The great escape on the way to town

Monday, October 1 (continued)

The crew and I leave our cold and snowy campsite and head to town, enjoying the warmth of the Perfect Tow Vehicle.

Hmm . . . I think I’ll have an egg and cheese biscuit with a cup of coffee . . . .

Ranch land and road to Maple Grove Campground at base of Pavant Mountains, Utah

A long, straight road cuts through ranch property.

Turkeys in the road!

Turkeys are plentiful at Maple Grove Campground.  One often hears their conversations as they make their way between campsites or casually stroll the campground road.  This bunch are crossing from one cattle field to another.

Roger and Reggie, unaware of the turkeys in the road, jump to the window to bark at the bulky, black beasts that have the nerve to stare at us!

One of the things I enjoy about wandering the countryside is seeing how other people live.

I’m curious what it’s like to live on a ranch such as this.

I think the people who live at this ranch were the same ones I photographed in 2014 as they moved cattle from one field to another, further up the road near Salina.

You can see those photos at my post of May 2014, “Life in a Utah valley.”

The road makes a sharp turn to reach the highway.

“Oh, the cattle got out!”

“And the horses are going after them!”

This one doesn’t know how to get out of the field.

Frustrated about being left behind, she runs off.

Gee, I don’t want to herd the livestock into the highway.  Well, there is a cattle guard. As long as the horses don’t figure out a way around it.

The PTV creeps forward.

We pass the horses, three on one side, two on the other.

More reason to bark.  

Quite an exciting morning for the crew!

Mamas with their children . . . .

“Excuse us.  We’re just passing through.”

The cattle guard halts the procession toward the highway.

“Be quiet, you guys.  I want to take a few horse photos.”

The horses aren’t much interested in posing.

They’re standing in fresh forage, which probably was their goal from the start, not chasing after escaped cows with calves.

One more photo . . .

“Okay, let’s go!  I’m hungry!”

The PTV carries us on Route 50 to Salina.  After breakfast and a walk around the parking lot for the crew, we pull into a station for gas.  I want to be all gassed up because we move camp tomorrow.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch . . . .

Horses and cows and calves are returning to their fields.

“Well, I guess anarchy isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.”

This afternoon we’ll return to Salina, pick up our new heater at the UPS place, and then tomorrow make tracks to warmer weather.  I probably could have it installed in Salina but we’re not staying.

One more cold morning will be enough.



The links below go to products recently purchased at Amazon by readers of this blog.

Folding Trampoline
Underwater Tea Lights
BareMinerals Ready Blush
Large Jar Candle,Autumn Wreath
Center Latch Fifth Wheel Tailgate
Cat Harness Adjustable Collar with Leash

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45 Responses to The great escape on the way to town

  1. Joy says:

    Love the animals

  2. Carlene and corky this years winter home. Bosque del Apache says:

    Your boys are so cute…

  3. Virginia620 AL says:


  4. Carlene and corky this years winter home. Bosque del Apache says:

    Joy and I tied.. Yea… Its been a while. ..

  5. Sue S in PNW says:

    Love the boys. They are so cute❤️

  6. Carlene and corky this years winter home. Bosque del Apache says:

    I love to see the 4 legged field escapees. ..

  7. Susan in Dallas says:

    Hooray, CATTLE!

  8. Joe Bruner says:

    Did you get an egg and cheese biscuit? Sounds good, especially with coffee on a cold morning. Loved seeing pictures of the cattle and the turkeys. Beautiful countryside that you’re in.

  9. Barbara (Nashville) says:

    At least the horses didn’t figure a way out. I could just see horses & cattle traveling along the highway with you. Maybe they wanted an egg & cheese biscuit too!!

  10. Kathy Kelly says:

    Love the horse photos.

  11. Barbara (Nashville) says:

    Love the horse photos. The one behind the gate and the gray one are my favorites.

  12. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Hi, Sue,

    Ha! Love that gas station sign! The horses are so pretty; the white one has such unique markings. I am not a horse person, so maybe those markings are of a certain breed? I am glad that the cows and horses did not get too far from home. The photo of the boys giving the cows a piece of their minds is priceless! 🙂 The turkeys had better hightail it to the hills. Thanksgiving is just around the corner! 🙂

    I hope you are in a warm(er) camp by now. Sending you, Reggie, and Roger love and hugs from me and Gracie pup! Sending you wishes for warm, snuggly nights, and safe travel during the day. N’nite! 🙂

  13. Jan Johnson says:

    What an exciting trip for the little guys to see all the cattle and beautiful horses! I would be excited too! I hope they all made their way back to their pastures and home.

  14. Barbara from Camano Is. says:

    I loved the picture of the gray with her head turned. Must be a “she”! She’s beautiful.

  15. GAYLE M COOPER says:

    What could be more gratifying then seeing the 2 guys, floppy ears from the back, gazing out the window? Why, seeing the profiles of the 2 guys in the mirror! Almost missed it!

  16. AZ Jim says:

    Fun little trip with your two boys giving the wildlife hell. You never miss an opportunity to shoot pictures of the horses. Seems to me you better get somewhere soon that has rotisserie chicken, those boys will be going into withdrawals. BTW you need to add Roger to the crew up on the header if he’s off probation. Keep ’em rollin’ Missy…

  17. LeeJ in Northern California says:

    Hello! Hope this finds you with your heater hooked up and you all the doggies, new experiences every day..what a way to roll!

  18. Jo in OR says:

    Love this country and nothing better than a country drive with cows, gorgeous horses and turkeys for goodness sake. Throw in a couple of stinkin cute dogs you’ve got a great post. Thanks Sue

  19. Ladybug in Mid-Tenn says:

    Carl’s Jr? What did the boys get? LOL

  20. Martha in PA says:

    I bet those people who own the ranch feel like they have a little slice of paradise. What a peaceful place!

  21. Pat from Mich. says:

    I couldn’t leave the window down for my guys, they’d try to jump out. It’s cold in my house right now, I’m waiting on a new furnace. I really didn’t need that expense right now!

  22. Nora now in Livingston TX says:

    Hope you headed far south. It’s only 43 this morning in Texas! Supposed to be close to freezing by Sunday morning. BTW got gas at $1.99 yesterday!

    • Jean in Southaven, MS says:

      Southaven, MS has gas for $2.06. It is getting cold here too. It has been in the low 40’s during the night and high 60’s during he day. We haven’t had a frost yet though. I am still debating about turning my furnace on or not.

    • Geri in the FL panhandle! says:

      Lucky you Nora! $2.68 gallon here!

  23. Renee still in Idaho says:

    Great post, once again. I am never bored, nor never surprised at the wonders that Sue shares with all of us and the beautiful photos. She is sure a master storyteller. Love it!

    Stay warm! We are having record warm temps here, upper 60’s and this weekend it’s supposed to be in the 70’s! Perfect time for a quick trip in our little new to us pop-up camper with our Jeep, but have to pass due to committing to watching the grand-kids. That’s ok. Spending time with them greatly lessens the disappointment of missing a camping trip.

  24. Dawn in MI says:

    The title scared me. I thought the boys had escaped. I should have known they’re too smart for that!

  25. Jean in Southaven, MS says:

    Good morning everyone. I love the pictures today. So pretty there. I noticed the snow is coming on down the mountain sides. It is probably already down to where you were staying now. I love the turkeys and the horses and cattle. They just wonder around like that and no one keeps and eye on them? I guess I have lived in the city too long. So pretty out there. Different from the eastern US, but still beautiful. Thank you for sharing. I love your pictures.

  26. suzicruzi from Van, WA. says:

    G’morning Sue and Boys,

    Hope you all have a super great day! xo

  27. weather says:

    The sixth photo shows what the people on that ranch can see from their place. With a view like that I imagine they are aware of, and often grateful for, how fortunate they are to live there. My guess about what it’s like to live on a ranch such as that one is it involves a lot of work and responsibility, with all the gifts and problems rural life has.

    What good timing for you to be on the road when the cattle and horses had escaped. You got to see them as closely as you did, have a fun breakfast treat, and they got out for some fresh grass for breakfast 🙂 ! Perhaps they didn’t stray far from home because they became thirsty and wanted their water troughs?…In any case, you took nice photos for us all to enjoy, thank you! I especially like the close-up of the grey horse, what a beauty!

  28. Dawn in NC says:

    Hey Sue! You are a wonderful story teller! What a fun post full of turkeys 🦃, horses 🐎, and cattle 🐄! What a delightful morning. Thank you for sharing it with us. I hope that you are having good weather wherever you are.

  29. I love, love your photos….it puts me right there 🙂 Yes, I see other bloggers heading to warmer camping spots. We just returned from British Columbia…it was rainy, windy, cold and snowed in some spots. I thought I’d never say this …. I missed the Phoenix heat haha. Safe travels RVSue and Crew.

  30. Great post and photos too, the price of the gas photo looks high to me, it’s 2.20 to 2.34 near us here in Ken Tuck. ,, have a great weekend and give the Boys a huge hug from us,,,,,,👣👣🐾

  31. Analise says:

    HI! Just saw your blog. As a point of interest, since you may not be aware. Cattle guards work really well. Cattle don’t like to have unstable footing so as soon as they attempt to criss the roller under their foot tells them it’s ‘unstable’ and they back off. Problems can occur if a herd is panicking and running ‘wild’ the first ones stop but the rest end up pushing them forward – usually leading to broken legs and worse. For horses cattle guards are absolutely deadly. Not only does the guard register as unstable ground, often that is too late as in many cases the foot may already slipped between the guard rollers. They panic and usually end up with broken legs just trying to back out or off. But, I assume you are aware of this as you recognise what a cattle guard actually is. Lots of people don’t so basically this information is as a learning information for them.

  32. Geri in the FL panhandle! says:

    Finally cooler temperatures here! In the 50°s last night and 69° today!
    YAY! Loved seeing all the critters and bee-U-tee-ful landscapes! Gorgeous country there! I am glad you have your heater… hope its installed and Jeeping you toasty!
    Tater went to the Vet today for Hus wellness check up and he got high praises for how good he looks and how healthy he is! Far cry from the dog who adopted us last December!

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