Return to Las Vegas Bay


“That’s Lake Mead, Reggie.  You saw it once before, but you probably don’t remember.”

Friday, December 2

A fierce, cold wind blows as I hitch up the Best Little Trailer to the Perfect Tow Vehicle.  Using my claw hammer, I pull up the stakes around the blue mat.  Immediately the wind grabs it.  I don’t attempt to fold it, just gather it up and stuff it into the back of the PTV.

Soon we’re rumbling across the mesa, leaving Poverty Flats.

Wow . . . We camped here for an entire month.  The time went fast . . . .

Our new camp!

Cautiously I drive Northshore Drive (Route 169) south, keeping our speed around 45 m.p.h. due to the frequent wind gusts.  Fortunately our journey to a new camp is a short one.

I usually postpone travel when a day shows up with wind.  That isn’t an option today because the waste tank must be dumped.  Yes, it’s true.  Some folks plan their days by the stars.  Me?  I live according to the dictates of the waste tank.

Our late start puts us at Las Vegas Bay Campground at 3 o’clock.

I think this is our third time at Las Vegas Bay.  The last time we were here was March 2015,  when Bridget and I brought Reggie home from the Adopt-a-Pet day at PetSmart in Vegas.

p1150234The camping fee at Las Vegas Bay Campground has doubled. 

It’s now $20 regular/$10 with senior discount (Golden Age Pass).  There are no hook-ups.  Amenities include trash pick-up, water spigots, and I think the restrooms have flush toilets. (I haven’t looked.)  A camp host is in residence.

After inserting the pay envelope in the iron ranger, I dump the tanks.

I choose a pleasant site in the “No Generators” section.

Shortly after we’re set up, a covey of quail scurries across the edge of our campsite, softly yip-yip-yipping as they go by.

Well, thanks for the welcome!  Come back soon!


Very few campers are here.  Only four or five and it’s Friday.  Probably the cold and wind keeps people away, along with the price jump for camping.

Saturday, December 3

Reggie is super excited about his new home!   While wandering together through the nearby, empty campsites, I notice a path going toward the river far below the campground.

“Let’s hike down there, Reg.  It’ll be great exercise.”


Reggie happily leads the way.

We end up at the edge of a steep drop.  I don’t see any easy way to go down to the river.

 I don’t need a sprained ankle or a fall. . . .


“Looks like this is as far as we go, Reggie.”

I take a photo and we head back.


We walk around the campground instead.

This delights the dickens out of Reggie.  All these smells!  A summer’s and fall’s accumulation of dog markings on every tree and bush!  Reggie stops to sniff every one he can and leaves his reply . . . .

This pavement is nice for his paws . . . .  Much better than The Zombie Road.


I intended to go to the laundry today.

That plan fizzled.  I always feel like hanging around camp on the first day.  Reggie and I do take an afternoon drive along the lake.


We go to Boulder Campground, further up the road toward Hoover Dam.  I’m all set to visit the shower house there, but a sign at the pay booth says “No Showers.”  Darn!

Lake Mead is very low, even lower than when we were here in 2015.


The water is still the brilliant blue I remember from before.


I don’t know how long Reggie and I will camp at Las Vegas Bay Campground.

At first I thought we would stay long enough for an appointment for the refrigerator and heater.  I’m thinking now I don’t want to stay that long.


Get the laundry done, hit Wal-Mart to stock up, return the DVDs (I’ll watch the last one tonight) to one of the libraries in Vegas, and resume travel southward.


Of course, I might change my mind!  It happens!


NOTE:  If you would like me to check an Amazon order for you, I’ll be happy to do so.  Please include the date you placed the order.  Thanks.  — Sue


When you follow any of the links or ads you see on my blog, your Amazon purchases send a commission to “RVSue and her canine crew.”  Here are a few of the items recently ordered from Amazon by readers:

Ring Wi-Fi Enabled Video Doorbell
CeraVe Moisturizing Facial Lotion PM
GUND Philbin Chocolate 12″ Teddy Bear
Variety of Holiday Scented Incense Cones
1byone 50 Miles Amplified HDTV Antenna with Amplifier Booster
All-New Fire TV Stick with Alexa Voice Remote | Streaming Media Player

p1030120Reggie on the day I met him, March 2015


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79 Responses to Return to Las Vegas Bay

  1. OK, now that I’ve established my priorities, I’ll reply in more depth.

    Sad to see the lake even lower than before. Let’s hope more rain and snow arrives this winter.

    We made it to Green Valley, AZ, yesterday (drove from Laughlin) and we were pleased to see it feels like home and also happy we are here as possible snow is scheduled for where we live. We’re already hard at work sorting out and settling in for the winter. Looking forward to doing a bit of exploring in this corner of Arizona.

    I may have missed it but did you look into checking out e-books via the library’s website?

    Good luck on the refer repair!


    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I’m glad you arrived at your winter home, safe and sound, and ready to explore. No, I haven’t checked out any e-books yet. Funny thing about retirement… No job to eat up my day and still I don’t do all I intend to do…

  2. Rob says:

    I liked lake Mead.

    • rvsueandcrew says:


      I would love to see Lake Mead at the high water mark.

      • Rob says:

        As I recall the high water mark was a one time deal, it’s managed less than full but I guess if there was enough rain up north… you have to put the water somewhere!

        Lake Powell levels have a lot to do with Lake Mead levels. I think I read that on one of the signs at Lake Mead.

        My reply place is a matter of luck Sue, if I ever an #1 I’ll go buy a power ball ticket!

  3. Sydney in Hobe Sound, FL says:

    Welcome back to where it all started, Reggie!!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Aww… That’s sweet. Reggie was such a tender little boy then.

      I replaced the last photo with the one I took of Reg at the adoption event in Las Vegas.

  4. Linda-NC says:

    I will gladly take fourth. Reggie’s ears as he is looking out the window always make me smile:)) I am glad that you are getting out of the cold! I will be soon t00-if everything works out. I put a deposit on a 2001 Coach House Platinum 23 ft at PPL in Houston. I am having it checked out and will go inspect it next week and drive it back here to finish up the move. I am excited as I think that this will work for me and my Maggie. It is small enough to take about anywhere. Only concern is getting Maggie in and out. 75# worth. I have tried to train her on a ramp out the back door but she absolutely refuses to use it. Old and Cranky and set in her ways! Hey-sounds like me:)) Any suggestions? I did buy a sling to help me lift her back end and that works pretty well. We have been practicing. We will do it one way or another as she stays with me. Sorry this is so long.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Linda,

      Your comment isn’t too long. Not at all…

      Congratulations on your new rig! I wish you and Maggie many happy days and nights with it!

      Blogorinos: Do you have a suggestion how to train Maggie to walk the ramp?

      • AlanOutandAbout - Silver City NM. says:

        Food, hunger is the great motivator

      • Marilu in Northern California says:

        Have you tried luring her with a high value treat such as hot dog pieces or steak? If the ramp is bouncy it may help to put a couple boards under it to make it more firm until she gets more comfortable with the ramp. Good luck.

      • Kathy (NC) says:

        Maybe put it flat on the ground, alongside a wall/fence so you can keep her between you and the wall – and use treats to encourage her to walk on it. Once she is confident that it is OK, raise one end (the bottom step of your back entrance?) and continue with the treats. We’ve trained dogs for agility like this and had good results. Congratulations on your new RV – I hope you have many ‘happy trails’ to come.

        • Linda-NC says:

          Thank you all for your suggestions. I have tried the treats with no luck so far. If I box her in, she just lays down. Believe me she loves to eat, she is just stubborn. I will continue working with her though. She will get it but she just wants it to be in her own time I guess.

          • Dawn in Asheville says:

            Sounds like time and persistence and your own “this IS going to happen Maggie” attitude will eventually wear her down! Best of luck!

        • Cinandjules (da zone) says:

          Lay it on the ground…leave it there…get her familiar with it…walking over it with the help of treats!

  5. Peggy in Buckeye, AZ says:

    Top 50 maybe? LOL

  6. Looks like a nice, quiet spot, Sue. You sure can pick ’em. And Reggie sure loves ’em. 🙂

    I bought my 20′ Mini-Light about 3 months ago and have been fixing it up, figuring things out, cleaning, etc, aiming towards part-timing this coming spring. Just like you, today for me was “dump the tanks” day. Not sure why that’s so thrilling, but I had a great time. It was my first time so I was VERY careful and yet it was pretty darned easy. All went well. We have freezing temps coming this Monday night so tomorrow I’ll winterize all of the lines and the pump and will empty the water heater. Have read how you do things and have watched videos online and chatted with a shop hereabouts .. seems pretty straight-forward, tho things happen, as we all know. Here’s to empty tanks! Whoop!

  7. Rover Ronda (WA) says:

    That is a brilliant blue!
    I’m going to be busy working on a license for a new job. I hear it takes several weeks. Surely hope I’ll have time to read your blogs Sue. I probably won’t have time to follow the comments. I’ll miss y’all. I enjoy your stories, interesting facts, and advice. Thank you Sue for all you share and for encouraging us.
    Take care❤️

  8. Donna says:

    Where’s the commenters?

  9. Virginia620 (AL) says:

    Beautiful camp. Hugs.

  10. Judi Copley says:

    Hello from Arkansas.

  11. Sonia W says:

    Aww man! I just left Las Vegas Bay!

  12. Ann M says:

    Could it be???? am I #1?

  13. Mary(CO) says:

    Love Reggie’s picture in the mirror shot!

  14. Beg in NS says:

    Love the header pic Sue.

  15. Tammie Villanueva says:

    Hi Sue and Reggie
    I love the camping at the lake
    I hope you have a lovely stay.

  16. I think you should be happy that you didn’t walk to the “river” – that water is primary treated sewage from Las Vegas. The sewer water goes back into Lake Meade and the City gets credit against their water allotment from the Lake….

    Win-Win, right?

    Best of luck in your travels this Holiday season.

  17. KelleyinSoCal says:

    We love reading your post. Beautiful pictures. Reggie melts our hearts and makes us laugh.

  18. Hey there Reggie looking out the window,, beautiful pictures of the lake and Poverty Flatts and beyond,,, just waiting for the wind and the mail,, we’ll be checking the mail Monday,, the Ladies at the Ups store mailboxes and more are nice, they let Piper come in the store,, she gets a lot of aww’s , pats, and a treat every time we go in, even when it’s cool weather,,, well have a pleasant week and stay safe and give Reggieman a huge hug from us, ok,,, ,,,,, Rusty n Piper

  19. Geri says:

    Sorry we missed the blog last night! But we were busy… Chuck was Santa last night at the Red Pirate Restaurant last night! Ha! He makes such a good Santa, This is such a poor community and the children were all so good! Next Saturday he is the official Eastpoint Santa Claus. He will be in the parade and then with all the children for 3 hours of listening for lap sitting and photos and most important, finding out who was naughty or nice! Ha! I will email you a photo or 3. 🙂
    Glad to see you back at Las Vegas Bay. I hope you are warmer there and less wind! Will they be having another adopt a pet day while you are there? I love seeing the “before I was a boon docker Reggie” you sure turned him into a great boon docking dog! Give him an extra hug!

  20. Eileen Dykeman says:

    Hard to believe Reggie was adopted less than a year ago. He appears to be such a great little camper that it seems like he’s been with you forever! GO REGGIE!!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Eileen,

      Actually Reggie has been with us for about one year and eight months. Yes, it is hard to imagine life without him. 🙂

  21. ApplegirlNY says:

    I just want to hug that Reggie! He is so cute. I often wonder how far dog memories go back. When you first brought him home, he would have had a lot of adjustments to make with many new experiences. What a great travelling companion you have.

    Hope the wind has died down for you. Bummer on the increased fees. Have fun at the laundry. Looking forward to your next camp.

    I’ve got sauce on the stove, and the kids are coming to decorate the tree and eat lasagna. Honestly, if they weren’t into the tree thing, I’d pass on it, but I do enjoy the fact that it gives us all an excuse to gather. Happy day to all.

  22. Dawn in Asheville says:

    Love that new spot – sorry the prices jumped! Especially for no amenities to speak of. Such a pretty spot, though. Nice to see trees after Poverty Flats!

    There’s a window for Rick to get Juno across country starting today – wish us luck. He thinks he has everything checked as well as he can – fluids good, etc. Battery still a question but he’s got a jump starter, and we have Good Sam roadside. Tires are brand new and in great shape. He has a cell phone. He has propane and propane accessories (a Mr. Heater). He has an emergency kit. Juno is out of storage. (she’s spent the last two nights sleeping in a nice warm garage at a murder mystery venue there in Denver…the adventure has already begun for her 🙂 He’s got clear skies today across most of Kansas…

    Although, she won’t be coming home to a carport. Discovered (hope I’m not repeating myself) when I went to pull a permit because the only place we have to build one is on the second lot, which doesn’t have a primary structure so for that completely inane reason, I can’t put a secondary structure up. I’d have to get everything resurveyed and combine the lots. I decided after long consideration that I plan on getting her out often, so I’ll focus my energy, time and money on ensuring her roof stays in good shape and clean instead. Still make a pad like I intended, though.

    Well, that’s all the news that’s fit to print. Wish us luck and give Reggie Man a scratch behind the ears! Thanks for sharing the new pics!

  23. reeves99 says:

    Hi Sue
    The scenery is gorgeous. Glad you guys are doing well!
    It’s always fun to check in and see where you are.

  24. Pamela Avery says:

    Sue, you and Reggie are more than welcome to pop over to Vegas and have a warm shower and hot meal in my home! I am serious. My dog Raymond has been begging to meet Reggie!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      That’s very thoughtful of you, Pamela. I have to decline as I’m sure many other thoughtful readers would extend invitations in the future. Then I’d get into a pickle, accepting some, declining others. It’s best I not start that.

      Thank you!

  25. Diane, Blue Ridge Mts, VA says:

    Hi Sue, I have a question for you as I am trying to decide about my Camping Christmas present to myself. HA. I boon dock in a 13 foot fiberglass camper and want to watch a DVD or TV on rainy days. What is your set up for this? Been debating on a 12 volt TV/DVD combo 15 inch (Tiny sound) or Regular small TV stand alone dvd player and inverter. Just curious. I mostly read and do not have anything else on those rainy days.
    Comment on your Blog today, “most folks plan their days by the stars” … ” Me”
    well Sue, I could make a funny on your motivation to move, but afraid it might offend the public, HA!
    Take Care Sue and Crew

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Diane… I have “a 12 volt TV/DVD combo 15 inch” and it suits me fine. In this small space, I don’t need more sound than my little COBY tv provides. It was part of the Casita “entertainment package.”

      I’ve never owned a stand alone DVD player so can’t comment on that.

  26. rvsueandcrew says:


    I let the comments get way ahead of me again! Please know that when I make a general reply like this, instead of individual ones, that I read and appreciated every single comment. Thank you for your positive responses to this post and your kind words toward Reggie and me. I can’t begin to express how encouraging it is to hear from my readers.

    I fear I missed a few new blogorinos over the past two posts. Welcome! I hope you will join us again and often!

    Right now I’m lingering over a second cup of coffee, trying to drum up the ambition to sort the dirty laundry, load it into the PTV, and head into Vegas for the laundromat. The sun has cleared the mountains and is pouring light, warmth, and contentment through the side window. I could stay in my jammies all day and be perfectly happy!

    Wishing you a very good day,
    Bye for now,

  27. Tammie Villanueva says:

    Sue Im so happy thay I found your blog I even read to my husband and show him all the wonderful photo’s you take.

  28. Kellee says:

    Hi Sue – I’ll bet the people with the rescue org where you got Reggie has no idea the amazing life he would have with you and Bridget! Such a lucky guy and you are a lucky lady for having such a great travel companion! Thank you for sharing your adventures with us!

    Kellee and Cooper the retriever (who gets to take a road trip with us to Texas over the holidays!)

  29. kgdan from Wapato, WA says:

    Love, love, love picture of Reggie looking out the window!

  30. PNW Alison says:

    What a wonderful opening shot of joyful little Reggie, so full of enthusiasm! His happy face in the mirror just makes it perfect. I like to
    think Reggie remembers this place where his new life began.

  31. Chey (WA coast) says:

    Sue, 2016 dell latitude e5500. I hope you get credit, it’s likely my biggest purchase of the year. What a great boondocks!

    • Chey (WA coast) says:

      Hahaha,oh my,I am so busted! Boondocks? Yes, I should read the post first! Geesh.

    • Dawn in NC says:

      Congrats Chey! Must admit that I am a little jealous of your new prize. 🙂 I am in need of a new laptop myself. You’ll have to let us know how well you like it when it arrives.

  32. Virginia620 (AL) says:

    JUST ordered Cobra detector and Spry mints through your Amazon link at top right of page. I thought that was the link I used for last order on Nov 27 of pickleballs that you didn’t see on your commissions list. Hopefully this order will show up. 😃
    Love your post and pics, especially the last one of ‘lil Reggie. Such a cutie pie.

  33. When I saw the title, I thought “Back to where Reggie joined the crew!” Your time at PF really did go by quickly. I have always loved watching storms come across the desert – such power and beauty. We love the Boulder City area but sometimes you just want to keep moving. Looking forward to see where “south” takes you this time 🙂

  34. Linda a says:

    Hi RV Sue, I follow you regular even if I dont comment often.
    Love your lifestyle…. Always makes me feel peaceful when I read
    your blog, even when you write about troubling things.
    Been wondering…… Might you get Reggie a pal, a four legged one
    that is, one day soon? You may have been asked this and I missed it.
    Of course, Bridget cannot be replaced.
    Enjoy your week.

  35. weather says:

    Aw, a covey of quails softly yipping to welcome you there, how sweet! While Reggie might not remember Lake Mead or that campground it occurs to me that being there may evoke a lot of tender memories, including ones of Bridget, for you Sue. You really have been blessed with amazingly lovable little creatures to share wee or long parts of your journey with.

    No river access or available showers, low lake and temps, higher fees -unimportant details- to Reggie.A huge new place with trees and bushes to sniff -now that’s worth paying attention to, Ha! I’m glad he had such a wonderful time, and that you got some needful tasks done. Rest warmly and well when you do.

  36. Cinandjules (da zone) says:

    Reg man and his sister baytril ears! Too funny!
    For some reason I thought the water level had risen! What?? No showers?
    Enjoy your evening! Stay warm and away from that cliff!

  37. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Hi, Sue,

    It saddens me to see Lake Mead’s water level so low. Anyone who does “not believe” that there are drought conditions or water shortages would get an education by seeing pictures of the water level dropping so quickly.

    I would not be surprised if you moved to another camp soon. This camp feels like a good place to stop on the way to somewhere else. Of course, the best stopover, about a year and a half ago, was for you and Bridget to find Reggie!

    Have a good week! Sending you and Reggie love and hugs from me and Gracie pup! 🙂

  38. RVBrucrew - NW IN says:

    Hi Sue, I haven’t commented in a while but read the blog faithfully. Love your pictures especially of Reggie. We are the RVBrucrew – 12 paws and 4 feet. (2 cats & 1 dog = 38 pounds) We are one step closer to our goal to hit the road. Sold the house and are now living in the RV! I plan to work another year. Husband just retired. We had 8 inches of snow yesterday so hopefully this will be our last winter here. We all stayed toasted warm though. I can’t wait to explore new places, but until then I will enjoy life’s adventures where I am for now. I enjoy reading your posts on my train ride to work. Keep them coming.

    • Dawn in NC says:

      Hi RVBruCrew! What kind of trailer do you have? How do you keep your pipes from freezing in IN? I am excited to see that you are going on the road with your crew, cats included. If I am able to go on the road, I definitely want to take my cats with me. How have they adjusted to the RV? Congrats on your husband’s retirement.

      • RVBrucrew - NW IN says:

        Hi Dawn in NC! We have a Newmar motor home. This is our first winter in RV. It is really not bad but I will have to let you know how it is when it is below zero. We have a heater and we also sleep on a heated mattresss pad. As far as the pipes freezing, we have a heated water hose. But like I said we are just learning as we go so hopefully all will be well. As far as the cats go – they are no problem. They adapt very well. I use to put them in carriers when we went down the road but now they just go under the living room chair and they are fine. They like seeing new places. How old are your cats? Mine are 12 and we started traveling with them when they were 7.

  39. Tammie Villanueva says:

    Thank you Sue, I found your blog
    by mistake and had to go all the way back to 2011 to read your rv journeys and look at all the awsome pictures, I cant wait to
    were your off to next.

  40. Terri From Texas says:

    Well, the suspense is killing me. DID you stay in your jammies all day??? 🙂

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