“We interrupt this post about Lake Mead to bring you puppy kisses”

Tuesday, March 10

1-P1030237Lake Mead

Why do I have the feeling you didn’t come here to see Lake Mead?

Our day begins an hour or two before daybreak when Reggie wakes up and immediately jumps on my head.  I pull the quilt over my face to protect myself from an onslaught of kisses.

“Reggie!”  I laugh, as he burrows his nose under the quilt, tickling my neck.  “This isn’t play time!”

In Reggie’s puppy mind, every moment is play time, day or night.  We wrestle in the covers until eventually he tires.  Somewhat.  I doze off, lying on my side with Reggie sitting on my hip looking out the window at the campground lights.

At sunrise he wakes up again with rapid-fire kisses to my face!

I pick him up and hold him in the air above me so I can breathe.  Bridget lifts her head and looks at me.  Her old-soul eyes are sleepy.  I put Reggie down and pet Bridget.

“You’re such a good girl.  Go back to sleep, honey.”

I pull the quilt over her head to give her a few more minutes while Reggie occupies himself play-biting my fingers and kicking me in the chest.

“Reggie!  You are the silliest little baby!”

1-P1030231“How many squiggles and squirms have you got?”

1-P1030230  “I’m gonna’ get you!”

1-P1030222“Cuteness is your only defense!”

1-P1030226“Look what you’ve done to the bed!  You rascal!”

1-P1030227“Just for that, I’m going to scratch your chest!”

1-P1030216Okay, as I was going to say . . .

The crew and I are at Las Vegas Bay Campground at Lake Mead.

1-P1030239You can see from the photos that the lake level is very low and . . . .

“What?  You want more?”



Here are links to a few of the items recently ordered by readers:

Lynx Levelers, (Pack of 10)
LED Bulbs Interior RV Camper White 10-pack
RenogyⓇ Foldable Solar Suitcase Battery Charger 100W
Dometic Portable Freezer/Refrigerator Personal Size, Gray
Cobra Electronics CPP 7500 JumPack Portable Power Pack
BUSHNELL Super Clear Handheld 10X40 Monocular Telescopes (Black)

1-P1030135“Good morning, Bridge.  Did you have a nice rest, honey?”


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75 Responses to “We interrupt this post about Lake Mead to bring you puppy kisses”

  1. DesertGinger says:


  2. Tara from Pac NW says:

    Love to hear about Puppy kisses! Thanks Sue!

  3. DesertGinger says:

    There’s Bridget’s little face! I was looking for her.

    That Reggie’s quite a rascal. He is obviously very happy with his new home and new Mommy.

    • Krystina at Wellton, AZ says:

      Good Morning Desert Ginger

      Yep I think you passed the Tier Drop exit. I will be back here next winter as I have made so many wonderful friends. I would love to meet up with you next winter!! We can talk about how to make that happen then.

      Krystina xxoo

  4. Vicki (from TN) says:

    This is the closest I have ever been to the top 🙂
    Reggie is such a cutie and from your pics it looks Brigit likes him? Have a great day we are finally warm here in East Tennessee.

  5. Robin says:

    Love your pups, they are adorable. Thanks for sharing!

  6. Susie A. says:

    So happy for all of you. I can just see Reggie kissing you so much that you have to hold him away so you can breathe. Not to take away from any breed but terriers are so much fun! I think Bridget is so sweet for tolerating his personality. She’s a good baby!

  7. Denise -Richmond VA says:

    Absolutely.Positively.Adorable!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂

    I just posted on the last blog entry….Signs of Spring in my neck of the woods.

    Have a wonderful day!! Sending you all hugs!!

  8. Teresa from NC says:

    Silliness does the soul good! Have a great day, you three!!

  9. Sharon in MO says:

    Cuteness multiplied! Glad you are all having fun together.

  10. Janis Harrison says:

    what a happy way to start the day !!!

  11. Ilse says:

    Now you know why the others didn’t work out! 🙂

  12. Anna says:

    I am loved by 2 terriers and have been loved by several more. Nothing like terrier love…..they love with all their being!!!!

    I have tears in my eyes as I read your words because there is such happiness in your words.

    I don’t post much but I read ALL you write. I marveled at your tenaciousness in finding YOUR new pup. He is a lucky little boy!

    Keep on putting those pictures up. Love to see Bridget and Reggie!!! (and I really do like to read about your adventures.)

  13. weather says:

    Your bottom photo shows how wee and roundish Reggie’s head is in comparison to Bridget’s elegantly elongated face,what a beautiful pair!Hello wake up -be up -lookin’ up life 🙂 Gee,even at it’s lower level the lake looks wonderful with the flowering shrub in the foreground.Hope you find a cool place to sit and soak it in if you get a moment’s respite to relax .Keeping you three taken care of is going to use and replenish a lot of energy!

  14. Betty Shea says:

    Puppy kisses and tummy tickles,a sweet combination!!!

  15. JanisP in Ecuador says:

    What a doll! I guess there’s no doubt that he’s happy being one of the Crew!! I am so so thrilled for you all.

  16. Susan in Dallas says:

    Only to be interrupted by countless puppy kisses! Ah, such a burden to bear. 🙂

  17. Reine in Plano says:

    Is three years old still a puppy? Maybe he just acts like a rambunctious younster – which compared to the demure Miss Bridget, he is. Glad you’re having fun with your new crew member even if it’s at the expense of a bit of sleep.

  18. Vicki & Kitty campin'... says:

    Thanks, I needed my morning puppy kisses 😀

  19. Does Reggie know he died and went to heaven when you came along? Are you aware that maybe you did as well? And I know Bridget’ s been in “heaven” for a long time.

  20. Carol, Auburn says:

    I can’t stop smiling!! Thanks.

  21. Utah Bonnie says:

    Thanks for the smiles this morning. I think Reggie is rewarding you for transporting him into doggie paradise.

  22. Latte says:

    Have to share a funny story that involves you as I traveled the last two months in all southern parts of New Mexico, Arizona, and California. I seemed to be ahead of you in some of the spots I camped and then got behind your trail as the days and weeks went by, not stalking, just was the path I had mapped out for myself . =)

    But back to the story-I’m in Quartsite at “The Pit”, place where you go for water, propane and dumping. I’m in line for all 3 and when I was at the last stop-the not so fun one-there was a gentleman in a camper ahead of me thru all 3 stops…at the last stop he walked back to me as I was just finishing my not so much fun stop and said,
    “May I share something with you?” I thought OK here it goes, a man telling me I did not do something right while getting water, etc. =) I smile and said sure! ” I noticed you are a solo woman in a Casita and I was wondering if you are familiar with a woman and her pups called RVSue and her travel website”. I burst out laughing as I am trying to be so cool putting that long skinny tube we all have to use back in its storage box. Told him I have been following since the beginning of time and have learned so much, and in fact many of the sites I plan on seeing on this trip is because of her website information. He smiled and said that was great, just thought I would enjoy the site! I thanked him and said, “but always share the site with others” as he walked back to his camper smiling.

    Fun interaction! Several of other Casita friends-driving with out their Casita- did see you south of Quartsite but honored your request of “doing my own thing”. They recognized your van with the solar panels =) Thanks again for your time and efforts in sharing as I had a wonderful time with no issues at all seeing some of this amazing and beautiful country our God has created. Safe travels always to you and the crew…welcome Reggie! Joan aka Latte, Jango the Yorkie, and Latte Da, my safe haven Casita!

    • Dedra says:

      Isn’t it fun to meet someone that also follows RVSUE’s blog.
      Met a lady in Missouri it was a ball just talking about her blog.
      I know what you mean about getting ideas from her blog, May 2013 I also was in places where she had camped and ate at the place that she recommended which was out of this world. Planning on going to New Mexico this year in my Casita. You got to love those little Casitas, they’re so easy to maneuver.

  23. Jean in Southaven, MS says:

    Loce the new crew member. I can tell it has been awhile since you had a young dog. We are in the same boat. Our Lab is 11 and very laid back. We are keeping our son’s dog until he can get him out to California with him. Fatman is 5 and acts like a 60 lb puppy. He just loves to jump and wrestle and play. Reggie is just perfect for you and Bridget. He is going to bring alot of fun to your lives.

  24. Pamela K. in GA says:

    Oh my what fun is in the making for the three of you! Sue, I think you have a real ~Randy-Andy~ Prince on your hands, a perfect match for Princess Bridget.
    Puppy kisses, each one so very special.
    Lake Mead is nice but ~Forget About It~, LOL, we’re all hooked on Reggie and Bridge…hook line and sinker. That little prince of yours just might give HRH Prince George a run for his money. Major Cuteness Factor!

    • Pamela K. in GA says:

      BTW, it is raining here and all throughout the south. I didn’t go to Daytona, bad weather is no fun at the beach. I am busy picking out new bedding items and pillows for my new Conversion Van. It’s been fun doing it. Now I’m thinking Savannah for St. Patty’s Day, then to Tybee for some beach-time with my
      mini-rv 🙂

  25. Oh my, what a wonderful way to start the day! Puppy kisses are the best

  26. mockturtle says:

    In that last photo, Bridget looks at you as if to say, ‘See what you’ve done?’ 😉

  27. Nicole says:

    I love puppy breath & kisses. My oldest, Dudley, has the most awful breath but I still kiss and play with him. Enjoy that sweet puppy breath and playtime!

  28. Rita says:

    I don’t think Reggie is three years old…more like one year old…he is still way too playful for a three year old LOL Ralphie is now three years old and has calm down quite a bit. At one year old he was like Reggies bounce up and playful at the crack of dawn and loved to crawl around under the covers. I’d touch his nose lightly through the covers and ask ‘Where’s Ralphie?’ and he squirm around and bark. As I said earlier he annoyed our other dogs with his playfulness but soon the others would join in. I love little Reggie’s playfulness….he definitely will keep you and anyone entertained.

    • My shih tzu is almost eight, and he plays like that. He always jumps on my head first thing in the morning and wants to play. When I walk in the door from work he runs to get a toy, and we play before I do anything else.

      • Rita from Phoenix says:

        You’re right, our Chowder is at least eight years old and he still runs and plays and does bring me a toy upon my arrival home. I sometime think it’s a ‘welcome home’ offering rather than wanting to play. He still likes to jump on my bed roll around and wants to wrestle or play tug of wag with an old sock.

  29. DesertGinger says:

    Those black spots on Reggie’s tummy are clearly a sign of Jack Russell Terrier. All JRTs have those spots. I think he is mainly JRT and Chihuahua mix. So cute.

    • Susan in south central WA says:

      Or part Great Dane. My Juneau is a Mantle Great Dane but has her Sire’s Harlequin spots on her tummy.

    • Elizabeth in WA says:

      Our last dog that was 7/8ths Blue Heeler and 1/8th Border Collie had them as well…maybe there are many breeds that do.

  30. Pam says:

    Oh my, what a cute precious boy he is. Puppy energy takes some getting used to, but that puppy exuberant JOY in living makes it worthwhile.

  31. Barb from Hoquiam! says:

    Dear Reggie,
    Ok Ok you are cute. But… you best be good to that Bridget, or I am gonna be danged upset. Keep sharing and caring.
    OH, and that human head trick? ISN’T IT THE GREATEST???? They just love it! My mama (aka Barb) REALLY loves it.

    I am a watchin’ you…
    Racy (in Hoquiam where ever the heck that is)

  32. Pauline In Mississippi says:

    I love how happy the 3 of you are!!!! Reggie reminds me so much of our Charlie (Fiest and Chihuahua mix) Their actions and positions are so much alike. Your last few posts have put smiles on everyone’s faces. Enjoy playing with the pups!!
    Big hugs to you and to the crew
    I love you!!

    • Gayle - SO CAL Beach Boomer says:

      Oh, right you are, Pauline, about the smiles. Even though I had to call Verizon and argue about my bill and be put on hold for the supervisor when there isn’t any supervisor, I was smiling! Thank God for this joy!

  33. When we found each other, Radar was thought to be 4 years old. He was a kisser too! He even had sneak attacks for kissing, and still does! He still likes to play and annoy the heck out of DoogieBowser. Radar is now 8 years old and still smothers us with kisses! I have a feeling Reggie will be the same way! So be ready ! Grin!

  34. DeAnne in TN says:

    I worked as a veterinarian technician for 20 years and have owned many dogs. I don’t know why, but I think speckled-belly dogs are the best! No scientific research, but I find it to be true. 😉

  35. Shawna says:

    What a little sweetie! Oh, and Reggie, too….lol He’s one lucky little dog to have found a home with you.

  36. Timber n' me says:

    LOL, You’ve got a real love junky there Sue, Reggie is a sweet baby that love’s your attention no matter what time of day or night and he knows it. Great photos of your babies and the low lake Mead ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, US

  37. AlanOutandAbout says:

    Reg is a cutie. And I think you have cheered up a good bit since you got him. So it is a very Win Win situation for all concerned.
    On another note: I can’t believe how low lake mead is. It can’t really get much lower. If it gets too low they can’t generate electricity. I don’t know which is worse for Las Vegas. No water or no electricity. I’d like to see the water level on the dam.

  38. Cinandjules (NY) says:

    Uh oh….Bridget has that look like….excuse me…for interrupting my beauty sleep! Ya think you could keep it down a bit?

    What a love! He ll get used to the routine soon enough! I can see the smiles, yours included, 3000 miles away!

    Happy crew!

  39. Cynthia from San Clemente, CA says:

    Oh, you are smitten, but so are we. Is Bridge being patient with all this new activity in close quarters?

  40. Linda says:

    Love the puppy photos! <3 Thanks for sharing your cutie pie with us!

  41. Dedra says:

    Keep the kisses and pictures coming.
    Love them!

  42. Bridget says:

    There’s nothing like seeing the love you three have for each other! Thanks for sharing Bridget’s and Reggie’s antics. I have two little ones, a Chici-wawa (that’s how my granddaughter says Chihuahua) and a miniature Daschund. The sun sets and rises in them as I’m sure you can attest to your little ones. My husband calls them baby substitutes…he’s so right. Bug my Chici-wawa is identical to Reggie. She weighs in at 5 lbs. and is so full of life and love. Daisy the Daschund is 14 years old now. I keep telling her that if she ever needs a heart transplant, she can have mine – since it already belongs to her. Again, I know you understand those sentiments!

  43. Captain K (Utah) says:

    Our Bailey is a kisser too. She can’t climb up in your lap and settle down without a round of kisses. Something about those terriers. Bridget has been very accommodating with the Reggie. What a happy bunch! Keep the puppy photos coming, can’t get enough of that cuteness.

  44. AZ Jim says:

    Missy, I cannot possibly craft the words to convey to you how happy I am for you. You are all three winners. Bridget has a baby brother to boss and will over a relatively short time think him absolutely wonderful. Reggie has more love and security than he has had in his short life and will be around a long time, enjoying his new sister and especially his new human. You have had a sad emptiness since our boy Spike went to Rainbow Bridge and later a almost desperate effort to make whole your little family. Well, you did and I can’t see how you could have ever done better and Lord knows you already love him almost beyond words.
    Sue, you have miles to go and two wonderful little friends looking forward eagerly to sharing every inch with you. God Speed Missy.

  45. Applegirl NY says:

    What fun! Bridget’s life will never be the same again.

  46. DebsJourney says:

    Hello Sue!
    What a happy post today! Reggie looks younger than 3 to me, He plays like my chi Lily. Every morning I get kissed and loved on. Isn’t it the best! You got lucky with that baby boy… and of course you are his angel. Love that last pic of Brig and Reg. What a team you 3 are. Smiles and happiness is what I got from you.
    love my pups… wouldn’t want to be without them.
    Enjoy my friend.

  47. Kellee says:

    Reggie is the cutest thing! Bridget looks so happy! Looks like you picked a great crew member. So happy for all three of you! 🙂

  48. Stan Watkins says:


  49. Sue says:

    I love your new baby, very sweet.

  50. Elizabeth in WA says:

    Sure seems like he is a puppy, Sue…but that is good….housetrained and a puppy yet!! Wonder if poor Bridget wonders when more sleep will be available!! Ha….have fun!!

  51. Linda says:

    I think he might be a “Reggie” after all. Suits him.

  52. Lynn Brooks says:

    Such a wonderful, happy, lovely post!!!

  53. Deena in Peoria, AZ says:

    Thank you for sharing your happiness, it brings joy to all of us.

    Deena, Miss Mollie and Hubby

  54. Deborah says:

    Still doing a happy dance with you! Your heart is so much lighter! Little Reggie has chased out the clouds while raining down doggy kisses galore! I’m so very happy for you!

  55. I love Puppy Kisses and Canine Head Jumps!!

  56. Rattlesnake Joe says:

    Here in Wikieup Arizona with some thoughts on a new name for that rascal. Most blogerinos have been calling him Lucky. The name fits as you got him in that place that Elvis made famous Viva Las Vegas. I’m pretty sure the King of Rock & Roll would look down from his throne on high and would agree with a sly smile and a “that’s right” snicker. 🙂

  57. Patrick says:

    Cute dog. Looks like he has a neat personality. He’s for sure a keeper.

  58. Dawn from Camano Island says:

    You’re right, Sue. Bridget does have ‘old soul eyes’. I love the last photo of her–slightly annoyed & yet lovingly tolerant. That Reggie is a fireball & I know he’s smiling in the last photo with just him. I keep coming back to this post for more smiles! Have a good day!

  59. Karla in Ky. says:

    Just loved the photo with the two heads side by side. They are precious. By the way- the spread they are on is the same one I have in my trailer. Love the colors. We are having nice weather again in Ky. We are getting ready for a trip to the beach in S. Carolina. Hope we will see some nice scenery. You have fired up my urge to hit the road. Give Bridget and Reggie a kiss from me.

  60. Connie Vitale says:

    It warms my heart to see and read the joy you are having with Reggie. As heartbreaking the loss of a pet is – that’s how much joy is realized with such a charmer you have with Reggie. You can see the love going back and forth. Enjoy!

  61. Sondra-SC says:

    He is so cuddle-able! Soon there will be no lake behind that dam.

  62. Jodee Gravel says:

    Funny how the energy of our world changes when a youngster becomes a part of it. Slow, peaceful starts to the day become bursts of joy to get the party started! I can see him sitting on your hip looking out the window, so curious about what might be out there to entertain him……makes me smile. He must feel so secure in that little space with his new family. He’s obviously bonded quickly and knows this is home. Joe will be so happy to see his little charge having a wonderful new life. Hugs to you all :-)))

  63. Diane, Blue Ridge Mts, VA says:

    Reggie is so glad you picked him! Doggy kisses are his way of saying that I think. He is a happy doggy. He knows he is in doggy heaven and you are his new master. These shots have warmed my heart, Sue. Take Care Sue and Crew!

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