Something for lovers of trains

A photo update from Rusty

Readers express an interest in how Rusty likes living in a stationary home after a lifetime of vagabonding around the west.  These photos tell very well how he’s doing since leaving a life on the road for life in Kentucky.

They show some of what he’s been up to: putting up a flag pole, starting a garden, fussing around in his new kitchen, and building an outdoor layout for trains.

Take the time to enjoy each picture.  I found the details fascinating!

Just for fun . . .

See if you can find the following:  a burro, three crosses, striped petunias, a mailbox, a garden rake, a 1975 Ford pick-up, a walker, a solar light, a sheathed knife, a bird house, a pulley, and one happy and contented dog.

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Thanks, Rusty, for sharing what you enjoy.  I love what you’ve done to the place, and Lady Piper looks great!

This is for you, Rusty!

Readers, I have a request.

Jump into comments and let us know what you love to do and why you love it.  Do you have a passion, like Rusty has for trains?  Tell us!  There are many choices for making the most out of every day.  Share yours.

You may inspire others!


NOTE:  For those of you who like to go back in time, here’s a link to my December 16, 2016 post, when Rusty and Piper visited Reggie and me at Midland LTVA, Blythe, CA:  “Look who the wind blew in.”

Scroll down that page for photos of Rusty and his truck camper, as well as photos of Piper like the one below. — Sue


To see some products recently purchased by readers or to browse and shop at Amazon, follow any of these links:

Kings Red Azalea
Starry String Lights
Shark Steam Pocket Mop
Solar Bird Bath Fountain Pump
Cobalt Blue Talavera Mexican Tile
Little Giant Multi-Use Ladder, 17-Foot

RVSue and her canine crew is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.


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96 Responses to Something for lovers of trains

  1. suzago in PNW says:

    Hi Sue, and Hi Rusty,
    My late husband was a model railroader. When we were house hunting ages ago,he told realtors he mostly wanted a good dry basement (for the train layout) with a house on top. We found a good one and after many years, half the basement was the Eastern seaboard c. 1870 or so. After he died, the local train club came to our house, dismantled his layout, and reassembled it in their headquarters. I’ve always said if a man likes to make train layouts, that’s the sign of a good guy. So happy for your, Rusty. And very happy for you, Sue, that you have found a new adventure to add to your life. You are always an inspiration.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      What a lovely memory of your husband and his love of trains! He was blessed to have found something that gave him many, many hours of happiness (trains and you!). Thanks for a great start to our comments.


  2. Marilu in Northern California says:

    Wow! Rusty, you’ve made a train lovers paradise.😁

  3. Gail Cox says:

    Long time reader, first time poster.

    Genealogy. I love the research and discovering previously unknown grandparents going back hundreds of years. Through my online research I’ve met “cousins” and we’ve become lifelong friends.

    It is also something that won’t go away I can leave to my grandchildren.

  4. Wow!!! Love Rusty’s garden and train layout…his place looks loved !!!

  5. Jolene/Iowa says:

    Hi Sue and everyone!

    I loved the pictures! Rusty looks like he is settling in nicely and making it his home!

    What do I love? It has changed some over the years but two things haven’t and probably never will. I love camping and fishing! Fishing is relaxing to me. I also enjoy reading. And I love Facebook. I love making new friends on there. I lead a ladies lifegroup on FB and we do Bible studies and are just there for each other. I love the large RVing group I help admin on there and I have my business group on FB as well. If any of you want to connect with me on FB as well you can just click on my name here and it takes you to my business page but it has my contact info there.

    This will be fun to read what everyone’s interests are!! 🙂

  6. Rusty’s place looks great and so glad he has settled into a “happy place,” same as you seem to have done.

    I’ve had a couple of friends who have had some amazing model train layouts, one in a daylight basement (took up the entire floor) and another who laid it out in his backyard. And my neighbor is a fan of the real thing, often taking trips on Amtrak and through Canada.

    Me, I’m a reader and have a passion for books and reading that has now waned since I could physically pick up a book (my mother tells me I was about 2 when I discovered books). It’s no wonder I spent 41 years working and loving my library job. I’m lucky as a retiree to be able to continue my passion for “shoving books into readers’ hands.”

    I’m looking forward to reading about the passions of other blogorinos.

    Robin B

    • Awwww….I always wanted to work in a library. Even went back to school and got the degree when I turned 50. But the economy tanked and I only got to work one year in a library, then had to return to my previous, not fun, career. Maybe someday I’ll be able to volunteer in one.

      • I’m sorry your dream career was derailed. I know of at least 3 friends who got their MLS about the same time and are still working in non-degreed positions. Very frustrating for them. I was fortunate enough to start in the early 1970s and work my way up, and while my job wasn’t a degreed position, I had a lot of the same responsibilities librarians did. I hope volunteering works out for you. Any library would be lucky to have you.

  7. Columbus Calvin says:

    Hi, Rusty! That looks like a great layout to me. I don’t know a lot about trains, except that my father traveled by freight trains from about 1929 until 1950 or so, my maternal grandfather worked for a railroad and died on the job, and his father went west to build a railroad. I myself have not traveled by train so far.

    I don’t have a passion in the collector sense, but I do things about travel and transportation. I ride bicycles, including some that are unusual, and I walk and hike. I hitch-hiked several thousand miles when I was younger. I have driven 4-wheelers and a few 6-wheelers for a living. Of course, I come by it honestly. The train list above is just the beginning of my family’s history of travel and transportation in one mode or another.

  8. Nancy in California says:

    Hi all!
    I love Rusty’s train layout!! It reminds me, in minature, of the Calico Train Ride at Knott’s Berry Farm here in SoCal.
    I love the outdoors, hiking, fishing, camping. Can’t go on strenuous backpacks like I used to, but I can hike a fair bit. U am very much into exploring, especially historical sites, and my special love is the Eastern Sierra/Owen’s Valley area.
    I research sites on the internet, and then try to zero in on them using Google Earth, then, try to find them in person. I have a 4wheel drive Toyita FJ Cruiser, which can get me into the backcountry. Located a couple of nice Prehistoric Indian site, this past week, and was oh so proud of myself! I respect the sites, and only look and take pictures.
    I also am a big reader, all my family is, so I read alot. Don’t watch much TV, altho I did enjoy highlights of today’s royal wedding! Be

    • Good late morning to all, this morning is a Glorious morning with the Royal Wedding of Hennry and Megan, usealy Piper and I go for our morning walk welcoming the day with a prayer and a thank you and our day has a good start, but this morning something told me to turn on the tv and I tell you all I’m glad I did, for the very first time in my life to see a truely real Royal Wedding with So much Love brought a rise of tears in my heart and eyes that so far today I’ve been a little lazy to where reflections of the Wedding has been rolling through me,,,, and that Chicago Pastor was fantastic in his story on Love that it broke the sterness of the Royalty with Smiles, Talk about Power with Love guiding ones heart,, OMG it was very overwhelming and it affected me,,,, thank you all for likening my Gardens, being Railroad or Veggie,,,,,,, it is Him who inspires me and without Him I can not do nothing,,, Love to all and have a fantastic pleasant weekend,,,, 🐾 👣👣

      • Barbara from Camano Island says:

        I loved watching the royal wedding too, Rusty! And your railroad set up is wonderful. Love the trestles. You do beautiful work.

      • AZ Jim says:

        I watched too Rusty…. I am happy you seem to be doing so well in tour home…

      • DawnfromCamanoIsland says:

        Rusty, you’re absolutely right! The Episcopal pastor (first African American Bishop of the Episcopal Church!!) struck such a sweet tone of love & acceptance! And I love little Princess Charlotte–she has the sweetest wave & a smile just like her Great Gran the Queen! Your train layout is awesome & your home looks wonderfully cozy!

        I love to play the ukulele! I’ve made so many friends playing the uke, have discovered that I sing pretty well & playing keeps my mind and fingers agile! I believe you could be happy anywhere in the world if you were to find a ukulele group! Barbara from Camano Island–nice to see a fellow islander here!

      • Denise - Richmond VA says:

        Hi, Rusty,

        I also watched the Royal wedding. The Chicago pastor’s sermon on love moved me to tears. It was such a lovely wedding, the pomp and stiff ceremony was softened and modernized with the gospel choir, the uplifting Chicago pastor’s sermon, and a softening of some of the strict Royal rules. Men in the Queen’s military services are not allowed to have facial hair. Harry wore his uniform and beard with pride. He and Meghan looked to be so happy and in love. ❤️

        Thank you for sharing your home with us, Rusty. It looks like a nice cozy place. Perfect for you and Miss Piper. The railroad and veggie gardens look great! You have been busy! 🙂

      • Mary Batt says:

        Hello Rusty, My husband and I enjoyed seeing how you set up your train set. My husband has some memories of things his Grandfather showed him or told him of trains but he was quite young at the time. Reading and looking at your story triggered more memories that are starting to make more sense to him.

        His Grandfather also had an old ?Lionel? train set in 50’s or from the 40’s that he ‘loaned’ to my husband with 3 locomotives, boxes of transformers, and tracks, and all. Husband is pretty sure he worked on trains rather than only had an interest in them. Husband remembered his grandfather showing him carbide lanterns, once gave him a toy steam engine, and showed him experiments he could do with ice water, heating a can on the stove and watching it crush when submerged in the ice water. He also thinks he has a memory that his Grandfather showed him a fire box that you shoveled coal into. So, besides working at Higgins Shipyard in New Orleans, he thinks his grandfather did work on a train besides coal mining in Kentucky. Yet no way to confirm this but is starting to make sense.

        You have a tidy kitchen, garden and yard, and it looks like you have a lot to keep you and Piper busy! Thanks for the nudge to my husbands memories!

        We are camping our way from Louisiana to Maine and back. This is my very favorite pastime-today we took pictures of every flower we could find in the Smokey Mountains! Tomorrow will be a picnic and drive up in the Smokeys again. Everything is SO green!

        Hope to hear more about that garden you have going, too!

      • Elizabeth in WA says:

        I got up oh so early to watch it too…caught up near the time for the bride to arrive…it was lovely. I thought Meghan appeared to try so hard not to outshine anyone else with her very simple dress. She did look radient. And maybe Harry has someone to help fill the hole left in his little boy life when he lost his Mama. Nice of Prince Charles to fill in, but being he has no daughter, maybe he really was happy…acted like it. Nice to see some pagentry at times, with hopefully real love thrown in.

  9. Geri in the FL panhandle! says:

    Wow Rusty! Your train set up looks great! Did you build all the wooden things, like the bridges??? I saw all the things you mentioned, some trickier than others! 😊
    As for what I love….I love creating things! It used to be painting on rocks, making beaded jewelry, and especially exploring the Southwest! Now Chuck and I are our Mermaid Tears by recycling glass bottles into hangings! Sue we really would like to send you one for your new home! This year my project has been the creation of a butterfly garden!😊 Its finally finished and they all seem to approve 👍!
    Rusty please give Piper an extra belly rub from Chuck and Geri! Sue, thank you for sharing a page of Rusty’s new life with us! Belly rubs to your terrible twosome also! 😁 love y’all!💗

    • Hi Geri from the Florida Pan Handle, yes I design and build everything that is made of wood and sometimes plastic, the wood I use is Baywood or Cedar being Eastern or Western, whatever is available, since I’ve been here in Kentucky I’ve bought a lot of hobby tools like X-acto razor saws and carving utensils, knifes and Dremel tools and special glues that hold in wet weather,,, I try to build to scale which is 1:22.03 or “G” Scale and a 6ft man standing is 3 inches tall, ,, I’ll get back on subject, but Piper needs a walk ,,,

  10. Linda Sand (Minnesota) says:

    My husband and I built and realistically operated model railroads for twenty years and he still goes operating on friend’s layouts several times a month. Here’s a link to our favorite we built for those interested:

    I recently rediscovered the joy of building Lego structures and am having lots of fun in my second childhood.

  11. Good to see pictures of your place Rusty, and to see all you’re working on and of course Lady Piper! I’m glad you’re happy there!

    I love to read, but I love to travel even more, whether camping or staying in a hotel. Road trips are my favorite, but I don’t mind a flight if it gets me to somewhere special.

    And then there’s photography…that makes me very very happy.

  12. Pat in Rochester says:

    My maternal grandfather was a fireman on trains, then added dairy farming to the mix. Until recently my Dad did lots of road trips with a pile of buddies to see train stuff. Tall bridges, Horseshoe Curve near Altoona, PA. My paternal grandfather, eons ago, worked on the small trains that ran in the PA coal mines. Of course, those are all “regular” trains. I work with several pilots who build sets like Rusty. Go figure that they don’t do miniature airports lol!

  13. Motorcycles (now a trike because my knees can no longer hold up a bike), Watercolors, photography (recently bought a go-pro and a drone), and learning to play the flute…. long list… but I’d probably add cooking to that list. My great-uncle had a fabulous train layout in the room over his garage. He let us watch him run the trains (but no touching).. so I appreciate Rusty’s train set up. Very nicely done.

  14. Beth and Rosie dog, Arizona says:

    I really like what Rusty’s doing with his trains! That’s one of the hobbies that you can just keep adding and detailing for your entire life! How fun! Awesome job, Rusty!

    I’m learning about iPhone photography. It’s incredible what these smartphone cameras can do. So I’m taking some online classes and learning the camera’s capabilities as well as what a good photographer should be doing. I read that a good photographer will take 1000 photos to get one really good shot! So far that’s about right with me too! It can get frustrating, but it’s fun for me and the frustration ends up making me try harder. Live and learn, my life’s motto 🙂 !

    I think RVSue should write a book, or make a book out of her many blog posts! I’d buy your book in a heartbeat, Sue! That could be your new hobby once you and your sister get settled in, or work on it a little here and there and in between 🙂.

    What are some other Blogorino’s doing?

  15. Cynthia from San Clemente says:

    Thanks for sharing Rusty’s photos; there was so much detail to see in each one. I loved the three crosses, the train trestles over the “gorge,” and especially the American flag on what looked like a trimmed tree trunk. Maybe Rusty can tell us about that?

    I’ve had many passions over the years. For years, my husband and I rode Harleys and enjoyed belonging to a HOG (Harley Owners Group) chapter that rode all over the western U.S. We recently gave that up after he had an eye stroke. We love camping/RVing because we can take our dogs with us. I love my church, women’s Bible study group, and spending time with my family. I love to cook and drink wine!! I read a lot – I always try to have one fiction and one non-fiction book going at all times. I dabble in painting and knitting and beeswax candle-making – all ow which I really enjoy and none of which I am very good at! I am passionate about animals. Just this morning, I (hopefully) rescued a nest of 5 light blue eggs – I think they are probably house finches – that was accidentally knocked out of my son’s eaves when a painter was power-washing the house. I ran to Lowe’s and bought a small hanging planter with a cocoa mat inside it and fashioned a “hood” out of another cocoa mat – hopefully that will protect the eggs from predators. I put the nest with the eggs inside of it and hung it close to the house eaves so Mama could find it. Now to watch and wait ….

  16. Pamelab says:

    Hi, Sue and crew –
    So enjoy following you on your new adventure! Rusty certainly has a very homey and comfy home. What a very nice train and build around! Thank you both for sharing.
    Pamelab in Lubbock TX for now

  17. Barb in Florida says:

    Neat train layout, Rusty. It’s nice to see you enjoying your surroundings. It looks like you are having fun.

    Other than my hobby of reading RVSue and browsing at RV’s on-line, I like to bake. Sometimes it’s good other times not so much as I am making old recipes gluten-free and new ones from some great cookbooks. I go thru spurts as I feel I probably shouldn’t eat this stuff anyway. Sometimes the old cravings can’t be quieted and I crack. It took two chocolate cakes, three weeks apart, to get the craving to go away. Hopefully for another two years. It was my husband’s favorite. Making and eating it brought back happy memories and it tasted so good.

    My mom taught me her method of crocheting flannel baby receiving blankets almost 40 years ago. I make them for family members for gifts. There’s been a lull in the family babies and I had a stash of thread and flannel, so… Reading RVSue, trying to downsize, get rid of things thinking …. yea, right. It has morphed into something else. I borrowed a couple tables and started hanging out at a local farmer’s market. Couldn’t keep up with the crocheting so learned on youtube to make a self-binded baby blanket and then worked on making stock. I sold some, bought a tent, sold some, bought my own table. Made memory pillows out of my husband’s old shirts for my family, started displaying and have had several successful orders delivered to others with their loved-ones shirts.

    However, the first blanket I sold that a lady told me she was buying for HER DOG and she lived in an RV……. a light bulb went off and now I make blankets for dogs & cats, too. Even made one for a pot-bellied pig! Now branched out to adult-sized blankets – good recliner or camper-sized. Have made a couple fleece-tie blankets with camper prints and sold right off. I always think of Sue & crew while I’m making those. It must be for fun that I’m doing this as the fabric store is making the money. I have thought about closing up my in-home sweat-shop. People don’t want to pay for your time and creativity. It’s also keeping me from the down-sizing 🙁 Sorry so long – love to you all!

  18. Janie in Hawaii (not Oregon) for now says:

    Thanks for sharing Rusty’s pictures. Rusty, do you leave the set-up outside year-round?
    I imagine I share a love of the outdoors and seeing new places with all the blogorinos. We are currently house-sitting in Hawaii for 2 months, then plan to go full time rv-ing. I really enjoy sewing and plan to take my sewing with us.
    Sue, congratulations on your new home.

  19. Thanks Sue for the link to the video, just now I’m low on data, but as soon as I get the roll over you bet your Heart I’ll be watching that, especially listening to the song by Johnny Cash, thanks again and have a great and pleasant weekend,,,,,,,,, 🐾👣👣

  20. Rover Ronda (WA) says:

    Wow! Rusty great attention to detail. It looks real! Like when they used to make models for some scenes in movies.

  21. Rusty, I love the detail in your layout. The windmill is a work of art, love the trestle bridge and the bridge spanning the gorge at the top of the photo. Oh, and the water tower also, very cool.

    The two things I love to do most are hiking and reading. I have been hiking since I was in my 20s and still love it as much as always. When hiking, I like to take my time and stop to enjoy the views, listen to a bird sing, admire the wild flowers and so forth. For me being out in nature is a spiritually renewing experience, to enjoy God’s creation. I became an avid reader while in elementary school. Each week I would bring home an armload of books from the school library. I remember I would be so absorbed into the world of the book I was reading I was totally oblivious to what was going on around me. My mother would have to come take the book from my hands to get my attention. To this day I love libraries and books!

  22. Michael says:

    I love traveling and camping the west. I am currently in Quail Ridge RV park which you recommended. You were dead on, great place. Love Sierra Vista.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Did you ever live in Clearwater, FL? I worked with a guy there with your first and last name.

      I’m glad you agree with me about Quail Ridge. 🙂

  23. Gloria in Prescott, Az. says:

    Rusty, So glad to see you in a better space. Looks like you are enjoying your stationary life a lot. The Kitchen looks wonderful.
    Question, I thought I had read earlier that you had taken the camper off the truck and made it into a shop. Looks like it’s back on and holding together with a newer paint job. Did you Fiberglas it? Is the pick-up getting you to doctor appointments? Can’t wait to hear how your 20/20 turns out.
    Guess what? We got chicks and they are laying now. My garden is doing Okay but have gotten 8 rats to date. Gardening has always been my passion since I was very young. Just love playing in the dirt I guess.
    Love, Gloria

    • Hi Gloria, I was thinking of taking the camper off but didn’t, I fiberglassed the camper the year after moving from Chino Valley and have re glassed it since,, no, because the truck is in need of repair my Brother’s wife takes me to all my appointments at the VAMC in Louaville and to the Grayson VA Clinic to see my main doctor and to do labs ,,, if I remember correctly while I visited you and Dave you had the whole back yard as a garden, oh, tell Dave that I used many cans of “Great Stuff” in all the spaces up front and sides between the camper and the truck bed and it hasn’t moved out of place since, even going over the Rockies this last Summer, thanks for the Idea Dave,,,, ya, I and Piper love it here,,,,,,, 🐾👣👣

      • Gloria in Prescott, Az. says:

        Yes, I am sure trains are more fun then mechanicing. Glad to hear the camper is holding together and you sound Great!

  24. Suzicruzi from The 'Couve says:

    Hi Sue, Reg, Rog, and mostly Rusty,
    Rusty, I dig your garden! I’ve been a garden person myself so I can appreciate what you have going on there. When we take off, I’ll miss having a garden, but not the work, if you know what I mean? As far as your trains, “WOW”- very cool! How fun. We had trains as kids, but I haven’t for a very long time. I like seeing what you are doing g with them!
    Rusty, I can’t help but think of you when we hike out by Trout Lake, Lyle, or Bingen. Klickatat Canyon is lovely, but full of ticks this year. Real bad! We’ve been avoiding that area because of it. We’ve been hiking around the Lyle Cherry Orchard, and the Mosier Plateau. Have you been? The Balsomroot is in full bloom right now. I wish I could send you a picture! The hills are yellow!! I wonder if you were enamoured by the trains that run through the Gorge along the Columbia? You probably would be sad to see them hauling crude from SD, and Coal, all the way to the port in Vancouver. It’s a Nat’l Scenic Area, yet these fuels are being hailed through everyday. It’s an accident waiting to happen!
    Onward with our packing. 4 more weeks! 😬😬

    Hugs for the boys and Lady Piper. She looks good by the way!

    • SuzyCrusy, the only time I went down to the “Gorge” to watch a train was when a 2-4-4-2 also known as a Big Boy Steam Engine and Tender with the Coaches of it’s time roll through from Portland to White Fish Montana and on to Chicago and back, yes when time was slow, we would hike Bench Lake and to the top of Mt. Adam’s and around and on Sleeping Beauty, I kinda miss the Gorge from Vail Falls to the Vista View above The Dalles and deep in on both sides of the Columbia and miss my Native friends who would Smoke Salmon with Huckleberry Juice after catching it near Wishrams Falls, ya, I kinda miss it all and all,,, they’re all just memories for now and thanks for that gift card of those memories,,,,, 🐾👣👣

  25. Rusty’s train set up reminded me of a movie I saw recently ‘they built the train tracks even before the train came….because they knew it would eventually come.’ Guess which movie that statement came from? LOL ok I won’t tease…it came from the movie Tuscany Under the Sun. The child in us comes out strong sometimes…I still love dolls and doll houses. I look at them & smile.

    I’m a sucker for fairly tales…especially the ones where a commoner (poor at that) marries a prince and lives happily ever after in a castle. This is what Meghan & Prince Harry’s wedding seemed like….a fairy tale in reality. It was beautiful from the dress, the church service, the music, and all the glitz and glitter. Yes, I wiped my tears away too.

    Hmmm what I like to do? I love movies (you can tell) and I love to browse thrift stores and find that special unique treasure someone had toss out. It’s better than Walmart. I find designer bed linens, tee shirts, jackets, belts and even moccasins (practically new that probably someone bought but never wore). I find my favorite books in hard cover, find instructional books, DIY books and first ladies fashion books or celebrity books (I have Jackie O and Michelle Obama books plus Elvis Presley, the Beatles, etc.). I also have lots of horse books i.e. riding, training, equipment, and even medical books about horses. Over time, I acquired three decorative ducks to decorate my bathroom, lovely pictures & paintings of desert scenes and just whatever strikes me as a ‘good find.’ I found a couple pairs of leather cowgirl boots that are so comfortable but very stylish (one high top and one ankle). I bought a cedar chest that I use as a coffee table & a smaller chest that I use to put emergency equipment in i.e. wind up flashlight & radio, coleman lantern, etc. We use to use this box a lot during monsoon but the box hasn’t been touched in a few years. These are just a few of my fav finds….

  26. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Hi, Sue,

    Thank you for sharing Rusty’s pictures of his home and gardens. He has a nice, cozy home and garden. 🙂

    Besides cooking and reading, photography, and gardening, I like to craft. Last year, I made homemade cards for birthdays, weddings, and Christmas. I even made the card box and table decorations for my nephew’s wedding celebration. I find it a relaxing process….even when things don’t go as planned! I also have been re-teaching myself to sew. The current project is crib-sized quilts for my little peanuts – my recently born great niece and nephew. As blogorino Barb in Florida mentioned, having most creative hobbies goes against purging and downsizing. I have purged quite a bit of my household over the last few years, but have added paper craft and soft craft (sewing) supplies. At least all the craft supplies are organized. They are sorted and stored in labeled plastic containers which are stored on two small metal Origami rolling shelf units. Love those shelves! 🙂

    Sue, sending you, Reggie, and Roger lots of love and hugs from me and Gracie pup! Enjoy the rest of the weekend! 🙂

  27. Rhodium in sw va says:

    I love the train set and I bet it will keep getting even bigger and better. It is amazing! It must be a magnet for every kid in the area. I would have been over there every day when I was 10. I love reading chemistry review articles, especially when someone describes how they made a big naturally occurring molecule. You asked. I also like creating new gluten free and vegan recipes. It’s a lot like chemistry but you get to eat the results. Finally I love learning new stuff. I just learned some Galois theory, which explains why you can have the quadratic equation and solve for x squared but an analogous equation for fifth or higher powers is impossible.

  28. Shirley Altenes says:

    I loved the train pictures and the video with the Johnny Cash music! I love to go camping in our Casita Liberty Deluxe, do the rim walk at the Grand Canyon South Rim, do the River walk to the beginning of the Narrows in Zion NP, also love camping in Yosemite, Arches, Bryce, Yellowstone, and browse the bookstores in the National Parks. My husband and I also watch a lot of people hiking the PCT and wish that we could do it too! My favorite hiking videos to watch take place in the High Sierra Mountains on the John Muir Trail. Sewing my own clothes has been a favorite thing to do since I was twelve. Thank you Sue for sharing your adventures! It brings me a lot of peace to see all of your beautiful photos!

  29. ApplegirlNY says:

    Oh my goodness what an exciting couple of weeks you’ve had, Sue. I’m just catching up. We hosted our son’s wedding reception at our home last week, and I did most of the cooking for 80 or so guests. They got married last November, it was just immediate family, and they wanted to celebrate with more friends and family. We had a blast, but boy did it take a few days to recover. Yeah, we’re not kids anymore.

    I am loving hearing about your new home, and I must say you are really knocking things off of your “to-do” list. Loved your temporary fence fix with the rocks. Made me laugh.

    Thanks for sharing Rusty’s pictures. Amazingly creative. Rusty, you are awesome.

    My passions are gardening, hiking, cooking, reading and family. I also love my two businesses (real estate broker and wholesale baker).

    We’re up in the Adirondacks this weekend. Weather isn’t great, but we’re chasing the cobwebs and critters out of the camp and getting it set for a summer of mountain time.

    Now I’ll go back and read some of the comments. It sure is hard to catch up after a week or so of being away.

  30. weather says:

    Gosh, I didn’t expect what Rusty built for the trains to be so elaborate. It all looks great! I especially like his creative use of materials- branches for the flag pole and fence around the garden , and all of the rocks and stones he used to make everything look so real.

    Thank you, Sue, for the link to the post about your camping near each other. I always enjoy reading older posts again. Gee, neither of you are now living where you expected to back then. It’s wonderful that instead you’ll both be sharing your homes with family members.

    Because I may eventually live by my son and family in San Diego, I’m not doing one of my favorite pastimes now. I really enjoy growing houseplants and having some in every room. At one point I had about fifty different kinds. Coming home was like entering a garden. I am only bringing things essential to live comfortably into my home these days.

    One thing I have kept and will take wherever I go is a few books that all involve scriptures, Greek and Hebrews lexicons and historical writings.I’m passionate about learning what the original languages say, instead of what the English translations of the bible do. A long time ago I sensed that somewhere along the line mistakes were made that resulted in a distorted view of God’s intended meaning of that whole story. I won’t explain more than that out of my respect for the guidelines for your blog. I will just say the real story is delightful!

    • ApplegirlNY says:

      Thank goodness we have the Holy Spirit to help us out! He knows our hearts.

      Sue, feel free to delete – not that you need my permission. LOL.

  31. Dawn in NC 🐈 says:

    Rusty, you have an amazing setup! I’m glad that you seem to be really enjoying this phase of your life. I hope you have great success with your vision once you have your cataracts removed.
    What do I love? Good question. I love animals, reading and going to movies. I also love visiting with friends and family. I don’t have the funds to do much of it, but I love to travel. I also love the beach 🏝! The beach is really my happy place.

  32. Jan with Salukis now in Alaska says:

    I like to drive all over the west staying in a temp of 40-60 or 34-55.
    Am in Talkeetna, Ak now. I like to photograph large mammals and paint mts. Switched from watercolor back to oils and guache. I have a life bird list . Shore birds are hard! I am most happy when a fat grizzly chooses to walk past my camper van . Not so much moose. My dog stays quiet around bears but hates wolves. Currently waiting for my brother who was climbing Denali to step off a small plane with tundra tires aND skis. I miss growing tomatos.

  33. Liz Johns says:

    Rusty LOVE your train city. Keep us posted when you add more. There was a gentleman that lived down the street from us (he passed away last year) and he asked my husband and I to see his train set-up. It was amazing!! I will remember him for his train city and his wonderful dog, Princess! Hobbies….photography, genealogy, quilting & cross stitching. Liz-Boise, ID

  34. Marilu in northern California says:

    Hi Sue, Pups and Blogorinos,
    I’m looking for some information and I’m hoping some of you might help me. We’re thinking of visiting our Canadian neighbors this summer with a trip from Vancouver to Banff. We met so many Canadians this winter in Arizona it only seems right that we should return the visit.

    Questions for blogorinos:

    Is it reasonable to RV in this area of Canada without reservations for every night? We prefer to travel without a fixed schedule.

    Are some campgrounds first come, first served? Are campgrounds fully booked in advance?

    Does anyone know of RV blogs that concentrate on Canada?

    Thanks for any help.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I don’t have the answers to your questions. If you haven’t already done so, do a web search for “RVing in Canada” or similar phrase. I hope my readers will help you, too.

    • weather says:

      Linda and Pierre on the move – is a blog written by a nice Canadian couple. They were in Banff while traveling to pick up their Escape travel trailer. Sue they only list two blogs on their sidebar, yours and the Bayfield Bunch 🙂 . Marilu, you might enjoy reading about their travels, and may want to ask them questions in their comments section.

    • Ruthie in Fontana says:

      Check out this blog…

    • Ozarkjoy says:

      I crossed into Canada at Bonner’s ferry in early June last year going along lower mountains and ferries across into kamloops into the Yukon without any problems with campgrounds.

  35. I love making greeting cards! My stash is mostly in our living room (36 foot fifth wheel) and I stand at the kitchen counter and stamp, cut and paper piece. I do send them out. Daily I keep in touch with several friends and relatives with note cards. Of course holidays, birthdays and anniversaries. When my card box gets full I send excess cards to a program, Cards for Soldiers. Our military don’t have access to cards, so they come in handy

  36. Ladybug in Mid-Tenn says:

    Can’t find the dang pulley, unless it’s part of the water tower arm for the train setup….

  37. Glenda in OZ! says:

    Thanks Sue for sharing Rusty’s photos of his new life………….I love that he has settled to it so well and his lovely doggie too! The train set up reminded me of my Dad who passed in 2013, he loved everything trains having worked in the South Australian railways from a young boy………..nostalgia!

  38. Rusty’s train brings back many memories of my youth! My dad & uncle taught me about trains as a little girl, and I watched the train ”pass through” every day, in a tiny town where my grandparents lived, and watched the hook extend from the train and snag the ‘mail bag’ hanging on a post. I loved it so much that my childhood years were ‘begging’ to ride trains, so vacations always involved a ‘train ride’ of some type. In high school I rode a train from Longview, TX (northeast TX) all the way to Mexico City, later to Minnesota, across the USA, and again in Alaska! As a young parent(s) vacations were usually in a tent trailer to some place in the western USA where there was a ‘train’, and I rode it, even if it was round-trip! Now, as a silver senior, I’ve repeated most of my previous train rides, and added to the list!

    I love “RESCUE”. I find satisfaction in rescuing animals or persons who needs help and love. I was a foster parent (for county agencies) for between 1 – 8 children ( including 4 of my own) while I was teaching in a 35 year period, and then I moved, and began rescuing animals.

    I love hand-feeding new-born & orphaned babies from the animal shelter, …..but have also hand-fed wild animals and birds along the way. (I was the daughter of a rancher, and hand-fed many different types of farm animals.)

    My neighbors may not understand, but they know that I’m vulnerable when little creatures are hurt or homeless, and quite often call me to ‘do something’ because they know my weakness.
    Three times in a week,(about 18 months ago) neighbors called me about a very tiny dog randomly running the streets around our neighborhood. I tried hard to resist going to ‘look’! (I already had (Maggie) a one-eyed over-bred chihuahua, that no one else wanted, and (Tri-pod) the victim of abuse, with use of only 3 legs!) Finally, I went to see, and there was the tiniest little skittish pup, looking so very much in color like Sue’s “Reggie” with such vigor, but obviously ”afraid”.

    I immediately set a ”safe” trap, and within 20 minutes, I was holding the awesome little trembling creature in my arms. Wow, what a mess! I had no name for him, but after feeding him a good meal, he surveyed my fenced in back yard, then ran as fast as his tiny feet would go, and stopped at my feet, and jumped STRAIGHT UP! Out of instinct, my arms flew out and caught him! I might should say that the little pup caught me!

    Now, I had this tiny dog in my arms, probably around 1-2 years old, who had been ”on-the-run” in my neighborhood! I went several weeks unable to name that puppy! A fellow RV friend (member of Boondockers Welcome) spent a couple of nights parked in my driveway, and referred to “my new pup” as being so “limber” when he jumped straight up into my arms. About that time, I read something in one of Sue’s posts about Rusty’s last loyal companion dog’s “adventuresome trip”, and how Rusty went to retrieve him again, …… so even though he’s tiny, he’s mighty brave, and I hope Rusty doesn’t mind that I was reminded of his dog, …….and I decided to call him “Timber”.

  39. Looks great Rusty.
    I come from a line of railroad men. My grandfather worked for Pullman Corp. My two uncles had a model railroad during the depression and started a little business selling rolling stock kits they couldn’t find in the MR catalogs. One had a MR in the attic that was HO and one section went to narrow gauge. Then there was my father who worked for the Santa Fe. We used to take the train from Chicago to L.A. often. One time the SF private car was being moved to L.A. for a big wig meeting and my father finagled a ride for the family. Pure luxury. One day I’ll get to set up my own MR.
    All aboard!

  40. Jackie Dolan says:

    Hi I am happy for you and your sister on your new place. Tell Rusty I love his train scene. I have wanted to do one for years. I use to take my grandson to see the old trains and the turn around/maintenance of trains from years ago, now museum. Spent the day there with a handicap put of mine through make a wish. Wonderful people. It is in Spencer NC.
    Jackie- NC

  41. Great News Flash,, hi everyone, I went in and saw my Thyroid Doctors today and was told my Medication will be cut in 1/2 because the latest blood test of Friday says my Thyroid levels are Below the norm and they want them even Steven, my tremors are to a minimum and my Heart is beating the way it should, not skipping as much which is good for a guy of my age, yippy yahooo,, and tomorrow morning at 1:00pm I will have no cataracts, my follow up appointment will be bout 3 pm so no coming back till it’s time to get fitted for my new glasses,, Thanks being the Lord I’ll have 20/20 again and see what I’ve been missing,,,,,, That concludes this NEWS FLASH From Piper n Rusty in Good Ol Kentucky,,,,,,,,,,, 🐾👣👣

    • weather says:

      That’s a wonderful news flash, Rusty ! I’ll add thanks for all the improvements in your health to my prayers about you.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hooray for you, Rusty! I agree — This is a “Great News Flash!” 🙂

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Whoo-Hoo, Rusty!!! Thank you for sharing your wonderful news! 🙂

      • And just think about what the Doctor in the greater Pheniox VAMC area wanted to do, lightly Radiate and do a Cat scan to burn and destroy my Thyroid all together, Nope, I said, there’s must be a way to fix it, the Doc down ther said it’s your life and I said that’s right it IS my life and look it’s being fixed without destroying it, just had to find a better Doctor who cares for us Veterans,,,,, 😄,,,, and all those fantastic prayers, thank you all,,, 🐾👣👣

        • Cynthia from San Clemente says:

          You are so right Rusty! Prayers and common-sense taking charge of your own medical decisions is so important. My mom was from that generation that thought doctors were gods and just did whatever they were told to do. I do believe if she had been a better advocate for herself and insisted on tests when she knew something was wrong, her cancer would have been discovered much earlier and perhaps treated more successfully. I’m so glad you are doing better!

        • Gloria in Prescott, Az. says:

          I am so pleased to hear you got a good doctor. A good friend of ours in Bouse, Az. stopped breathing, had to be helicoptered to Havasu and ended up with a pace maker last week. They had a choice of Phoenix or Havasu and are really impressed with the Hospital there. I have not heard good things about the Prescott Hospital so I hope I never have to go. It’s a real crap shoot IMO. Looking forward to your 20/20 report.

    • Deena in Phoenix says:

      Rusty, thank you for the “NEWS FLASH”. I’m so happy that things are going your way and I really like that you will be seeing what you’ve missed, though by the photos it hasn’t been much. I’ve a brother-in-law that has a huge train system set up in his living room…he has had a tough time with his Vietnam experience (agent orange and PTSD), after many years of round-a-rounds he was properly dx in 2002 and started receiving proper treatment, he has doing a bit better…2011 they moved into a very large house and his attitude started changing for the better and no one understood why (oh yeah, he hadn’t been talking other than ranting for many years)…bits of paper started appearing taped to the floor, walls and windows in the LR…his son remembered times when younger that his Dad had draw out plans for the little train set Jimmy had been given for Christmas one year leaving notes everywhere…smart Mom and Son went on a google search for train catalogs, pictures, and places to see trains in Phoenix…Yep Jim wanted a train set and then a train room…his family got their husband and dad back (at least a kinder and more gentle man has return)…it has been five years of joy in their households…I have talked to Jim about your Kentucky home and setup, I am honored to show him your beautiful wonderland…I thank you both for your service and may the train whistles keep blowing for you both for many years to come.

      Take Care

      • Your quite welcome, I’m sorry bout the times that PSDT robbed him and your family, and glad he’s doing Great, I never went to the war but saw the wounded warriors coming back and heard what I missed for while I was in Walson Army Hospital, Ft Dix, NJ.

        As for trains, I was introduced by my step father, a Marine, who was into HO. We had a HO layout in our dinning room in one corner and later came to know a neighbor 4 houses from us who had a HO layout which took up his whole basement and it was of the Pennsylvania railroad from Trenton to Philadelphia. It was great to watch with all the switching of tracks and main lining and going over the Delaware River Bridge with the sign, “TRENTON MAKES, THE WORLD TAKES” and the graffiti below saying, THE WORLD REFUSES TRENTON USES, and it as far as I know is still there, just repainted better,,,,

        Later as the years passed on I had my first g scale layout in Trout Lake, WA,1990s , then a g scale layout in Chino Valley, AZ 2014, and now here in Kentucky. To me one will go blind with HO and with g scale, well in 20 years when I’m 88 I’ll still be able to see the fantastic detailed trains and all on the Layout I’m working on now.

        I’ve always loved trains, being that I was always living near them when I was young, from watching the steam engines coming from Downtown LA in the 50s to seeing them at Griffith park to Knotes Berry Farm to Parris train Museums to a lot more all over the west,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

        • Deena in Phoenix says:

          Jim says to tell Rusty, “thanks for sharing his love of trains”. Jim is now planning on building in the side yard and adding a tunnel into the living room…Liz thinks that will keep him very happy for many years to come and she just might get some info about his reasons for loving the trains…She shouts out to Rusty and Timber for giving joy to her Jim!

          Take Care

  42. Terri in Tx. says:

    So enjoyed reading about everyone’s hobbies and passions! My hubby loves model trains and has been working with a layout for several years. A couple of years ago he went to a town near us that was trying to get an Amtrak station built. A lot of train enthusiasts were there and were selling raffle tickets with the prize being an Amtrak trip. Well, he bought a 5.00 ticket and won! We had a choice of going to LA, New Orleans, or Chicago. We took a week, upgraded the ticket to a “sleeper” and went to Chicago. We had a blast! I really love not working! I had a career for 20 years as a librarian, 10 of those as a public library manager. It was lots of work for not much money, but I worked as a public librarian for 15 years and as a University librarian for 5 years. Fortunately we got to move to small town America for my husbands job, but paid, educated librarians in the country are rare! So, I love to read, fish, camp, hike, ride the rides at Disney World, birdwatch, swim, and love animals. Seems like we all have lots in common! BTW, I, too, love your layout, Rusty. All the best!

  43. Wonderful to get an update and to see that they are doing well in their new digs. Great train layout, I love all the details!! My godfather had a huge layout in their massive garage. My dad and I always loved spending time there and finding the new surprises at each visit. Wonderful job Rusty!!

  44. Terry says:

    Great news Rusty! Be well.
    Dear Sue and friends. I didn’t think much about responding to Sue’s question about things we feel passionate about. I read the comments with interest as I always do. I so enjoy this community. But yesterday my sweet little Beau (3 years old on May 20), my little pug was hit by a car and died a few hours later. I have been inconsolable today. I will tell the circumstances another day, not up to it today. But I am grieving terribly. Please keep me in your prayers. Terry in the Midwest.

    • Cynthia from San Clemente says:

      Terry: I am so very sorry about little Beau. It is always horrible to say good-bye to a beloved pet, but so very much worse when it happens in a way like this. I can’t begin to imagine how difficult these days will be for you. I pray you find some solace in your sweet memories of Beau and that in time, you find the space in your heart to love again.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Terry, my heart breaks for you! I am so sorry for your terrible loss of Beau and the awful grief you are experiencing. I’ll keep you in my prayers, asking God to help you through your days and nights of sorrow.

    • Deena in Phoenix says:

      Terry, so sorry for your loss of Beau…am keeping you in my prayers…Take Care

    • Terri in Tx. says:

      Very sorry to hear about your little dog, Terry! It is so hard to lose a pet! I will keep you in my prayers.

    • Dawn in NC says:

      Terry, I am so sorry about Beau. Losing our loved fur babies is the worst. Especially when it cuts their lives so short. Will be praying.

    • Barb in Florida says:

      Thinking of you today, Terry. I hope today’s a little better. Sending love, hugs & prayers.

    • Rochelle in IN says:

      Oh, Terry! I am SO sorry! I am praying for you!!

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Oh, Terry, I am so very sorry. My heart breaks for you. Keeping you in my prayers. *hugs*

  45. Hi everyone, I’m home and have my first healing eye drops put in and in 2 hours do the same and in 2 hours after which will be at 10pm will be the last then put the patch on to protect my eye so I won’t bother it while sleeping, and tomorrow the drops will be at every 4 hours and so on, my next appointment is in 2 weeks,,, I can see and read but not to strain my eye or do certain things till or for a couple of days, so I’m squinting at this moment, as I know the procedure or operation went great, you all have a great, safe and pleasant Memorial Day weekend,,,,, 🐾👣👣

    • Elizabeth in WA says:

      Hope your eye heals quickly, Rusty…some say they see the best they ever have, after the surgery!! It is a good thing too that you did not let them kill off your thyroid…we have issues too…going to research more some recent things I read…one daughter has very bad Hashimoto’s…it would be nice to find a cure for it!!

  46. LeeJ in Northern California says:

    Oh dear blogorinos! I missed reading the past couple of days, no excuses…but wow….
    I am so very sorry to hear about the loss your darling pug Beau, Terry. What a heartbreaker.
    Rusty, I love your layout! My son and his friend had quite a layout when they were in high school. My son was so in love with trains, that he first worked as a firefighter for six years then went to work on trains…he is a conductor for Union Pacific rr and,has never lost his love of trains! As for me? It is my favorite way to travel.
    Rusty, great news that your thyroid is good….when mine was goofed up I had so many problems, sounds like your health is improving with improved thyroid levels. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
    Plus good vision! Wow, great news all round

    Can’t wait the read your next missive Sue. Hope you are staying cool!

    • LeeJ in Northern California says:

      I wanted to also,chime in about my hobbies…I sew all my own clothing and have for years. I love natural fibers and as a rule it is expensive to buy RTW clothes, so I buy the natural fabrics and make custom.
      I also have a Haflinger mare that I drive for pleasure. She is over 20 now but fit as a flea, so as long as she lasts we will be out and about together. When she is gone I probably won’t get another horse..but who knows? Keeps me out of trouble!
      I camp alone, just me and my dogs, I volunteer at a nearby state park, sit on my big front porch, 20 foot long. I just replanted my hanging baskets with purple pansies. They hang over a flower bed that has Mexican petunia, also purple so it is pleasing to see.
      I love hearing what others are up to, thank you!

  47. Karla in Ky. says:

    Hi Rusty, It was so interesting to see your train set up. What a neat hobby! During the Christmas season, at the Ky. Horse Park, they have a miniature train display during the festival of the lights. It is in the basement of one of the buildings. The horse park is great place to visit. Am so glad that you like it here in Ky.and that you are doing well. Glad that Piper is thriving too. My hobby is making fairy gardens. I also make gourd flower arrangements. We bought a place on Herrington Lake and I have been collecting driftwood. There are so many things one can do with driftwood! Take care and keep enjoying your hobbies! God bless you! Welcome to Ky.

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