her up for her emissions test…the engine battery was dead! It’s a newish batt bought last year. Fortunately, the previous owner had the forethought to install a battery booster, which I’ve used twice now in the 2 years that I’ve had the rig.

              I just gotta be better about exercising both engines every month.

              RE: The solar; I get all that. I just need to know if I can get enough panels and batteries in my rig for my needs under reasonable conditions…not perfect ones.

            • Sidewinder Pen says:


              I ran out of “reply” chain below. To get an idea of what various things draw, you can look at a label that should be on any appliance. It should list watts, and you can convert (look online). Note that draw at 12 volts DC is what you want to find out.

              Not to be a killjoy, but i can tell you that you won’t be able to run electric heaters on your 12 volt system (solar/batteries). They just draw too much. That’s why most folks have a propane heat source for when not plugged in (of course you could run electric heaters with the generator running, but… ugh).

              Typically, any appliance that makes heat is a pretty big draw. Toaster, hair dryer, heater, etc.

              Living on 12 volts has gotten quite “civilized” now that there are solar panels, large battery banks, etc….. but it’s still not the “carefree” way o living when you are attached to the grid. Just like you are your own water supply and sewage plant, you are your own power company. So you have to learn and manage. I find it fun, myself 🙂

            • Thanks Sidewinder,

              I AM finding all this fun!

              In reality if I had a need for those heaters….likely I’d be plugged in somewhere…like when/if working for Amazon. And I’d be using them to keep the plumbing warm.

              After reading Technomadia’s blog on solar. You can use some hi-draw stuff in short bursts. ..but continuously would drain the batteries too fast.

  19. Terri from Texas says:

    Your campground is empty and they camped NEXT to you and ran their generator??? I think I would go stick a metal fork in it! Glad you finally found some peace!

  20. DebsJourney says:

    What a great post today Sue. Loved the pictures and all. Snowing still but summer is coming to Florida too soon for my liking! Going to Passover dinner at my cousins tonight and I made yummy roasted brussle sprouts and a fresh veggie casserole.
    Have you ever thought of doing a video? That’s what I’m planning to do with in the next month or so. Well relax and snuggle with those two furry kids. Happy Easter my friend Hugs! Deb

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Best wishes to you at Passover, Deb. Your dishes sound delicious!

      No, I don’t want to do video. Too many folks can’t open videos and I don’t like to exclude people. RVSue and her canine crew is a simple place. 🙂

      Have a good evening with your cousins!

    • Elizabeth in WA says:

      Your dishes sound yummy, Deb!! We are trying to eat more veggies as a general rule these days too!! And extra nice to share them at Passover!!

  21. Barbara (from Nashville) says:

    What a nice area. A little snow is so beautiful. From what we have seen on the news, the western states need all the liquid they can get. We had more ice in Mid-TN this year than snow.
    I do love the mountain views and of course the crew made me smile. Their cuteness is just what I needed today as my kitty was diagnosed with near complete renal failure this a.m. and I had to have him put down. It is very sad, as I rescued him from the pound and had him for 9 years. Such a sweet and loving cat. I will miss him.

  22. Timber n' me says:

    Snow? Oh well, at lest it didn’t dump on you three and it’s kind of nice, it livens up the forest and Reggie gets to see what it is. Your photos are really great showing Spring is on it’s way. Have a great day, stay warm, hug the pups and have a blessed Passover.,,,,,,,,,,,,,us

  23. Elizabeth in WA says:

    You move and get another great view!!! Don’t ya love that part?? Pretty!!! Oh yes, indeed the snuggle bunnies are so cute!! Ah…aren’t you glad you can have them??

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Elizabeth,

      Yes, I’m fortunate in many ways, and having Bridget and Reggie are two of them.

      This campsite is nice because I can look out over the tree tops from inside the BLT, as I’m replying to comments.

      I hope you are having a good day!

      • Elizabeth in WA says:

        Lovely view!!! Love it!!

        Thanks, yes, busy with errands now taking a break…lamb soon goes on BBQ…making a bit of soup, and other yummy things!! 😉 Smaller than some years cause there is only so much us 3 can eat…but yes we are celebrating so many things tonight!!

  24. Cinandjules (NY) says:

    Hah! I knew it! Just a dusting!

    Movie night…sounds fun. Now do you play the movies on your laptop or on a TV?

    We had movie night the other night…Gardens of Stone….courtesy of your link!

    Merinos are warm. We’ve tried them all…Columbia, Icelandic to name a few. Drove quite a distance to see if we could get more winter socks…on sale…but they were all gone! Good grief the swimsuits are already out and it’s barely 32 degrees!

    If you want a pair of thick warm socks…can’t wear them in shoes but they fit well in bear paws…”heat holders”, they come in all sizes and colors! And you can get them on Amazon when you’re in a place that has general delivery.

    Gave them away as stocking (pun intended) stuffers last Christmas. My sis in AZ wears them to bed at night.

    Stay warm!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Cinandjules,

      I watch DVD movies on my TV. I always buy them at thrift stores. I watched “Bad Influence” last night with Rob Lowe.

      Thanks for the tip on heat holders. I’ll see about posting a link here. Great idea for stocking stuffers.

      Heat Holders Thermal Socks, Women’s Original

      Okay, now why are the women’s socks $2 more than the men’s socks? Huh? I demand foot equality!

      Heat Holders Thermal Socks, Men’s Original

      • Marilu from Northern California says:

        The women’s socks are $2.00 more than men’s for the same reason our local cleaners charged $4.50 more to clean a woman’s pants suit than a man’s suit. Grrrrr!

        • Cinandjules (NY) says:

          Trust me they are both the same product…just the sizes.

          I had to buy the ladies as my foot is a 5 1/2 and they don’t sell it in kids sizes.

          We always shop in the boys or men’s section for clothes. Better selection and usually better quality.

          Men’s hair cut 15 dollars vs woman’s haircut 100.

          • A gal in Maple Valley, WA says:

            Hi Cinandjules,

            I saw your inquiry about that cordless shower gizmo on the last post. I was looking at it, too. Were you considering the electric heater paired with it or something propane or no heat? It seem like it would be handy for many applications. What might you use it for? Was the video in the reviews/comments section? It says it has an in-line shutoff but I couldn’t see it in any views.

            • Cinandjules (NY) says:

              The video is in the review section….scroll down.

              Not quite sure what you are referring to “pairing it with an electric heater, propane or no heat”.

            • A gal in Maple Valley, WA says:

              The heater came up in the ‘people who bought this also bought this’ area. The gizmo doesn’t heat the water so the electric immersion heater heats what’s in the bucket (or whatever) . There are also portable propane water heaters that would work. If you were gonna use it just for cold rinsing, no need to heat the water.

      • Sidewinder Pen says:

        And there is less fabric to boot!

    • My favorites are the Smart Wool. They make them real thin…so they fit in any shoe…I can wear them in my Keens. Also, they don’t itch…that’s the best part. They are lined on the inside so the wool doesn’t touch your skin…necessary for me. PLUS, they come in tall…to go far up your leg, or in the ankle length if you want to hide them in your low shoes. They are kinda expensive, but I love them…I don’t buy anything else, and they last for years and years.

  25. Renee (NorthRanch/Datil) says:

    I posted a comment on the previous entry that I meant to put here. Duh! Some suggestions for a few sights to see if you’re heading north in Nevada sometime. Sorry you’ll have to go back one to get to it!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      That’s okay. Thanks, Renee. I looked into Angel Lake Campground but crossed it off my list because it’s about a thousand feet higher than where we are now. I’d like to see some of the Ruby area, kind of out of my way this year.

      • Renee (NorthRanch/Datil) says:

        Not being sure how long you were going to be wanderin’ around NV, I just thought I’d give you input (since you’re so good at giving the rest of us input on the places you stay). I’m sure, if you’re heading north sooner rather than later, it might not be quite warm enough yet.

  26. Just enough snow to look pretty and melt quickly! That is the kind of snow I like! Glad y’all snuggled up tight through the night and stayed warm and cozy! I am so happy that Bridget likes her new crew member! She looks truly content!
    On a serious note, Radar is having surgery the 22nd of April. He has a growth up over his left eye. We took him to a vet in Sarasota while we were in Myakka. She assured us it was nothing to worry about. It was pimple sized then! Would have been simple to remove! Now it has grown much bigger and it has to be removed! DoogieBowser has one also but on his back. It will be removed later. Neither are cancerous ! So please say a quick prayer for Radar on the 22nd! Thank you!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Geri,

      Oh, poor little Radar has to have surgery. I suppose he’ll have to go through the plastic collar torture afterwards. Funny, I was thinking of Radar this morning, how he’s about the same size as Reggie.

      Prayers for Radar, one of the cutest and sweetest dogs ever!

  27. Betty Shea says:

    Love the snuggle bunnies pix!!! Stay warm….snow is nice as long as it melts guickly

  28. kgdan from WA says:

    Happy is the man with his fishing line in the water. Was able to purchase a Nevada non-resident license over the phone so we have one (actually 2) happy happy campers here at Pahranagat. The day is turning out to be very comfortable with a light breeze currently tho that is like to change at anytime. Very nice (and free) camp.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Love your topic sentence, Kathy. Ha! I keep forgetting that you can get fishing licenses by phone. You’re good to go…er… good to stay! 🙂

      If it’s a nice day today, tomorrow should be super! Forecasters say it will be warmer.

      Oh yeah, love those free camps!

  29. CheryLyn(Oregon) says:

    I have always liked spring snow, beautiful, water into the soil, and then gone. Here in eastern Oregon a drought disaster has been declared for several counties. Some areas at only 7% of normal for moisture. We depend on snow melt in our reservoirs for irrigation and many are empty and little or no snow in the mtns. March and April are often our best mtn snow months and so far this year nothing. They will begin shutting down the forests to activities if it stays this dry and turns hot.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      That’s disturbing, CheryLyn. Only 7%… and then the problem with forest fires.

      Of course, from the selfish viewpoint, I’d hate to see those national forest campgrounds closed. Even here, the snow wasn’t much and, like the thrift store woman said, not much snow all winter in this part of Nevada.

      • Elizabeth in WA says:

        Wonder if closer to the coastline, at least later in summer, will be less dry? We did not get a lot of rain but I think our area is in less drought than 7 %…hopefully there will yet be some rainy days here and there…

  30. cc and canine (Eastern Missouri) says:

    Sue….you have a new “header” photo on the top of your blog page. Nice shot of the BLT and the PTV. Where was this one taken? Recently in Nevada?? Enjoyed all the photos of Ward Mountain…looks like a nice camp. Snuggle up and keep warm tonight…

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You may be surprised to know it was taken on BLM land near Congress, Arizona. It’s not a recent picture. I think it’s from 2012.

  31. Shawna says:

    I just love that last picture of the snuggle-buddies! Reggie’s sweet little innocent face is to die for. Miss Bridget, you’re a looker, too, but he’s got his little button nose right in the camera. Love you little canines to pieces! Burger, Fries, and Charlie say hi!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Burger, Fries, and . . . Charlie? 🙂

      On behalf of the crew, thank you. Reggie has “his little button nose” in everything!

  32. AZ Jim says:

    You left us too soon. It is 82 with a great light breeze and cooling down even more in the next few days, weeks. It’s that little hiccup hot spell that has our snowbirds headed home. I see Reggie really checking that skiff of snow out, probably his first. Keep on truckin Missy….J

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Well, Jim, I couldn’t wait out that “hiccup” with no air conditioning. And I was restless to move. It’s good to be perched on the brink of the northern states for the summer travels.

  33. weather says:

    Awakening to just enough snow to have fun seeing it surprise Reggie,not too much (of it or cold )to bother Bridget and you,nice to live,remember and then-poof-gone by afternoon,sounds like a really good day or dream.I hope that’s how it felt…

    Movies watched while cozy are a treat,I’m glad you have new to you ones to see.For Easter I’ll see the latest Tolkien one sharing snacks with troupe.I wonder if you’ll find your guesses about what the temperature is to be fairly accurate, now that you have a thermometer.You know it’s cold enough to make socks matter!My bearpaws work great without any all day.For bedtime I usually wear men’s socks so there’s room to tuck my jammies in and be able to wiggle my toes.

    Your new campsite is beautiful.Cool pine scented air ,spacious privacy,gorgeous view-thank you for extending both the list of wonderful places along the road,and the pleasure this day’s held.Today my grandson and I had time and lunch together.He refrains from texting when with me,so we can have each others full attention,makes sure to reach every doorway first to hold it open for me.Exercising as much restraint,I won’t bore you by gushing further.I really am blessed by how you both enhance this life

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Hi, Weather,

      I can “hear” the love and pride you have for your grandson! Gushing is always allowed and encouraged! Hope you and your troupe have a blessed Easter! 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, weather,

      Everything is as you hoped. We’re fine and dandy in our mountain camp, crisp air, warm home, cozy bed, and best pals. 🙂

      Your grandson sounds wonderful… Love that he reaches the door before you in order to hold it open. Respect and love…. No wonder you’re proud and feel like gushing! I’m glad you had time together.

      You bless my life, too.

      • weather says:

        Good morning,Sue,I really enjoyed your reply,thank you.Earlier I wrote one to you and chose to delete it and begin again.I was with people a lot recently.You understand the costs of that …So,fresh start-snowflakes today,chocolate tomorrow,troupe making messes and me laugh-life is good in my world,hope it is in yours,too!

    • Elizabeth in WA says:

      Awww, so glad you were again having a great time with your grandson, Weather!! Wonderful!!

  34. A gal in Maple Valley, WA says:

    Hi Sue,

    Nice shot in your new header. Where was it taken?

    Could you perhaps shrink those men’s wool sox? I have always had cold feet when I am not in motion. I use a combination of 3 pairs; pure poly next to skin to wick, then 2 other pairs of cotton or cotton/poly. I have HUGE feet so I now buy only men’s. Sox, shoes,… pretty much everything as they have always been made better and lasted longer and more color options than ‘Princess’. I like the occasional neon cats sox that peek out to surprise with jeans for whimsy, but mostly durable and practical please.

    Another solution may be to use the packets of foot/ hand warmers. They get very warm (hot if you stand on them) and have lasted over 8 hours. I’ve found them in many stores. They cost about $1.50 per pair but I’ve bought in bulk packs less than $.75 a pair. Stick ’em right to your feet, under your sox if you like it very warm.

    If you ever find a fabric store, you can get some no-pill, velvet soft, plush fleece for your bed. (no sewing required) Just a yard or two and put that all around your feet or as a sheet. Sooo toasty! It’s also a nice throw or shawl. Just don’t wash in hot and it air dries quickly or 5 min in dryer to fluff.

    I found that very thin Styrofoam sheets, used for shipping, reflects heat back quite noticeably. I’ve put some of that under me, like a mattress pad, while sleeping and it really does a good job insulating. Bubble wrap would also work but you couldn’t get any sleep. :0

    Whew, by the time I finish this, you’ll be in hot weather again. 🙂

    Sending warm wishes your way.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      The header in place at the moment was taken at our camp south of Congress, Arizona, a couple years ago.

      Wow! So many good ideas and suggestions… Thank you!

    • Cinandjules (NY) says:

      One of those folding foil windshield shades works great as an insulator.

      When the sun is out (winter) I form it over the ADK chair and the ferals love it!

      • Yes, the dollar store windshield shades (really flimsy) work great as insulators on your camp chair! Just line the chair with it foil-side out and sit…your body heat is reflected back at you, plus they are windproof. Get a spare or two, they tear easily.

  35. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Great hints, Maple Valley gal. When in JoAnn Fabrics, I always check the remnant area for anti-pill fleece. The remnants are usually around 75% off the regular price – a great deal! I use the fleece as blankies for Gracie pup’s crate. I layer two as she likes to scrunch up a layer to create a pillow. They wash and wear like a dream! 🙂

    • A gal in Maple Valley, WA says:

      Thanks, Denise! 🙂

      Used one of the 50% coupons and splurged on 4 yds of the best stuff for a ‘sleep sack’. Do you do much sewing? I’ve been trying to find a pattern for a cover for one of those bed rests with arms. Where would you look?

      • Denise - Richmond VA says:

        Hehehe….do I sew? Yes, ma’am…buttons only! I loved taking Home Ec in middle school. Aced the cooking and budgeting portions of the class and failed sewing! Maybe if you found a similar bed rest pillow for cheap…say at a yard sale or such, you could take it apart and make your own pattern. Good luck! One of my grandmas was a seamstress…she was very gifted. I did not inherit that gene! Your sleep sack sounds cozy!

        I like to make my own wreaths for my front door and also have recently started making jewelry. JoAnn Fabeics has a nice selection of supplies. And, you gotta love those coupons! 🙂

        • Cinandjules (NY) says:

          Hah hah…home economics..I sewed my gym bag shut! Opps!

          • Denise - Richmond VA says:

            LOL! 🙂

          • Elizabeth in WA says:

            Like I told my girls and son when I taught them basic sewing…EVERYONE uses a seam ripper!! EVERYONE!!! Even me and I have been sewing for over 50 years now. And there is still so much I do not know…but with internet youtube, we can sure learn more!! I also think the difference between hating sewing and loving it is truly a good sewing machine. (My favorite is very basic and OLD…one of the OLD Berninas…#830 in fact. I even have a replica tredle machine made in the 1990s for people who live without electricity…and it is the nicest for quilting ever…makes the most even stitches!!)

  36. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Hi, Sue,

    Loved your pictures of the snow-kissed camp! Another new experience for Sir Reginald! I liked your movie selection….what better way to warm up than by watching Geoerge Clooney! 🙂

    Spring has started to pop here! Last week, I noticed daffodils in bloom. This week, my Cleveland and Bradford pears, Yoshino cherry, and decorative Peach trees have all started to bloom! So pretty! The lilac bushes are loaded with buds and there are signs of new, healthy growth on the trees and firs. Happy, happy, joy, joy! 🙂

    Sending you, the Crew, and all of the blogorinos wishes for a blessed Easter and Passover. Stay warm! Hugs from me and Gracie pup! 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Your collection of flowering trees and bushes are my favorites, especially lilacs. I did see a few daffodils in Ely before the snow.

      Thank you for the wishes, I hope the same for you! Hugs to you and Gracie pup!

  37. Hi, Sue! I love the snowy pictures! I think you’ve had just the right amount of snow (if you have to have any). Any more and it would have been really difficult. BTW, I’m sure you probably know this but most photo editing programs will allow you to take that blue out of the photos. Not sure if you have any or if you’d even be interested in doing so but just a thought.

    I have to admit I was so happy to hear your response to having to move after just setting up! Not for any mean reason, of course, but you always seem so easy going about it and I find setting up camp and breaking camp to be tough if done too close together. So I’m just happy to know I’m not the only one!

    All my initial set-up work seems to be about done. I’ve managed to get leaks fixed, a shower curtain put up and a whole bunch of other things that needed to be done prior to moving on to the next round. I’m happy to report that as of yesterday all that kind of stuff is finished. Now I still have some catching up to do (like doing my taxes – yuck! – and a project I’m doing for a friend involving photo editing and making a book for him) but after that I’ll be free to do whatever I want! So far, so good! I’m liking my RV and the full time life even if I’ve only just begun!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Deborah,

      About the blue photos… I tried the “warmify” feature and the light dial that warms a photo. The photos came out unreal. If they’re gonna’ look unreal, they might as well be blue. Can you tell I have no patience to fiddle around with that? 🙂

      Congratulations on all the progress you’ve made and continue to make. Oh yeah, it’s April. I’d better get going on taxes, too.

      Your last sentence makes me smile. I’m happy for you!

      • The thing about “blue” photos is that they are cold by nature of that blue color. I’m not sure there really is a reason to worry too much about it. Our eyes automatically make the correction so it doesn’t matter. I have a photographer friend on Facebook who posted some snow photos in which the snow was actually really white in the image. I did a double take since it is so rare to actually see white snow in photos!

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          I appreciate your comment. I don’t worry about my photos. The snow photos are for the purpose of showing how much snow we received at our camp. Perfection isn’t required for that.

          This isn’t a gallery at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, it’s a little blog about a retired woman traveling with dogs. Ha!

    • Barbara (from Nashville) says:

      What kind of RV do you have? Sounds like it is fairly new to you. What were the reasons for you choice over the other types of unit?

      • Barbara, I have a class C, 27′ and, yes, it is new to me. I’ve been in it for 5 weeks now and it is my first RV. I chose it for a variety of reasons I suppose. Silly as it might sound, I bought a car that I really fell in love with a year ago, before getting the RV. It just happened to be a stick shift, towable and a convertible. If I wanted to keep it I had to have either a Class A or C so it could be towed. I wanted to consider an A but I also wanted to be able to get into some of those smaller campsites. That left a Class C. The 27′ seemed like about the right size, not too big, not too small. Furthermore, I actually had a dream about the RV I ended up getting prior to actually seeing it. I knew it was the one I was supposed to get! I cannot tell you how happy I am that I have my little car to zip around in and have fun. It’s a completely different driving experience from driving the RV. One is fun; the other is functional. If you are interested, you might want to check out my website since I went through my process there. Hope that helps you!

        • Elizabeth in WA says:

          Deborah, some of those dreams can sure be helpful huh? Would be nice maybe to have them more frequently in our case…ha! Glad you found just the right rig for you!!

  38. BadgerRickInWis says:

    I don’t remember the last time is was colder where you are than where I am. Interesting reading how your dealing with the cold inside the BLT. Weather like that is what has me leaning towards an egg with a bit more insulation like an Escape or a Bigfoot. But it seems like you’re getting along fine. No surprise.

    That last shot might be my favorite so far of the two of them together. (followed closely by the “dual stink eye” shot from inside the pen.) I guess when you have two faces like that warming your heart a little chill on the outside is nothin’.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Rick,

      Probably the last time the crew and I camped in weather colder than what you have was when we were snowed on last September in Sinks Canyon, Wyoming.

      “I’m dreaming of a white . . . September?”

      When making a big purchase like a travel trailer, one weighs the advantages of a choice against the increased cost for that advantage. I liked what Bigfoot has to offer. However, I didn’t plan on camping in adverse conditions very much, so I wasn’t going to pay for more insulation. Keeping warm comes up less than 3% of the time, and we do fine on those days when we’re “caught” having to camp in a cold area. If money isn’t an issue, well, then, all this is moot. 🙂

      • Sidewinder Pen says:

        And just to kind of build on what Sue said, there is also the idea of how much do you want/need to stay in one place regardless of the weather. For example, if Sue stayed in low altitude Arizona all summer, it would be broiling hot; likewise if one wanted to winter in South Dakota.

        Also, how much do you mind “roughing it” a bit if you are moving around in good weather but occasionally it doesn’t quite work out perfectly (i.e. can you sweat for a few days, pile on the blankets and use water jugs if cold, etc.).

        Not that there is anything wrong with getting an RV more suited to three-season use, but there is no free lunch, so it’ll likely be more expensive/heavier/more-complicated or some combination thereof.

        I imagine you already know this, but it makes in interesting topic of discussion (RV choices: the endless subject :D)

  39. linda stone says:

    Hey Sue,

    Love the snow shots and just to tell you some news it’s Doris Day’s 91 birthday today.Love her, she loves her crew also.Would like to see a photo of you and the crew sometime soon.Mike and I own a 13 ft. Casita and someday would like to be just like you travling around.Happy Easter to you and the kids. Linda

    • I’ll second that, Linda!

      Oh…and Long Live Doris Day!!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Linda,

      I didn’t know that Doris Day was still with us. What a sunny personality she projected to millions….

      As for a photo of me with the crew… I’m recognized often enough when I go about my daily life because of my distinctive PTV. I don’t want to make it even easier to be spotted. Sweet of you to want to see us together.

      The two of you in a 13 foot Casita… You must love the outdoors and each other very much! 🙂

      Happy Easter to you, too!

  40. Lynn Brooks says:

    What a wonderful story!!! And surprise snow!!
    I believe that beautiful pink flowering shrub was a “Flowering Almond”. I had one in my front yard about 40 years ago. They bloom in early Spring (like the Fosythia, and they are such a lovely shade of pink!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Lynn,

      I’m pleased you enjoyed the post. Thank you for identifying the shrub. I hoped someone would!

  41. Rhonda from middle TN says:

    Hey, Sue…just placed my first order to Amazon through your link. Hope I did it correctly and that you’ll get credit for it. 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Yay for Rhonda! Thank you for your order. It’s nice of you to do that.

      If you want me to check to see if I received credit, let me know. I’m confident I will. This Amazon Associate system works very well.

  42. Ilse says:

    Hi Sue,
    Size 7, eh? It takes me two days to knit a pair of socks. The next time I run into you I will have a pair for you. Promise!

    • Sidewinder Pen says:

      Okay, I’m going to start hanging around laundromats and looking for attractive red Class C’s 😉 😉

      I jest, but how cool that you can make socks so quickly (and that you offer them to friends).

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Ilse, that’s very thoughtful of you! If we do “run into” each other, be sure to wave the socks in my face to help me recognize you, okay?

      If that doesn’t work, hit me “upside the head” (that’s Georgia lingo) with the socks and say, “Hey, RVSue, it’s me! ILSE!”

  43. Linda Rose & the 4 M's says:

    I’ve just done some internet surfing back to your very first post. I added it to my favorites and am going to start at the beginning and read your whole story. From what I’ve seen so far in your blog posts I bet it will be better reading than some of the books I’ve read!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Such a lovely compliment, Linda Rose… Thank you! I hope you receive hours of enjoyment from my old posts. It’s been quite a journey!

  44. JazzLover W.Ma says:

    Had to smile at the snow. OK, a huge, silly grin when I looked at all the pictures, only fair you get a small taste of what some of us lived with all winter. Color me bad. What was Reggie’s reaction to the snow? Do you think he’s been in it before? Was he in a hurry to get back inside? All these new experiences you and Bridget get to go thru with him. Too neat. Bridget seems to be pretty accepting of her new companion. Enjoy the peace and quiet. Be well.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, JazzLover,

      Reggie acted like the snow wasn’t there. He walked in it, peed on it, sniffed it… the usual routine. It’s hard to say if he’s seen snow before. I think he’s had so many new experiences in his short life that nothing fazes him.

      I can’t remember if he was in a hurry to come back inside. I know I was and I control the leash!

      Bridget accepts him. In these close quarters, Reggie does get on her nerves at times, rolling around on the bed, kicking her in the face (not on purpose), jumping on her,etc. Last night she gave him a little nip to settle him down. It didn’t hurt him, just jerked him out of his temporary insanity.

      You be well, too.

  45. Pamela K. in GA says:

    Hi Sue,
    Did the local store there carry any boys, not men’s socks? If so, a boy’s size 6 or 6.5 shoe is almost a perfect match for a lady’s size 7 or 7.5 shoe. So maybe look for a boy’s sock that will run the 6-6.5 size shoe. I hope I said that right, it’s late, a long day…it’s 3:44 AM here!
    About staying warm… Here’s a trick to try. Now don’t laugh but this works! Take a large plastic garbage bag, cute a head hole and two arm holes in it. Pull it over your head like you would a crew neck sweater…over your night clothes. It will take several degrees of cold away from you! It traps your own body heat within your own bed clothes. Works like magic! You can even tighten the drawstrings if your bags have them! My husband works outside in all kinds of winter weather, he wears one over his sweatshirt on the coldest days and then layers another sweatshirt over it. No one know the wiser 🙂 I know, sounds a little crazy but on a very cold night it is Crazy Good 😉

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Pamela K.,

      I checked the boys department (no point in checking the girls department as they, too, have feet that never get cold) and there weren’t any wool socks for boys. The men’s wool socks are “work socks.” (Women, you see, don’t work.)

      I need to get off this train… Ha!

      The garbage bag trick makes sense. It might scare little Reggie to curl up for sleep and discover the Garbage Bag Monster is in his bed!

      Thanks for sharing the idea….

      • Sidewinder Pen says:

        In your defense though, it’s hard to “get off the train” when the situation just keeps coming up – over and over. That’s what gets really annoying about it.

        Pretty clouds today in northern AZ. I’m watching them drift lazily by (while I lazily type on the computer :))

  46. Beverly Kebrdle says:

    Another great post. Love your photos. I bet you can find Smartwool socks online. A bit pricey, but once you own a pair you are in love with them. They come in women sizes!!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Beverly,

      Thanks re: this post and photos. I appreciate you letting me know you liked them.

      Yes, the Smartwool socks are available from Amazon. (I posted links in comments above.)

  47. Casitagirl in NY says:

    Such a great post! As I was reading all the generator / heater posts I started to think about Mick from TN. Haven’t seen a post from him in a long while. Hope all is well.

  48. MB says:

    Hey Sue! I feel your pain about the socks. Since I am a care taker on a large farm in VA, I need warm clothes to do my job during some of the seasons. But, I don’t want to look like a man doing it. 😉 Even the flannel shirts are thick, soft and warm for men but thin for women. Go figure…… On another note……since I do work at a job that can make me feel a little like a guy……since as we discussed, I’m wearing their clothes most of the time…..I decided I wanted to treat myself to something silk. Soooo, I went into this nice department store to look. Want to know what the ONLY article of silk clothing I could find was???? Silk boxers in the MEN’s dept.! LOL! Enjoy your spring snow. And I agree with you about not skipping the states that have been deemed “desolate”. For people like you and me…..desolate has it’s own beauty.
    Have a very Happy Easter! Love from MB & Co

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, MB,

      Interesting that you mention the difference in flannel shirts. I noticed that also in the same store where I saw the men’s socks. If we’re the weaker sex, why wouldn’t we need warm clothes in winter?

      As far as looking like a guy. . . . I say, let’s change the way women are “supposed” to look!

      I remember a quote from Gloria Steinhem, when she turned 50. The remark was made that she didn’t “look 50.” It was intended as a compliment.

      Ms. Steinhem replied, “This is how 50 looks.” In other words, it’s time to change your perception of 50-year-old women.

      Well, I think it’s time for perceptions to change how women “should” look. That will only happen if women take the initiative and stop going around in public looking like cartoons.

      Enough of that… You have a safe and happy Easter!

      • Sidewinder Pen says:

        Well said!

        Also, pleased to meet you, MB (maybe you are regular here, but I mean this is the first time I have read one of your comments and it made me take notice – I hope that comes out right and doesn’t sound bad).

      • Elizabeth in WA says:

        When we moved to Seattle area, I asked daughter how I should dress for this or that occasion…she replied, “This is Seattle. Wear what you want, it does not matter.” Have to say after being there awhile…”Yep, it does not matter…there is some of everything here!!”

  49. Dawn in MI says:

    I think a little snow is nice, especially when you know it isn’t going to be around for long. Here in lower Michigan we got snow last week. It only lasted a day and we are hopeful that we’re headed to spring for good now. Was 20 something last night though…and they say a little more snow will arrive Easter Sunday evening. Still we hang on to hope.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Dawn,

      It was fun having snow for half a day. I can understand you being ready for spring!

      Spring is the season of hope… 🙂

  50. caroline seattle/las vegas says:

    maybe you should pack up and join Wandering Spirit on the California coast. She posted some lovely photos of her campsite not too far from Big Sur . She’s not on the ocean but lots of grassy fields and spring flowers. It has been unseasonably warm in Las Vegas , 89 for most of the week, but on Thursday the temps dropped to the normal range and will stay mid to low 70’s for at least the next week. So I don’t think Ely is going to get much warmer than it is now.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Caroline,

      Why the plug for Wandering Spirit? Numerous bloggers are in beautiful places at the moment. ?? What are you saying, that I made a mistake?

      Great suggestions if the PTV and BLT could be dropped out of an airplane into those places and if that’s where I wanted to be right now. What we “should” do is what we are doing. Everyone has their own path.

      Ely will be cold for a while. That’s okay. Here is where I want to be.

      I’m sorry to sound petulant. Timing isn’t as easy as it may seem. In order to be on the California coast right now, camped where Wandering Spirit is, I would have had to drive across the Mojave Desert or Death Valley during the recent heat wave without A/C in the BLT. While doing that, someone could post, “You should have gone to Pahranagat. It’s beautiful there right now.”

      • caroline seattle/las vegas says:

        yikes, that was harsh. You mentioned earlier that you planned to spend time in the PNW this summer, so I thought heading to the coast now and driving north might be a consideration.
        But no worries, I won’t comment again. Safe travels to you in the future.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Oh, don’t take it the wrong way, Caroline. I apologize for sounding harsh. It wasn’t anything personal, but if you want it to be personal . . . You weren’t exactly tactful telling me I should be doing what another blogger is doing, as if this is a competition, and I’m making poor choices. Sensitivity works both ways. I hope you come to see my point of view. If you can’t do that, go in peace.

        • Geez…when I see it happening to others, it hurts me even more that people react so dramatically to innocuous remarks. At least I’m not alone.

        • rvsueandcrew says:


          For the third time I apologize for my harsh words. I write hundreds of replies and sometimes my tone is off. That’s no excuse though. I will work on not being so sensitive about my blog being compared to others that are better than mine. I don’t know why I reacted that way. Please forgive me and feel welcome here.

  51. AZ Jim says:

    It’s your call Missy, but I think it’s time to put Reggie up on top with Bridget and Spike. He is obviously part of the family now! Slow down or I see lottsa snow in your future. Best drop anchor awhile, don’t you think? I’m enjoying your posts as always.

  52. kgdan from WA says:

    A certain fisherman is very happy right now. He ended yesterday by catching a nice sized bass. So this morning he’s out there in the cold continuing his quest. Looks like we are in a great place for us so we will stay at Pahranagat. Host Mike is going to let us know when a more private site opens up but the folks on both sides are very nice and are easy to camp next to. Love it here, Sue. Thank you!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I am so happy for both of you! I felt badly that you came to Antelope Flat, lured by my posts and photos of the place, and then when you camp there, the fish don’t bite and the flies arrive in swarms. 🙁 Pahranagat makes up for that…

      Congratulations, Gil! Wishing you more good fishing today! Was the fish caught from your boat or from shore?

      Thanks for the update, Kathy. 🙂

      • kgdan from WA says:

        Gil is bank fishing. They do not allow motors at Pahranagat and the winds are so unpredictable it would not be a good idea to take the boat out. He is very happy in his camp chair by the water w occasional treats brought out to him. 🙂

  53. kgdan from WA says:

    Ok, I just took Gil a breakfast treat on the cold lake bank. Thought I’d share as its easy & good. I toasted the cut side of a bagel in a pan, removed it & toasted some deli ham in same pan. I dotted the bagel w mayo, added the ham & topped w a slice of cheese. Returned it to the pan to warm the uncut side & put a lid on to melt the cheese. Topped it w sliced tomatoes.Yum, Yum! & 1 pan. 🙂

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      You are making me hungry – sounds yummy! I need to eat lunch! Thanks for sharing your recipe. 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Like you said before…. “A certain fisherman is very happy right now.” Breakfast delivery!

      I’d like to try that warm bagel sandwich… and you made it without a microwave. 🙂

      Thanks for sharing a great camping recipe here.

  54. weather says:

    Wow,I love the pic you opened Reggie Man’s very own page with! The three of you are exactly what each needed …what a beautiful story to watch unfold,sigh,thank you,Sue…

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome, weather. I appreciate the positive feedback on Reggie’s page. That photo is my favorite portrait of him. He looks tender and babyish.

  55. Susan in Dallas says:

    Love the photos of the spring flowers. I’ve killed several forsythia bushes here in Dallas so it was great to see that big yellow one in your picture. Seems like my iris came out overnight! Spring was a little late here but it has arrived in full force. The crew update page is just right. Perfect pictures of Spike and Reggie!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Susan,

      If I had to choose between forsythia and iris, it would be difficult…. I’d choose iris. I’m sure you enjoy yours.

      Thanks re: the crew pages and the flower photos.

  56. Sandy says:

    Hi Sue,

    You’ve found some very lovely places to camp. Have you found it very limiting to find locations where you can take the canine crew?


    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Sandy,

      Having a canine crew has not limited where we can camp. Not ever. I’m not sure if that’s what you’re asking. There are trails and indoor places where dogs aren’t allowed. Have I found it “very limiting?” Absolutely not. I’d be limited without them.

  57. Sherri says:

    Hi Sue! I just found your blog a couple of days ago and love it! I’m starting from the beginning so I’ve got quite a lot of reading to do! Sherri

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Welcome, Sherri!

      I’m delighted that you are with us and that you plan to read my blog from the beginning. Thank you for the compliment!

      Be sure you are at (note the “com”) when reading posts prior to June 2013. That’s so the slideshows will work.

      My blog at (note the “net”) is self-hosted and doesn’t support slideshows.

      Thanks for stopping by to let us know you’re here!

  58. weather says:

    Having your pattern for posting down to a science,I’m sure ,Sue,that you’ll put a new one up this evening,some other time in the future or last week,right?In case I’m confused and this is a brand new one that just seems familiar-Happy Easter!I hoped to not miss the chance to say that in time ,wishing you and everyone whatever will make it a joyous one for you 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I’ll be posting an Easter card later this evening to wish you and all my readers, “Happy Easter.”

      Thank you for your wish. 🙂

      • weather says:

        You’re ever so welcome,as always,for that wish-hope it’s coming true as I type and you read messages from so many that love you,as I do!The fresh look of your new header pic goes so well with the Easter card you made us,having you freshen this page-another delight to smile about this morning!Soar on sunbeams,dance with blossoms friend-have a great day!

        • weather says:

          referred to the bottom being as fresh now ,as the top,the rest I’d seen as easy going banter among friends all along,hope everyone does 🙂

  59. GB in norcal says:

    What a beautiful campsite that you are at. I love the pines, but I’m not a big fan of snow ecept for it’s beauty. At least it’s not deep. I use hot water bottles (the old fashioned red rubber kind)to stay warm in bed & they can stay warm all night. I put boiled water in them before I go to bed and use 2 of them ,making it warm and toasty under the covers. They are pretty cheap & sold at drug stores. Don’t think Walmart carries them.
    I love merino wool socks and have many different pairs The best ones I found at a flea market in Berkeley that were 90% wool for only $4 a pair, but they no longer can get them. Costco was selling 4 pair for $12 last year but don’t know if they still sell them. They are very nice also. Also check the hunting dept at sports stores, like Dick’s. I bought some last year on sale for about $7 a pair, and they were pretty nice, but these are mens, so I don’t know about your size.
    Looks like your dogs are having a blast & must be loving your lifestyle!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, GB,

      Good ol’ hot water bottles! I use two canines instead. 🙂

      Also the socks are available at Amazon… excellent quality.

      Thanks for writing!

  60. monica- CA says:

    Sweet! A cool ranger, beautiful views, and snow. I wish I were camping there right now. Instead, I camped at a busy CA coast campground where someone’s car alarm went off three times in the middle of the night. I’ll take that snow over the stupidity of that camper. Your campground looks heavenly. Stay warm, more snow heading your way.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks, Monica. Yes, more snow is on the way. That’s okay. Better than a car alarm three times in the night. Sorry you went through that…

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