Home improvement and revisiting San Rafael Rec Area, Utah

Monday, May 6, at home in Arizona

RVSue and her canine crew has been put on a once-a-week posting schedule.   Reggie, Roger, and I had a good week.  More about that in a bit.

Photos take us back to 2014 and a daytrip from our camp at Green River, Utah, to the northern end of the San Rafael Swell.  What a day that was!

Let’s begin with a few of the photos.  –Sue

~ ~ ~

Interstate 70 going west toward the Swell

It was a gorgeous, blue-sky day.

Photo taken from a scenic pull-out along the interstate.

~ ~ ~

More Utah photos later.  Time to return to this past week . . .

Dennis comes by the house.

Dennis is accompanied by his teenage son, also named Dennis.  Their mission is to tear out the Mormon Tea tree (ugly) and the clothesline poles (ugly) which are in the way of the dump station port in the back yard.

The two Dennises soon discover that this runt of a tree has a tap root that will not let go. They dig about four feet down and repeatedly attempt to pull it out with the pickup truck.

“Watch the bumper,” Dennis the Dad instructs Dennis the Son.  “I don’t want to lose the bumper.”

Finally the major part of the root system breaks loose.

The ugly tree is thrown aside.  About eight inches of tap root is left and it’s holding on as if embedded in concrete.

It’s hot as the dickens and the men have been working a long time.

I tell them . . . 

“This is too much.  Put a piece of metal or thick plastic over the tap root, cover it with dirt, and be done with it.”

Oh, no, not these guys.  They’re as tenacious as Reggie demanding griddle time to commence or as Roger keeping watch over whatever smells so good.

In other words, giving up is not an option.

Both Dennis the Dad and Dennis the Son immediately dismiss my suggestion; it will only grow back, they say.

I watch from the shade of the mesquite for signs of heat exhaustion.

The two determined Dennises continue making dirt fly with shovel and pick axe, pausing only for swigs of water.  At last they get all the root out of the ground.  Whew!

Next they tackle the clothesline poles.

I ask you:  What is it that possesses people to do the things they do?  Why does a clothesline pole require enough concrete to support a cell tower?  Sure, we get wind here, but this is a POLE.  Not a lot of resistance.  What?  It has to support 1,500+ pounds of wet laundry?  Is that the goal?

Well, Dennis and Dennis work hard and they get the job done.

Later I rake the ground smooth.  

Roger comes along and starts digging.

“It was nice of the men to make the dirt all soft and fluffy for you, wasn’t it, Roger.”

~ ~ ~

Returning to our day trip in Utah . . . .

At exit 131 we take Frontage Road to Cottonwood Road, the latter turning northward. 

I recall my excited anticipation, wondering what scenes lie ahead.

As you can see, the road is wide and easy to navigate with an RV of any size.

I park the Perfect Tow Vehicle and let Bridget and Spike out for a short walk-about.

May is an excellent time of year to explore this area. Then return in September for the Watermelon Festival put on by the town of Green River.

Get into the Time Travel Machine.  We’re returning to this week at our home in Arizona.  More Utah photos later.

~ ~ ~

This was a week of yard maintenance. 

I’m learning how to be an Arizona homeowner.  Last month (April) the yard was green and wildflowers (aka weeds) began drying up as a stretch of no rain set in. This month (May) the yard is mostly brown and scraggly.

Smart Arizona homeowners, realizing the futility of attempting year-round grass, get out their mowers and weed-wackers this month and cut everything down to dirt level or close to it.

This I did.  In phases.  I like to pace myself.  I’m happy to report that the entire property is mowed with all fence lines edged.   It looks nice.  Like a fresh start that gives a lawn maintenance reprieve, or at least a slow-down, until the monsoon rains roll in.

~ ~ ~

Our day trip destination is San Rafael Rec Area at the mouth of “Little Grand Canyon.”


We meet only one vehicle on Cottonwood Road.

~ ~ ~

Back to the present!

Today our new mattress will be delivered!

I never thought I’d be this excited about a mattress.  After 7+ years sleeping in the Best Little Trailer with two dogs on cushions only 27 inches wide, then moving up to a twin bed, I’m looking forward to stretching out on a queen-size mattress.  As much as I love my crew, I think I’ll sleep better without Roger lying on my ankles like a box of lead and Reggie pawing at me to fix the covers just the way he likes them (I’m not kidding).

I sanded, painted, and set up the 80-dollar bed from the thrift store.  The new sheets have been washed and dried.  The bed covers are fresh and sweet-smelling, too.  Delivery time is set between 1:30 and 4:30.  I expect the boys and I will try it out with a nap as soon as the bed is made up.

~ ~ ~

I’ll close this post with a few photos of the campground at San Rafael Rec. Area.

The San Rafael River flows by the campground.  May 2014 it was a narrow stream.

Beyond the campground the road goes to Buckhorn Wash Rock Art Panel.

  I’ll leave it up to you to visit in person or online to view the petroglyphs.

The campground and lands around it are under BLM management.

Rustic camping, far from any services.

Is it for you?



I did look at memory foam mattresses and they were enticing.  The negative reviews scared me though.  In the end I went with a conventional mattress and box spring set.  Have you found the perfect mattress?  Tell us about it!

Also, this once-a-week posting schedule means, more than ever, that this is your blog.  Feel free, blogorinos, side-liners, and newbies, to keep this blog alive throughout the week with your participation in comments.

As always, thank you for shopping Amazon from here.

Happy Mother’s Day next Sunday!  — Sue

~ ~ ~


Goodbye, crock-pot; hello, smoothie maker!  Now that short-sleeves, shorts, and sandals weather has arrived, I’m in the mood daily for sipping a refreshing fruit smoothie on our front porch.

With WalMart selling fresh strawberries from California at 99 cents a pound , I fix this basic recipe, give or take:  orange juice, almond milk, and fruits (banana, pineapple, blueberries, heavy on the strawberries).   I discovered that a fruit smoothie satisfies my craving for sweets.

RVSue recommends the AICOK personal blender available from Amazon.

This “personal” blender makes one very tall glass of smoothie (or enough to share).  It smooths the ingredients in less than a minute and the receptacle and blades are easy to clean.

It’s available at Amazon!  Surprise, surprise.   (You knew that’s where I was going with this, didn’t you.)  Get one for yourself and for someone you love.  Enjoy!   — Sue

Smoothie Blender AICOK Personal Blenders with Travel Portable Bottle, Electric Mini Blender Stainless Steel 4-Blade for Juice, Shakes and Baby Food, 300W


RVSue and her canine crew is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites.

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~ ~ ~

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88 Responses to Home improvement and revisiting San Rafael Rec Area, Utah

  1. KGDAN4 in WA says:

    Hi, Sue,
    Greetings to you! We just today returned to the Pacific Northwest from winter in Laughlin. Now to enjoying gardening, fishing and glorious Washington weather.

  2. Pam and Maya on the road East. says:

    Great memories Sue! I was thinking about you all week because Maya and I took our little trailer to Roosevelt Lake this week. A very special place for both of us and you were the one who told us about it! We spent a few great days swimming and enjoying the nature. Thank you again.

  3. Dawn in NC says:

    Wow Sue, you gave us a lot of updates, stories and pictures in the blog today! So happy for you upgrading to a queen! You’ll never know how you survived on 27 inches again! I’d love to see a picture of your bed frame. I’m also interested in what the negatives were to a memory foam mattress. I have a two inch foam topper that I swear by! Interestingly enough, I’m in the same bed frame (different mattress) that I’ve had since I got out of the crib! My grandparents bought me a converted antique rope bed. So, it’s only three quarters size and not very long.

    Glad to see you got your yard work accomplished. It’s mowing season in NC. I do love the smell of freshly cut grass. It’s one of my favorite smells. Speaking of smells, I’m stuck with a nasty summer cold and can barely taste anything! It’s frustrating, because although I’m craving chocolate, I can’t taste it when I eat it!

    • Barbara (Nashville) says:

      I can relate to your cold Dawn. I have one too and it is a doosey. Haven’t been sick in quite in quite a while, so I guess I was due. Take care.

  4. Columbus Calvin says:

    San Rafael is gorgeous for sure. I’ll admit, though, that today was as good as it gets right here. I got some miles on my electric bike (review follows when the bike and I are both recharged.) I used my trailer that a friend made for me to get a 2-bushel laundry basket and a little cooler full of groceries and miscellaneous. Depending on how you see it, that trailer’s either custom made or homemade, but it’s the best I ever had.

    I have also been through evolution with mattresses. I’m still using $8 air mattresses from Walmart after about three years. I had one of those “mattress in a box” things (memory foam), but it never got soft enough to sleep on without waking up sore.

    Those trees must be really something. I’m glad the guys named Dennis got that job done. Stuff like that’s for the pros, and you found ’em again.

  5. Diann in MT says:

    I love the story of Tenacity! And, I am entirely jealous of your shorts and sandals attire! Love those smoothies, Sue. Thanks for the recipes.

    Sold my little trailer today. No regrets. It was a safe and secure little shelter among bear country. I am moving beyond all that now. You were my inspiration to buy it a few years back. Amazingly, it did not lose too much value in the five years I owned it!

  6. CherylLinMIviaGA says:

    I commiserate with you, Sue…our dog, Joe (Jack Russell/Chihuahua), HAS to have the covers lifted up so he can tunnel thru, turn around & curl up in my belly! Before Joe, we got a queen size bed frame and now regret not getting a King. With the two of us & him, I’m always pushed to the edge! We got a combination of conventional & memory foam. We like it very much. The brand name escapes me at the moment…and we’re still in Columbus, GA our last full day tomorrow, then on the road Wednesday AM. That’s it from our part of the country. Take good care of the boys & enjoy not having to mow ’til monsoon season!

  7. Marilu Paulson says:

    Hi Sue,
    I assume you know that there is little chance of Reggie and Roger staking out the far corners of your bed. They will want to be next to YOU! I enjoyed the look back at your days in San Rafael, Utah. Utah has the most amazing scenery. Its the perfect destination for RVers.
    I’m glad you’re loving your sticks and bricks home. Are you putting in any automatic watering systems in case you want to take the BLT out to the mountains for a few days during the hot weather?

  8. weather says:

    One might think your photos would, by now, no longer capture me with wonder, yet they still do, Wow! , Sue, what a treat to see such splendor! I hope and trust that you are delighted with your bed, it’s close my bedtime now, so I will be back to chat more tomorrow, and for the moment will just say n’ nite

  9. Georgina says:

    Hi Sue- I’m working in Green River now. Love the photos! It’s a great area to explore.
    And can’t wait for the melons…They are amazing.

  10. Ruthie in Fontana says:

    Hi, Sue, Love the post so full of memories and new stuff. Those pictures of your long ago trip are perfect for framing. The two Dennis’s must have muscles (nice show under the tree)! We had a big tree in our yard to take down. The four men went out and rented a machine to get the roots out. So your men beat them hands down. Getting ready to take a mini vacation with my husband. He had never been to Sedona AZ so we will be there four days. Should be a fun time. Of course the boys (Aust. Shep and Pom) are going too! Thanks again for the post.

  11. Elaine Magliacane says:

    I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my sleep number bed! My side is set of 65 my husband keeps his side at 100. I have a bad back and it is the only mattress that I can get a good night’s sleep on.

  12. EmilyO in southern NM says:

    Oh yes, know just what your Dennis’ went thru with the Mormon Tea bush. I am just wacking mine down to the main root slowly. It was getting too big for its britches and starting to grow out into the alley. I’d probably have to tear up the alley to get all of it.

    I had a bad fall a month ago and ruptured a couple of the bursa in my right knee and tore a tendon or ligament or two in my right ankle. I couldn’t go down stairs for 5 or 6 days and since I have to go down stairs to get outside, that was worse than the pain in the leg. Couldn’t drive for 10 days. Knee and ankle are almost mended and I can at least get outside to do yard work and drive to the grocery store. Life is wonderful.

    Loved reliving your Utah adventure. I can only wish for a few trips more someday.

  13. Barbara (Nashville) says:

    Enjoyed the post. The Green River area is certainly awesome. I remember when you were there with the original crew. I’m still thrilled to see the photos again. Hope you have a wonderful week. Give R & R kisses from me.

  14. jenny Johnson says:

    I waited all week for Monday —–and you did not disappoint —Thanks for keeing us up to date!!!

  15. Sherry A Hall says:

    No!!! Never give up the crock pot!!! It’s my “go to” for hot weather cooking when I want “real food” (like a roast, stuffed peppers or pulled pork or something) but it’s too hot or I’m too tired to stand by the stove or to use the grill. I even put my crock pot in the garage to cook sometimes & when I’m camping, I use it in the bed of the pickup with the canopy on … when there is electric hook up.
    It sounds like being “grounded” in Arizona is definitely agreeing with you & the boys, keep livin’ the dream & keep keepin’ us up to date!

  16. TX Bigfoot says:

    Best bed by far for me at 345 lbs and 6′-5″ …..is the foldout metal frame platform from Amazon, with a super firm (also Amazon) 10″ thick mattress. No box spring. Mattress arrives rolled up and tightly compressed. I got it into the house by bear-hugging it, and wrestling/dancing it across the deck into the house. You carefully cut it open, gently slit the plastic bag and let it roll open, then watch it expand to full thickness.
    Platform allows ample floor storage beneath the bed, and my sleeping quality is first rate.

  17. MB from VA says:

    Hi Sue, That “WOW” picture made me feel in awe and wistful at the same time. I love that area.

    Big news here….at least to Bella and me. We added a new family member one week ago today. I had said that I wasn’t going to get another dog after Wyndy died. Having one very small dog made some things much easier. But I’m “friends with” several humane societies in the area on FB. And this little Chihuahua mix face popped up. I went to visit her, then took B to visit her….and we brought her home. She is an absolute HOOT! Her name is Molly. Her mom died and she was surrendered with 3 other small dogs. They had been adopted but not her. I couldn’t leave her there. So, we are a crew of 3 once more.

    Have fun with your home!
    Love from VA,
    MB, B & M

    • jazzlover says:

      MB, congratulations on your newest family member Molly. I am sure she will reward you and Bella with much love and companionship over the coming years. How old is she? Enjoy!

      • MB from VA says:

        Thanks Jazzlover! She is an awesome little dog. She’s 7 like Bella but everyone who has met her has been shocked to hear it. She looks and acts much younger. Her personality is more outgoing and confident, so I think she’ll be good for Bella (who tends to be a little reserved) and Bella will chill her out a bit. There was, of course, a short adjustment period where I wondered what in the world I was thinking! But now I couldn’t imagine our tiny home without her. 🙂

        Have a wonderful day!

    • Dawn in NC says:

      Congratulations on your newest member of the family! They bring so much joy!

    • ApplegirlNY says:

      Good for you, MB! I don’t think it will be too much longer before we head to the local shelter to do a rescue. I really miss my critters.
      Congratulations on being a crew of 3 again.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      What happy news, MB! For you, Bella and Molly. 🙂 Congratulations!

  18. Pauline in Mississippi says:

    Loved looking at those pictures again.
    Jerold and I bought a king sized bed and mattress…upgrade from a queen. It makes no difference to Sassy and Charlie. They still snuggle right up close.
    Hope everyone has a nice week and Happy Mothers’ Day
    See you all back here next week
    Hugs to my Sister Sue and her crew!!

  19. Suzette in TN says:

    What a lovely post. It’s always good to relive the good times – and hear about the new things going on in your life. As for the stubborn tree, if it comes back, slice it off at the ground and pour a half cup of chlorine bleach over the cut and the ground immediately surrounding the sprout. I guarantee you, that pesky tree will give up the ghost!

  20. Mel from NW ARkansas says:

    So glad to hear all about your AZ home adventures!! A hint regarding any future stubborn unwanted roots.. scrape off the bark covering an exposed root and dig as much dirt from around the root that you can, then spray every square inch of the root fiber with rustoleum primer spray paint, 2 or 3 coats!!!
    That was my trick in Carson City when 2 dogwoods decided to grow on the other side of my backyard fence (field behind yard).. by the time I realized they were there, the roots had traveled under the wood fence to yard sprinkler water and started lifting the fence! No way to remove roots that deep so I did the paint thing and no more dogwood trees!! P.s. loved the Owens valley picture story, brought back memories for me, loved that US395 drive!

  21. Thanks for the memories Sue! It sure was beautiful there. I still want to go. And thanks for the ideas about smoothies, though today here in Michigan it’s 39 and raining, not quite shorts and flip flop weather yet.

    Sometime, when you feel like it, I’d love to see Spike and Bridget again…

  22. Melissa Pidarson says:

    Hi Sue,
    I don’t comment often but I read every post. Thank you for sharing your life with us all! Congrats on the new bed upgrade!
    I bought an IKEA mattress after a battle with having 2 very big name mattresses fail in about 5 years. My husband and I are not large people, but somehow both mattresses developed giant sinkholes in the center that we would literally fight all night in our sleep to lay in. Ha!! It was a miserable sleep. After paying more than $4000 previously, I decided if a bed wasn’t going to last I’m not spending so dang much.
    So we went to IKEA.
    I’ve never slept better. It’s a $300 queen size mattress, and I paid another $89 for the super cushy 2 inch memory foam topper. We now have the same one in our travel trailer and the guest bedroom. My neighbor lady has even purchased one and is tickled to have it.

  23. John in Duluth MN says:

    So Sue I may have missed the answer to my question but are you planning on doing any camping in the cooler mountains this summer?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, John,

      I reply to one comment and I feel guilty for not replying to all… 🙂

      No plans at this point. I’m living pretty much day-to-day, enjoying each one. To be honest, camping in the summer in AZ isn’t tempting. Yes, it’s cooler in the mountains but hot as the dickens getting there. It’s also rainy in the summer. Snakes are out. The boys have to be on a tether.

      We’re quite comfortable and happy at home. On the hottest days, it’s cool in the mornings and in the evenings at our elevation.

  24. Val R Lakefield On. says:

    Enjoy seeing the travel pics. Even an Aliner. Owned one for five years. I think your weekly blog is a good idea. Take time for yourself.
    I wish I could read comments and participate, but there just is not the time. I always read and enjoy your posts though.

  25. Anne in GA suffering with air you can wear (very high humidity) says:

    Sue and Boys and B’rinos,
    Thank you for the new blog entry – gorgeous, helpful and uplifting as always. I love those shots from Utah. Just breathtaking. I bought the smoothie maker – it arrives tomorrow. I will be taking it with me to have smoothies on the road. I leave GA swampweather about 2AM Wed. 22 May with the expectation of being away for 2 months. I will be at my daughter’s home on the peninsula just west of Seattle for a month.

    I was shopping for a project tomorrow and saw Walmart had Driscoll strawberries. I bought 2 of those large containers – rich, red, juicy looking. All ready for the smoothie blender to arrive. I have to go back to store in early AM so will get the OJ, (I use plain, greek yogurt 2 %), some bananas, and whatever else I can see to add. Thank you also for including the things you put in your smoothies. Do you ever add a cube or two of ice? And will the blender work with that? Also, I didn’t see one but can I order another
    drink container? I want one just for smoothies and another for a ginger ale I can make while travelling also.

    I always stop at the rest area at each State’s border and walk around, rest, use restrooms, sometimes nap. Now I can just look around for a receptacle and plug in my blender for a few seconds and voilá ! quick refreshing healthful – “a la RVSUE”.

    Your mention of a new mattress reminds me, I should turn mine tonight. I have one of those Walmart foam mattresses. It does compress and after a few nights you find you are sleeping uphill or downhill, depending on which side you are positioned. When I do the laundry, as I put the fitted sheets on, I then flip the mattress around to even out the hills and compressed areas. I do sleep well on it. Of course, with 2 cats hogging much of the bed’s real estate (a twin bed), I do have some trouble getting to sleep. It’s quiet then until about 3AM when the younger one wakes and starts a play fight with the older one who, like me, just wants to sleep. I woke this AM and they were missing as usual.
    I found the younger one sitting on the floor looking so forlorn. I guess the older kitty had had enough of the playfighting and I located him eventually in the dirty laundry basket which was half full. So he wasa pretty well hidden from the other little dickens.
    Our little fur children are just so amusing while being lovable and frustrating all at the same time.

    Again, Sue, thank you so much for everything – gorgeous photos, a blog where everyone can gather and chat, lots of information and Amazon things I find I can’t live without.
    Anne – 8 PM at night and clothes are soaked with perspiration – welcome to south-central GA weather. Longing to escape.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Fun comment, Anne! Thank you for supporting my blog and giving me motivation to keep it going ( 🙂 ). I’m happy you chose to get the smoothie maker… healthy eating!

      I have never tried ice because I want a lot of flavor. Everything I put in the smoothie maker has flavor. Frozen fruit makes it frosty enough to give you brain freeze if you’re not careful, so that’s cold enough.

      I actually prefer a less-frosty smoothie (sensitive tooth). One of the reasons for adding OJ is to provide something cold to the fresh fruit. Strawberries go bad quickly. As soon as they’re ripe, I cut off the tops, wash them, and put them in a storage container in the fridge. That adds some cold.

      I’ve never followed a recipe and I’ve never made a smoothie I didn’t like. That’s proof how easy they are to make. I love the colors. You’ll see what I mean.

      WalMart sells a mixture of frozen berries that makes a great smoothie.

      The smoothie maker grinds everything up more quickly if you put liquids in first, then fruit on top. This puts the fruit next to the blades when you flip it over onto the machine part.

      Ah yes, I remember the sweats of GA…. There were times I got out of a cold shower and started sweating all over again before I was dressed. Seattle will be a wonderful change for you.

      Best regards to you and your mischievous kitties….

  26. Elizabeth says:

    Haha…had to laugh at the digging story…glad they were successful after all that effort!! Reminds me of our son…only yardwork he liked was digging up roots…and he too would not stop till it was out!! Thanks for the laugh, Sue!! On the hubby front, he is scheduled for his MRI in a couple weeks…so at least that!! And Pfizer company who makes my main high blood pressure med…which is super expensive, has finally sent me paperwork that might enable me to get it free or at a reduced price!!! THAT would be most welcome. SO folks, if your insurance does not pay well…or as in my case, tries to get out of paying any on brand name meds (which are sometimes required)…go directly to the pharm company and plead your case. I do not know if all companies have this or not…but I learned that a couple can make over $65K and still qualify for free meds in some cases. Worth a try!!

  27. ApplegirlNY says:

    “What a day that was!” Oh Sue, such beautiful pictures and wonderful memories. Your mention of Spike and Bridget made me smile, too. Your travels still inspire. I can’t wait to be more retired so hubby and I can head out for several months in the winter and visit more of this wonderful country of ours. Right now, we’re grateful for our month in Florida each winter.

    Hope you are sleeping well on that new mattress.

  28. Judy A Johnson says:

    Asking for your prayers. My husband has interstitial lung disease. Complications going on; oxygen level and blood pressure low. 2 pneumonia viruses. He is in ICU and needing almost to the maximum oxygen. Next would be cpap, then ventilator. He’s receiving excellent care but we need prayers now. I love this group and thankful to be able to call on you. 💕

  29. Cinandjules🌵 says:

    Dennis x 2…like their work ethics! Very easy to cut corners..but doing the job once the right way is key. You’ll spend twice as much by cutting corners!

    Glad you are getting a bigger bed. Here is the truth….it doesn’t matter how big the bed is…they will still have to “touch”. Cal King although is a lot bigger than a full…we still don’t have room! If I could be a fly on your wall! Tee hee

    Adding thoughts and prayers for Judy and her husband. My he find some relief soon.

    Rustic camping is perfect (away from the crowd) as long as their is enough water to flush and shower. Although for the longest (that’s how I found your blog) I would love to get an Escape or Casita..Jules has implied, actually she EXPRESSED, she wants nothing to do with that. She’d settle on a little cabin. Living in the NY woods, I never thought City living would ever be doable. Like the closeness of the amenities now, but miss the cohesiveness of small town living and the non noise polluting features of living with nature.

  30. Anne in GA says:

    Hello, Everyone,

    I ordered an RVSUE & CREW smoothie maker and plan to take it on my 2 month drive around America. I ordered a few other things including fruit for the smootihies. By the time the smoothie maker arrived, I was out of fruit. When I started to Walmart to buy the fruit, I had spent enough on stuff for travel, I had no money. So a quick trip to the bank, then the Post Office, then Walmart fruit section finally happened.

    I am sitting here in GA’s swamp weather (air you can wear), sipping my Very first RV SUE smoothie from my new RV SUE smoothie maker and drink container. I feel so
    relaxed and will read a book while sipping, staying cool and lovin’ life.

    Thank you, Sue. Seriously, I do like it and will totally enjoy taking it with me. It is so compact. A great morning starter instead of fast food unhealthy junk for b’fast. The only thing I will add will be 2-3 ice cubes to make it cooler. Or add ice cubes after mising. Otherwise, it is a perfect travel bueey and won’t backseat drive.

    I hope this email finds you launging about your new digs with the boys and sorting our who can sleep on which part of the new bed and mattress.

    And all my prayers for Judy and her husband. That didn’t sound like enough so our church has added them to our prayer list as well. It is a very large congregation – you can never have too many prayers. God Bless you both. And what a marvelous compliment to Sue and all the Bloggerinos that you would know to come here to seek support and friendship. Will be watching for your updates and continue to pray for positive results.


    • Anne - GA says:

      I missed your reply to my message above. I bought a 4-banana bunch, alarge container of Driscoll strawberries, a small container of blueberries, a quart of Homestyle OJ with pulp, and a qt of Amond Milk, original flavor. Having not noted a specific “recipe” from you, I put in the entire banana sliced thin, about 5 red berries (huge ones) sliced, 15 or so blue berries, then added a generous am’t of Almond MIlk and hit the “Lights, Camera, Action” button!!! so quick and so much goodness. You’re right, no recipe needed. Just a power source. I’d like to do some “green” ones – leafy things, you know. All kinds of goodness.
      Thank you , thank you, thank you.
      My only quibble with the drink container is that the little flip up/down stopper doesn’t fit firmly into the drink spout. If overturned, it can and quite likely will spill. But other than that, I cannot imagine how I ever travelled without it before. This trip, I plan to also travel with my Instant Pot ( it’s a 3 qt mini).
      I’m so glad you are taking time for yourself and are being generous about it.
      That means you will be more rested when you do sit down to blog and bring so much joy, caring, beauty and fun to us out here in Bloggerino Land as well as providing a “Family Room” for all of us to touch bases with one another to share stories, laughter and most importantly, comfort and security to those in need of same. So rest up, shop the Thrift Store so y ou can entertain us with your deocrating talents as well as a nose for super bargains. Much love to the boys from me (the kitties here gave that a pass 😊)

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        Hi, Anne,

        Fun to read about you and your smoothies! I don’t know anything about the stopper thing you mention as my smoothie maker isn’t designed that way. Maybe yours came with a separate cup?

        Anyway… a few notes. Rather than add ice, I add FROZEN fruit if I want it really cold. Frozen pineapple is a great addition or any berries (ah, blackberries!) from those packages in the frozen food section. I love the frozen cherries, although pricey, I wait for them to go on sale.

        I use Almond Milk with Vanilla (a bit sweeter) but the original is good, too.

        Feel free to really pack the receptacle with fruit. I only put about an inch of OJ and an inch of almond milk…. the rest fruit. Yes, a whole banana… 🙂

        If you don’t have access to a freezer, canned pineapple in pineapple juice is easy to store and adds lots of flavor and sweetness.

        Have a great trip!

        • Anne - GA says:

          After I read your other response about smoothies, (and I had already made mine soon as I got home from store and had everything washed up) I popped everything into the freezer. Then I sat down to read my new book so as not to cause any sweating in the miserable heat. I have a great tendency to suffer from heat exhaustion quite easily so I’m pretty careful. Well, I’m “thirsty” again. Grabbed the blender jar, got all the ingredients ready and buzzzzzzzz, another tasty concoction. Cold but not yet beginning to freeze Almond milk (Silk brand), some chopped pecans and one pkt of instant coffee and about 1 scant tsp granulated domino sugar. Just so tasty.
          Sue, you just may have created a smoothie monster. I can’t wait for fresh peaches and some Almond mild. Perhaps some ice cream. However, I have to say, while travelling I won’t be able to keep fruit frozen. I will save that tip for when I am at my daughter’s and for when I get back home later on. But this is just so great. In this heat/humidity, I really don’t feel like eating. Why, I could even make cold soup smoothies – like a kind of fun gazpacho.
          I have the same model as you do, I believe. It came with the motor base/AC cord.
          A blender/drink container, the blender blade lid and the drinking lid with a port where you put your mouth (sorry) and on top of that sipping lid is a flap (don’t know what else to call it) that comes down and goes into the sipping port to keep it from spilling and here in the wicked bug-infested Southland, keeps bugs out. The part that is supposed to actually fit into the sipping port doesn’t fit snuggly and when I’ve tipped the bottle to give it a shake, it really does leak from where you sip from. I hope that is clear – I’m not so good with technical explanations.
          Anyway, thank you. This is so fun and will save me a bunch of calories over time.
          You better just hope the boys stick to hogging the parts of the new bed closest to you at night and do NOT think to beg for a smoothie maker of their own so you could make them wet-dog-food smoothies anytime they wanted – cuz, you know – you are just sitting around not doing anything, right? 🙀 😩
          Hi to everyone in Sue’s Family Room.

          • rvsueandcrew says:

            I hadn’t thought of instant coffee! Wow! Iced coffee! Maybe add cocoa?

            I pour my smoothies into a pretty drinking glass. 🙂

  31. Elizabeth says:

    Hey fellow citizens and Sue…well, today finally got to the end of the chain of possibilities…and apparently the Pfizer drug company does not have any system in place to help those folks like me…who have taken this med for many years…and in recent years, the cost going way up…resulting in nasty actions on part of insurance etc etc. BUT, it is my drug that they do nothing to help with…many others they do!! So at least worth a try to look into if they could help you out, bypassing your insurance and pharmacies. I could write a book on all that has been done to me…but for now…just passing along the information…you may be on something that you can get for free…so worth looking into with the company who makes it!! If I could just starve myself enough to lose a ton…might be able to get off meds…worth a try for sure!! Heh…

    • Cinandjules🌵 says:

      Big pharma is horrible! Obtaining medication shouldn’t be so difficult due to the cost. So many folks are on fixed incomes and if the cost of living increase isn’t equal to the rising cost of meds…there is a problem.
      When we were at the pharmacy, the pharmacist gave us a card..called “good RX” not sure of the details but it supposedly helps getting RX at a fraction of the cost.
      Hope you are able to find a resolution.

      • Elizabeth says:

        Thank you!!…yes, that “good rx” does help some…but still not like the insurance company was paying. I did finally get a letter saying that they had decided to pay what they had been for 3 more years…then the battle is once again on…what just slays me is that, if a med is working…why break it??

    • ApplegirlNY says:

      Elizabeth, It’s terrible what you have to go through just to maintain the status quo.

      Since you brought it up. My husband and I do everything in our power to stay away from taking meds. So far so good, even though we have “family history.” The most proactive things we’ve done are to reduce carbs substantially and switch to eating basically one meal a day (pretty much whatever we want). We’ve lost tons of weight and have been doing this for years. It does take time to get used to, but it’s so simple, and we feel great, loads of energy.

      The beauty of this way of eating is that as long as you eat healthy, less processed foods, you can enjoy just about anything and any diet you choose, Standard Diet, Primal, Paleo, Vegetarian, Vegan. Some have more challenges than others, but all doable and we don’t have to think about food all the time (and I’m a cook and a professional baker).

      Google Dr. Jason Fung, if you’re at all interested. He’s entertaining and very common sense. Some great You Tube lectures.

      We really don’t tell anyone what we do, because people think it’s radical, but it’s really simple. Both 60 yrs old, feel better than we did in our 40’s.

      Enough of my soapbox. Be healthy, be happy – any way you can get there!

      • Elizabeth says:

        We have been changing some things too, Applegirl…thanks for sharing what you do. Part of it with high blood pressure has nothing to do with anything more than heredity, we hear. I do not like going to docs either and manage what we can at home. We take a lot of supplements, minerals, herbs etc as well. We generally have just 2 meals a day ourselves…and some snacks (that is part of what gets us in trouble…but working on making those better…would be easier if I went to the store ALONE, you understand…ahem!!) Glad to hear your changes are helping…that is encouraging!!

        • Columbus Calvin says:

          I’ll put in a note that I’ve had better results than the doctors with my Type 2 diabetes. I go the other way, though. I changed my eating pattern (I won’t even use the word “diet”) after I was finally diagnosed with the Type 2. I eat every two or three hours (as needed) through the day. I control the flow of carbs rather than count the total, and I pay close attention to serving size. I make occasional gestures about salt and saturated fats. I got off Metformin after one course (3 months) and I’m not going back. I don’t worry about the specific foods as long as it meets the carb needs and doesn’t horrify me.

          My other medical note: all the inhalers prescribed for my asthma make my lungs react except the emergency inhaler. I only use the emergency inhaler (and nasal rinsing), and I told the doctors about all this rather than asking them.

          • Elizabeth says:

            Thanks for your input too, Calvin, indeed our bodies are not all alike and what works for one may or may not work for another…but certainly worth considering all options we can find!! Thanks so much!!

            • Elizabeth says:

              By the way, Calvin, as to asthma, our almost 19 year old grandson discovered he virtually never has to use his inhaler anymore (and there in heavy pollen area of NC too)…he chews xylitol gum…we like the one called spry…cheapest place I know of is on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Spry-Xylitol-Fresh-Fruit-Count/dp/B00124VPLQ/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?keywords=spry+gum%2C+fresh+fruit&qid=1557609856&s=grocery&sr=1-1-spons&psc=1 Also I have found if I chew it as soon as I get pain in the throat, usually nothing develops…just chew it along as you feel the need, I do 2 of them at a time as they are kind of small. There are many flavors and also come in a kind of mint. Also helps prevent cavities. I cannot recommend them highly enough. Hubby cannot do mint, which is in a lot of flavors so we use the fresh fruit which tastes like Juicy Fruit gum. You may find it helpful too. Dentists are always amazed at my gums even at my age.

            • Columbus Calvin says:

              I’ll see what I can do with that. I’ve had somewhat similar results with cough drops. (Don’t tell the pharmacist; they won’t believe you.)

            • Kaye from Oregon says:

              Check out and see but I believe I read that “XYLITOL” is poison to dogs and can kill them !!!!

            • Columbus Calvin says:

              I studied that yesterday and learned the same thing. I have no pets, and I’m still thinking about it.

        • ApplegirlNY says:

          LOL, Yes, when I’m not alone in the grocery store I notice that those half gallons of ice cream and bags of chips end up in the cart.

  32. Anne - GA says:

    and Happy Mother’s Day to everyone here. I always send my daughter and card and often a gift – she is an only child. I tell her I celebrate her on that day because without her, I would not be a Mother. She was born a 2 lb premie. I brought her home from the hospital at 4.8 lbs (the pediatric. was a close friend and he said he laid his thumb on the scale since it was so close to the required 5 lbs) on the thursday before Mother’s Day.
    She was just married on Sunday the 5th of May. So I told them about my first Mother’s Day with a tiny baby and now this Mother’s Day I will have an adopted son.
    Never mind the misery of mosquitoes, other biting things, always looking down for snakes, etc, life can be very full of wonderful things.
    Some of us on here may not be mothers but all of us have a mother so Happy Mother’s Day to all.

  33. Suzicruzi says:

    Happy Mother’s Day to all the dog moms, cat moms, moms of your moms, moms of human children, and all the moms in between. May you all have a blessed day.

    Suzi, Larry, and Kitty outside Albuquerque

  34. AZ Jim says:

    Happy Mothers Day to all our moms!!!

  35. Reggie & Roger says:

    Happy Mothers Day Mom! We Were Rescued By You!

    You didn’t care how we looked
    or that we were not some pedigree.

    You showed us that we were not disposable
    and that we are loved so tenderly.

    You brought back the sparkle in our eyes
    and the shine in our coats.

    You restored our spirits
    so our tails could wag again

    You took a chance on us
    to see what we became

    You gave us a place to call home
    and a Beautiful Mom to call our own!

    Love Always, Reggie & Roger

  36. Judy J. in upstate S.C. says:

    Just a quick message to share that my sweet hubby, Raleigh, went to be with Jesus on May 11. Your prayers, support and encouragement have meant so much. Please remember our family in these days ahead. 💕 Judy

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Oh, Judy, I’m sorry for your loss, but happy for Raleigh’s gain.

      Take care of yourself. We are here whenever you feel like letting go. Know that you and your family will be remembered daily. Hugs.

      LATER>>>>>> Judy, I apologize. (I edited out a statement made earlier in this comment which didn’t make sense.) I didn’t connect you here with the Judy who commented above.

      These are difficult days for you and maybe you won’t come here and see this. If you do, know that my heart is sincere even when my brain is out to lunch. Praying God’s comfort and strength for you each moment.

    • weather says:

      There really isn’t a way to prepare ourselves for a loss like yours,Judy. I am glad you have the peace knowing your hubby is with Jesus gives.Be as well as you can, I will be praying for you and your family, and look forward to any time you can visit us here again.

    • Elizabeth says:

      Oh so sorry Judy…will be praying you are comforted by GOD!!! Take care of yourself too!!

    • ApplegirlNY says:

      Judy, I am so sorry for the loss of your sweet Raleigh. We will continue to pray for you. You have blessed hope in Jesus. Take care.

    • Dawn in NC says:

      Judy, I am so sorry for your loss. Your family will be in my prayers.

  37. Deena in Phoenix says:

    Reggie and Roger, thank you for sharing your poem to us blogorinos. You are the best.

    Take Care

    Deena in Phoenix

  38. rhodium in SW VA says:

    I hope all in need feel supported by the readers. We celebrated Mother’s Day week by fostering a pregnant cat. Well last Thursday she had her kittens, five of them. One black, one white, a black and white, a grey tabby and an orange one. All are doing great and are set for a ride to northern Virginia next Friday. It really seems like what I have read of the Underground Railroad down here. One dog had eight legs of transport to get to central New York recently.

  39. Kaye from Oregon says:

    Check out and see but I believe I read that “XYLITOL” is poison to dogs and can kill them !!!! Elizabeth mentioned a product above in comments that contains it.

  40. Nila says:

    My love to Judy. From what I’ve heard, it sometimes takes a while to really feel the loss.
    People here will understand and be here for you. And he is watching you and loving you from where he is now.

    Anne, for travel I like to make my smoothies ahead of time and freeze them. If packed tightly, they will stay frozen for a couple days even without electricity, and they help keep the fridge and freezer cool. I take one each out each day, and drink it a bit at a time as it thaws.

    • Anne - GA says:

      What a marvelous idea. You and Sue are going to cause me to totally wear out my new smoothie maker. I will be going to groc store in AM. Skim milk is one of my goals. It whips into a great sturdy froth for those morning coffee or mocha smoothies. Sprinkle a little cinnamon and a little cocoa on top – special!!!

      My daughter travels a great deal and relies on KOA often. Showers, laundry, microwave in office, and few snacks in office/store. And it’s a place to put the tent and sleep before driving onward. So, I will be stopping at the occasional KOA on my trip for shower and laundry for a fee. I won’t sleep there as too noisy and TOO CLOSE QUARTERS. But while clothes are going merrily around and around in the sudsy surf, I can make a smoothie or two using the AC outlets usually found there.

      Sue, I looked at your smoothie jar in photo on the next post and mine has a slightly different shape. They must have changed the model slightly since you bought yours. I’ve had so many smoothies now that I slosh when I walk.
      Calvin, thank you again so much for the advice on the hiking shoes. I have the information you gave in my “Bloggerino Notes” but have decided to cut down on expenses for the present. You are always so kind to share from your vast stores of knowledge and experience. Your comments are always fun or informative or often both. Thank you.

      Applegirl NY,
      Thank you for the Mother’s Day wish. Sadly, one of my fur kitty boys decided I wasn’t deserving. So he finished his morning kibble sitting right beside my dining seat, walked around the corner and instead of “meowing” as he is supposed to do and does so 95% of the time, for me to let him outdoors, he just
      reached up and using the sharp “tools” on the end on his paw, removed the upper half of the screen in the door. This allows nearly all of his friends, the huge house flies and even larger mosquitoes and assorted other vermin to enter at will.
      But the smaller, younger fur kitty boy was an angel all day to make up for the big boy’s bad behavior. It all evened out except I have to put in a new screen – AGAIN !!! (about the 4th or 5th time now).

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