Revisiting coral pink sand dunes and doing fun stuff at the house

What a fun camp that was!

The first part of today’s post is a display of photos of Ponderosa Grove Campground and the nearby, red sand dunes located about fifteen miles southwest of Kanab in southern Utah.

I camped here previously with my original canine crew. In 2016 I  returned with Reggie.

Ponderosa Grove is a small campground.  In 2016 there was talk of enlarging it.  I don’t know if that happened.

Reggie loved exploring and playing on the dunes.  Here are a few pics I grabbed from the past.  After the photos I’ll bring us up to the present.

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For more about the Coral Pink Sand Dunes area, go to my previous posts:

“Ponderosa Grove Campground” — October 2014

“Photo Essay:  Best Friends Animal Sanctuary Tour”– October 2014

“Dunes, dunes, dunes!” — October 2016

~ ~ ~

At the present time . . .

Reggie, Roger and I are at our house in southern Arizona experiencing the first cool days of early autumn.  I’m typing this in the Best Little Trailer which is parked in the back yard. The ceiling heater fends off the morning dampness brought by rain during the night.

I like writing inside the BLT.  It serves as a cozy office and study while we are not vagabonding.  I’m hoping the familiarity of sitting on her narrow bed with laptop in my lap will help shake off another bout of “writer’s block.”

The BLT’s carpeted walls curve around me in a warm embrace of memories.

~ ~ ~

Friday, October 12 and Saturday, October 13, in Arizona

That pretty plaid, flannel shirt and quilted vest I showed you in the previous post have already come in handy!

It’s too cold to enjoy sitting on the porch for very long.  

The crew and I wander around, check on the plants, and watch the birds.

At one point I come out the front door onto the porch and find a lone sparrow snoozing at the bottom rim of the feeder, probably with a very full belly.  The rest of the flock has returned to their homey hide-out inside the Italian cypress tree at the other end of the porch.

The little guy’s feathers are so puffed up against the cold that he’s as big and round as a softball.

Here are a few of our regular diners.

What they lack in color they make up for in numbers!

I bring home 40 pounds of birdseed at a time.

Fortunately the sparrows, doves, and finches aren’t fussy eaters, and they attack the “economy seed” with gusto.  I fill the tube feeder and pedestal feeder (not shown) twice a day.

I change the sugar water in the hummingbird feeders every third day.  So far we have two regular hummers who claim these feeders.

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Roger sniffs the lantana in the flower bed.

Reggie soaks up the sun’s warmth on the porch.

A sparrow suns on the porch roof.

And RVSue takes pictures.

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About my experiments in plant propagation.

I love the Mexican Petunia plant!  After studying the subject of plant propagation techniques, I make my attempts.

I know, I know…. Why TRY to propagate the Mexican petunia when it is such an aggressive self-starter.  Because I want to, that’s why.  And it should be easy.

Okay, here we go!

A sprig of Mexican petunia in water . . .

Another sprig dipped in hormone powder and inserted in potting soil . . .

I also try the layering method, which is bending part of a branch under the soil in the flower bed and cutting it off, forcing it to grow roots.  At least that’s the plan.

~ ~ ~

I go crazy over tiny succulents!

A local garden center has these little guys on sale and I scoop up a collection to put in my 25-cent, thrift store pots.

Lined up in a sunny window, they’re a cheerful display.

I also pot up a pair of clapping, gloved hands for a happy centerpiece.

I can almost hear “Good job!  You ate all your broccoli!”



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113 Responses to Revisiting coral pink sand dunes and doing fun stuff at the house

  1. Dawn in Michigan says:

    It all looks lovely…sunshine and moderate temperatures. But little Reggie looks a bit chilly!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Dawn,

      It’s much warmer today. Not as many clouds, blue sky. Hope you’re having a nice day in Michigan.


      • Dawn in Michigan says:

        Wow! First never happens! We had 80s last week, then in one day the front went through and our highs are now 50s. But today there was sunshine so it felt pretty wonderful.

  2. Arden says:

    I know there’s some “trick” here where comments don’t always show up right away — surely I’m not actually first?!?

  3. Reine in Princeton, TX (when not camping) says:

    How fun. Glad you’re enjoying your home.

  4. suzi says:

    Happy Sunday-Funday Sue,

    A little bit of everything in this post; I like it! I too had a sunny window of very small potted succulents behind my kitchen sink, with East facing morning sun. All the little pots all lined up so cute. I miss them, as they all found new homes when we sold. I did decide to pot up one small Aloe plant for us to keep with us on our travels, and one air plant, or Tillandsia. I hope to keep them alive! I would miss live and growing greenery in our new little “house on wheels” if I didn’t have them.

    I like that you use the BLT for an office, of sorts, to write in. Some people use them for guest rooms, and I think that’s great! Everyone needs a bit of privacy and “me” time, and if it provides you with that cozy feeling you mentioned, more power to you!

    I’m anxious to get back on the road and head into Joshua Tree to see what we can see. I’m just plain ol’ ready to blow this town for the open road! 😉

    Thanks Sue for keeping us in the loop. I love hearing from you!!

    xo Suzi

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I love hearing from you, too, Suzi!

      I assume from your comment that your hand is healed and you’re about ready to take off. Joshua Tree has some great little campgrounds and also there is free camping near the interstate at the south entrance.

      I think it’s best to enter the park from the north side because it’s a downhill drive the further you go. You’ll enjoy it.

      • suzi says:

        Awesome Sue, thanks. One of the many things I really enjoy about you, is how willing you are to share your camping experiences. You are very giving. That, and just taking the time to write your blog, in the middle of “living your life”. Your little community here really pulls you along, don’t we? Ha Ha! You’re such a great sport! And we love you for it!!! 😉

  5. Barbara from Camano says:

    Thanks for the memories and I love your cheery succulents in a row. I am concerned about Geri. I know you’ll let us know when you do and if we can help.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Barbara,

      Chuck and Geri are fine and home again after their evacuation to Georgia where Michael followed them.

      Miraculously the mothership survived. The main damage was a tree limb hitting Geri’s car they had left behind. For details read the last few comments under the previous post.

      I’ll take this opportunity to thank those blogorinos who gave us reports on Chuck and Geri. I, as well as others, appreciated the updates you gave us.

      • Geri from Fla. Panhandle says:

        Yay! We are fine! Believe it or not, our little RV Park came thru without a scratch! Our power came on yesterday while most of Franklin County is still without. We are feeling blessed.!!!

        • Columbus Calvin says:

          Bravo! What I have seen on the news is devastating, and I’m glad to know that’s not all there is.

        • Jan NH says:

          So happy to hear that all is well with you after Michael.

        • weather says:

          It’s so great to see you on here, Geri! I’m so grateful for you,Chuck and your sweet pooches being safe,and your home being undamaged. I hope fixing your car is quick and easy. I know having your power on makes life so much easier, hopefully that allows you to get some much needed rest. You are indeed blessed!I join you in thanking God for answering our prayers. xxoo.

  6. Columbus Calvin says:

    Once the writer’s block broke, you found a fine flow. I happened to be looking at the email screen when this came in. By the time I read it, it had eight comments already.l

    The campsite at Coral Pink Sand Dunes looks wonderful, with trees but also great light. It looks like Reggie really liked the area too.

    Your house postings always make me want a nice porch. You have a good one, well set up and you get plenty of use from it.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Calvin,

      Thank you for the remark on my writing. Nice to have encouragement!

      Reggie had a ball at Coral Pink Sand Dunes. He loved running up and down the dunes on that soft sand.

      We are blessed with this porch. It faces east. I don’t think it would be half as pleasant if it didn’t have this orientation to the sun. Yes, it gets a lot of use!

  7. weather says:

    Quick note-using the Photo Essay link took me to the Ponderosa Grove Campground page again, the other 2 links work as they should. I’ll be back in a bit to comment on this post. Clever of you to find that way to overcome writer’s block!

  8. Heather Jopling says:

    Hi Sue,
    With any luck as winter comes you will get all the wonderful desert birds Al over at bay field bunch got when he was in the desert,cardinals,cactus wren,that pyro bird lol.
    He cracked me up as when he went home to bay field his birds would be there.I would love to have a cardinal but no I am in the west

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Heather,

      Al does seem to attract a lot of colorful birds. His photos are wonderful.

      In the Southwest we do get “Cardinalis sinuatus” (I looked that up) which is known at Pyrrhuloxia, a member of the finch family that resembles the cardinal in form, but not as colorful.

      I was sitting by the lantana flower bed when a female pyrrhuloxia landed in the rose bush nearby. I hoped it would become a regular at the feeder but that one sighting was all. I suspect the flock of sparrows intimidate other birds from trying the feeder.

  9. Renee from Idaho says:

    I love the birds. We have 4 feeders outside our kitchen window and they are full with sparrows, finches, and red winged blackbirds who also don’t mind, in fact they eat with gusto, the economy birdseed I get in 40 lbs bags from Home Depot. A local garden supply store boasts of their sprout free seed, but at $35 for 40 lbs, I’ll scrape up the sprouts.

    Back in 2011 we went through Coral Pink Sand dunes and thought it was just gorgeous, but we were camped over at Kaibab Camper Village near Jacob Lake. Some day we’ll go back.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Renee,

      You have FOUR feeders. Wow. I’d like to have more in order to spread out the dining but I fear the number of birds would increase with every feeder I put up. Already we have about forty regulars.

      It’s funny when something spooks them. The entire flock lifts out of the pine tree and away from the feeder. A few make a “beeline” down the full length of the porch, zipping right past my head!

      Hmm… Maybe I shouldn’t say a “beeline” when I mean a straight line.

      I buy two 20-lb bags of seed at a time at Wal-Mart. I’ll take a look at what Home Depot has.

      • Renee from Idaho says:

        I used to get the 20lb bags from Albertson’s for $8 and then pickup suet blocks for $2 each, but they caught on to all the seed I was buying and discontinued the large bags! So then I started buying from Costco, but the same size is available at Home Depot for $5 or more, less! When they run out, I order online and have it delivered to the store.
        One of my feeders is an open swinging type of dish so that the doves can easily get to the seed, but the sparrows love to wallow in it like little flying pigs.

  10. Elaine Magliacane says:

    I bet your yard birds would LOVE a bird bath, I so enjoy watching the bird bathe and cavort in the water when it’s really hot here in SC… should be a hit in AZ too. Such beautiful photos of the red sand dunes, red sand, white clouds (and doggie too) and blue, blue sky just stunnin.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thank you, Elaine, for the compliment on the photos. I’m glad you enjoyed them.

      The birds do love the bird bath here. It’s a flat, shallow, concrete bowl, about 18 inches across, placed on the ground near the feeder and the water spigot. The birds drink and bathe in it all the time. I have a routine where I change the water twice a day.

  11. Rover Ronda says:

    Hi RVSue,
    My army of sparrows aren’t picky either. However the bush tits seem partial to suet with mixed berries.
    As always enjoyed your blog.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Ronda,

      I may try hanging suet this winter. I’ll probably end up with 30-lb. sparrows.

      • Rover Ronda says:

        Lol. You just might! Sparrows are food aggressive. When I first started back yard feeding it bothered me, because I wanted to see a big variety of birds. But they are pretty and have a little variety amongst themselves. And as long as I keep the seed feeders full they more than less leave the suet alone for the chickadees and bush tits. I also have towhee and nuthatch come to ground feed. I also occasionally get stellars jay and flickers at my suet, but my suet hangs free under a rain cover dome so it’s hard for the big birds to hang on and eat. I should get one mounted to a post for them. I hope you try the suet. You may get more variety.

        🎉💐Happy Birthday!🎂 🎉

  12. Pauline in Mississippi says:

    Tomorrow, October 15th is my sister Susan’s BIRTHDAY!!! I am posting early so more will have the chance to send her greetings.

    Sending lots of love and big hugs.

  13. weather says:

    Ordinarily when I read older posts I tend to focus on the story, and I come back thinking about what great camps and times those were. Today what stuck me was what a gifted photographer and writer you are. A few people are good landscape photographers or animal photographers, some are really good at capturing small scenes, part of a room, or plants on a window sill. Far less people are truly talented writers. You do it all wonderfully.

    “The BLT’s carpeted walls curve around me in a warm embrace of memories.” In just one lovely sentence describing what prepared you to write, you manage to evoke feelings of comfort- for what you had while sitting there, of pathos- thinking how you may long to be vagabonding again sometimes, and of gratitude- that you can and will be again.

    Those thrift store pots are perfect with your new plants, what a nice collection! You made me remember how long it’s been since I’ve nurtured young plants and watched them grow inside my place. Gosh, Sue, thank you for reminding me of how a small expenditure can bring so much pleasure and beauty into a life and home. Some of my favorite indoor plants are ferns and trailing ivy, I think I will start with those.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, weather,

      You’ve sent me a lot of wonderful, uplifting compliments over the years, but, I must say, your first paragraphs stun me. Thank you. I’ll try to live up to your words with my camera and my keyboard. 🙂

      I was thinking the same thing about playing with the tiny plants, wondering if this post would spur some readers to collect inexpensive pots and plants to enjoy inside, now that cold weather is coming. I did have fun with that, from searching at the thrift store to picking out those babies. Ha! The simple things in life . . . .

      Thanks also for taking the time to follow the links, to read and examine the photos, and to share your reactions here.

      BTW, you never fail to impress me with your writing skill in the comments you post. I know blogorinos agree! 🙂

  14. Jolene/Iowa says:

    What a cheery post!! I love the pictures. Golly I wish I could grow things. I kill about any houseplant I get my hands on. I love the succulents! We have had snow again today in Iowa. It won’t last and is melting as it falls but I am so not ready for this.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Snow again? It’s mid-OCTOBER, Jolene. I didn’t know Iowa is like that. Golly.

      The succulents in this post have been in my care for less than a week. Whether they’ll make it to spring is not certain. They may be dead by Halloween. It’s good that I have a photographic record to remember them by.

  15. A Gal and a Cat in FL. says:

    I just love your pictures! Also the chat about your life. PLEASE don’t stop. Your home looks so lovely and inviting. Happy for you.

  16. Karen LeMoine says:

    Happy B Day! No pics of sweet little Marge? Hope Nancy and Marge have adjusted to their new home and the Az environment. I love your little succulents.I just might go out and get some. I have a hard time keeping snake and spider plants alive:( Talk about being from the Garden State.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Karen,

      I bet you’re too attentive to your plants. Put a snake plant in the dark and ignore it and it will be fine. Thanks for the birthday wish. I plan on having a happy one. 🙂

  17. Barbara (Nashville) says:

    Thoroughly enjoyed the photos from the past. Wasn’t this the camp where Reggie and previously Spike & Bridget got there red legs and paws?

    The thrift pots are so cute with their little succulents. I really like the place mats on the table. They are so cheery.

    If I ever get my cabinets, I hope to have a cheery kitchen. I really want a small herb garden in the kitchen but my condo faces south so I really don’t have any windows with the right light. I have tried so many plants over the years and the only thing I haven’t killed is my Ti plant, 45 years and going strong.

    Guess I better find something for dinner. Since its been so rainy today, think I’ll just have soup.

    Has anyone heard form Rusty? So glad Chuck & Geri are okay.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Barbara,

      Blogorinos remember stuff that happened in our lives, stuff I don’t remember and I lived it! I don’t know where Bridget and the Spikester got red legs and paws.

      I like those placemats, too! All four for a dollar. 🙂

      Speaking of soup for dinner… Tonight it was crock pot chicken made with chicken-with-mushroom cream soup. I made rice to go with it. The boys loved it, too!

  18. Gloria in Prescott, Az. says:

    HAPPY 70th SUE. Such a milestone. You are 13 months older then me (curiously, I am day older then Rusty). I remember when I was young thinking how far off that would be and wondering if I would live that long. Have a WONDER FULL day. Life is such a blessing!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks for the birthday wish, Gloria. A few minutes ago I was thinking about birthday cake. Ha! I’ll be prowling the grocery store tomorrow. 🙂

  19. Elizabeth says:

    Well, Happy Birthday SUE!! WOW and this year you are with another…that should make it more fun!! Hope your day is a good and fun one…whatever makes it fun for you!! Enjoyed the photos as usual. We seem to have sparrows at our feeder and little else right now…not sure what happened to all the cute little chickadees!! A few blue jays show up at times too…but they prefer larger seeds it seems.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks for the birthday wish, Elizabeth. As I type this it’s few minutes before midnight on the 14th. I’m like a little kid, only I’m saying “In a few minutes I’ll be 70!” 🙂

  20. Krystina says:

    Happy, happy birthday RV Sue!!! I hope it is a FUN day. I just love your new home and all your plants. I am going to the thrift store today to find some “cheap” pots so I can have MORE plants in my home!!! Keep on keeping on. xxoo

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      How nice to hear from you, Krystina! I bet your granddaughters are keeping you busy and smiling. I’m glad you are seeing them grow during these precious years.

      Good luck with your plant pot search at the thrift store. Thank you for the birthday greeting and wish!

  21. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday dear Sue! Happy Birthday to you! And many more!! 🎶 Enjoy your special day! 🎂 🎈 🎁 🎉 💕

    I had to get up extra early to leave you a Birthday note! 🙂

    Thank you for sharing your past camp, and for the pictures of the birds enjoying dinner at the S & N buffet! I think you are right that adding more feeders would increase the number of diners, not spread out those that you already have. Just yesterday, a male cardinal told me very aggressively that I need to fill the feeders. Buying a new supply of seed is on my list of things to do this week. Nephew #2 will be coming to visit Saturday; we will make a seed run to stock up. When I have his help, I am able to buy large bags of seed. So much more cost effective, but as I can no longer lift much weight, I pick up 5 lb bags between his visits. So thankful for his help! 🙂

    I love all of your happy planters of succulents! There are so many varieties to enjoy. Good luck with your propagation project. I look forward to hearing which method worked best. 🙂 I wonder if it will get too cold to leave some of the house plants outside? Time will tell…. Your first winter at home will be interesting. 🙂

    Once again, enjoy your special day, Sue! Sending you, cutie pies Reggie, and Roger lots of love and hugs from me and Gracie pup! Hi to Nancy and Marg, too! 🙂

    Thank you to Renee for sharing that Home Depot has better prices on birdseed! 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good morning, Denise!

      How thoughtful of the male cardinal to remind you. 🙂 I’m glad you have your nephew to help you with lifting. I bet he’s glad to help his dear auntie.

      You’re right, the plants do need protection from the cold. According to the neighbors, it doesn’t get really cold often here and when it does, it doesn’t last. Even so, enough to do damage to plants in pots.

      Thank you for the birthday wish, Denise, and the birthday song. 🙂 I hope you were able to get some more sleep this morning. Sending love and hugs to you and Gracie pup!

  22. weather says:

    Happy Birthday, Sue! May it be overflowing with both wee and grand sweet delights 🙂

  23. Cat Lady says:

    Happy Birthday, Sue. I hope my calendar didn’t notify me of the wrong date…again.

  24. Steve says:

    You have motivated me to go out and get some starter plants to grow inside this winter. Great camping photos. You seem to have adjust well coming off the road and living in a house. Congrats.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks, Steve.

      Rarely do I get around to other blogs. I did get over to yours the other day and learned belatedly of your loss. I tried to leave a note of sympathy but Google was giving me a hard time over my “profile” which I refuse to give. Not a problem with your blog; Big G and I don’t get along.

      Anyway…. I’m sorry your sweet Sadie is gone and you suffer her absence. Adjustments… That’s life, right?

      Yeah, get some plants and have fun with them! Thanks for writing, Steve.

  25. Mary in CO says:

    Feliz Cumpleanos, Sue! Your Arizona plants and sunlight are welcoming sights as we experience our first real snow and cold in Colorado, 8 degrees this am! We’ll hopefully get out of the cold by camping near Phoenix next week while riding some of the bike trails there. Truck camper got put on truck just before snowfall. I think you are in the right place for the season! Love your birds!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Gracias, Mary!

      Snow and cold already! Isn’t it wonderful to be able to pack up and head for the warmth of the Southwest? Sounds like you’re in for some fun. 🙂

  26. LindainKy says:


  27. Suzi says:

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY SUE!!!! May the month be fabulous!
    Just think; where were you a year ago? Certainly not in your AZ home with Nancy and Marge! Love ya,


  28. Such a wonderful desert oasis you’ve made for the family. It feels so peaceful there. Love that part of Arizona in the winter. We’ve been there a few times and had snow twice (doesn’t stick around for long). I need to try succulents again. My last attempt failed, but I do love them.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Jodee,

      I’m glad you waited until after Michael’s visit to go to North Carolina. It is a beautiful state with varied terrain. Enjoy!

      The neighbors say we get a little snow and it usually is gone by afternoon. Just enough to see its beauty and appreciate it when it’s gone.

  29. Terri in Tx., for now says:

    Happy Birthday to you, RV Sue! And a hello to the pups! Glad to hear Geri and Chuck made it okay! Today is a gloomy day-our first front came in. Yesterday it was 90 and today we are having thunderstorms and it is in the 50’s! Yea! It has been a long, hot humid icky summer, which is why New Mexico has tempted us away. Where we are going bird feeders are not permitted cause Albuquerque has a horrible problem with pigeons! However, we are allowed hummingbird feeders and water features. And there are wonderful wildlife refuges to visit where we can see and learn about birds. I will miss feeding birds, but on the upside I will save money! I love your little pots and look forward to decorating my new, little courtyard with something similar. Now on to reading your “flashback” posts! Take care!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Terri,

      Yes, thank God Geri and Chuck are okay. Their neighborhood must be suffering now and there’s a long road ahead to get back to normal.

      I didn’t know that about Albuquerque, pigeons, and the bird-feeding ban. You have plenty of other activities and interests around you to take the place of constantly filling up feeders. 🙂

      Thank you for the birthday greeting. I hope you get some sunshine today.

  30. Dawn in NC says:

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY SUE!!!!! I hope that you have a wonderful and relaxing day filled with many big and small delights! Is there some Tilla mock (sp?) ice cream in your future?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Dawn… Thank you!

      I always look forward to cake on my birthday. I love Tillamook ice cream. However, that’s for another day. I figure if I skip the ice cream today I can eat more cake. 🙂

  31. Ruthie in Fontana says:

    Happy Birthday Sue, enjoyed the post. Now go and enjoy your day.

  32. Donna N Girls in Chandler says:

    Happy Birthday, Sue!!
    Welcome to the 70’s I’ve been here 2 years and so far, so good.
    Have a great day.

    Donna, Bailey, Lily and baby Daisy.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks, Donna! Keep on blazing the trail through the 70s! I like your attitude!

      Warm wishes to you, Bailey, Lily and baby Daisy….

  33. Cynthia in San Clemente says:

    I loved the photos of Reggie in the red sand dunes – I remember how much he enjoyed it back then. Makes me wonder if dogs remember and reflect on places they’ve been and smells they’ve enjoyed. Sometimes when Sammy is sleeping, he twitches and his legs move and he almost smiles, and I wonder if he is dreaming about a favorite walk or trip to a new place. If dogs do have memories, Reggie and Roger must have lots of good ones!

    I was so happy to see that your hummingbird feeder has clear sugar water in it. I’ve had to tell a number of friends and even some strangers at the store how bad the red-dyed water is for the hummers. The red dye is so toxic to their little bodies and literally kills them. I have asked Lowe’s a number of times not to sell the stuff but every spring and summer I see it on their shelves.

    We just got home from three days in Fort Collins, Colorado – went to see my oldest grandson for his homecoming weekend at CSU. The weather was so much fun – a beautiful sunny day on Friday and half of Saturday, and then big snow clouds gathered up over the Rockies and it snowed most of Saturday night. It was so nice to wake up to a snow-covered landscape on Sunday morning. We had a dog sitter stay at our house with the dogs so they were well taken care of, but I loved coming home to wiggling butts and wet kisses! We’re supposed to have Santa Ana winds here all week and it really blew last night – I have yard debris everywhere to pick up!

    • Dawn in NC says:

      “wiggling butts and wet kisses!” What a great description!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Cynthia,

      How nice that you got to spend homecoming weekend at your grandson’s school. I can understand someone who lives on the CA coast appreciating the arrival of snow. I’m glad you had those special three days.

      You describe your own “homecoming” very well! How joyous your pups must’ve been to have you home again. Thanks for writing, Cynthia.

  34. Cynthia in San Clemente says:

    Oh darn, I posted before I read the comments so I missed Pauline’s happy birthday sneak greeting!! So, a bit late but heartfelt, I hope you have a wonderful birthday Sue and another blessed year of good health and memories!

  35. Deena in Phoenix says:

    Happy Birthday, Sue! May your wishes turn into realities…oh, wait, they have!! Enjoy your cake and cuddles from Reggie and Roger.

    Take /care

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re right, Deena. I have everything I could possibly want and more. Blessings galore, including the people of this blog. Thanks for the birthday wish.

  36. Judy J. in S.C. says:

    Happy, Happy Birthday, Sue! Enjoy that cake. We share the same birthday except I got a 6 years’ head start on you. Isn’t it strange but good to be this age, yet feel so young inside!? For one of my gifts, I ordered the same pink nightgown as you bought a while back. It came yesterday and I love it. Hope the link worked!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JUDY! Isn’t it a great day for a birthday? 🙂 I hope yours is all you wish it to be.

      I saw the nightgown and wondered who ordered it. I have it in the list of links for the next post. Thank you for the order. I’m glad you “love it.” May it bring you good sleep with sweet dreams every time you wear it!

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Happy Birthday, Judy! I hope you enjoy your special day! 🎂 🎉 🙂

      • Judy J. in S.C. says:

        Thanks, Sue and Denise, for the birthday wishes. Right now, every day is Christmas and my birthday all wrapped up in one! We got a little kitten, Mia. Our house is a home again. Nothing like a pet! 💕🐾

  37. jazzlover says:

    Happy Birthday Sue, the first in your new home with your sister and Marg. It seems like just a short while ago I came upon your blog, you and Spike who loved to soak every chance he got. Miss Bridget who made sure you were following her lead and we all knew how to pronounce things correctly, followed by Reggie, Sue honestly I didn’t think you were ever going to find another pup, but you did. Then Roger. If ever a boy needed a loving, caring, giving Mom and brother it sure was Rog, thank goodness you went back for him. What a 360 he has done with your love, and his kid brothers companionship.
    Hope you had all the cake you wanted, er, what kind was it? Tomorrow is for ice cream. Thank you for taking us along, Weather is so right about how your writing has evolved and your photography speaks for itself. Happy 70th, you kid!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, jazzlover!

      You wrote a lovely summary of the path laid out for me and my various crew members. These past 7+ years have been more than I hoped for, beyond anything I could imagine, especially the fun and companionship provided by Spike, Bridget, Reggie, and Roger. I’m glad you and so many other good people are with us.

      Thank you for the birthday wish and kind words.

  38. Brad (MN) says:

    Happy Birthday RVSue! Still catching up on your old posts. Just enjoyed reading about a wonderful trip (and photos) of fall in SalinaUT with Bridget and a great Nov stay at Roosevelt Lake. Hope you day was great at your new home.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thank you, Brad. Nice hearing from you!

      I read your words “Hope your day was great at your new home” and then I pulled back the curtain and looked out at a beautiful rainbow coming out of the clouds. 🙂

      Hearing about a reader enjoying posts and pictures of our old camps is always a treat for me. You took me back to Salina and Roosevelt Lake, two very special places in their own way and favorites of mine. Thank you for reading the archives of my blog, Brad.

  39. Cat Lady back home in Baton Rouge, La. says:

    Happy Birthday with RVSue, Reggie.

  40. A gal in Maple Valley, WA says:

    Happy SUE day!!!!!

    I think I know one of those birds! He was here hangin’ out this summer. Teasing the cats and squirrels as I recall. Now that I think about it, he said he was gonna blow this pop-stand and find a better class of lady to spend the winter with. Guess he found you.

    Geri & Chuck,
    Each time I heard Apalachicola mentioned on the news, my thoughts went to you. So relieved that your tribe made it through.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, A gal in Maple Valley,

      Ha! If you can tell the difference between one sparrow from another, you’re very talented!

  41. Barbara (Nashville) says:

    Sue, I am so sorry that I was remiss in wishing you a Happy Birthday, when I posted above. I feel terrible. You give me so much enjoyment with this blog and I can’t even get my act together for your birthday. Ugh!

    Hope it was a good one.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Oh, Barbara, think nothing of it. I’m notorious for forgetting birthdays or mixing up the date. I know you appreciate my blog. 🙂

      Thanks for the Happy Birthday wish. It was a good day.

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