The stuff that goes on in a campground

Photos for today’s post are a random collection taken in or around Las Vegas Bay Campground.  They won’t match the text.  Don’t be confused.  Go with it.

P1080337-001While Bridget, Reggie, and I relax outside, a big, brown truck goes by our campsite.

Big brown truck?  Oh my gosh!  UPS delivers here! 

The truck goes to the Class A at the end of our lane.  I lay in wait and hail it when it returns toward our site.

“You deliver here?” I ask breathlessly.   A pretty dumb question but, hey, I’m excited.

“Yeah, I come out here all the time,” the smiling guy in brown replies.  “Make sure you put your campsite number in the address, and this is Boulder City, not Las Vegas.  Here, let me write the address for you.”

P1080289Two Lazy Daze RVs!

A few moments later I’m online placing an order with Amazon.

I’m so happy!   I’ve been wanting to order stuff for several weeks!

There are only three addresses I’ll use with Amazon — the address for a UPS Customer Center, for a business that accepts packages at a reasonable fee, or for my location.

(Using General Delivery at the post office works for mail, but isn’t reliable for packages that Amazon may ship via UPS.)

P1080343Want to know what I order?

81grRgX7HEL._SL1500_No need to answer that.  As you may know, the BLT has a vinyl floor, one of the options I’m glad to have.  However, the floor can be cold in winter.  I find this colorful runner that is eight feet long, almost as long as the BLT’s aisle and it’s the same width!

Mohawk Rainbow Rug, 24 by 96-Inch, Multicolor

Remember the pledge to leave a camp better than I find it?

I order a picker-upper which will help me clean up trash not only in our campsite, but also along trails, throughout campgrounds and day use areas, and in the desert.

Aluminum Grabber with Magnetic Tip

These nifty items plus a few others are scheduled for delivery on Monday.

P1080326Amazon provides the delivery date for you at check-out.  In anticipation I sign up for a few more days at Las Vegas Bay Campground.  On Monday I do what I should’ve done immediately after placing the order.

I go online and track the order. 

What?  Where did my order go?  I click around and find a message from Amazon.  Problem with payment?  Order cancelled?  Oh, noooooo!

P1080325Come to find out my credit card information needs to be updated!

All I have to do is type in the new expiration date which takes about two seconds.  Gee, what a disappointment.  No pretty rug, no picker-upper, none of the other neat stuff . . . . 

P1080339Okay, change of subject . . .

I love roadrunners!

Of course, I love all kinds of birds, but there’s something about a roadrunner that always makes me smile.  I see the first one of the season as we leave Cedar Pocket last week.  Gosh, that seems like ages ago! 

The road runner does what road runners do.

He runs across the road!  Quickly I grab the camera from the console between the front seats of the Perfect Tow Vehicle, pull off the lens cap, and . . . aw, shucks!  He’s gone!

P1080349Click this link to the Cornell Lab of Ornithology website, All About Birds, where you can learn about roadrunners, watch a video of a roadrunner up close, and hear their various calls.

One night I listen to what I think is an owl.  Then I realize it’s the coo of a male roadrunner.

P1080351The crew and I are outside the Best Little Trailer relaxing.

I look up from my Paperwhite and catch sight of a roadrunner peeking around the oleander bush at us.  Bridget and Reggie take off after him, barking.

“Darn!  He was only curious, guys!”

Later I see a roadrunner snooping around the truck camper in the site diagonal to us.  Probably the same one . . .

P1080348P1080346 - Copy

 Las Vegas Bay Campground is home to a covey of quail.

While walking a wash with the crew we startle about twenty of them and they take off in a whoosh.  These quail are used to living around campers and can be seen as they skitter on the campground loop like RVers on a race to the restrooms.

Mostly I hear them going “bwa-ha-ha” like they’re sharing a hilarious quail joke.  I watch one pecking the ground and suddenly he lifts his head and laughs as if remembering the punchline.   They’re fun to watch.

P1080347In other wildlife news . . .

Bridget, Reggie, and I are on our way past a campsite where a man sits in his vehicle with the door open.  He cranes his neck to see the pups.

“Oh, good.  You have them on a leash.”

We stop.

“There’s a coyote in this campground,” he tells us.

“Oh, really?  What do you mean?”

P1080342“A coyote walks up and down the road here, right here in the campground.  A big one.  Bigger than a German shepherd.”

“When do you see him?  Dawn and dusk?”

“Any time at all.  I’ve seen him in the middle of the day.  A guy up there saw him go by his RV four times in one day.  That’s why I looked to see if you had your dogs on a leash.  Gotta’ be careful.”

His wife comes out and gets in the car.  I thank him and we continue on our way.

P1080350Hang on.  Another subject change!

It’s a good day when . . .

P1080284I don’t sprint across the campground to put a bullet in the noisy Harbor Freight generator on the adjacent campground loop.

We aren’t camped in the section where generator use is prohibited.  When we arrived it was almost full with tenters, along with a truck camper and a car camper.

It wouldn’t make any difference anyhow.  This machine can be heard all over the campground.

I have another chat with Ben the full-timer.

Ben has figured out a way to RV that gives him the life he enjoys.  He camps in his trailer during the week, either here in Las Vegas Bay Campground or he boondocks on the BLM land known as Government Wash, located on the other side of the dry lake bed.

In the next photo, if you look closely and have good eyes, you can see a few RVs at Government Wash (below the dark hill in a strip of light tan).


Here’s a zoomed-in shot of Government Wash boondockers.

P1080359Ben has sone friends in Vegas.

On the weekends he takes his camper over to one of their houses or he parks it at Wal-Mart.  Then he goes to a casino with a set amount of money — not much — and plays the sports gambling machines.  I’ve never been in a casino and don’t plan on going.

I ask Ben to explain.

“You sit in chairs like in a theater and there are tellers like at a bank where you place your bets.”

“Oh, like at a horse track.”

“Yeah.  And on the wall are big tv screens with various games and races going on.  You watch the sports and bet at the same time.  I enjoy it.”

It’s interesting how people adapt full-time RVing to suit their fancy!

P1080362A historical marker

I need to wrap up this post even though there’s a lot more I could write about.

The crew and I will move camp tomorrow.

The plan was to leave Las Vegas Bay today in order to avoid tomorrow’s low in the 30s.

P1080361The campground as seen from Las Vegas Bay Viewpoint

After a night of strong wind, it’s still blustery.

I don’t feel like driving in wind.  It seems I’ve lost the ability to do stuff I don’t want to do after a lifetime of doing what other people expect me to do.

That’s why we aren’t on our way to warmer temperatures today.  Instead, here I am online, sitting on the bed with Bridget and Reggie beside me, having fun blabbing with you!



Readers order a variety of products from Amazon.  Here’s a sample of items:

RV Stove Top Cover
ALPS Mountaineering Table
Thundershirt Dog Anxiety Solution
Turquoise & Moss Green Outdoor Mat
Columbia Men’s Lhotse Mountain II Interchange Jacket

P1080354Reggie sure knows how to charm! 


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183 Responses to The stuff that goes on in a campground

    • rvsueandcrew says:


      • eliza says:

        is there any excitement for the LAST person to post? why is it always the first?
        okay, i’ll get back to work now. thank you for the blog, it is always a joy. and i love that runner. not the invisible one, the one that didn’t show up from amazon.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Hi, eliza… Another vote for my runner rug! 🙂 I didn’t connect that this post is about two runners…

          It’s pretty hard to be the last person to post a comment because when I say CONGRATULATIONS, YOU’RE LAST, then they’re no longer last. I am. 🙂

      • Mick'nTN says:

        Thanks … A dirty little “#1 contest” trick: > Your email program has a setting for how often that email is picked up. If it is set for every 30 minutes you will never be #1 🙂

        I am not signed up for auto notifications, so I was just lucky.

        • LP n' rusty near th' river,Az. says:

          And one must be able to type fast, like Mach 5 and no bad speeling or just luck or Have RVSue camped right next to ya and she tells ya she just posted,,,, LOL,,,,,,,, rusty,,,,,,,,,, HI Mick

  1. carlene from Bosque del Apache, San Antonio, New Mexico says:

    Yippy for Reggie… friend time… I bet Bridget is giving him pointers on play time…

    Happy Travels and Campground time!!!

  2. I was always under the impression that Las Vegas Walmarts didn’t allow overnight RV parking so I’m surprised your friend is able to do so. I’d be interested in which Walmarts allow it.

    Great post as usual. I love your random events and thoughts posts.


    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, robinb,

      Thanks regarding the post and its randomness. 🙂

      I said Las Vegas when he might have meant the Wal-Mart in Henderson which seems like Las Vegas as they run together… Henderson is only about 10 miles from the campground.

      • Huh. Learn something new everyday. 🙂 Just checked Allstays and one of the Henderson Walmarts reports “Oct 2013: I live near this Walmart and there are always RVs there, sometimes for several days. They seem to let people stay there even though this site mentioned that there was no overnight camping.”

        Then the Boulder Highway Walmart Supercenter (the one we are familiar with) said they didn’t used to allow parking by last May it was reported it was now allowed.

        Guess that means one should always have another place to stay just in case the stores change their minds due to someone misusing the privilege, which is what happened in our town.

        Keep rocking, Sue!

  3. Cinandjules (NY) says:

    In honor of your service many restaurants and establishments are providing free meals to active, reserve and retired military on Veterans Day. It’s a way of thanking you for your service.

    Family members will receive a discount on their meals. My dad did this last year with his friends.

    The list is 10 pages long…to many to name. Make sure you read the establishments offer and bring the required identification.

    Thank you for your service…and God Bless the United States of America.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I’m sure veterans appreciate the heads-up, Cinandjules, and the handy link.

      Wow! I looked at the link. How nice that these establishments do this!

  4. Lynn Brooks says:

    Wonderfully – eclectic post!!!
    Love it!!!
    Lynn B. (Baltimore, MD)

  5. Cinandjules (NY) says:

    Hah! What will BROWN do for you!

    Have a great day!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Brown will do a lot but they don’t update credit card info… Ha!

      • Cinandjules (NY) says:

        If it was a click of a button to update it….what happened? Buyers remorse?

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          No, after waiting for the cancelled shipment and then with cold weather coming, I didn’t want to place the order again which would tie us to this location until stuff arrived. We need to get out of here. Should have left today….

          In case you’re wondering about one-day shipping… I don’t do that because it comes FedEX and I haven’t had good luck with FedEx.

          • Sidewinder Pen says:

            I’ve noticed the same thing! You can pay a little extra for 1-Day shipping (presuming you have Prime) but then they very often send that FedEx. Ha, do you think anyone but RV-ers and boaters scrutinize this sort of thing to divine the ins and outs?

  6. Chris B - Southern California says:

    That would have been a colorful rug for the BLT. (I always think of a bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwich when I read your posts!) Strange that Amazon accepted it but then cancelled it without notifying you. Maybe you will be somewhere soon so that you can reorder. It’s nice a great looking rug

    I’ve been meaning to ask you, Sue, about the upper left corner of your backsplash behind the sink. Have you had any problems with the rivet popping or becoming loose? Mine got so bad and ugly that I bought a fiberglass sheet and covered it all with one piece. From countertop to under the upper cabinets. Now to see if it lasts! It made it to Ojai and back last week with no problems. I used double sticky tape and caulked it on the edges, so I’m waiting to see if it all stays together while bumping around.

    Fun post….Keep warm! It’s cooling off in California after having a summer that started early and ended late. My flowering plants were so confused!

    Chris B & Diego

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Chris B.,

      No, I haven’t had the same problem with a rivet on the upper left corner of the backsplash. One did come out from the strip that runs at the bottom of the backsplash. Fortunately it was one in the middle and it’s been gone a long time with no problem that I know of.

      You are so creative. I hope your fiberglass sheet repair keeps on keeping on.

      As for the rug, I’m glad you like it. I figure I can change comforter colors whenever and the rug will go well with whatever I choose. Amazon did notify me but did I look at the message? The order is saved so when I have an address, I’ll put it through again. In the meantime we’ll get by with our two-dollar carpet samples on the floor.

      Gosh, Reggie is a PITA today. I think I need to walk him to Southern Cal and back to tire him out. Hugs to Diego… You keep warm, too!

      • Chris B - Southern California says:

        I swear that the cool weather pumps ridiculous amounts of energy into the canine family. Diego has been running around like a wild man at the park while playing with his little girlfriend. She’s a one year old half Papillion and half Yorkshire Terrier just full of energy….a real cutie.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          What a couple they must make! Gosh, Papillion and Yorky… That’s energy to the nth power!

          Yeah, Reggie is pestering me right now. Another walk? Again?

  7. Jeff Agueda says:

    A nice read from you today, thank you. Roadrunners are very cool. I am currently at Gunlock and it has been quite windy here also with some rain, but not too cold. Have a good day and stay warm.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Jeff,

      You’re at Gunlock and it’s not too cold? I’m glad to hear that. I guess it’s pretty low elevation there which helps. The place was deserted when we drove through, only one car. Interesting geology all around… If you’re going south maybe you’ll go through Virgin River Gorge . . . .

      I’m happy you like this post!

      • Jeff Agueda says:

        I am the only one currently here, which i prefer.I am looking forward to sunny weather starting tomorrow and will be checking out boondocking areas near St. George. I want to stay here a couple of weeks to bike and hike/explore before heading south to Sedona and Prescott. I just started full timing and am learning to Blog. You can see it at
        I really appreciate all of your information to help me along my way.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          You’re welcome, Jeff. Most of my readers know that clicking on an underlined name will take them to the person’s blog. That gives you a reason to stop by often with a few words … or a lot! 🙂

          I’ve heard of two places to boondock fairly near to St. George. I haven’t looked at them, so take this for what it’s worth…

          1) Take River Road south of St. George. (You can get to it from downtown or go south on I-15 and turn east on Route 7.) Once on River Road going south, a dirt road goes off to the right. This is #1069 (Mt. Trumbull Road). I’ve heard there’s boondocking along this road.

          2) From where you are at Gunlock, go south on the Gunlock Road into the Paiute rez, Instead of bearing left toward Irwins and St. George, go southwest on Old Highway 91. This takes you out of the rez and through the Beaver Dam Mountains and into what is known as the Arizona Strip. I hear there are boondocking sites along Old 91. This is also the Old Spanish Trail.

          Again, I haven’t checked these places. You may want to scout them out first or, at the least, do some online research.

          Good luck!

  8. Teri LiveOak Fl says:

    It’s even starting to cool off in Florida, finally! Safe travels.

  9. LP n' rusty near th' river,Az. says:

    I don’t blame you, Sue, for not moving, the wind down here is like a Freight Train that has no end,,, That’s neat Ups delivers there,,,,, I love your story and those photo’s of Reggie, so excited with the big brown dog to,,,,, Beep Beep, there go’s the Roadrunner,, I haven’t seen one here yet, but Piper see’s something when she’s out and wants to chase it, I can feel the tether pull on the truck when what ever critter comes near, I get up to look but it’s gone and Piper is coming back to the side of the truck , lays down and watch’s, with ears tight, and nose in the air,,,, I go out and ask her,, Did ya see it? what was that!?? and her ears get tighter,,,, lol,,,,,,,,,, have a great day and give them babies of yours a hug from us,,,,,,,,,,,,, rusty

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Rusty,

      It looks like it’s going to be windy all day here. Your description sounds like it’s even windier where you are and that’s the direction we’re headed. I hope it stops by tomorrow when I want to hit the road. When it’s windy when we start, it’s bound to be even windier when we the road comes out of a sheltered area into the open. That’s when the big gusts grab ya! I’m sure you know what I mean.

      I bet the wind doesn’t faze Piper at all. She’s prepared for cold weather with all that thick fur. Give her a hug for me… You have a great day, too!

    • Applegirl NY says:

      Hi Rusty, How are you doing with your skin condition? Hope it’s healing up. I’ve been praying for you.

      • LP n' rusty near th' river,Az. says:

        Hi Apple girl,,, well I got up this morn and the swelling was a whole lot lower ,, I feel great,, but I’m runnin’ out of anti bi otics,, so I’m a praying that this thing I’ve got is gone when I get up tomorrow and I might start taking my other meds I hope they work as well,, my other meds is Naproxen 250 mg tab And I have a lot of them cause I cut my pills the VA gives me in hafe or 1/4,,, so them pills will last awhile ,, but the ones I’m runnin’ out of are capsoles and can’t be cut down, they are Cephalexin and I don’t know the strength,,, But I’ve been ichin in most of the spots that are bites and my Gramma always said, if it ichin, it healin,,,,,,,,,,,, we’ll see,,,,,,,, and thanks,,,,,,,, rusty

  10. Sidewinder Pen says:

    I’ve had that exact same rug in my “save for later” for ages. I just love the colors! I can’t wait to hear what you think of it in real life. Maybe I’ll finally buy it 😀

    But oh, so aggravating about the card problem! I hate stuff like that just when you think you have it all so neatly choreographed…

    Isn’t it great when a campground will take deliveries for you (or even better, the truck comes to your campsite?!). I received something last year at Buckskin Mountain. It’s such a relief not having to worry about what carrier will be used, etc.

    Coincidentally, I just saw my first roadrunner ever “in the wild” yesterday evening (the only other one I have ever seen was in a FedEx Express parking lot… go figure) (well, they are fast ;)).

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Pen,

      Congratulations on sighting your first roadrunner in the wild! They are the most interesting bird, I think… I love how curious they are. One used to visit us every day when we camped at Roosevelt Lake.

      The rug has been given 5 stars from Amazon customers. It being Mohawk and with that much customer satisfaction, I’m pretty sure I’ll like it. What’s neat is you can order it at any length you want. I like that it will completely cover the width of the floor.

      Where is Buckskin Mountain?

      • Sidewinder Pen says:

        Sorry to be cryptic about Buckskin Mountain. I had just mentioned it a couple of posts ago, but I think that’s when you were “sitting out” due to the dreaded message (out of GB! Horrors!). Anyway, I should just have said that it’s an Arizona State Park that is just a bit north of Parker along the Colorado River.

        It’s an amazing, pretty spot – many of the sites have HUGE, leafy shade trees, plus it’s right on a point in the river. There is nothing like deep, dark, leafy shade after months of brown/sandy/sun (as nice as that is). That said, I have stayed there two different times, and both times one or both of the nights were marred by screaming kids (running through my site), loud music (outside) at all hours, smokey fires, idling diesels, etc. It’s also not inexpensive. But the one time I was there and it was quiet, it was soooo lovely. As much as I like to boondock, every once in a while a slice of pavement and a picnic table appeals to me.

        And, they accepted a delivery for me – bonus! Which was good, because it was something that Amazon had sent via Fedex and it got rejected because I was expecting UPS (but Amazon were nice enough to re-send it to me at Buckskin, who didn’t care what service it was of course, so all was well).

  11. Sounds like it’s about time to head farther south! I hope you get that rug eventually, I love it! I was camped last week in a $2.50 national forest campground when a group came in right next to me and was running THREE generators! They turned two of them off at 11 (quiet time started at 10) but the one left running was a massive 8,000 watt jobby with no noise suppression at all….talk about a headache!! People are nuts.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Oh, JanisP… How horrible for you! Until 11 p.m.!

      I don’t understand people who do that. This guy here runs his for hours and hours. Just because quiet time is 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. doesn’t mean you’re supposed to run your generator the rest of the time!

      I walk the crew through the no-generator section of the campground and the noise from that damn thing can be heard over there, too. It’s annoying enough when inside with all the windows and vents closed. I can’t imagine how people in tents put up with it.

      I notice some of the big Class As run their generators and they are barely heard. Why don’t generators come encased in sound-reducing boxes, with vents, of course? There really is no excuse for that lack of consideration that you describe.

      • Pookie in SE Texas says:

        I believe I would be complaining to the hosts about all that noise from a generator…or does it do anygood?

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          The camp host’s site is right across from Generator Man. He’s definitely aware of it. I haven’t complained because the guy isn’t breaking any rules.

        • Sidewinder Pen says:

          I have complained several times (including once about a month ago) and the hosts say they can’t do anything about it because quiet hours are only between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. So they can run the bloody things for 16 hours each day (and often they do).

          I think the rules should be changed. “Non-quiet hours” (i.e. 6 a.m. to 10 p.m.) to my mind, mean you can rustle around outside, maybe call your kids in for lunch, drive in and out, play guitar and sing around the campfire, etc. It’s not supposed to mean (or shouldn’t) that you can run a 98db generator all morning, noon, and evening. Or leave your diesel truck running all afternoon, etc.

          I’ve pretty much given up on campgrounds because of this happening repeatedly. And worse, if I do go to one and it’s quiet, I just mentally “sit around waiting” for that one (ore more) people to pull in and get out the old generator (or boom box). I just can’t take it anymore.

          • rvsueandcrew says:

            Dear, dear Pen,

            I understand your feelings about this. To have something wonderful ruined and not be able to do anything about it. . . .

            The phrase “a voice in the wilderness” comes to mind… Only in your case (and mine) your voice is in a wilderness of NOISE. About the hours. . . . I’ve thought the same thing about the posted hours being interpreted as “make all the racket you can” during non-quiet hours… mostly when waiting for the generator to be turned off in the early evening. It’s very telling that it never is turned off at 9:40 or 9: 51 . . . It’s always at 10 o’clock sharp (if they’re following the rule). This tells me there’s a compulsion to run the thing to the limit.

            On a happier note —- I’m anxious to show you our latest camp. If you want silence, this is the place! 🙂

  12. Applegirl NY says:

    So glad you’re just hanging out and babbling at us. It makes our day!
    That’s one big coyote, you were warned about. Yikes. And at any time during the day. So glad the gentleman spoke up to you.

    Take care!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Applegirl,

      I’ve kept an eye out for the coyote and haven’t seen him. I’ve seen scat in several places on the fringe of the campground. One night there was a bunch of barking at a campsite a few away from us. The next morning I heard that a coyote was trying to lure someone’s dog away toward the pack and the dog put up a fuss until the owner came out.

      • Applegirl NY says:

        Wow, that’s quite a story. Holy cow.

        • Renee says:

          Wow is right. With the knowledge that a coyote is prowling the campground, why would anyone leave their dog out? Not us! I value my little two four legged kids too much.

          • rvsueandcrew says:

            It may be that the people didn’t realize a coyote would be so near and so brazen. They might not have heard about the coyote in the campground. (The campground is designed somewhat like a hand and they were at the end of a “finger.”) Some campers come from cities to campgrounds and have no experience with wildlife. The folks left the next morning, although I don’t know if the coyotes had any influence on that.

  13. Leesa (IA) says:

    Love this random post. If you use your imagination the pictures do go with the story. Glad Reggie found a playmate to help get some of the energy out. Another great looking campground to put on my list – Thanks.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome, Leesa,

      I’m pleased you liked this post. Once in a while I need to write about a jumble of things and this is the way I do it. You picked up on how some of the photos do match the text…. Like the Border Collie howling “Oh, nooooooo, the order was cancelled!” 🙂

  14. Renee says:

    I love this posting and got a chuckle out of this line, “These quail are used to living around campers and can be seen as they skitter on the campground loop like RVers on a race to the restrooms.”

    Thank you, Sue, Bridge, and Reggie.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome, Renee,

      It’s funny… I was trying to think of a way to describe the quail… I even looked up “skitter” in an online thesaurus because I use that word too much. Couldn’t find a synonym I liked. Then Reggie wanted to go outside. I step out the door with him and an RVer is hustling his way down the road toward the restrooms… just like a quail skitters! Haha! Oh, my…. Solutions drop from the sky… or skitter by our campsite… whatever!

      • Renee says:

        That’s because you truly live life and see beauty in it. You are natural. I’m an artist and on walks I see color, subjects, and potential everywhere. My walking partner says she has learned so much from me in looking at the world!

  15. kgdan from Wapato, WA says:

    Hi, Sue!

    Just wanted to say, ‘Hi!’

    Suspect you may be traveling past us tomorrow. Sure would like to be on the side of the road to wave as you go by ?. Very windy here as well, but pleasant temp.

    Wanted to mention that we ordered a rivet kit from Casita before we sold ours and replaced all of the ones that were even a little loose. Pretty easy to do.

    On our way here we stopped at Camping World in Henderson. Oh my! Do they have neat stuff!

    Also, if anyone needs a good layover spot at the south end of Las Vegas, try Railroad Pass Casino. They having free RV parking. Very friendly. Good food at good prices.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Kathy and Gil!

      That’s good info on the rivet kit from Casita! I didn’t know you could do that. I should get one of those. I also would like to buy a replacement for the shield that goes on one of the lights under the channel.

      Thanks for telling us about the kit and about the free casino parking. I’m sure both are of interest to several readers.

      I hope Laughlin and its casinos are treating you well!

    • Pookie in SE Texas says:

      kgdan, I have been at Railroad Pass many times over the past 25 years….first started going down there when they first opened and yes they do have good food at good prices there……

    • AlanOutandAbout - Pahrump, Pahrunp, Pahrump says:

      Yes, Camping World has a lot of neat stuff. But they charge full retail. If you see something you like you will probably be able to get it at Amazon for much less.

  16. Pamelab says:

    Hi, Sue – Very pretty countryside there – and road runners! I have never seen one, but always think of the cartoon. Saturday morning cartoons – road runner, mighty mouse, sky king, Roy Rogers.
    Thank you for the link to the ornithology site. Very nice.
    I am still reading your older posts and learning lots. Spoke with a man about a Casita yesterday. 2007 SD with lots of mods. They have a light on each side of the Casita outside, that they can switch on inside or outside.
    Thanks for the very nice blog.
    Looks like the puppies were meeting lots of new canine friends.
    Happy trails.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Pam,

      I’m glad you enjoyed this post and also the link to All About Birds. I think that’s a great site. It has helped me recognize many birds that I don’t see, only hear.

      Yes, Casita people are notorious for mods. Lots of Casitans make the outside light operational from inside. I’ve never felt the need for that. I stick my hand out the door and turn it on or off.

      BTW, when reading older posts… the ones prior to June 2013 … make sure the URL says (not .net) in order that the slideshows will appear. Thanks for taking the time to read my old posts. I appreciate that.

      You need to see a roadrunner. You will be delighted! 🙂

      • Pookie in SE Texas says:

        Sue, we live about 3 miles from the main road and our road is a narrow 2 lane road that you just about have to pull over when another vehicle is approaching and every now and then a roadrunner will run along side of you. I dont go more than 30 mph on this road so this roadrunner is a very fast bird for sure….not sure if its the same one every time tho but I think of you when I see it now..

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          I love that! Yes, remember the crew and me “running the roads” whenever you see the roadrunner. 🙂

          Some people think of us whenever they see rotisserie chicken.

  17. “Using General Delivery at the post office works for mail, but isn’t reliable for packages that Amazon may ship via UPS.”

    Interesting. Our experience has been different. Although perhaps Amazon has changed it’s policies since the spring. We had no problem forcing the Amazon system to ship via USPS to General Delivery.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Let me make sure I understand this correctly. When I place an order with Amazon, I can ensure delivery by having the address line after my name read:

      P.O. Box General Delivery

      Is that correct? That forces the package to be sent via the post office? There’s no chance of it being sent via United Parcel Service?

      • Yes, correct. That will force the Amazon system to ship USPS *provided* it’s not a third party vendor. Some of those will not. We have successfully done it twice to two different post offices, but you have to first confirm on the USPS website that the particular USPS outlet does in fact accept General Delivery, because some don’t. We also have friends who have tried the same way and been successful.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Thanks for explaining this.

          To be clear for anyone, here’s the format of the address to give Amazon as your shipping address:

          U.S. Post Office – Your Name
          P.O. Box General Delivery
          Post Office street address (available online)
          City, State, Zip

          • Sidewinder Pen says:

            I have used that a time or two. The main reason I don’t is that I just can’t stand USPS tracking! I know I’m exaggerating (but only slightly!), but I feel like you get a notification when it ships, and then another one letting you know you just picked it up at the post office :eye roll:

            I much prefer UPS tracking. It actually…. tracks (!) the package.

            That said, it never hurts to have another option in the ol’ bag of tricks 😀

            • rvsueandcrew says:

              Yes, I appreciate the option although I’m timid about using it. Whenever I’ve had a problem with a shipment, the post office was involved.

  18. Tara from Pac NW says:

    Love the photos of the chocolate lab. I just got a black lab mix who reminds me so much of this dog. She drops to the ground and stretches out the tummy as well. I like how even Bridgette appeared to be interested.

    The rug is great, I hope you get it the next time!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Tara,

      I’ll be sure to give an update on the rug. 🙂

      That chocolate lab’s name is Chipper (as in chocolate chip, of course!). It was funny to see such a big dog acting submissive to tiny Reggie. I think he was surprised as much as I was.

      Best wishes to you and your new black lab mix. I wish many happy years together for you!

      • Tara from Pac NW says:

        Thanks Sue, she’s already burrowed her way deep in my heart.

        (Although last night was a good test of dog ownership–she plastered my walls w/ the results of an upset tummy, then needed to be let out urgently every 2 hrs through out the middle of the night!)

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Oh no, projectile pooping! The worst!

          I hope she’s better now…

        • Sidewinder Pen says:

          That reminds me of the second day I had my pup. He got carsick *between* the two front seats. All in the seatbelt mechanisms, down in those places you can’t reach if you drop your keys (that are, of course, carpeted). Luckily he was so darned cute and sweet that I couldn’t even get (very) mad. 😀 And he grew out of it (whew).

  19. Another great post as usual. It was interesting to read and not try and match the pictures, as I usually do. I had to pay more attention than normal, especially with the pictures of the brown dog and Reggie. Sorry to hear about the Amazon order, hopefully you will be able to order the items soon.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Lisa W,

      The Crane Festival, huh… I’ll have to look that up. Sounds interesting. I assume it’s named for the Sandhill Crane and not heavy equipment. 🙂

      When I do these mix-up with photos and text, some people ignore the photos and read the text. Then they go back and look at the photos. Kind of hard to do, though, with the crew stealing the show!

      Thanks re my Amazon goodies. I’ll get them!

      • eliza says:

        this reminded me of one of my favorite books: the lost language of cranes. it’s protagonist is a linguist who stumbles across a case of a baby who was left alone in a room, and the language the baby learned was the sound of construction cranes outside the window.
        its one of many favorites though…

  20. Loving the collection of random thoughts and photographs! Fun! I am also another fan of that rug! Love the colors! I may get one for The MotherShip!
    Rain report continued from last post: 10.5 inches of rain in 24 hours !!! Whew! But we are high and dry and just a few puddles in the Campground!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Gollee, Geri… That’s a lotta’ rain! We need it out this way….

      Remember, if you want that rug for The MotherShip, you can specify the length you want. I’m thinking of a comforter in gold/orange to go with the stripe in the rug… I think that would be nice and cheerful. One of the customer reviews says it can be washed in a commercial washer. When the time comes I’ll try it on delicate in one of those huge washers at a laundromat. The end in front of the fridge/sink will surely need to be washed eventually.

      I’m happy you liked this random post. I hope the jewelry-making is going well. Hello to Chuck and the Boyz!

  21. weather says:

    Well I’m glad you chose not to drive in high wind when there’s no real need to.You usually enjoy going to a new camp,why ruin a good thing?I guess you can resist shooting the generator for a few more hours,Ha! Boy,can I relate to “It seems I’ve lost the ability to do stuff I don’t want to after a lifetime of doing what other people expect me to do.”. My plans often change on a whim because of that,too.

    Did you ever have a brown or black lab ? I haven’t but have spent a lot of time with a couple of them.They are great in so many ways,did Bridget tolerate that one well?It’s obvious Reggie just loves playing with anyone that’s willing to!

    When things happen,like your staying there for a delivery that didn’t arrive,I always think it’s Providence’s way of making sure that I’ve been saved from something -from being in the wrong place at the wrong time.Then I look at what I experienced during the time I was held up and realize I needed or wanted that as well.Anyway,in this case I selfishly am happy,I really like when you’re “on here” , 🙂 !

    Cool for Ben spending weekends with people and activities he likes,it seems those are the days many campgrounds are likely to be loud,crowded,and less pleasant.I hope you have pleasant conditions tomorrow morning as you leave that one.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, weather,

      Your thoughts on delays being providential are the same as mine. Usually I can “go with the flow” and wait until the time is right. We have enjoyed these extra days at Las Vegas Bay. If it weren’t for the weather turning cold, we would stay here much longer. Maybe not the full 30-days allowed, but another week, at least.

      Being Miss Frugal I’ll not be as likely to camp here much in future years, not at $10 a night when there are alternatives that are nice and cheaper. This will be a place to stay a night or two, use the dump station and trash bins, take on water, and skedaddle.

      No, I’ve never had a lab of any kind. Not even when I fostered dogs. Every one I’ve met has a very mellow temperament. I tend to be drawn to dogs who are a bit crazy — terriers mostly. A lab is too big for us in the BLT anyway….

      I laugh at myself, having violent thoughts as I lie in bed around 9:30 waiting for that cheapo generator to quit. Not only do I imagine shooting it all to hell., I imagine lighting a fuse that sparkles its way across the campground to blow the thing to smithareens!

      My mother once ran over my father’s air compressor with their big gold Caddie … that comes to mind also! Oh, so many choices …. 🙂

      • weather says:

        Hi, Sue,from the side bar info I guess the low wind speeds will make this a good day for driving .To get to warmer parts you may need to go quite a distance so are probably off to an early start.I hope your trip is nice and new camp gives you three a warm welcome.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Looks like we missed that early start… 🙂

          Yes, there’s hardly any wind at all today. I’ll drive us to our next camp which may or may not be warmer. It doesn’t matter. We’ll be comfortable together. It’s more important that I not drive too far in one day and wear myself out.

          Funny thing… All this anticipation of cold and it was surprisingly nice this morning with the wind gone and plenty of sunshine.

          Thanks for the kind wish… May your day be splendid! 🙂

          • weather says:

            ” …warmer …doesn’t matter .We’ll be comfortable together….” – so sweet! I hope this morning is surprisingly nice for you, too, and that you three are enjoying your new camp.

            • rvsueandcrew says:

              All of the above! I hope the same for you, weather, at your camp where eagles fly and mama cats find shelter. 🙂

  22. AZ Jim says:

    Missy, I heard a cute supposedly true story not long ago. It makes sense to this ole guy.

    “Being a veterinarian, I had been called to examine a ten-year-old Irish Wolfhound named Belker. The dog’s owner, his wife, and their little boy were all very attached to Belker and they were hoping for a miracle. I examined Belker and found he was dying of cancer. I told the family there were no miracles left for Belker, and offered to perform the euthanasia procedure for the old dog in their home.

    As we made arrangements, the owners told me they thought it would be good for the young boy to observe the procedure. They felt he could learn something from the experience.

    The next day, I felt the familiar catch in my throat as Belker’s family surrounded him. The little boy seemed so calm, petting the old dog for the last time, that I wondered if he understood what was going on.

    Within a few minutes, Belker slipped peacefully away. The little boy seemed to accept Belker’s transition without any difficulty or confusion.

    We sat together for a while after Belker’s death, wondering aloud about the sad fact that animal lives are shorter than human lives.

    The little boy, who had been listening quietly, piped up, “I know why.”

    Startled, we all turned to him. What came out of his mouth next stunned me. I’d never heard a more comforting explanation. He said, “Everybody is born so that they can learn how to live a good life, like loving everybody and being nice, right?” The boy continued, “Well, animals already know how to do that, so they don’t have to stay as long.”

  23. Pookie in SE Texas says:

    Sue, I knew you were easy but a UPS truck? HA!
    I love your excitement……next time the UPS truck
    comes to my house Im gonna run outside and scream
    and hollar….I’ve had the same driver for about 8 years
    now and we always give him a tin of cookies for Christmas.
    those guys work too hard and way to late in the day…
    keep up the good work on your blog…….

  24. Pookie in SE Texas says:

    “I don’t feel like driving in wind. It seems I’ve lost the ability to do stuff I don’t want to do after a lifetime of doing what other people expect me to do.”
    your quote, Sue………………….
    thats the way I felt when I retired 9 years ago……..I had to do so much kissing up
    to folks I dont do it now and certainly dont do things that I dont wanna do…
    now if I had more money I could do a lot more things that I would like to….HA!
    ps……..this blog wasnt long enough……:(

  25. Applegirl NY says:

    OK, I’m going to add a generator story – kind of.

    My husband and I were new to camping last winter, and one night we were in a campground and were kept up all night by the rumbling of a nearby generator. I was exhausted the next morning and a bit miffed. We got out of the camper, exhausted and realized that we couldn’t hear a generator coming from anyplace. We went back into the camper, and there it was. Well, after an hour and consulting our Casita guide we finally realized that we accidentally turned the water pump on and it had been running all night. We were hooked up to public water, so the water tank was empty and the pump just kept rumbling all night. Thankfully we didn’t burn out the motor.

    Of course, we were hooked up to shore power, like everyone else, so I don’t know why we thought anyone would be running a generator. Talk about feeling foolish. We laughed for an hour. Lesson learned by a couple of newbies.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You were a “bit miffed.” That is funny, Applegirl! It would be even funnier if you could hear a playback of your grumbling. And you lost sleep!

      I can see where this would happen. I’ve turned on the pump by accidentally brushing against the switch and it took me a while before I knew what that strange noise was.

    • AlanOutandAbout - Pahrump, Pahrunp, Pahrump says:

      You need to put some water in your tank and check out the pump. The motor may not have burned out but the impeller of the pump may have. You don’t want to get somewhere that you will need it to find out it is roached.

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        Roach as a verb! I never knew!

      • Applegirl NY says:

        Hi Alan, We did that right away, and it seemed to be fine, and we’ve used it since then. We’ll check it again before we head out – can’t hurt. Thanks for the reminder, especially if we ever run it by accident again. Is the impeller something that can be replaced on it’s own, or is it an integral part of the pump?

        • AlanOutandAbout - Pahrump, Pahrunp, Pahrump says:

          It depends on the manufacturer and the quality of the pump. The better units have a replaceable impeller. Look at the unit, if the end of the pump is removable then it is replaceable, however finding a replacement impeller may be a challenge.

          • Sidewinder Pen says:

            Although aren’t a lot of RV water pumps these days diaphragm pumps that can run dry?

            (I’ve been using foot pumps for years, so maybe I’m off; but I thought when I helped a friend replace his RV water pump that it was a diaphragm pump…?

          • Applegirl NY says:

            Thanks! Will do.

  26. Linda Hughes North Carolina says:

    Hey Ms. Sue, I loved your blog post and all the pics. There seems to be plenty of things going on in the campground! Reggie Man doesn’t seem afraid of any dog, no matter the size, and Ms. B is always in a pic just sitting and watching Reggie interact in some funny way. I love the way the love the full time life and meeting new friends. I saw my first roadrunner in Arizona while driving Route 66, it was amazing and I got a couple pics of it. I got pretty excited to see one, kept looking after that for days but never saw another one.
    Thanks for the bird site, going to check it out after I finish this note to you. We hope to be on the road after our house sells…check out our site on facebook…Mountain Cross Woodworking. We will be bringing some items with us to the Canton Market in Texas as we travel through that area. We can’t wait to get started again, but full time this time. You have been such an encouragement to me and the info. has been great, thank you so much. Getting cold here in NC, we live about 30 miles from Charlotte, NC, can’t wait to be able to move away from cold weather when we chose to. Take care, love to Reggie & Miss B.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Linda,

      The crew does seem to love the way they live. When I pull the stakes and fold up the outdoor mat, put the lounger in the PTV, and do other things to break camp, Bridget and Reggie dance around like fools. “Yay! We’re going somewhere new!”

      I’d like to see your Facebook site but I don’t do FB. I’m sure there are readers who will enjoy looking at it.

      I’m glad I’ve “been such an encouragement” because I think this is a fantastic way of life. Your enthusiasm tells me you’re gonna’ love it, too.

      May all your dreams come true and there be a roadrunner in your future, too! 🙂

      • AZ Jim says:

        What? You mean I’m not the only one who doesn’t “facebook”?

        • Sidewinder Pen says:

          Nope, me three!

          • Pookie in SE Texas says:

            well I wont say that Facebook is all that great but it does have a few good points…..I have 3 grown children and the only way I can keep up with their lives is on facebook otherwise I only hear from them once a year….
            plus I like to cook outdoors with dutch ovens and the groups on facebook lets me share whats going on in that world….folks bring their chuck wagons out at gatherings….
            I have an older brother that has a college degree but when it comes to a computer he is an idiot…..he hates anything to do with a computer….HA!

  27. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Hi, Sue,

    I enjoyed zooming around with your thoughts on this post! No whiplash here! 🙂
    Pretty pictures of the campground, and of all the pups. I cannot help it, Bridget and Reggie are my favorites! That coyote is pretty brazen to be roaming the campground during the day. It sounds like he is huge! Obviously well fed. What fun that you have a roadrunner and quail for your neighbors. I just about choked on my water when I read about your restraint in not loading that noisy generator with some lead! LOL!!!

    I loved the previous post, too. Reggie really does ooze cuteness and love! Maybe that little boy will be less scared of dogs, now that he had a good experience with the charming Mr. Lover. 🙂

    Have a safe drive tomorrow. I hope you find a nice, warm cozy spot! Sending you and the adorable Crew hugs from me and my adorable Gracie pup!

    It has been a crazy busy week – now I need to go back to the last post and this one to catch up on the blogorino’s comments. Hope everyone is doing well! 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Denise,

      Thank you for the wish for a safe drive and for your nice words about the crew and this post. Reggie does exude cuteness and love. You should see the smiles and comments he gets when we walk the campground. It seems people can’t see him without saying something and/or smiling.

      You must have had a “crazy week” if you fell behind on blog posts and the comments. You’re one of my most faithful readers. I thank you for that.

      Good night to you and the adorable Gracie pup!

  28. Sandy (GA) says:

    “It seems I’ve lost the ability to do stuff I don’t want to do after a lifetime of doing what other people expect me to do.”

    Amen, Sue!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      It’s true though, right? There are times when I feel I should play nice and yet I can’t do it if it’s not really what I want to do. I guess that’s how one turns into a curmudgeon.

      Oh well, I like being a curmudgeon. It may gall other people, but I’m happy.

      • Sidewinder Pen says:

        I liked that line, too. Yay happy curmudgeons!

        (I’ve always remembered an exchange you had with a commenter back in the day. It may have been Bob Giddings. At any rate, he was saying something along the lines of how when you retire and maybe go RV-ing, that you are not going to change, you’ll still be the same as before, like to do the same things, spend your time the same way, etc. And it’s not that he was wrong, BUT….

        Your reply to him was (to paraphrase) that many folks (especially women in our age group) spent their working lives doing what other people wanted or expected, maybe followed a husband’s hobbies, maybe couldn’t do what they wanted to (or maybe didn’t even KNOW what that would be for lack of being able to experiment and find out). So some of us may use that time (and it may include RV-ing) to actually just for once see who we are and what we like.

        And once we find out we can be curmudgeons about it 😀

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          I remember that comment which I respected, although it didn’t ring true to me. I really couldn’t be sure, having always lived a traditional lifestyle.

          You explain why he (whoever it was) was right and I also was right… You are very perceptive, Pen, with excellent analytical skills. Your third paragraph about women not experimenting to discover their own interests is something I see frequently in my travels — a man fishing intently while the woman hangs around patiently, that sort of thing, usually an older couple. I love to see the young women with their hobby equipment lashed to their vehicle, off to pursue what is true to their natures and what brings them joy.

  29. John in NM says:

    Love the pic of the three dogs and the pic of the lab in total submission ruled by Reggie.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Those are my favorites in this post, too. I was shocked when Chipper, the chocolate lab, rolled over on the ground… to the little Reggie Man!

  30. I love the last picture of the brown dog on the ground. Reggie truly has a way with the ladies.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      He has a way with everybody. It’s sweet the way Bridget stands back and watches all that goes on, the attention given Reggie, and then, when someone notices her, she walks up to them in her dignified way and accepts with grace.

  31. Kevin says:

    Hi Sue – Kevin from Yellowstone here. I think the order issue with Amazon may be a blessing in disguise, as far as the trash picker anyway. I spend a significant amount of time picking up litter in Yellowstone and other parks. I am pretty anal as far as litter goes, but that is another story…
    Anyway, I consider myself a bit of an expert on trash grabbers. The model you showed is not my favorite. Take a look at the type I prefer.

    Kevin – I removed the link because of my commitment to advertise only Amazon products on my blog. I will look for a product similar to the one you recommend (suction type). — Sue

    Funny the things we become expert at!!
    Anyway, no matter what you decide, I applaud your help with cleaning up the areas. I am trying to promote a program at Yellowstone – OPPD (One Piece Per Day). If we could get everyone to pick up only one piece of litter each day the world would be a much tidier place. Hats off to ya!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I like your idea, Kevin. You are so right! If everyone would do their part, how much better the world would be. In regard to campgrounds, trails, wilderness, etc., it’s going to take the efforts of many to undo what has been done.

      It’s not just the trash we remove, it’s the example we set for others. I’ve seen people watching me clean up campsites and I hope it gave them the idea to do the same, or, at the least, to not trash their campsite.

      Good to here from you, Kevin! Keep on picking up! 🙂

  32. Ladybug in Mid TN says:

    Talking about Ben the full-time and the casinos reminded me of the a short period of time when I was contemplating what I would do in retirement. I thought ‘hey, wouldn’t it be fun to move to Tunica or Biloxi, set aside a little money to gamble once a week or once a day (I’m talking like $5 here), go to the casino and gamble til it’s gone or I win a little money, then pig out at the buffet and waddle home!’

    I finally decided that wasn’t a practical plan, but now that the current retirement plan is full-timing, I could see me working casino visits into the plan!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      That’s funny, Ladybug, the way old ideas become new again! Now I know why I met Ben the full-timer and wrote about his style of living. 🙂

  33. Hi Sue! I have that same exact rug and I love it! I hope things work out so you can order it again. I enjoyed your post about all the various things keeping you and the crew occupied. Maybe you can catch a road runner photo next time!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Linda,

      A vote for the rug from someone who has it! I will order it again.

      I’m happy you enjoyed the post, even without a roadrunner pic. 🙂

  34. Nivrapa in AZ says:

    I really enjoyed this post, Sue. A little of this, a little of that, something about nothing (amazon), and all of it entertaining. I love your travelogues and following along with my maps, but I also love when your write about the mundane activities of everyday life or when your introduce us to the interesting folks you meet along the way. Well– I guess I like just about everything you blog about, come to think about it!

    Aren’t those roadrunners comical? I have a resident roadrunner on my property that frequently makes an appearance while I’m having my lunch out side on the patio, which is surrounded by desert but beneath a mesquite tree. He’s one brazen fellow. If he doesn’t see me out there he will come right up to the glass sliding doors and peer inside to see if I’m available. I’ve been known to toss him a morsel of shredded chicken which he catches mid air. He’ll swallow that morsel and then see if I have more. He’ll also take off with my offering in his beak, I presume to share with family. Last winter I could almost set my watch by his visits–between 12:30 and 1:00. If he didn’t show I wandered why he missed lunch but then the next day he would come by. He’s no where near tame but is very accepting of my company. He is quite social and also very vocal. He’s been by in the past week but it hasn’t been for daily visits. I thought of him many times while I was away over the summer. Wildlife is so darn interesting to watch, but then I’m easily entertained. BTW, I’m on a first name basis with him—he goes by Rufus.

    I hope you’re bundled up and warm. The coldest night of the season, so far, is on tap for tonight. Sunny in the AM but a coolish day overall. Sleep tight and give the crew a hug from me.


    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Audrey,

      How delightful for you that a roadrunner who has adopted you! They are very curious creatures. I had to chuckle when I read the part about him coming by at a certain time of day. While at Roosevelt Lake we had a roadrunner who kept to a schedule, too! Right around 6 p.m. I think it was, I’d watch and, sure enough, here he comes!

      Your description of popping chicken bites to Rufus…. I can see it! What fun…

      Thank you for a very entertaining comment and, in particular, the nice compliments in the first paragraph. I appreciate that. Enjoy your day!

  35. Elizabeth in WA says:

    Looks like the big brown dog was really a friendly one…you never know with bigger dogs. But oh…I surely do not like her eye color!! I am fond of brown eyes in dogs!!

    Yea, seems there are more coyotes, or coywolves even these days…some interesting videos online about the coywolves…and with more of them…more reason to guard esp. smaller dogs!! Take care you 3!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Elizabeth,

      Chipper, the chocolate lab, looks like he wouldn’t hurt a flea… (funny old saying!)… maybe that’s the one thing he would hurt!

      I’ve never met a lab who wasn’t friendly and sweet natured. It’s no wonder they are favorites with many.

      All is well here… I hope the same for you!

  36. Laurie in NC says:

    Great pictures of all the dogs! I really enjoy reading about your campground or boondock daily life! I can image myself there enjoying the scenery or in the case of the generator man…upset about the constant noise. I just wonder how anyone can be so oblivious to the discomfort that they are causing. It’s good that you can just move! Looking forward to seeing your next location!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Laurie,

      I appreciate the positive feedback on the photos and topics in this post. Thank you.

      Speaking about our “next location,” the day is getting away from me. I need to hitch us up and move us out…. I hope to have internet connection….

      See ya’ later… As always, it’s good to hear from you, Laurie!

  37. MB from VA says:

    Hi Sue and Crew! I loved the rug you ordered. Hope you get it next time. When I dream about whatever RV I end up buying, I always dream of a pretty rug on the floor….curtains…..comforter…..things that make it homey and warm (literally and figuratively). But I really am writing to say that I loved and agreed with one of your last sentences….”It seems I’ve lost the ability to do stuff I don’t want to do after a lifetime of doing what other people expect me to do.” ME TOO! And the approaching holidays just hit that fact home for me even more. I am a non-traditionalist living in a very traditional family/part of the country. I love both. And when my parents were alive I did things the traditional way just to please them and I have never been sorry for that one bit. But, now that they are gone I have no desire to do so. It’s difficult because I do not want my family/friends to think it is about them. It is not. It is….for once in my life…..about me. Physical distance will help one day. But I am doing all I can right now to take the reins of my life firmly in hand…..right now. I have a good friend that barrel races. I was at one of her shows when I heard a trainer yelling (so she could hear….not to be mean.) to one of his students….”DRIVE….don’t ride…..DRIVE!” I found that very profound. And I plan to heed that advice. Have a wonderful day…..wherever you “drive”. Love from VA…..MB, Wyndy, Bella and Sissy

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I have to say, MB, this is a very thought-provoking and inspiring comment. Stick a few photos in it and you have created an outstanding blog post!

      Drive, don’t ride… Words to live by!

      What you’ve shared here resonates with me and, I’m sure, with many readers. I understand what you are experiencing as you try to move away from the expectations of others which become especially burdensome before and during the holidays. It’s hard work to present holiday traditions for others to enjoy.

      After years of doing that to the point of exhaustion and even illness, I was surprised and saddened by the resentment and anger when I sat down and said, “I can’t do this anymore. It’s someone else’s turn.”

      What I’m writing here may generate comments about how much fun it is to shop for gifts and for party clothes and decorate and grocery shop and cook and trim the tree and wrap the packages and bake the cookies and clean up the mess and arrange activities and volunteer and host guests and so on and so on. I get that. I’m not saying one shouldn’t do all those things because that’s a life choice or at least it should be a choice. It would be nice, however, if all that didn’t fall mostly on one person every year, and in the families I’ve seen, that’s pretty much the case.

      There comes a time when the most devoted, the most dedicated, the most committed one of all deserves to sit back and let someone else do it. When I let go of the expectations, oh, my, what anger and resentment! Eventually that will subside . . .

      I love your words — “to take the reins of my life firmly in hand.” I’m very happy for you!

      Thanks for the inspirational message, MB.

      • Kitt, NW WA says:

        Amazing how three simple words can encompass life. Words not only to go into my journal but to live by. Drive, don’t ride!

        • MB from VA says:

          Isn’t it funny Kitt……the places we can find inspiration? I never met that trainer. Didn’t know the woman riding. And he had no idea that I had hear his words and taken them to heart in a very different way than he meant them. And now there is someone on the other side of the country with his words written in their journal. 🙂 Have a wonderful evening. MB from VA (for now)

      • MB from VA says:

        Thank you Sue. You and your blog are inspirations to me. I found it just when I needed it. 🙂

  38. Suzette (TN) says:

    What a fun, chatty post. Sorry about that generator, though. UGH!

    Waiting anxiously to see where you’re off to next! 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Suzette… I’m going to finish replying to comments and then the crew and I will get back on the road to our new home!

  39. Roadrunners were my mother’s favorites, and quail were my dad’s. I love them both of course! Nice to have the coyote warning although the guy made it sound like a big wolf 🙂 So cute to see the little crew carousing with the big kids in camp – great pics. Safe travels.

  40. rvsueandcrew says:

    Hi, blogorinos!

    It’s high time for me to leave this computer, hitch up the BLT, toss the crew in the PTV, and head down the highway.

    Before we go . . . .


    My deepest appreciation to all our veterans for making it possible for folks like me to live peacefully with the freedom to travel without fear. Thank you for your many sacrifices.

    God bless you,
    RVSue and crew

  41. Judy in Texas says:

    Be safe out there Sue and rock on.

  42. Harold Larson says:

    Sue, you might be interested in this brief news account:

    How age, feeding frequency affect canine sleep patterns
    Research examining how age and meal frequency affect dogs’ sleep patterns found older dogs tended to take more naps during the day, though those naps were not longer than younger dogs’, and they slept longer at night than younger dogs. Dogs who were fed twice a day napped longer at a time than those fed once daily, but those fed more often tended to sleep less at night, waking earlier than dogs that were fed only once per day. The Bark online (11/6)

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Harold,

      The results of that research do seem to be the case with the crew. I feed them twice a day and they take long naps. Bridget, being older, likes to sleep “late” in the morning. As far as the “sleep less” at night when fed more than once daily, I don’t have a way of knowing, of course, having never done a comparison study with the crew.

      Many mornings Reggie and I go for a short walk leaving Bridget behind in bed sleeping. It’s obvious, now that she’s older, she needs that extra rest and, anyway, she refuses to go with us that early.

      Interesting comment… Thank you for sharing what you found.

      • Pookie in SE Texas says:

        well I dont know about the dogs but that sure describes my
        sleeping pattern perfectly and I know its because of my old age…….

  43. LP n' rusty near th' river,Az. says:

    I’m a Veteran of many who would do it again, to Protect and Serve this Nation again from Enemies everywhere,, But Uncle Sam says some of us are to old,,,, But I say,, I would do it again and if I should perish in doing so, Well at least I tried and went with Honor,,,,,,,, HOO RAW,,,,,, Alfa Co. 2sd. Brigade 2sd. Battalion U.S. Army,,,,,, And Your Welcome rusty

    • Cinandjules (NY) says:


      • LP n' rusty near th' river,Az. says:

        That’s Cool, Cin n’ Jules,, ,,,, And in 4 more days I’ll Be 66 at 2am Sunday Morn and no I’m not gittin’ up to party,,,,,,,,,,,

        • Pookie in SE Texas says:

          yep thanks a bunch Rusty for your service……
          I am currently watching the movie EASY RIDER…
          love the scences that they show throughout this movie.
          of course, the movie aint bad either….HA!
          guess Im showing my age……..

          • LP n' rusty near th' river,Az. says:

            HAAA HHAA Chuck, Last Spring Sue gave me some DVDs ,, Clint Eastwood in Absolute Power, Matt Damien Blood Diamond, and a bunch of “B” Westerns with Sam Eliot, Yesterday, the 11th, Veterans day, I took it easy and watched “Rough Riders” with a lot of well known actors ,, The story is about Teddy Roosevelt getting ready to go to Cuba to save , ,, really to save the sugar industry,, but the story shows of all who joined up the Rough Riders, from Gun Fighters, stage coach robbers, A Prescott az., well known back then “Sheriff” and his poise , folks from all over the west and east trained with him to go for a fight with Spain for Sinkin’ the Maine,,, They even recruited a Confederate Southern General who’s Drunk most of the time and still has a grudge with some of the northern Generals from the Civil War.. IT’S Funny and sad too for a “B”,,,,,,, But I watch it more than “WE WE’RE SOLDIERS” with Mel Gibson,, GENERAL MOORE, the father of the 7th CAV. that went in a Viet Nam valley and got almost over run and was saved by the well known code for help,, “BROKEN ARROW” and every Navy Pilot comes to save the day… It’s Real Hard to watch that movie without Crying,,, and I didn’t go,,,,,,,,,

            • LP n' rusty near th' river,Az. says:

              Oh ya, and one more dvd that Sue gave me and it’s a good movie of Lady Thatcher ,, “THE IRON LADY”,,,,,,,

            • rvsueandcrew says:

              I’m glad you enjoyed the DVDs, Rusty. I have more of Clint Eastwood and a few others for you the next time I see you.

            • LP n' rusty near th' river,Az. says:

              Thanks a bunch, Sue,,, I gave away the movie “We were Soldgers” to the thrift store awhile back, like I said above, it’s a hard movie to watch without crying,,, I’m a Viet Nam Era Vet, not V.N. War Vet

            • Pookie in SE Texas says:

              well, Rusty, Im not a veteran but I cry every time I see that movie as well….
              it is a tough movie to watch………

    • Jeannie/SW WA says:

      Thank you for your service Rusty. And to all you bloggerinos out there who also served… Thank you!!!

  44. gayle - SO CAL Beach Boomer says:

    RVSue, your statement about “I’ve lost my ability to do stuff I don’t want to do … ” I thought it was just me!!!! I used to be the Princess of Do-It-Now. Today I am the Dowager Queen of Do-It-Tomorrow! Seriously, I have become a major procrastinator and I can’t even believe it! When I start out with a list of errands, half way through I ask myself what would happen if I just went back home and did the rest another day! I never thought I’d do such a thing. I am surprised, but I don’t seem to mind all that much. Thanks for the honest share!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Remember what MB wrote about “Don’t ride, drive” … For you I’ll revise that to “Don’t be driven, ride . . . and then drive when you feel like it!” It’s not as snappy . . . .

      I never cared for the categories “Type A personality” and “Type B personality.” People don’t fit those kinds of categories. Sometimes the demands of modern life, the rat race, the expectations, make people appear to be Type A, when they would rather turn around and say, “To heck with this, I’m going home.”

      Your comment is great, Gayle… a truly honest share. Embrace your inner procrastinator!

  45. Pamela K. says:

    Love the photo of Reggie nose-to-nose with the big brown dog. He looks like he is introducing his Miss B to her. His eyes focused on his new friend…
    “This is Miss B. She’s very special so be nice to her, OK?”
    Of course Reggie wins her over…that Romeo 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I like your interpretation of the nose-to-nose talk between Reg and Chipper! I do think Bridget has become special to Reggie. First thing in the morning, well, no, second thing in the morning after jumping on my head and playing BTHTFY… He turns to Bridge to wake her up. He knows she won’t tolerate any roughness. Instead of doing the demon dance with claws out which would raise Bridget’s ire, he nibbles on her neck and then scoots away before she can react.

      • Dawn in NC says:

        How Sweet! One of my cats used to wake me up by applying ever more constant pressure to one claw on my head/face. Needless to say, I did not appreciate it at the time, but miss it now that he is gone.

      • LP n' rusty near th' river,Az. says:

        Hi Sue, Did you find a good camp out of the cold wind yesterday? Oh and the swelling is gone and there’s a Class C setting on top of “The Spot” where the flies were,,,,,,,,,, rusty

  46. Randall Small says:

    Regarding, “Babbling to us”… Babble on Miss Sue. I love to read your adventurous tome each time you post. Good job!

  47. Shirlene (Huntington Beach, Ca) says:

    Good Morning Sue, glad to see you here, where ever you may be. I hope your day is bright and sunny and warm. Waiting for another post when you have time. 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Shirlene and thank you for the warm “good morning!” I wish the same for you…

      Well, the crew is finally down for their morning nap which gave me time to make the shopping links for the next post. I’ll work on the post next. It’s so bright and sunny here that I’m having a hard time seeing my photos in order to edit them. Of all the “problems” to have, I’ll take this one!

      Enjoy your day…

  48. wa_desert_rat says:

    Too bad about missing out on that rug. 🙁 Banks are doing strange things now. We bought a new refrigerator, a new stove, and a new microwave to install in the apartment we are finishing adjacent to my shop. This will be our retirement summer northern-base.

    When we went to pay the card was denied.

    Not because of money but because the banks are now tracking purchases and are careful not to get caught by fraud. Since we don’t often buy $2k worth of appliances, this was out of the ordinary. Still, very annoying. We had friends who were denied when they went to pay their hotel bill in Paris. It’s always after hours or on a holiday and extremely annoying; not to mention inconvenient and occasionally disastrous.

    The coyote is probably looking for that road runner. 😛

    When our Malemute, Kody, reached 12 we rescued Mindy to be his companion and protector. Kody did not like living inside even in his old age and since he had become almost deaf and arthritic we felt that he could use a protector. Mindy stuck with him through thick and thin for a year and when we sold the farm and moved to the lake house she came with us.

    Now Mindy is deaf and arthritic but she has a fence to protect her. 🙂

    Happy trails. Pet the pups for me.


    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, WDR,

      It sounds like you take very good care of your crew. There are benefits to having two dogs. I don’t think I’ll ever be satisfied with having only one at a time. Thanks for telling us their story.

      Interesting experiences with credit cards. I remember back to before we hit the road I read somewhere that one should alert the credit card companies. I called up Visa and told them that my purchases wouldn’t be around Athens, Ga anymore, that they would be all over the West, due to my retirement plans. I don’t know if that prevented difficulties. I didn’t have any. Not those kind anyway.

      The roadrunner may be appetizing to a coyote. Quail are fatter and, boy, are there a lot of ’em running around the campground. I said there was a covey of quail. I revise that… I should have said there’s a covey of a covey of quail. Cute things…

      Hug Mindy for me..

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